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Show J Millard County Chronicle Sutherland MRS. DORA ROSE Mrs. Lizette Erickson just returned return-ed from Layton where she has been staying with her children Marlen and Orland. Marlene has a new baby. They returned with Lizetle to Sutherland to spend a few weeks. Mr, Barry Roberts was home over weekend to visit with his folks Mr. and Mrs, Brose Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Jones and family visited in Sutherland over the weekend with all of their relatives. re-latives. Harry Wind and his 'friend Miss Stephens, visited with his grandparents grand-parents Mr. and Mrs. John Wind. Mr. and Mrs. Ried Tippetts Jill and Lee, Miss Karen Roberts, and Louise and Tommy Tippetts visited in Hurricane over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ishmael Tippetts. Mr. Lyman Moulton and his bride spent Sunday visiting friends in Sutherland on Sunday. Mrs. Lena Steele returned home after a two week stay at Logan with her daughter Earlene Dastrup who has just added to her family a new little daughter. Mrs. Steele has been to St. George where she has 'been visiting her children Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Steele and family who moved there from Salt Lake. Mr. Doyal Steele will enter the hospital at Salt Lake on Monday for surgery. Best of luck Doyal and success also. Mrs. Alta Barney had surgery at the Delta hospital last week. We hope for her continued recovery and health. Bishop and Mrs. Johnson will take their son, Daniel to the Salt Lake hospital where he will have continued treatment for his foot. Danniy is facing is with much courage cou-rage and we wish for him much success. Mrs. Marie Jensen made a trip to Salt Lake City on Monday to receive medical treatments and we hope sincerely for her recovery. Mrs. Martha Mace of the Stake Sunday School 'board visited in Sutherland on Sunday. Mr. Kenneth Fowles is stationed at Lackland Air Force Base has been there for about a month. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fowles and little daughter are visiting with their folks the Vem Fowles. Robert has been staying with them for a week prior to their departure for Detroit. Det-roit. It was announced that the show of the Ten Commandments would begin showing on Wednesday June the fourth at Fillmore Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Fondd Henrie were Sutherland visitors on Sunday also Mr. and Mrs. Marion Henrie, Mrs. Paul Theobald and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Nielson and children. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Bishop from Oasis attended Sacrament meeting at Sutherland on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Masel Brasher from Salt Lake visited with their folks Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jensen, Mrs. Ruth Steele and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Pearson from Delta attended Sacrament meeting at Sutherland on Sunday and were there to hear Elder Henrie's mision report. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dalton visited over the weekend with their parents par-ents Mr. and Mrs. Cutler Henrie. Mrs. Dorthy Robison and family spent a few days with their folks Mr. and Mrs. Keith Corry of Sutherland Suth-erland and Mr. and Mrs. Kennth Mecham of Hinckley. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Young were Sunday visitors at Sutherland. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth May and family spent the weekend with their folks Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson John-son and Mr. and Mrs. Morgan May. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Vineyard spent a few days with their folks Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Morgan. Mrs. Stella Hawley attended the Sunday evening mission report of Lyman Henrie. Congratulations to Elwin Johnson g?m 'PAINT one k . - . t m ( SALE ' On FINEST hterioe finish ReaularlLjgsi Quarts Reg.2 Now . Wondertones ore famous for beautiful soft texture.., ideal for interior walls and wood-work. Scrubable, odorless, long lasting. Save $ I per gallon during this special 5-day sale.. May 29 to June 3 onlyl u - - - --- - Thursday, May 29, 1958 Deltan Wins - (Continued from page one)) tive to begin planning a guide for CMS for his own use. These plans he Is testing on his units field exercises. Not only Is Sp3 Jeffery an excellent ex-cellent leader and performer In the work situation but his character char-acter is unquestionable and his military bearing and good attitude make him an example to his fellow fel-low men and co-workers and excellent ex-cellent influence on students attending at-tending the school. 2. The staff of the Nursing hranch wishes to express our appreciation for the outstanding performance of this young soldier. Request that a copy of this special report become be-come a part of- his permanent file. IDA GRAHAM PRICE Lt. Colonel ANC Chief, Nursing Branch and all the other D. H. S. Students who received scholarships and special spe-cial awards for their achievements in their school work. Church News . Sherman Jones gave the two and one half minute talk in Sunday Sun-day School. The Sunday evening meeting was conducted toy Bishop Johnson and talks were given by Mr. and Mrs. Cutler Henrie father and Mother dl Elder Lyman Henrie, Bishop Tippetts who was Bishop at the time Lyman was called into the mission field. Bishop Johnson read a letter from the mission president pres-ident who praised Lyman for the outstanding work he had done In the mission field. The choir and congregation furnished the music and Lyman talked on his experiences exper-iences in the mission field and on repentance it was very interesting The Seagull class, Susan Lyman, Colleen Fowles Nancy Munster, Michele Church, Em a Lee May, Karla Johnson, Margo Rose, from Sutherland and Sandra Taylor from Abraham were graduated from primary pri-mary into the M. I. A. on Sunday, There program was held at the Relief Society room with all the girls participating in talks and songs. Their diplomas were presented pre-sented to the Sutherland girls by Bishop Johnson and to Sandra by Bishop Petersen from Abraham. Mrs. Petersen primary president from Abraham reported Sandra's six year attendance for one hundred hun-dred percent. Some of the girls in Sutherland according to president Marilyn Church had two or three years one hundred percent attendance. attend-ance. The M. I. A. ward dance festival was performed last Tuesday. Some of the numbers of the Bishopric danced in the grand square, Mia Maids, Evplorers, Jr. M Men and Jr. Gleaners danced in the couple dances. The Stake dance directors, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rawlinson participated part-icipated in all the couple dances. To the two young Maidens who have their thoughts in the clouds and Stardust in their eyes, who have let their hearts turn to "April or May love" we say congratula-toins congratula-toins for their forth coming marriages. mar-riages. (Karen Murray and Jean Ogden). The Jr. High graduation of 58 included many students of Sutherland. Suth-erland. The program, luncheon and dancing was very lovely and was enjoyed by a large crowd. Mr. Fred Clayton and his Son Howard made a trip to Spanish Fork on Saturday returning the same day. Teachers have a grave responsibility respon-sibility for all ideas and ideals and for all their impressions upon the students. What the student is made to see and feel and sense, is all part of the teaching process. To be a teacher is a sacred trust. It does not matter too much about the subject sub-ject which is being taught but the sympathetic attitude (or lack of it) makes the difference in the effect ef-fect in the molding of the childs attitude. If we could all be teachers teach-ers and he able to teach ourselves first. Miss Margaret Hansen, and Miss Judy Richardson, of Skoma, Wash, and Miss Betty Smith, of Lehi, her roommates for two years at BYU, spent the weekend in Delta with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hansen. Also home from the "Y" was her brother, Kimball Hansen, who took the girls to visit Lehman ALL STATES BENEFIT 1 I Congressman H. A, Dixon (R., Utah) and Mr. L Y. Siddoway, Manager of the Uintah Water Conservancy District, display chart showing that construction of Colorado River Project stimulates economy of all states. The chart made an effective display before the House Appropriations Committee. The siie of the dark circle Indicates the amount of money each state will receive from the construction expenditures. Births This Week To Leoyd and Leila Nielson Lovell, Delta, a girl, 7 lbs. 8 oz. May 25. To Dean and Jacqueline Slach Black, Deseret, a girl, 11 lbs., May 25. To Ernest and Phyllis Terry Anderson, Ander-son, Oasis, a girl, 7 lbs. 9 oz., May 26. DESERET MRS. ARPRILLA SCOW Mrs. Carla Jensen returned home after having spent the past two weeks at Cheyenne Wyo., with Dr. and Mrs. John C. Carmen. Mrs. Carmen is the former Rhoda Jensen. Mrs. Georgetta Peterson returned return-ed home Monday after being in Salt Lake City at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wade. One of Mrs. Peterson's little grand daughters was ill and in the hospital. Mrs. Fred Nielson and children from Springville, and Mrs. Hamilton Ham-ilton McCullough from Delta visited wednesdaywith Mr. and Mrs. Howard How-ard Jensen and son Bradly. A very impressive"Rose Tying" ceremony was held Tuesday evening even-ing for the Mia Maids under the direction of their leader, Mrs. Beth Moody. Girls takine Dart were Venice Moody, Janice Cropper and Nancy Black. Stake M. I. A. visitors at Mutual Tuesday evening was SuDt. Eldro Jeffery, Y. M. secretary Ferand Blake. We invite them to come acain real soon. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Whpplpr from Idaho visited several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C1pv6 Rowley. Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs. Rowlev are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Russel St vier and Mrs. Alice Webb SDent SaturHav nt Salt Lake City to visit Mrs. Webb's ana Mrs. Myler's father Lafe 01-sen 01-sen of Oak City who underwent Surgery at the Hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery. Kent Dewsnup from B.Y.U. at Provo was home over the weekend. Mr. Reed Bunker from Loean was here over the week end to see his wife and son who have spent the past two weeks with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Webb. ram and Richard Dewsnup from Salt Lake City were home ovpr the week end. Mr. Gary D. Dutson snent FHHav and Saturday at Provo. isitors at Sunday School Sundav morning were: Mr. and Mrs. Myron Western and Mrs. Phoebe Williams trom Idaho, and Mrs. Evelvn J?nh- ison and Miss Bernice Wostpm from Delta. We are always elad to havp them isit with us. The program in Sacrament mept. ing Sunday evening was put on by Elder David Finlincnn fmm Oak City. He just recently return- eu nome irom an L.D.S. mission. Our congratulations this to Mr. and Mrs. Dean Black on the arrival of an eleven pound baby girl torn Sunday morning May 25 at the Delta Hospital. I here was a large number of people from Deseret attended the wedding reception held Saturday night at the Desprpt Stato Hnc, honoring the newlyweds, Mr. and .Mrs. iax Manvvorth. Miss Doris Moodv from Dplta spent a couole of davs last tvppW with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Axei jensen. Miss Carolyn Christensen who has spent the past couple of years at Brigham Utah where she has been employed is now at hnmo cv, is at present employed at the rirsi aecuruy Bank at Delta. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Anderson spent Tuesday in Salt Lake City. Mr. Martell Mace from Las eg-as, eg-as, Nevada visited Monday with his mother Mrs. Martha V. m. and with his brother Doyle and Mrs. Isabel! Wadsworth frnm Do den, mother of Mrs. Beth .Moody as nere io attend graduation ex erases or her grandchildren Larry -Moocty from Delta High School and enice Moody from Junior High. Mr. and Mrs. Earth Eeausard and children from Du?wsv TTtnh i-it,, over the week end with Mrs. Beau-gard's Beau-gard's mother, Mrs. Ines Damion. CLASSIFIED Caves Sunday. s : - j ' i Stake Bee Hive Swarm Night Held on Tuesday Deseret Stake Bee Hive Swarm night was held Tuesday evening at the Elementary auditorium in Delta. Fifty-two Beehive girls re ceived certificates of graduation, of this numher 33 received the Honor Hon-or Bee award which is the highest award a girl can receive in Bee Hive work. Mrs. Hazel Walker, stake MIA president, made the awards to the Honor Bees and Mrs. Evelyn Shields, stake Bee Keeper made the awards to the Guardians. Mrs. La Von Taylor made the awards to the Gatherers. Music was furnished by Oak City, Sugarville, and Sutherland wards. The prayer was by Delene Black, and the benediction by De- Lora Conk. The group was led in the MIA theme by Margaret Ekins who has received the award of Honor Bee for the past two years. A flower ceremony and a Hive building ceremony cer-emony was given by Deseret, Oasis, Hinckley, Lynndyl and Leamington wards. The final number was a short play entitled, "The Bees Have It" and was presented by Delta First and Delta Third wards. Delta Second Sec-ond ward girls were in charge of the flag ceremony. Dance Festival- (Continued from page one)) which will be an outstanding entertainment. en-tertainment. Committee members helping with the festival include Mrs. Ruby Bish op and Mr. Ladd Black stake MIA activity counselors and ward directors, dir-ectors, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Rose of Sutherland, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Manis of Hinckley, Dorene Shields and Jimmy Mienburg of Sugarville, Gary Church and Charlotte Taylor of Delta Third ward and Douglas Torrens of Deseret ward. OASIS MRS. LAVEDA BISHOP Hello, everybody. I sure missed out last week. One of the items that should have been told was about the Aaronic Priesthood boys and their Leaders, making a trip to Salt Lake for an outing. They left early Saturday morning (a week ago). Bishop Lawrence Cropper Crop-per and his Councilors, Jack Wil-loughby Wil-loughby and Russell Styler and the following boys: Ralph Nichols, Cordell Cropper, Eric Gillen, Mar-us Mar-us Skeem, Paul Ludwig, Charles Howell, Bruce Anderson, Max Ca-hoon, Ca-hoon, Robert Anderson, Evan Skeem and Bob Day. Steven, Sue and Kay Willoughby went along .ith their father for the ride. They visited Lagoon, the Capitol, the Zoo and . other places of interest. Then Sundav evening, the Aaronic Aar-onic Priesthood gave the program in Sacrament Meeting, commem orating the restoration of the Aaronic Aar-onic Priesthood upon the earth. Talks were given by Roger Stan worth, Marcus Skeem, Danny Will oughby, Ralph Nichols, Earl Stan worth, Gloria Day and Bishop Crop per. The boys sang "Come All Ye Sons of God," with Mrs. Willough by accompanying at the piano. Leo Day was released as assistant assist-ant to Superintendent Earl Stan-worth Stan-worth of the Sunday School and Arlo Skeem was sustained to fill the vacancy. Now the news for this week. Mrs. Agnes Hutchings, from Salt Lake City, arrived last Thursday, and is visiting her daughters and families, Mrs. Clark Bishop and -Mrs. Albert Skidmore. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Anderson on the safe ar rival of a taby daughter, Monday, May 26. Best wishes to you. Mrs. Dessie Webster and her son Dean, from Cedar City, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Derb Skeem and Mr. and Mrs. Rob Johnson. Mrs. Carlos Eishop and children. Sonya, Doreen and Chris, from Cedar City, arrived last Tuesday For Sal FOR MINNEAPOLIS - MOLINE machinery and service, see Done Equipment Co., Delta RFD, Utah Ph 1125. 12I12TF RE-CORE YOUR BAD RADIATOR so you doVt hurt your engine. U3e INHIBITOR to save your Re-Core. Bill's Radiator Shop, Delta. 920TF FOR SALE: Farmall Super C, with mower; Farmall A. See Bus Shields. 5129 SINGER SALES AND SERVICE SINGER SEWING MACHINES VACUUMS Special this week New Singer Automatic, reduced $49.75. Buy on Singer's easy budget plan. As little at S2.65 per week. Call 322J5. f OH SALE: Good recleaned Overland Over-land oats, for seed or feed. See Kenneth Adams, or call 396J1. 529 FLOWERS FOR MEMORIAL DAY: Cut flowers and arrangements. Place your orders NOW. Flowers by Gowers, ADC Company, Delta. FOR SALE: 2 steel granaries, for lease or sale, and three sheds, for sale. Donald Carpenter, Hinckley. Hinck-ley. 529 36 MONTH AUTOLITE BATTERIES $14.95. All sizes on hand. KELLY SERVICE, DELTA. 313tf MACKS 13 Auto radiator rust inhibitor and water pump lubricant. lubri-cant. Guaranteed to keep your radiator crystal clear lor one year or your money back. Delta Auto Supply. 3I28TF SPINET PIANO assume payments $15 monthly. Write: Summerhays Music 3719 So. State, S.L.C. 15, Ut. 6119 FOR SALE: 30 tons baled hay, 1st crop, wire tied. George Corry, Delta Del-ta RFD. 5129 FOR SALE: 1949 34 ton International Interna-tional truck, with stock rack. $350. PACE MOTOR CO., Delta, Ut. 5!15tf STAUFFER MAGIC COUCH (Rhythmic (Rhy-thmic oscillation not vibration), for Relaxation and Effortless Ex ercise, Weight and Inch Loss, Posture Pos-ture and Figure Correction, and Stimulating Circulation. See and hear more atwut STAUFFER at Lu-cille's Lu-cille's Beauty Shop, from Mrs. Lucille Lu-cille Stephensen, STAUFFER counselor. coun-selor. VOCAL LESSONS: Those interested in vocal lessons, call Mrs. Richard Long, ph. 349J2, Delta. 2 for 1 Dress Sole Continues. These are bargains! ! THE DELMART. BASIC TAP DANCING: 6-week course. Contact Mrs. Douglas All-red, All-red, phone 2472. Beginning June 10th. NOTICE .Notice is hereby given that be ginning June 1, 19S8 and ending September 1, 1958. all County Of fices will close all day Saturdays. By Order of the Board of County Commissioners of Millard County Notice of Sale To be sold for labor, material and storage at 321 Main, Delta, Utah, on the 31st day of May, 1958, at 1:00 p. m., the following Motor vehicle: Year 1950. Make, Chev. Motor N. HAM 232327, Serial No. 2DSD2102, registered in the name of Ben Alvarez, whose last known address is Rt. 5 Box 30 San Jose Calif. Amount now due $75.00. Dated this 21st day of May, 1958. Van's Motor and Supply Co. by Frank E. Van de Vanter Owner First Publication May 22, 1958 Final Publication May 29, 1958. "NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT BUDGET" "Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of the Millard County School District, Millard County, State of Utah, has set Wednesday, June 4, 1958, at the hour of 2:00 p. m., in the office of said Schoel Board, located in Fillmore, Fill-more, Utah, as the tifne and place for a public hearing on and the adoption of a budget for the next succeeding fiscal year. "The budget as prepared will be on file with the Clerk of the Board and available for public inspection as required by law." BOARD OF EDUCATION MILLARD COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT, Fillmore, Utah By Helen Rogers, Clerk First Publication May 22, 1958 Final Publication May 29, 1958. evening and stayed all night with grandpa and granma Bishop, then went on to Salt Lake on Wednesday. Wednes-day. The speakers in Sacrament meeting meet-ing Sunday night were High Councilman Coun-cilman Ormus Dutson and Elder Kent Dewsnup. Kent also sang a solo. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robinson returned home from a visit in Salt Lake a week ago Saturday. They brought their sister, Mrs. Mayme Nelson, from Midvale, back with them. She visited until Sunday with the Rooinson's and another sister, Mrs. Lynn War nick In Delta. ADS Men's Felt Dress Hats. Reg. S8.50 and $10.00. Our selection only $4.77 THE DELMART. CAR MATS, front and rear ,n beautiful colors to match your car Red, Yellow, Blue, Tan, Turquoise, Grey,, White, Green. Delta Auto Supply, Delta, Utah. TF HUTO SAFETY GLASS Cut to Fit. L.O.F. Glass. KELLY SERVICE, DELTA. l23tf Men's Western Shirts Special $4.77 Reg. $5.98 to $8.98. THE DEL-MART DEL-MART FOR SALE: New home in Milford, Utah. Built-in Westinghouse appliances; appli-ances; on large corner lot; excellent excel-lent location. Contact Homer Christensen. Chris-tensen. Box 116 or phone DU 7-2373 6112 FOR SALE: Fishing motors: One 5-horse Wizzard, slightly used excellent, ex-cellent, $150.00. One 5-horse Buc-aneer Buc-aneer (made 'by Johnson) brand new, $215.00. Have to see to appreciate. ap-preciate. Church & Son Lumber Yard. 615 For Rent FOR RENT: Large farm house to live in if tenants will keep it up. $10.00 per month to pay on new water pump. Six miles out with flowing well and oiled roads. Ph. 4204. TF FOR RENT: 2 bedroom furnished house in Delta. Water furnished. Jacobs Apts.' Phone 1432, or call at 265 So. 4th West 9I19TF APTS, FOR RENT: Partly furnished. Jacobs Apts., ph 1432, or call at 265 So. 4th West. 9I12TF FOR RENT: Modern house. 2-bed- rooms, 2Vi miles south of Delta on oiled road. Reasonable terms. Call 338J4. 5129 APTS. FOR RENT. Furnished. Joc- oos Apts. Call 5431, Delta. 215 So. 4th West. 65tf WILL RENT OR SELL 40 shares of Melville water stock. See Frank Law, Delta. 529 FOR RENT: Modern 1 -bedroom house, 1 block from town. Mrs. Fenton Gardner, ph. 5791. 529 FOR RENT: Modern 2-bedroom house, furnished or unfurnished. See M. H. Workman, Delta. 522 FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house, furnished, or partly furnished, or unfurnished. Call 5021, Delta. 51TF FOR RENT: 2-bedroom modern house in Delta. Large lot and garage. gar-age. Cool house in summer. Place for garden. Furnished or unfur nished. Ph. 5555, Delta. 612 FOR RENT: Furnished apt., heat and hot water furnished. Automatic washer. Phone 350J2. Rex Harris, 183 N. 300 West, Delta. 529 the Peytons are IPEYJOII'S i .1 .' f II..... ' "V ( . ii ' mi iT f KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 'III.,. ,.!,,, KUn "W BIUC Ctt .-I- X CHARCOAL FILTERED Kentucky Straight Bourbon From Kentucky, bourbon reyton s, Kentucky's oldest and finest brand. Made according to the original secret formula created in 1818 by pioneer distiller Joseph Peyton, Peyton's has been available only in limited quantity to a fortunate few. Now you can enjoy the superb taste of this distinctive bourbon charcoal filtered for velvety smoothness a premium taste only Tey ton's hand-made method can produce a taste so rare it's a joy to share. NOW AVAILABLE FOR THE FIItST TIME IN UTAH ! ... If you don't find Peyton's Premium at your rt top, please try again. Peyton's is available only in limited quantity because Premium Quality cannot be hurried. Your patience will be rewarded by a rare taste you will truly enjoy ... and enjoy sharing with others. Also available... Peyton's Premium Kentucky Whiskey A Blend Josaph Peyton DiitilKng Company, lawrenceborg. Knructy Ktntvcky Stroighf Bourbon Whitley, 86 Proof Kentucky Whisk.,A Bitnd, 66 proof. 65 Crow Ntulral Spirits . jiBMWpwWIWPaW 11 JL-JJ- "-lMJW"U'M.J'lMIU4 -I "UJIL , - : OPPORTUNITY MAN OR WOMAN Responsible person from this area, to service and collect from automatic auto-matic dispensers. No selling. Age not essential. Car, references, and $400.00 to $700.00 investment necessary. nec-essary. 7 to 12 hours weekly nets up to $200.00 monthly. Poss;' ility fulltime work. For local interview give phone and full particulars. Write P. O. Box 146, Minneapolis 40; Minn. NEEDED TO TRAIN Men 18 - 37 For railroad communication and Agency work. Basic pay $370 up. Must be in good health, sincerely interested in training for positions with future. G. I. APPROVED For personal interview with field representative write Spokane Telegraph Tele-graph School 119 N. Post Spokane, Spo-kane, Wash, giving age, address and phone number. 612 JVE WILL SHIP HOGS every )ther Wednesday, April 16, April 30, May 14, etc. DELTA LIVESTOCK LIVE-STOCK CO. tf NOTICE Accepting bids for the following buildings: At Champlin: 122x32 house. 1 14x16 hunk (portable). 126x28 bunk. 1 4x8 outbuilding. 112x16 coal. At Clearlake: 124x32 house. ' 1 5x8 outbuilding. 116x20 ice. 128x68 brick. 1 25x35 house. 1 9x12 coal. 2 2x5 cans. K. D. CARROLL, Agent Union Pacific Railroad Co. Delta, Utah ATTENTION PORK AND BEEF Growers: Let us process your Beef and Pork properly, under sanitary conditions. We have the best sugar cure and hickory suiioke for hams and bacon in the state, at a very reasonable price. We will pick up and slaughter any time as you desire. TALBOT PACKING CO., at D. Stevens Co. P.h 2811. 43TF IF YOU DON'T DRINK Why Help Pay for the Accidents of Those Who Do? For your automobile insurance in-surance see Clarence C. Hogan. Lynndyl, Utah, agent. Preferred Risk Mutual Insurance Co. 9-6 TF Dr. A. K. Tronrud. D. C. Chiropractor 4957 South rftate Murray, Utah will be in Delta every Thursday, from 1 p.m. to 8 p. m. to help you In room 4 of HOTEL SOUTHERN here -straight from Kentucky ffMis Hi V.'! .': 1 'A t.A n center of the world, comes K x |