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Show Millard County Chronicle Thursday, Jan. 22, 1959 H It Schools The Millard County Chronicle Published Every Thursday at Delta. Utah By CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY R. H. (Bob) RIDING OWNER-PUBLISHER INEZ RIDING ASSOCIATE EDITOR ATHENA B. COOK SOCIETY EDITOR Entered as Second Class matter at the Postoffice at Delta, Utah, under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. Subscription Rate: 53.50 a year in advance; Six months, 52.00 Advertising Rates on Request uATiriWAl EDITORIAL I W t-m w-t m - - ' ' " ASodhJTlgN ! SUTHERLAND MRS. DORA ROSE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Witbeck from Salt Lake City visited in Sutherland Suth-erland with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson. Visiting also with the Johnsons was Mrs. Mary Sheehy. Mrs. Carolyn Warnick and small son visited with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Mortensen. Howard and Gordon Johnson from the Y. visited with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Steele and family are living in Sutherland now. Their home is located on the Doyle Steele farm next to the Steele house. Miss Auline Egan is in Sutherland visiting with her relatives, Bishop Johnson, Bernard Jackson and James Owens and families. Mr. Elwin Johnson was home for the weekend to visit with his folks. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Church and their daughter, Michele made a trip to Salt Lake Sunday and stopped stop-ped off at American Fork to see their son, Ronald. Mrs. Elmina Miner and Mrs. Bonnie Bon-nie Graham from Salt Lake City visited with Mr. Anion Johnson and his mother, Mrs. Steedman. Mrs. Miner is a daughter of Mrs. Steed-man Steed-man a sister to Anion and Earl Johnson and Alta Barney. Mr. and Mrs. William Bunker made a trip to Frovo to see Leu Wanna and her new baby and to bring them back to Sutherland to spend a few days. They stayed with the Bunkers for ten days then Mr. and Mrs. Bunker took them back to their home in Provo. They plan to name their baby Stephen Boyd. Miss Linda Edwards from Fillmore Fill-more visited in Sutherland on Sunday Sun-day with Miss Kathy Webb. Miss Linda Jackson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Jackson from Nephi spent the weekend with her relatives in Sutherland. Mr. Hal Robison from CSU spent Ihe weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Robison. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crafts visited vis-ited with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. El Nathan Abbott. Mrs. Crofts was the former Dorothy Abbott. The Gold and Green Ball was held last Saturday night. Many people attended. Floor show numbers num-bers were under the direction of dance directors, Michael Bennett and Annalee Johnson. The decorations decora-tions were done by the Jr. M Men and Jr. Gleaners. High Councilman, Lionel Taylor brought the program for Sunday night. Mr. Rulon Jones spent a few days in Ely Nevada moving houses. He says he met a few people there who were his former aquaintances from this area. The Junior M. Men and Jr. Gleaners Glean-ers sponsored a fireside chat on Sunday after Sacrament meeting. It was held at the home of Bishop Max Johnson. Dee Nielson showed slides that he took while he was touring Europe. Mr. and Mrs. John Walker have a new baby. Congratulations to the Walkers for their new little bundle bun-dle of joy. Relief Society literature lesson was given by members of Relief Society in the absence of the literature lit-erature leader, Dawn Porter. Mr. and Mrs. James Porter visited vis-ited with the Porters last week. Lonnie Hales and Michael Rose presented talks at the Delta third ward on Sunday. They were accompanied accom-panied by their parents the Sam Hales and Heber Roses. MRS. DLLA LISONBEE CELEBRATES 85TH BIRTHDAY Mrs. Delia Lisonbee celebrated her 85th birthday Sunday, January 18, 1959 at the home of her daughter, daugh-ter, Mrs. S. A. Stoddard, in Bakers-field, Bakers-field, California. There were twenty-three present. After visiting and taking pictures those present went to the Rice Bowl, where all enjoyed a delicious delici-ous Chinese Dinner, then to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stoddard for birthday cake and the opening of gifts. Mrs. Lisonbee is in real good health and enjoying enjoy-ing the winter. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. David Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. David Jacobs, Jr., and family, Mrs. Bob Chisholm and son from Torrance, Tor-rance, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stoddard and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Stoddard and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Robinson and family of Bak-ersfield. Word received from Raelene Wood, IJDS missionary in Eritain is that she is enjoying her mission immensly and "enjoying good health. y. m.j ibwiW r ... v, ' ; ; 1 p . Is, n -1 . -. i si i .. "f ! ' ''ir ;M V t !h i P 'i I f!!:sintf: I ::!?;!: ; : ; : : ; i : : 5 : s - : : - j I ":.?5:s::s::;::s:;S5:-;S:ss'!t The KIMBALL Admiral. Mahogany $345.00 belta -Auto Supxhj, Delta Nat Men Overwhelm Millard Delta wrestlers captured their third straight victory Monday as they tripped Millard 30-8 Willoughhy D dec. Prows M) 30 Kesler M) pinned Works (D) Mortenson (D dec. Hardy (M) 42 N. Callister D dec. Memmott (M) 4-2. Black (D) dec. Paxton (M) 52 Lyman ( D) dec. Paxton M 60 G. Callister (D) dec. Smith (M) 2-0 Jeffery (D) dec. Schoenberger (M) 40 Thurson (D) dec. Rowley (M) 4-2 Hunter (M) dec. Cahoon (D) 62 Warnick D) dec. Finlinson (M) 4-2 Anderson (D) dec. Carol (M) 2-0 DHS Wrestlers Subdue Richfield Wednesday, January 14, Delta was victorious over Richfield. This match was held in Richfield. The Summary Willoughby (D) pinned Smith (R) Mortenson (D) draw 22 June (R) pinned N. Callister D Buchanan (R) pinned P. Peterson (D) R. Peterson D) dec. Brown (R) 3- 1 Lyman (D) dec. Conder (R) 42 G. Callister (D) default Button (R) S. Nielson (D) pinned Nielson (R) Thurson D) dec. Coones (R) 7--3 Anderson (D) pinned Meacham (R) Warnick D) dec. Meacham (R) 124 Mecham (R) dec. Eppich (D) 50 W. Jeffery pinned Black (D) pinned Hurdsman R) Boothe (D) pinned Lawresen (R) A. Jeffery (D) pinned Poulson (R Hawley (D) dee. Farnsworth (R) 4 3 Bagley (R) pinned Henrie (D) Cahoon D dec. Gonder (R) 41 Polio Danc The Polio dance sponsored by the D. H. S. will be held Friday, Jan. 2.'!, following the Delta-Dixie game. It will be in the Delta High School Gym and the music will be furnished by the "Kombo Keys. ' The price is 75c per couph 50c single men, 25c single ladies. Everyone in urged to attend and "Dance that others might walk. ' F.F.A. NEWS Saturday, January 17, 1959, the Delta F. F. A. Chapter went hunting rabbits for the "Rodent and Pest Drive". They returned with 180 dead rabbits. Every year the Delta Chapter has a "Rodent and Pest Drive" to help get rid of the pests that destroy the crops and other property. Tho boys who kill these pests receive points for the number they bring to the Delta Chapter. A prize will be given to the member who receives re-ceives the most points. The Delta F. F. A. have a meeting meet-ing scheduled for January 20 to plan the F, F. A. banquet. John Dean Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Baker of Delta, was one of 21 University of Utah men to pledge social fraternities during fall quarter at the Salt Lake school. A civil engineering major, he attended Delta High and was an early admission student at the U. He is a new member of Sigma Fire flrills January 19, 1959, Delta High School went through some fire drill practices. The students and teachers teach-ers were told by Mr. Allred that the school had received a new horn for the practices to be used as the fire warning signal. At 10:35 the blast echoed through the halls and the students and teachers began filing out of the building all too slowly for Mr. All-red All-red said, "That Is too slow". The time on the trial run was one minute and thirty seconds. The students were directed to the auditorium and given further Instruction In-struction concerning the fire drills. Then they were timed on an exit from the auditorium. This time the building was cleared in one minute and fifteen seconds. Mr. Pratt said that the horn sounded like a "bass horn filled (half) with water e f fe c t i v e though." Others said it sounded like a fog horn, the streamliners, and there were many other ideas; one thing,-it's different. One thing that will never bs said at Delta High School during a drill (or fire) is that you can't hear the fire horn. It's a "Real Beat", Phi Epsilon fraternity, DESERET INES DAMRON 341 West Main Delta, Utah We male a trip to Dugway Saturday Sat-urday to see Barbara Earth and children, and the trip was grand.' It was so warm we didn't even vvear our coats. The only snow we saw was high on the hills in Johnson's John-son's pass. Sunday was Barbara's birthday and we had a lovely dinner din-ner there. Baked Ham and all the trimmings. Dugway Is surely growing. grow-ing. The Government is taking over the housing and are building a lot of new homes. They have two nice schools there. There are only o Seniors in the Jligh bchool, But 75 in each of the lower grades. And they don't allow any speeding in the town. 20 miles per hour is the limit. So children can play on the streets without danger. We got home Sunday night In time for church. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dewsnup visited over the weekend with their mother, Ruth Dewsnup, and also visited church here. Genevieve Larsen and children visited Friday and Saturday will; Lois Eliason. Kent and Sandra Dewsnup visited vis-ited with their family Saturday and Sunday. Thomas and La Vern Allred relumed re-lumed home Tuesday from their trip to San Fransisco. They had a wonderful trip and saw lots of interesting sights. Surely glad to hear Margie's baby-is baby-is still improving. They expect to bring her home Wednesday or Thursday. Blanch Jensen has been staving up there with her for several days, j The Special Interest Class is; having a Firside meeting Satur-j clay night and invite all adults to! attend. Wayne Western will taik and show slides of his mission in; Neva Scoia and the Eastern States, j There has been alot of flu and colds around lately. It seems like most everybody has ' had one ori got one now. But hope they soon , get over them. A cold can surely make one feel miserable. The "Meet Me at Mutual" meet-! ing held last Tuesday night, was a big success. A good crowd was in attendance. The MIA put on a fine program and shurt play. Martha Mar-tha Mace led the congregational singing of some original songs. David Hales and Glorir Allred accompanied. ac-companied. Cecil Warner was the reader, and several of the members mem-bers took part in the discussion. Those taking part in the play were Carolyn Christensen. David Hales, DeLora Conk, Frances Black, Jay Webb, Johnny Western, Phil Christensen Christ-ensen and Steven Rowley. After classes, dancing was enjoyed by all. Joe Barney and Arvetta Nickle were the stake visitors. A waltz contest was held and the prize winners were Joe Barney and Nancy Nan-cy Black. The prize was a delicious cake. High Councilman Ormus Dutson, was in charge of the program in Sacrament meeting Sunday night, Brother Glen Seegmiller was the first speaker, and gave a very Interesting In-teresting talk on Evolution, and the religious beliefs on the conception con-ception of the world and man. We all have the right to believe and worship as we desire, and this is a great privilege, Ormus talked on the "Power of Prayer" and the Priesthood. It was a very interesting and inspirational talk. Eldon Sorenson sang two beautiful vocal solos, "It Was for Me," and "If Christ Should Come Tomorrow." Abraham Lincoln said: "Man may look at the earth and its people and be an atheist, but I cannot conceive how he could look up Into the heavens and say there is no God. I never behold the stars, trial I do not feel that I am looking into tl.e face of God." -BY lAtdd lllach super I 25" -.-Ron wasn't kiddin' when he put up the SUPER SERVICE sign." We didn't need a sign to get our reputation! ROM'S Tcxaeci Service; Phone 35S1 DELTA. UTAH Hinckley School The Third and Four grade students stu-dents at the Hinckley Elementary School in Mrs. Spendlove's room had a breakfast at school on Tuesday, Tues-day, Jan. 19. This was the result of a Breakfast Club we have had in our group. For four weeks we marked breakfast charts, showing what foods we ate each morning. Those who had perfect scores were Shirley Spencer, Kenneth Talbot, Tal-bot, Hollie Rae Manis, Ruth Anna Morris, Marcia Kay Pratt, Rulon Dee Stevens and Marlowe Carroll. These boys and girls and the other three high ones, Ronald Hardy, Wendell Hurst and Patricia Bishop, Bish-op, were hosts to the rest of the class at this breakfast. They did this to show us what a good breakfast break-fast should be. WE SURELY DID HAVE A PERFECT BREAKFAST ON THAT DAY. Linda Jo Diehl Delta Elementary Mrs. Gillette's Fifth Grade James Smith brought a stuffed partridge to school. In school we found out that an acerola has 80 times more vitamin vita-min C than the same quantity of oranges. They grow to 15 feet tall. They are like a cherry. The acer-olas acer-olas are found in Puerto Rico. In school our president is Myrtle Spor our Vice ' President is Kathleen Kath-leen Wright. The rest of the officers are: Karla Church, Paul Swalberg, Kay Spor, Sheldon Jackson, Kathy McCormick, Bill Day, Suzanne Shields, James Smith, and Sidney Shields. Paul Swalberg and Karla Church Mrs. Seegmiller's Room Any of you folks like a nice young fryer about next month? Ws are really in the chicken business. We have an electric incubator with 29 eggs in it. Kris brought the eggs. Every day we have to turn them. On February 4 we hope we will hear little chicks saying "peep peep". Mrs. Fullmer's Room Last week was very Interesting to us, One day last week we had a reading lesson about the South Sea Islands, Mrs. Fullmer showed a lot of things from the Tongan Isands, She showed cloth that the natives had made and decorated. Also pretty shells, a grass skirt, a coconut as it grows on the tree, beads made from seeds and shells, a pillow that the Tongans use, as well as the decorated bowl which they make their kava drink in. On Wednesday, Mrs. Turner's 2nd grade brought a picture show into our room, which they had made themseves, about animals. We enjoyed en-joyed it very much. Friday, Mrs. Bird, delighted us by showing us many pictures of New Zealand, where she and Dr. Bird took a trip not too long ago. We saw pictures of the airplane which ROOM MOTHERS LISTED Rom Mothers for Delta Elementary Elemen-tary School this year are as follows: Mrs. Seegmiller's room, Donnet-ta Donnet-ta Hardy and JoAnn Bird Mrs. Roper's room, Vi Draper, and Mrs. Alfred Lake Mrs.Wiley-'s room, Marge Hales and Orvetta Nickle. Mrs. Reed's room, Rae Huff and Virginia Sperry. . Mrs. Turner's room, Norma Evans and Kathleen Wankier. Mrs. Dutson's room, Rae Jensen and Helen Wright. Mrs. Finlinson's room, Mrs. Eldro Jeffery and Mrs. Erwin Farnsworth. Mrs. Gillette's room, Loenza Willoughby Wil-loughby and Mae Welch. Mrs. Edward's room, Betty Dal-ton, Dal-ton, Gladys Eppich. Mrs. Fullmer's room, Melba Crafts and Lorna Bunker. Mrs. Knight's room, Sally Abbott and Irene Eroderick. Mr. Martin's room, Mrs. Clark Cook and Mrs. Gilbert Searle. Miss Western's room, Inez Riding and Mrs. Eugene Owens. they went in. After seeing these beautiful pictures, pic-tures, we all hope that some day we'll be able to go there, too. Mrs. Edwards room We are studying about the sun and planets and the stars. We have learned that there are nine planets in the sun's family. The Earth is one of them. The stars are very interesting to study. We like to go out at night and watch them. Sometimes we can pick out a star group we have studied about. Pat Stanworth was very unlucky. He broke his arm while playing at school. PHONE YOUR NEWS TO THE CHRONICLE 4731 D.H.S. CALENDAR OF EVLNTS Basketball Dixie at Delta, Friday, Jan. 23 LUNCH MENU JANUARY 19-23 Gr. Beef meat loaf, steamed carrots, Rolls mashed potatoes with butter, Apple pie milk. Tuesday 20 Veg. Beef soup, Toasted cheese sandwiches, Russian rock candy, Celery stick, peaches and milk. Wednesday 21 Spaghetti and Franks, Steamed frozen Peas, Rolls, Honey, Fruit j Jello with whipped cream and milk. Thursday 22 Gr. Beef in Bun, Pickled onions lettuce leaf, Hash brown potatoes, Rice pudding, and milk. Friday 23 Oven baked fish, Tartar sauce, creamed potatoes, Parsley, Apple celery salad, Rolls and honey, and milk. MOTHER CALLED TO OHIO Mrs. Eva Ireland flew to Toledo, Ohio, to be with her son and family fam-ily through the illness and death of their daughter, Lucinda Ann, age 4, who died Jan. 13. Services were conducted Friday, Jan. 16, 10 a.m. Burial was in Calvary Cal-vary cemetery. Two days later a son was born to them, Sunday, Jan. 18. Midshipman Tom Talcott, grandson grand-son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gordon, Delta, has been on the Superintendent's Superin-tendent's List at the U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., for most of his two years of enrollment. Appointed to the list soon after his arrival, Midshipman Talcott has been able to stay there thru high scholastic accomplishments. Midshipman Talcott has a sister in Delta, Shirley, who is a student of Delta High. i Why invest your money in wire orders now? Will Have Warehouse Stock Year Around for Your Convenience BALING WIRE 6500 - 3150 HEAVY DUTY TWINE BARB WIRE & STEEL POSTS V arehouse Stock Assures Customers of LOWER PRICES Contact . . . DONE EQUIPMENT COMPANY Delta, Utah Phone 5125 No "narrow-gauge" car smooths the bumps li! rough road ponuac! toirjiiiiiiii IliEIIEIIIli , : ,?Hf! ;3ii ??it!HSli' The wheels are moved out 5 inches for the widest, steadiest stance in America. Road-test the only car with Wide-Track Wheels Bumps are banished by Pontiac's Wide-Track Wide-Track Wheels widest, steadiest stance on the road. Sway and lean on curves disappear, too. Cornering is safer and handling almost magic with the year's most important automotive auto-motive advance. Come in and see for yourself why no other car can offer the roadability of a Wide-Track Pontiac! America's Number Read Car! DRIVE IT ASD YOU'LL BUY IT! "Wonder-Touch" Power Steering the safest, easiest ever developed for both driving and parking plus unsurpassed fuel of the road. Optional at extra cost. SEE ' -JH LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER PACE MOTOR COMPANY 324 Main Delta, Utah |