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Show THE S?a!SSYiLLE IHDEPEWEHT Issued every Friday. D. P. FELT, Editor nul Manager. Entered at tlio pt oflice ut Pprlnjrvllle, Ctuh, for trariNijiihhion through tho uiaiU an lecuDd-clatfe matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year, Six months, Three months. 12.00 1.00 .75 THAT LIBEL LAW. The Tribune says the Judiciary committee of the Senate has decided against the libel bill an asked for by the Utah press. We hope not, for our requests have certainly been couched In moderate language. Newspapers ought to have rights against these worthless characters who almost in-Taribly in-Taribly constitute the plaintiffs' make up in the libel suit filed. Id the Brat place bona tide newspapers news-papers cannot afford to intentionally traduce In any way the name of an honest person, and us a rule wbsu derogatory de-rogatory statements are made against a man there is more or lss Are in the smoke made. The writer recently had a talk with one of the Senators who had made this subject a careful study, and learned that because the Tribune made an attack on Arthur Brown the morning after the famed Republican "caucus" his whole education on the subject was thrown into the waste basket and the whole press of Utah must be condemned. con-demned. Tho Tribune has no chance to prove whether Its smoke has any fire, no opportunity to retra.t its charges (?) If any were made and the press of Utah must be made to suffer for the alleged wrongs Inflicted by the Salt Lake Tribune. Let us have some rights, at least, and it I safe to say no legitimate newspaper will abuse them. WATER RIQHT3- Conaiderable of a furor is being raised at the threatened withdrawal of water rights to certain parts of the cltjr. It appears under the present law that none but those living In Plat A, Springville, have a fall right to the water flowing Into the city, except ex-cept by a special ruling made a few years ago, whereby certain restricted garden rights were vouchsafed those outside these 64 blocks. This It seems is to be withdrawn and Mr. F. C. Boyer has petitioned the Council to at least allow the old law to remain. At present there is more than enough water to submerge the whole plat and then have water to spare. It seems to us, without looking Into the subject fully, that some equitable law should be made whereby the whole city might get the benefit of all the water that comes into tho city, at least within the city limits proper. We shall have more to say on this subject and wish those Interested to either writ some articles on the subject, sub-ject, or advise ui on the pros and cons of the quest ion. TV'b are Indeed pleased to see the U. S, Senate pass a free coinage measure, but before it becomes a law, we venture ven-ture to predict, it will be killed. Tho time is not yet ripo enough for success. suc-cess. This is certainly a long stride toward success and will place the silver sil-ver cause on a higher plane. It was a painful surprise to see Senator Vilas of Wisconsin make such a fight against the bill a source that we thought to look for support from Wisconsin, practically a Western State. His bug-a-boo stories come with bad taste from a man of his supposed sup-posed Intellectual standiog.espcclally with a constituency which Is so deeply deep-ly interested In the rehabiliment of silver. He ought to be impeached by his constituents. That Springville has no waterworks water-works Is startliugly brought out when one turns one's attention to ths terrible terri-ble loss that would acrue If a Are were to break out in either of our large stores or In fact any are portion of the city. We are practically without protection, a bucket brigade would afford little, If anj protection'. , Would that a small Arc engine or ul least a chemical apparatus ap-paratus of some kind might he inr-chased inr-chased to afford ua at least a little more protection that we are at present pres-ent providad with. Tiihke is no doubt but that a large delegation of Utcnians will avail themselves of the cheap rates given to visit Leadville and the great Ice Palace, an enterprise of which any State might well be prdul. The citl-rens citl-rens of Lcadviile went down into their cash box without stiut, and in many cases with little if any expectation expecta-tion of remuneration. There Is, however, how-ever, a class of people there -non-or small subscribers to the fund, of course who intend to make enough out of the visitors to feather their nests at least, and the most exorbitant exorbit-ant charges are made for the most trivial calls. The hotels have arranged ar-ranged a $1 per head rate for all demands de-mands made on them, from acupof coffee to a meal or a itcd with a crowded out companion to sleep with. The best way to do on your arrival is to arrange to get there at noon look around for a room ami take your meals at the Ice Palace restaurant, really the best cafe in town, and at prices that art in harmony with reason. Elmek 13. Junes, who has drifted to Salt Lake, and, by his ill-gotten pelf, has soared into a Senatorial atmosphere at-mosphere and is now paying back those papers for exposing some of his, to say the least, peculiar methods of a lawyer, banker and in Provo. Look out, Senator Jones, newspapers are disagreeable articles to 6tir up. They may destroy some of your illusions illu-sions and leave you uncomfortably exposed ex-posed in your glory. Tun Independent is pleased to receive re-ceive the Deserct News as a valued exchange. We have kissed and made up with our big brother. ,Ir we caq't bare water works. cannot can-not we have a Are engine? or some protection against Arc? You are right, Councilor Hall, the irrigating ditches should be cleaned out now. The tonsiitut'on that has been broken down or weakened by long standing disorders in the liver and kidneys, is ill Atted to withstand the encroachments of disease. Such a person per-son takes cold easily, cannot stand fatigue, and in cases of epidemics, is the Arst to fall a victim. The proper course is to remove the cause of the weakness by treating the liver and kidneys. Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Halm will reach the seat of trouble and restore the diseased organs to bealtby functional activity. Increased nourishment of the body will follow and the patient will rapidly rap-idly regain health and strength. Price $1.00 per bottle. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. Ho Boom For Doubt-When Doubt-When the facts are before you, you must be convinced. The facts are that the Uniojj Pacini Paci-ni is leading all competitors, Is the acknowledged dining car route, and great thrugh car line of the west. The line via Pcnvej and Kansas City to Chicago In connection with the Chicago & Altcn Railroad, with its excellent equipment of Free Reclin. Ing Chair Cars, Pullman Palace-Sleepers and Pullman Diners, demands the attention oj every traveler to the east Ask your nearest agent for tickets via thla route. E. L. LOMAX, . Geo. Pass, and Tkt. Agt. BACKAC 1 1 ufc . Try it, and you will agree with the thousands who say it is the "PEERLESS REMEDY" for curing ailments of the Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, Female troubles, Rheumatism and Brian's Disease. Fof sale everywhere at $1.00 per bottle. THE On. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. Regular meeting of the city council was hcjd at the usual place Monday evening. All were present. A communication was received from S. R. Thurman stating that he j had received official notice of ills ap- pointmerit as city attorney and thank- j ing the council for the same. lie fur-j ther stated that he had been appoint ed attorney for the R. (i. W., uii.l thought it proper to notify the city of that fact so that the council could, it they deemed it unwise to have a man for city attorney who represented tne R'y Co. in a like capacity, appoint . another attorney. On motion or Reynolds the recorder was instructed to notify Mr. Ttiur-man Ttiur-man that his connection with the. 11. (. W. would not debar him actiug us city attorney of Springville. PetitionofJ.il. Eidmann of Salt Lake asking fur an electric light franchise fran-chise was referred to the committee on public improvements. The petition of J. II. Avertt, et a!., asking for changes in the distribution of water was referred to the committee commit-tee on irrigation to report at next meeting, a was also the petition of T. L. Mendeohall, et !., making a similar request. Before the motion was put there was some discussion on the question. Scott wauUd to act on the matter at once; Reynolds wanted to In ar from the petitioners some of whom were present and Robertson win ted it referred re-ferred to the conrnittc so that legul advice on the matter could be obtained. ob-tained. The petition of Wm. Giles foraquit claim deed to certain property was referred re-ferred to committee on petitions and claims. Hall of the committee on law reported re-ported that he had not prepared an ordinance, relating to meetings of the council, as per instructions,but would do so by next meeting. Reyuolds of tho committee on railroads rail-roads reported that he had written to Mr. Col ton of the R. G. W. regarding the matter of the city's note but had received no reply. Reynolds reported that Dr. Dunn had refused to accept the position of quarantine physician at the reduced rate of $1.50 per visit. On motion of Hall the matter of the salary of the quarantine physician was reconsider ed and afterwards Axed at $2 per visit Dr. Dunn was appointed for tU en suing year. Hall and Loynd were appointed members of the board of health. Claims were allowed as follows: Geo. A. Storrs and deputies $03.00 H. Avertt, work on city hall 4.00 L. D. Deal, repairing well 2.50 James Alleman, lime 60 Hall made a few remarks about the necessity of having the irrigating ditches cleaned out before spring work begins. S. . Clark wanted to rent the city hall for a dance, but had beeu inform ed by the marshal that he did not think the building safe, and had been referred to the couueii. The council decided that the building was safe and that Mr. Clark could have it for the desired purpose. Scott moved that Geo. Beardall be appointed dog pelter and Instructed to kill all dogs upon which the tax is not paid. It being necessary to amend the present ordinance before such action ac-tion could lie taken, the motion was not put. The dog matter created a little diversion and the recorder took advantage of the circumstances to suggest that if the council could learn who poisoned Noble Felt he would be the man to appoint. The matter was Anally referred to the committe on law. The council held a short executive session and adjourned. Buokltn'i Araiet Salv. The Rest Salve in the world for CuU, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and postively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed guar-anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. C. J. Peterson. WHY ? Because your Liver and Kidneys arc out of order. For year.-? an.l years housewives all over the country have used with best results Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver 2 Kidney Balm. Rich Red Blood! U thol'oumiation of LUe V.'oc aerial Cares by !Io jJ'u Sr.rsa;iarii;. That Is Why t'ae euros by Flood's Sar-ea. Sar-ea. arilla are CV2E8. 'i'liat is Why Ilood' i f-naparil!a enres U.9 seve.vs caies of S.Tofuia, Calt Ulicura uai othtT bluod disea.-.ca. T'.iat ia Vhy it ove.-o-nea That Tired Fe'-'.l.ia;, strengthens tho nerves, gives ;y in place of exhnmticu. 1":t ia V,"hy the s.-ti.-a of Hood's ir-Sip.-.rilia have increased year a.':.-r year, :r..l it now re:iiiva f.jr ice prod action tfc'j lar-'est Laboratory ia the world. Sarsaparilia Li tho only True B'.ood Purifier prominently promi-nently H the puhiio eye today. Be sure to f Kooti's a-ifl only Hold's. lUOvl J I '''J faiy hi f Hunt. :jceuU. JOTTINtiS. Last Sunday a! tetii'iin Prof. N. L. i Nelson of tin' 15. Y. A. j-ave an enter-; tninintf discourse at tlie meeting huusc j analy-ting tho "Lord's Prayer.1' The Mutual Improvement associations associa-tions of the city jointly rendered a very instructive and pleasing program at the meeting house .Sunday e veiling. Lost On the night of New Year's day, between (i. P. Tnoinpson's residence resi-dence ami the corner to the east, a child's gold ring with asmall diamond setting. Finder please return to this office, Mr. and Mrs. Milan Crandall gave a pleasant ice cream social at their Home last Friday evening. A good time was had by all who attended. Caffrcy k Davis's immense stock of furniture, will be sold at auction on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, commencing at 2 o'clock. Grain taken. Mrs. M. E. Johnstone of Canyon Ranch has lost a heavy woolen light-tfiey light-tfiey shawl, between town and east bench. She desires the finder to leave at her residence or at this office and he rewarded. Who's found iff The Springville Independent is just what its name implies. It wears no collar and is not disfigured with anybody's any-body's brand. It is an able and enterprising en-terprising newspaper. The Great Campaign. Doctor Canny.a prominent physician of Missoula, Montana, says: "I regard Doctor G. V. Shores' Complete Catarrh Ca-tarrh Cure as the best treatment on earth for catarrh ami the many catarrhal ca-tarrhal chronic diseases. 1 know personally per-sonally of many wonderful, complete and permanent cures effected by its use." It is the grandest discovery and perfection of medical science. Catarrh is both a local and a constitutional constitu-tional disease and Doctor G. V. Shores' Complete Catarrh Cure, being both local and internal, completely and permanently cures, where all other remedies lave failed. Full size (one month's treatment complete, both local and internal) 81; trial size, (one week complete) 25c. . For sale by Dr. C. J. Peterson, Springville, Utah. A trip to Fricl's brick yard is well worth the effort, especially if the visitor has never seen the glowing sight which looks so beautiful of a dark night, and certainly appears nice if the night be cold. Mr. Friel says to a represenative of this paper that he has had a very light demand for brick in 1895, only supplying about 150,000, while in other seasons he has fui Dished six times as many. This year he anticipates a much heavier demand as the advent of Statehood will increase prosperity on all sides, lie has already burned one kiln of 30,000 this year and this month he will start a second kiln, all of which are already contracted for. The price of brick is now so low that it will pay those intending to build to place their orders early, as a heavy demand is certain and before next fall the price will be at least II per M higher. Nods bat Aytr i at th World's Fair. Ayer's Sarsaparllla enjoys the extraordinary extra-ordinary distinction of having been the only blood purl Her allowed an exhibit ex-hibit at the World's fair, Chicago. Manufacturers of other sarsaparllla sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, hut they were all turned away under the application applica-tion or the rule forbidding the entry of patent medicines and nostrums. Tho decision of the World's fair an tuoritles In favor of Ayer's Sarsaparllla Sarsapar-llla was In effict as follows: "Ayer's Sarsaparllla Is not a patent medicine. It does not belong to the list of nostrums. nos-trums. It Is here on Its merits." The U. S. Qov't Reports thow Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. Hood's Gash is King - Wm. IhLm IFS-oylctixo THE DISBURSER j FOR ! Alfalfa E3g;gf, C3rt:m, ESto. Ami Sells the Reliable STUDEBAKER WAGONS, jTo pijte Rich Is almost everyone's desire. It is not so much what you earn, but what you save, that makes you rich: therefore, in order to oecome rich it is necessary to save money, and in order to save money it I necea sary to deal exclusively with the G. S. WOOD MERCANTILE CO. They have a large and elegant stock of Glass, Crockery, Queens and China ware, at the lowest prices, and as to 3E3L"oIiclLy Groods Well, just step in. see their stock-ami get their prices; you will need g no further, they have everything you want. They also have THE P. EST CLOTHING AND DUY GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES Packard B DKALERS IN General fllERCfiAiiDiSE, Dry Goods. Clothing, Groceries, Hardware, Etc SPRINGVILLE, UTAH. - DEALERS IN 4FURNITURE1 Francis MIIIvIIVO CO, Manufacturer of and Dealer In REGAL PATENT, ROYAL. ROSE BUD, GRAHAM, GERMADE, COB MEAL, BRAN, SHORTS, CHOPPED FJEED. Wheat received on deposit. Custom Grinding a Specialty. Cash paid tor wheat MILL OPPOSITE SPRING CREEK. A. O..SMOOT, Successor to PROYO L. M, & B, CO, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Lumber, Doors, Windows, Blinds, Mouldings, Rustic Siding,T and G Flooring,Shingles, Lath, Paints and Builders' Hardware, LUMBER SAWED AND RESS 3 1 TO ORDER SCROLL SAWING AND TURNING DONE. UTAH VALLEY IRON PAINT. Combination wire and Slat Fence. D. Office and Yardopp. K. II. Depot. Telephone No. 20. P.O. Box T9, PROVO General line of FURNITURE Including: WALT i PAPER ARPETS WINDOW BLINDS, ETC AT BEDROCK PRICES, Give Us a Call for Bargnins, AND - Seed, 11 heal, ros & Co., M Sijel), R. BEEBE, Ms. UNDERTAKERS. COFFINS ' and CASKETS OF ALL KINDS. All Calls Promptly attended to. 20 YEARS' EXPItfENCH, , 33Br i . mm: |