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Show SEWING CIRCLE PATTERNS IJoutifuf, Uerdatife Jwo-pl( iecer HI lake ZJhi5 lim 'rtnce5& D) I. r i a 4. a HpHE ash-swinging mix-up In the American League among such riflemen ai Ted Williams. Hank Greenberg. Charlie Keller and Joe DiMaggio has been more hectic than It ! i.-st looked to ' ed Williams, U. ed Sox blast er, was the man to f 4f beat back in mid- ' - nprn, ana ne u still the one to beat 4 thrnuffh the Inn a August and Septem- . . .,... ber march ahead. Ted William. 0ny Wakefleld has fallen behind schedule among the big hitters. The others have picked up Just about where they left off and the scramble still will be keen along most of the remaining route. There is little chance now that anyone will come close to overtaking Babe Ruth's high mark of 60 homers, or the two big years that Jimmy Foxx and Hank Greenberg had in the past but It will take around 45 homers to lead the two circuits, and the four present leaders all have a shot at this target While Joe DIMag glo's general av-erage av-erage baa been well below other years his lifetime mark la around .S37 (he Yankee outfielder outfield-er hasn't lost his grip en the home-mn home-mn bat. Bla long-distance range remains. It baa remained for Charlie Keller to Improve In both departments the Maryland Mauler Maul-er haa moved Into his biggest season sea-son and no far he shows no signs of slipping back. While Yankee hitting generally has been below the expected aver age up to this July date. Its home- run count haa been healthv enough In the way of long distance blows. Keller. DlMao-eio. Henrinh HamI nn LindeU and others have managed to noia tneir own or do Just a shade better. The American League still nai tne margin in power. In the National Johnny Mlze of the Giants Is still the top home-run hitter in the older old-er circuit National League support-era support-era will tell you that National League hitters have to face imart-r imart-r and better pitching. This may be true but we doubt It we ean't quit visualize better National League pitching than Feller, New-houser, New-houser, Chandler. Hughson, Ferrlss nd a tew more have been nfferlns- For the past tt years the Amer ican Magna baa adopted the eld Babe Ruth slogan not to "bit 'em where they ain't" but to hit -em wnere mey can't get at 'em. In the way of a home run market. It Is almeat a certainty that the American Amer-ican will have the four top men. Baseball again haa proved, aa boxing proved in the case of Joe Louis, that the punch is the last trnng to leave the athlete's system. Bank Greenberg certainly has proved it to a marked decree. Hank is no elastic cat around first base the old legs are not what the young legs used to be. They never are. But the Tiger slugger has proved that he can keep on getting his home runs, whatever else may have happened through the enervating process of added years and a long war layoff. Your Money's Worth From which anort does one set the best return for the money ho invests aa a spectator? We offered this query to a rather large group of sports-loving fanatics who follow ine tortunes of many games. We began be-gan to figure out the coat, clua the excitement, the thrill and the sat- unacuon derived, it broke down something like this: 1. For World Series game, the cost for reserved aeat la $5.50. The coat of a aeat for a series of three games la $16.50. aV For an Army-Notre Dame or aa Army-Navy football gam tat top aeat coat to $4.40. The price la bo higher for a MlchW gaa Ohio State or a Pennsylvania Pennsyl-vania Army contest for any football contest. For an open Golf contest the coat to $3.50. 4. For an International Polo match the coat tag la around $5. 5. No championship or high-ranking high-ranking basketball gome costs more than $$ or $4 for seat. . Yon can aee a national ten, nis championship match for no more than $5 If that much. 9. For a day at the Olympic gamea yon could get a good seat for $3. a. Yon can get one of the beat seata at the Kentucky Derby, the Preakneaa or the Belmont for prices that range from $5 to $10. It waa hero the argument warmed up, all on one side. Then why should a boxing match range from $16.50 to $100, when on a general gen-eral average the contestants Involved are far below the average kill of baseball, football and other start, including golf? One answer might bo that the public is willing to pay. It is, of course, au up to tne sporting public. It still can be said that no law exists Which forcea anyone to pay for more than a show la worth - and the public to the only agent that fan handle the situation. 1 (ill fl3B M "Ul'il It agfJn-I still don't believe woman can - - I I 1 possibly resist Gregory Peck for two hours!" ' "Don't worry, Mom lt'a only my teddy bear." NANCY By Ernie Bushmiller I WISH HE'D LEAVE IVE )Sg I NANCV HOW m I OH, SLUSGO 1 fgifif IT'S PLAYED WITH BEEN HINTING FOR r ABOUT ONE GAME I INVENTED A SMALLER BOARD J"""" pr HOURS r Sslll OP CHECKERS ? J A NEW KINO i V rri- .If, 'iter-i- X THEN ILL GO jr ' OF CHECKER J$ 3n 1 0Mg- Wit V. t W mm ' r r-H E? ii. IPi I MUTT AND JEFF By Bud Fisher I I ffS.'Mf I ' 1st t w I MAM SMU TUC anal I 0 - H "Bfflnfiv" VPJ LW',r-Jl-.UI I ' mrm mmwA i . t4 m aw i iii . b k m m vssl. r " t r m an sr vvww'Vi'.y-i mm m u ami a w. ur v w th raaT at i . jj ., . hMMmm ffiKffi) iS m&sz8ETJk& f I'l'i'i v nrrip "" By Margarita w ii at i ii an l in a ii m. ii s sr ar rm. l n mr ma -- -hirairuk. m r-jm sa- v . rr . ui i ""'1""'g juimm hiiiii r ri 1 II If- I'-' U,i'iynin 1 1 r iiT-rpn . . . By Arthur Pointer I X I .VR II ICV RS 1 jXJsswNJ I I.I. X V II KY vs.'Vvvl iprf ao ret i roe rrJJr ,. By Gene Byrnei i; ,.rtv".-''-3.jr . s.i il?i.-s:i ni ii r i ti 1. wjs r e5 n r . II fiwrw.wiyiW iria TAKE IT OR. I I K iuq!s ifTn AunujiuJi A I I W HAW "7 . ffRGIL i n- ,,, xu j VIR6IL-00 M3U EXPECT torT WOULO V0U MlMO i I I I 'i TWIS CAP OP YOURS TO TIT ( HANfiTV thAMKJ ii f ru.fUVALITn.EJ HANft ITSELF UP T J ; SjURSELF iW: YOU :fi"i ISj : ' I ftjd ij li viHir .aS.A i I I j t r Jimmy Durante at Yale Jimmy Durante was a guest at the Yale commencement exercises the other day. The Yale classic festivities fes-tivities coincided with the opening of Jimmy's latest movie "Two Sisters Sis-ters From Boston" in the colleee town. Both Yale and the picture people made the most of it. No result re-sult was announced officially, but observers say Yale lost another close one. Believe It er not, the class of 1913 adopted Durante. And In one of the class costumes "The Schnoxsle" paraded In the traditional commencement com-mencement parade, did his stuff at Mix annual linll nmit and W&a nhO- tographed being welcomed by Pres. minrlaa fiovmnnr nf Vata and Mrs. 6eymonr, a distinction not record ed by the photographers In the case of Trygve Lie, secretary of the United Nations, end many notable Americana present for honorary degrees. Proving that by the scale of cockeyed cock-eyed values existing in this screw- j nail age mere is no umn 10 now far a radio celebrity and Hollywood star may go. News that Jimmy Durante would be a Yale commencement figure drew out greater crowds than any commencement in years and there are those who insist that the closine line of the famous old Yale theme song was rendered "For God, for country and lor the scnnozzie. "I never realized them Yale acouts was even watchln' me, aald Jimmy. "I admit I never stonned Harvard or Tale, but on the other hand I kept Notre Dame from getting on the Yale ached ale. "I was dIwbvs a Vale man at heart, even if my soul belonged to the University of Hard Knocks and my body to good old Crossley Eatings. Eat-ings. Blue is my favorite color and Til see that it eets a break in tele vision. . "I was cnt out to be a eouee-e man, but in my youth I could never get much practice In punting and droo kickine en account nf them Inn ceilings in Greenwich villac-e nieht- eries. My first words as a baby were BooIa Boola.' I was christened chris-tened James but my folks called me Elihn for short And I was short er than most kids. "Yale was in my blood. I could feel it thumping there, but not get ting nownere. Mavbe it was on ao. count of the good blocking by Harvard Har-vard and Princeton. 'I wanted the hieher education but I was particular. I said it's Yale or nuthln' with me. Yale lost that one too!" CAN YOU REMEMBER- Au3Q.lt hath Uiheik vnu tVktI iL , - J w rwn a MS S-f(B neht sniril if lAmohurv ifJ0-J . dollar? u 3 ,s And when nnrh l 'a w vv ultn told meats urns no problem whatever? Love and Flagpoles America must be cettins hai t normal A couple were married on top of a flagpole the other day. Marshall Jacobs. flagpole sitter and Yolanda Cos-mar, Cos-mar, the eirl of his phnloo through the wedding ceremony of mo year ai losnocKton, Pa. The wedding numbers were annnnnnAjl as "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life" and i ixjve xou ITulv." We would hs. recommended "Don't Fence Me id- and "Upsle Daisie." Evidence of a return w wouiiicaa in tnis countrv ic mot mmfnttu. And we needed a demonstration of true ana unswerving love and de votion, wnen a bride enea itti top of a 176 foot flagpole for her man mat is It. Why America Is Great "I have seen magnificent universities univer-sities in America. 1 have seen its wonderful laboratories and its mu-seums mu-seums of which old European culture cul-ture would be proud, and 1 have also seen Lions' club luncheons where full-grown men. Imitating uyun commana. It is s curious country." Uya Ehren-burg, Ehren-burg, visiting Russian writer. We know a Lions' club. Uya. In which a college dean leads the roar-tag roar-tag and a laboratory chief tosses his head while he roars like a Nubian species. What this country needs Is a good five cent dollar. "Times Square Ticket Aeenei Robbed"-headllne. lt'a about time. General Elsenhower say. three bla factora ma -t-- . Possible. mlttZE, ? U)",..Bnmber factor that broke HiUer dawns The way the Yank a aaJit nnu . . ' 8033 10-16 Smart Two-Piecer DOPULAR with every teen-ager 1 is the attractive two-piece frock tnat makes up so handsomely in a variety of fabrics. This exciting version has a pretty square neck and yoke edged in ric rac, and two oows percnea atop pepium pleats. btraignt smooth skirt. Pattern No. 8033 eamas In alzaa in 11 13, 13. 14. 15 and 16. Size 11. blouse. 2 yarai oi so or as-incn; SKlrt, 1 yards; aa j"iuB nc rac. Use old shower curtains to make aprons, bibs, nlare mate nr each curtains lor the bathroom. e To avoid cloudv iced tea never pour hot tea over ice or place it in xne reirigerator. Let the tea euui w room temperature first e To Prevent ntrlv marks Ml VAIIP HOOrs &DD1V wax to the casters ni your xurmture. Tins which are not hadlv stained can be nolished well with hrnnm paper that has been moistened in vinegar. When washinir hniinm haniio knives do not allow them to remain too lone in water as thio miht loosen them. e Sew loose button Aft &f nnia Takes only a moment and prevents your losing the button. e To clean a finnrpil cnnmva .K fresh lemon into it thoroughly. xvuiae several times in lukewarm water. e Bang UD tOWels to drv lmmatL - j titivus- ately after using them to prevent mildew. Never put a damp towel in the laundry bag or leave it in heap on the bathroom floor. Slimming Princes! npHIS delightfully slenfefcd beginner no hoH a . Just smooth easy sewing. Nam u u&ea to eage tne scaDotil neck, front closing and cool J sieeves. Pattern No. 80S6 Is designed tor it S4. 36 38 40 42. 44. llSftV 39-inch "" "''' onc; nj Naw Ecltlnit-niBteiit-tti mJ bias at FASHION. Send twutHnZ for yonr cop; of this 52-pankHk.u2 and patterns for all home tewm. .1 cestions by nationally knewi futlai tors . . . special pattern I; Miii American designers ateat aesiM pa pauera prioieg la hl Send your order to: SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DDI J09 Mission St., Sag Frtseliee, 01 Enclose 25 cents la coin br ad pattern desired. Pattern No. aa mftm AT GROCERS! Buy U. S- Savingi Boni Mai V ft.. . l. L..U.ui i ry nor creomca runo on wmcm SforKist Fancy is best of our ) gw r"- at a mo 1 tf r j2i:;H Keeps for weeks on your pantry shelf ...reaay tor quick action BAKE AT HOME New Fleisch- rX ..i !f Yeut kta you "Mke all the delicious bread your family toyea, quickly ... any tim, you want to. mWr'rSV?,u,tctlD---New neiscb-nnni neiscb-nnni i Fast Rising stays full-strength for foTn!nS nelf-alwayt ready gfquick action whenever you need it. Get New Pleuadunann', Past Rising Dry Yeast "xy. At your grocer. I .Hn (OOiOl growtl |