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Show Millard County Chronicle Thanksgiving Day, 1964 LEGAL NOTICES Probate, and Guardianship No tlcai. Consult Clark of District Court, or respective signers for Information. NOTICE TO WATEH USERS . The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to chanee or appropriate water in Millard "County, State of Utah, thrnnphmit. the ent'.re year unless . otherwise designated. All locations are in SLB&M. TO CHANGE: a-4578 - John R. Jensen and Ge-niel Ge-niel Jensen, Delta, Ut. proposes to change the point of diversion and ' niaxo nt nee nf a sfr..-ft. of water initiated by Application to Segregate Segre-gate No. 22705-a. The water was to have been diverted from either one . or both of two wells at the following follow-ing points: (1) N. 50 ft. and E. 1270 ft., (2) N. 1320 ft. and E. 1320 ft. both from W'i Cor. Sec. 35, T15S, R7W, and used from Apr. 1 to Nov. 15, as a supplemental supply sup-ply for the irrigation of 160 acres in NWKSWtt, WVtNW'4, NEVi-SWK NEVi-SWK said Sec. 35. Hereafter the same quantity of Water is to- be diverted during the same period as heretofore from a 16Jn. well,-bet. 500 and 1000 ft. deep at a point N. 50 ft. and E. 600 It. irom &W or. oet. 11, x, I R7W, and. used as a supplemental 1 supply for the irrigation of 160 ! acres in SW-'4 said Sec. 11; ' , I a-4S81 New Klondyke Mining 'Co., cor':AIvln' R. Erikson, 2753 I Chadwick St.', Salt Lake City, Ut. , prQposes to ; change tne point o. ' diversion of 1 sec.-ft. of water initiated ini-tiated by Application No. 22551. tThe was to have been diverted from Trap Spring (also known as Side Spring) at a point N. 14,769 ' ft. and W. 32,739 ft. from SW Cor. Sec. 19, T19S, Ri2W, and used for : mining, milling, sluicing and concentration con-centration of ores in this unnamed ! mining district. l, j Hereafter 1 sec.-ft. is to be diverted di-verted from the same source at " a point S. 873rW. 1371.6 ft. from 'NEK Sec. 12, T19S, R14W, and used ' for the . same ; purposes as hereto-'fore. hereto-'fore. ?.'" , ' ! ;TO APPROPRIATE: ; ' 3647a - George William Smith, 537 Sherman Ave., Salt Lake City, Ut. 6 sec.-ft, from a 16-in. well bet. 200 and 1000 ft deep at a point N. 100 ft. and W. 100 ft. from SE. Cor. Sec. 19, T15S, R7W. The water is to be used for the domestic re quirements of one family, for the watering of 50 cattle, and from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for the Irrigation of 520 acres, all uses in said Sec. 19. 36493 - Wm. Christmas, 163 E. 3rd North, Spanish Fork, Ut., J. L. Lindsay, 6316 So. 500 East, Bountiful, Bounti-ful, Ut. .1 sec.-ft. from a 6-in. well, bet. 50 and 550 ft. deep at a point N. 68.4 ft. and E. 1114.4 ft. from WW Cor. Sec. 6, T17S, R6W. The water is to be used for the watering water-ing of 4000 cattle in said Sec. 6. Protests resisting the granting of any of the foregoing applications with reasons therefor, must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, Engi-neer, 442 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before January 2, 1965. Wayne D. Criddle STATE ENGINEER Published In the Millard County Chronicle, Delta, Utah, from November No-vember 19 to December 3, 1964. SUMMONS IN THE DISTRTCT COURT OP THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR MILLARD COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH THERE'S A HEAT-THIEF III YOUR ATTIC Stealing Heating Dollars - -. .j IF ordinary batt, blanket or fill Insulation has settled, shrunk or gona flat. Reinsure Kith ZONOUTE ...SLASH FUEL COSTS You'll never have to do that job again when you insulate with permanent Zonolite. Just pour it over old insulation, insu-lation, level it, leave it. Drop in and learn how $1.68 little it cosu. per bag VALLEY BUILDERS MAXINE MILLS, . ) Plaintiff, ) -vs- ) Millard county drainage) distr:ct number four, a) body corporate and politic; R.) N. DAY and MRS. R. N. DAY, his) wife, whose true and correct) name is otherwise unknown;) RILEY JOHNSON and MRS. RI-) LEY JOHNSON, his wife, whose) true and correct name is other-) wise unknown; DESERET SAV-) INGS BANK, a corporation; the) heirs, creditors, devisees, lega-) toes and personal representa-) tives of the personal defendants) who might be deceased; the) stockholders, creditors, assigns,) and successors In interest of any) of the above named corporate) defendants that might have) ceased to ex'st; and all named) or other persons unknown claim-) tag any right, title, estate) thereon or interest in the real) property described In the com-) plaint adverse to the plaintiffs) ownership or any cloud upon the) title thereto. . . , . : . ) Defendants ) THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANT: You are hereby summoned and requ red to serve upon or mall to Eldon A. Eliason, ' Plaintiffs Attorney, At-torney, Delta, Utah, an answer in wr ting to the Complaint and file a copy of said Answer with the Clerk of the above-entitled Court within 20 days after service of this Summons upon you. If you fall so to. do, Judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in said Complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of mid Court and a copy of which is hereto annexed and herewith served serv-ed upon you. If your address is unknown to the Plaintiff or his attorney and he Complaint ts not attached to this Summons, it will be filed with-n with-n said ten days- with the Clerk of the above-entitied Court and you may there obtain a copy. This aclion is brought to quiet itle in the Plaintiff to certain property pro-perty described as follows: The Northwest H of the Northeast North-east 4 of Section 18, Township 17 South. Range 6 West, Sait Lake Meridian. X-ted this 16th day of November, 1964. - ELDON A. ELIASON, K Attorney for Plaintiff, Delta, Utah First Publication: Nov. 19, 1964. Final Publication: Dec. 10, 1964. NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to 24-15 of the Revised Ordinances of Delta, Utah, 1956, the Delta City Board of Adjustment has set Monday, November 30, 1984, U 8:00 p.m. as the time, and the Delta City Offices as the place, of a publ.c hearing of appeal proceed-ngs; proceed-ngs; said appeal having been taken by Rex Sperry of Delta, Utah, Welcome to one ofSLC's finer places to stay . . . Jilll U II U TEMPLE SQUARE n no Modern Coffee Shops and Dining Rooms "" ' TtWvioo Air conditioned Roto SinoUs $6.00 up - Doubles $8.00 up Twins $10.00 up Teletype Reiervotiont accepted collect 80 1 -$21-2405 FIRST VARD AREA KEVS BRIEFS LEONA WORKS Mr. and Mrs. James Nickle and Clayton Jeffery from oUr area attended at-tended the Farm Bureau meeting and banquet in Sat Lake last Friday. Fri-day. LaMont, Jess e and I went to Salt Lake last Friday for some supplies and seeing as how we were so close to Coalville we went to the game. It was the first time I had been that far east. The drive was beautiful as the highway was clear of snow and the sun was shining. We came back by Heber City and down Provo Canyon. The game would have been better had Delta won. The team was "really supported support-ed by the people from this area and also I saw people from Fillmore Fill-more there. The team really worked work-ed hard and all looked like mud balls when the game was over athough the field had been cleared of snow it was wet. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Crapo from Fillmore spent Saturday with Mrs. Blanch Works. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swensen and son Karl J. visited last Friday evening even-ing with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hardy. Karl J. has just completed a two-year two-year mission in and around Tenne-see. Tenne-see. His mother and father drove down to bring him home and visited vis-ited with relatives of Mrs. Andrew Jones. They were gone three weeks. Karl J. is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Randall Swensen of Hinckley and Mr. and Mrs; Andrew Jones of Salt Lake, former residents of Delta Del-ta First Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Snow and Mr. and Mrs. Virt Barney left Delta Thursday, Nov. 12 to drive to Sacramento Sac-ramento where the Snows attended Scout meetings. Mr. Snow was from firom a decision of the Delta City Building Inspector, denying a building build-ing permit. The decision of the Delta City Building Inspector, as hereinbefore referred to, was based on the fact that the plans of Rex Sperry d.d not comply with Delta City Planning Plan-ning Ordinances Number 24-26-D. All interested individuals andor their attorneys or agents are invited in-vited to attend the aforereferred to hearing and register any protests pro-tests which they might have to appellant's ap-pellant's proposed building plaa to allow hlta a building permit on the following property: Lot 4, Block 34, Plat "A", Delta Townsite. BY ORDER OF DELTA CITY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT by Leland J. Roper, Chairman the Utah Parks Council of Region 12. The ladies of the scout men went on a tour of Sacramento and had a luncheon. They visited relatives rela-tives and friends. In Hollister they visited with Mrs. Snow's brother, Stephen Bowman and his daughter. The Barneys visited with the.r relatives. re-latives. On Tuesday they all met and attended the dedication of the Oakland Temple which was a beau tlful sight and a wonderful experience. exper-ience. They saw the Glenn family who sent their greetings to all their friends here in the Deita area. Mr. Glenn taught Seminary here some years ago. They returned home Wednesday well paid for the trip. Visitors at the Cliltord Merrill home for the weekend and Sunday were Lexlane and two girl fr.ends, Mary Ann Hansen of Springville and Nancy White of Oregon. These girls go to school at the BYU and are roommates. Also a brother of Mrs. Merrill's, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Warnock and family of Sigurd, U-tah. U-tah. They all attended Sacrament meeting In our ward. The program was given by the Clifford MerrlJ family. I'm sure everyone enjoyed the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Munson and two children .of Ely came to Delta Friday night. They left the children with grandma and grandpa grand-pa Western and went on to Salt Lake Saturday for Merna to keep an appointment with her doctor. Mr. and Mrs. David Jacobs returned re-turned home last Monday after visit vi-sit ng a week in Ogden with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Jacobs. They were there during the terrible wind and snow storm. From reports they were glad to be back in Delta. We want to extend our sympathy to the Cahoon family. Some years ago when Mr. Cahoon was here they lived across the street from us in one of the Jacob apartments. They were such a nice couple and we enjoyed knowing them. . We also extend our sympathy to the Bishop family. I didn't know them too well but they have been in the community for a number of years having lived in the Third Ward area. Mr. and Mrs. Med Hawley spent the weekend in Las Vegas visiting with Mr., and Mrs. Vern Stewart. Both Vern and Linda are working there. ". Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Sperry spent the weekend in Salt Lake on business busi-ness and attended the ball game at Coalville, Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Erickson were In Salt Lake a week ago to give blood for an open heart surg ery for Mrs. Erickson's brother, Fred Abrams. He had his surgery ana was out of the hospital Saturday when Mr. and Mrs. Erickson and Janet were up on business. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bringard received re-ceived word Friday of the death of their daughter in Sacramenlo, Calif. I have been unable to get the deta'ls of who went down, but will have more next week. SHOPPERS WISE ECONOMIZE THEY SHOP WITH THOSE WHO ADVERTISE -V ' IWHWHIUS . r (AS i-jorto for ijou I Good news for patient people. The '05 Buicks are in production again. And lots of new Buicks are on their way to us. Help us send your favorite on its way to you. Come in and order the Bulck you want. 1965 WILDCAT 2-DR. SPORT COUPE And you'll soon be driving the car you waited for. SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED BUICK DEALER. AUTHORIZED BU1CK DEALER IN THIS AREA: PACE MOTOR COMPANY, 324 V. Main, Delta, Utah KENIMECOTT'S "INVISIBLE SV1 AW" Ernest Shober is invisible when he works as a mold maker helper at Kennecott's Utah Smelter. He can't be seen because, from head to foot, ; he's covered by safety. i Since he works near copper at a temperature of 2000 degrees fahren-; heit, he wears a bard hat with attached at-tached face mask, a heat reflective! coat and leg protectors, asbestos spats and safety shoes. But all this is a precaution pre-caution there has not been a "lost i time". accident in the 14 years the mold maker job has existed. Personal protective equipment, ' chosen after rigid tests, is just one ' part of the safety program that covers . every employee at Kennecott. This ; program, actively supported by em-' ployees and their union leaders, has ) earned a long succession of national ' industrial safety awards. Because safety has top priority at all times, Kennecott's Utah Copper Division employees are 10 times safer on the job than the average person is at home. ""lo tine": an accident serious enough to came a employe to )oee time from work. 75 Weel MtLafceOty, m A. - ! 'ST. 1 I - - - - M W motts 355-2961 1 |