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Show SUTKERLiLMD MBS. DORA BOSS Mr. annd Mrs. Frank Eayliss, (Violet Jones) from Eureka, Calif, were visitors of their father Mr. Calvin Jones. The Bayliss's met some friends at Monument Valley and toured Gildings Trading Post. They had a very interesting trip. . Violet said they were able to photograph photo-graph the Indians, Navajos, in fact they would pose for their pictures to be taken. Violet and her husband stayed with Mr. Jones three or four days tout have returned to Calif, now. Mr. Richard Henrie from C. S. U. spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Cutler Henrie and family. fa-mily. Mr. Elwin Johnson and friend visited vi-sited with Bishop and Mrs. Johnson and family. Mr. Ken, Bishop from the Vocational Voca-tional School at Provo, visited with his folks Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bishop, Ross, Nada, and Drexel. Mr. and Mrs. John Wind left last werk for a two week stay in Neb. They will attend the Golden Wedding Wed-ding Anniversary of Mrs. Wind's brother and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Underhill spent the evening with Mr. Herman Munster one night last week. Mrs. Wallace Holman has been staying with her daughter and family. fa-mily. Wallie has a new little son, which has had a hard time of it but is reported doing much better now. Mrs. Holman has returned to her home. Bishop Johnson furnished a deer hunting trip for the Sutherland Priests on Saturday. The crowd devoured de-voured a four o'clock a.m. breakfast break-fast at the Bishop's place. The breakfast was cooked by Mrs. Johnson. John-son. After breakfast they journeyed off to the Black Rock Area where they enjoyed their hunt together. There were two deer shot that day but the outstanding feature of the trip was the fact that Bishop Johnson's John-son's interest in the boys was great to the extent that he left his work for a day to take them hunting. All of us express our appreciation to Bishop and Mrs. Johnson for the IN HOMETOWN AMERICA saturdav Leaf-Baking tlPI sri PABPON ME ) . cO' &- v (which wav is r ty&w s2( n jLwtfta v qRdr V f WE OUST got Vsa A FOOTBALL WITH) W AVS CLE LM MY LE AF-RAKINVJ-1-LCV' ' AT -y ? ' iTjTT-" v MONEY ! JT KIN I KICK I 7l IIm 1 ,Ui MARSHMALLOWS SOME . W'V rtf HURRY! WHILE THEY LAST! P1AH0 SALE Full carload spinets and consoles stylings in Contemporary, Colonial, Co-lonial, Modern, French Provincial, Italian Provincial, Classic, etc. All pianos reduced in price. Terms as low as $15.00 down, $15.00 per month. SUMMERHAYS MUSIC CO. G.ttt. CnA Ct.An4. Cl T r: . TT4U go i Xij tJuuiu oiaic oucci $5.00 will hold any ill m t m n.. wyui, it, rrnnj v wrrwi trims ns. ti-K ms good work and interest they show for the youth of this ward. Mrs. Holman, Mrs. Snow and Gertrude Ger-trude Western were visitors at Sutherland on Sunday, representing the Stake Sunday School. Mrs. Einily Christensen from Richfield, is visiting with her sister Mrs. Rawlinson. They visited with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rawlinson on Sunday. Glen, his mother and Mrs. Christensen attended the First Ward homecoming program on Sun. where Glen sang in a quartet for the program. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hales, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Christensen, and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Eliason and their families attended the farewell Testimonial on Sunday. Bishop Jensen and his daughter Virginia visited in Sutherland on Sunday. They attended the Testimonial. Testi-monial. Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Fowles spent the weekend with their folks Mr. and Mrs. Vern Fowles and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Murray of Abraham. Mrs. Marie Taylor visited with her children Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Taylor and family. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Tippetts made a trip to Hurricane to bring their mother !back to visit with them. Mrs. Tippetts will stay for a while, and expects to go to Wendover to visit with the Harold Winds. Miss Jeanie Taylor from Delta was a visitor at Sutherland on Sun. Mr. and Mrs. LaVar Peterson and children from Fillmore, Mrs. Una Robison, and Mr. Reid Peterson all attended the farewell of Robin. LaVar, Reid, and Lina are cousins of Sam Hales. Bishop and Mrs. Norwood Nor-wood Hales and family from Redmond, Red-mond, California, were here for the Testimonial. And Norwood is also a cousin of Mr. Sam Hales. Miss Phyllis Taylor from Delta visited vi-sited in Sutherland on Sunday, with Scott Skidmore, she attended the Testimonial. The Testimonial of Elder Robin Hales was a very inspirational affair, af-fair, with Robin's father, mother, Walter, Reid Tippetts, Norwood Hales and Bishop Johnson giving talks, and Ladd Hales reciting a - oau ixiac WLjr. uiau piano until Christinas The man s man drinks the light Kentucky bourbon Mil and MILE. Kentucky's Famous Sour Mash Bourbon, a favorite for more than four generations. poem composed by the family pertaining per-taining to the mission experience Robin will have. Susan, a sister of Robin's and David Hales, son of Bert Hales, played a piano and organ duet. Each speaker commended com-mended Elder Hales on his fine achievements, and Bishop Johnson gave Robin a formula for success in his mission work which goes like this; Search diligently, Pray always, Be believing, and added Knowledge is Power. Little David Moody was quite ill last week but is on the improve at the present time. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bunker and Mrs. Wayne Peterson of Hinckley, visited the Utah Valley hospital to see Mr. and Mrs. Bunker's 21st great-grandchild and Mrs. Wayne Peterson's first grandchild. The new baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ace Hendrickson (the former Karen Peterson.) They reside in Orem. Bonnie Rae Bunker, daughter of Mrs. Zola Bunker has just won a trip to the 4-H Club Congress held in Chicago Nov. 29-Dec. 3. Her many friends are proud of her accomplishments ac-complishments and wish great success suc-cess for her. For fuller details on Bonnie Rae's 4-H work see the story on page one. Hope these D. H. S. Rabbits bring those Millard Eagles soaring right down out of the air and to the ground this coming game. Keep your good spirits, and sportsman ship 'boys! Many a small boy is the kind of a kid his mother tells him not to play with. It costs more to avenge than to forgive. One cannot always be a hero, but one can always be a man. CONFUCIUS SAYS The ways of a superior man are threefold: Virtuous, he is free from anxieties; anxie-ties; Wise, he is free from perplexities; Behold, he is free from fear. The nicest thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time. The busybody labors without thanks, talks without credit, lives without love, and dies without tears. Keep this date open for the BIG Bazaar held Wednesday Nov. 4th, at the Sutherland Ward Recreational hall sponsored by the Sutherland Ward Relief Society. There will be a Turkey Dinner, with all the trimmings, trim-mings, served at 6: p.m. and those beautiful articles, pillow cases, dish towels, and many more lovely articles, arti-cles, including rugs, ranging in prices from $2.00 to $3.50. Prices for the turkey dinner held in conjunction con-junction with the annual Relief Society So-ciety bazaar will be $1.00 for adults and $.50 for children. Worth retelling. It is hard To make the best of little things. To shoulder blame. To maintain a high standard. To keep on keeping on. To think first and act afterwards. BUT IT PAYS! Reports are that Mrs. Helen Corry is improving and gaining grounds toward good health again, for which we are all very happy. She has had with her this week, her sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson from Idaho. Around our place, everyone a-voids a-voids getting hurt, or even considers consid-ers being hurt even if one is hurt, for the simple reason no one ever gets any sympathy, on the contrary everyone teases everyone else a-bout a-bout being a sissy, being fragile, clumsey, unhandy, unobservant-until unobservant-until -- even with a sprained ankle you just don't say a word! It happens around here, see you next week My Neighbors I don't mind going to work it's that long wait until un-til quitting time that bothers mer jULi ' . m i I, rrierT l CUB BOH A Mrs. Delbert George was taken to the Nephl Hospital, where she was a patient for most of the week, suffering from plural pneumonia. She is convelescing at home, but finds it very slow improving. Mrs. Gertrude LaRue had her brother and cousin here from California Cal-ifornia for the deer hunt, staying through the week. Miss Gloria George and Robert Brown of Tooele, were married in Ely, Nevada Saturday, Oct. 17. Miss George is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert George, and was attending at-tending Delta High School in her junior year. Mrs. Hettie Johnson and Mrs. Alice Al-ice Benson spent the day here last Wednesday from Sutherland. The Bensons, here from Los Angeles, for the hunting season, returned home Friday with their kill. Mrs. Bonnie Robison visited our Relief Society as a stake board member, Tuesday, for the literature lesson being given by Mrs. Lucille Johnson. Mrs. Robison told us of their plans for moving from this part of the country. We certainly will miss here. We enjoyed so much our "singing mothers" activ ity under her very capable leadership. leader-ship. Good luck, Bonnie, in your new location and may you enjoy your new associates and all that goes with establishing in a new locality. The Mutual took the young folks of the ward to Delta Saturday, for a Stake Record Hop. They all enjoyed en-joyed it very much. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Banks were here over Sunday night, with Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Abegglen. Sunday, Sun-day, the Banks' visited in Fillmore with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whatcott, who have a new baby daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Newell Hawlett were up from Las Vegas at the Whatcott home; so all had a good get-together. Mrs. Lucille Johnson spent the weekend in Cedar City with her mother, Mrs. Stella Casen. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Evertson and little daughter Lisa, drove down from Salt Lake Saturday, for a bit of hunting and an overnight stay with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nielson and Kathlyn. The feeding grounds for the deer in this area are the fields out north of town where they can be seen daily nibbling on the green alfalfa. Joe brought down a nice two-point buck Saturday evening there. Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bradfield, Don and Lawrene, drove to Logan, where they made a two- day stay with the Jay Bradfield family and Rayma. Saturday, while Lawrence and sons were out hunt Ing In Paradise canyon (and they were successful, too), the ladies Just In As you know only too well, there's nothing like experience when it comes to successful farming and ranching. Because First Security has been so closely associated with agricultural problems for so many years, we've gained experience which can be most helpful. Our agricultural experts, who spend much of their time in the "field," may have answers to problems which may be worrying you today. Perhaps a full explanation of today's tight money market w ill prove beneficial in your planning. The long range forecasts of our economist may prove helpful, too. At any rate, we hope you'll drop in at your leisure now that your farm and ranch work is lightening. Let's "talk it MRS. MABY JOHNSON enjoyed the Homecoming Parade at USU, which was a very wonderful sight to see, with such lovely weather, wea-ther, who could help but enjoy just being out. Mrs. Nettie Davis of Los Angeles, was here through the week, at the Jerry Nielson home. Mrs. Nielson and Mrs. Davis made several trips to Orem to see Mrs. Josephine Sudbury, Sud-bury, who wasn't feeling so well. Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Sudbury are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Aralda Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Jones and children, child-ren, drove to Payson Sunday afternoon, aft-ernoon, and visited with relatives. Dee Nielson is' slowly improving but Is still at the Holy Cross Hospital Hos-pital in Salt Lake. He called his parents Sunday to tell them if he continues to improve he may be able to leave the hospital by Wednesday. Wed-nesday. Leon Nielson was home over the weekend from Salt Lake. Thursday, Ross and I drove to .11 aaiOdle Mr. and Mrs. Lee De Velbis from Brigham City visited with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Cal Boothe and went deer hunting with Zen Boothe. Mr. and Mrs. David Jacobs and family returned to their home in Torrence, Calif, after visiting with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Cal Boothe and taking in the deer hunt. Lee Boothe and son Craig, Jim Boothe and two sons, Devon and David, from Salt Lake City visited with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Cal Boothe over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clark had as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Townsend and family from Buena Park, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McClellen from Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Robison of Bakersfield, Calif. They were here for a two weeks visit. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Holt from Sepulveda, California are here visiting visit-ing their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Clark. Miss Maurine McCoy from Dur-ango, Dur-ango, Colo, visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jensen last weekend. Tuesday at Relief Society, were visitors of the Stake Relief Society, Sisters, Leatha Bennett and Deon Erickson. We are very happy to have them visit with us. Mr. and Mrs. Doue Terry and small son from Ely, Nev. visited with their parents Mr. and Mrs. "Talking can be mighty helpful solving agricultural problomc bank system's over." wts, 'i-m i 'ife. m'-m i m I Xi I V J ft Jit! I I xXNU v -WAV .. lA Hi ill fUaw,NA. nmhoUriillMNA. Firs! Xewifcsn FseVal Dp Millard County Chronicle Salt Lake to take the little grand kids home and to see the new little grandbaby and she is a doll. Friday Fri-day we spent hours in the doctor's office at the arthopedic fracture clinic, where Ross had the cast removed re-moved from his arm. While waiting wait-ing there and seeing so many people peo-ple with broken limbs, I thought, how thankful we should be for such a place where, when misfortune hits there is a place you can go for repairs, where some one can do for you what you couldn't begin be-gin to do for yourself. Sunday evening Elder Donald Rassmussen of Fillmore, was the speaker in Sacrament Meeting. He told of his mission experiences and travels in Denmark, from where he just recently returned. Following the meeting, a Fireside was held and he showed slides of the beautiful beau-tiful country and the activities of the people. Both the meetings were most interesting. He is a brother of Mrs. Beverly Dutson. his mother and another brother accompanied him here to the meeting. A good crowd was in attendance. Beware of the Ghosts, Witches, and Black Cats come Saturday. o - news VENICE DAVIS Mel Terry and family, they also went on to Logan to see the new baby of Mr. and Mrs. Devon Roper. Mr. and Mrs. Elden Shurtz and family returned to their home in Salt Lake City after a -weeks visit with their parents Bishop andMrs. Frelen Shurtz and hunting deer. Sunday night the program was given by the Bishopric and conducted conduct-ed by Bishop Shurtz. Talks were given by Virgil Losee and George Jenson. A good crowd attended. The Primary had a Halloween party Monday night, with a fish pond and all kinds of fun for all. A large crowd was in attendance. The Mutual had a Halloween party Tuesday night with a large crowd attending. Everyone was dressed backwards. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Hill from Ely, Nevada and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hill from California are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Art Hill and family fa-mily and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mein-hardt Mein-hardt and family, also got their deer and will return to their homes this week. Mrs. Eda Alldredge, Sunset, and Mrs. Ada Jacobson, Oak City, twin sisters visited one afternoon last I week with Mrs. .Tom McCormick. J The three were school chums in ' Oak City. St Over tm mm -a " m "tea i na t Security tank of tec fetvrsme Carae'alioa Thursday, Oct. 29, 1959 fe0nr Neighbor This couple left their home late one afternoon in December to take a neighbor to the L. D. S. Hospital in Salt Lake City. They remained there until the patient was admitted admit-ted and cared for and the patient's wife had also a definite place to stay. The patient received surgery and when it was time for his release, re-lease, this neighbor left his home, where his wife was preparing a New Years Dinner for the Company he had to leave also, to drive, at the wee hours of the morning, to get to Salt Lake by 8:00 a.m., the time scheduled for the patient's release. re-lease. This neighbor brought back to Delta, the patient and his wife establishing them safely in their home, before joining his family and company at dinner. They are also deserving of many other creditable virtues which they posses, in aiding and assisting those in need, and bing kind and considerate to those less fortunate. These neighbors are Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson of Sutherland, Suth-erland, our neighbors. TAX CONSULTANTS, INC.. LIST 105 INCOME TAX DEDUCTIONS The National Society of Tax Consultants, Con-sultants, Inc., national professional organization for tax specialists, has released a list of 105 business and individual income tax deductions for 10. This check-list for taxpayers tax-payers may be obtained from the society, by sending 25c to cover cost of handling, and mailing to Post Office Box 5995, Dallas, 22, Texas. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of George Stanworth, Deceased, Creditors Cred-itors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at I Delta, Utah, on or before the 22nd aay oi teoruary, i960. - Ethel M. Stanworth, Executrix Eldon A. Eliason, Attorney First Publication: October 22, 1959 Final Publication: Nov. 12, 1953 Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST Over five million packages of the Willard Treatmkmt have been sold for relief of symptoms of distress arising from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcer due to Eicess Acid Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach, Casslness, Heartburn, Sleeplessness, etc., due to Excess Acid. Ask for " Willard'a Meesage" which fully explains this bom treatment free J 1 III |