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Show SERVICES HELD FOR TINY SANDRA ESPLIN Funeral services for Sandra Es- plin, 4-year-old daughter ot Ross and Olive Moody Esplln, will be held Friday, Nov. 27, 1:00 p.m. In the Edgemont Second and Third Ward Chapel, 555 East 3230 North, Provo, Utah. i Sandra died Monday, Nov. 23 of! Cystic-fibros s. Mr. and Mrs. Esplm returned to ; me Mates live monms ago irom Laie, Hawaii where Mr. Esplin was teaching in the LDS College. n the United States of ally is the month of Thanksgiving. It is the time especi-" especi-" ally set aside to give thanks to our bountiful, loving, all-providing all-providing Father-Cod. i. It is the tim? set aside to look appreciatively at our I many blessings. It is the time set aside to give thanks ( for all the things we usually take for granted. Thanksgiving quickens a new spirit of appreciation within us. Thanksgiving creates joy. Thanksgiving builds faith. Thanksgiving for. our blessings never fails to open the way for more good. Thanksgiving sets in motion mo-tion an endless cycle of good that enriches us in mind and body. Let us make this an unforgettable day of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiv-ing. Let us give thanks for peace, life, family and friends. Let us give thanks to God for the glorious world in which we live. Let us give thanks for our blessings great and small. Let us say, "Thank You, God, for everything." The Daily Word. Thanksgiving Day will find local j residents entertaining at home and being entertained at homes ofj friends or relatives. ! Mayor and Mrs. Ned Church will be spending the day quietly at home. Their son, McKay, college student, will be home for the day and possibly Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Church of Springville. Mrs. Church is feeling much better these days, -reports Mayor Church.- Counc'lman and Mrs. Dell Ashby and famiiy will be eating turkey In Fillmore with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ashby, Councilman Ashby's parents. Councilman and Mrs. Archie Bar-ben Bar-ben will be spending the day quietly quiet-ly at home with their daughter, Linda, who is a senior at Utah State University. Councilman and Mrs. Lem Lovell will be entertaining Mrs. Lovell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Johnson John-son of Holden, a sister, Mr. and Mrs. Eusene Stephenson and son Terry of Holden and a brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Blair Johnson and daughter Kris and son Kole of Winnemucca, Nevada. Councilman and Mrs. Floyd Hardy Har-dy and family will be entertaining members of the Works family with a turkey dinner and all the trimmings. trim-mings. Councilman and Mrs. Joseph Moody will join sisters and brother David and his family in Provo at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Esplin of Provo will be present at the family fa-mily gathering, also. City Attorney and Mrs. Eldon E-liason E-liason and family will be traveling to Salt Lake City to spend the day with Mrs. Eliason's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Parnell Hinckley. City Treasurer and Mrs. Wayne Sorensen are having all their child' ren home for the day, Christine Sorensen of Salt Lake City, John Sorensen, CSU and Paul and Lois Brush of Las Vegas. City Supt and Mrs. Wells Wood will join other members of the Frank Wood family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lon Wood for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Perkins will be in Tooele with their daugh ter and her family, Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Theobald and children. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Winsor will have their daughter and her family, fam-ily, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stewart of Twin Falls, Idaho and their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Winsor of Delta. Bishop and Mrs. Ward Killpack of Delta First Ward will join other members of the Killpack family at the home of Mrs. Clara Killpack for dinner. Expected from Calif, are Dr. and Mrs. Don Killpack of Paradise, Para-dise, Dr. and Mrs. Hal Killpack of Yuba City. Prin. and Mrs. C L. Bennett of DHS will travel to Salt Lake to spend the day with their daughter and her husband, Betty and Phil Moody. America, November tradition Pr'n. and Mrs. Fenrell Walker of DJHS will spend the day at home. Saturday they will join other W. R. Walker familv members at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Walk er for the family dinner. Pxin. Gertrude Western of Delta Elementary will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Western. Other family members will be Miss Ber-niece Ber-niece Western, Mr. Donald Western of Salt Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Munson and family of Ely, Nevada. Ne-vada. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morrison, Sr. will have for dinner guest9 their sons and families, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. case. PETITION DENIED. Senator and Mrs. Thorpe Wad-dingham Wad-dingham will be entertaining Mrs. Wadd'.ngham's sister and husband from Milford, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ralph Morrison, Jr. Young; and Senator Waddingham's mother, Mrs. Lois Wadd ngham of Salt Lake City and his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Buckle and four children, also of Salt Lake City. - Mr. and Mrs. L. H. (Speed) Riding Rid-ing traveled to Los Angeles, Calif. where they will be spending several days with their daughter, Miss Betty Riding. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bishop are expecting ex-pecting their son, Ken, home from CSU for thanksgiving weekend. Guests for the day wiir be Mrs. Bishop's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Wil-liam J. Starley. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ashby will be at home and are expecting Mrs. Ashby's sons, Stan, Joe and Richard and families for the day. The home of Mr. and Mrs. OrvU Jeff ery will be bursting at the seams as all of their children and their families, including twelve grandchildren and a college roommate room-mate of Judy's gather for the traditional tra-ditional day of feasting. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Workman wil be at home to their children Gloria and Dan Barfuss of Provo, Dale and Darlene Workman of Smithfield and Ilene and Biil Ashby of Sunset Mr. and Mrs. Hatch Farnsworth and son Richard will spend the day at home. Guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Orton. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Huff of Logan will spend the day with Mr. Huff's parents and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Huff and Marcia. Mr. and Mrs. Golden H. Black and daughter, Golda Jane will be dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mangelsen of NephL Raymond and Loabelle Man gelsen and children, Scott and Kelie Ann of Salt Lake City will also be present for the day. Home with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stewart will be Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stewart and small son, and daughters daugh-ters Carol and Ethel. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rainsdon will be in Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly and children will join other family members at the home of Mr. Kelly's ATTENTIONl ALL M-MEN AND GLEANER GIRLS Friday, Nov 27, the Deseret and Millard Stake M-Men and Gleaners are meeting together for a big dance held at Fillmore. All M-Men and Gleaners are to meet at the Delta Stake House at 7:30 p.m. Friday Fri-day night. Come dressed in your Sunday best. parents. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kelly of Oasis. ! Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Chesley will be Mr. Ches-'ey's Ches-'ey's mother and aunt, Mrs. Esther Chesiey and Mrs. Augusta Meteer, Fillmore; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Pearson Pear-son and daughter Karen and son and wife, Stephen and Janet; Mrs. Chesley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Peterson and daughters; nephew Roy Chesley and friend of Los Angeles An-geles and Mr. Milton McQuarry.- Mr. and Mrs. Dick Nielson and ch'ldren will spend the day in Or-em Or-em with Mrs. Nielson's parents, Mr. ' and Mrs. Grant Zabriskie. Deputy Sheriff and Mrs. Edgar Mills and son, Butch, will spend he day at the home of Mrs. Mill's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Barber. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Rhodes and children of Fillmore, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cropper and children of Deseret Des-eret and Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Watts will spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. Arland Wat's. Other guests will be Mr. Watts' children, Pat and Tony. A check at the George Van de Vantex home showed that dinner wiil be for family members only unless a stray pheasant hunter comes in from the hills! Elwln and Grayce Pace and children will journey to Las Vegas, Nevada to see the Thanksgiving Grid Special which pits Dixie College Col-lege against Taft College of Calif. Their son, Paul wil be paying on the Dixie team. Other Las Vegas visitors from this area will be Mr. and Mrs. Orlin S. Roberts. They are going especially especial-ly to see their daughter, Joan and Mrs. Roberts' sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bee Welch. Mr. and Mrs. Dorcey Sabey of Callao who live in Delta during the school term will spend the day at Fish Springs Wildlife Refuge with Mrs. Sabey's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Layland. Brother and sister and their families, fa-milies, Mr. and Mrs. Verl Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Marven Ogden will be together at the Allen residence. At the Clark Draper home will be children Vee Ann of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dutson of Hinckley. Don and Norma Evans and children child-ren plan to travel to Kaysville to spend the day with Mr. Evans' mother mo-ther and sisters, Mrs. Leaone Evans and Mrs. Beth Johnnon and Mrs. Berniece Stuart. Coach and Mrs. Bob Horlacher and famiiy will spend the day at home. Mr. and Mrs. Newell Iversen and Nadine are expecting other family members to arrive to spend the day with them. Mrs. Thomas Judd will be preparing pre-paring dinner for her two sons and their families, Mr. and Mrs. David Judd and two children of Bountiful and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Judd and two children of Sutherland. Mr. and Mrs. Ferrin Lovell and family will have lots, of company for the big day. Coming from Salt Lake City will be Mrs. Lovell's parents. par-ents. Dr. and Mrs. Buck Miller and daughters, Ruth a BYU student and Joan, teacher in Monticello. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Richfield of Pendleton, Pendle-ton, Oregon are expected to arrive in time for turkey. Closer-to-home relatives at the Lovell home will be Mr. Lovell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Lovell of Oak City, and his Drotner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leoyd Lovell. Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Mabbutt will go to Price to spend Thanksgiving Thanks-giving Day with Mr. Mabbutt's parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Mabbutt Mrs. Mabbutt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Law will be at home with another daughter, Suzanne, a Weber College student. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Turner will have dinner at the home of their daughter Ruby in Salt Lake. Another An-other daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Moody and a son, M and Mrs. Ray Turner will also be present. Bishop and Mrs. Willard Stephenson Stephen-son and family will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Van Bishop. Coming Com-ing from Logan will be Ranae Stephenson and Gwen from BYU to join the family. Mr. and Mrs. Mer-vin Mer-vin White and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Griffin of Provo and Mr. Kent Bishop, Bish-op, who teaches at Cedar will round out the family members home for the feasting and visiting. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Riding and family will be friends Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Munster and family, Mr. Herman Munster and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Walker and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Callister and family will spend the day In Fillmore Fill-more with parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Clark Callister. Mr. and Mrs. Max Humphries and daughters will spend the day at the Keith Dalton home. Eating turkey with Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Bunker will be Mrs. Madge Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Johnson John-son of Loa, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bunker Bunk-er and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Heyborne. "SERVING Volume SS Number 22 GREETING WEST MILLARD residents res-idents every morning for the past week have been wintry scenes such as pic lured. Jack Frost, with his paint brush dipped in biting cold vapor, stealthily sneaks into the area transforming every twig bush and tree into a thing of spaikling white beauty. The beauty of the cold sti'lness of -By INEZ RIDING Dee King wants a walkie-talkie a game of CLUE, a big tank and gifts for mother and father. His let'er to Santa Claus came by way of the Chronic'e first, so I sneaked a peek. Sister Carla wants a Mousetrap game, a camera, fired marbles, an Etch-a-sketch and something for mo. her and daddy. I don't know what we'll do with these letters to Santa Claus. We'll not be able to publish all of them, I'm sure, so perhaps we'd better stop with these two. Sorry, little ones. A recent mailbag brought a nice letter from Attorney General Pra:t ELDER F. LYNN BUNKER will be honored at a farewell testimonial, testi-monial, Sunday. Nov. 29, 6:00 p.m. at Delta First Ward. A son of Mrs. En'd Bunker, Elder El-der Bunker has been called to serve in the New England States mission field with headquarters at Cambridge, Mass. Elder Bunker is a graduate of Delta High School and Delta LDS Seminary. He has a '.tended one year at Utah State University. Everyone is cordially invited to attend his testimonial Former Hinckley Resident Retires B. M. Pack, former resident ot Hinckley will retire from his position posi-tion as district manager, Salt Lake City district for the American Oil Company Dec. 6. Mr. Pack has 31 years of service with the company. He began his career in 1933 as a service station salesman. He served in several marketing capacities, capa-cities, including manager-retail sales promotions and general manager man-ager of marketing before being appointed ap-pointed district manager in 1961. He and his wife LaRue reside at 2095 Lincoln Lane in Salt Lake City. His successor is J. F. Mcintosh who has been regional sales promotion pro-motion and advertising manager. W. R. Walker sold 13 registered Hereford Bulls Tuesday to John Chachas of Ely, Nevada. OPEN HOUSE for Mr. and Mrs. Evan Skeem, Friday night, Nov. 27, Oasis Ward ChapeL -.,21 W - THE PEOPLE OF DELTA AND THE GREAT PAHVANT Thursday, November 26, 1964 SMJ early morning is only matched by a warm stove and a warm greeting. greet-ing. Temperatures of the week have ranged from a low of one above on the 18th and 21st to a high of 35 on Tuesday, Nor. 24. A trace of moisture was noted by FAA on the 18 th. Wednesday morning at 5 a.m. a sprinkle of rain was noted wl h the thermometer ther-mometer rising. Set , Kessler. I sti'l can't believe that he was defea ed. A bit of exciting and wonderful news: East Millard citizens petitioned peti-tioned the Utah Supreme Court for a re-hearing of the Millard School case. PETITIONED DENIED. ' Fillmore C ty recen ly received some very nice (and deserved) publicity in the Salt Lake Tribune on the beautification program of the city. Congratulations are in order or-der to Mayor Howard Johns and Mrs. Stella Day and, indeed, all residents of F'llmore. I'm thankful for so many fine things this year. I'm thankful that I'm an American. Never can I recall re-call being more fully aware of our rich heritage as Americans than I am now. I'm thankful that I live in a country where freedom of the press and freedom of religion and freedom free-dom to assemble and freedom of speech are more than passing words. I'm thankful that I live in Delta, Utah. Delta has been a vital part of my life since I became Mrs. Bob Riding over twenty years ago. I'm thankful that I'm Mrs. Bob Riding. I'm thankful for Mom and Pop Riding and brother Kennard and sisters Bet .y and Bonnie. I'm thankful for three lovely daughters. I'm thankful for a handsome son and especially thankful that he was considered worthy to fill an LDS m'ssion al hough he is greatly great-ly missed. My blessings could be almost any other woman's blessings with a change of names. HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY TO ALL. Legion Auxiliary Mails Gifts The American Legion Auxiliary participated in the Veteran s Gift Shop again this season. The local unit sent $37.00 in gifts to the shop and $7.50 in cash for Veterans' use in mailing gift packages to their families. $67.00 in gifts was sent to the Children's Primary Hospital by the auxiliary. The unit expresses spec ial thanks to the D. Stevens Co. Hardware Dept. for their gift con tributions. In charge of the gift shop project pro-ject were Louise Bogh and Jean Hams. BAZAARS Oak City Ward Bazaar will be held Friday, Nov. 27 at the ward hall. There will be a program at 7:30 p.m. Immediately following the program the sale of bazaar items and baked goods will go on sale. DESERET Ward Bazaar wiil be held Thursday, Dec 3rd at the church house. A ham dinner will be served beginning at 6:00 p.m. A charge of $1.00 for adults and 50 cents for children under twelve will be made. A program and bazaar items for sale will follow the din ner. Delta, Utah 84624 10c copy MCIDA Membership Meeting Draws Large Attendance The annual membership meeting of the Millard County Industrial Development Ass'n was well-attended last Wednesday evening at the high school. Executive Director Bill Bishop gave the financial report and read minutes of previous meetings. The board of directors were authorized au-thorized to continue to negotiate with the Parker Textile Co. for the construction of a yarn factory at Delta and to form a corporation which will own 75 of the stock In the yarn factory. The yarn factory will provide 103 jobs with a yearly payroll of ap proximately $315,000. It will oper ate 50 weeks a year on a 24-hr. basis with two weeks vacation scheduled for the holiday season for all employees. Ward Killpack gave a report on correspondence between the local ass'n and two other companies who have expressed an interest In lo cating in the area. Dick Moody gave a brief report on the beryllium Industry. Election of board members was held and the present board was returned to office by a vote of ac clamation. Board members are Max Robison, Ward Killpack, Howard Nielson, Dick Moody and M. A. Lyman. Ly-man. Bill Bishop will continue to serve as Executive Director. Mr. Floyd Ross of the Parker Textile Co. was in Delta Wednes day, Nov. 25, to meet with the board and other interested persons. Details of the meeting will be pubr lished next week. Funeral Services Held Hoy. 18 for Lucy K. Cahoon Funeral services were held Wednesday, Wed-nesday, Nov. 18 for Lucy K. Cahoon Ca-hoon at the Deseret Ward Chapel. Mrs. Cahoon died the previous Monday at the Wixom Rest Home in Oak City. Famiiy prayer was offered by Will's Dutson. Conducting the service and giv ing a sketch of Mrs. Cahoon's life was Phil Eliason, first counselor of the Deseret Bishopric. Opening prayer was given by Or-mus Or-mus Dutson. The prayer was followed fol-lowed by a vocal solo "God Under stands" by Ray Western accompa nied by Jackie Black. Eldon A Eliason was first speak er. His talk was followed by a vocal 90I0 by Carol Cropper, "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" accompanied by Jackie Black. C. Leslie Bennett was second speaker. Jerold Bennett offered the clos ing prayer. Prelude and postlude music was by Jackie Black. The speakers spoke of the wond erful life Mrs. Cahoon had led and what an outstanding home she had made for her children. Burial was in the Deseret Ceme' tery where the grave was dedicat ed by Cecil C. Warner. Pall bearers were grandsons of Mrs. Cahoon's. A large crowd of relatives and friends from out-of-town attended the services. Services Held In Third Yard for Mary A. T. Bishop Mary Alice Tullis Bishop, 77, died in West Millard Hospital Thursday, Nov. 19, 9:30 p.m. of causes inci dent to age. Funeral services were held Saturday in Delta Third Ward with Bishop Lem Lovell officiating. She was born August 4, 1887 in Pinto, Washington County, daughter daugh-ter of David W. and Martha Eccles Tullis. She was married to Don T. Bishop May 15, 1912 in the St. George LDS Temple. She moved to Hinckley in 1911 and lived there until 1947 when the family moved to Delta where she has since resided. An active member of the LDS Church, Mrs. Bishop served as Relief Re-lief Society President as Sunday School teacher for over fifty years, beginning in her 14th year, filled a mission in the Southern Calif, mission field from 1952 to 1954 with her husband, and served as stake missionary in Deseret Staki. She served as PTA President and helped to start the school lunch program. Family prayer was offered by Continued on back page) VALLEY" $4.00 a year in advance Attentiont Subscription notices to the Millard Mil-lard County Chronicle have just been ma ted. We are prohibited by postal regula ions to mail the Chronicle to subscribers whose accounts ot 30 days delinquent. Prompt payment will assure subscribers sub-scribers of delivery. Reports Mission ELDER DOUGLAS TAYLOR will report his two-year mission to the Great Lakes Mission Sunday, Nov. 29, 6:30 p.m. in Delta Third Ward. Eider Taylor is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Taylor. All are invited to hear this report. Sunday, Nov. 29, 6:30 p.m. ELDER NEWELL S. ANDERSON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Anderson of Oak City will give his mission report of his two-year mission in Scotland. All ar invited to be present. EDDIE M. JACOBSON 80th Birthday... Eddie M. Jacobson, well-known Millard County dance orchestra leader, will celebrate his eightietn brthday Saturday, Nov. 28. His family will hold open house in his honor that afternoon at the family fam-ily home in Oak City from 2 until 6 p.m. All relatives and friends are invited to attend. Gifts are not expected. ex-pected. Mr. Jacobson was born in Oak C.ty in 1884, son of Ole Hansen Jacobson and Rebecca Deseret Dutson Dut-son Jacobson. He has lived in Oak City all his life and was educated in the local schools. In his boyhood, Eddie developed great skill as a marksman. At one early-day celebration cele-bration there was a game of skill consisting of a large box of chickens chick-ens whose heads were targets as they pushed up through slots in the top of the box. This was intended to be a money-maker at 25c a try for shooting at the chicken heads. The game ended quickly when Eddie Ed-die entered and clipped off the chickens' heads, one by one. Being fifth In a family of eleven children, Mr. Jacobson learned early in his life to work to help provide for himself and his family. His father was operator of a mercantile mer-cantile business, and it was Eddie's Ed-die's job to do the freighting for the store. He carried goods to and from Oak City and other West Millard Mil-lard towns for many years by team and wagon. As a youth, Eddie was a promising prom-ising athlete until his foot was crushed by his horse' falling with him on rough frozen ground when he was 17 years of age. The Jacobson family have all shown musical talent. He began playing the trombone when he was a young man, and for 53 years has been participating in dance orchestra orch-estra activities. He began playing the drums about 1928 and has added ad-ded various percussion instruments to his equipment. He still takes delight de-light in drumming out the beat for "Eddie's Rhythmairs," which group has played for hundreds of wedding wed-ding dances, Gold and Green Balls, and holiday parties for many years in several Utah counties and ?n Nevada. Besides his ability in music, Mr. Jacobson is known for his accomplishments accomp-lishments in the dramatic field. He performed with an Oak City theater the-ater group for many years, starting in his boyhood under the direction of Mary Lyman. He usually played the part of the comic character in the play, and with notable success. He is a member of the LD.S. Church and has been active in various var-ious organizations. He was secretary secre-tary of the Deseret Stake Y3IJH LA. for about 15 years and was Welfare Project Director of his priesthood quorum. He is now a High Priest in the Oak City Ward. Mr. Jacobson was married to Sarah Delilah Anderson in 1907. They are the parents of two children, child-ren, Orlan M. Jacobson of Ogden and Mrs. Forrest (Arvilla) Buchanan Buchan-an of Salt Lake City. They nave eight grandsons and one granddaughter. |