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Show TH SPBIN8VILLE INDEPENDENT. Issued Every Friday. D. P. FELT, Editor md Manavr. Local Mention. Prof. E. S. Hinckley of the B. Y. A. will deliver one of bis popular lectures o.i Sunday eveuiutf under tbe auspic of the M. I. A. By using Hall's Hair Renewer, gray, faded, or discolored hair assumes Uie natural color of youth, and grows luxuriant lux-uriant and 6troi)(;,pleasinK everybid.. We loan money on Improved ciiy property at 0 per cent interest. See J. H. Eardley at lioyer Hotel before Tuesdaj . Henry Dinwoody, the tfreat furniture furni-ture uaii of Salt Lake, was tu town yesterday, accompanied by his right hand man, John henoett. The Sprltiw'ville creamery Is now being run bv Mr. John D. Hobbs, of Salt Lake, who was installed by the bank people as torn as Mr. Olson assigned. On Saturday evening, Feh. 15th, the Home Dramatic Co. will present the well-known drama "by Force of Impulse". Im-pulse". Thi performance is to be given for the bcuutlt of the Silver baud. Life will acquire new zest, and cheerfulness return, if you will impel your liver and kidneys to the proper performance of their functions. Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Halm will stimulate them to healthful health-ful action. Price $1.00 per bottle. II. 'A. Barney is now located In his new store, and a magnificent display is made. It rivals many of Salt Lake's big stores, and is the peer of any 1n Utah county. He Invites any Springville visitors to call and see him. The S. S. Jones Co. of Provo are preparing to Increase their facilities for dressmaking on a much larper and of eourse cheaper scale this vear. Arrangements are being made where by a dress can be made from about 41 up to tbe latest style, a la Worth Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is known by iu worxs. The experience of hair a century proves that no other prepara tlonof the kind stops coughing and allays irritation of the throat and bronchicai tubes so promptly and ef fectually as this. , Lust week Jas. P. Olson of the creamery assigned for thebenefltof bit creditors nil his stock, book ac counts, etc., to Isaac Whitaker. Mr. Whitaker is posting up tbe books and trying to ascertain the status of the business. It is thought the assets will far be below the liabilities. Unlike most proprietary medicines, tbe formula) of Dr. J. C. Ayers's Sar Maparuia ana other preparations arc cheerfully sent to any physician who applies fur them. Hence the special favor accorded thesj well-known stan dr$ remedies by the World's Fair commissioners. (r. B. T. Blancbard was the recipient recip-ient of a pleasant surprise party by members of his Sunday School class Monday evening. Mr. Blanchard way presented with an autograpn album, in which they had written beautiful sentiments. A lunch was also part of the evening's pleasure, which was nicely Interspersed with songs, speeches and social chit-chat. Tbe members of the Utah County Fruit & Agricultural society will bold a meeting in the Second ward meeting house at Provo on the 11th, at 10 o'clock. Id addition to other business the question of disposing of the large quantity of potatoes owned by the farmers in this county will be considered. Our people are growing more and more In the habit of looking to Men-eray Men-eray & Co. for the latests and best of everything in the drug line. They sell Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famous for its cures of bad colds croup and whooping cough. When in need of such a medicine give this remedy a trial and you will be more than pleased with the result. Awarded Hjhest Hono s-World's Fair DR; CREAM MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free torn Ammonia, A urn or any other adulter inl 4 V?.U.V Itt CTJ!-C.K. V " "MEW PVWHB The Only One To Stand the Test. Rev. 'William Copp, whone father was a physician for over fifty years, In New Jersey, and who himself, 6pent many years preparing for the practice of medicine, but subsequently subse-quently entered the ministry of th 11. E. Church, writes: "I am glad to testify that I have had analyzed all the sarsapanlla preparations prepara-tions known in the trade, but AYER'S is the only one or them that I could recommend as a blood-purifier. 1 have iven away hundreds of bottles of it, as I consider it the safest as well as the best to be had." Wm. Copp, Pastor M. E. Church, Jackson, Minn. THE 0W1T WOBLD'S FAIB Sarsaparilla When In doubt, ask for Ayer's Pll'e A few friends and relatives of Mr. Mrs. A. L. Haymond spent a very pleasant evening at their home on Washington St., Saturday evening last. Cards and music were the or der of the evening, after which a dainty lunch was served. The Salt Lake municipal manipu lators have deckled on a reduction of expenses amounting to over $50,000 per year. The shave includes all the departments and officers except the mayor and the city attorney. The move is generally commended, but thoie immediately interested are kicking kick-ing lustilly, of course. The Independent acknowledges an invitation to accompany the Springville Spring-ville teachers to attend the final Mid-Winter Mid-Winter session of the U. C. T. A. at Spanish Fork, Saturday, Feb. 8th, 1896. Tbe exercises, commence at 10 a. m. in the meeting house, and in elude a banquet at the Royack hotel, and a hall at the Opera house in the evening. The program includes many matters of interest to every friend of education. When the urine shows signs of diS' order, such as scanty or suppressed flow, unusual dark color, frequent calls, or it the amount passed is large and of very light color it Indicates trouble in the kidneys. Diseases in these organs are dangerous, hence the Importance of prompt measuies to stop the trouble. Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm exercises a healing and Simulating influence over the kidneys and urinary organs and will cause an early restoration to normal conditions. Price $1.00 per bottle. Tuesday evening Miss Blanche Cook entertained a large number of friends at her cozy home, the occasion being in honor of Harry Boyer who left for San Francisco Thursday morning. Cards and other games made up most lpleasant evening. The card game resulted in Miss Nellie Boyer and Mart Bird winning tlrst prizes and Miss Mollie Groesbeck was awarded the booby prize. An elegant lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Miss Nellie Boyer and Miss Blanche Crandall. The little daughter of Mr. Fred Webber, Holland, Mass., had a very bad cold and cough which he had not been able to cure with any thing. I gave him a 25 cent bottle" of Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy, says W. P. Hoi den, merchant and postmaster at WestBrimfleld.and the uext time I saw him he said it worked like a charm This remedy is intended especially for acute throat and lung diseases such as colds, croup and wooplng cough and is famous for its cures. There is no danger In giving It to children for It contains nothing injurious. For sale by Meaeray & Co. Now that the State legislature has got down to business, it Is la order to ask that some wholesome laws may be made to protect honest prospectors, There is a class of ne'er-do-weel self-styled miners who claim to bave spotted a location long ago, but be causeof Impecuniousness have failed to develop, or even get recorded until some more enterprising real pro' pector locates, records and seeks as sistance from capital to open up the and. Then they come In with their bogus claim to bulldoze the more en terprlsing, who desire to develop the resources of our new State. The rule with Springville prospectors basal ways been, and the legislature sheuld con 13 m it, that the -first on Die for record Is first best In the claim though the priority is no more than one hour. What Is tbe reason meeting caauot be called to organize a psioJcff district and lrt a Te'.v.rier i i Lni Artuur .1. Leo of Price and Miss Ida Liter of this city were married at lh: residence of the bride's parents last evening. Joe Whitmer is smiling witn dual dimensions as a result of the advent of two girls, who came lat night. All well. Joe is not sure yet whether the rder is filled or not, but has been ssured that this was all. Mr. S. A. Boyer returntd on Wednesday from her visit to Wafcli riifton as a delegate to the National W. S. A. She renorts having had a cry pleasant time, and met uniform courtesy everywhere. She, with Sen ator Cannon, visited the Postmaster General to urge the establishment of the mail service over the It. G. W. R y to Tintic. They were cordially re ceived and assurance given of careful attention and the probable success of the project, within the ensuing two mouths. Services in the Baptist Hall on the Lord's Day as usual: bible school 3 to 4 p. m., subject, "The Sermon on the Mount" Luke 0:41-48. Evening uddresses at 7:30. Special meetings, conducted by S. G. Adams of Salt Lake city, and J. C. Andrews, of Provo, will be continued next week at 10 p. m. every evening but Saturday. All are invited. Miss Parsons's afternoon after-noon classes will be taught as usual. Girls sewing class Tuesday at 4 o'clock. Boys' class in wood carving and scroll work Wednesday at 4 p. m.; fancy work class Friday at 3 p. m. Quite a change in the mercantile circles of the city was made last Mon ay, when the well-known firm of Caf- frey and Davis, furniture dealers was ransferred to Messrs. M. W. Molen f this city and J. C. Reynolds, of Orungvillc, Emery county, who will now run the business under the title f Molen. Reynolds & Co. The deal was consumated last Monday wherein these gentlemen named purchased the entire business, including the stock, building, real estate and will now continue Uie business as heretofore hereto-fore with some improvements. They intend closing out the entire stock at cost and laying in a much larger stock of goods. One of the most sensational divorce suits of the day was filed last Tuesday evening in the distiict court wherein Mrs. Kitty A. Hines plants 'suit against R. S. Hines, one of Provo's best known druggists. The papers were served on Mr. Hines about 11 o'clock and was it appears a decided surprise to the defendant. The com plaint alleges cruelty, intemperance and Denuriousness, and asks half his property amounting to about $50, 000 attorney's fees, costs of suit, gen eral relief and the custody of the Ave minor children. She also secured a temporary restraining order forbid ding the disposal of his property and his visiting the house except accom panied by an officer. The case has caused much gossip and surprise In Provo social circles for Mr. and Mrs. Hineshave been considered in the up per ranks of cociety, even tho' rumors of domestic squabbles have beeu rife It May Do as Much for You- Mr.Fred Miller, of Irving, 111. writes that he had a Severe Kidney trouble for many years, with severe pains in his back and also that bis bladder was affected. He tried many so called Kidney cures but without any good result. About a year ago he began use of Electric Bitters and found re lief at once. Electric Bitters is es pecially adapted to cure of all Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives all most Instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Prize only 50c or large bottle. At Dr.;C. J. Peter son's Drug Store. Farmers Attentien. Money loaned on irrigated farms at 10 per cent per annum. Write or ap ply personally to Samuel Cornaby Spaaish Fork, Utah. G.M0RTENS0N TAILOR. Will make the From S6 up. All work guaranteed. Office at Mrs. Hansen's Shop, H blocks west of the new bridge. Frank IM. West WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER,: All kinds of JEWELRY REPAIRED. WATCHES, CLOCKS, Etc., CLEANED and REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE, arrlngvllle, Utah. City Treasurer'1 Fifi&Jicul Rtaort. Spuinoville, Utah. Dec. 30, 18W. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Springville, Utah, Gentlemen: Below please tlnd report re-port of receipts and disbursements of mv office for six months ending December De-cember 30th, IS!'."-: ekceiits: Balance on hand July 1. l?U5. $ 144 10 From license . 258 65 " dog taxes 14 00 " bills payable..! 1000 00 " city pasture 52 05 " cemetery 40 50 " road 3 15 lines 8 55 ' Irrigation WOO " tuxes 2353 07 public improvement sprinkling donation, cash. 228 30 " public Improvement sprinkling donation, mdse 131 2.5 Total receipts.... $4381 68 DISBUnSEMENTS: For bills payable $ 030 00 " interest and discount. . . 20 75 " police 337 50 ' expenses 570 50 " cemetery 95 05 " road 191 78 " irrigation 282 0o " tines 88 15 " puMie improvement sprinkling included 880 58 " City hall 20 75 Balance on hand 964. 57 Total disbursements. .. .$-1381 63 Jos. H. Storks, Treasurer. When the children have earache warm a few drops of Dr. J. H. McLean's Mc-Lean's Volcanic Oil Liniment on a teaspoon and drop it Into the ear, the effect will be magical. It stops the pain instantly. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. JOHN SAXEY, Green and Fancy Produce and Provision Grocer. PKOVO, UTAH. YOU CAN GET. A Larger Loaf AND BETTER BREAD -AT- Whitehead Bros'. New Bakery Fresh Bread Daily J. A. REYNOLDS, PROP. PRICES FOR CASH. Sugar, 16 lbs $1.00 Pioneer Tea half pound lb 15 Coffee. Lion or Arbuckles per pkg .25 Sardines per can 05 Oysters per can 10 Corn per can 10 Soap 7 bars 25 Fresh bread 3 loaves 10 Oat Flake 71bs 25 Rice 41 bs 25 Raisins 5 lbs , 25 Closing out at cost BOOTS. SHOES BOYS' CLOTHING and NOTIONS COR. IAIH aid HCMTIHGTOI STS. Springnille, - Utah E. WEBB, The Butcher, Dealer in-All in-All kinds of Clioice Fat Calves Wanted. .SPRINGVILLE, UTAII. MI. Grocery Co, J. R. BOSHARD, Mgr GREEN AND FANCY GROCERIES FOREIGN and DOMESTIC FRUITS, Ftc. Smith & Wilson Cigar Factory In rear. provo, UTAH New Process Rubber Repairing J. POULSON, Shoemaker, CORNER GROCERY Brt finality of work at llvlnr . prie . pOTiT PUT OFF Till Tomorrow What you can PO TOpAY, This advice applies to the purchase of DRY GOODS; GROCERIES or anything in in the line of GENERAL IffiRCHANDISE butis.es-so butis.es-so in the matter of Clo tiding; Because everything points to a rie In the price of clothing and yo own SAVE MONEY by buying now, IF YOUBCY FROM US. If you have, ever dealt with us and we think you have you know we bave tbe best goods nud that we give you the most for you money, and If you have not it Is time you called and were convinced. You arc losing money by dealing else, where. We can sell you anything from a box of matches to a steel range, a modern heater, or" a ton of coal atid we sell it cheap. Deal Bros, a MeMenna . R. A.D AL, President. H. T. REYNOLDS, Springville Banking Gompany, SPRINGVILLE, UTAH. Odipitcil Stools. $50,000. Transacts a general banking business. Exchange bought and sold and depos its received subject to check. Five per cent interest paid on time deposits, compounding quarterly Money always on hand for short time loans. If II M GO it k3p Buy YourTicket Rio Grande Western, R'y d Trip m. 0) on SALE noun TICKETS Good returning until the 19th. FINE SHOES, FINE SHOES! Irvine & Sons. Is the place to get your FINE SHOES. CJome and See our line of Strootman Shoes. All Styles, All widths, . All Sizes. We are the only flrni carrying a complete line of these Jgoods soutb of Salt Lake, and If yeu want GOOD GOODS we can save you money. . Plenty on Hand--More Coming For Good Dry Goods, Notions, Gents' Furnishings Fur-nishings and Shoes, go to Irvine & Sons, 14 Centre St., Provo Remember our Stock the store with the Red H. L. CUMMING8,0aLir Vice-President. ICE 4 FOURTEENTH. From The 4 4 Wuirorfav Fob nth lflQR 1UU10UUT 1UU Will 1UJU is neW, no old goods. Look for Front. |