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Show ConforoncoExcursioiiu Vlii llriMi-r Hi" rnil" l(i,lll'm"1 ff'ct rum, il 1 -in' '" 'Z," 'fr , ,, ,H irtiiril l' I ,, ,r .-!, - 'Hull ' " '; f " April U' J I) Kcnworthy, A. (1 1 Frank Sinllli spent Tuesday In Halt l.uko on business. The People's Co-op this week had Iho gasoline tank oiuted hum tliu Cutler garage aeioss tho btrtel to Iho front of their stoio. Mrv Mildred Jackson was thu ro-olpleiit ro-olpleiit of ii pleaHiint surprlso paity at her paieut'B homo Friday evening. Professors Heber and Thorcn Reunion Reu-nion spent the week-end with ichi-tlU'H ichi-tlU'H In Knit Lake. The boys or the Griunnier grade sehools built a ellplleal truck on the school Btounds this week ami are getting get-ting leinly Tor tho spilng track meet. Tho stoik left a baby girl .it tho home or Mr. and Mrs. Evan College, Tuesday. Ed wind HniiUuii, who was Injiiicd In u uiliio at lllngliam seteial mouths ago, will hi lug suit against the com-p.iuy com-p.iuy lor ItiUU. Gii) Elans and InotheiH hao taken n loiig time lease on fcOO acres or Utah Fire (iity giouiid west or Joidaii, 300 hpiph or which they will use iib ii dry fat m. H. I. Goodwin iillendul u b.uiijuel In Hall I akp 'I'lipsdny evening and listened listen-ed lo u lectuie on wicatlonal training in Ihe si-hiwls by Di llawiliii of the (Joteinineiit Kdiienlloiiiil liiiiraii Mlwi Ealiln or Hprlngvllle, a sludent ol the II. V. V. ami George A. Fox of Iho V or V havo been teaching In the Lehl M-hools Iho past week an a part of Iheli ti.iliilng courso. Mr. nnd Mrs. Joucph Blniw of Provo, Ulll tlsltlng relatives hero, Sunday. ililial Walter Btlmmol Is ono of the lalcst 1BBBI owners of it new automobile tfhlW R' IB Mrn. A. W. Davis spent tho past "C 1 week with rclatlvcn In llcbon m t Mrs. Azcr Winn of Eureka hsu bteu r Iho guest of her mother, Mrs. Msry Jj! , McVIcnr, for Iho past week. IffP Tlio Athenian club wan entertained mSiI. by Mrs. Walter Stlmuiel nt Its rcgu- Wtkf hir meeting Wednesday Hflcrnoon. Hj Mrs. S. h. Wells guvo u book ictluw of aHl "The Doctor." IWJ J. E, Hone wan In Hstt Iiko Tuea- ffllK day on land business. "$rli Mrs. WaiiBsgnnrd of HuutsvHIo hits jfllflj been visiting her parents, Mr. and 'jJwt' Mrs. I.. II, Willcs fur (ha past week. WKi - HI Clnieiice Hall was a Salt iJikn ls- IKI Itur Wednesday. '9Kt W, E. Hacker was seen riding In u l new Iiulck aulnmoblle around town .t2xi thin week. Sm First Wind Iteller hoelcty gavo a iflH well attended ami most enjoyable par- i5H ty In their Amusement Hall Wedneo- TS day evening. - !i-H Churleii Taylor went to Spanish -IB Folk Monday whero ho will assist la FH erecting Iho now sugar factory. '"m; -- . A loiter rrum Salt J.nko announces !H tho safe arrival of n boy Sunday, at H tho homo of Mrs. Jcbro Walton. Mrs. ,h Walton's mother, Mrs. Fanny Hone was picscnt, Urn |