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Show fx ,n Ffi;!:i:. T D. P. FELT, i:tlilnr anil Mnamcrr. sac Iff ST J Local Mention. Hood's Pills cure all liver ill. Huliy carriages just an ivert at Molen Reynolds & Co. The patrons of the Springville Milling Mill-ing Co. can have their seed wheat cleaned free of charge by calling on Mr. Snell at the milt. It is impossible to make a purer or t xo rigor pow.ler than Hewlett Bios, high grade Three Crown baking powder. Hall's Hair Reriewer cures dandruff aud scalp alTe'-tiinis: also all casas of baldness whore the glands which food . the roots of the hair arc not closed up E. A. Gregory will make his last appearance on the dramatic stage tonight to-night and Saturday night. This is no Pattl farewell, but the genuine article. ar-ticle. Owen Johnson, the "E. C. lleni ie.h-scn ie.h-scn pottery rusher of Provo was seen delivering crockery, etc., yeslcrdax. lie re polls a good business., On account of the absence of Mayor Deal and no urgency for a coyncil meeting, tbe city soloim adjourned until the first Monday in April. John Reynolds is a ipill builder no longer he is now a fixture at the H. T. Reynolds store, tying up sugar and measuring cloth. Mr. Eph. Boron foreman of the A. O. Suioot Lumber Co. of Provo was in town yesterday looking up their business. They have a number of contracts under way hero and also in Spanish Fork. "We have used Hood's Pills for the last six years and recommend them to all who are afflicted with rheumatism or nervous prostration. We find they will do all that is claimed for thorn. Lee Uench, Mantl city, Utah. Miss Rorick has opened new dross making parlors in the Mirier building just south of the bank, where her friends and patrons will rind her with all the help and necessary facilities fordoing the latest and most approved approv-ed dressmaking. The Home Dramatic Company, which will present the Rlack Flag'' tomorrow and Saturday is not the Springvillo Literary and Dramatic association, but a separate organization organiza-tion of home people, several of whom, however, are members of the literary and dramatic association. R.ifore you try anthing else for the blook take Simmons Liver Regulator. It is the best blood medicine because it is the best liver remedy. If your iiver is active and at work the blood will be the best Simmons Liver Regulator Reg-ulator t the best Spring medicine, 'i tell my friends if they want to enjoy en-joy health and h.fppiuess they ought to take Simmons Liver Regulator." Mrs. It. W. Smith, Mcintosh Muff, Ala. Mrs. Caroline Waters has enjoyed a yery pleasant month in the society of her eldest son, Joseph Waters, of New Castle, Colorado, who has been home to Springvilleon a visit. Last Thursday Thurs-day she quietly invited a number of his old friends and associates to her house and perpetrated a genuine surprise sur-prise ou him. A splendid time was had by all who participated. Cough-cure, the most prompt and effective remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs, is Ayor's Cherry Pectoral. As an emergency modi- cine, lor Uio cure oi Croup, Sore Throat, Lung Fever and Whooping Cough, AVER'S Cherry Pectoral cannot be equaled. E. M. 15 u A w I. K v, D. I)., Dis. Sec. of the American Bap tist Publishing Society, Petersburg, Va., endorses it, as a cure for violent colds, bronchitis, etc. Dr. P.rawloy also adds: To all ministers suffering from throat troubles, I recommend AVER'S Cherry Fedora Awarded Medal at World's Fair. AVER'S PILLS Cure LiKr and Stomach Troubles PL A UK FLA(I toni; dav. 'lit and -SaUir- The "Black Flag" which will be presented at the city hall tomorrow and Saturday nights, is the BEST play that will be presented here this month, and the company, each and erery member of which are home people, peo-ple, Is by the far the best company. Come and sec for yourself. The "Black Flag" company has no desire to 'queer' the Silver Lining production, notwithstanding notwith-standing the efforts of that company to 'queer' the "Black Flag," but are perfectly willing to leave the quest-inn of the merits of the production, to the judgment of an honest and intelligent in-telligent public. Will Hatfield, a young man who recently re-cently returned from a mission, was taken to Provo Monday to be examined as to his sanity. It appears that he was taken ill and his mind became lightly unbalanced and ho was sent lioiuc. Since returning home he re- galued his health and apparently his reason, and It was not until last Frl-day Frl-day that he showed signs of a dis turbed tulnd, w hen he lecame violent and freightcned his neighbors. Tin marshal was sent for and succeeded In getting hiru to jail by preteuding to give hlui lessons In bicycle riding, nne of lessons ending ucar the jail. Before he cowld be placed Ju a cell It became necessary to handcuff biru and tr his feet. At the examination Mod-Uy Mod-Uy he was adjudged insane aud committed com-mitted to tbe lobane asylum. The yluni officials state that the unfortunate unfor-tunate young man' coruplote recovery mill tfc Ctly a uaUtt &I a few' vfcelrr. See Will Houtt as Lazarous tonight and Saturday. Come and examine our now stock. Molen, Reynolds Jt Co, The R (J. W. has made a conference rate of :2.tO to Salt Lake and return. Tickets good until the lolh arid on sale April 3rd to 6th inclusive. "Have you heard of the great re-on re-on suits'?'' "Why no ""Well, Molen, Reynolds & Co. are actually selling them at a reduction of from four to ten dollars. W, R. Dougall and wife of Salt Lake are visiting relatives in this locality having enjoyed a time in Provo they concluded their visit with Mr. H. M. Dougall and return today. II. T. Reynolds X- Co. have received an immense stock of spring goods of all kinds. House furnishings and ladies dress goods being in especially pleasing rarities. Oh joy The street supervisor and aids are harrowing dow n our "plowed" streets preparatory to rolling and we may look upon them with a greater-degree greater-degree of pleasure than heretofore. Andrew Berkley is now seen gyrating gyrat-ing on a new wheel a Dellauce which he purchased of Win. M. Royhnce. Andrew is doing well for a new rider and can ride in the street without hitting all the tress on both sides. The Deseret News is now a welcome wel-come visitor on the Zoning train to tho great gratification of its readers and with thanks to postmaster Thorn tor distributing them with all letters even If it is after hours. Postmaster Hagan distributes .the mail every evening after arrival and does all in liis power to lighten the hardship caused by the unfortunate change in the mail. Tintic Miner. A curious public wants to know what is the matter-why the change is unfortunate. un-fortunate. Ed. TiU'i.Y AsTrvNisniNo. Miss An-nett An-nett N. Moon, Fountain, Minn., says: "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has had a wonderful effect in curing my brother's broth-er's children of a severe and dangerous danger-ous cold. It was truly astonishing how speedily they found relief after taking this preparation." This is the time of the year that door yards and surroundings should bo thoroughly cleaned up. The microbes mic-robes from tliH accumated tilth of winter are now released by the warmer rays of the sun, and disease and death maybe the result, unless the tilth Is carted away. Enquirer. The Springville Literary and Dramatic Dra-matic association, assisted by that well-known artist Mr. Frank Sheridan will present that popular up-to-date play, "The Silver Lining," next Thursday Thurs-day aud Friday and Friday matinee at the city hall. Mr. Sheridan Is an actor of marked ability and Is taking great pains to present a niece that will give eutire sat isfaction. Tie u'SfuctaHi peaple of Provo, j leaded !; a band of indignant ladies fnim'cacii ward, presented a petition to the City Council asking t he revo-euM"ii revo-euM"ii of the S. M. Duggitis s:i!o;iii license. It appears that th license for tne Diamond saloon ox piled I'eb-j.'ith. I'eb-j.'ith. Money for the license for the en-suingquarter en-suingquarter had been turned into the ,ity treasury, and an application for a license to !tsue to Fffink drier filed, but before it was granted (ids (lark cloud arose and this pet iliori corning, effectually checked the granting, and r he proprietors have agreed to abide by the public demand. The people demand that that house shall not bo used for a saloon by an v body, for the reason that its interior is so cut up into secret compartments that the officers of the law carta t get into them and put a stop to anv immoral or illegal pir.i t ices that maj be carried car-ried on or attempted iu them. It MiyDj aiMuhfor Yn- Mr. Fred Miller, of Ir. -jug, 111. writes that he had a Severe Kidney trouble for many years, with severe pains in his back and also that his bladder was affected. He tried many so called Kidney cures but without any good result. About a year ago lie U'gau use of Electric -Bitters and found relief re-lief at once. Electric Bitters is es peoially adapted to cure of all Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives all most instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Prize only fine or large bottle. At I);'. C. J. Peterson's Peter-son's Drug Store. Notioe of Sale- At the last regular meeting of the Western Lith. Stone, is was ordered that 25,000 sh ires of the treasury stock be sold. In pursuance of the above, order the said number shares of said stuck is now offered for sale. See C .1. Peterson, Springville LOOK HERE i roo; O.l your with the VV.i It don't come off on hands the loath; r a glossy and new Harries f u ?.." cents (.lives ; appear ance. For sale by JAMES TAYLOR, JR. Sole Agents for Utah Co DOCTOR G.7. SHORES to'." Jit.-.- Lfi-t'3 irrv a verv tasty line oi CENTS' FURNISHING (JOOD3 See our line of new SHIRfs from oOcts up, LATEST. LULL. A lis LLr rs. TIES, Etc. rr';-A."y?.' KttTil Sll'AJ axis) i.vb ;:::.ae Iht: o:lv rcr.istlv p'lrniftd v ilv,lurrl? cure c.i'orrii ami i. inp). Ic cr..d.c.l I'm tUca I. ra lb. Uoi.il ard tem FULL SIZE, SI-CO; TRIAL T:Jih fill! AiC'i' Ifeill rm-ll'. SIZE, 25c, !Ul UrOl!!li' it v atntrl, !y uf Ciiurrli, 0 V- 1 .o use ! . tr.-T ; ;t I..U 1 Farmers Attention-Money Attention-Money loaned on irrigated farms at 10 per cent per annum. Write or ap ply personally to Samuel Corualy Spanish Fork, Utah. Notioe to Eriok Buyers. I will make good all brick broken or those which prove to be too soft for use. when contract calls for first -class brick. J. W. Fin el. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's tir ti!tirst Awqrd. Jress Making MISS ROtlICK has opened parlors par-lors in the Miner Rlock, up-stairs, where she will be pleased to meet her friends and patrons who desire de-sire work done in the Latest Fashions anil Best Workmanship SPRING V I LLE, UTAH. :krC alii I'iaA m.'N'S u: e tuH ii. '..i 'l: s f.i;r il l, 311.1 '"' ni'.niii i v.. ivi Si, hi ii. i IM'. hi hiv f ! f.'!''.wi- r M"'':'"'i' r,r fi C.'ivr1: 'e ' 'I irrh Ci:r ' iv 1 1 j've vui Ul- nn' T-l e n:.1 i'iiiii' 1 ''v ar.J pi.T.apc:i'. aire yuu i'h- m.e siii'ir isl :r ? f) . v 'V n 'S? In l"i ? K 'lir n.nf ;in ' li ii ! r? 1 ili ii n rn i. 'r -p "' ',e '' 1.' i v 1 1 I-.tvU t . rf, r lu 0-r r ? in v,.ir '''.r iii .ir . -n I'l' m,.n; ii,.? 'V vi-n h'.t-- vrh nr ii i'i.t:i ' r-?!'.? U v. ttrr irar,-i ; I ill r h i ,.n e r-; 1 -. 'i 'i" " ' is i!ie i x .If m v. t'.f e-rf tv. v.m h.-'titT n it- Us t!nn,.'h I . i;iir he.irli i: w..iMl-on V"Ulnvi- n t. i.Yr Or. (1 V. Sh'irrt'C ut'h Cure c ii r, s n'i . ..in-.!i ,11, :-. r. I l-n.n. Ir ' illri-ii'-ns. One Ji S'" "li-'-.T -, ii.-n.'l, .-, .'.'.- Kwr .' b til.- in ! nws !v,l'lvs ?v- I' v. I. Ii i' l- Ih -s- vu-, ti is Or.', it-1 mi i'- I1 .'iiJ It wil! vi yiu. !l iv -.'ii :t -. On u taUc MM 'r Unv,' "ii m i, .ii Hif '-'' i i v.iu r.iivp fi.i''" i, ; - r . i r" O.i vr-i ."i;!' .n O f r.i n I'V? O.i voit r- ,r '- i . . ht-t - lairi? fir l t-'i'.rr-i' T. n.t: aril t'.l'ii"i I'm " r vi's tin I p'li tits '!-. r -U't'S Jvsc-t-:'i 3 .m l .;; i'-i-'t (I rrr t iit'ij li ; v ii.-ii.vi.tl) i, ippii ir-s: I- tliLfu r.au-f ! I)., v ti t'ti'ti " i: lv? Are uu c .ti-.ti- I . t."ui ui'ipiif ,:i;ai.-.if Dii y.m Null ui' iltri iiiftit:'' 11,. vi, I Hill III' ''I" :l t' h there -..i-.--t.iiii I ' '!' " hV Or (I w. i-ii f' kWiwy nil l.ivter Curt ,:i is .hi J s- as.s. ai i.w l.ilr,t,, livei it S. el.-. D.i win i.-i i i- t H.ive t'.i wil I 'v-tit 0 i y.iii U-i1 mt, r.tl it ? l;o "'. ui t-rca i-,is,. ? l)..i Vt'U hJVf IliH it.SiliM' Are , "in spun, it, .ii inn' On miii h ive run hi'ii m b.mi Is? 1' i yiiui :ia.l anJ leti swJI.' 1 ei s :i.,iiei in-u e at t",;!!' f Is Hie e r- l !' '' II . the peip:raiiii J'"' Is 'll'.ro pul!illi;-.s ;.::Jl l H" in II . v..ii !. .v.- In , un ll"-Il 11 Il'i-llt? .-. iiu-re a J.r" t uinK " I) ,.,'t r.g'---- ' " !,ifn v l ti ' vou. Or. N .tin- ti it Ui. J as, J.iiLtiJ "ti tl.e t'H"-- Dr. O W. Sh.i CS- Aiountaln --- Otl5t r5!'ie ..iirsi i-ain in t.ne minuic. Kir liejlai..i. twih.ich iwirili'-. i-rri'i-5 ,.r c.lis use it es'-.-rn.illy anJ in- Ui-n-.iiv. Prrvjnls HiiJ cu-cs J phlliiii.i n uss-j id i , in Ki'i-rt Killle In t lv. I'rce. i"-c b-ntlo Or. (i V. S!i,icj' H.-iiiin VsrmiiU'A Jesiruvf Titi'Siiiial wirnvi anl re.a vi III.' 1-iHe ruuni ni-it wV-re th.rv halch ni Wrccd ll iwvi-r la !. Pr.c I'r a N'ttH. i, (1 w Sli-irri' Wlntfcrcsn alv JiscMSfi ..I ih- iktn. H.-.n -.vJs reJ is nnJ li,tck i.i -iii'les (mib ths- t-xa lleaU "11 sro in J t.i i Jiys. I'r.ce. !' 1 IfX ... .. . IV O W Sh r? Antl-'- instipiti'i i ,-iir- rlir-'H t c.insi-ivinnn. v.n:: lie.u.tc.i a" -.-! IT , :i;il"i'V It (' V Ss .r. s' Am. (."ns"r at un i 'I a' r J I m.'ii ir i ll'tf s chr n'c ii' I 'e p si'.itrJ t:.V S i i e prrs.'ti .1: t-'r ht nrw syi:ipi..m i St mi 1 :i ive your case Ji.inosel mi Ktl his bxi en .il-v',-11 tr.-c. T'v-s,. 'ami.iis n-'iv .!irs a"' rferfrJ ivl bv : oc-l-ir 7 Sh.iw. Zutti's Alt-Ji -il Insi lull-. Salt I a'.ce C: iv. l'i.i!i. P rii'fl bvK I Druciis's. or t-ni In iiiiv a.Miessot rcr ' i i.f i r;ro. I to J fi II) n t.rH ..X ! d fi D Vk J ' I r rn ' i 1. j -Jr r uj o rr. s L J rv ?sn ,j.0 C3 db" Sons, THE STORE with tho Eed Front. FEOVO. 8M TU8in 89S pu-B r- T " Gtiico 'spoo-n suuagio eLixiliJ P9AT809I snCeABH At J o v. r m - . CD W X w X klul ,iJ net i i.sk tr.iit s Jisrasc ..IU LVil tUle Wilt ffrn SnccKSorto 2M0y.iB.Cfl. W htil. su';,' and Retail Dealers in Lumber, Doors, Windows, Blinds, Mouldings, Rustic Sicling',T and G- Flooring,Shingles, Lath, Paints and Builders' Hardware, LUMBER SAWED AND DRESSED TO ORDER SCROLL SAWING AND TURNING DONE-UTAH DONE-UTAH VALLEY IRON PAINT. Combination wire and Slat IVnro. D. R. BEEBE, Mer- omeeand Yard opp II. It. Depot. Telephone No. 2J. P.O. B x 79, Pit'JVtJ ! citrus r,! Pill! ; ulU b.luiUS re Or For sale Sprinjrville, Dr. C J Pkterson rumiicfiti vou B Geoi - USE THE; WANT aynes&Coalter's SPECIAL Conference Announcement. We take this means of in tormina our friends and tke public that wc haro entered inio a eompact with two hirjre Manufacturing Firms to push their irotids to the utmost of our ability, and sell a certain number per year. In order to do this we have decided to handb their goods direct from tbe factoy to our cutomers" Ii imi.'s. We Weep a s imrile on hand, so our patrons can see what, they ore huvintr. IVside.s tiiis we shall buy for spot cash, and on this condition ' the companies have oftVred special prices which are very nincn lower than ever b'dore ottered the trade. We shall save the expense of moving to and fro, and also the capital to earrv a large stock, so you can readily see we can sell very low. As proof of our statement. We OO'er this fine Orjmn MITCHELL FAUM AND SPUING WAGONS. MOLINE STEEL PLOWS and HAUUOWS, OSPOUNE and WH1TELY MOWEUS, OSIiOKNE and MILWAUKEE MINDEUS, OSP.OUNE and UOVAL UAKES. HENUY and MOON I'.UGt.IES, UEEHE and PONY CAItTS. and 100.000 pounds of HA UK WIUK CHEAP. Write to the UTAH IMPLEMENT CO., 231 anil 233, Stale Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Or call on E. P. BRINTON, Springville. W Mrs. Harriet kindred -died early Monday morning, after a short Illness at the ago of "9 year. She had not been Id good health for ycarvbut had not been so bad as to necessitate her taking to bed uutil about a week before be-fore her death. She leaves several children and nuluerous relatives and friends. Funeral services were held in tho Meeting house Wednesday at-ternoon. at-ternoon. A large concourse of relatives rela-tives andiriends were lo attendance. Eulogistic remarks were madn by Elders Wm, Mendcnhall, C. D. Evan and Geo. R. CM. 1 large cortg6 f j"o-d4 tire tfat.Zc to tetue'.sr,'. The Pioneer Produce Merchant. Pays Cash for Wheat, Oats, Eggs, Poultry, etc., and Respectfully Solicits outside Correspondence Cor-respondence and shipping trade . . . Car Load Lots a Specialty. S-pxixis:villo, XJtetlx Deal Bros. & Mendenliall. Best and Cheapest Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, Hardware, Etc, in town. See Oof Splendid Spring Stoek. SUlUl Nine Stops: Walnut AfejSSV.iVsM ' Diapason, 8 ft. or Oak HBBw Mdodia:8ft- One Set SS Celeste, 8 ft. Of Reees L Do,cc 8 ft" Also Knee Dulciana, 8 ft. Swell and JW Grand i Treble Forte. Oran M Vox Humana. Wiir mteltVi'Pive Tenrs Delivered in Your Ihmte- WITH STOOL AND BOOK FOB $83. REGULAR PRICE $125. Other Styles at Proportionate Prices, ALSO THIS ELEGANT PIANO Solid and engraved swinjr desk and panel:-; Carved Trusses; Solid Hardwood Hard-wood Frame: Continuous Hine on the Fall Hoard; Full Iron Plate, Enameled aud Ornamented; Compound Rock Maple Wrest Plank; Nickle Hated Hammer Ham-mer Rail aud Brackets: Overstrung Rass; Three Pedals; Three Unisons. WAHRANTI51) IOI H1VI$ YICvX.l-i8-. Delivered in your House With Stool and Book For $19S If you should order either Organ or Piano, and on its arrival yon should think it not a good nsour sample, we will exchange free of expense to you. We earnestly Invite you to examine these goods and see for yourself whal class they belong lo. We guarantee satisfaction In all our dealings. Daynes and Coaltei Tlio Sn.lt XjcvIco IWIxxhIo IDoctlorM. 68 Mnin 3trcct; Salt Lake-City |