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Show Hinckley Ward Sponsors Jr. M-Men M-Men Basketball The Jr. M-Men basketball tourn-amen tourn-amen , sponsored by the Hinckley Ward, was he.d March 4, 5, and 6. Trophies were awarded to Delta Third Ward, 1st place; Sutherland, runners up; Leamington, third; and Delta Second, fourth place. Members chosen for the All-Tourney team were: Dennis Davis, Third Ward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tarn Davis; Larry Bliss, Third Ward, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bliss; Howard How-ard Basse, t, Sutherland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bassett; Dennis Johnson, John-son, Sutherland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Johnson; Phill Lovell, Leamington, son, of Mr. and Mrs. La Forge Lovell. Dennis Davis was awarded the All-Star Basketball player award and also the best Offensive Player Award. Howard Bassett was awarded, the best Defensive Player award. Duane Bennett, Sutherland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bennett, received re-ceived the Sportsmanship award. '.. MAHY W. TAYLOR Funeral Rites for Mary V. Taylor Held In Hinckley Funeral services for Mary Wright Taylor were held in the Hinckley Ward Chapel Saturday, March 6, 1965. Speakers were Alva Young, E. D. Harris and Bishop Karl Workman. Songs were "I Walked In God's Garden" and "Look to the Comforter" Com-forter" by the choir. "Beyond the Sunset", by Elenor Murray and Dora Rose, and "Nearer My God to Thee", by Walter Manis. Opening prayer was by Arthur Reeve; closing prayer by John Fullmer. Full-mer. Prayer with the family was by Lionel Taylor. Ianthis Wright dedicated the grave at the Hinckley Hinck-ley Cemetery. Out-of-town relatives and friends atttnding the services were: Beverly Brooks, Ethel Graff, Hol-lis Hol-lis Clawson, Gail and Lamar, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ezell from American Amer-ican Fork; -Mrs. Joseph M. Wright, John and Helen Taylor, Dr. and Mrs. Wallace Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Humphries, Dina Doose, Tony and Minda Larson, and Chris-tal Chris-tal Gill all of Salt Lake City; Colleen Col-leen Barnty and Geneal Cutler of Heber; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Clark from Granger; Pearl Chapman and Edna Peart from Santaquin; Ray and LouDean Greenhalgh of Lay-ton; Lay-ton; Mr. and Mrs. Reed Terry from Grantsville; Mr. nd Mrs. Herb Taylor Tay-lor from Sandy; Melba Mcintosh from Salt Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Ian-thas Ian-thas Wright and family from Cedar City; Kathleen Poulsen and Mrs. John Crosby from Murray; Colona Bennett from Holden; Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wright from Mapleton; Mr. and Mrs. Eric Prows and family of Magna; Glen Wright, Ogden; Mina Crosby and LeDon from Spanish Fork; Marva Heal and Gwen Pearce from Orem; and Marilyn Sherriff, Faye Tennant, Everett and Eva Gladden and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Benson from Tooele. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gray and daughter, Jolene, visited wkh Mrs. Gray's sisters Norma Podlsen and Nina Lee and families before returning re-turning to their home in Montana. XX IS XX V f ff 7 'SERVING THE PEOPLE OF DELTA AND THE GREAT PAHVANT VALLEY" Volume 55 Number 38 Thursday, March 18, 1965 Delta, Utah 84624 10c copy $4.00 a year in advance f -" "1! mm V3 Puffs?, cb" rr. 'ft 1 w M' " o rt- c G I I I I f, 1 1 r r 4 "Wasatch Singers" Male Chorus Will Present Concert Here March 27 The Wasatch Singers Ogden In-s.itute In-s.itute Male Chorus directed by Ladd R. Cropper, will be sponsored in Delta in a benefit concert, Saturday, Sat-urday, March 27 at the Stake House in Delta at 8:00 p.m., by the Delta Lady Lions club. Members of the Lady Lions each have tickets to sell and funds will be used for a community project. There will be no reserved seats and Ickets may also be purchased at the door. Mr. Cropper, who directed the Desert Sentinals at Delta for nearly six years, and the Sierra Singers at Reno, Nevada, for eight years, organized or-ganized this third male chorus at Ogden last fall. They have been singing together for the past six months and have been in demand for conctr s each week in the Ogden Og-den area. On Feb. 25 they were featured in with the Institute mixed chorus on the David O. McKay honor program held in the Ogden Tabernacle. Mr. and Mrs. George Ekins of Hinckley attended the honor program pro-gram and said the new male chorus chor-us sounded as good as the other two. For the Delta concert Mr. Croo-per Croo-per wi.l bring 50 students, besides ,he 36-member male chorus. There will be special numbers from the ' Mello-Aires," a girls triple trio group, two soloists and the Insti tute male quarlet. Mrs. Ladd Cropper will be the accompanist. ac-companist. Wydell Jeffery of Delta is a member of the quartet and the male chorus. Arnold Talbot of Oak City will be with the chorus as a member. A special invitation is extended to all former members of the Desert Des-ert Sentinals to be to the conceit, as they will be asked to help sing in the final number. For more information contact Mrs. Elaine Robison of the Lady Lions. LEGION TO SPONSOR MAGICIAN The local post of the American Legion is making arrangements to bring Merlin, Hypnotist and Magician Magi-cian to Delta High School auditorium, auditor-ium, Saturday, May 22. More details de-tails wiil be published in the few week's to come. . Q .mwuu am mit - :n, ' Pictured are members of "The Wasatch Singers." third male ohcrus organized by Mr. Ladd R. Cropper, standing on front row (r). Mrs. Cropper, accompanist accompan-ist for the chorus is picured at the organ. Pictured with group on front row (sixth from left) is Wydell Wy-dell Jeffery of Delta and in the second row (fourth from right) is Arnold Talbot of Oalc City. 'The Wasatch Singers" wi'l be presented at Deseret S ake Center, Cent-er, Saturday, March 27, 8:00 p.m. Sponsors of the concert are the Delta Lady Lions as a benefit for community improTement projects. D, 1, . own yjawvioesi t -By INEZ RIDING Open House . . . The Intermountain Farmers Association As-sociation will hold open house at the Delta Branch, Tuesday, March 23, according to Branch Manager Rex. Wood. Everyone is welcome. It will be family fun day, with festivities starting at noon and running run-ning until 9 p.m. There will be balloons bal-loons and popcorn for the children and refreshments and fun for the adults. Jack Loveless, general sales mgr for Intermountain Farmers Ass'n, will be in attendance, with several experts to give counsel to members and patrons on fertilizer, feed, seed, milking equipment, animal health products, irrigation gates, and other oth-er items. The Mynah talking birds will be on hand to entertain. Many special spe-cial bargains also have been set up for the event. SAMUEL L. KNIGHT DIES Samuel L. Knight, father of Newell New-ell Knight of Deseret, died of a heart attack in a Salt Lake City rest home Tuesday, March 16. Watch daily papers for funeral arrangements. ATTENTION Children's Primary Clinic will be conducted Friday, March 19, 2:00 p.m. at Delta First Ward. Application Applica-tion blanks are available from family fa-mily physicians. Dr. Morrow of the Primary Children's Hospital will be the at'.ending specialist. I can't help but wonder (out loud) if the civil rights legislation before Congress this week won't have some very far reaching results re-sults that we can't see right now. Those of us who still would like to deny a minority race its voting right, may find in this legislation the impetus to better exercise our own voting righls. I'm just now learning to appreciate apprec-iate Pres. Johnson as a man. I have long appreciated his as.uteness as a politician. Two days this week. Sunday at a press conference and again Monday night as he addressed address-ed both houses of Congress and the nation, I thriTed a. his words regarding voting rights of Negroes. He is absolutely right, I think. (I don't say this lightly, only after considerable sould-searching.) Prejudice is an ugly thing. Sometimes Some-times before a prejudiced person can be changed he must be subjected sub-jected to prejudice himself. Good lessons can be hard to learn and there is no teacher as adept as actual experience. I appreciated Pres. Johnson's e-marks e-marks regarding Constitutional rights. Negro leaders should heed, along with anti-Civil Righ s persons. per-sons. I liked it when he said that Negroes had a Constitutional right to march so long as they did not infringe on the Constitutional rights of others. Ignorance, like intelligence, knows no race exclusively. Prin. Ferrell Walker has loaned me an interesting magazine. The (Continued on back page) Church Officials To Attend Conference Elder Alvin R. Dyer, an Assistant to the Council of Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake Ci.y, will preside at a quarterly conference confer-ence of the Deseret Stake, Saturday Satur-day and Sunday, March 20 and 21, in Delta. Also attending will be L. Brent Goates, a member of the Priesthood Priest-hood Home Teaching Committee and Edith P. Backman of the Relief Society General Board. Saturday's sessions begin at 3:00 p.m. with the Stake Presidency, Clerks and High Councilmen meeting. meet-ing. Priesthood Leadership meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, also. Those expected to be in attendance at-tendance are Stake Presidency and Clerks, High Council, Bishoprics and Clerks, holders of the Melchi-zadek Melchi-zadek Priesthood, Presidencies and Group Leaders, Relief Society Stake Presidency and Board and the Aaronic Priesthood Secretaries. General sessions of conference will be held Sunday at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. at the Deseret Stake Center. They will be conducted by Stake President June W. Black. Delta. Visitors are welcome. Elder Dyer directed the work of 10 missions of the church in the Scandinavian and Germanic countries coun-tries from 1960 to 1962. He also served in the superintendency of the world-wide youth program of the church. He is a former engineer and distributor of air-conditioning equipment in Utah. Eider Goates is administrator of the LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City. He is a graduate of the University PARTY NAMES SPEAKER Noel Robins, Scipio, Chairman of the Millard County Democratic party, par-ty, announces that Glen M. Hatch, Administrative Assistant to Governor Gov-ernor Calvin Rampton will be guest speaker at, the Fifth Annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner. The dinner is slated for Friday, March 26, 8:00 p.m. at the Delta High Lunch Room Center. The annual affair always features feat-ures outstanding speakers, musical entertainment and good fellowship and food. of Utah. He served in the Texas-Louisiana Texas-Louisiana Mission for two years and has taken an active role in church leadership since that time. Mrs. Backman has worked in most auxiliary organizations of the church. She has served as president of the Relief Society in the South African Mission and is active in civic and charity work. Furnishing the music for both Sunday sessions will be the Deseret Stake Singing Mothers. Chorister of the Singing Mothers is Melba Ja-cobson. Ja-cobson. Ruth Talbot is organist. Services Held for Elizabeth Hopkins Funeral services for Elizabeth Hopkins were conducted at Oasis Ward Chapel Monday, March 8 by Bishop Jack Willoughby. Prelude and pos.lude music was by Sue Willoughby. Opening prayer was by Ralph Skeem, followed by a sketch of Mrs. Hopkins life by Bishop Willoughby. Wil-loughby. "Ava Marie" was sung by Julia Bogh. Dr. Clark B. Cox spoke followed by a song "Lay My Head Beneath A Rose" by Beth Day, Jennie Sty-ler Sty-ler and Glenda Roundy. J. Val Styler was the last speaker. speak-er. Loren Rowley offered the closing clos-ing prayer. Family prayer was offered by a cousin, Cecil Ross. Dedication of the grave was by an uncle, Ab Hopkins. Pall bearers were two sons, Steven Ste-ven and Richard Hopkins and nephews, ne-phews, Darrel Taylor, Mark Rowley, Row-ley, Louis Weichert and Duane Simonson. Mrs. Hopkins died Friday, March 5 at 11:00 a.m. at West Millard Hospital. Survivors are her husband and four sons and one daughter. Thomas W. with the armed services at Portland, Ore., Richard with the armed services at Memphis. Tenn. Steven, Karl and Cecelia Ann; one grandson; three sisters, one brother, broth-er, Lucy Markowski, Margaret De Gardio, Rose Marino and Frank Ar turo, all of Yonkers, New York. It i - 0 iiTTtiiiiiritv irfinim- .i ii i n - liYiiifrarr'i'n rwrrrmririm rr mnrr m m: r 'tsr I .'' V 4."' ' , ' 'V'- r EVERYONE gets into the act of the cleanup campaign as it swings into its third week. Top picture shows a group of Boy Scouts cleaning up debris behind Delta First Ward, left after a windstorm toppled a shea. "Strawbossing" this particular phase of the cleanup campaign is "Bowser", possibly a pet of one of the scouts. The work crew in the center makes short work of tearing down two old sheds at the home of Mrs. Hattie Harris at 150 So. Center St Following the completion comple-tion of the work at Mrs. Harris' the same crew moved over to Mrs. George Spor's home. Bottom picture is the same crew taking a "breather." Included in the group were Delta City employees. Boy Scou's, and Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Peterson. EXTEND BEST WISHES TO THE D.II.S. BASKETBALL TEAM III UTAH CLASS "B" TOURIIAMEIIT O O O THE FOLLOWING INCORPORATED TOWNS, BUSINESSES AND CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS OF WEST MILLARD CONTRIBUTED TO BRING THE DELTA TOURNAMENT GAMES BY RADIO STATION KSVC, RICHFIELD, 910 ON YOUR RADIO DIAL. Delta, Hinckley, Oak City, LynndyL Leamington Ned's Cash Market Hatch's City Cafe Delta Auto Supply Delta Milling Co. Grant Church & Son Lumber Co. Nona's Fashions Service Drug Co. Killpack Motel Baker Pharmacy First Security Bank George Van's Jewelry Bennett's Beeline Service Chronicle Publishing Company Done Equipment Company Spor Bros. Motor Co. . Morrison & Co., Seed Grains Kiwanis Club of West Millard Delta Lions Club Hinckley Lions Club D. Stevens Co., Inc. HABB Corporation Delta Motor Company Shirley's Chevron Service Pace Motor Company Max Robison, American Oil Allen & Knight, Mototorium Intermountain Farmers Ass'n Lovell & Roper Service, Repair Millard County Tel. & Tel. Utah Power & Light Co. Delta Livestock Auction Farmers' Supply Bunker Concrete Arctic Circle & Service Cleaners Day's Insurance Agency Moody Bros. Seed Northrup-King Rudy-Patrick Seed Division Vodack Tractor & Service Valley Builders Pahvant Valley Distributing Delta High School Del-Aero Service Topaz Mining, Dick Moody Standard Oil, Speed & Ken Riding Lovell, Incorporated Morris Mercantile Leo Day Stores AD.C. Plumbing Co. Richard's Distributing Quality Market Marion & Deans A-G Cropper's Texaco Service The Delmart Kelly's Sinclair Service Golden H. Black Appliances Brooklawn Creamery Don's Heating Service Bishop's Market N. S. Bassett, Accountant Nickle Mortuary Crest Theatre Star-Glo Motor Lodge Lake Philgas Service Gardner & Robison Conoco Rod's Barber Shop Curly Robson, Recreation Oasis Seed Co-op " DELTA THUMPS N. SUMMIT 68 TO 57 IN 1st GAME. PLAY SOUTH SEVIER THURSDAY EVENING AT 6:00 P.M. |