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Show MILLARD COUNTY CHRONICLE Delta, Utah, Thurt. Nov. 88, 1&57. The Millard County Chronicle Published Every Thursday at Delta, Utah By CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY Athena B. Cook and Wanda Beckwith owners Athena B. Cook Editor Wanda Beckwith Business Manager Entered at Second Class matter at the Postoffice at Delta, Utah, under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. For Sale HOME OWNERS Don't buy any type space heating equipment or fuel until you see the amazing new ECON-O-MATIC stoker fired space heater. Clmpletely self contained and wired. All you do Is plug it in and connect to chimney. MORRIS SUPPLY CO., Hinckley, Utah, phone 3305. UI28 FOR SALEi Overstuffed set of couch and chair, maroon color, In good condition. Call 322J1. 11128 NOW HANDLING BROWNING Coal at Grant Church & Son Lbr. yard. Available In 3 grades, lump, nut and slack. Order now. E. Eugene Gardner, Delta, Ph. 1903. 1215 SPECIAL! THE LATEST IN SPUTNIK Ear Rings now at Service Drug, Delta. 1215 FOR SALE: A 262 acre farm, 190 acres under cultivation, 70 acres in crops, 50 shares Abraham water. Home and improvements. Will finance. fin-ance. Make your own terms. If Interested, contact Rawlelgh J. Franklin, at the Mrs. Geo. Talbot home In Hinckley, between Nov. 28 and 31st or by mail at 2885 Kletzke Lane, Reno, Nevada. 1128 FOR SALE: Two quarter mares, a 2-year old and a 4-year old, both broke and both gentle. Not reblster-ed. reblster-ed. Also a metal 24iorse horse trailer. See Harold Meinhardt, RFD Delta. ' 12:12 YOU saved and slaved for wall to wall carpet. Clean It with Blue Lustre. Workman's Furniture. Overall Sale Far ah Gold Strike Waist Overalls Reinforced with Nylon Vulca-Nee. "Won't wear out" "Won't turn White" 4 to 12 $2.98 D. Stevens Co., Gents Dept. See Our 35-yard Nylon (Alice Long) half slips $5.98. D. Stevens Co. See our new selection of Holiday Dresses for Girls, 7 to 14, now at D. Stevens Co., Ladies Dept. Printed Outing Flannel. Dark or Light outing 39c yd. D. Stevens Dry Goods Dept. For Ilciit APTS. FOR RENT: Partly furnished. Jacobs Ants., ph 3413, or call at 215 S. 4th West. Delta. 9I12TF t'OR RENT: 2 bedroom Xurnlshea house in Delta. Water furnished, LEGAL NOTICE Probata and Guardianship Notice. No-tice. Consult Clerk of District Court, or respective signers for Information. Jacobs Apts. Ph 3413. 9il9TF FOR RENT: one bedroom modern house, good location. Furnished, or unfurnished. See Jim Nickle, Delta, phl02L 912TF FOR RENT: 2 bedroom modern house, good location; partly furnished. furn-ished. See Jim Nickle, Ph 1021. 10J10TF FOR RENT OR SALE: Modern 2- bedroom house in Delta. See Hale Jeffery, Delta, ph 334J2. 11J23 5jj Misccllasicosss ANYONE INTERESTED In leasing or operating the Delta Cafe, please contact R. K. Jenks, 1783 West North Temple, Salt Lake City, ph EMplre 3-1636. 11128 IF YOU DONT DRINK Why Help Pay for the Accidents of Those Who Do? For your automobile insurance in-surance see Clarence C Hogan, LynndyL Utah, agent, Preferred Risk Mutual Insurance Co. 9-6 TF CAB MATS, front and rear ,n beautiful colors to match your car Red, Yellow, Blue, Tan, Turquoise. Grey,, White, Green. Delta Auto Supply, Delta, Utah. TF PHOTO TOOLS-- Guaranteed Indefinitely. Indef-initely. Your first cost Is yoor last. Delta Auto Supply. TF SEE our MINNEAPOLIS-MOLINE machinery for good buys. Done Equipment Co.. Ph. 1125 TF See our new shipment of Rockers and Lounge Chairs, a small deposit will hold the chair of your choice till Xmai D. Stevens Co., Hdwe. Lay-a-way your toys now. Shop while stocks are complete, now at D. Stevens Co., Hdwe. Dept Mattress Sale Reg. $49.95 values now $34.95, full or twin Matching Box Spring $34.95 at D. Stevens Co. Hdwe. Dept. mrr t . h ft 50 . . Well. If they've lost the ball why dont they use a Want Ad?" em Dr. A. K. Tronrud, D. C Chiropractor 4357 South State Murray. UtaJi will be In Delta every Thursday, from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. to help you in room i of HOTEL SOUTHERN RE-CORE YOUR BAD RADIATOR so you doVt hurt your engine. Use INHIBITOR to save your Re-Core. Bill's Radiator Shop, Delta. 9I20TV "Ires Balanced while you wait. KELLY SERVICE 205 West Main. Delta. 1-31-57 TF BATTERIES FOR CARS - TRUCKS: Starting at $10.95. Fully guaranteed. guarante-ed. We have sold over two thousand. thou-sand. Our batteries last from two to four years. Delta Auto Supply. 328TF MACKS 13 Auto radiator rust inhibitor and water pump lubricant. lubri-cant. Guaranteed to keep your radiator crystal clear for one year or your money back. Delta Auto Supply. 328TF SHALER RIZLONE Guaranteed to keep your engine running better or your money back. Delta Auto Supply. 328TF WE WILL SHIP HOGS every other Wednesday, Nov. 13 and 27, eta DELTA LIVESTOCK CO. TF MACHINE and CARRIAGE BOLTS all sizes. One lot of odd sizes, 13 discount Delta Auto Supply. 3128TF ATTENTION PORK RAISERS: Have your rutin, completely processed, Lard rendered and placed In 2 lb cartons. Hams, aeon and shoulder meat properly smoked and cured. Call 2811, or contace D. Stevens t Co., Meat Dept., or Dean Talbot, Hinckley, Utah. 912CTF EXPERT SEAMSTRESS: will do all kinds of sewing. Wedding dresses a specialty. See Mrs. J. E. Smith, south apt at 69 North 2nd West, Delta. Ph 3S02. 10..10TF FOR PAINTING and WALL PAPER ING: Contact R. D. Ashby or Phone 1421. 12112 No more fuss with dandruff muss use Sanldyne. Baker Pharmacy. ANYONE INTERESTED In raising Mink, contact Roy Steele before Dec. 1. I have a good deal for someone. 4.i . SUMMONS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR MILLARD COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH PHIL NIELSON and WILHELMINA NIELSON, his wife Plaintiffs -vs- J. F. GRABER and MRS. J. F. GRABER, his wife, whose true and correct name is otherwise unknown; un-known; H. B. PROUT and MARY ANN PROUT, sometimes known as Mary A. Prout, his wife, PRESTON NIBLEY and MRS. PRESTON NIB-LEY, NIB-LEY, his wife, whose true and correct name Is otherwise unknown; un-known; HENRY C. HUNTER and MRS. HENRY C. HUNTER, his wife, whose true and correct name Is otherwise unknown; VIVIAN FERN HUNTER; J. H. HEDGES and MRS. J. H. HEDGES, his wife, whose true and correct name Is otherwise unknown; MILLARD COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT NUMBER FOUR; M. M. STEELE, JR. and MRS. M. M. STEELE, JR., his wife, whose true and correct name Is otherwise unknown; JANE LA FEVRE; MELVILLE IRRIGATION COMPANY: the heirs, creditors, devisees, legatees lega-tees and personal representatives of the personal Defendants who might be deceased; the stockholders, stockhold-ers, creditors, assigns and successors success-ors in Interest of any of the above named corporate Defendants that might have ceased to exist; and all named or other persons unknown un-known claiming any right, title, estate thereon or Interest In the real property described In the complaint adverse to the Plaintiffs' ownership or any cloud upon the title thereto. Defendants THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon EIDON A. ELIASON, Attorney for Plaintiffs, whose address is Delta, Utah an answer to the complaint within 20 days after service of this summons sum-mons upon you. If you fail so to do, judgment toy default will be taken against you for relief demanded de-manded in said complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court, and a copy of which is hereto annexed and herewith served ser-ved upon you. This action Is brought to quiet title in the Plaintiffs Plain-tiffs to certain real property described des-cribed as follows: Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 in -Elock 32, Lynndyl Townsite, as amended. All of Lots 29 and 30 In Block 31, Lynndyl Townsite, as amen ded. All of Acreage Tracts Noa. 95, 96, 114, 115, 116, 117 and 118, Lynndyl Townsite, as amended, situated in the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 13, and the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 14, Township 13 South, Range 5 West, Salt Lake Base and Merldan. The South of Lot 3, Block 31, Plat "A", Delta Townsite. Dated this the 6th day of Nov ember, A. D., 1957. ELDON A. ELIASON, Attorney for Plaintiffs, Delta, Utah Plaintiffs' Address: Lynndyl. Utah First Publication Nov. 14, 1957 Final Publication Dec. 5, 1957. LYNNDYL MRS. MARY JOHNSON BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF UTAH Case No. 4519 NOTICE OF HEARING In the Matter of the Application of HAROLD A. SPENCER for a Certificate Certi-ficate of Convenience and Necessity to operate as a common motor carrier of property In intrastate commerce. Notice is hereby given that the above-entitled application of Harold Har-old A. Spencer will te heard before the Public Service Commission of Utah at its office, 310 State Capitol. Salt Lake City, Utah. onWednesday, the 27th day of November. 1957. commencing at 10:00 o'clock tug. This is an application for a certificate certi-ficate of convenience and necessity to operate as a common motor carrier car-rier of ores, ore concentrates and fluxing materials over irregular routes from and to all points within with-in a 175-mile radius of Delta, Millard County, Utah. On return movements applicant proposes to transport the following commodities: Mine supplies to the mines from which the ore Is being hauled. By Order of the Commission. Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah, this 13th day of November, 1957. C R. Openshaw, Jr. Secretary Firet Publication Nor. 21, 195T Final Publication Nov. 28, 1957. Mrs. Eleanor Nielson visited Tuesday evening in Oak City with her mother, Mrs. Jane Ashby, who is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Mamie Anderson. Mrs. Ashtoy's health is quite improved. Mrs. Nena Wilklns and son, Ray, drove to Provo for the day on Wednesday. Wednesday, Bishop and Mrs. Reed Nielson and Mr. and Mrs. Curt Johnson drove to Salt Lake for the day. The men had business at the Church Offices and the ladies shopped and visited with Mrs. Donna Haycock and girls. Miss Melody Mills entertained a group of young friends Wednesday evening at her home. It being her birthday. Miss Tammy Turner came up from Pioche, Nevada, and made an over night stay and attended at-tended the party. Games were played and refreshment enjoyed, Mrs. Margie Greathouse has her daughter, LaRae Maxwell, and her three children, home at this time. LaRae is having a siege of the mumps. Bishop and Mrs. Reed Nielson took Mrs. Lucille Nielson to Nephi Thursday, for medical treatment Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hogan left Wednesday for Los Angeles, from there they will visit with family members, Miss Romae Hogan in Englewood; Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Stephens and little daughter In Covlna, and their son, Vaughn, and family in Los Angeles. The family plans on all being together for the big day, Thanksgiving. Brother Hogan plans to return home soon after and leave his wife for a longer visit Mr. and Mrs. Curt Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nielson and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thompson, drove to Provo, Friday night and attended a Railroad Safety First meeting and banquet. They aU report having enjoyed the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shipley, Barton and Blaine Nielson also attended the event. Mrs. Lee Shipley and Barton were in Salt Lake for the day Thursday. Mrs. Lucille Overson and Keith took the two grandsons back to Salt Lake, Friday, who have been here the past ten days. They are sons of Orlene and Lloyd Christen-son. Christen-son. Mrs. Overson and Keith returned re-turned home Saturday. Miss Hazel Overson arrived home Sunday for the week, from San Francisco, where she Is employed. With her came granddaughter, Catherine Durrant, to spend the week with her grandparents, the William Oversons. Elder Bryant Jones was here to church Sunday evening with the program. With him were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith also of Sutherland, who are converts to the church and are quite recent in this country from Denmark. Following their talks, Mrs. Jones sang, "The Bridge Builder" and her accompanist was Mrs. Virginia Johnson. Mr. and Mrs Tillman Johnson and children were over night visitors visi-tors at the Lile Johnson home Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mallett have returned to their home In Santa , ft s -. v With nations throughout the world flaunting power ... the word of God, as set down in the Bible centuries ago, is still the greatest power on earth. This year again, millions of Americans of all faiths will join in daily Bible reading from Thanksgiving to Christmas. The American Bible Society invites you to join along with people from all over the rest of the world, in reading the verses listed below, which were selected by numerous denominations... in the interest of Worldwide understanding, and putting to work, in the direction of good, all power, the world over. NOVEMBER 28 Thanksgiving. . . Micah 6:6-8 29 Psalms 90:1-17 30 rsalms 103:1-22 DECEMBER 1 Advent Sunday Romans 13:7-14 2 James 1:1-27 3... Genesis 1:1-31 4 Psalms 8:1-9 5 Psalm 139:1-24 6 Matthew 20:17-29 7 Ephesians 4:1-32 8 Universal Bible Sunday Exodus 20:1-17 9 Matthew 22:15-40 10 Romans 8:14-39 11 I Corinthians 13:1-13 12 I John 4:1-21 13 Matthew 5:1-23 14 Matthew 5:27-43 15 Sunday Matthew 6:1-18 16 Matthew 6:19-34 17 Matthew 7:1-29 13 John 3:1-17 19 Titus 2:1-15 20 Isaiah 11:1-9 21 Isaiah 53:1-12 22 Sunday John 1:1-13 23... Hebrew. 1:1-14 24 Matthew 1:13-25 i 25 Christmas... Matthew 2:1-12 J OAK CITY MT.s..p.iAS n. c:::?tE? At the Sunday evening services, Sunday, the speakers were Mr. and Mrs. Reed Lovell. All enjoyed their interesting remarks. Prayers were given by Parley Elder and Bryce Finlinson. The choir furnished the music with Ray Finlinson leading and Edith Finlinson as organist. Bishop Anderson gave a few remarks re-marks on the blessing to be thankful thank-ful for. Janet Finlinson visited her folks from Salt Lake on Saturday and Sunday, also Mr. and Mrs. Leo Finlinson had their daughter, Mai-die Mai-die Arnold, and children visiting. Students home over the weekend from BYU were Miss Dixie Dutson, Miss Pauline Lovell and Garry Roper. Mrs. Mae Shipley went to Salt Lake Thursday with her grandson, Barton Shipley. They visited especially especi-ally at the Wesley Shipley home to see the little new granddaughter. Mr. and Mrs. Junior (Rosalea Anderson) Call and 'baby spent the weekend in Oak City from Sunset. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Anderson and daughter Arlene spent the weekend visiting In California with Ronald Anderson and wife. Mrs. Dorothy Roper Hall and baby visited the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roper, and other relatives. Idaho is her home. Monica, Colif., after visiting here with Mrs. Mary Freer and the Harry McCardells. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Shipley axe to'l'ng aV-ov.t fie r.r-ival of a new L.iiu f aiidiiaugliter, boi.i I.'ov. 20. at Murray. Little brothers Craig, Roger and David will be glad to have a little sister. At present Craig and Roger are staying with the grandparents in Oak City. The parents are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin of Sandy, Utah. Stake Fireside Chat was held Sunday evening in Delta following sacmrncat 'services. A large group of Explorers and Mia Maids attended at-tended and enjoyed the evening. Mrs. Minnie Ashby 4s with her sister, Mrs. Mary E. Anderson, visiting. visi-ting. She has been ill but her health is improving since she came lo Oak City. THESE WOMEN! By (fAlessio II I can see us now... in. a little orchid-covered cottage..." H 4 r I; 5 ; J ft. t s- Jr - r -8. : 4 " " s 5. 4 Dwarfing a big semi-trailer truck, one pair of electrostatic preclpifalors at Geneva Works is shown nestled between two open hearth stacks at U. $. Steel's Columbia 'Geneva Steel Division mill near Provo, Utah. The precipitators, actually huge magnets, were designed and installed at a cost of nearly $9,000,000 lo eliminate a unique problem caused by the high fluorine content of Utah iron ore. Before installation, some of the smoke and dust billowing from the plant settled on pasture land in the area surrounding the mill. Now, thanks to the giant precipitators nearly all of the effluents from the iteelmill't open hearths end sintering plant are collected in giant hoppers and safely disposed ef. Gneat mft Meas 11 " .f"- ! toe L . . v',; i( : r- .. .,. v fc&MHflifr; jv'. ''mm , v . . v, I ..... -.- i . J (v,t ..'; t J ": - ' ' ' VJC.;., I - " ; ' f '- y - ' " " ; VJ ! , 1 11 . ' . ; 7; r f v o: ' v ; ! l I '.j' : W, f- : ' ' . .- ! to -:- j j r ij Lk. :.-!) u!drfi Great gift-wrap! This is the package you give. Exciting. Different. Specially jftizntd. Great bourbon! This is the whiskey you give. Kentucky's top bourbon in a great gift bottle. Great drink! This is the pleasure you give. Smooth Old Stagg make every drink jrett! IS MMF ITASfi DISTILLING COMPANY, FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY 1 |