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Show N line kley MRS. CLARA STEWART Mrs. Lydia Ekins had her sister-in-law Mrs. Jay Redd, her husband and son, Whitney who just returned return-ed from 2'iyears in the Spanish American mission to visit her over Sunday and Monday. They are from Monticello Utah. Mrs. Cherie Morris took her small daughter, Jody, to the LDS hospital for observation on her hand. They took a test and determined there was no brain injury, but she was left at the Primary Children's hospital hos-pital for ten days of physical therapy. ther-apy. Mrs. Arvilla Workman spent last week with her father in Provo while her mother was in the hospital hos-pital after having had an operation. opera-tion. The Workmans received word of the death of Karl's sister Louise's Lou-ise's husband in Tooele from a heart ailment, Saturday night. Funeral Fun-eral services were held Thursday and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Workman, Warren and Shirley Workman and Gene Bishop attended. Our deepest sympathy goes to Louise, her two daughters and two sons. Mrs. and Mrs. D. A. Allred went to Cedar City to attend an aduca-tional aduca-tional meeting Wednesday. Ruth and Cluff Talbot went to Midvale Wed. night to a dancing party with Mr. and Mrs. George Barton. Mr. and Mrs. Hon Cropper went to Provo Friday to spend the day with Daryl and Ann then they returned re-turned with them for a visit over the weekend. We went to Cedar City Wednesday Wednes-day night for the rendition of Guie-seppe Guie-seppe Verdi's opera, Rigoletto under un-der the direction of Professor Blain Johnson at CSU. I believe it was the best opera I have seen. The costumes, lighting and scenery were fabulous, and the cast did a magnificent mag-nificent job. Students from here taking part were our son, Duane, David Church and Julia Bogh from Delta. Roma Ekins and Harold and Anna Lee Hepworth also went down for the opera. Roma remained remain-ed tor a week's visit with her mother mo-ther and other folks in Cedar Phil and Marilyn Bennett were home over the weekend from Cedar City to visit their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Tullis have their cousin and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gray of St. George to visit them. Mr. Gray has just been releasd as branch president of the California mission. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Spendlove from Tooele were here over the weekend to visit their mother, Mrs. Emma Spendlove. Literary Chib Hinckley Literary Club was en- Miw rate rmt Model WAJ-J New 1959 "STYLE MARK" MODEL Separate Cycles for All Fabrics LINT FILTER RINSE ADDITIVE DISPENSER CLEANER, EASIER WASHING Only Kelvinator hat "Magic Minute Dirt Loosener." Ends pre-scrubbing by hand. SAFER, ALL-FABRIC WASHING Only Kelvinator has EnerJETic Action. No harsh jerking back and forth. SAVES YOU MONEY You can't have a $70 repair bill for replacing a gear mechanism. only 11 a week Get ycur FREE copy "Plain Facts on Selecting Automatic Washers and Dryers" WORKMAN'S FURNITURE DELTA. UTAH tertaini'd at Hit- home of Mis. Erina Cropper WodnesJay, the 1 l:h. Mrs. Becky Schena gave reviews from magazines on the unpublished writings of Mark Twain. Election of officers was held. Joy Hurst was chosen new president pres-ident with Betty Jane Morris as Secretary to replace Gladys Carter and Reva Talbot. Members present were Dana Bishop, Gladys Carter, Sebrina Ekins, Elaine Hardy, Joy Hurst, Belva Morris, Betty Jane Morris, Angie Pratt, Evelyn Morris, Becky Schena, Harriet Spendlove, Reva Talbot and Lillian Warnick. Guests were Nina Workman, Thora Petersen, Vi Robinson and Oleta Swensen. Nature Hike Art Reeve and Rodney Wright took the Guide Patrol on a nature hike up in the mountains Saturday afternoon. Guides were Barry Bishop, Bish-op, Tim Crafts, John Crowley, Tom Theobald and Mark Crafts. Gold and Green Ball The Hinckley Gold and Green ball will be next Saturday Jan. 24th in the gymnasium. The hall: is beautifully decorated and Sher-j ril Tolbert's orchestra will furnish j the music. Everyone is urged tO come out and make this a big success. suc-cess. Swim Party Douglas Spencer, Explorer leader and Evelyn Morris, Mia Maid leader lead-er chaperoned a group on a party up to Tooele swimming pool Saturday. Sat-urday. People who went were El Dean Greener, Martha Crafts, Jeri Hale, Karolyn Morris, Waldo War-nick, War-nick, Ray Bishop, Mike Damron, Ted Spendlove, Duane Ekins, Sidney Sid-ney Carter and John and Edell Spencer. After their swim they had dinner. Coalesce Party Hold at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Spencer Saturday evening. Dorothy Spencer and Joanne Stewart Stew-art were hostesses to the club members, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Manis, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Morris, M. and Mrs. Dale Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Swensen, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Dee Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Galli. Invited guests were M. and Mrs. Wesley Petersen 'and Mi. and Mrs. Wayne Blake from Orem. Carma and Neal Swensen jot 1st prize. Gene and Betty got raveling prize. Church News At meeting Sunday evening th" members of the ward who were isked to go on a two weeks trial .vithout going to any store for food or clothing gave their report. They were Oren Cliss, George Ekins, An-7,'ie An-7,'ie Pratt, Melvin Webb, Doug Spencer, Bonnie Manis and from the welfare committee, Aroet Taylor, Tay-lor, Clyde Stevens, Ruth Talbot, Arvilla Ar-villa Workman, Delma Jean Galli, L. R. Swensen and Calvin Skeem. The things they ran out of were light globes, tooth paste, green vegetables, yeast and toilet tissue Oren Bliss said, "It was the 1st time his income exceeded his out go." Special music by the choir. M. S. A. letter I received a letter from Willis J. Lyman which said, "I would like to have a reunion of the students who attended the Millard Stake Academy during the first two years that it operated. These being the years that I attended. I think we should meet at Hinckley some time during the coming summer. I will be willing to help any way I can. If you find enough sentiment in favor of this perhaps we should set up a committee to plan the affair, af-fair, would be pleased to hear from you regarding this. Kindest regards to you and yours, from one whoso youth was allied to some degree LEAMINGTON KLEE FINLINSON Mrs. Clara Johnson visited Friday Fri-day in Payson with her mother, who is right in bed with a broken hip, and with her daughter, Mau-rine, Mau-rine, who has a new baby. Mr. Connell Jones of Momoth, Oregon and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones and family from Springville, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. r imiiisuu. Master Evan Skidmore stayed the weekend with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brad-field. Brad-field. Mr. and Mrs. Marian Nielson and family spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nielson and Ther-on. Ther-on. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Nielson and Mrs. Nielson's sister spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Elden Nielson. Niel-son. Mrs. Margaret Bradfield is spending spend-ing several weeks with her daughter, daugh-ter, Opal Lambright and family, in Fallon. Mrs. Jane Williams is in Fallon, too, with her son, Lee Williams Wil-liams and family. The MIA Gold and Green Ball was a big success Saturday night. The theme, "Orbit with MIA," was carried out in decorations, with faith, purity, cleanliness and other MIA standards printed on rockets and orbiting the MIA world. It was carried out in song, "Come orbit with the MIA," and in serving serv-ing missile punch and flying saucers, sauc-ers, after the floor show. The floor show consisted of the congregation congrega-tion singing the theme song, ' a square dance, and a round dance waltz of the bells by the Scouts and partners. The Mexican Schot-tish Schot-tish was danced by five special interest couples. Stake dance directors, di-rectors, Mr. and Mrs. Meinburg, Mr. Eldro Jeffery and president and Mrs. L. Jay Nielson of the Deseret Stake, were in attendance. Sunday night saciament meeting meet-ing was given by the Geneology committee of Leamington with with youis. Willis J. Lyman Rexburg, Idaho. Any of you students of the MSA who are in favor of Willis' sugges-etion sugges-etion please either get in touch with me or him. A good time to meet would be at the Alumni banquet, ban-quet, Saturday May 9th, the night before Mother's Day in the High School Gym. t J 't'?A 1 fcrlf fdllbTlM After only one year of service a tractor can lose as much as 20 of its original power, according to authoritative author-itative sources. Think what this means if you've let your tractor go longer than that without a checkover! It could mean your tractor is delivering deliver-ing only a portion of its original power . . . eating far more fuel than it should . . . making you spend longer hours in the field . . and cutting your profit. Obviously it pays to have your tractor given a frequent and thorough check-over! check-over! Let our skilled mechanics look it over. They'll clean it up . . . tune it up. They'll restore the power efficiency and fuel economy- They'll do only the necessary work ... do it quickly, efficiently, and at a reasonable price. Let's talk over your tractor and equipment equip-ment service needs. Won't you give us a call soon? FARMERS' SUPPLY CO., I!!C. Phone 5581 Delta, Utah Win. Bradfield in charge. It consisted con-sisted of talk on Why Temple Work, by Edith Harder. Piano solo by Sally Nielson. Reading by Bishop Bish-op Nielson. Talk on Research by Gordon Nielson. Remarks by Stake workers, Cloyd Tolbert and Thomas Thom-as Prr.lt. Prayers were offered by Glen Haider and Burton Hanson. Next Sunday night Howard Johnson John-son and Richard Snow will report their missions to New Zealand. There were two children baptized bap-tized Sunday. They were Kay Nielson, Niel-son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Nielson and Synthia Harris, daughter daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Marian Nielson. Niel-son. Both children were baptized by Elder Harlan Nielson. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Shirwood of Provo and Mi, and Mrs. Ray Kay of Goshen, visited Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Randall Bradfield. Mr. and Mrs. Prestwich of Orem and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Anderson ol Provo visited last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson. Mrs. Kenneth Nielson, Mrs. Bud McCann and Phillis Nelson, spent Saturday in Provo, shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Dutson spent the weekend in Salt Lake with son, Elwood and family and Bill Jorgensen and family, Mrs. Dut-5on's Dut-5on's brother. Last Friday and Saturday Sat-urday they spent visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Dutson and family fam-ily in Fillmore. Janice Francin of Delta and Mr. and Mrs. Clarance Paxman and son, of Nephi, visited Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Bevan Nielson. Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Nielson visited vis-ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Nielson. Sugarville MRS. VENICE DAVIS Millard County Chronicle Thursday, Jan. 22, 1959 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and family from Tooele, Utah visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Losee. Mrs. Rom Shields had a birthday birth-day party for their little granddaughter, grand-daughter, Rita Shields on her 6th birthday. She is a daughter of Mr. r.nd Mrs. Lawrence Shields of Delta She also stayed the week out with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Milner and small son from Magna, and Carol Barben from Kearns spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mis. George Jenson. They had a family dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Le Auer Shields and family, Verln Jenson and family on Sunday. Sunday night, Maurine Jensen reported her mission, with an inspirational in-spirational talk. Artie Hill was graduated out of the Primary by Yvonne Shurtz to the Mutual president. pres-ident. Eugene I.osee. A large crowd attended, many visitors came for the meeting, Mr. and Mrs. Wood from Holden, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jensen and family and Concha Adams and Velma Adams. Henrietta Earben and Marie entertained en-tertained Velma and Concha Adams at Sunday dinner. Lee Boothe and sister, Caroline Lawrence and small son visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cal Boothe during the weekend. Bishop and Mrs Frelen ShurU made a trip to Salt Lake City on Monday. Maurine Jensen is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jensen and family for two weeks, then will return to Salt. Lake City to work in her old job! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meinhardt made a trip to Salt Lake City Thursday and Friday. We had a large crowd out to 'meet me at Mutual night" Sharon Clark sponsored a play of one act which was very well given. Those taking part were Faye Clark, Joyce Shields, Elizabeth and Robert Hinckley, Hin-ckley, Jim Poulsen, .Paul Dean Terry, Allen Jensen and Dean Losee. Los-ee. Each class served their own refreshments. Mrs. Nona Chesley and Mrs. Thurza Webb left Delta Friday for a week's stay in San Francisco, and home by way of Los Angeles. Mrs. Chesley, service chairman for American Red Cross in west Millard, Mil-lard, will attend a special three-day three-day ARC 'school, and she and Mrs. Webb will both buy during Market Week for The Fashion House, their store at Delta. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Larsen, of Orem Or-em visited in Delta last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Walker. j PAY LESS j for the BEST If You Don't Drink : C G. HOG AN I Phone 2671 '. LynndyL Utah j L. NIELSON CLARK Phone 3464 Delta. Utah J ftprtstntleg l V INSURANCE COMPANY HAWAII.. Deluxe all-inclusive tours and accommodations . . . 16 DAYS OF GLORIOUS FUN AND RELAXATION AT LOWEST COST VET OFFERED Departures: Ian. 30 - Feb. 27 Apr. 24 - June 12 . June 26 $497 to $639 from Sail Lake 8 Day Deluxe Tours-$377 from Salt lake Lower Rates from San Francisco Los Angelee ROS03NS a TOURS -Internationa Box 1514, Salt lake City, Utah EL 9-0959 Inquire eaily tor J959 European and Pageant touts. ( I Now...lo Serve ihc Crowins Demand for.. Ramblcc. . . American Motors Announces the Appointment of SpOF .Bros, Motor Co., loc. as Your New BALE I Rambler D ' w tVUr. The Compact Car ivith the Best of ! BIG CAR ROOM and COMFORT SMALL CAR ECONOMY and HANDLING EASE American Motors takes great pride in introducing the newest member of the outstanding Rambler dealer organization organiza-tion a friend and neighbor who will serve your automotive needs well through the years to come. You are cordially invited to visit his modern show room and service facilities facili-ties ... to meet his courteous, competent com-petent staff of skilled automotive technicians. tech-nicians. Your dealer will be especiallj happy to welcome you now during his exciting grand ojening celebration. I 3 hr 1 V 1 J ! ' . : h.i'T ' . -ww.--- - " '.-. a.-" 'Afc " . . . W4 ' .... . , .W. i A - ow-- . 9 7 yx 3 I Headquarters For j See And Drive Them! Gel Our Inlroduclory Oiler! J RAMBLER 6 and V-8 j i AMBASSADOR I SPOR-BROS. MOTOR CO., IHC. 15 South 4th West . 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