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Show ESSE BALLROOM DANCING Course of 8 Weekly Lessons at SI per lesson Per couple TIME: 7: to 8 p.m. FRIDAY EVENINGS First class 30 January, 1953 in studio above Delta Drug (Mercer's). Entrance at rear on 3rd west bt. At least 6 couples must register, or tSH will be no class. If too many come for one class another will be arranged. Eileen's School of Dancing - Phone 142-J4 Announce Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Roper, of Oak City, wish to announce the en gagement of their daughter, Afton, to Howard Dutson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emery Dutson, of Oak City. (Vr"edding arrangements will be announced later. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry King spent Sunday and Monday in Baker. Ne vada, where they visited her fath er, John Fielding. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Taylor and children, Johnnie and Joy, from Cedar City, visited An Delta over me weenena wun ineir mower, Mrs. Elida Taylor and family. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Baker and their mothers, Mrs. Maude Stevens of Holden and Mrs. Ethel Baker of Fillmore, visited in Cedar City and St. George over the weekend. Jf Si O 1 i , ;' -J J ' i A V5 r1 iff h -'ft si H 1 i ?,i , JT i k' '( fi . i sii rtii -ft; r .ji ... iM ii - iinifiral.itm i If H i As featured In CHARM. Ok OVER AND ABOVE ALL . . . ta versatile short coat, cropped to a new length to top the slim skirts so fashion-smart fashion-smart these days! Rhythmic lines in curving stitched sleeve and back detail, soft shawl collar and trim, slit pockets add a feminine touch in nulby wood boucle . . . styled by Betty Rose. Pink, beige, gold, red or blue. Sizes 8-18. Exclusively ours, $39.95 f D E LTfl'S , V DEPflRTmEHT STORE J) I-it) ! pfonro IX -Li. O S 'ttf' WorliTttp dilating record for if Nr"-; F I .(W0 m4er 15:57.4 minutot THIS KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY fULli AGED WHISKEY IS 4 YEARS OLD IS PROOF . THE HILL 1 KILL CO.. LOUISVILLE. KY. Short Course In Aerial Spraying February 4-5 A short course for aerial spray ing and dusting hatbeetj plan?; ea Dy tne extension service in cooperation with the Utah State Experiment Station. This school is the first of its kind ever to have been held in Utah, and will be held on the Utah State Agricultural Agri-cultural Campus on February -1 and 5. A full two day program has been worked out on the different aspects of weed control, defoliation, defolia-tion, and range seeding by air. They will receive expert attention from scientists of Utah and neighboring neigh-boring states. Anioung the featured speakers i on the program will be W. O. j Marsh, Marsh Aviation Co., Phoe-1 nix, Arizona, who will discuss general gen-eral application problems in spray- j ing and dusting. Dr. L. A. Stod-dart Stod-dart of the Utah State Agricult- j ural College Range Management Department will point out recent recommendations for reseeding and applying herbicides for weed control on range lands. (i The legal aspects of aerial spraying will be presented by Allen H. Barr, assistant regional attorney of the Civil Aeronautics Administration, Los Angeles, Calif. The farmers' point of view re garding areial spraying will be pointed out by Delbert Fuhriman, a flying farmer, A. W. Chambers, canning crops and alfalfa seed grower, and Samuel Abbott, a general gen-eral farmer. L. L. Friederich, vice-president Wenatchee Air Service, Wenatchee, Washington, will discuss the responsibilities re-sponsibilities of operators to the customer, the profession, and the public. As a final highlight of the pro gram, Mr. March will discuss and demonstrate with planes flown from Washington, Colorado, and California, application problems, design of equipment and operations. Housing and meals will be avail able at the Rural Art Building and the U. S. A. C. cafeteria on the campus. Anyone interested in at tending the school, contact the County Agents' office as soon as possible. Follies JSeoro iiit At ims 'Lullaby of Broadway", theme Oi the Follies presented by Delta high school chorus and band groups, j.m Wednesday and Thursday Thurs-day night5.(J:ored a hit with audiences. aud-iences. There were six scenes, and many j fine solos, dances and group num-i num-i bers. Evan Christensen was direc tor, with Iris Holman as student di recto,-. r?i 'ihe finale was especially impressive, im-pressive, when the band marched on stage. They played "Nightbeat", and the chorus and band combined combin-ed for Stouthearted Men and Give My Regards to Broadway. HZJS VllA Hear Ileautv Talk The Delta chapter of the Future Homemakers of America held a meeting Jan. 19 in the Home Economics Ec-onomics departments of the Delta high school. Pres. LaRue Anderson was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Lucille Stephenson was the guest speaker. She gave a demonstration demon-stration on the "Care of the Skin" and Hair" and "Methods of Improving Im-proving your Complexion," which proved very beneficial. ' Margaret Hansen and La el Hilton Hil-ton were in charge of the refreshments refresh-ments which consisted of hot choc olate and sandwiches. Their next meeting will be held the first week of February. Mr. and Mrs. Del Searle, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Broderick, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fullmer, Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peterson attended the funeral funer-al services in Loa Friday for their oncle, Levi Taylor, 83, well-knowoi cliurch and civic worker there. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Sampson celebrated their forty-third wedding wed-ding anniversary Saturdayjfnd had a family party that evening. Clinton Sampson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lon Sampson, has gone to Glenwood, Colorado, where he is employed. Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Peterson were in Salt Lake City the first of thfveek to attend the convention conven-tion of Ford dealers. Abraham PEGGY FRANKLIN Tuesday afternoon in Relief Society So-ciety the outgoing officers were given a party in their honor. Eleanor Ele-anor Murray, AVton Fullmer and Delia Deem, who represented her sister, Lucile, were1 each given a beautiful coronation rose and rose corsage and a book "Silver Chalice," Chal-ice," "The Greatest Book Ever Written," and "The Greatest Story Ever Told." Emily Young gave a presentation talk to the ladies. Then games were played and prizes priz-es given and a lovely luncheon was furnished and served by the new Abraham Relief Society presidency. presi-dency. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Johnson and daughters, Jackie and Jill, visited vis-ited in Flowell Sunday with Phyllis' Phyl-lis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Robinson. Gib Day, John Baker and Raleigh Franklin made a trip to Spring Valley and Callao Tuesday to see a tractor demonstration. Mrs. Reva Bliss was a Salt Lake City visitor Friday and while she was up there she visited with Becky Schena in the LDS hospital and reported her as in very fine spirits. Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Fullmer and foujf children from Magna visited hercitfer the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fullmer. Full-mer. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barker made a trip to Salt Lake City Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Marstella and small daughters, and Dick's brother broth-er visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Taylor. Barbara and the baby will remain here for a week's visit with her parents. Several folks have been down with this ole flu again this week. Garland Johnson made a business busin-ess trip to Provo Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Fullmer attended at-tended a; birthday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cor-bett Cor-bett on the South Tract Sunday. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Frankinl and sons met at a family fam-ily get-together at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Talbot In Hinckley. Home movies, cards; visiting vis-iting and supper were enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Dee Bennett and Shirley Lee, Brent and Dee of Provo, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Wilkins and daughter, Linda oi l-ynndyl, Mrs. Fred Wilkins, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Warner and daughter, Lee, and Mr. and Mrs. George Talbot. MILLARD COUNTY CHRONICLE Delia. Utah, Thursw Jan. 29. ISS3 Auxiliary 117 t o Ciive Hooks iiieuclore (Jue Jensen Post Unit Hi, v. met .Uonaayiglit, Ja Ui H p.m. in tne Legion Hail. ' -Material was given 10 Hmetaey uigii scnuol to start Uieir essay ! contest. ine Auxiliary has purchused 11 copies oi Legionaire Uare.ice la-mon la-mon s great American classic, "The Key to Peace," and will present copies to schools in Delta, Hinckley, Hinck-ley, Sutherland, Oak City, Leamington, Leam-ington, and Lynndyl, and also to Delta City library. It is tne hope of the national American Legion Auxiliary to have copies of this book in every high school and college library in the United States. The Poppy Program ias discus-red discus-red and poppies ordered. Next meeting will be held Monday, Mon-day, Feb. 9, at the home of President Presi-dent Iva Mitchell at 7:30 p.m. Will Organize llallroom Ilanee Eileen's School of Dancing is offering a course In ballroom dancing, dan-cing, starting this Friday evening. Various people have importuned Mrs. Smith for this course. A minimum min-imum of six couples is necessary for the class. Any couples who are Interested In ballroom dancing may register with Mrs. Smith, or come to the class Friday evening, in the studio above Delta Drug. The classes may be joined at any time. They will be conducted as a social club and promise to gprovide pleasure as well as pro ficiency in dancing. It seems to me it's about time they were fixing that bad place in the road where the drain digger dig-ger went through. It's caused 'way too much trouble and damage already. al-ready. Mr. arffl Mrs. Jay Fullmer's young son, Rodney, had a tonsil operation opera-tion at the Delta hospital Tuesday. FOR BETTER RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE CHRONICLF Tune m a 1111,3 TV yi&i i hi I p,p f 4 7 J- ' T V c-. 1 V . ; IT I ' ' HARLEQUIN ot in In SEVENTEEN At bewitching a drew os vtr stepped Into lummertlmel Harlequin diamond shapee cuire the bodice, round the hlpe. Startle etripet call attention to narrow waUL lull eJdrt. The fabric's I. P. Stereo' Sanlorlied Kjhland Park dobbf chambray with white bakel-weave etripe . . . a Vicky Vaughn exclusive. Make it yours. Wo, in grey, brown W green with white. Sizes 9 to 15. FANDANGO S7.98 at .n in CUMOUI And what a gay fandango this Toni Todi in Cohn-Kall-Man new tiapunto-Iike embossed cotton that's wrinkle-shy wrinkle-shy and pieehrunk. It s the deep-collared coatdre&s with high-rise midriff that makes your waist seem . . well, not there at ail. Skirt'e wonderluily wide for dancing or just to be eeen In! Cold, bittersweet, ccpri blue, mint green. Iliac, peony or cocoa. Sixes 12 to 20. S7.93 |