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Show Changed Affections Cause I . Young Men To Fight. I A young lady, unable to give her I attentions to two gentlemen admirer's I at tho samo time, was tho basis for a 'I rough and tumblo encountor ono darVI last week. Tho details havo Just I leaked out. It uppears that a young I man from Lchl vtaa paying attentions I to tho girl when n former sweetheart I camo up and demanded that sho quit I tho Lchl man. When sho. rouBodr iiio- f local youth used physical porauuslon. I Soon both men wero rolling in the I ditch, and It appears that, tho discarded dis-carded lovor was underneath with "his faco being Beverly punched. Then followed a race down Slain Street, with tho Lehl man In tho lond and his pursuer following with blood stream-ng stream-ng down his face on to his white shirt. Tho defeated man and his pal waited In vain at the depot for the Lehl man to board an Interurbnn car but he, suspecting tholr Intentions, went homo In n livery rig. Tho other sldo of tho story Is that tho Lchl man used n hammer on his opponent |