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Show JTHURSDAY JULY, 21, ,949 CUSM-GENEVA TIMES (Qrtm - (Bntrtra tUtitwa Published Erery Thuriday at Oiem, Utah M- NEFF SMART, Editor and Publishei Entered a second claw m-tter November 19, 1944 at the postofflce at em, Utah, under th act of March 3, 1879. MEMBER Utah Slate Press Association Subicription Rates! One year, trietij in advance $3 00 Six Month : 2 M A DIFFICULT JOB OF OVERHAULING SALUTE TO SCERA Against the background of Provo's recently renewed , struggle to launch a program which will give them a swimming pool, the accomplishment of Scera in completing com-pleting the Scera pool this week is all the more noteworthy. note-worthy. Swimming pools don't come easy. If they did, every city would have several. Regulations which govern the water purifying plant provide that a huge investment Is necessary. Provo's decade-long efforts to provide a pool for their youngsters attests the difficulty with which swimming facilities are attained on a community basis. It is to the great credit, therefore, of Scera's administrators administ-rators and to Scera's manager, Victor C. Anderson, that this community can have a fine pool at this time. It has taken a vision which is characteristic of Scera's administrators, admin-istrators, and has taken careful planning and cooperative effort. Orem and the entire Scera community will be proud of the pool. First of all it will remove the fears which usually usual-ly attach themselves to pool swimming the fears of infectious in-fectious diseases. The water, because of the modern purifying plant installed, will be completely safe. The windowed wall around the pool adds much to the beauty of the place, and will cut off the cool breezes which would discomfort bathers during the late afternoon and evening. even-ing. The new dressing rooms are spacious and adequate. Our hats go off and up to Scera. They've done it again! GLAMOURIZED DRINKING Have you been to a movie lately? If so, you probably know the meaning of "glamourized drinking." You hear ads on the air for alcohol and see them on billboards. Naturally, liquor companies pay for these. But the most effective campaign for the drinking of liquor is carried on free of charge. In a very large percentage of movies, you see a businessman busin-essman come home, and in very plush surroundings such as a beautiful den, he makes a cocktail with hvs beautiful equipment. Does this strengthen the plot? Does this make him any more of a hero ? You often see, in these movies, drunkenness treated very lightly. Does this bring the approval of the audience? aud-ience? When youths see everyone holding some kind of a cocktail at a gay movie party, they are bound to think, "That looks like fun there doesn't seem to be any harm in it." Why is it necessary for Hollywood to carry on this campaign for liquor? The answer is there is absolutely no reason. It gives many people reason not to attend movies at all, and certainly lends a helping hand to corrupting cor-rupting the youth of America. San Dune, (Junior high school paper) Muskegon, Mich. Willi; Hit ft 'f; V 1 L if w 'u:- liteliflilij ' ittiii iny tiliiijr III Willi PLEASANT VIEW RaNae Houston gave the sacra ment gem In Sunday School. The speakers at sacrament meeting were Rodney Kimball of the Sharon stake high council, Val Bentley, stake missionary and Bruce Wentz, returned mis sionary. The Pleasant View ward Pri mary festival will be held on Wednesday, July 27, at 4 p.m. in the amusement hall. There will be a display of the summer work and dances and songs representing re-presenting different countries. Refreshments will be sold. Reg ular Primary classes will not be held. The Relief Society women are holding work meetings each Tuesday preparing for a bazaar which is to be held on August 10. All ward members are asked ask-ed to contribute articles such as aprons, children's clothing, handiwork, etc and send them to the Relief Society at an early date. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo. Oru-well Oru-well and children of Blythe, California were visitors at " the C. L Moon home last week. Mr. Gruwell is Mr. Moon's nephew. Mrs- Geneva Steele attend--d the wedding of her nephew, Blaine Bradford and Dorothy Weston at the Manti Temple on Friday. Mrs. Steele's parents and brohers and sisters were also al-so in attendance. Fifty descendants of D. B-Brown B-Brown met in a family reunion last Sunday at the home of Mr-and Mr-and Mrs. Angus Wall in Pleasant Pleas-ant View. A program, social chat and refreshments made the afternoon one long to be remembered. remem-bered. Those attending from out-of-town were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brown and family of I Chandler, Arizona; Mr. and Mrs-J Mrs-J Grant Judd and family of Pleas-l Pleas-l ant Grove; and Jasper Brown of Murray, rf?) II IT f j s j i ii s s r it , Go in Air-Conditioned Comfort Go UNION PACIFIC . M 4 SEE US FCH Y0U.7 LEE WORK CLOTHES FLETCHER'S ,t Center Street Provo, Utah BRAKE ADJUSTMENT $1.19 FIRESTONE STORE PROVO. UTAH Lei ut do your brake and front end work today. to-day. You pay iha budget way. 3 Kg3& ... BOO GIITQA far 2 weeks "wit In cain cccio c::iv i4 Get f 100 from ftnemat on signature, signa-ture, furniture, or car. If um1, repay re-pay Timtnat in monthly amounts. If not used, return it after 2 weeks and pay only f 1.40 charges. ifkk Ywr ih f iwti urn, u mm. m. I10.U7 I I 9 174 30.14 1680 13.49 30 31 I 30 1023 Abo poriw cum trmyttttng. lpofnwili en ettw looni of tor ttim nortoch, in pfopoftion AprlftVomrampfffn rod log. w. an Loans made to pay bills, medical expenses, repairs and other needs. LOANS 2i to $230 er More FINANCE CO. 13 East Center Knight Block T. H. COPUS. Manager Phone 281 lM md. to rnidomi of tD rMrriMnrSni Iom ! See the great cities of the East . . . visit the nation's f many historical shrines! Your choice of fine trains every day, and choice of accommodations, including drawing rooms, compartments, bedrooms, bed-rooms, roomettes, upper and lower berths, reclining coach seats, delicious meals lunae cars. For complete travel information, consult your local ticket agent. TAX CONCEPT SERIES Remember, all figures given herein, in previous and succed-ing succed-ing parts of this work constitute a debt that you and your children, child-ren, unto the third and fourth generation, will be paying on, plus the accumulating interest charges, so try to visualize what they mean. The Federal Expenses will run in excess of $42,000,000,000 for the fiscal year of 1950. What is a billion dollars? Look at It this way a .million dollars dol-lars equals 1,000 thousand dollars dol-lars and a billion dollars is 1,000 million dollars. So the congress of this country has appropriated appropriat-ed 42 thousand million dollars of the taxpayers money to run (ruin) our country tor tne coming com-ing 12 months- This amounts to a per capita tax of $300.00 or if you are a family of four you will pay $1,200 00 this year for the priv-iledge priv-iledge of living in this country, or as a penalty for the negligence negli-gence of all individuals for not exercising their sovereign rights to stop this robbery by taxation. Forty-two thousand million dollars is more than the value of all the gold mined in the world since Christopher Columbus Colum-bus discovered America In 1492. The entire business of our Government could have been easily handled for the year of 1950 on 60 percent of the amount that is to be used, or, instead of 42 billion dollars, the necessary activities could have been handled for 25.2 billion dollars- A saving to the taxpayer of 16-8 billion, or put it this way a saving of $120.00 per each person, per-son, man woman and child, in the United States for the year of 1950. Don't laugh this off by saying you don't pay that much tax. THESE MEN HAD THIS TO SAY: "No person in the United States need fear our i afcainst burglary unless he is a burglar or is oLr ready to commit burglary. By the same token r. ?n? need fear this (Atlantic Pact) treaty unless it ia J, ning an aggressive act or has aggressive designs heart." SENATOR TOM CONNALLY of Texas. lts "I do not recollect that any civilization ever dph v from an attack of doubt. I recollect that civiB usually die through the ossification of their trariitii01 faith " JOSE OREGA, Spanish philosopherS? er-statesman, at Goethe Festival held at Aspen, Colo "I condemn and denounce an action that in the nam of defending American democracy has made so man teachers fearful to speak their own minds. . jplj ROSE V. RUSSELL at national convention of Nation! Education association. "The administration has nothing but the old nn. primer answer to any recession in business." SEwvprm BREWSTER, R-Maine. "Some Republicans are whooping it up for a depression because they think it would make a nice political iwm i 1950." SENATOR McGRATH, D-Rhode Island. "If this treaty (Atlantic Pact) is beaten, or if its great meaning is befogfced by reservations seeming t proceed from fear, we shall not soon be able to repair tn damage." HENRY L. STIMSON, former Secretary of War. "The principal method of working people to better themselves is through unions, the search for improved conditions and the establishment of socialism. This movement may be considered the modern expression nt pioneering." DANTEL EOONE SCHIRMER, educational director of the Massachusetts Communist party, testifying test-ifying at the communist conspiracy trial. "Within the circle of (Russia's) control today, tensions ten-sions and conflicts appear to be increasing. It may have temporary triumphs, but in the long run it must either destroy itself, or abandon its attempt to force other nations to its pattern." PRESIDENT TRUMAN at national nat-ional convention of Shriners at Chicago. No- Don't laugh, for you pay it both directly and indirectly, especially es-pecially as all previous taxes levied on any article you buy are included in the price of the article. The ultimate buyer pays all taxes on every item that is taxed,, tax-ed,, and, there is no known item in our commerce that is not taxed tax-ed to the limit, "and beyond the limit", before you buy it. Then to make everything per-feet per-feet your State asks for two percent more when you buy it. This must stop sometime and there is no better time thon now Bil Baker t:3 cxtilinrj filled ivifh vdzzi ..... a -w?y ( r EVERYTHING for your family . . . re!robe for your home for your car In Our Catalog Sales Dept. Now-SL-ARS NEW faii and iumn mmoo Everything you expected-and more! Here, between the colorful covers of Sears big, new Catalog, are more values for yow every need than you've seen in years. Over 1300 pages-new prfce-surprfse on every page! What on exciting shopping tow is waiting for yowl and a CONVENIENT one, too, o SearsCatalog Sates Dept. Our experienced tofespeopte w!3 help you your item, take yow order, and wrN If p. Shop rt &kw and Save. Shop at Sears the Convenient Catalog Way and Sav! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money backl Hi 187 WEST CENTER, PR0V0 PHONE 3400 3401 |