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Show Frank N. West WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, All kinds of JEWELRY REPAIRED, WATCHES, CLOCKS, Etc., CLEANED and REPAIRED OS SIIOUT NOTICE. Springville, - - Utah. J. MARTIN TAILOR. Will make the From S6 Tap. All work guaranteed. Office at Mrs. Hansen's Shop, 1J blocks west of the ew brili j. G O. E. HOWE, Leading Grocer of proYO. Most Complete line of Groceries, south of Salt Lake. Prices lower than any place In Utah county. Meneray & Co. CITY DRUG STOKE, SPRINGVILLE, UTAH TIME TABLE! rOH SPRINGVILLE, UTAH. s,. t , GOINO WEST, . Ko. .1, Pacific mall Lv .10:45 a to Salt Lake Ondeu and the coast. No. S, Passenster.toOgden Lv. 3:45 p. m No. 9. Passenger Lv. 6:'JO p. m no, z., Leave :l a. m. (mixed) amiy except Sunday. Eureka and all Tint ic points. No. 8, Pacific limited Lv. 10:04 p. m to Salt Lake, Ugdcn and tno coast. No. 7, Leave 8:25 a. m.. Salt Lake City. GOINO EAST. No. 2, Atlantic Express Lv. :S6 a. i In Clear Creek, P. V. June, Castle Gate. No. 6, Pass, and mail Lv. 3:05p . i From Opden to all San Pete points No. 4. Chieaeo limited Lv. 9:00 p. in 1). C. DODGE. 9. li BABCOCk, General Manager. Traffic Manager F. A. WADLEIGH, Gen' Passenger Agf- Obamberlain'a Ey and. Skin Ointment Is uneoualled for Eczema, Tetter, Salt-Rheum, Salt-Rheum, Scald Hoad, Sore Nipples, Chapped Hands, Itching riles, Burns, frost Hites, trontcSore byes and uranulated fcye L.1 tor sale by druggist at zo cents per box. TO HOR8e"oWNEH3. For patting a horse in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. Cady'g Condition Powders. They (one up the system, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 cents per package. For sale by druggists. DENVER RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD The only line funning Tcuo F&st Trains Daly to Lkadville Abpun, Pukblo Colorado Springs And Denver Effective April 29th, 1894. Train No. 2 leaves Ogdcn 7.00 a: m. Salt Lake 8.05 a. ni. Arrive at Pueblo 6:18 a.m. Colorado Springs 7:51 a.m. Denver 10:30 a. m. Train No. 4 leaves Ogden 6:35 p. m. Salt Lake 7:40 p. m. Sp'ville 9:00 p,tD.' Arrive Colorado Springs 6:53 p. m. Denver 9:2o p. Connections made at Tueblo, Colo rado Springs and Denver with au lines East. Eregmt day coaches chair cars and Pullman sleepers on all trains. Take the D & R. Cr. nnd have a' comfortable trip and enjoy the finest fin-est scenerv on the continent. Shortest line to Cripple Cteek, the Treat. Colorado Gold Camp. Train No 2, leaving Springville, at l: 3fi. a. m. arrives at Cripple next morning at 9: 50. A. S. Hughes, Traf. Mgr S. K. Hooper, G.P. 4fc T. A. Denver, Colorado. H, F.Nevlnu, GenlAg't. )i. M. Cashing. T. P. A. fcaltLake City, IHab. N.a bat Aytr tki WwltTi Fir. Ayer's Sarsaparllla enjoys the extra ordinary distinction of having been the only blooil piiritier allowed an ex- ibitat the World's fair, Chicatto. Manufacturers of other sarsaparillas sought by eTery means to obtain a howing of their goods, but they were all turned away under the aonlica- tion of the rule forbidding the entry of patent medicines and nostrums. The decision of the World's fair au thorities In favor of Ayer's Sarsapar-111a. Sarsapar-111a. was In efftct as follows: "Ayer's Sursaparilla Is not a patent medicine. 11 does not belong to the list of nostrums. nos-trums. It is here on its merits," A RARE CHANCE. One-half Interest In a choice 17 acre fruit ranch on Provo Bench. Will give time, or trade for Springville property. Cheap for cash. Enquire of Jobs Mexeray. 16-tf COAL. Leave your orders with H. T. Rey nolds & Co., for the celebrated Rock Springs coal, the very best In the market. Prompt delivery to any part of the city by II. T. Reynolds Jt Co. NEW SHEET MUSIC The Independent has a nice selec tion of the newest sheet music, con sisting of songs, duetts, quartettes, tc, all of which is copyrighted and the best out. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pure drape Cream of Tartar Powder. Abstracts of Title made to any City lots or farm lands in Utah county by Havercamp & Co., Provo. Leave orders with James Caffrey. This water Is asurecure for Rheumatism Miners' Leadine. Ind'eestlon. Catarrh, Con stipation, Chronic Diarrhoea. Palpitation of the lleart and all kidney and nervous troubles. Towels and suits washed by Empire Laundry. . $1800.00 GIVEN AWAV TO INVENTORS. $150.00 every month given away to any caewbo ap. plies throogh us for the most meritorious patent during the month preceding. We secure the beet patent for out client, and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors to keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time wt with to impress upon the public the fact that IT'S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, inch at the "car-window" which can be easily sEd ap and down without breaking the passenger's back, "sauce-pen," "coHar-bation," "nutJocV' "bottle-topper, "bottle-topper, and a thousand other little things that mo tt anr one can find a way of improving ; and these simple inventions arc the ones that bring largest returns to the author. J. ry to think of something to uveal. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents taken out through us receive special notice is the " National Recorder, oubhshed at Washington. D. C, which is the oest newspaper published in America in the interests of inventors. We famish a year's subscription sub-scription to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients. We also advertise, free of cost, the invention each mouth which wins our $150 prise, and hundreds of thousands of copies of the "National Recorder," containing a sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention, will be scattered throughout the United Sates among capiuiisu and manufacturers, thus bringing ta thetf attention the merits 01 tne invention. Ml communications regarded strictly eoofiaenuaJ. i Vesa JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., SoilclUra of Americas and Foreign! Patent. 618 F Street. N.W.. Box .18. Washington, D. C. ry Rdtrtnct tdiM" J 'this faftr. Wriltjvrtmr A.C. BIRD Livery, Feed Sale Stables. SFRINGV1LLE, UTAH BROWN &W00D, Tonsorial Artists. We cut Half to the Latest Style and Shave without pain or chloroform. Ladles' and Children's hair cutting. Pompa dour a specialty 61 Ds a Call Older lit Bant Springville. : : : Utab Agents Troy Steam Laundry, Provo- AU order should be In Tuesday. DON O. PORTER, Manager. Cor. Main and Brlgham Street. salt lake city, itah, HOTEL TEMPLETON JOTTINGS, SAW-MILL for Sale-Enquire at this ofllce for particulars. Hewlett Bros. Three Crown Triple flavoring extracts are the finest sold. For pure family liquors call at the Smoot Drug Co., Trovo, and they will give you good goods and low prices. Seed wheat cleaned free of charge for all patrons of the Springville Milling Mill-ing Co., at the will.' Mr. ITarry Carter of Murcur was la town for few days last week, enjoying enjoy-ing a brief lay off. Hewlett Bros. Three Crown spices are stronger and better than Imported because they are ground to order fresh every day. Mr. L. J. Whlney has found a spec-men spec-men showing an excellent surface Indication In-dication of coal, in Maple canyou, about seven miles up. Miss Zlna Johnson has returned from Castle Gate, where she has been visiting her sister friends. The lady reports having an excellent time. I have a fine lot of ash, elm and maple shade trees, at the lowest pos- sibe prices. Ornament your places by buying theui of me. Win. M.Roy lance, Springville, Ulan. Wanted A reliable lady orgentl" man to distribute samples aud make a house-to-house canvass Tor our Vegetable Toilet Soaps. 140 to $75 a month easilv made. Address Crofts & Reed. 842 to 80O Austin Ave nue, Chicago, 111. Last Saturday Mrs. John Crandall of the First Ward was seized with a ser ious attack of nervous headache which almost prostrated the lady The next day the lady was arouud all right and is now perfectly well. The sooner you begin to fight the fire, the more easily it may be extin guished. The sooner you begin taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for your blood dis ease, tne easier win De tne cure, in both cases delays are dangerous, if not fatal. Be sure to get Ayer's and no other. The Springville public was treated to an illustrated lecture on history temperance, Mormon history, etc., by the famous Mitlin. It was given for the benefit of the Sunday schools at the Central Meeting house and the First Ward on Thursday and Friday evenings. All last winter Mr. Geo. A. Mills of Lebanon, Conn., was badly afflicted with rheumatism. At times it was so severe that he could not stand up traight, but was drawn over on one irle. "I tried different remedies without receiving relief," he says, until about six months ago I bought iKtttle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Uter using it for three days my rheu matism was gone and has not return- d si ace. Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Hansen of Spanish Fork, were in town last Friday. Fri-day. Mr. Hansen was circulating about t he county in the interest of the Consolidated Implement Co., whose general agent he is. He has recently became a husband, and wears his new iignity and honors well. The ear marks of prosperity and happiness were not lacking about his debonair person. Bnokltni Aram Salvt. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and postivcly cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. C. J. Pet erson, LEGAL NOTICE. State of IHah. Utah ounty.ss. In the Fourth District tourt In and ror said t ounty In the Mat'erof the Kst-Ue of Martin P. Crandall.deceased. Order to show causa why order of sale of real estate should not bu made. Milan L. Crandall. the administrator of the estate of Martin P. Crandall. deceased, hav ing Hied his petition herein praying lor an order of sale of the whole of the real estate. of said decedent, for the purpose therein set It 'is therefore ordered by he District Judge of said Court that all persons Inter estedrn the estate or saiu noceaseu. appear before hesald mat mm court, on faturua the 21st day of March IMm, at It o'cloc In the forenoon of said day, at tho Court room of said District Court, at the Court House In Provo City, County of Utah; to show cans why an order should not be grunted to the said Milan L. t ran dall to sell so much of the real estate of the said Martin P. Crandall deceased, should he necessary. And that a copy of this Older be published at least once a week for four weeks succi ui vo I v In the Hnrlncvllle Independent. newspaper printed and published In said Ltah count,, can. y A m Judge Dated February Wth. 1806. Slate of Utah leu C.imlv nf fifth fno I. E.X. Jones, Clerk of the District Court In and for I tali County, mate or utan hereby certify that the foregoing Is a full anil correct copy of the original ''Order to Hhow ii.,aAahvi)nifriif sale of Ileal KsraU should not lie made' In the estate of Martin P. Crandall deceased. And now on file and of record re-cord In my office. ..... . Witness my band and seal of nald District I 1 Court at my office la Provo City 81 this Wtli day of February, A . p. lt-M. ' Clerk. "WAIT UNTIL I SHAVE, Just a moment ALBERT always ha a rush, but he does Lis work so quickly and so well that It Is a pleasure to bu shaved by biui." "HERE'S HIS PLACE, NEXT TO P. O. S. K. Thurmau. K. A. Wedgwood Thurman & Wedgwood, Attorneys at-Law. Provo City, - Utuh. IR. F. DUNN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. All Calls Promptly AiieaieJ Day or mjM :- Surgeon R. 0. W. It K. Offlee and Resi dence wltl J. W. BrlngUurst. Telephone cenneetlons. . A. WILSON, Attornay-at-l.aw. Springville City Attorney. Office: Rooms 5 and 7 1st Nat. Bank, Provo. Utah. James Caffrey, NOTARY PUBLIC. SPRINGVILLE, UTAH. Ira I. Kenwartl, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Room 2 over Hines drug store Puovo City, Utah- Hotel Roberts Strictly First-Class. All conveniences for Commercial Trade. L. H O BROOK, Prop Provo, - - - Utah. Shoes Mended! S. P, C. LARSON, THE SHOEMAKER. Try a Mend! Next Door to Wood Mer. Co. CONTRACTORS ATTENTION! ima For whitewashing or plastering. For masons or bricklayers. THOMAS BOARDMAN. Between Springville and Provo. Contracts filled promptly from I bushel to 10.000 bushels. C. E. ANDERSON, PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER. Dealer In FRAMES, PICTURE FITTINGS and GLASS in all sizes, Pictures- copied and enlarged by home artists Pictures of family (roups, residences, stock or any subjects sub-jects taken on the spot. KP your JAonty ot Home.. SPRINGVILLE" ." - UTAH. BRICK I am prepared to fur nish BRICK or ADQ-BIES, ADQ-BIES, in any quantity at bed rock prices. At the old Cook & Friel yard, south of Springville, Spring-ville, For terms apply to J. W. FRIEL. DR. G. W. SHORES1 GRANDEST EFFORT TO BENIFIT SICK PEOPLE. An Original, Worthy aud Splendid Plan by Which All Modern Medical Science and Skill Are Extended to the the Hardship of Exorbitant Expense. Dr. O, W. Shores, the "People' Doctor," has for years been looked up to, far and near as the master hpeciallHt in chronic, deep seated, obscure and obstinate diseases- Superior Su-perior training, superior skill, superior ability abili-ty and a life time of constant and laboriotiK study has given him the honorable and en viable position. Once having demonstrated that he could cure these diseases that have for so long a time boen considered incurable and being a man of broad and (jenerous nilnd his next thought was how to extend the benefits of his knowledge, his superior skill and perfect system of curative treatment to all suffering people alike. How to make It possible for each, any and everv man, woman and child In this roaring sea of disease evils that Rur-rouads Rur-rouads us to obtain for themselves these benefits ben-efits without the hardship of exorbitant fees or dictor bills so enormous as to be frightful because Impossible and beyond ihelr means and reach. Ask our home people anywhere In this country and they will tell you that Doctor Shores has already done this by limiting the total cost to each patient to tit monthly. Inclusive In-clusive of everything, care, advl-e, treatment treat-ment and all medicines. And this is so. loo! liut although i." a month certainly does not much more than cover the expense of carinr for and treating successfully a chronic, ob- Kttnate disease, still Doctor Shores wni not entirely satisfied, and he has now originated aiKlpertoctea a plan wnereby every suiierer. every person forlorn and weHry In health, that comes to lum for Help, will receive Ills watchful personal can , the oenehts ot his great knowledge and masterful skill. All medicines ana everything necessary to a complete and permanent cure at an expense absolutely limited to actual cost. uV flliie a tMnferable'i)iilron ifitbotfo of tieCorwanbljJn PVspn ortf Fac Simile ot Stock Certificate Presented Free to Every Patient BeginniBg or Renewing Treatment at Zion'a Medical Institute. How? This grand and splendid plan Is slnple. Dr. Shores has formed an Incorporation for Zlon's Medical Institute, dividing the capital stock Into.VUXXJsharcs of the par or face value of 15 each; fUW.) of these shines he has caused to be set aside as treasury stock entirely for the benefit of his patients In accordance w'th his remarkable and generous plan as follows: The nominal fee rate of In monthly Including Includ-ing all medicines for tfce treatment and cure of all diseases be will maintained, commenc ing today and continuing until further notice every patient, tie iv or old coming to Doctor Chores and paving f. tor one iiiouui nnrau uous treatment, nn- and medicines, will re ceive free as their own personal properly one share of the capital stock of .Ions Medical Institute valuod at . and every time a patient pa-tient renews treatment he or she will receive n share of s'ock every share is given iree and Is absolutely non-forfeltable and nonassessable. non-assessable. From time to time the profits accruing will be distributed In a dividend to the slockhold ers and everv dividend whatever If h amount will do its part in pariiauy paying uiu k or reducing I he 5 monthly expense for treatment treat-ment ami nicdlclii's to each patient; In short the monthly expense for the best and most superlut medical skill known to the world will be extended to every sufferer at actual ost by this plan. Dr. Shores' grandest of- all motto, "Tho 'rcuti'st ifiMidtotbe greatest number," Is cer tainly exemplified and Into forceful, n tlcal application in this grandest and racti most siilendld plan ever ucvisru d pi: for the aid and benefit of the great r.-rinir fmm disease mass of humanity suf- It should he stated that the expense of 7,ion's Medical Institute as an Incorporation will be kept carefully and exactly and each worker in the institute will he placed on a reasonable salary Including I)r Shores himself him-self and every cent paid 111 will be credited as receipts so that when a profit Is found It will be exact and It will Ihi divided Immediately Immedi-ately among those who hold the shares of stock. And further the stock Is absolutely non-aisessable and cannot le taken from the legal holder under any circumstances as Is set forth In article seventeen of the articles of Incorportatlon on file In the county court and with the secretary of the State of Utah as follows: ARTICLE SEVENTEEN. ' The stock of this corporation shall tie nonassessable non-assessable and shall not be forfeited hy any legal holder for any reason whatever." The sole oh ect Is Dr. G. W. Shores' desire to ex-tend to every sufferer In the land the highest medical skill at the smallest possible expense to the sufferer. EVF.KY PATIENT COMMENCING TItE T-MENT T-MENT AT ZION'S MEDICAL INSTITI TE WILL RECEIVE ERIE ONE SHARE OF THE CAl'M At, piia i taiiiw n i su.wj, HI8 HEARING RESTORED- Mr. Carl Nlelson, of Vernon, I'tah. cnl I'tah boy, says: "For a long time a ty pis' pi-s' have Coijfereijce I(oUcel Every Accomodation will Be Made By Dr. Or. W. Shores, at ZION'S MEDICAL INSTITUTE IN-STITUTE for the Many Conference Visitors A Warm Friendly Welcome to all. the Benefits of People Without been a sufferer from catarrh In the. head, nose and throat, and not knowing what the trouble was I allowed It to run on until It affected af-fected ruy ears and partially destroyed my hearing, 1 grew very deaf and could hardly hear ordinary conversation, and the pain In my head, ears, nose and throat was terrible and c nsiantly growing worse. I lost my appetite, ap-petite, got up tired, sleepy and unrefre&bed in the mornings, had such a terrible taste In my mouth that I could not eat, and would hawU anil spit for an hour each morning try- , ing to clear my throat and Ihead so I could breat he. t aid not realize what my trouble was until un-til I read one of Doctor U. W. Shores' an nouncements in the papers and his symptom list so nearly covered my case that I resolved resolv-ed to try his catarrh cure. I wrote to him and placed myself under nis care and ri-om tne very nrst week i ex- fiei lcnccd so great I oyed and began to n three weeks my i eilenced so great a relief that I Was over i recover my lost spirits, annctlte canw back, mv neau was imicn clearer and my Hearing getting get-ting belter. I kept right on with the treatment until he told me 1 could stop and today I am perfectly per-fectly well, can hear a pin drop, my head Is perfectly clear and my appetite enormous. I feel like a new man and owe it all to the wonderful treatment and skill of Dr. (). W. Shores. I wish every sulTei-er In the land could and would try his wonderful treatment treat-ment and could l0 cured before they have spent half their lives suffering. 1 shall be pleased to hear from anyone personally Interested In-terested In my statement who will enclose a stamp for my reply." OATAEKHAL ASTHMA- Mr. 8. H. Ilerryman, residence .12 South Third East street. Salt Lake city says: "I suffered the tortures of asthma for twenty years; J would lay awake night after night, struggling for breath. The attacks of difficult diffi-cult breathing would come on me, as noou ag I would lay down and would continuo in all their terribleuess f or t wo or t h roe hours. Of course I tried to get relief; what person who su Iters the the horrors of asthma dix's not try. hut nothing gave me permanent relief until 1 began Doctor Shores' treat men t. The first night after I began his almost wocder-ful wocder-ful treatment. I slept soundly at night and I have continued to Improve steadily under his care and I can earnestly recommend "lid endorse Doctor U. W. Shores, as a skillful and successful physician. It has been proven net only In my case but In the case of my wireiuiu otner uiemDers os my family. N0TIUB. No stock In Zlon's Medical Institute will be sold and no shares will be Issued to anyone any-one except patients under or commencing treatment. DOCTOR HfllR TREATS AND CURES. ASTHMA, CATARRH, HRONCHITIS, DISEASES OF THE LIVER, DISEASES OF THE BOWELS, DISEASES OF THE HEART, THE HRAIN AND.THE NERVES DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS, DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, DISEASES OF THE STOMACH, DISEASES OFTHE BLOOD AND SKIN and all CHRONIC PRIVATE DISEASES OF BOTH SEXES. ZION'S MEDICAL INSTITUTE. DR. G. W. SHORES, CONSULTING PHYSICIAN. 34 East Second South Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Office Hours Forenoon, 9 to 11 Afternoon, 2 to 5. Sundays, 11 a. m. to 1 p. ni. Tuesday and Friday Evenings 6 to 8 |