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Show 1 TURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1926- ' AMERICAN FORK "CITIZEN SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1925 '317 Officers lalie Over City Administration Pleasant Grdve Locals j gfjy vrlnjr to close the city business tL the old administration the .city ker. convened In two sessions, one . . .i iihnr Janunrv Liuary na "-' r t t'me the city business l'1' .. .... ami fmlnuini the mi s." 11,0 ""7 B,!l Vl irausairiru wan iui- W Ol 11 ioiiard Walter, ano ueor. ouw. Uioned that a tU.n be taken by the w : a mtH riinniii? job leep'i'K ' - ; Uk from ..t;ai' v r- v ,r- been flost'd ly -er ..c-. Cter was referred to the City At-r At-r . an iimwtr to be lfel Monday evening, . He follow ins ci ly offloerij; reports ten read. te veil and ordered filed t recorder: Sexton K. S. Humphries report for Wmber. also for the year is:. Water Work Superintendent aien- L,Nielni report for Decemicr, !5a iatemi'ri! of collections for year. fcSM.99 . ' goad Supervisor Hogen Nielson a Lport for iiwriiii f uecemoer, ivn: Manihal 0. R- Winter's report wring the Ave year period 1921 to 125 incluBive showing arrests, bail bi lines collecteti, aiao jueuuc Lark done during this, period. Pound Keeper L. P. Harvey's re- Jort (or ths year 1925. City Treasurer Maria , F. Smith t rA Lrt (or December were neia over Ltil Monday evening, ' Januarjf 4, John 8. Holdaway of City Proqery lommlttee reported that M" ho met iitk the bishops of the three --wards Mk reference to grantlnu r Beubea omlinion and Qlfton Clark permH-;oa permH-;oa to build a merchants concession h the northwest corner of Pioneer tore and stated that the fchurch liithortties had rejected thlj propo rtion. . .. and suggested that investigation tinue with ths object of safeguarding safeguard-ing the city's intereit In this matter of lighting service. Recommendation was made that a commmittee be ap- iiomiea to continue thia work. The bonds of the incoming mayor and recorder were approved by Mayor a. J. Hayes. The newly elected city council met In regular session Monday night i " January 4th, with Mayor Krank n Newman presiding, roll called show ing all members present. Because of the late hour recommen dation and approving of councilmen's bonds was postponed to the regular meeting of January 16. The motion of Niels Puaal -arrirt unanimously that the mayor appoint two councllmen to act with himself U a commute to continue invest! gatlon of city power plant.. Mayor Newman appointed Fred C. Shoell, chairman of this committee with Joseph Olpln and himself to act as associates, which was approved by the council. Pleasant Grove People Invited Councilman Fred C. Shoell of the titer works committee reported that Be water works committee had Jrdered a car load of 4-incb and 6-lncli pit iron pipe with proper couplings Ind lead to be delivered l5 the latter brt of February, 1926. Dr. J. L. Huchel of the Streets Pe- lartment reported charges or claims bade by Fugal Brothers for wiring Iid repairs to wiring In Pioneer rove. Since part of the wwk done nrred in 1924 this bil waa held 1'er (or investigation until Monday, anuary 4. Councilman Niels Fugal ftported meeting held according U hdtlce Pall owners of watef in the nt Grove system. , We'cfueWay, Pwaher 30. at 2 p. m,- Mr.- Fu'aj f'ted that seventy-four water owners' (fe In attendance. After bearing h irticles of incorporation: read, nd PJlalned with reference to ! SlWer je fllingg in state Engineer offlcei ff. Nleig ruai called for a reftort on present status of the case.: ' " January 4. 1926. report submitted by the water rts superintendent was read hy PMyp.r and discussed, covering decent de-cent water assessments of '1924. decWed that the dellnauenta be pled and that If the assessments 'Hot paid within ten days that "the be turned Off, . - ""ore turning the city affairs over He new mayor and council the out- r nwyor, J. j. Hayea made, a "aoer 0f recommendations . to the reference to the cemetery. Emendation was raadg to , 1m-lw 1m-lw 'be soliders plot and repair HayeR eXDlalnort tha nnllrv of Ping the nresent tr works F'1 by iron pipe and recommended rs policy be continued. ' Wednesday night in the new gymnasium gym-nasium at American Fork the Old Folks Committee of that city will give their annual dance. The committee com-mittee in charge extend a cordial Invitation In-vitation to the people of Pleasant Groje to attend the dance. The pro. ceeds will be used for financing en. tertainment for the aged. o - tindon-Windsor Farm Bureau Entertains The Lindon. Windsor Farm Bureau gave a free dance Friday evening In the Lindon Hall. The entertainment committee consisting of the following members are t responsible for the successful evening's entertainment: Jas. Ti Wright, chairman; Elizabeth Culllmore, Murvin Walker and Ervia Hooley. Dancing was indulged in till 10 o'clock. At that time the following program was given : Solo, Mrs. B. Walker accompanied hy her daughter,'. daught-er,'. Talk, J. W. Gillman, on Farm Bureau work and what It has done for na. Duet (2 numbers) Leon and Robert Gordon. , Dalnclng concluded the evening's entertainment. Lunch was served. Ekins-Hilton Marriage Samuel L Hilton who is employed at Soda Point, Idaho came to Pleasant Grove Saturday evening. On Tuesday he surprised nte niafly relatives and friends by taking Mrs, Lydia Ekins of Vineyard with him to Salt Lake where a marriage ceremony was per. formed lnJ the Salt Lake temple. Mr. and! Wra. John K. Allen entertained at a? bedding reception in the Vine yard lrsnent Hall. Thursday eve. ning in hc-nttf of their daughter Lydla and ! Mr." Hltfdfli three , . hundred guests were friVfte. Mlsa Verda HitUMl wW half' been In Idaho with her b'ttRher- Samuel and family for the past year5' tfilt be em. ployed la Salt Lake for' the present. V'.",.- ' o Mr. Mary Roblson entertained fft dinner Sunday for her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Poul- son and the following children, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Poulson, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Wilson, Lucille and Jean Poulson. R. Easton Mofflt and son Clair were Provo Visitors Tuesday ' Miss Leoia Thorn of Magna la visiting with relatives and friends here this week. Orin Holdaway returned to ids school work "after spending the boll days with relatives and friends. Miss Leone Cooper returned Sun. day to Salina to take up her school work again after a holiday vacation. Miss Thelma Shoell returned 8un. day to Richfield where she is teach, ing school after spending the holl. days here. r ii ii Mr. and Mrsi Ford PoulSOnT Who spent the holidays with relative here, returned the last of th week to Panaca, Nevada. ' " Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Hleselt of Provo came to Pleasant Grore Tues. day to attend the funeral of Mrs. Christine H. Williamson. On New Ysar's Eve the Pleasant Grove High School Basket Ball team played the Payson High" School team, the score being 8 to 21 in favor of tho local team. Mrs. H. W. Jacoba anil Mrs. J. It Halllday accompanied Mrs. Lucius Laudie to Layton Tuesday. Mr. Jacobs remained in Ogden on busi. ness matters. Bishop S. L. Swenson and son Russell and daughter Helen and Mrs. S. A. Kirk attended the funeral of Mrs. Wendell Brown Lyman Sunday at Salt Lake City. Mrs.. Josephine Bezxant was In Salt Lake Sunday to visit with her son William who has been ill at 4b L. D. S. Hospital tor the past month-. He la reported td , slowly improv ing. . . :.r The Daughtera of the Pioneers will hold their monthly meeting at', the tabernacle Thursday January 14, at 2 o'clock p. m. The family of Frank, tin C. Banks and Eliza Banks - Will give the program. The public is in. vited. " Mias Louise Shoell was a Salt Lake Tlsltor Saturday, t V t Ir. B. C. Llnehaugh was an Ogden Tisltor Tuesday. ' Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Robertson were Salt Lake visitors Monday. ' Mrs. Axel Johnson went' to Lehl Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Bone. Mrs. Allle Miller of Payson is visit, ing this week with her sister, Mrs. Ejhel Drysdale. Miss May Smith entertained Thursday Thurs-day evening at a candy pull (or a number num-ber o( girl friends. .Mrs. Kate Anderson and daughter, Zlna, of Lehl, spent Friday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Humphries, Mrs. Grace Illllman Moore ot Angle, lHah, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hillmao, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cobbley and daughter, Florence were 8naday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Keetch. Little Miss Dorothy ShoeU, Olive Kirk and Ralph Kirk returned to Ogden Monday after - spending - the holidays with rela'tives. A winsome baby girl came on January Janu-ary 2 to live at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hooley. Mother and baby are doing fine. . aammmmawamm Mrs. Margaret Jarman of California Is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Jarman and other relatives in this Vicinity. She expects to remain for an extended visit. JUrs., Karl, Banks entertained the Young .Mothers' Club -at her home TiBrrsday afternoon. The time waa sfspt in 'socfal.'cbt.,.' Dainty refresh, ments were served. , Mr. aad Mrs. John Bromley of Sprlngville and Mr. and Mrs. Willlard Sh'pley of American Fork were dinner guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Alrin NIelson TOursdayrzrrzir Pionser of Pleasant W: Grove Laid to Rest mmcndatlon was made that , "PaJr continua and thai ro-onr. 011 Ser-nred from th, xmrntt fd. v ' reference to th frvimttnn Jttaa ii juration c.r ttm .v.nni hOAflirafa K l-'.A.I-J mi mm A "S PT4M 4ebt .as.eoon J '"iuip ayes I'XnlnlnoH tha InmitL Kum. . . ' mmio -.1... . A number of girls and boys who are attending the B. Y. U. entertained at a progressive luncheon New Year's Uve after attending the dance at American Fork during the early part of the evening. Those participating were Maurice Gannett, John Poulson, Emily afarrott. Russel Keetch, Helen Swenson, Russel Swenson.- Clara Williamson, Roy Fugal, Reta Page. Elliot Clark, Thelma Pearl West. Bert Frarapton, Jewel Linebaugh, De Chamberlain, Verda Batchelor, Bill Oldroyd. Lucille Wright and' Calvin WalkerJrhe . first course was served the second course at Miss Jewel Llne- baugh's, tb third courseat Clara ITUlIamaoaV Uie concluding desert course was served at "MauHha Gamett's. The "wee small nours oe V-DU W h referenc td ,ft gan to arrive ere this Jolly bunch had ( nt 'or muncipal purposes U8nered ln the year of 1926. Mr and Mrs. Roy Greenwood ot American Fork entertained at , the Davis Cafe New Year's Eve after the dance. The-following Pleasant Grove people were among the guests: Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ash, Mr. and Mrs. Burlln Drlggs, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Boren, Mr. and Mrs. B, 0 ' Weeks, and Mrs. Clifton Clark. fr k Mm. Old Chfiitlaniett n terUined JjUnday evening ltt honor 6f their son PafieY who was matt led last week to Wititffci Pack of Provo bench. About twen(y-ffv gueaU were present. The evening was pent In games and music. Dainty re. freshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R..Rasmussen are proud parents of the first baby girl born in Provo in the year 1926. Mrv Rasmussen is instructor in the Provo High SchooL Pleasant Orove people are earnestly hoping that this little girl will have as sweet a voice as her mother, who has gtven much pleasure with her singing. Mrs. S. A Kirk entertained at a midnight snpper on New Year's night fn honor of her husband's birthday. After dancing till midnight the following couples were served a midnight supper at the Kirk home: Messrs. and Mesdames Karl Banks, H. W. Jacobs, C. A. Gamett, Harley Greaves, Thomas Fenton". 1. J. Hayes, Mrs. Ethel Drysdale and Mrs Lucius Laudie. Mr. and Mrs. James T. Wright en. tertalned on- New Year's Day at a family dinner. The following, mem hers were present: Mr. and Mrs. .... . . Vance Smith and children ana r. and Mrs. Selby Newell of Magna. Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Kirk' and family. Mr. and Mrs. Arnica Wright ana Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wright and .-iamlly. EJ'l . ' Vera and' Lillian" Wright r ait. oLihe. family being present except iJiyfay-ette iJiyfay-ette Wright who ie doing missionary wort In -the-Eastern. States. There were 32 grand.children and Grand, father and Mrs. William Robblns present. . Mr. and Mrs. .Wllllard Shipley ot American Fork entertained at a family dinner'' Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Nelson of this city were among the guests. The Third Ward "M" Men basket, ball squad played the Vineyard MM" men Saturday night. The Third ward rolled np a substantial- score.- How-ever How-ever several lettered men played on the Third ward team. Mr. and Mrs. S- R. Halllday ettUf' taihed it New YeaPs dinner tot Mr. and Mrs. H W. Jacobs and Mr?. Lu cius Laudie, Mr. and Mrs. J- D. Thorne, Graridrria Ellsworth fef this city and Mrs. Gennieve Ellsworth of Payson. , A farewell testimonial will b gltefl Sunday evening in the Windsor weird church in honor of Francis Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. G&Johnson and Blaine Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Johnson. They will leave in the near future for mlBsfon". Miss Bessie Newman entertained the L. B. Club Saturday evening at her home. Those present were the Misses Myrtle and Emily Anderson, Daisy and Bessie Newman, Opal West, f.ucllle Poulson, Marjorle Holdaway. The evening was spent in sewing and social chat. Dainty were served. Death summoned Mrs. Christina II. live, vtrtuous lives, and emulate the Williamson to her reward following nearly ntnty-three years ot service on this earth when she was called last Saturday. MrsChristlne H. Williamson was born in Denmark July 19, 1823. Her husband, William C. Williamson died over thirty years ago. Mrs. William son who passed away Saturday at 1 o'clock p. m. is survived by the tol. lowing; children, Mrs. Margaret Chrlstensen. ' Mrs Christine Young, William C. Williamson ot Lake View, Mrs. Emma Jenson and Mrs. Sena Baxter, one little girl having died on the plains while enroute to , Utah. There art 5? grandchildren and 5 J great grandchildren. . The funeral was held In the taber. nacle Tuesday at 1 o'clock p.mi Jal. D. Thorne was in charge) ot ths ser. vices. Th opening selection was a trio, by 8tella Hardman, B, (J. Merck and Slgna Chrlstensen . . accompanied by Lorain Nelson, "Nearer lo Thee," after which the Invocation was offer, ed by N. P. Peterson, followed by A duet, "In God's Own Time," by B. J. Merck and Slgna Chrlstensen ao companled by Lorain Nelson, F 8. Humphries, block teacher Wiethe first speaker. He said Mrs. Williamson William-son was full of love for her neighbor and relative and friends nd a true follower of the gospel of Christ She waa always ready to donate of her means for any worthy cause.' In the early days she saved her means to donate to the Salt Lake Temple. She waa an invalid for .two and on, half year, was patient andlong suffering. Her children wer ever, neat, during her lllnesa and took the very best car of hr. - ' Andrew Jensen of Salt take was the' second speaker. He a!d. the children and grandchildren of this dear stBter. thaV, Ilea befor us should be proud' to be descendents of such a wonderful mother." He had "known her ever since h w ten jear oj age. Her husband was president of one of the branches ot th churchLin Denmark and hUtatnjWaji'prjpl-dent hUtatnjWaji'prjpl-dent of; anothet branch . .. They were all glad to emigrat. to erc to be out of the ridicule they endured In their motner tana, tie sailed on the same ship to America with Mr. and Mrs. Williamson taking 66 days in crossing. Tberwer 580 Saints on board twelve were burled in the ocean during the Toagei After three weeks on the train from Mon. traal. Canada, nart of the time in cattle cars, they reached the station Wyoming, where teamsters from Utah jnet them and fn tftey WrtTefl ft TJUh. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson were grieved to bury on little girl on the slain. ; '- , When they arrived in ttkh they ..m. U Pleasant Grove whef they har. .Inc. redded. Their flflt home were" dugouts, partly Mvx& A sister of Mrs. WUlIa.nlgon WM murdered bv the Indians betweerl Richfield and Glenwood. - , Mr. Jensen told of her martyrs in the church, 60 martyrs died directly for the cause of . Mormonism and more tHan 400 martyrs laid .their lives down on the plains without ever reaching Utah. There will be very few more tune. Tal like the one tofaf, lie said be. cause nearly all of (&e pioneer have passed away. He said that Mr. WITIiamson believed that we should Seek first the kingdom of God and afl else will be given you." She bore . strong testimony almost to her dy- refreshmentstlng day "ft fs wonderful to be born of good, ly parent. It pay to be good and Mr. and Mrs. Ole Anderson entertained enter-tained Wednesday evening at dinner for the following guests: Mrs. Mary J. Cooper and daughter, Lorena, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Oscarson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles SJoberg, Mrs and) Mrs. Charles J Olsnn, Mr, ani 'M ,"", 0. Johnson, and Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Anderson ot American Fork. TheMIsses Myrtle and Orally Anderson Ander-son entertained Tuesday evening at a d'nner party for the following guests: :M.lsesJDalsrJ?ewjniaji Messrs. Ross Buckwalter, Milan Rad-mall, Rad-mall, Duanne Anderson, Elmer Johnson John-son and Allan Peterson. After dinner at 6 o'clock the evening was spent In games and social chat. - Alvln Nellson of this city were among example of this good woman,", said Mr. Jensen. Viola Thome, sang "A Perfect Day" accompanied by Loralne Nelson. W. L. Hayes, the next speaker, said. "I cannot remember When I first knew Sister Williamson. She was a devoted wife and in dustrlous, wonderful mother and consistent Latter-Day Saint. The history ot her life 1 the history ct this great commonwealth! It took women like Mr. Williamson to build this great state ot Utah, one that could toll 18 or 20 hours a' da through Buffering and privation ' on the plainest kind of food." This 8tat began Us history with 147 original pioneers and with con. tlnual immigration It has fulfilled prophaay. If all could have such faith a hers It would oon ' spread till th whol world would feel k lnflunc. On her birthday the 19th of Jul she would have been 91 year old. Each year every on who knew ot her birthday- called to wish her wall and bring some small token. Her. family always brought picnic and spent this day. as a-reunion. ? : Stella Hardman and Slgna Chris, tensen accompanied by Lorain NeL son sang, "A UtUe While." Bishop S. L. Swenson spoke for a few minutes H said th ervlce'waB a spiritual . and inspirational feast "It 1 wonderful to pay our respect to on who has spent uch long us, ful life. Very tew -in this room can boast of such a wonderful pioneer life. 8h alway bor strong tesU. mbny ot the gospel " In her humbl way, She wa wncer ana always tried to do her beat always willing to giv ot her slender 'means to help those poorer than herselt. Bh was blessed with good health tilt her fall'., Ing halth. t years ago, She ,wa abl to take care of her self and do a llttl tor others. He emplored the child ren to follow in her footstep and try to live thegospel teachings. . A ,olo. "Stater Thou wa Mild and Lovely; . was sung by 8. D. Moore Jr. ae. companled by Loralne Nelson, - after ' which Oi B. Oecarson pronounced th benedtetlon. Th grar wa dedicated by Ja. D. Thorne,. County Tax Assessors , Commence Work Field deputy assessors of Utah county began their ' assessment work in $tr rBpecUv distrtet of the county Wednesday, January 8. Before entering into th work th deputie met with County Aessor Charles E. Hawkln at hi offlc in th county courthou4i Wednesday' morning and received full .Instruc tlon relative to the work. -Under.th preeent law4allowner " of Portonti prop.m a?':-1?!6 tales In advance whef they & B0 own i-ri Ut Of. pfovld tOnd t. secure th ant, Mr Htwkin Slate. Thl applied to merchant doing business a well . as - those Owning automobiles or any - other personal property., The deputy assessors and the dis tricts they will cover are as follows: Arthur McDanleL Alpine; R. 8. Smith, Cedar Valley, JS. 8. Bushman, -Lehl; William Elsmore, American Fork; William Urn, Pleasant Orove; Irven Pyne, Orem and Provo Bench; ; o-i R. 8. Dixon was an Ogden visitor- Thursday. He has a number of sheep on display at the Ogden Livestock Show. KOfiKfJ01XK01ROf SPRING WEATHER hut not SI'RXO TIME, however SPRING will soon be here, and now is a good time to make your RRAL ESTATE prpaj ratkn. Two places Hold this week, indicate that mm peopl realiEe that -NOW is the time to buy, before the ADVANCE which is almost sure, to come. Here are a few bargains on th Pleasant Grove Ride.. - - 10 acres on Provo Bench with 8 shares Provo Reservoir .Prima rv waterspecially priced at . l.OOO.OO 30 acresrwlth independent water. right 1 $3500.00 5 10 acres with 20 head of cattle ' it! 1.700.00 J? MaVj"or'l'4ioJd.a A $14,000.00 pTaceTriglirorthesTate-htghwayc Inquire of. or call on , 8 g - - JAMES H. CLARKE 0 Phone 162-W - American Fork, Utah 0 :"7 |