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Show 1 i OREM-GEWA TIMES Thursday, July 25, i946 FOR COMPLETE Electrical Service caii-Geneva caii-Geneva Supply Company Orem, Utah Phone 056R3 We are equipped to give you quick, efficient electrical service, appliance repairs, house wiring, range and water heater installations. Bring your electrical problems to us We have radios, electric water heaters, fluorescent lights RANIER WATER SOFTENER EDGEM0N.T each Bici Bad WcMrannSfWiil'J r 2il8 Uua an.,..,,..,... Bade IC 2010 Rollin av. OarfeGesiene Mar 1201 I 21st j BaggstM f J300 Crlbboe , Bam NOT Mrs 2117 I BasleHetter fjlt W 4th i Baur Kaymwu r 414 i Bailey DwioM Barrett z t Bailey EL 1 1917 BaileylArMO t Baiieyoi r ji BaifeyQT Bailey Ray Bailey Richard Baito WCr Bailfit ChartN F BaiaLMkMankt 4 Bain Walter E : Bainbrido I R BainbrM9Wayi Bainum BairdOM BakerA Baker BE to Baker Basil 2W E 4th av, Baker C H r 3508 Cribbce) tv. . . Baker Emm 220 Bent .... Baker Forest 508 E 20th 7 Gi fcta. ii Bakfl Bak tike Bak : BaM Bak-BaH Bak. Bak Bak JSaF. d I J Va .. -aft aW V 1 a If 1 lv;? w J IV af aT I 3L r. ii aW tail U J- R)l"WJ LlLTttt. maer van r sit w in m allwea Viola Mn r 1704 Va ekOrcnA Frontier Villi. 2d.. W Pint 22d ... 6E 2d .... A r 1321 E II S r 1914 Warren a CMr 2510 Evan tlM 211 W 19t E 420 W 23d 1300 E 12th... 2405V House 415 Van L 404 W Par 41E10th..... iffy r 2012 Thome lok 2200 6 19th. . Samuel E r 1719 E W M 1922 Thomei a neltCKllr 2019E Uneol E 9th. . rt 206 O'Neil E 29th E 6th 'J3f av. 2C Ian Line kth. in 7Ul. am Lin. Ward conference was held Sunday evening with members of the Stake presidency in charge. Reports were given by members of the ward bishopric, and Stanley P. Stubbs, ward clerk, listed all ward officers who were sustained by the congregation. con-gregation. Presidents Taylor Watts and Moldaway all spoke briefly. Wm. D- Lee sang the solo, "Bless This House." Edgemont Literary club was postponed one week owing to the ward pioneer day outing held Friday, July 28. The club will meet Friday, August 2, at the home of Mrs. LeRoy Un-thank Un-thank at 2 o'clock. All members mem-bers are invited to be present. A large representation of ward members will enjoy a fine day at Conrad's Ranch in South Fork of Provo Canyon, Friday, in their annual Pioneer Day out ing. The Sunday school is sponsoring the gay event, which includes family picnic lunches program and sports of all kinds. The Sunday school organiza tion is to be congratulated for their fine entries in the Orem 24th parade. The float "The Crickets and the Seagulls" was designed by Mrs. William Lee and arranged by the Senior and Gospel Message classes. Miss Merleen Smith reigned as "Queen Edgemont" in the beautifully decorated car of Mrs. Clifford Stubbs. Ray Hawkins, Jesse L. Smith and sons, Norman and Lawrence are members of the Orem Riding Rid-ing club, and many of the younger members of the ward were there on their fine horses. BLmop and Mrs. Philo T. Edwards Ed-wards are happy over the safe arrival of a grand daughter, born Wednesday to Jack and Ruby Edwards Camercan. Baker It W r 1616 Warren av..... ......XvO lUkef-i Piatt restaurant 411 W 17th ;51 Etarth fniliip r 412 E 16th BartleyET r 26U Warr- RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS I suffered for years and am so thankful that I found relief from this terrible affliction that I will gladly answer anyone writing me for information. Mrs. Anna Pautz, P.O. Box 825, Vancover, Washington. Pd. Adv. NUE-OVO Laboratir-ies. RELIGIOUS RADIO TRAINING A weekly training class for production of religious radio programs has been instf uted in Indianapolis by the United Christian Youth Council. 35 young people, representing the churches of all denominations in Indianapolis, enrolled for the first series of classes. EXPANDED SALVATION ARMY PROGRAM A nation-wide program de signed to strengthen American facilities for meeting both ma terial and spiritual needs of the postwar years is being launched by the Salvation Army under the slogan, "Marching Forward to a Better World." More than 5,000 Salvation Army officer? in 7,381 corps and outposts in the United States will lead out in the plan, which is designed to sponsor character- building activities for youth, aid to vet erans, readjustments and emerg ency aid to Army and Navy personnel at home and abroad and rehabilitation of Salvation Army work in war-ridden coun tries. LIQUOR AND CRIME In the 1045 crime report of the Federal Bureau of Invest! gation appear the following fig ures concerning alcohol and crime: There were 110,251 men arrested and fingerprinted for drunkenness, or 24 per cent of the total arrests made; and 14,663 women or 17 per cent of the total arrests. In 1932 these percentages were 4 per cent and 3 per cent respectively RELIGION AND NEW YORK CITY YOUTH Only 85,000 of the city's 341,-800 341,-800 non-Jewish and non-Catholic youth 12 to 14 years old are being reached through churches. in the high-school group,, only 12.2 per cent of Protestant youth are being reached by Boy scouts "Y's," Camp Fire girls, or church agencies. Not more than 20 to 25 per cent of Protestant young people of college age are touched by any religious agency. Of a total of 1,648, 500 youth In the city, 29.5 per cent are Jewish, 49.7. per cent Catholic and 20.8 percent Protestants. Of 25,575 high-school youth in Boy J V BERQ MORTUARY WISHES TO ANNOUNCE A NEW MODERN PLAN PROTECTING YOUR FAMILY FROM FUNERAL WORRIES Now Available to Every Eligible Person In UTAH COUNTY With These Common Sense Advantages: PROMPT PAYMENT ANY PLACE IN THE UNITED STATES A sight draft backed by a $5,000,000.00 old line Legal Reserve Co. is attached to every certificate, payable immediately. No red tape. No waiting. For Full Information Ask AVOIDS FUTURE EXPENSE A sensible, prearranged plan whereby you can fix funeral costs and make all desired arrangements in advance. FITTED TO YOUR NEEDS You can choose the amount, the type and the method of payment best suited to your needs. ALL ELIGIBLE TO APPLY You can cover yourself, your whole family or any member of your family anywhere in the United States up to 80 years of age, in godd health, without a medical examination. Scout and Camp Fire Girl movements, move-ments, only 4,770 are protestant; of 15,214 in the same age group served by the "Y" only 5,770 are protectants LOCAL ITEMS Peter L. Wentz of Chicago, is vacationing here with his par-1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray V. Wentz. 1 Th Better Homes club enter-1 taine 1 their husbands and fami lies at a pienne at Canyon Glen, where a most delightful time ! was enjoyed. i Mr and Mrs. K. E. McEwan ; have had as their guest this! week, I.irs. McEwan's sister,: Mrs. Co!en Paramore of Cedar ! City. Mrs. Eva Nelson of Richmond California, is visiting with i da tives and friends here. The Happy G.T. group met at the home of Mrs. Florence Wilkinson, where pot luck lunch was served to Mrs. Effie Mil-lett, Mil-lett, Mrs. Ethel Dickey, Mrs. Mary McEwan, Mrs. Sadie Elder, El-der, Mrs- Brichet Brewer, Mrs-AgrVs Mrs-AgrVs Nelson, Mrs. Charlotte Skinner and the hostess. Farm and Home Safety Week Julv 21-27. Guard ngainst accidents; Use caution and don't take chances. - r m a r iv av vJMntiguaimmm OREM PHONE 043-J2 PROVO SVest & Center Thermos Jugs (Gals.) Spigot Spray Gun (Metal) 4.89 39c D.D.T. Spray and Powder 69c Salt Tabs, for Heat 39c Heat Powder 49c Sunfreze Ice Cream Brick Quarts Suntan Lotion, Tartan (Army Formula) . . 49c 98c Eversharp CA Repeater Pens Visit our Fountain Lunches Free Baby Scales Service Crutch Rentals Oxygen Depot Free Delivery 75c Rubber Gloves 59c Fishing Licenses, Bus Depot, timmiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiim HEM IHf SUMMER ELECTRIC HOU2 mm' 'ANNS JAMISON ittiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil iiiiiiiHimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimmmiiiinimiiii HttllHWItlw BOB SHAN LEY tm WOtTSMtN eSIMtrtr Momr Mumusm'i occhestm 1:30 P.M. - Station KSL Brought to you by UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. 050,000,000- State Farm Mutual baa aavM its policyholders mora thai due fai the cost of their aota msurucel Yon too can Mvt.M CsBtrlFriu RULON L. BURR 326 East Second So. Arerican Fork Pho.676 Salt Farm Insurance Companies o Bloomlagtoa, IUiaois MOW Stoker o o o IS THE TIME TO INSTALL A er MoShoarPin Don't Valt Until cold weather when it can be installed now without inconvenience to you Come in and see the many exclusive advantages of the WINKLER OTOKEEl It automatically eats up obstructions. See the marvelous transmission now on display at our store. You will be convinced that the Winkler is the stoker you must install in your home. IT IS A STOKER YOU WILL BE PROUD TO OWN! Buy now, with no down payment; as long as three years to pay for it. Geneva Supply Co. Phone 056R3 Orem, Utah 1 s """"iMmtimimi.it , mm u imiimiimifimixiiiiunimin ,ii.u.iii.tMimniiii...i.tii...iiiH.n I "'J"J";"m'';iiiiiii;imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirii imiiiiniii imiiniliiintii mi m, i miiiiiiii iiniiint nmim mmraiim ' n For full information ask BERQ MORTUARY 185 East Center Phone 378 LOANS end REAL ESTATE SEE FRED E. RAY INSURANCE Officen VO Savin. Second Wen FOR SALE Reconditioned Mowers and Hay Rakes WM. F. WISCOMBE Phone 023-J1 TAILORING Lnies' and Genliemer'a FINE TAILORING Both SUITS aad COATS at $25 up REPAIRING ALTERING REMODELING MITCHELL 431 South 2nd West Prev. KELSGH'S COMPLETE SHOE FOOT SERVICE 156 West Center Telephone 707 AT BOOTERIE Provo, Utah mfi- Ladies' Rayon Blouses Jewel Neckline and Sport Styles 2.30 TO 2.98 Men's Light Weight Unions Short Sleeve, Long Leg - Short Sleeve Short Leg $1.59 Boys' Slack Suits Sizes 6 to 16 $4.00 Values Now $3.00 Ladies' Rayon Panties White and Tea-rose Colors 790 Men's and Boys' Bodyguttf Shirts and Shorts All Elastic Waist Bands Each 690 Little Boys' Swim Trunks Red, Yellow or Blue 93? Child's Rayon Panties Sizes 2 to 12 m Boys' Swim or Gym Trunks Just Received $249 BOYS' Tommy Pants Sanforized Cloth Sizes 1 to 6 $1.0$ IFILEITIKIEIR9 368 West Center St. s Provo I |