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Show LEG A L NOTICES INVITATION TO BID NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Delta, Utah, a municipal corporation, will receive sealed bids for the furnishing of a Tractor-Loader Tractor-Loader conforming to the following follow-ing minimum specifications: TRACTOR: 40 horsepower, 1750 RPM. Rear tires to be 6 ply 13-24 lug type. Front tires to be 6 ply. To have power steering, heavy duty clutch, hydraulic operating pressure at 1750 RPM, 1450 pounds per square inch, 17 gallons gal-lons per minute at 1500 RPM. BACK HOE: Reach 18 feet depth 12 feet, radius ISO". Quick detachable. de-tachable. Loading height 8 feet 6 inches; shovel size 19 inches plus side cutters; telescoping stabilizers, individually controlled. controll-ed. LOADER: Capacity Ms yard; tread width, lifting height 9 feet; hydraulic hy-draulic operating bucket with down pressure. Total Weight of Tractor, Loader and Back Hoe: 6600 pounds. In addition, the bidder should furnish a price list of any special or optional extras which the bidder bid-der can provide, specifically including in-cluding shuttle transmission, upholstered up-holstered seat, foot control for Back Hoe swing, and Tractor controls con-trols accessible from Back Hoe seat. Bids must be mailed or deliver ed in a sealed envelope, plainly marked "Tractor-Loader Bid", so as to be received at the Delta City Office on or before 12:00 o'clock o'-clock noon on June 9, 1958. Each bid should also contain a statement which states the earli est date which bidder would guarantee guar-antee delivery of such Tractor-Loader. Tractor-Loader. City of Delta reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to waive any bid irregularities or to formalities as its 'best interests may appear. Successful bidder will be noti fied on or before June 13, 1958. MAX J. ROBISON Mayor Delta City First Publication: May 29, 1958. Final Publication: June 5, 1958. SUMMONS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR MILLARD COUNTY. STATE OF UTAH J. LATHEL CALLISTER, sometimes some-times known as J. L. Callister, Plaintiff. VS. MILLARD COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT NUMBER FOUR, a body corporate and politic; MELVIN DELL ROSS and LORRAINE LOR-RAINE ROSS, his wife; CHARLES R. SAMPSON and Mrs. CHARLES R. SAMPSON, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise other-wise unknown; RUTH CONGER; WILLIAM J. CONGER and MRS. WILLIAM J. CONGER, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; W. J. CONGER CON-GER and MRS W. J. CONGER, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; FREDERICK HENRY HELMS and MRS. FREDERICK HENRY HELMS his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; F. II. NEIL and A. M. NEIL, his wife; ANN E. BISHOP; DELBERT CRAPO and MRS. DELBERT CRAPO, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; JOHN MULLER and MRS. JOHN MUL-LER, MUL-LER, his wife, whose true and VJAYS SAFE 71 HE SAFE with blow-out resistant nylon heat and moisture resistance. re-sistance. SAFE with tubeless construction added strength puncturing objects become slow-outs. SAFE with traction-action traction-action tread over 1 2 .000 stop-skid stop-skid edges that work forwards and sideways retain their stopping power. You can buy DIRECTOR TIRES for as low as . 515.95 6.70x15 wt plus tax WEST MILLARD CO-OP Delta, Utah i f ' " ' p!l J Probata and Guardianship No-tices. No-tices. Consult Cleric of District Court, or respective signers for information. correct name is otherwise unknown; un-known; REV. A. ROSSBACH and MRS. A. ROSSBACH, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; O. S. DAVENPORT DAV-ENPORT and MRS. O. S. DAVENPORT, DAV-ENPORT, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; ADELAIDE O. KIRT-LEY; KIRT-LEY; the heirs, creditors, devisees, dev-isees, legatees and personal representatives of the personal Defendants who might be deceased; de-ceased; the stock holders, creditors, cred-itors, assigns and successors in interest of any of the above named corporate Defendants that might have ceased to exist; ex-ist; and all named or other persons per-sons unknown claiming any right title, estate thereon or interest in the real property described in the complaint adverse ad-verse to the Plaintiff's ownership owner-ship or any cloud upon the title thereto. Defendants. THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE A-BOVE A-BOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon ELDON A. ELIASON, Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address is Delta, Utah, an answer to the complaint within with-in 20 days after service of this Summons upon you. If you fail so to do, judgment by default will be taken against you for relief demanded de-manded in said complaint, which has been 'filed with the Clerk of said Court, and a copy of which is hereto annexed and herewith served upon you. This action is brought to quiet title in the Plaintiff Plain-tiff to certain property described as follows: The Northeast 'A of the Northwest North-west V4 of the Southeast M of Section Thirty (30), Township Seventeen (17) South of Range Six (6) West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian. The Northwest M of the Southwest South-west of Section Twenty-nine (29), Township Seventeen (17) South of Range Six (6) West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and containing 40 acres, more or less. The Southwest of the Northwest North-west '4 of Section Twenty-nine (29), Township Seventeen (17) South of Range Six (6) West Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and containing 40 acres, more or less. The Northwest V of the Northwest North-west Vt of the Southeast , and the South of the Northwest North-west Vi of the Southeast V of Section Thirty (30), Township Seventeen (17) South of Range Six (6) West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and containing 30 acres, more or less. The East k of the Northeast '4 of the Northeast 14 and the Southeast H of the Northeast 0 Section Thirty (30), Township Town-ship Seventeen (17) South, Range Six (6) West, Salt Lake Ease and Meridian, and containing con-taining 60 acres, more or less. The South of the Southeast V of Section Thirty (30), Township Town-ship Seventeen (17) South, Range Six (6) West Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and containing con-taining 80 acres, more or less. The. Northeast 14 of the Northwest North-west 14 of Section Thirty-two (32), Township Seventeen (17) South of Range Six (6) West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and containing 40 acres, more or less. Dated this 29th day of May, A. D., 1958. ELDON A. ELIASON, Attorney for Plaintiff, Delta, Utah First Publication: May 29, 1958. Final Publication: June 19, 1958. SUMMONS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR MILLARD COUNTY. STATE OF UTAH FERRON BLISS Plaintiff. VS. MILLARD COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT NUMBER THREE a body corporate and politic; MILLARD MIL-LARD COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT DIS-TRICT NUMBER ONE, a body corporate and politic; O. C. KOCH and MRS. O. C. KOCH, his wife, whose true and correct cor-rect name is otherwise unknown; un-known; DAVID F. STOUT and MRS. DAVID F. STOUT, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; C. A. SMEAD and MRS. C. A. SMEAD, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; CHARLES A. Mc- CLAIN and MRS. CHARLES A. McCLAIN, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; HYRUM W. PINGREE and MRS. HYRUM W. PINGREE, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; HERMAN MUNSTER and MRS. HERMAN MUNSTER, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; FRANK L. COPENING, sometimes known as F. L. COPENING and MRS. FRANK L. COPENING, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; HILDA HEYDT: HELEN HEYDT; the heirs, creditors, devisees, legatees lega-tees and personal representatives representa-tives of the personal Defendants Defend-ants who might be deceased; the stock holders, creditors, assigns as-signs and successors in Interest of any of the above named Defendants De-fendants that might have ceased ceas-ed to exist; and all named or other persons unknown claiming u L! u u Junior M-Men Softball Begins Thursday, June 5 Softball for the Jr. M. Men begins Thusday, June 5; when Sutherland and Oak City play at 7:00 P. M. Two other games follow. The rest of the schedule will be played on Saturday nights. Each team is to furnish one umpire. The team with the star opposite it is responsible respon-sible for dragging and sprinkling the field. The schedule for the first half follows. 7:00 Sutherland vs Delta 3rd 8:10 Delta 2nd vs Oak City .9:20 Delta 1st vs Lynndyl June 14 7:00 Delta 1st vs Oak City 8:10 Lynndyl vs Sutherland 9:20 Delta 2nd vs Delta 3rd June 21 7:00 Iynndyl vs Delta 2nd 8:10 Oak City vs Delta 3rd 9:20 Delta 1st vs Sutherland June 28 7:00 Oak City vs Lynndyl 8:10 Delta 1st vs Delta 3rd 9:20 Sutherland vs Delta 2nd July 5 7:00 Delta 2nd vs Delta 1st 8:10 Sutherland vs Oak City 9:20 Delta 3rd vs Lynndyl any right, title, estate thereon or interest in the real property described in the complaint adverse ad-verse to the Plaintiff's ownership owner-ship or any cloud upon the title thereto. Defendants. THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE A-BOVE A-BOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon ELDON A. ELIASON, Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address is Delta, Utah an answer to the complaint within with-in 20 days after service of this summons upon you. If you fail so to do, judgment 'by default will be taken against you for relief demanded de-manded in said complaint, which has been 'filed with the Clerk of said Court and a copy of which is hereto annexed and herewith served upon you. This action is brought to quiet title in the Plaintiff Plain-tiff to certain property described as follows: The Northeast 14 of the Northeast North-east 14 of Section Eighteen (18), Township Seventeen (17) South, Range Seven (7) West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and containing 40 acres, more or less. The West 1-i of the Southwest V4 of Section Fourteen (14), Township Sixteen (16) South, Range Seven (7) West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and containing 80 acres, more or less. Dated this the 29th day of May, A. D., 1958. ELDON ELIASON, Attorney for Plaintiff, Delta Utah First Publication: May 29, 1958. Final Publication: June 19, 1958. SUMMONS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR MILLARD COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH WELLS ROBISON Plaintiff. VS. MILLARD COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT NUMBER TWO, a body corporate and politic; Homer U. PETERSEN, Ancillary Administrator of the Estate of George S. Ingraham, a single man, deceased; CHARLES E. BAKER and MRS CHARLES E. BAKER, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; GEORGE W. BAKER and MRS. GEORGE W. BAKER, his wife, whose true and correct cor-rect name is otherwise unknown; un-known; JAMES EDGAR PETTY and MRS JAMES EDGAR PETTY, PET-TY, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; un-known; COLMORE A. CROPPER and MRS. COLMORE A CROPPER, CROP-PER, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; un-known; ALPHA A CAHOON and MRS. ALPHA A. CAHOON, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; JOHN T. JACOBS and MRS. JOHN T. JACOBS, his wffe, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; H. A. CURTIS, CUR-TIS, sometimes known as HEE- ER CURTIS, and MRS. H. A. CURTIS, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; HELEN M. CALLISTER; CALLIS-TER; the heirs, creditors, dev isees, legatees and personal representatives of the personal Defendants who might be deceased; de-ceased; the stock holders, creditors, cred-itors, assigns and successors in interest of any of the above named corporate Defendants that might have ceased to ex ist; and all named or other persons unknown claiming any right, title, estate thereon or interest in the real property described in the complaint ad verse to the Plaintiff's ownership owner-ship or any cloud upon the title thereto. Defendants. THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE A- BOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon ELDON A. ELIASON, Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address is Delta, SENIOR SCHEDULE June 5 7:00 Delta 3rd vs Lyn.-Leam. 8:10 Delta 1st vs Sutherland 9:20 Deseret vs Hinckley June 6 7:00 Delta 2nd vs Oak City 8:10 Delta 3rd vs Deseret 9:20 Sutherland vs Lyn.-Leam. The Happy Little Cooks had their 4-H meeting, May 26, 1958, at the home of their leader. Kath-ryn Kath-ryn Maxfield was hostess. Betty Van read us some chapters on safety and Mary Jane Beckwith led us in a soner. We made some chopped nut muffins and some spice muffins. Lynette Riding The Sewing Silhouettes held their meeting at their teacher's home, Kathy and Patty Petersen, May 26. elected officers. They are: Janice Bishop, president; Karen Kar-en Killpack, vice-president; Sandra Sand-ra Bennett secretary; Darcia Dal-ton, Dal-ton, reporter; Peggy Topham, party chairman; Nadine Iverson, piano player and Lynette Riding, song leader. Darcia Dalton The Six Buttons Class of the Hinckley 4-H held their last two meetings at the home of their leader, Mrs. Dorothy Spencer. We named our club The Six Buttons; learned how to thread a sewing machine and finished our slipper sox, at the first meeting. At our second meeting, we started start-ed our skirts. We cut them out and then practiced our song for the Sacrament Meeting. We will meet in the mornings during the summer. sum-mer. Vickie Damron The Modem Messers, Oasis 4-H club, met Monday, May 26, at 2 p.m. at the home of Sue Ludwig. We made hotcakes and cocoa. Refreshments Re-freshments were root beer. Meet ing will be held next Monday at the home of Colleen GiUen. Gwen St an worth The Busy Cookers, Oasis 4-H club, met at our leader's home and made fruit nut candy. A demonstration demon-stration on safe shredding of cheese was given 'by Clyde Pratt. Barry Anderson demonstrated cutting cut-ting carrot strips. We served chocolate choc-olate milk drink. Paul Anderson The Seam Rippers, Delta 4-H Club held our first meeting May 9 at the home of Sheila and Sherie Knight. We elected the following officers: President, Sherie Knight; Vice President, Karen Goodwin; Secretary, Sheila Knight; Reporter, Linda Corbett and party planners are Mary Jane Jeffery and Judy Jeffery. Our teachers are Elaine Cole and JoAnne Bunker. Linda Corbett Kitchen Cookies We met at Mrs. Abbott's place, our assistant leader. Golda Black called the meeting to order. Mrs. Abbott said opening prayer. We went in the kitchen and made sandwiches. Golda Black, Linda Bohn, Karla Church, Diane Abbott, Catherine Callister, Mary Lyman, Gayla Jeffery and Beverly Bunker were present. Mrs. Callister said closing prayer. Golda Black adjourned ad-journed the meeting. Beverly Bunker Utah, an answer to the complaint within with-in 20 days after service of this summons upon you. If you fail so to do, judgment by default will be taken against you for relief demanded de-manded in said complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of the Court, and a copy of which is hereto annexed and herewith served serv-ed upon you. This action is brought to quiet title in the Plaintiff to certain property described as fol lows: The Northeast 14 of Section Twenty-Four ( 24 ), Township Eighteen (18) South of Range Eight (8) West, Salt Lake Ease and Meridian. All of the Northwest 14 of Sec tion Nineteen (19), Township Eighteen (18) South of Range Seven (7) West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; EXCEPTING however, the East 61.09 rods of said Northwest 14 ; and con taining 98.02 acres, more or less. The Northwest 14 of the North east Vi of Section Eight 8), Township Eighteen (18) South of Range Seven (7) West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and containing 40 acres, more or less. The Southeast 14 of the South' west 14 of Section Five (5),j Township Eighteen (18) South,! Range Seven (7) West, Salt i Lake Base and Meridian. j Dated this the 29th day of May, ! A. D., 1958. ELDON A. ELIASON, Attorney for Plaintiff, Delta, Utah. First Publication: May 29 1958. Final Publication: Jane 19, 1053. U Jurto 13 7:09 "Hinckley vs Delta 2nd 8:10 Delta 1st vs Oak City 9:20 Deseret vs Sutherland June 14 7:00 "Delta 1st vs Lyn.-Leam. 8:10 Delta 2nd vs Delta 3rd 9.20 Oak City vs Hinckley June 20 7:00 Sutherland vs Delta 2nd 8:10 Delta 2nd vs Delta 3rd 9:20 Delta 1st vs Hinckley June 21 7:00 Oak City vs Sutherland 8:10 Deseret vs Lyn.-Leam. 9:20 Hinckley vs Delta 3rd June 27 7:00 Deseret vs Delta 1st 8:10 Delta 2nd vs Lyn.-Leam. 9:20 Hinckley vs Sutherland June 28 7:00 "Delta 3rd vs Delta 1st 8:10 Deseret vs Delta 2nd 9:20 Oak City vs Lyn.-Leam. July 3 7:00 "Sutherland vs Delta 3rd 8:10 Delta 1st vs Delta 2nd 9:20 Deseret vs Oak City July 5 7:00 "Hinckley vs Lyn.-Leam. Each team is to furnish an umpire um-pire for their game. Responclble for dragging and sprinkling the field and getting the mike ready. Receive Degrees At B.Y.U. Rites Friday, June 6 Brigham Young University has announced the names of 1195 students stu-dents who will receive degrees at commencement exercises on June 6, 1958, at services in the George Albert Smith Fieldhouse. The master's mas-ter's degree will be conferred on 39 and the bachelor's degree will be awarded to 1156, a new record. David William Seegmiller is listed among those who will receive re-ceive a Master of Science degree. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Seegmiller of Delta. Listed from west MiUard to receive re-ceive Bachelor's Degree are: Delta; Elouise Bassett, Betty Lea Eennett, Myra Margaret Hansen, Dorene Nell Moody, and Arva Ar-lene Ar-lene Johnson Witbeck. Deseret; Darrel Thomas Allred. Hinckley; Kathryn Ekins Black, Karen Petersen Henrickson, Ronald F. Nielson. Oak City; Merton Nielson Lov-ell,- Diane Harris. AIHIAIIAM Mrs. AFTON FULLMER Graduation is over and school is out for the summer. We had a number of graduates from our little town. Miss Valay Deem graduated from a two-year course at Dixie College in St. George, and is now going to Salt Lake for employment. employ-ment. The misses Leona Talbot and Karen Murray, graduated from the Delta High School. A number of young people were graduated from the Delta Junior High. They were Jaqueline (Jackie) Johnson, Max Holbrook Jr., Dick Talbot, Sydney Young, David Young, Verle Talbot and Almon Fullmer, Jr. We congratulate and wish them well in this important step up the ladder of education and life. Miss Leona Talbot and Dixie Lynn Tolbert, have gone to Salt Lake for employment this summer. sum-mer. Lloyd and Hildred Tolbert took Dixie to Salt Lake Saturday, and also, Clark Tolbert went up and got him a car. Lee and Velma Talbot took Leona Le-ona up this weekend, too. Miss Janece Roper was a guest at the Floyd Tolbert home, Sunday, Sun-day, and attended Sunday School. Miss Roper is Lavoy Tolbert's fiancee. fi-ancee. Mr. and Mrs. Judd Hardy are moving into the Blaine Robinson farm home here. We are happy to GET YOUR ORDER III HOW FOR JUNE DELIVERY All items listed below, 10 discount during June, July & August. Chevron Aluminum Asphalt Coating Standard It oof Paint Standard Floor Hardncr Chevron Waxglo Standard Shingle Stain Colors: Red, Brown and Green Chevron Shingle and Floor Oil Chevron Waterproof Compound Jl. H. "tyeec)" Riikcj STANDARD OIL DISTRIBUTOR Millard County Chronicle O All CITY MRS. MAE H. SHIPLEY Sunday evening service was very enjoyable. The speakers were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Harris and Tom Kennedy, both telling of personal faith-promoting experiences. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy sang a very lovely duet. The choir and congregation congre-gation furnished the music. Prayers Pray-ers were given by Esdras Finlin-son Finlin-son and Marvin Lovell. A surprise visit of a few hours, was Friday for Mrs. Genieve Blan- chard and her daughter, Donna Anderson, and family, when Mrs. Blanchard's grandson, Elmer Lisk and wife (Joanne) and their two daughters and their mother, Mrs. Ruth Withington called. They had been vacationing as far as Oklahoma Okla-homa and were on their way home to Empire, Nevada. Mrs. Bertha Higgbee, from California, Cal-ifornia, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Marlowe Anderson. Mrs. Higgbee is Molly's grandmother. They were very pleased to have their grandmother grand-mother visiting. Many Young people from Oak City attended the funeral services of Charles Williams at Leamington Leaming-ton Saturday. Oak City was surprised sur-prised at the sudden passing and offer deepest sympathy to the family and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kennedy are visiting their parents and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harris. Mrs. Kennedy Ken-nedy will remain with her parents par-ents for a month or two while he studies. Clean-up day was held Saturday. Lunch was served at noon to those working. Mrs. Beth Nielson took her Sunday Sun-day School class to Fillmore Saturday Sat-urday afternoon, where they enjoyed en-joyed the Museum and other places plac-es of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Clead Lovell and children visited from Salt Lake, with their brother, Ray and family. The Olson family report their father, Lafe Olson, improved at the LDS hospital following surgery. The lovely services for Mrs. Ly-dia Ly-dia Finlinson were largely attended The floral pieces were many and very beautiful. Many relatives and friends were in Oak City for these have them. Mr. and Mrs. Joe S. Young have moved In the Raleigh Franklin home. We are also glad to welcome wel-come them to Abraham. Little Greg Holbrook had his 2-year-old birthday on the 22nd of May, and Tracy Fullmer was 14 on Sunday, May 25. Many more happy birthdays to both of you. Brother Ray Western brought a film out and it was shown after Sunday School. It was "Feed My Sheep," and indeed should be a help to us all. Phillip Holbrook spent the weekend week-end in Bountiful with friends and relatives. Clark and Reva Bliss and Mr. r.nd Mrs. Bob Robinson, drove to the "Homestead" near Heber, Sunday, Sun-day, enjoying a beautiful spring drive. SPINET PIANO - take over payments $15.00 per month. Sizeable reduction. Yrite:- SUMMERHAYS MUSIC CO. 3719 South St. Salt Lake City. Utah Thursday, May 29, 1953 Navy Announces Guaranteed Service Schools The Petty Officer in Charge of The Navy Recruiting Station, in Provo, announced that there are Guaranteed service schools available avail-able for High School Graduates enlisting en-listing in the U. S. Navy. High School Graduates that qualify qual-ify will be guaranteed a service school in a field of their choice, be it Electronics, Medical, Aviation, Avia-tion, Nuclear or one of C2 various ratings. The term of enlistment for young men is Minority, 4 and 6 years, for young women 3, 4 and 6 years. The age requirements are 17 to 31 for the men. Men enlisting between the of 17 and 18 must have their legal guardian's consent and will be discharged the day prior to their 21st birthday. The age requirements re-quirements for young women are 18 to 26, parents' consent required if under the age of 21. A Navy Representative will be in Delta on the 1st Tuesday and Wednesday Wed-nesday of each month and the 3rd Tuesday of each month, in the Delta Del-ta library and in the vicinity of the Post Office. All young men are urged to investigate in-vestigate the opportunities available, avail-able, and guaranteed, to qualified High School graduates. Men planning to attend college are urged to investigate the NROTC programs. See your Navy Representative and get all of the information in the various programs. Drop him an intrest card, cards are available in the "Take One" box in your Post Office. services. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roper visited from Milford. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Prisbrey and family had his mother, Mrs. Prisbrey Pris-brey and a little niece, visit them a few days last week. She was going go-ing from here to Salt Lake. Her home is at St. George, Utah. Mr. Esdras Finlinson and his brother, Lennox, and his son Kit, spent a few days on a business trip to North Platte, Nebraska. They brought two registered bulls back with them. They spent two nights with Lennox's wife's people. peo-ple. Oak City School Notes The 6th grade had a graduation program Friday, May 25th. The 'following program was enjoyed by parents and other visitors: Barry Anderson was master of ceremonies. ceremon-ies. The valedictory talk was given by Margo Nielson, followed by a poem by Glen Danforth. Kathy Finlinson played a piano solo. Kenneth Olson read a poem. Jewel Jew-el Jaco'bson gave a history of the class. Connie Jacobson played a piano solo; another poem by Cor-dell Cor-dell Finlinson and a piano solo by Sidney Sue Nielson. The girls' chorus sang, also, the class rendered rend-ered a class song. Principal Thomas Thom-as Pratt awarded the certificates. |