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Show THE S?BIN3ViLLE INDEPENDENT Iiwued crory Friday. D. P. KELT. Editor ml MMafcrr. Entered at tbe pout office at Hprliifcvlllo, Cutb. for trartsinlmtluu through the uiailH iu econU-claHs inuiwr. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year, Six months, Three months. 12.00 1.00 .75 Senatok Brown ha written a letter let-ter to Mr.. John C. Graham of Provo trying to square himself on his late straddle, but In our judgment he has only thrown on the Roentgen ray and left a grinning skeleton exposed. Miniko excitements are springing up on all sides and the indications are becoming more apparent every day that Brigham Young had mighty good judgment if not prophesy when he It-crated It-crated and reiterated tha claim that valuable metals would be found in rich abundance in the hills that surround sur-round these valleys. Oru suggestions regarding the city jail were not meant to imply a lack of claanliness on the part of those in charge but an utter impossibility to maintain that condition that should exist in such places ami the great danger jrorn lire and health of those who may be so unfortunate as to be incarcerated in its gloomy ind close, uuhealtuy quarters. Sbmator Cannon has made his first speech in Congress, he sharply criticises criti-cises Secretary Hoke Smith for his recent response to the Senate resolution resolu-tion as to Indian lands. Cannon characterizes char-acterizes the secretary's action as discourteous, dis-courteous, misleading and evasive and protested In behalf of the West against the lack of Information and intelligent intelli-gent action by the secretary on matters mat-ters affecting the Western country. A scb-committek of the Senate committee on territories has unanimously unani-mously reported to the full committee commit-tee in favor of the Catron bill for tha admission of New Mexico to Statehood, State-hood, and its friends think a majority of the committee will agree to its be-favorably be-favorably reported to the Senate. But. even if reported and passed President Cleveland's recent remarks about ter ritorles and new states Indicate that it would be vetoed. The Pescret News finds itself aealn Under the necessity of throwing up its pious paws in holy horror a at measure that is destined to assist newspapers whereby reporters are to be protected against using compelled to disclose their source of Information. This time its would-be denunciations arc more directly felt at borne where daily pa-pert pa-pert are circulated and now the Tribune Tri-bune has shown the News a few of Its Inconsistencies. Oh! when will the News learn that unity of fraternal Interests is as essential as some other things they are prono to urge. The Mutual Improvomcnt associations associa-tions have placed their library, containing con-taining over 100 good books, in The Independent office for the convenience of the various members. It ought to be well patronized as It Is the only public library in town, the books are well selected, and nearly all our young folks are members of tho M. I. A. hence are entitled to the free use of the books. The Independent will gladly give space to the announcement announce-ment of any donations to the library and In behalf of the M. I. A. Invites contributions to it. The American Fork Item very gravely tells It's readers that they ought not to give away to the fearful habit of "gosslpplng" truly a bad habit, but from an occasional 'perusal of the Item's columns this detestable detest-able habit seems to be the prevailing accompaniment to their "spice, "hence their advlce.while It may be all right, comes with some what poor grace from such a source; only last week thc r columns were reeking with a report of two young ladles who had unfortunately allowed their tempers to displace their good Judgment and engaged In the somewhat unusual pastime of a fist fight or 'scratching bee." Undoubtedly the fracas gavt ample material for the local gossips to tse for a long time to come, but for the local paper to parade such a thing s that before the whole world was actually a disgrace and the two lady disciples of Sullivan, Corbett, et al., hould call a truce and give the repor-torlal repor-torlal force of the Item a good thrash-Jug. thrash-Jug. Springvllle has no lady sluggers and when any are developed The In-""pendent In-""pendent will not spread llwlr fame but willlearnt. tor th loca ansslns to attend to. AHMT TUB OOHIT 801M. A great many parents are feeling indignant at the supposed imparta-t imparta-t ion of the great "comet bump" infor-formation infor-formation that was to take place last Saturday, to the children by their school teachers. The writer has made a partial canvass of the teachers but cannot so far locate the informant and we believe our teachers did not say that anything disastrous was to occur, and that the idea of such was probably created by some teacher who In an attempt to explain the phenomena phenom-ena of tbe comet, its probable path, and, perhaps,some of the foolish ideas that were being Jocularly (and sometimes some-times earnestly bandied about regarding regard-ing the effects of a collision with our planet, thereby giving the children a chance logo off half-cocked as it were and as a result a wide spread fear was created among the children. Teachers Teach-ers should be careful of their talks with the children for, as a matter of fact, the information that is Imparted by them to the children is accepted more literally than that of the parents They should exercise great care to see that their remarks and instructions, are fully understood by their charges. Don't ollow them to gooff half-cocked for iLen I heir good work goes for naught and sometimes, the seeds of wrong information, distrust, and worse than all, lack of confidence In their teacher a condition that may destroy the fabric of the child's whole character. SpniNOViLLB Is furnishing her quota of responsible railroad grading contractors con-tractors down in the Sevier and Piute counties and with the tangible rumors of railroads to the Deep Creek country coun-try and Los Angeles via Central and Southern Utah it behooves our dormant dor-mant (it there be any) contractors to begin getting out and preparing their plows, scrapers and other apurten-auces apurten-auces to grading, for undoubtedly a heavy call will be made as Springvllle is recognized as the Mecca of reliable contractors and graders in the West, not exceptlng.any place in Colorado, Wyoming.or Montana. A Pltssant Lrtkr. Dr. O. W. Shores, Salt Lake City, Dear Sir I take pleasure in writing to you once more and thank you very much for the Interest you have taken In nie and the good your wonderful remedies have done me. I cannot say enough In their praise. I am cured now and I hope my trouble will never return; but If it should ever show any indication of coming back, I shall simply get more of your Kidney and Liver Cure without delay, for it has cured me after all other doctors and medicines failed to give even relief. Wishing you still greater success than you ever had before, 1 am, yours respectfully, re-spectfully, Mrs, Sarah Adlstuom, Tropic, Utah. For sale by C. J. Tcterson, Springvllle, Spring-vllle, Utah. Alt. art Busiatii Niwi- A newspaper Is Just what the name Implies the avenue through which tbe public gainsa knowledge of the evens of the week. Every column of a newspaper is a uews column. Even the advertisements are business news. The merchant should realize the fact and let the people know through a well-worded advertisement what news there Is in the wav of bargains. A clean cut and to the point advertise ment has lou of news to many people every week, says a writer. Hot to U Trifled With. From Cincinnati Gazette: Will peo-gle peo-gle never learn that a "cold" is an accident to be dreaded, and that when it occurs . treatment should be promptly applied? There is no knowing know-ing where the trouble will end; and while complete recovery Is the rule, the exceptions are terribly frequent, and thousands upon thousands of fatal illnesses occur every year ushered ush-ered I u by a little injudicious exposure expos-ure and seemingly trifling symptoms. Beyond this, there are today countless invalids who can trace their complaints com-plaints to "colds", which at the time of occurrence gave no concern, and were therefore neglected. When troubled with a cold use Chamberlain's Chamber-lain's Cough Remedy. It is prompt and effectual. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Meneray & Co. The U. S. Qovt Reports thow Royal Bsklaf Powdt toptiof to mil othtrt. Unequaled 8emoe-Denver 8emoe-Denver to Chicago via Kansas City Is given via tbe Union Pacieic and Chicago and Alton Railways. Through Pullman Sleepers, Pull man Dining Cars and Free Reeling Chair. Cars leave Denver dally. The Union racltlc Is tbe great through car line of tbe west. Ask your nearest UckM. agent for tickets via this line. E. L. LOMAX, Gen. 1W andTkt. AtU Omaha, Neb. Kwping Srub. One reason fur the lack of interest in poultry on tbe part of the farmers Is the failure to niauage the flock in a manner to secure the largest returns j possible. It is an astonishing fact that a majority of tbe farmers are lncap-' able of classifying poultry. They know very little in regard to the different breeds, and although they recognized the importance of breed In animals, yet they permit their fowls to hecome Inbred, and take no care regarding the j uniformity of the flock, or of the eggs and dressed carcasses derived there-! from. Did any farmer ever calculate how much he loses from keeping scrub fowls? If we estimate the price ol eggs for the entire year at 20 cents per dozen, and the flock to number fifty hens, the difference of only one egg per month from each hen (a dozen eggs per year) wjll entail the "loss of ten dollars. Will it not pay, then, to use a breed that will permit of each hen laying one egg more in a month? Viewed from this standpoint.the common com-mon hen Is a costly luxury. We do not class grades or crosses as scrub, but the common barn yarn fowl that is bred from any source, or by accident. Tbe pure breeds can be made to perform per-form the services characterist ic of the breed selecte d, and when the farmer gives poultry the same attention in breeding poultry as is devoted to the larger stock, he will And thot, In proportion pro-portion to capital invested, noultry will prove the most profitable utock on the farm. Poultry Keeper. j Simon S. Hartman, of Tunnelton, West Virginia, has been subject to attacks of colic about once a year, and would have to call a doctor and then suffer for about twelve hour as much as some do when they die. He was taken recently just the same as at other times, and concluded to try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Di-arrhoea Demedy. He says: "I took one dose of it and it gave me relief in five minutes. That is more than any thing else has ever done forme." For sale by Meneray & Co. No Room For Doubt- When the facts are before you, you must be convinced. The facts are that the Union Pacini Paci-ni is leading all competitors, Is the acknowledged dining car route, and great thrugh car line of the west. The line via Dcnvej" and Kansas City to Chicago in connection with the Chicago & Altcn Railroad, with its excellent equipment of Free Reclining Reclin-ing Chair Cars, Pullman t'alaceSleep-ersand t'alaceSleep-ersand Pullman Diners, demands the attention o; every traveler to the east Ask your nearest agent for tickets via this route. E. L. LOMAX, Gen. Pass, and Tkt. Agt. THI XIW TORE LEDGER. Amriei"i Greatest Story Paper- Always publishes the best and most Interesting short stories, serial stories and special articles that can be' procured, pro-cured, regardless of expense. The latest fashion notes and patterns can be found every week on the Woman's World Page. There is always something some-thing in the New York Ledger that will interest every member of the family. 20 pages Price, 5 cents. For sale in this town by Robert Stevenson. Steven-son. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of William II. Bumlon, deceased: Notice Ik hereby given by the undersigned administratrix of the estate of William H Suiiiskn. deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with tbe necessary voucher, within four mouths after the first riiibllcatlon of this notice, to the suld admln-stratrix. admln-stratrix. at her residence In Springvllle, t'tah county, State of V tan. t'ELESTIA SUMSION. Administratrix of the .estate of William H SuiuhIod, doceastid-Da'ed doceastid-Da'ed Feb. "4. IhiMi. Thurmao & Wedgwood, attorneys for plain VI II . lj Dr. HOLDAWAY DENTIST. BOOM 5, BANK BUILDING, . . Aro prepared to do all kinds of painless Dentistry, including the latest lat-est Crown and Hridge Work. Treatment of Oral Diseases a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed THE MILD POWER CURES Dr. Humphreys' Specific are scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies, used for nearly half a century by tha people with entire success. m. arirme e 1-Terert, Ooaieettona, iBflaBMrtfoM 9 Weraia, Worn few. Wans Colta.... S-TMUIaci CoUo. Crrtac. WalnralaM 4-DlarrkM, t ChJMna or AdulM.... r-Ceask. Cold. nreocMUa 0-Xearalfls Toothache, raeeaab..... -HeaaachM, Btck HeadacW, Vertir. 1 S-PjepeMla. Bmnnuii, Coanlpatkie. 1 1-Cawaae4 er Palafnt rerWds... , 1-WklU. Too Trotvm rwtod 1-Cre Lsrysvltlet tunnw.,,,. lt-SIS Bkeaau Sryl;ela,Kratloaa.. IS-BbeSBMlem, JUwomaUo hla I a-aiaiarl Callk. Few and Aw....M IS-Catarrh. Infla i a, Cold tetteBia, e-Wlaeviat CaV" STlt Waey XHeeAeoe ..... ... ...m SS-SerrMS leklllir............... M-VriiwrWNkiM !-af Taret. Wutmr. PrphUxria-.. "77" for HAY FEVER MS t fen, m Wat viH m imH eft. U.. i a.r ka . mmft M, II. MM Mln nnnrm.(a, lilitwiaaaM.,niMa. I Am Glad To tell what Hood's Sarsaparilla ha don tor mo. i had tbe grip and its ill effects tiled all over me. I had cramps ia my legs and. frequently I had to get op at night and walk to relax the mni-clea. mni-clea. I alio had stomach troub- Vle. I then took Ilood'a 8mpa- cured thecramp, and another Las helped my atom-ach atom-ach trouble greatly. I hive taken 8 bottles and use Hood 'a Pills which are the best I cvef took." H. A. MtXVIM, Bisters, Oregon. Hcod's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today. Hood's PlUsfc'uk Contractor and Builder. ESTIMATES MADE WITH OR WITHOUT SUPPLIES. Builfiinss Repaired oa Sliort Notice. SPRINGV1LLE. UTAn 1 J. Grant, Jons Mesry Smith. I'ros. Ylce-Prea. J. P. Gbawt. Secy, and Treas. Dwectoks John Henry Smith, Heber J. Grant, J. F. Orant. B. F. tirnnt, Nathan Hears. GRANT SOAP CO. OFFICE a FACTORY 761 T. 761 S s WEST St Manufactii-ers of Nigh Grade Laundry And Toilet Soaps. SPECIALTIES BEE HIVE. ELECTRIC and 5c LAUNDRY. Bec Hivk Toieet: PINE TAR, PERFECT. FLOATING CASTILLE, and COMMERCIAL BAR. J. F. GRANT, Mt. Salt Lake City, : : Utah. Wheeler & Child have moved their business to the residence of Thomas Child, three blocks Eat of Carter & Sons's blacksmith shop, where they will be found on hand to attend the public wants in their line of business Coffins and caskets made to order. Hoping to gain a share of the public pub-lic patronage in the future as we have in the past, wc remain, yours truly. Wheeler & Childs. Cash Paid. SIX CENTS a pound paid for fat veal at the Provo Meat Co. 3P. 8poolatLi:Lt, Prot'k. Provo, Utah. COUPON Cut out this Coupon for Independent Entertianment, MAY DAY. ; Each Subscriber to the Indepen-: :dont may cut this coupon out and : ;write their name on the blankline: twith number of children. It will: :entitle thechildren to ad mission to: : the Independent May Day enter-: Hainmcnt, free. Subscriber's name. : Address : : Number of children between the: :agesof3and 16 years. ANDREW BERKLEY Tie? Have hroi CORNER PtMEKY U11U VJJUIAL JL J. A. REYNOLDS, PROP. PRICES FOR CASH. Sugar, 16 lbs 11.00 Pioneer Tea half pound lb 15 Coffee, Lion or Arbuckles per pkg .25 Sardines per can t..... .05 Oysters per can 10 Corn per can 10 Soap ? bars 25 Fresh bread 3 loaves 10 Oat Flake 71ba 25 Rice 41b 25 Raisins 5 lbs 25 Closing out at cost BOOTS. SHOES BOYS' CLOTHING and NOTIONS . coe. iair ui Euimera sn.. ' $PRINGNILI.E UTAK We Are Not Going Out of the Clothing Business. OURS IS ALL BRIGHT, NICE NEW STOCK TO SFLECT FROM. 100 pairs of all wool pants to be sold during the next 10 at $2.00 per pair. 200 Clay Worsted Suit, at $10 per suit. The Finest in the Land. Overcoats for Everbody, at $3 each. H. SINGLETON CLOTHING CO, A. SINGLETON, Supt. THE FITTS BROKERAGE GO,, Sole Agents for WALKER'S FAMILY SOAP, Contains no free alknll. will not lujuro the clothing, skin oJ pulnt Warehouses at S;ilt Lake city, Olen, Turk City, roeatello, Butte, Cheyenne. Rock Springs, Denver, Colo. Springs, Pueblo, Trinidad, Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Al-buquerque, El Paso, Tex. Main Office, 131 7 lacke Street, Denver. Branch Office: 125 W. 1st So. St., Salt Lake City BARTON SNARR, Local Manager. Provo Gity COMBINATION FENCE of Everv descriptien, DEALERS IN LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, MOULDINGS, PAINTS, OILS, Hardware, Lime, Plaster, Hair, AND CEMENT AGiixT poh iiAUU'm iaiivttofije:iiq V7'. JT. ROSS, lUCetxicisexr. GO THE Provo Hardware & Iron Co., FOR TITE Matchless Majestic Range. AND ALL KINDS OF Special attention to mail or telephone orders. Telephone So. 49. PROVO HARDWARE & IRON CO. Packard pros & Co., DEALERS IN GEJlEHAIi (IlEEGfiAflDlSE, Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Hardware, Etc SPRING VI LLE, UTAH. Fraijcis M Sijell, Xjinssinii: SPRINGVILLE MIIIvIIVO CO, Manufacturer of and Dealer in REGAL PATENT. ROYAL, ROSE BUD, GRAHAM, GERMADE CORY MEAL, BRAN, SHORTS, CHOPPED FEED. Wheat received on deposit. Custom Grinding Specialty. Cash paid for wheat MILL OPPOSITE SPUING CREEK. flolen. Reynolds & CO., Successors to CAFFREY & DAVIS Will sell their immense Stock ot FURNITURE At COST PRICES To Make Room for Larger, I(ev;er Slock Immbef Go., i |