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Show HANDLING SHEEP UNDER NEW METHODS lull Mici'imicii and lV.ler.il (inuTii-iiicul (inuTii-iiicul In ( iii(.atc ,(sts .MN uniiiiiT. Among ihr wnolKiowir:) of the In. IcrinouniHlii lexlon. ns in other big hHlUHtlU. ,. , Ik i,,p,y becom. Ing the slogmi Wlih iho sheepmen the til in means bilefly; I he greuleM Hustnlned piniliietion 0f 00 ,j ,m. ton, nt the luwrht cspenso. und with the minimum of ihiiuiige to the inngn orcurled b the flocks. ' BtiriiiB heieial past sensonn experiments experi-ments have been conducted on the ranges of Southern Idaho. Wyoming nnd Montana, demonstrating elcaily iho advantages or the open heidlng mid bediling-init systems or handling beep iner the old methods of rlose-hcidlug rlose-hcidlug nml cslubltshcil, icgularly un ed bod grounds, i:ery experiment eoiiductid shiLVed conclusively thnt the old nntlmJs Involved much unnecessary un-necessary ti.ivel and restriction or action by the nlicep, utih conseiiueiil loss lu wrlghl, nnd that succession as n positive (ItlrliiiPiit to the range Lambs handled under the new moth-imIk, moth-imIk, iiIIiiwIiik them nil possible freedom free-dom during (ho day und bedding them down iih in ally iih insslble wheie uiKht overlook them, gained ftnni ."I lo 8 pounds mure than lambs of similar simi-lar age nmt blood tun on adjoining ami flmllar rango ullotmentH, but under the old methods. On many of Hie National Forests n coiidiiloii cxIhIs. commomly termed "loc:dlzeil over-grazing." This patchy n,-r grazlui; in not due to ovciBtock-ing ovciBtock-ing nnd ctiuiiot thercfoto, be cor-reded cor-reded by reducing the number of sheep n nmall per cent. Tho only way to icstnro which will result In a uniform uni-form utilization of tho forage. Localized Lo-calized ovor.grazliiB In practically a Alflng of the past In" Southern Idaho, lnrgcly due to Iho fact thnt the open holding and beddlng-out systems arc generally followed. In an effort to bring about In Plnli tho splendid results oblnlncd In Soulh-arn Soulh-arn Idaho, Wyoming nnd Montana, the Forest Service In cooperation with locnl sheepmen, will conduct ncvrrnl domoiiRtrntlous of tho new methods on (he Mnnll, Fillmore. Fish l.nko ami Savior Forests during the coming season. sea-son. Four bands or sheep, one on ench of tho Forests mentioned . In "hnrgo of experienced herders, will be handled under the Improved methods mil (ho results obtuliied with Ihrse bands closoly roiupmcd by means o( froitumil weighings with the icsiiltr iccured fiom four other bands of nlm-llnr nlm-llnr itge nml blood, grazed on iilmllar 'niiiio under the old methods The ex-peiimeiila ex-peiimeiila will bo closely supervised by an cxpoit, nnd nl the end of Ihe .eiiaoii tho compllod results ore ev lieoted lo piovo beyond nil doubl the "dvantnio or the latoat methods |