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Show Sots Sent 9-10 te Completion Gill to fin1 n wet raeira III Orem's "Five Miles of Velvet" eight lanes curb to curb from jjinth South to Ninth North jnd modern four-lane highway . 4),. city limits in both direct-Ls-will get its official dedt tion on September 9, It was announced this week by the i ; i , i'-M. r:1 I k I I . U 1 f Bill Baker Named to direct construction of buildings for exhibits. 1 f 1 I OREM VOTERS SLATED TO ELECT CITY OFFICIALS THIS FALL; NEW LAW EXTENDS TERM OF OFFICE TO FOUR YEARS It's election year in Orem, and already speculation is mounting as to what sort of contest will develop in the races for office this fall. No candidate has yet announced his intention to run for office, but it is expected that full tickets, will be readily a-vailable a-vailable on both the Citizens and the Peoples parties. City officials whose terms expire ex-pire this year include Mayor J. W. Gillman, Councilman Woodruff Wood-ruff Jensen, Councilman E. H. Johnson, Councilman A. A. Richards, Rich-ards, Councilman Vic Durham, City Recorder Orland E. Pyne and City Treasurer Ada Skinner. Councilman Philo T- Edwards is a holdover. New statutes passed by the recent state legislature provide that third class cities, which Orem Or-em is, will elect a mayor, two councilman and the city recorder for four year terms, And eventually event-ually all city officials will be elected for the four-year terms instead of the present system of naming one four-year council-and council-and the other officers to two- year terms. According to Hugh Vera Wentz, city attorney, the statute stat-ute passed by the legislature reads as follows: "In the year 1949 there shall be elected in cities and towns of the third class, a mayor, a uty recorder and two council-wen council-wen for a term of four years, and two councilmen and a city treasurer for a term of two years, and every four years thereafter a mayor, a city recorder re-corder and two councilmen for a term of four years. "In the year 1951 there shall "e elected three councilmen and J city treasurer f0r a term of tour years, and every four years theeafter." Funeral Held For Hansen Child Funeral services for Tony f.n Hansen, 4, son of Don T. "d Dorothy Larsen Hansen, jere conducted Joday, Thurs-?y Thurs-?y m the Lehi Fourth ward cnapei by Bishop Grant Chris-"erson. Chris-"erson. The boy died on Sunday at the "7 of his grandparents, Mr. T Mrs. Porvel Hansen of Lehi. was born in American Fork Aueut 4, 1944. He leaves his parents; four parents, Mr. and Mrs. Han-"n Han-"n and Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Cw0,HS.andibrother' an! JJ"" 0rvil Ashton, Mr. "3 Mrs. Aruch Lamoreoux of rovo, Mrs. Chester Robinson RnnKragonah and Mrs. James Mi, ,f Cedar Citv went to Jouta, Montana for a visit muton. On their return trip in?y visited at Yellostone Park. BWC tty Ann Bradford of anding has been visiting with er cousin, DaNec Steele. celebration committee which out lined a program to fill evenings of celebration and --i "iwiililCXll for the occasion. Feature attractions tentatively tentative-ly Dlanned fnr ih , j will be street parades, old-fash- lunea sireet dance, 'County" Joseph T. Smith As vice chairman he'll be George's right hand man. THURSDAY JULY, 21, 1949 Hope for New Post Office Seen , Hope was renewed in Orem this week that new and larger quarters might yet be obtained for the local post office with the receipt here of letters by acting Postmaster Leo Broadheaa and Bil Baker from Congresswoman Reva Beck Bosone indicating . that approval would soon be giv-en giv-en by the Post Office depart-jment depart-jment for the Orem office to j lease larger quarters for a ten (year period. Peviously, bids had been received and rejected as "too high." j Copies of a letter written to Congresswoman Bosone by F. D. Buckley, acting fourth assistant ! postmaster general were included includ-ed in the communications received re-ceived by Mr. Broadhead and I Mr. Baker. Mr. Buckley's letter states that bids of Fred Davies and Fred Fiddling; are bteing considered by Postal Inspector John M. Knudsen and postal authorities in Washington, D C Mr. Davies offered to build a structure between Center and First North Streets on the west side of State Street. Mr. Field. ing's bid designated a location between State Street and First East Street for his proposed building. Although this site has the dsadvantage of being located in a narrow street, Mr. Buckley recommended it because the rental was much lower than the Davies bid. As yet, neither bid has been accepted by the postal department, depart-ment, but hope for an early decision de-cision was voiced by local residents. res-idents. Mr. and Mrs- John Alma Olson left Sunday for Los An geles where they will visit with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Kliever and family for two weeks. Mrs. Maud Nielsen and son, Paul of Springville and Mrs. Beatrice Ipsom of Junction visited vis-ited with their mother, Mrs. Maud Rowley on Sunday. Albert Biggs' Get Sunday Dinner At Geneva Dairy Each week the Orem-Gen-eva Times, in cooperation with the Geneva Dairy Company, Com-pany, invites some Mr. and Mrs. Subscriber for Sunday dinner at the local dairy cafe. Last week Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Cal-vin Croft were guests of the dairy. Next Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Albert Biggs, Rt. 2 Box 64. are invited to enjoy the hospitality hos-pitality of the Geneva Dairy and enjoy a delicous dinner free of charge. They need only clip this article and present pre-sent it to their waitress, together to-gether with their identification. Fair exhibits, talent show, band concert, softball finals and the presenting of a Kaiser automo bile at finale exercises. Plans are being studied by the committee to hold the Saturday Sat-urday night program at Timpan-ogos Timpan-ogos Bowl. If adequate seating George Slrallon General chairman of Ihe cele- hraiion. 20th North to : 20th South By O. G. Semit "Build in Orem therp's no ' finer place in the world to live!" In keeping with the spirit of that challenge the Orem-Geneva Times will begin this week the story of a house. The house a real one is to be known as the Orem-Geneva Times Model Home and is under construction, as of this week, at 146 East Center Cen-ter Street a block and one-naif east of the City Hall. Keeping pace with Orem's building boom and to serve as a pattern from which local home planners, and dreamers, might get constructive ideas and suggestions, sug-gestions, the home's process will be reported weekly in this column. The thrills, the head aches, the problems, the costs, the calculations and miscalculations miscalcul-ations of the building will be recorded re-corded for your enjoyment and information. Completion date is set for October. Of brick construction, the Orem-Geneva Times Model Home will have two bedrooms, a living-dining room, a kitchen, bath and full basement, it is located on a corner lot and will face north. Picture windows in the living-dining room and front bedroom will take in a magnificent magnif-icent view of Mount Timpanog-os. Timpanog-os. To insure that the house will be built square with the road Leonard Beckman, Orem City engineer, directed the staking of the lot corners and house corners. corn-ers. Next thing Bill Jacobson got on the job with his excavating excavat-ing equipment and dug the basement base-ment Inasmuch as there are to be three-foot windows in the basement, the hole was not as deep as basements having smaller small-er windows. Next will be the pouring of the footings and the basement. More about this next week. Ramblings It's rumored that plans are in the offing to divide Vermont Ward- The new Vermont chapel is not yet completed, but the ward division will not create any problems as far as the chapel chap-el is concerned. Each ward cfeated from Vermont will own the chapel jointly and conse quently will have to raise more money to finish it. We understand that several of the clubs here are discussing the building of a new 'Welcome to Orem sign at the city limits- This is a fine idea, but heres hoping they don't plan on put ting it up at either the North or South entrance to the city. The Orem 20-30 club signs are doing a good job there. A least two other entrances to the city on the East and West need wel come signs- That's a good proj ect for one or all the clubs. Mrs. Leland Cunliffe and children, LeRoy, Joan and Gen- ielle of Midvale, Utah are visiting visit-ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. John Houston. Mrs. Hous ton and Mrs. Cunlffe are sisters. and other arrangements can be made the automobile presentation presentat-ion and the final show will be held there. At a general committee meeting meet-ing called by the Orem Chamber Cham-ber of Commerce on Friday the following committee heads were Eph Twiichell Chairman of the program commiliea. VOLUME 14, s t. These Orem lovelies haven't any water to swim in. but they aren't downhearted. They're biding their time until Monday when the Scera Pool will be filled with sparkling pure water, heated to ihe ideal 83 degrees. The group includes, left to right, Joy Hancock, Raquel Bennett, Colleen Bylund. Betty Nimer. Marilyn Johnson and Kaye Beatiy, Shown in the background are the 'dressing rooms, children's shallow pool and at right portion of the windowed wall that surrounds the pool and serve as a windbreak. Renovation of the pool at a cost of $25,000 was completed this week. CAPACITY OF OREM TELEPHONE OFFICE IS INCREASED 50 PERCENT: BJCKMORE By Clyde E. Weeks, Jr. "Installation of ten additional addition-al inter-office trunk lines between be-tween Orem and Provo designed to increase by 33 percent the communication capacity between be-tween the two cities will be vom-pleted vom-pleted this week," J. L. Bick-more, Bick-more, division manager of the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co., announced today. Christensen Family Buys Block Plant in Orem Marvin Christensen, former Vernal man, has announced his purchase of the Peterson Block company at 1800 North State in nrom Mr fhrictonc.n rpnorts v, 4i,-o in k irm as the Orem Block company and will retail lava and cinder blocks in the Central Utah area. The plant employs four men and turns out building blocks and liner blocks made from cinder cin-der and lava material which is hauled here from the Fillmore area. The blocks made at the local plant also contain diatom-aceous diatom-aceous earth for waterproofing which is shipped from Great Salt Lake. The Christensens have made their home in Orem. They have six children: Jean, Silvia, Gary, Farrell, Gail and Glenn. They will attend local schools. Mr. Christensen was in the oil business in Vernal prior to his coming to Orem. named: General chairman, J. George Stratton; vice chairman, Joseph T. Smith; parade and street dance, Henry Campbell; program and talent show, Eph-riam Eph-riam Twitchell; exhibits, Milda Patten; concessions and ball games, Jerry Buckley; exhibition exhibit-ion buildings, Bill Baker; Child- V Fern Knight She's to handle children's NUMBER 28 T These new lines will supplement the cables now installed and In use. In addition to these new cables the telephone company is completing the installation of a new cable between -12th South and 4th South on the west side of the, street, Mr. Bickmore said. Also, the capacity of the Orem telephone office has been Increased In-creased by fifty percent recently recent-ly with the installation by Westr ern Electric company of additional addit-ional switchboard facilities costing cost-ing approxmately $10,000 according ac-cording to Mr. Bickmore. These increased facilities will enable the telephone company to begin i t . a ii rrt J J iaig tare ui me iuimuu uawn. orders for service, he said. Since the Orem office opened in August, 1947, the number of sub scribers has risen from S16 to the present peak load of 1025. New applications are now being be-ing accepted for local telephone service at the Orem office, according ac-cording to Mr. Bickmore. Some of these can be given service almost immediately, but others, depending on their locaion, may be held up until additional facilities facil-ities are installed, he said. "The telephone company It making every effort to serve its Orem patrons as they would lie to be served," Mr. Bickmore said, "and we feel that the addition add-ition of this new equipment in Orem will aid materially in this regard." N . 1 -...n mi n mmmm.' y . 1 . 'ren's entertainment, Mrs. Ralph Knight. Other general committee commit-tee members are Grant Young, Mrs. Ethel Pyne and Neff Smart. Promise of whole-hearted cooperation co-operation from all the service and civic clubs of the community commun-ity has been voiced. Jerry Buckley -1 J In,,- Concessions will be his re- Named to be in charge of He's puniuiiuy. hoisui. committee. i Mr. and Mrs. Karl Eagar spent Sunday visitng with relat-vise relat-vise in Nephi. M. and Mrs. Robert Elliott and family and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Boyer and family are vacationing in American Fork canyon this week. 4 - H Club Fun & Folly Cookers Members of the Fun and Folly Fol-ly Cookers 4-H club met at the home of their leader, Lorna Evans on Tuesday. The girls learned how to make several varieties of toast at the meeting They also practiced some songs they are learning. Present at the meeting were two guests and the following club members: Diana Barnum, Geniel Barnum, Ellen Lofgran, Eva Fay Nielson and Annella Gould ing. Sew-So Stitchers The Sew-So-Stitchers 4-H club met on Wednesday at the home of Loa Jepperson. The girls cut out dresses under the direction of their leaders, Ruth Blair and Ethel Crabtree. Refreshments were served to Betty Rowley, Ann Rowley, De Ann Long, Anne Gordon, Loa Jepperson, Janice Craig, Beverly Thompson, Adele Bryant, Thea Jepperson and Shirley Davis. The club will hold a meeting on Friday at the home of Yvonne Kinser. Sept. 1 has been set as the completion date for the highway by the Strong company, contractors- Approximately one-third of the mileage in Orem has been completed except for a finish coat- The road is constructed of three-inch bituminous plant It, "V ' t V""" V V Milda Patten MRICULTURI PRICE FIVE CENTS SCERA FOOL SET TO OPEN MONDAY Orem area mermaids and mermen, after two summers of inaction, will plunge into warm, Bparkling pure water in the Scera pool on Monday and the local pool will again become the summer fun spot of thousands following completion of the renovation and improvement program. Announcement of the opening was made this week by Victor Vic-tor C. Anderson, Scera manager. Water was turned into the tank early today and inspection and tests were slated by off-icers off-icers of the state board of health this afternoon. Their okeh as anticipated, as the board has Orem Chamber to ill!.?!, ss of the pr0 Meet Friday Night A meeting of the Orem Cham- except Sunday from 10 a m. to ber of Commerce will be held io p.m. The two morning hour at 8 p.m. Friday night at Parks wui be reserved after this Mon-Cafe, Mon-Cafe, according to J. George day for the instruction ot young-Stratton, young-Stratton, president. Business of sters participating in the Seem the meeting will include a dis- recreation program. Afternoon cussion of Orem's street com- and evening hours will be open pletion celebration. swimming for the present. Spec-All Spec-All local businesmcn are org- jai ciass and gr0up periods may ed to attend the meeting. be set later. " Admission for children under Mr. and Mrs. Tennis J2 ?Lin ? 15 cents! 1"". Thompson spent the weekend in t0 wiU 25 Cents: and aoV Ogden visiting with relatives. wl Py 40 cenU-The prices: lnlcude a towel. Inclusion of a Mr. and Mrs. A. Ray Ekina went to Delta on business last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alden John- and family have returned son from a week's vacation in Yel lowstone Park Mr aH Mr. ur n.,4 ler and Delores Butler have re- turned to their home in Flag staff, Arizona after a week's vis it at the home of Mr. and Mrs- I Karl Eagar- Activities w rt l Sundberg has been in charge cf Merry birCle construction, and Orrel DeLanre The Merry Circle 4-H club of has been ln charge of electrical Pleasant View held recent meet- work and Plumbing. City equip-ings equip-ings at the home of Betty Clark "?ent was made available for and at the home of Wanda Lee. the necesary excavating. The girls have finished the Manager Anderson reports scarfs they were making and that the renovation and building have started work on dresses. hai.cost approximately $25,000. Refreshments were served by The ori8inal pool was cons-the cons-the hostess at each meeting. tructed in 1933 as a Public Works administration project. Sewing Our Styles club held their meeting at the home of LaJean Corliss. Work was continued on their suits, under the direction of their leader, Mrs. Jean Scott- Club members present at the meeting were JoAnn Green, Viva Brown, Judy Brown, Ruth McKMl, Carol Naylor, LaRae Muhlestein, Nedra Denys, Le Ann Bingham and LaJean Corliss. ards required of the state pro- Mrs. BIyth Wall was hon- vide complete safety for swim-ored swim-ored on her birthday anniver- mers from bacteria. Mr. Ander-sary Ander-sary when members of her fam- son reports that a capable staff ing enjoyed an outing and din- of attendants wjill supcs-ve ner in Provo canyon. pool activities. the existing con- a crushed gravel base at the 1668. The project is a portion of the state road commission's progran which will widen the hih-way hih-way from Pleasant Grove to Provo. Cost of the project has been set at $357,000. mix, laid on crete and on Henry Campbell . . headinq up the parade liiaiii vuinuiuuui)! j t Manager Anderson reports that the nnol will ho nnpn rinilv towel in the admission price is a recommendation of the state board of health. The Scera pool was closed two years ago when the state board of health invoked regulations on water purification which could noi De met oy tne local pool nor by nearly 90 percent of ihe pools in the state. Installation 01 purifying system, alori wit.h facilitif 'r heating the wuici, new Dam nouses and handsome wind-break to surround sur-round the pool were begun three months ago. . 1 Engineer for the project was Ben Beveridge of Springville; architect ar-chitect for the new buildinri .was Fred L. Markham, desiacr I of the Scera Theatre. Elwoci with Scera furnishing the material mat-erial and the PWA furnishing the labor. The pool provided rec- rpatinn fnr thnnnnrf. durlrTgTach s u 1A r , A-m jrccsja ii was ill uper- ation. The present pool will contain water kept at a temperature of . 82 to 83 deirreos bv steam pPn- erated at the theater heating plant. The water will undergo constant filtration and constant chlorination. Sand for the filtration filt-ration plant was shipped here from Maine. The ricid stand- ' iNOuSTlr i |