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Show OREM-GENEVA TIMES THURSDAY JULY, 21, 1213 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Wnlice is hereby given by the 1 o Orem that bids will be C5ned Wednesday. August 17th, g,t 10 a.m. at the Orem 1 w Hall for the construction of Version structure on the Alta "l for diversion of water to The proposed two million gallon , om City reservoir. Wsrk quantities shall include ... furnishing of labor and mat-rial mat-rial for placing approximately fn cubic yards of concrete rfructure enclosed with an 8 ft. 2, 20 ft- cinder block shelter, ,ko 600 cubic yards of grading d the construction of 500 Lal feet of open ditch for diversion div-ersion purposes during the new instruction operation. plans and specifications may h- obtained at the Orem City gall on or after July 21st, 1949. Orem City by J- W. Gillman, Mayor. July 14, 21, 28, Aug- 4, 11. NOTICE ' TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given by the City of Orem that bids will be opened Wednesday, August 17, 1949, at 10 a m. at the rrem City' Hall, for the installation of approximately 4200 lineal feet of 14-inch welded steel pipe including all appurtenances, to be installed from the diversion structure at the Alta Ditch to he Orem City two-million gallon gal-lon reservoir. The City of Orem retains the priviledge of furnishing the pipe if conditions permit. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the Orem City Hall on or after July 21, 1949. Orem City by J. W. Gillman, Mayor. July 14, 21, 28, Aug. 4, 11. ALTERATIONS ! I tailor men's suits over for women. Expert men and wo men's alterations, make dresses, formals, trousseaus, children's coining. Men's shirts and slacks See or call Mrs. Cuyler, 447 N. 2nd West. Prove Phone 2276R IT CARTER'S SAW SERVICE All types of Saws Sharpened LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED West on 41h North GENEVA ROAD WANTED TO BUY Good, clean used cars or pickups. pick-ups. Top cash prices paid. No waiting. See Lynn Bullock. , BULLOCK AUTO SALES Phone 0669-J3 Orem. FOR SALE Northwest Model 40, Serial No-3410 No-3410 Combination shovel and dragline good condition, used. 315 c.f.m. Schramm Deisel driven driv-en portable compressor, new. oyster 1000 lb. Fork-lift truck with extra scoop, completely overhauled. All Priced to Sell. HEINER EQUIPMENT AND ?WPLY COMPANY, 501 West South, Salt Lake City, Phone 33979. A4 The Best In AUTO INSURANCE N-C. Hicks, Local Agent ur new low rates offer you e most economic car insurance in-surance available. In ten irs of selling I have never na(J a claim rejected. STATE FARM MUTUAL Phone 12 18 . University Ave., Provo tf. 71 ATHLETES FOOT ITCH NOT HARD TO KILL IN ONE HOUR ' aBnoJ Phased, your 40c back at dr"g store. T-4-L, a Strong 8uTc!de- contains 90 Dercent llfvSS' 11 Pentrales. Reaches Today agterms t0 KILL the itch' GENEVA PHARMACY Fish and Game Chief Reports on Planting, Big Game Randall Turpin, director of the Utah Fish and Game department, depart-ment, reports that all district meetings of the Board n Pi Game Control, as required ty law, nave been completed. The final executive session win h held in Salt Lake City in the near luture. Problems pertaining pertain-ing to big game and their management man-agement were discussed in each of the five districts over the state. Recommendatons were made as to the handlins of th big game herd to the best interests inter-ests of the people of Utah. At the final execuive session, hunting hunt-ing regulations will be establish ed tor the 1949 season. Fish Dlantine in tKo hi Ulntahs got underway July 19. xne department has made preparations pre-parations to Dlant spvpral mill. ion Native Cutthroat and Brook irout in the lakes of the high Uintah country. This plant will be done on horseback, and will be small fish about two inches long. Fishing in the high Uin-tahs Uin-tahs is reDorted as vprv annri at the present time. Sportsmen entering the area should be cautious of fire. Be prepared for rain and mosquitos. Those desiring de-siring a good trip can always find one in the high Uintahs. The Pittman Roberts or Federal Fed-eral Aid Division of the Utah Fish and Game Department reports re-ports an anticipated visit from Carey Bennett, Regional Supervisor Super-visor of Federal Aid, and Mr. Ludlow, Chief Eneineer of Fprt- eral aid on construction. These men will inspect the development develop-ment work in the Ogden Bay Reserve, Farmington Bay, and several other projects pertaining to upland game birds and mi- gratory game birds- , Mr. Turpin makes an appeal to the sportsmen of Utah again to please recognize regulations pertaining to fishing. He points out that a limit is not necessarily necessar-ily a goal to reach, but rather an amount that should not be surpassed if we expect fishing to continue in our state. Our game wardens are vigilant at this time and warn violators that every means of Drotectins fish and game will be taken, and that heavy fines will be placed Your favorite auto mechanic May be really good AND YET 5NITiT ATTTft RT.FfrrRTriAN- r 'II f WU" A WV 41 jajsasaeaaekJS tiij auu JtMKKS electricians who RENDER ELECTRICAL SERVICE THAT LASTS AND SAVES. OREM AUTO ELECTRIC 6th North and State Orem-Geneva, Utah Phone 0652-R1 ATTENTION STOCKMEN and FARMERS If you want more money for your dead or useless horses, cows, hogs or sheep; and for hides, pelts and wool, call UTAH HIDE AND TALLOW CO. QUICK SERVICE Geo. W. Price KEEP UTAH GREEN Utah Fire Danger Meter (Clip this for reference) Wind Te-peratre Percent Velocity Relatire Miles Over Infer Humidity Per Hour 98 85-98 70-84 70 0-10 Wind 13 5 7 11-15 " 3 5 , 7 9 16-20 " 4 6 8 10 21-30 " 6 8 9 12 Over 30 " 9 11 13 15 Anyone handling or threatened by fires should get weather forecast, fore-cast, from locTl 1 radio stations. Check forecast against th.s meter. ktween 85 and W and wind Telocity 5 miles or more per hour. S2ZTUa Ini the 'use of this mete, i. fa. control. LvxJ? Prepared by PHYLLIS SNOW SWA 'ill . JULY PLATTER DATES Good days, these, all through July, but in order to spend more time out of doors you will have to do a bit of kitchen alchemy to make it possible. Abracadabra get you nowhere. You have to plan ahead and make yrfur menus short and snappy. Here ia a suggestion for one of youi best July platter dates. Fruit Salad Plates Hot Wliole Wheat Muffins Chocolate Refrigerator Pie Beverage FRUIT SALAD PLATE For each serving, arrange S small lettuce cups with stems together in the center of the luncheon plate. Top items with sprigs of water cress. In one lettuce cup arrange grapefruit or orange section; in another, banana slices sprinkled with shredded coconut; and in the third, put a serving of peach sherbet. Sprinkle sections of grapefruit and orange with Honey Celery Seed Fruit Dressing. HONEY CELERY SEED FRUIT DRESSING 1. Combine tb. holier H wt 1 t ull 1 t. mustard 1 t. celery seed 1 t paprika t. Gradually add, alternately, beating well after each addition 1 c. aalad ell e. vinegar WHOLE WHEAT MUFFINS Temp.i 425 Time: 20-25 mln. 1. Sift together 1 e. fl.nir 4 t. baking powder t aalt 2. Add and mix well. l e. whole wheat flour 5 tb. brown sugar S. Combine. I egg. well-beatea 1 e. milk S tb. melted shortening 4. Pour liquid Into dry in redients and blend with ihout 2n ttroles. (. Bake in greased muffin tint. against violators of the fish and game laws. Utah is receiving eggs from Yellowstone Park. We have already al-ready received approximately two million; and two million will arrive in Salt Lake City about August 1. These eggs are being shipped to Utah in return for labor furnished the Fish and Wild Life Service in Yellowstone Yellow-stone Park this season. The eggs will be hatched and fish trans planted by horseback at all the NOT AN 1 IT T ft xa. v a w AUTO Jim PHONE COLLECT. LEHI 216W Lehi. Utah Home Service Director MOUNTAIN FUEL SUPPLY COMPANY CHOCOLATE REFRIGERATOR PIE fruit Temp. I (00 Timet It mln. I. Combine 1H a. vanilla wafer I era m be I He. melted batter !. Press mixture to bottom and side of , vreaaed t-inch pla pan. Bake. billing I. Combine In a double boiler , I as,. iRaweetened chocolate, cat tint V, e. sugar 1 c milk Vi L aalt t. Heat nntll chocolate ia melted, then beat with rotary beater until well blended. S. Soak for I mln..lH t. gelatin In c cold water 4. Poui chocolate mixture gradually gradu-ally over. . egg yolks, slightly beaten 5. Cook over simmering wuter until mixture mix-ture coats a stioon. Stir rt.n- r lv 6. Add gelatin and stir until d i...l Cool slixhtly. 7. Beat until stiff but not dry 1 egg whites 8. Fold into eooled custard 9. Fill shell and chill until set. 10. Srve topped with , , ., I c cream, whi.v.'.l and seasoned with c powdered sugar .back areas of Utah, including I the Uintah Mountains, Boulder Mountains, Thousand 'Lakes Mountains, and the High Wasatch Was-atch Plateau country through I Central Utah. The fish planting program is sill in progress; we have now distributed approximately approxi-mately one-half of the fish in state hatcheries. Bowling's Fun For Everyone! HEALTH BEAUTY O EXERCISE LINCOLN Bowling Court Across from Scera Theatre 3 COMPLETE SHO FOOT SERVICE 156 West Center Telephone 707 AT BOOTERIE Provo, Utah WASHER REPAIRING Ralph's Radio & Appliance 65 No. University Ave. PROVO Phone 618 J HI? !:OH3r CEMENT WORK Cement Septic Tanks and cesspools built All kinds of cement work done. 1010 N. 1st West. Provo. Phone 1350- Ik LOCALS URGED TO CHERRIES; HERE'S APRICOTS There are apricots for everyone, every-one, so plan to fill your jars with many of this golden colored fruit It has been reported that Utah County has a crop almost as large as last year which was approximately 27,000 bushels-This bushels-This includes quite a number of the 7,000 tons of apricots predicted pre-dicted for the state. Canners are not taking the apricots! Will much of this food waste on the ground as it did last year and many of us wish we had preserved preserv-ed more? The peak of the season seas-on for home canning in Utah County is expected to be between be-tween the 21st and 28th of July. We are lucky to live so near this fresh supply of food- At present prices, why pay more for less nutrition when we can purchase such a rich supply of apricots? Let's adopt the slogan "A bushel of apricots per person." Maybe you are saying, how can I use a bushel of apricots? Here is how you can do it. Use half the bushel for making apricot juice. If you have found that apricot juice has been too sweet try adding a little lemon juice, you may like it beter. This will give you 12 to 14 quarts of juice or equal to 56 glasses, a little more that a glass of apricot juice a week over the year. You would enjoy at least one glass a week, when you think how important apricots are in their abundant supply of Vitamin A which is so essential for good skin and eye health. They also supply iron for good red blood. Iron is one of the food nutrients so many diets are deficient in. Dollar for dollar, comparing fresh orange juice with fresh apricot juice, you are purchasing purchas-ing many times more Vitamin A and riboflavin when you purchase, pur-chase, at present prices, apricots apri-cots at 5 cents a pound and oranges at 15 cents a pound. There is three times the amount of phosphorous and iron in apricots apri-cots and they also contain a good supply of Vitamin Bl or thiamin and Vitamin C Can you afford not to provide yourself with this inexpensive nutrition? Now we must go on with Ways of preserving and using the other half ot our ousnel of apricots. With freezing so popular, pop-ular, apricot pulp may prepared from thoroughly ripened apri cots. Cut the 'cots into quarters and put them into rapidly boiling boil-ing syrup (1 cup sugar to eight cups water) for three minutes. Then remove apricots from syrup, sy-rup, drain, and press through a sieve, colander or food mill-Put mill-Put pulp into cartons immediate ly and freeze. The same syrup can be used for several batches of apricots. Then it makes a good fruit drink when you are FEMALE HELP WANTED Show friends big Christmas Card values. $1 Assortments pay up to 100 percent piofit. Imprinted Greetings 50 for $1, up. "Leader" assortment on approval, Free Imprint Samples- Write, STYLART, i310 Santee, Dept. 30, Los Angeles 55, California- Pianos and Accordians FOR SALE OR RENT Pianos $75 00 and up. Accordians Accor-dians $25.00 and up- Small down payment. Easy terms-New terms-New and used. Lessons-Williams Lessons-Williams Music Co. 308 Sail 3rd South Phone 940 R "Electric Wiring With Safety" Residential and Commercial Contracting; CALL Howard Egan Electric PHONE 0756 J2 73 East 4 th North, Orem Utah County Mattress Factory COMPLETE MATTRESS and BATT -SERVICE Only Factory in Utah County We art not represented by any transient mattress workers, but will call for and delirer without with-out extra charge. JUST PHONE 345 Or drop us a card 681 West 2nd North through boiling the fruit in it. This three minute boiling does not destroy the fresh flavor of the apricots, it Just prevents the darkening and speeas up the process of getting them through the sieve and eliminates the necessity of having to use the citric-ascorbic acid mixture to prevent darkening of the apricots- However, if you with to, you may put the uncooked apri cots through a sieve or blender add the citric-ascorbic acid mix ture along ith the sugar (one part sugar to four parst pulp); package and freeze. It Is difficult to work quickly enough with the uncooked apricots to prevent some darkening. The above mixture mix-ture makes a very good Ice when served just slightly thawed. thaw-ed. It also makes a delicious drink by adding some ginger-ale. ginger-ale. You may wish to freeze apricot apri-cot pulp which will have more body when making into dessert-If dessert-If so, then follow Miss Elna Miller's, State Nutrition Specialist, Special-ist, recipe for Apricot Velva. If you do not already have this recipe, re-cipe, you may obtain it horn your County Extension Office. Now let's can the remainder of your bushel to use in making apricot upside down cake, apricot apri-cot tapioca cream, apricot whip, apriot pie, apricots in cream, or just to serve as canned apricots. They are delicious when put In the refrigerator the night before. Apricot Upside Down Cake Temp. 350" F, Time: 25 to 30 minutes. 2 tb. butter or fat At cup sugar 1 egg 13 cup milk 1 cup flour 1 xh t. Baking Powder i t. salt 1 t. vanilla Make cake according to cake method. 1 qt. apricots 2 tb. butter V4 cup brown sugar 14 cup nuts ' Melt butter in heavy frying pan. Add brown sugar. Arrange apricots in pan. Add nuts. Pour on cake batter and bake. Invert and serve with whipped cream. Peaches, prujnejg or pineapple make a pleasing substitute for apricots. Apricot Pineapple Ice Cream 1 qt. apricots sifted 1 can crushed pineapple 2 c. sugar 1 cup milk 1 large can milk whipped V4 pt. whipped cream. Salt Put in freezer in order named. Makes one gallon. With so many ways to use apricots, you will want to can a good supply. You ought to be driving a PoatUe ti Banbry priced and alwayi icmaicil mm lis ro4. mrmt Interior Poo tuc't new BodM bv Fihr Art M beautiful iaeiaa out. f it ia tba tpttrioo trunk of mmf Foatino. UNITED SALES & 470 West 1st North Phone 666 CAN APRICOTS HOW: CHERRIES Right now is the harvest time for pie cherries in Utah County. The flavor is at its best, says Velyn Stevens, Home Demon- tratlon Agent. Cherries fresh to day and frozen or canned next winter provide all kinds of treats. If you are lucky enough to have cherries of your own or can get them at a reasonable price from a fruit dealer or grower (and the price does seem reasonable this year) for canning can-ning or freezing some of this fruit, it may be an economical and wise thing to do. However, if your only accessive cherries are at a grocery or fruit derler it will be best for you to investigate invest-igate and compare prices of commercially canned and frozen cherries with the cost of home preserving before you preserve them. Preserving: Select bright, fresh-looking cherries that are plump, juicy and firm. See that the skin is unbroken and that there is no discoloration. You will need about one and one-half quarts of cherries to fill a quart container. Sour cherri s may be preserved preserv-ed cither with or without the pit- The pits may be removed by pricking with a fork or with a pen point inverted in a penholder. pen-holder. Freezing: Select high-quality cherries, ripe enough for immediate immed-iate use. Discard soft, hard, overripe over-ripe or Immature fruit. Stem, wash and pit if desired. For pies or preserves use one part by weght of sugar to 3 or 4 parts by eight of cherries. Mix sugar through the Juice. If the Juice does not cover the cherries, add cold sugar syrup to cover them. This syrup may be made by dissolving dis-solving from 4 to 8 cups of sugar sug-ar in four cups of boiling water. Canning: Use ripe, freshly picked cherries. Wash, remove stems and pit if desired. If left whole, pricking helps prevent splitting. A recipe for delicious cherry jam can be found in your pectin recipe book. Now while you can get fresh cherries, make the most of Mr. and Mrs- Russell Carson Car-son and children attended the John Carson family reunion on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Patten and family attended the Patten family reunion at Saratoga on Saturday. A BETTER HAIRCUT IN LESS TIME 171 CK SVAIII niHi RM tofitieef Travdui Rule moothe Am roada, aborteae the Ulat. Wt Two raat Iwfjhief Oiooee Pnnliac'e great atraiffht eight or tb tii. Litber'e a booeyt Twbi.ftejet Vffflttf Brtnf fom refreahini out dour air, rain or ebiiM. them. Old fashioned two vrust cherry pie probably tops the list of favorites. Cherries sugared and chilled are good for sauces either alone or combined with red raspberries. Cherry tart topped with whipped cream or cherry chiffon pie, will please your family and your guests. For cherry chiffon pie use your lemon chiffon pie recipe and substitute cherry Juice for the lemon juice. Then fold in one and one-half cups home cooked or canned pie cherries, pitted and chopped fine, with the beat-e beat-e negg whites. Try this cherry filling for your favorite two- layer cake: V4 cup sugar 1 Vi tablespoons cornsarch cup cherry Juice 34 cup home-cooked or canned sour red cherries, well drained. 1- Combine the sugar and cornstarch. 2. Stir in juice drained from cherries. 3. Cook until clear and thickened, thick-ened, stirring constantly. 4. Remove from the heat; add the well drained cherries and cool before using. Deep Dish Cherry Pie 1 qt. Cherries 2 ,2 tb. pastry flour 114 cups sugar 1 tb. butter 12 recipe pie crust 1. Combine the sugar and flour and add to the cherries. Mix together thoroughly. 2. Arrange the fruit mixture in a buttered baking dish and dot with butter. 3. Roll the dough 14 inch thick to cover the baking dish, allowing one inch all around. 4. Fold the dough In half, cut several slits on or near fold and place pastry over cherries In baking dish. Unfold, turn the edge under and press the double edge against moistened rim of the dish with a fork. 5. Bake in a hot oven (450 F) for 10 minutes, then reduce heat to moderate (350 F) and bake 30 to 35 minutes longer or until the filing is done and the crust is browned. Now while you can get fresh cherries, make the most of them. Mrs. Arthur E- Oeland and daughters, Betty and Susan, of Lander, Wyoming, have been visiting during the ' past two weeks with Mrs- Oeland's sisters, sis-ters, Mrs. Isabel Gappmaycr and Mrs. Florence Gappmaycr. Wide HrnHnmrn WlnahMoM tde, eurved wtndabield for sew driving outlook. Ptonty of fteaWiiar erau. greater leg room, ample brad cootn you can relax io a PonUacI A PreaWf Genera! Mners SERVICE Provo, Utah UTAH i tf. PROVO |