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Show Millard County Chronicle Thursday, Jan. 14, 1960 The Millard County Chronicle Published Every Thursday at Delta, Utah By CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY H. H. (Bob) RIDING OWNER-PUBLISHER INEZ RIDING - ASSOCIATE EDITOR JOE STEWART PRESSMAN Entered as Second Class matter at the PostofXice at Delta, Utah, under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1873. Subscription Rate: 53.50 a year in advance: Six months, $2.00 Advertising Rates on Request NATIONAL EDITORIAL CTAH STATE rki mZV.kV.VA s ; LEG A L NOTICES Probate and Guardianship Notices. No-tices. Consult Clerk of District Court, or respective signers for information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Grant Moulton, deceased, Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of February, 19G0. . Manilla Moulton, Administratrix Manilla Moulton, Administratrix of the Estate of Grant Moulton Eldon A. Eliason, Attorney First Publication: Dec. 21, 1959. Final Publication: Jan. 14, 1960. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE DELTA CANAL COMPANY, A UTAH CORPORATION, AND THE BUSINESS BUSI-NESS TO BE TRANSACTED AT SAID MEETING NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders Stockhold-ers of the Delta Canal Company, a Utah corporation, will be held on Tuesday, the 19th day of January, 19C0, at the Sutherland Ward Hall, R.F.D., Delta, Utah, commencing at 1:00 o'clock p.m. of said day, for the following purposes: (1) To hear the Annual Report of the Secretary and Treasurer. (2) To elect three directors of the Board of Directors to serve for a term of two years. (3) To hear, consider and vote upon up-on a proposal, heretofore recommended recom-mended by the stockholders at the Annual Meeting held January Janu-ary 20th, 1959, to amend the Articles Ar-ticles of Incorporation of the Company as follows: (a) To amend Article IX of the Articles of Incorporation so as to change the day of the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders from the 3rd Tuesday of January each year at 1:00 o'clock p.m., ta the 3rd Wednesday of January of each year at 1:00 o'clock p.m.; said change to be effective with the Annual Meeting held for the year 19G1. (b) To amend Article XVIII so as to change the maximum assessment assess-ment allowable from 1.00 per share to $2.00 per share and to change the maximum number of assessments allowable during any one calendar year from four to two. (4) To transact such other business as may properly come before meeting. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS N. S. Eassett, Secretary First Publication: Dec. 24, 1959. Final Publication: Jan. 14, 19G0. ry 1 u i tiki KLAiMD NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING To be held January 25, 1960. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Deseret Irrigation Company, a Utah corporation, will be held in Deseret Ward Hall, Deseret, Utah, on Monday, the 251 h day of January, Janu-ary, A.D., 19G0, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. The purpose of the meeting is to hear the annual report of the Secretary; Sec-retary; the election of a board of Secretary, and two directors for the coming year, and for the transaction tran-saction of such other business as shall properly come before the meeting. Peter H. Peterson, Secretary Deseret Irrigation Company First Publication: Jan. 14, 1960. Final Publication: Jan. 21, 1960. SHOPPERS WISE ECONOMIZE THEY SHOP WITH THOSE WHO ADVERTISE - MRS. DORA ROSE HI THERE EVERYONE! Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Fowles and Mr. Gus Fowles from Provo, spent the weekend with their folks the Karl Murrays and the Vem Fowles. Those people were here for the Christinas holidays too have visited gone back and here again since we visited in the Sutherland column. Along with these folks, who came to visit with their folks and enjoy en-joy the Yule-tide holiday, were a great number of our young people who are attending school, In the Army, and elsewhere. And these are: Mr. Kenneth Mortensen from Cedar, Mr. Hal Robison, Miss Gay Ogdcn, Mr. Barry Roberts, Miss Lu-ana Lu-ana Anderson, Mr. Richard Henrie, all from Cedar; Mr. Clyn and Ken1 Bishop from Provo, Mr. Lonnlo Jackson from Logan, and Mr. Gail J Skidmore from the Navy. Its very t wonderful to have all these young , folks home, even though they can't stay with us. From the University of Utah was Miss Linda Walker. Congratulations to Elwin Johnson ' on receiving a call to fulfill a mis-1 sion for the LDS Church, also to Billie Tippetts .who recently was called, Miss Daryl Corry and Miss Mau-rine Mau-rine Corry visited with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. George Corry. They make the trip frequently for which Mrs. Corry is very happy. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim E. Twitch-ell Twitch-ell visited in Sutherland with their folks ,the Heber Roses. Miss Delia Twitchell was also a visitor of the Roses. Two or three carloads of Explorers Explor-ers and their leaders, and Mr. Gary Ribinson, made a trip to Ephraim to enjoy an afternoon of swimming. swim-ming. The happy countenances of Mr. ami Mrs. Scott Skidmore are pronounced pro-nounced evidences that there is much happiness in store for them, all the way if they so desire. Congratulations Con-gratulations to them and wishes for a lifetime of happiness and happiness hap-piness eternal. Congratulations to Mr. Bert Johnson, John-son, who was chosen for the age group counselor in the MIA. He is taking over where Mr. Harold Petersen left off because of Harold's Har-old's leaving this area. The farewell testimonial was held last week for Elder Billie Tippetts, Tip-petts, who will leave soon to fulfill ful-fill a mission in the Northern States. Mr. Bruce Little, Mr. Reid Tippetts, Bishop Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Tippetts, father and mother of Billie and Billie, all gave talks. Miss Deena Tippetts presented present-ed a musical reading accompanied on the organ by Miss Linda Walker. A vocal solo was rendered by a cousin of Billies and another cousin played the organ. Talks were also given by Ronnie Mortensen and Donnie Tippetts for receipt of their M. I. A. Awards. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hepworth and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Robinson were visitors of the Heber Roses during the Christmas holidays. We send our best wishes to Mr. Ivo Ogden for a very speedy recovery, re-covery, (of back injury), which he experienced just recently. He may be back home soon. Mr. and Mrs. John Wind received word that their granddaughter, Arlene Jensen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Auer Jensen, 'is recovering slowly from a back injury which she received at Provo when the toboggan on which she was riding, capsized. We hope she will soon be restored to her normal condition, and also those with whom she was riding. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Bigley spent the Christmas holidays with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. William Bunker. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Rose made a trip to Provo on Saturday to see their relatives there and to take their sister back. I just wondered what happened to our neighbor Fred Clayton. I haven't seen him pass this way in such a long time. Since the mail goes to their place, he doesn't have to come to the main road anymore, hence, when he is not farming, there is little need for travel under such unpleasant temperatures as we had lately. The New Years Eve dance was enjoyed immensely by a very large crowd. People are still vaccuming confetti from their clothes closets however. Just received word that Mr. Ivo Ogden returned home from the hospital Sunday. The reports are that he is recovering at a pace to be expected with that type of operation. op-eration. That he was happy to be home, and happy too that it is behind be-hind instead of to be dreaded In the future: They, Mr. and Mrs. Ogden Og-den expressed their appreciation to the many friends, neighbors and relatives for the splendid way in which they responded with assistance assis-tance to the family, and to them in their time of illness. Don't forget the Gold and Green Ball at the Delta First Ward this coming Saturday night. Everyone is invited to attend, young and old, if there are any old. Then don't forget too that the Sutherland Ward has a Gold and Green Ball coming up real soon. Elveryone is also invited to attend that one. Watch for the exact date. We in this area extend our deep est sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hales and children in their bereave ment and trouble, and express our sorrow very sincerely. To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fowles for the loss of their home we send our deep regrets. Schoo! Abearance There have been statements made relative to the appearance of our communities on the West side of Millard County. Tourists coming into our towns apparently see only the greasewoods and weed-strewn fence lines and ditches and the rubbish that accumulates when we are not particular about our appearances. ap-pearances. People coming into Delta High School naturally look for the neat, clean appearing hall, orderly arrangement ar-rangement of class rooms and, in general, the type of civic pride that ' the Studentbody should generate. I What is the impression that others get when they observe the litter! gum and candy bar wrappers by careless people and in general, the untidiness of our lockers and cloak racks? If Mr. Twitchell didn't sweep our floors three and four times a day we would look pretty trashy. Have you yet seen one of our stu-1 stu-1 dents pick up scraps of paper and ' place them in the waste "basket? Itl is important that our tourists see our beautiful sunsets and other oth-er gorgeous landscapes, but to be able to do this we must clean up our approaches to our cities so THANK YOU, DEL-ETTES Under the leadership of Caryl Bishop, the Del-Ettes have marched at all the pre-season games piayed in the Palomar. Their outstanding performances represent a great deal of practice and time devoted to Delta High School. The student-body student-body is very proud of these girls and their marching skill. Starting on January 22, 1960, the Pep Club will relieve the Del-Ettes at half time. THANHS The thoughtfulness and sympathy sympa-thy extended by our friends and neighbors during our recent bereavement be-reavement will always remain with us as a beautiful memory. Our sincere sin-cere thanks to all. The family of J. R. Mortensen that their view will not be distorted. distort-ed. Likewise, people coming into Delta High halls, in order to see the beauty of our school spirit and our fine personalities must not be distracted by dirty halls, unkempt corridors and a negative appearance appear-ance throughout our school. Let's all lend a hand to put our best foot forward and let the public see what a fine school we really have. Marine Aviation The United States Marine Corps announced today that men interested inter-ested in aviation duty may now be accepted and guaranteed their assignment as-signment to Airmens School. This school is in Memphis, Tenn. and is composed of 21 different courses. You may take any one of the following subjects: Aviation Electronics, Jet Mechanics, Helicop-tor Helicop-tor Mechanics, Aviation Communications, Communi-cations, Aviation Ordinance and many more. This program is open for a limited li-mited time only, so any young man interested in this Aviation Program can contact the Marine Recruiters who are located in Room 7 of the Maurice Building, 428 South Main Street, in Salt Lake City, Utah. You may also call collect, Empire 4-2552 Extension 36S for any additional information about this program. Mir. and Mrs. V. S. Barney spent the holiday season in Calif, with their two sons, Bishop and Mrs. Ralph Barney, San Jose, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bishop and fam ily in Marinez. BUY, SELL. RENT THROUGH A CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED AD Impala Sport Coupe one Of Chevy's 18 fresh-minted models for 'GO. See The Dinah Shore Chevy Show in color Sundays, NBC-TV... the Pat Boone Chey Showroom weekly, ABC-TV. - i A Factories are turning cut more new Chevrolet every day. f.'ore proud new Chevy owners taking to the read. Now's the time to see your dealer for fast delivery and a favorable deal! The pickings couldn't be better. All IS of Chevrolet's sizzling new models for 'CO are now rolling oil the assembly assem-bly lines again in greater numbers than ever before. Your dealer's waiting with all the details, including a lor. 3; list of pluses that will prove to you the only way to buy a car for less than this low-priced Chevy is to buy a lot less car: Roomier Body ty Fisher with a smaller transmission tunnel for more foot room. Prido-pleasing style combines good looks with good sense. New Eccncy Turbo-Fire V3 cets up to 10 more miles on a gallon. Widest choice of envies and transmissionsno trans-missionsno other car gives you a choice of 2t power teams to .satisfy the most finicky driving foot. Hi-Thrift G-the 'GO version cf the engine that won its class in the latest Mobiigas Economy Run. Coil springs at all 4 wheels for tha kind of silent, satiny ride you'd expect only in the most expensive makes. Quicker stepping Safety-Master brakes built with Chevy's ever-faithful ever-faithful dependability, thev deliver surer stops with less pedal pressure. f tin tiUt r r V I Hi Now fast delivery, favorable deals! See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer. PACE MOTOR COMPANY IN THIS AREA A Contest About Your Neighbors Prizes This? Week, $15.00 Here are the RULES Read 'em over! WHO'S WHO IN THIS AREA This is a family fun contest. Nothing to buy use any slip of paper for an entry blank. Not necessary to be present to win; not necessary to be a subscriber to this paper. Who's Who may be anyone in this area. Clues for his or her identity may be hidden in any ad in this section; when a black dot appears in an ad in this section, it means there is additional addi-tional advertising for that merchant mer-chant elsewhere in this newspaper. news-paper. Clues may also be placed in that ad. Clues will be scattered. scat-tered. There may be from one to five clues in any ad, or none. This is a contest of skill. We invite in-vite you to try to outwit us. To enter, study the ads, find all the clues you can. Then, write down who you think this week's Who's Who is. Add the total number of clues you found, but be sure to put down your name and address, then take your entries en-tries and deposit them in the boxes located at the featured merchants place of business. There will be three featured merchants each week these will be indicated by the heavy border around their ads in this section. Each member of the family may enter once at each of these featured places Of business. bus-iness. Thus, you may enter three times and doing so will improve your chances of winning. An entry may be written on any scrap of paper. This contest starts when you receive this isue and closes 2 p.m. the following Monday. At that time a drawing will be held. The first entry drawn that correctly identifies Who's Who will win $7.50. If that entry also al-so has the correct number of clues hidden in all ads of the sponsoring merchants, a bonus of 57.50 will be added. When this bonus is not won, it will be added to next week's bonus and will continue to grow until it is won. Family participation gives you a better chance to win; your wife, husband or some bright-eyed youngster may spot a clue that you miss. Got any Perry Mason in you? Think you can outwit the contest- Remember, you can't win if you don't enter. This contest, its rules and text herein copyright by B. Reint-hard. Reint-hard. Franchised to H. C. Fisch-naller. Fisch-naller. All rights reserved. DEPOSIT THIS WEEK'S ENTRIES WITH THE MERCHANTS WHOSE AD APPEARS EM HEAVY BLACK BORDER SERVICE DRUG CO. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS JEWELRY SALE SCOUTER Ear Rings, Necklaces Bracelets SI & 52 Items HALF PRICE PHONE 4291 e GRANT CHURCH & SON BUILDERS' SUPPLIES PAINTS HARDWARE PLUMBING SUPPLIES PHONE 5904 IIELLY'S SINCLAIR SERVICE TOPS IN SERVICE AND LUBRICATION MEET ME AT . . . HATCH'S CITY CAFE HOMEMADE PIES SELECTED STEAKS DOWN TOWN DELTA Director of Water Co. WE'LL SHOW YOU WHY! RAMBLER IS LEADING THE COMPACT CAR FIELD! TOURED WESTERN STATES - SPOR BROS. MOTOR COMPANY DELTA, UTAH Cleaned High School Lot D. STEVENS CO. Hardware Furniture LEE CARPETS DAIIRY FARMER PHILCO TV Large Selection of Furniture Hunting, Fishing Supplies D.STEVENS CO. Mercantile Grocery DRY GOODS SHOES FATHER OF FIVE ARROW BRAND Delta's Dept. Store QUALITY LG.A. Foodliner FRIG ID AIRE ZENITH MAYTAG Worked in Nevada MORRIS SUPPLY CO. SON OF A BISHOP One of Millard County's Most Complete Stores HOTPOINT PHILCO & RCA Ph. 3305 Hinckley, Utah FORMER BYU STUDENT "YOUR CLOTHES' EEST FRIEND" SERVICE CLEANERS S LAUNDRY The DELMART QUALITY MERCHANDISE GENTS FURNISHINGS DRY GOODS . LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR BASKETBALL ENTHUSIAST SHOES GROCERIES MILLARD COUNTY CHRONICLE Co-owner of 1st draft stallion A paper printed especially for YOU once each week 52 times a year -PRINTING- 324 Main Street Delta, Utah PKCNE 5231 OFFSET LETTERPRESS |