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Show SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1026 POLLYANNA COLYUM Few men suiokc between inealu they eat between smokes. The value of u dress suit in a small town Is determined, by the number of men it will tit We are beginning to Bee through some of the designs that the modistes have on women. ' ' .SATURDAY, JANUAttv Industrial Development Of Utah County Depends Upon Taxation and Frieght Rates Report kuloner of 10 Hit I'i'u ii.i.. Ul, Stat., of I tali the condition of THE BANK OF AMERICAN FORK lm.al(,j at A.n.ricHn-rork m tin lM f nah, State ot Ut-U. at the ..j,,,, o! business on the 31st day .of 1 ( i rni.er, I'-1- ' By E 8. Hinrkley. Secretary" Provo Chamber of Commerce i;i-:sonu- U'MH ui'l I :-'.""; -(r.rilra:'- t.fK-ks, lionds and S'1- !ank:n:.' !.'. !-?irnii nr-- nd Fixture; i Our agricultural outlook is eiceed lingly bright. There Is much to en. I courage our cattle men; our wool 'growers are enjoying the high tide of , ,.,..,- tcM Kst it" Owned No doubt all of us have observed prosperity, The poultry business is, the Industrial conditions of the United rapidly forging ahead and the dairy. , States closely enough to know that men are making substantial progress..: national progress and prosperity is j A new impetus has been given to the great fundamental to local pro. j 'he truck gardener and Intensive ,f gress and 'prosperity. Hut still there ', farmer. A real demand has develop- s . ; ir ii other Kaiik: !,,...k.-' on i-'h'T hanks ir, :u:- tow r- 4B6.02 4.t;t.VT 740.90 21 1,27.".. 17 iii When a girl decides to marry a struggling young author, said uuther might just as well stop struggling. Mother "Children, here's a quarter. Go down to the saloon and get your Ice cream cone and soda water. And on youjr way back, stop in the drug tore and bring your father home." EPITAPH Here lies grandma, her head on a stone, Who wore red flannels In the torrid zone. Florida needn't worry for a while yet. She has enough climate to ac commodate millions. all ac. "Thank Heaven, my wife had her teeth pulled." "Why the Jubilation on that count?" "Why, now she can't chew the rag anymore." It la better If bought In New York, eh? Well, where do you suppose the Main Street merchant buys his stock? Fable: Once upon a time there was a newspaper published that never made any of Us subscribers mad. Hope and bustle make a wonderful comtoinaion when they form a part-ne.rship To a man who has had three wives there is no such thing as a safe and sane fourth. Customer: Do you mind If I steal a kiss? Waitress: Not in the least, providing provid-ing you don't steal it from me. can be, and often Is, a real nadouai ; ed for Tlah 'celery, head lettuce, am' forward movement and general pros, j sweet Spanish onions. A survey will perity whn-m--isolated dlstrlc , soon be completed by our agricultural may not be influenced by the move I committee on " celery possibilities in menL Ordinarily, however, local '''ah County. prosperity goes hand In hand withj w are intensely-interested in ag. national prosperity. jricuhural development. It is funda- Mr. 'A. W. fchaw, edl.or of System, mental to our progress and prosperity speaking of the underlying trend of We believe with the great English f L-rreii'i ' Til! ! I $ til.tl.l 2.01 fi 4.'. .'.il'.O.IHI 2.2r. 4 , in. in) .-j on I land ill.s i:U71.'.t . $i.o::i, ino.38 her, 1925. s. l. swenson: Correct Attest: O. E. GRUA, '" j. R. HALUDAY. W. S. CHIPMAN, . pirectors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of January, 1926, , s JUNUS A. WEST, ,Seal) . Notary TubllC. My Commission expires 8th day of August, 1927. ' . . State of Utah, Office of Bank Commissioner: Com-missioner: I, Seth Plxton, Dank Commissioner of the State of Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, tr:o and correct copy of the statement o tin above nnr:i d company, filed in my office this 6th day of January, 192C. SETH PIXTON, Rank Commissioner. First Publication January 9, 1926. Q inn. running ntVer w Cunning nlznlfi. r with enjoyment and a' J atH Priority. Jr i, nsoo!attT! nJ dull conceit, and wl ,! ' W want of nympsthy or .ffli" the intenses, rendering "J" fcsolufe and iftter .-. J' Women of M,eCf : Tb two most Influential i. ;he one on the doli, ' T " rundy.-Ran Frnn. i. V"4 1 i ;,j S 1 1 business, says: "A bit of observation discloses that this country runs on four cylinders: . . "Industrial activity; the export position; the credit situation; agrl. cultural activity." He then proceeds to show that at this time our country is clearly hitting on all four and the general outlook for 1926 Is bright. Sizing up our local situation on this basis our first cylinder, industral activity. Is in all probabllty, some, what muffled and, therefore., not as stronglyeffective as we . would lik to see It. The two outstanding prob. Hem facing-the manufacturer in this district are first, our high rate cf taxation, and second, our excessive transportation rates t If this section Is to become an In dustrial center, if our endless variety and quantity of raw materials are to become the source of great rnanu, facturlng plants in our own section our statesmen and law givers must open the way and make it possible through establishing equitable taxa. tlon and transportation charges. Lying In the Great Basin, our local export position has reference only to what we ship out of our own state. It Is gratifying to, know that our export trade In farm products this 1925 is more than double that of the previous, year. This means that our products are becoming better known, our producers and distributers are sending out better packs and thereby creating greater demands for our products. From every angle It would appear that our export position and our ag. U. lUMTlKS ,i! ?:; 1; P..id in sen wl for Tuxes and lii:i'i-t ..$ uO.iillO.00 7;,,ijiHUio ALPINE NEWS statesman, John Bright, that "unless our fields are propeTly cultivated grass will grow in our city streets." i U'-h.tv.'iI for Depredation.... o ; Due' to oth'T Hank-' , ... I ifprrs i ! s Sill'ji t ,o Ch-'.-k 2.-.2.:t!Mi.i2 r.i,hiers ch"ds 2.::u.27 Pivideiids Cnpaifl 2m.imi 27,!ti2..r)S 24,".7S.9r 192,10.i.0 Local Boy To Succeed Lehi Coach Hoss W. Nielsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Nielsen of this city, has been selected by the Board of Education Educa-tion of this school district to succeed J. Wallace West on the Iehl high school faculty. Mr. West has accepted accept-ed a position as one of the physical education directors of the U I). S. U. Mr. Nielsen, a graduate of tne local" high school, occupied a prominent place In athletic circles duringhls 3chooI terms not only here but after leaving American Forkf His friends are looking for some good work along this line from Mr. Nielsen and wish him the best of success. Tt al I it imiti'l 1 Time (Yrtilira'es Savings H-posit-? Total Time ii.'i SilMiHise Ca-h er . ... -posin 2'.4,9S7.69 2t;.ss:i.:::i ;7'.i.'if;'.i,!i sr., .'. . 4or..924.0S 47.-....1 71.4:: ?i.n:;i.ii'i.:!.s Report I Made to the BanK Commissioner of tne State of Utah of the condition of THE PEOPLES STATE BANK OF AMERICAN FORK located at American Fork In the county of Utah, State of Utah, at the close of business on the 31st day of December, 1925. RESOURCES' Loans and Discounts 240.8.'.3.31 Overdrafts 163.58 Stocks, Bonds and Securities. Se-curities. Etc , i,h:.oi. Banking House 18,000.09 Furniture and Fixtures Other Real Estate Owned 6,r.fi8.09 15,600.00 Total "tii'.- of I tail. utility of 1 tan: V. S. Cli'paian. 'ViiiK lirst duly -worn ai corilir.:; to i i.v, deposes and says that he is Cashier of the above named !-aitk : t 'int. the u'.kuc and fore-voiiic fore-voiiic report contains a full, true and corn-et sta'ement of the condition of th" said bank at the close of business on the :11 st day of December, 192."). W. S. CHIPMAN. Correct Attest: STKPHKN L. CHIPMAN, A. B. ADAMS. THOMAS CODDINGTON. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this uth day of January, 1926. II. C. JOHNSON, (Seal i Notary Public. Residence American Fork, Utah. My Commission expires 24th day of August. 1927. State of Utah, Office of Bank Commissioner: Due from Other Banks 26.03fi.S3- Sl'lh F!d"! Commissioner rf the State of I tah, do hereby certify DUIERICKS There was once a lucky young Mr. Who was pleased with a charming Kid Sr. A fellow named Sid Fell In love with the Kid And as for Kid Sr. ' Sid Kr. Girls believe the difference be. tween misfortune and a fortunate "Miss Is an engagement "ring. She placed burnt offerings before him,' three times a day, so she must worship him even If she don't love him. "Deacon," said the parson, softly, "will you lead us in prayer?" "Dea. con.' this time In a little.,louder voice, "will ycu lead?" Still no response. Evidently the deacon was slumbering. The parson made a third appeal and raised his voice to a high pitch that succeeded In arousing the- drowsy man. "Deacon,- will you lead?" The deacon in bewilderment ' rubbed his heavy eyes and blurted: "Ijead your, aelf I just dealt" A woman very seldom notices any detrtoVation In her husband's clothes, but. she is very quick to pick up any chanr.e Jn his trousers. Eating oranges will prevent "bald, ness. says a scientist. Maybe this ex. plains the Florida real estate boom. She laughed up her sleeve. It was a naked laugh. Absence makes the heart go yonder. Check$ V$ed in Bu$ine$$ More than nine-tenths of the business busi-ness of the UiUted,SU)lcs Is done with checks and drafts. This Is even a greater proportion than In England, where Hie ImnKInk' uni clearing i.oiim-friN'!ii i.oiim-friN'!ii I o'.h-r ibaii America's. ricultural activity are facing a com paratively sure and bright future. K'heckB on other banks llow about that third rvllnder. the ln same town 19, .9, credit situation? Money Is compara.!uo,a 4jo.hu tively abundant and may be had at Sllver 1.528.84 very reasonable rates for legitimate Currency :.. .. 3.721.00 enterprises. j T;al Cash on Hand For years past the Iron and steel j Miscellaneous Industry has been considered the' best national, financial themometer. Total $329,4:!.91 Whether this atllln holds a-ond mnv I LIABILITIES Mrs. L. Bates, Reporter. Mr. and Mrs. Lovell Nelson of Troy, Montana, were holiday guests of Mrs. Nelson's sister, Mrs. Charles Clark. Mr and Mrs. D. J. Strong enter, tained at a family dinner New Year's day. C"overs were laid for the follow, ing besides the host and hostess: Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Baxter and children or Salt Uke, Mr! and Mrs. Fred Strong and children of American Fork, and Mr, and Mrs. Earl Devey and children and Mr. and Mrs. RIDE THE "OREM LINE" for SAFETY nd ECONOMY 'tin. l . 2c PER flT Bnr either ket or 500 mile mileage bookt WEEK-END EXCURSION RATES NOW 11 I? CENT! PER MILE Ask your agent for particulars,' SALT LAKE & UTAH R.R. HENRY I. MOORE and D P ABERCROMBIE. Receive' ftalph Strongr of Alpine. I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McDaniel en. j tertalned at dinner New Year's day i he following guests, Mr. and Mrs. j Arch McDaniel and children, Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Strong Jr., of Salt Lake, Mr: and Mrs. Jos. H. Beck and Dr. and Mrs. Karl Beck and children of Provo, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bates of American Fork, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McDaniel of Alpine. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Loy Be,ck New Year's Day were Mr. and Mrs. J C. Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bates, Mrs. David Wilkin and children, chil-dren, Vernal Bates, Miss Lilly Ham-nett, Ham-nett, and George Boddison. Ko more losses frca Q -UP William Hamnett spent New Year's day with his daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wilkin at Magna. that the foregoing' is a full, true and r.,SS2.Sl 2."i2.:tS ' correct copy of the statement n' he above named company, filoil in my office this 7th day of January, Hi2. SKTH I'lXTON, Bank Commissioner. First Publication January f 192ii. Mr, and Mrs. Alma Hamnett and daughter, Mrnd Mrs. J. C. Healey jand daughter Zora, Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Beck, Mr. and, Mrs. Leland Beck, and Mrs. Will Healey spent th'i j first two days of the New Year with iMr, and Mrs. Omer Hall at Magna. be a question. At any rate it Is one of the leading determining factors of national prosperity. This leads us to cur own interest In the development of coke, iron and te 1 In our own valley. Can we handle the two jocal problems TAX. AT ION and TRANSPORTATION in a legal and satisfactory way to encour. age rapid development? Capital Stock Paid In Surplus Fund Undivided Profits Reserved, for Depreciation ... Due to Other Banks Deposits Subject to Check 9:t.2SM.6S Cashier's Chocks I.4 21 Certified Chocks 4".32 Dividends Unpaid S.r.O Total Demand Deposits $ 4nii.oo- Report m.orio.OO j Made to tno Uank commissioner of s:.!tflS,tne gtat0 of t,tah ()f the (.()mjitlon ()f ."..ouii.OO i THE BANK OF PLEASANT GROVE - "J I located at Pleasant Grove in th county of Utah. State of Utah, at the close, of business on the ulst day ,f December. t'i2.,. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs David Bateman were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wattisof Salt Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Lovell Nelson of Troy, Montana. Mrs. Ellis Terry left Tifesday for a week's visit with her husband at the clay beds at Cedar Valley. The third and national problem which fncea the Iron and steel In.JTime Certificates 19.141.67 dustry ln our locality is the enormous 'havings Deposits 12S.712.60 importations of pig Iron and coke, more particularly on our west coast, During the present year hundreds of thousands f tons of pig iron has been dumped in our ports from foreign countries. It Is interesting to note that in December 10, 1925, Issue cf Iron Ase, there Is a strong plea for the restoration restora-tion of an equitable tariff on pig Iron. At the' present time foreign Iron is being unloaded on the west coast cheaper than we can manufacture it. This industry should be fostered in our state and doubly so now that Utah has given final evidence of becoming a great oil producing center. In addition to the great wealth that will come to us from oil, enor. mous quantities of steel pipe will be required to carry the crude oil from points of production to manufacturing centers. We should therefore, lend our strength to make it. posslblo for the most rapid development of the steel industry. in our valley. During the present year we have heard much of the possible develop, menr-of a cast iron plp plant; of a glass pottle jlant and, a.cblna factory; From present appearances allv these Industries are Waiting to ee Just what the early future will determine rpenrdrntr taxes and -freight- ratis. These seem to he tile determining problems in the minds all would.be manufacturers In this', section Total Time Deposits Other Bills Payable Suspense KESOUR.CKS 9l',S(i".?l Loans and Discounts I Overdrafts J Banking House 147.S."! "? ' Furniture and Fixtures 2r.on(ni0 ()'her Ileal lM!e Owned 214 4t ',,u from (h . Cash Items Total ;.. $:i20,4'.i'i M Gold Stiite of Utah. County Of Utah: i Silver Clifford E. Young, being flrnt d'llv Currency swum according to law. deposes ;nd i Total Cash 'on Tl.taT says that he is Cashier of the above s- ,,)' ,;, v S'.a-i.pi named bunk; th:t the above and fixe- soing report contains a full, true and' Total correct statement of the, condition of the said bank at the close of business on the .list day1 of lVcember, 1 02.".. CLIFFORD E. YOI'Mi. Correct Attest: W. H. CHIPMAN, JOS. H. STORRS, WM. THORNTON, Di roc tors. Subscribed and sworn to befo-o me this ?th day of January. 1926. :in.S . . $1.2 'U I;: .", ii'i 2 VI !'i t .:m2 -mi $27!.4.Sx.:,l l9!i,o:, s's.:',6 111.. "Vl", I 97.4 '1 Mrs. Glenn Terry and daughters (arrived Monday from Cedar Valley jfor a few days visit with relatives! The speakers at the M. I. A. con-j con-j joint meeting Sunday evening were j Elders Kfrkham and Crabb of Iehl. They gave some very interesting, ac. Counts of their misalnnnrir laHnm on. ... ........ j ........ u nuu a solo was rendered by Elder Crabb. R. "42.62 j The Parent.Teachcrs Association ;ill hold a meeting in the Alpine j School house Thursday evening Jan. ' H- Dr. Guy Richards of Lchl will be the speaker. . Koitp has driven many a poultry-man poultry-man out oi business. Those serious seri-ous losses durinp month irhen egfrs are highest! Yet v.e guaran tee that you can avoid this blight. Mrs P.Lanford.ofBlake,0kla.. says: "I've lost numberi cf chickens listening to other people's recommendations of different dif-ferent kinds of rouo remedies. Now I am ordering Pratts which I know will cure as I have used it before." . fit. KOUD ffr Remedy TabiaU tt Powd To Our Cuttomtrt: V't stni btinihm Kaup Rmtiy nwcfMiiunwnv. four it ran tamfUu ittujMuinvyour mmyutianm Sold and Guaranteed hy CHIPMAN MERCANTILE Ctt NATIONAL WESTEBH STOCK SHOW DENVER, COORADO January 16 to 23, 1926 Special Rates Via ' - DENVER & BIO GRANDE WESTEEU RAILROAD ROUNDTRIP FABE .. $30.08 Tuv.t. nn aaTo .Tanuary 1 to - Return trip must be compW original starting point by aUjf of January 26, 1926. o w Excellent program of JfJJ: Judging! Pure-Bred Llvest l tWJ. and Boys' and Girls' Club Dem stratlons. Matinees. TgnJJ. day and Saturday of Show untuani nomo - , , 1 1 1 (it;, 'is." I i.iAitn.i h;:s I Capital Stock Paid in . ; Surplus K'ltiil Reserved for Taxes and Interest j Deposits Si.'Ject ' to Check , $ i s; I Cashier's Checks 2.?:. 1.1.4 ! Dividends I'npaid Ivh im) j Total Denmnd Deposits UTinia Ccrtiflcai.).; Ct-, K iSavlnns Deposit 2rtu,t14.i;n j Total Time Deposits Cash Over. Call The : ".I. '"I. .Ml J."i.l'liii..il '.2i.:;4 '.v.Tt'.s.tCt 1 ft.",:', 'is '111 CLYDE P. CROOK STDN. i.SfaD Notary PaMio. My Commission expires 3rd day 0f August, 1927. Stuto if T'fnli nmo nt TJoi, r- .... - , . ...... v. .'nun Hill- m . . n.lssloner: ' , 1H"' H'',.t.sr,4T I. SetU Piston.. Rank CommW!.nMr State.. of I'tuh. fouuty f val ef the K'nte of I'tah, tin herein-. rurMfy ! S. L. Swenson. a- tir,, ,( ,: tnot Die foregonTir W a'Tuir.'Tn fV ;vn'il 'UPTOMmg f. !.'. ' correct copy of the tatnrecnt n' -he '"'at lie is j -t;i: above named ciwrany... flletj ,n ,:!V a'mve named lunk Rfflce.thls 7Ui dny of Januirv 'T'-es miij say 8 t'.islii.T of the til.l! the a'x.ve andforei;i)ing rc,, it s .. fM.in i'ia 1 , ir ami corr- ft stnt-nv Mt Tin n V o . 1 : I . r . . . . i-inn t ! him is s nut ir, 1 h ii u ui in-1 si-tj icink ;tt iht r First .Publication Jammrv o. lv j of business dm M i i. .r 'i 1 oi pin- BIG RED TRUCK when you have anything to be transferee! anywhere- Miiytime. Telephone 185J 1 IRVING L. PRATT tin Cut Flowers V 'mo a sip(;iariii(r assoi-triieht of vefT fiiieflawc -We grow all we sell, so you get them Fresh tlipy last very nmch loiter and look better. Mail us your Drders or telephone at our expeuse r Mrr f )ine ami select iust what voiilikc;. T .1 m a s t Uii'vi1 ri'.":i 1 |