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Show DOCTOR G.W. SHORES' COMPLETE ATARRM URE. The only remedy guaranteed to absolutely Ciiru cs'ttTh and cmpl. isv rradituti: the 3Weas: item the hlocd ued S st;:ii FULL SIZE, $i.CQ; TRIAL SIZE, uuu. Each ful! i.rt pcke a.wiiins i.r.e lull irmnMi's VjcjI trtstmeni. full int.rih s sih.-mv f (marrh l.eulmji B.iim jmi ciiifc full cnjiiiii's fcupptvuf Gnhrrh. H'okI and S'.uinadi i-Mi. 1' v.i) 1irv finv n t .",tW'n:r ins, Pr '"I. V, Svj-pV 0mpip)f? C'larrh Cmtv r;ve wu n -M-n r-ef rp.1 fomMt'tfiv anfl pennarieoUy cure yuu 1 r n -'r nn.,1 if "d r? f - - n'n in fr-'H r he i.!r . T i v : hfl-vk to cIt'Ih th-,uv? v .;.ir throat Jr n the moni'nV? ' 'o vnir s'ep wfh vur mouth open? Is vour hearing f 1 r n ? Dm voir ers dischnri? Is 1h wnx drv in viair ears? Ho vdti better scm? days !hn others? 1 yoiir'harin worse when viuhave a aM'f Or. fl. V. Shorn' Cmip-h Cure cures all cough. tvU nd trnnchi ! affectirni. One Juse wi s'op -,.iNTno1ircr'up Keep a b tiif in the house l.arg-e i're bottles 2c. I? vno tisve thse svraftams use if ; iirfcel nn the h"Hle nwi i will cuie yuu. Hav vou a cue'i? fk) vou take cld ens:. Have vou a rnin in itie iide? Do you raise fmthv ira't rI? Do you Clinch 'n ihe mo:ninpt? Do you rif ur Ii'" chey lumps? Or. O. Shores' Tnic and Blood Purifier cleanse clean-se trnJ purities iht b'ool. ives Mrmth and viur, cures Jvspepsia and all nervous distus. Price, 51 per b'jitie. It permanently cure Uie fuitowiug syuip'ums: Is there nnuei? Iht yuu rx';h ;ip 'Are you cuiKtiptieJ? N your tongue catJ? Do you bloat up after edt'il?? On vou reel yuu are growing weaker? U there constant bad taste tn the tnuuib? Dr. O. W. Shores' Kidney and Liver Cure euro an d seast'S uf tile kidneys, liver aiid bladJer, f'ri-e. i iir buttle. Do you ei dizzy? Have yuu Cold ieet? Do yuu tee) uiiitrable? Do you get I red easily? Dnyou h.ive hot ti:ishtrs? Are yuur spirits low at iinie? lj uu lidvcnnnbhngtti bwel? D yuur hands and itet &wtlir 1 litis noticed mote nt niKht !- te.e Dam in small ot bnck't Ha tile prs.ptration a bad tKkK? in herepuUineMiundtrUieeyeM' iJ i ou have tu get up often at nifrht? W i icrc a Jtfpu in urine it Mi s.anding? 0-.T- : nekci these sins and risk bright diseafe ISsifl.!',; uu. Or. bttorca' Kidney ;ina liver cure will .u:c ' .f uwd as directed on the bottle. U. W. Shne' Muuntntn brc OH stnpi th tu;m a; i in out minute. For headache, toothache, r.e. r.'i.a. cramps or colic use it externally and in-: in-: nn ' Prevents and cures diphtheria if used in tlnv K-,p a bottle handv. Price, 2Sc a bottle. Mr. U. VV. SJurea Pepsin Vermiltige destroy hues; t. 4i worms and removes the little round nest vhi'M they hatch and breed. It never fails. Prlc Or. j. W Shores' Wlnterjrreeo Salve cures alt sts.-r of the s'iin. iieinoves red spots and black n ;.: v-s from the te.ee. Heals old sores in 3toSdays. r f ct. IS a b-x Ur O VV Shores Anti-Constipation Pills cure chron'c constipation, sick headache and bilioul atucks. Price. 2Sc a bottle. In all ci. '1 the bowels are constipflted take one of Dr. G.W. Shores' Anti-Gnvipation Piltsat bedtime. V vnur trouble is chronic ani de-p-seated. write Dr. C. W. Shoes personally for his new symptom list and lav your case diagnosed and get his expert ad-vire ad-vire tre. These famous remediei" are prepired only bv DoC orG W. Shores. 2ion s MedLal Institute, Salt Lake Citv, Utah. Kor sale by a'l Druggists, or sent to anv address om -?- '-t of price. For sale by Dr. G J Peteeso SpringYille, Utah. T. Child & Sod, DEALERS IX MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES ETC. General Stone CuttiDg Neatly and Promptly Executed. 8PRINGVILLE, - - UTAH. TIMBTABLB rOA BPRlKGVnt.K, UTAH. OOINU WEST, No. 1, Pacific mall Lv .10:45 a. m to salt Lake uguen and the coaat No. S. PasKcnccr.toOxden Lv. 3:45 p. m No. 9. Passenger Lr. :30 p. ni No. zr. Leare i;ui a. m. (onxea) uauy except Sunday. Eureka and all Xlutlc points. No. U, Pacific limited Lt. 10:04 p. m to Halt Lake, Ugden and the coaut. No. 7, Leave 6:25 u. m., Salt Lake City. UOINU BAST. No. 2. Atlantic Express Lv. t:36a. in u Clear Creek, P. V. June, Castio Gate. No. S. Pass, and mall Lv. 3:0Ap . m From Ugaen to all fun fete points No. 4. Cbleatcu limited Lv. 0:00 p.m. Ii f). IXilMlK. B.U.BA1ICOOK. Uenrrai .hh naffer. jTarnc aianiger F. A.WADLEir.lI, Gen' PaasenRer Aft. Secure This Course To advertise our CoHege, we will give a thorough course of instruction J a Double and Single Entry Bookkeeping Book-keeping and Commercial Arithmetic, by mall, at ONE-FOURTH REGULAR PRICE to 1 limited numher of persons. This course will be completed In 49 lessons. les-sons. No charge for diplomas. ADDRC88 Capital City Commercial Colleie, 116 West Sixth Street,' CSALT LAKE A EIRE CHANGS. Oni-half Interest in u clit.ice 17 acre .fruit ranch uu Pruvu Bench. Will give time, or trade for Springville property. Cheup for cash. Enquire of John Mekekat. ltl-tf COAL. Leave your ordf rs with H. T. Reynolds Rey-nolds vt Co., for Hip celebrated Rock Springs coal, the very best in the umrket. Prompt delivery to any part of the city by II. T. Reyuolds & Co. NSW SKEET MDSIO. The Independent has a nice selection selec-tion of the newest sheet music, cou-sistirij,' cou-sistirij,' of songs, duetts, quartettes, tc.allof w!iioh Is copyrighted and the best out.' Dr. HOLDAWAY DENTIST. . . EOOM 5, BAM BUILDING, Are prepared to do all kinds of painless Dentistry, including the latest lat-est Crown and liridge Work. Treatment of Oral Diseases a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed BROWN Si WOOD, Tonsorial Artists. We cut Hair in the Latest Stylo and Shave without pain or chloroform. Ladled' and Children's hair cutting. Ponipa dours a specialty Gl?8 Ds a Call Unto tbs Bant Springvillii. : : : Utab Agents Troy Steam Laundry, Prove All orders should be in Tuesday. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is uneoualled for Eczema, Tetter, 8alt- Rhcum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, C'uapped Hand's Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bite, Chrome Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lida. t! or sale by druggists at 2a cents per box. TO HOB9EOWWERS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy condition con-dition try Dr. Cady's Corklition Powders. They tone np the system, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 26 cents per package. For sale by druggists. Meneray & Co- CITY 9 SPRINGYILLE, UTAH. A ..UU1 Aim p GHflJIDF RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD The only line running Trjuo Past Trains Daiy to Leadville Aspen, Pueblo Colorado Springs And Denvek Effective April 29th, 1894. Train No. 2 leaves Ogden 7.00 a: m halt Lake 8.05 a. m. Arrive at Pueblo 6:18 a.m. Colorado Springs 7:51 a.m, Denver 10:30 a. m. Train No. 4 leaves Ogden 6:35 p. m Salt Lake 7:40 p. m. Sp'ville 9:00 p.m. Arrive uoiorauo bpnngs 0:53 p. m Denver 9:25 n. m. Connections made at Pueblo, Colo rado Springs and Denver with all lines East. Elegant day coaches chair ears and Pullman sleepers on all trains. Take the D & It. G. and have a comfortable trip and enjoy the fin est scenerv on the continent. Shnrtcst. line t.o Oinnlo n,oU ti nir,ro,i, n,,, r ' iK'.'!'1" vA"a .u vyinM. Train No 2, leaving Springville. at 0: 36, a. in, arrives at Cripple next morning at 9: 50. A. S. Hughes. Traf. Mgr S. K. Hooper, G.P. Ac T. A. Denver. Colorado. R F. Nevlns, (Jen' Ag't. II. M. dishing, T. P. A. SaltLa Ice City, Utah. BRICK I am prepared to fur nish BRICK or ADO-BIES, ADO-BIES, in any quantity at bed rock prices. At the old Cook & Friel yard, south of Springville. Spring-ville. For terms apply to J. W. FRIEL DERVER LOCAL MENTION. A meeting of the members of thf old Springville HumeGuardof Spriun-vllle Spriun-vllle and Mapletoti, will be held at the City Hall, Spriugville, Monday. Feb. 10, at 7:30 p. ui. to consider important im-portant business.- T. A. Prowu. Expose to rouh weather, dampness extreme cold, etc., is apt tu bring n an attack of rheumatism or neuralgia; chapped hands and face, cracked lips and violent itching of the skin also owe their origin to cold weather. Dr J. II. McLean s Volcanic Oil Liniment Lini-ment should be kept on hand at all times for immediate application when troubles of this nature appear. It is a sovereign remedy. 2oc, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Dr. Ge. Smart of Provo assisted by Dr. J. F. Noyes of the same place performed per-formed a very delicate and dangerous operation on John D. Chase, a gentlemen gentle-men of over eighty years of age, Tuesday, Tues-day, removing a cancer from the parotid gland of the neck. The old gentleman had been troubled with the cancer for over a year and suffered suffer-ed considerably. He stood the shock well and the chances of his complete recovery are excellent. "My mother has been troubled with indigestion for years. She has been taking Hood's Sarsaparilla for the last year and it is doing her a great deal of good." Geo. Williams, UG North 16th West street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Hood's Pills cure billiousness. There Is one class of fellows who will have no occasion to take to the woods on account of this being leap year, and they are those who have nothing to do but to cultivate a sickly sick-ly mustache, wear out the clothes their fathers buy them and stand on the street corners and ogle the girls as they pass by. No self-respecting girl looking for a husband to spend her life with, would haveoneof them with a chromo thrown in. Girls of sense would rather feel the grasp of a hand haidened and Arm with ; honest toil than that of the lily fingers of a dude. She will look with more pleas ure upon the face sometimes begrimed with the sweat and dust of honest toil than upon the simpering conn tenatice of the young man about town Loo lazy to seek a resoectable occupa tion. While many of our girh may be willing to join hands with some worthy young man and do her part willingly to make a living and build up a home, not many of those worth having wsuld be willing to take her chances of a life of misery and want with a young man of no occupation nor ambition to make a man of him self by his own exertions. Ex. Threw Away His Cines. Mr. D. Wiley, ex-postmaster, Plack Creek N. Y., was so badly affl.cted with rheumatism that he was only aide to hobble around with canes,and even then it caused him great pain After using Chamberlain's Pain Halm he was so much improved that he threw away his canes. He says this liniment did him more good than all other medicines and treatment put together. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by Meneray & Co. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pure Orap Cream of Tartar Powder Abstracts of Title made to any City lots or farm lands in Utah county by llavercarap & Co., Provo. Leave orders with James Caffrey. Notict to Creditors. In the mitter of tlio estttlo of Mttrtln P. C rmidull, decnso(t. Nutlcu Ih hvrcliy iclvrn by tin" undorniirnvd adininlKtrator of tlio estate of Martin I'urton Criinditll. dcct'asctl. to tilt; rntditont of. und all IHTN011N liuvlnir claims iiithIiiH the said tlweascd, to vxhlbit tlicin with the nwessury vouchers, within ten tuoiiMis after the Hrst putilication of this notice, to the said administrator admin-istrator at his residence In Cprlnxvllle, Utah county, Slate of Tc ali. Milan L. Ciundaix. Ailinlnlstnitorof said Katato. Dated Jamiur lUh. A. l. !(. feb M Notice of Salt of Rial EiUta- Notlee is hereby itlven, that In pursuance of an oi-dnr of the I'lobute Court of Utah t o. State of I'titli, inudi-iiii the.'tmh day of Dec. A.D. lwi". In the matter of the estate of Martha Mar-tha Fuller, deceased; the undersigned, the administratrix ot the said estate, yvlll sell ut public siile. to the bi"hest bidder, for cash, and subject to confirmation by suld i'robnte Court, on Paturdity the lMli dav of I plnimi-v A.I). at S o'clock p. m., tit the front door oi rny nan in rtpriiiKVtlle in said I tun county, coun-ty, slate of I'tlth. all rlcht. t It le. and Inti and estate of aald .Martha Fuller, at the time of her death, and all rinht, title, and Interest mat me esiate tins, tiv operation of law, or otherwise acquired. other than or In addition to that of the said Martha Fuller, ileesiiwd. at the time of her death. In und ij nil of thnt. ir- tuln lot. piece, or parcel of land, situate, ly-lun ly-lun and belnjj In said I'lu county, and dessert des-sert bed as follows: To wit-iliTlntiinir 1.711 chains east and feet and Inches aoutn of ine i- w comer of lot i In section 4 township ss.K.aK. of Mult I.ukc meridian; thence south S.nn chains; thence east 1.70 chains; uience i suininiiiea z.nu chains: thence west l.ifl chains Area thlrthy-thren nne-bundredthx acre; provided exist-I exist-I UK right of way for travel over cast aide, of aald land la reserved. Also ncL-inniniM wclia ns ' WKleif. Kim n. F. anil a.Tft chains N thpe fourths deif. K of tho l W comerof X-K' wct'on ) Towtmhlp 7 . H. 3 r111 can LFir miTKiiab: iniiiiip three fourth de. b 5.00 chains: Thencn Wtileg K Ill.Utl chains: thencn Motit n three. fourth' flou W&.00 chains; thenoe N deg. Wtt 10.6(1 LUftiuf 1 rv avo res. . , . OVAKD PASDAt-l. Administratrix af the aetata ol Martb Fuller, dtxfase-5. :: th! rth day ef .T.v-.wy, A.D. J 'WAIT UNTIL T RTTAVP'.. ut a uitMit -ALBERT always ba- a hut In? (ini' liis ivnil. si, iinii'lily :wid so wi'U tnutitlsa pleasure to be sisiavod l ilm,' 1 'HERE'S HIS PLACE, NEXT TO P. O. L. E. Pederson, THE SHQE.MKEH. Next Doorto Harrison Hotel. SPRINGYILLE, UTAH. S. K. Thurmuu. E. A. Wmlgwood Thurjnan & Wedgwood, Attorneys-at-Law. ProvoCIty, - :'! i. T)R- F. DUNN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. AU Calls Promptly Attended Day or mam :- Surgeon It. G. W. K.' R. Offloe mid Resi dence wit J J. W. ttrlnjhurst. Telephone citnnrctiuns. ! . 1 , A. WILSON, Attorney-at-Law. Springvillo City Attorney. Office: Rooms 5 and 7 1st, Nat. Bank, Provo. Utah. Contractor and Builder. ESTIMATES MADE WITH OR WITHOUT SUPPLIES. Builflings Repaired on Sliort Notice. SPRINGYILLE. - - UTAH CONTRACTORS ATTENTION ! For whitewashing or plastering. For masons or brick layer, THOMAS BOARDMAN. Between Springville and Provo. Contracts filled promptly from 1 bushel to 10.000 bUShclS. C. E. ANDERSON, PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER. Dealer in FRAMES. PICTURE EITTINGS and GLASS in all sizes,' Fictures copied and enlarged by home artists Pictures of family groups, residences, stock or any subjects sub-jects taken on the spot. Keep youp Money at Home. SPRINGVILLE, - - UTAH. IN THESE DIM tlmes.whe" vn'i hav'nt money to buy new Spring Wagons or Huggies, bring your old ones to CARTERS, and have them made as good as new; and thereby there-by patronize Home huluntry. .V P. E, HOUTZ, SHADING PEN Family Itecords a Specialty. 1 STRING V1LLE. UTAH; I IJ M II I I C ANDREW BERKLEY ARTIST We Are Not Going Out of tllC O I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' J3 1181 OURS IS ALL BRIGHT, NICE NEW STOCK TO SELECT FROM. 100 pairs of all wool pants to be sold during the next 10 at $2.00 per pair. 200 Clay Worsted Suit, at $10 peruit The Finest in the Land. Overcoats for Everbody, at $3 each. H, SINGLETON CLOTHING CO, A. SINGLEOT, Supt. THE FiTTS BROKERAGE CO,, Sole Agents for WALKER'S FAMILY SOAP, Contains no free alkali, will not injure tlu elolhinjt, skin 01 paint Warehouses at Salt Lake, city, Ogden, Park City, Poealello, llutte, Cheyenne, Rock Springs, Deliver, Colo. Springs, Pueblo, Ti iualad, Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Al-buquerque, El Paso, Tex. Main Office, 1617 Blacke Street, Denver. Branch Office: 125 W. 1st So. St., Salt Lake City. BARTON SNARR, Local Manager. 11 J. Grant. John IIcnky Smith. I'ros. Vli't'-l'res. .1. 1". (in A NT. Srcy, nnil TroHs. niKKCTOHS-Jiihii Henry Smith, llitn'r J. Uraut, J. K. Drinil. H. V. (intiii., Nullum Seiii's. ill I uni uu! OFFICE FACTORY 751 to 761 S 3t WEST S- Munufiu'lii-rrs of lliirli Criuln I.iiiinilry Anil Tuilel Snaps. SPECIALTIES: i HF.K HIVE. KI.KCTKIC mid Be K.M'N 1i!Y. IIkk Hive Toikct: VINE TAU. l'KUI Hi T1FLOATISG CASTIM-T). am! COMMEKl IAL l!.K. J. F. GRANT, Mn.er. Salt Lake City, : : Utah. Provo ffleat Co. TayI'tue highest " cash prie fj r v FAT LIVE STOCK Phil. Spsckart, Prop. PROVO, - UTAH. WHEN VOU VLSIT SALT LAKE (if) TO THE HOT SPRINGS SANITARIUM SWIMMING POOL. 52 UJeSt, hind Suoth St. This water is a mm cure for Klieiinint Ism, Miners' Ltadlnir. Iii'l't-'ostion, Catarrh. Const Con-st Iptition. Chronic Uisrileca. Palpitation of ..... ii .., I ,. 1 1 l.l.li.i.v nitrl tii-rvfiiiu ' tm'tibleH. To'wels and suits wa'-heU by Kaipirt Laundry Hotel Roberts Strictly First-Class. All conveniences for Commercial Trade. L. HOLBROOK, Prop Provo, - - - l.Ttali. Just Opened S, P. C. L J THE SHOEMAKER. Next Door to 'Wood Mer. Co. D. D. Houtz, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Otllcc, Eldcridge P.lock. Provo, : : : : : Utah. SAVE YOUR TEETH! wiei ill Salt Lake City Consult Dr. Ned HeWett DENTIST. He will do better work for less money than any dentist west of Chi- 10 4 20 8cott-AnerWk Bnildinff. P. . Uox 4si. Salt Lam I'm POT sir ARSON 11CSS. . $1800.00 GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS, $150.00 every month given away to any otic who ap plies through us far the ino&t men to no us pateat daring ine month preceding. W e see uro tho ht patents for onr clients and the ol ject of thi otfar is to encourage inventors to keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time w wish to imprest upon the puUic tlic fact that IT 'S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the "car-window" which can be easily slid up and down without breaking the pa&scngcr'i back "sauce-pan," "coHar-bmlon," "nut-lock," "bottle-stopper," "bottle-stopper," and a tltous.md other little things that most any one can find away of improving; andtheseimpl inventions are the ones that lrinn largest returns t the author. Try to think of something to invent IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents ulcen out throiich us receive special notice a the " National Kccmlcr, ' publuJicd at Washington, U. C, which is the Dcst newspaper published in America in the interests of inventors. vVe furnish a year's su iicnption to thisjournei, free of cost, to alt our cHcnta. We also advertise, lice ot cobt, the invention each mom n which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousands of copies of the "National Recorder." containing a sketch of the winner, and a desciiptton of his inventioni will be scattered thrmi(;hout the United butes among capitalists and manufacturers, thus banging to ttwtf attention the merits of the invention. All communications regarded strictly confidential. 4 jVesa JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, 618 F Street, N.W., Box 3R5. Washington, D. C. Itf- RfjtrcntttiHleretkiipiiffr. Wriujorn A.C. BIRD Livery, Feed .VIVO Sale Stables. SPRINCVILLK, UTAH -P.Y THE SPRINGVILLE CREAMERY, 70c cash per cwt for all milk going 4 pounds of butter to the cwt, THE MILD POWER CURES Dr. Humphreys' Specifics are scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies, used for nearly half a century by the people with entir 6uccess. tPttfinc FOB FeTertlt ConiintUius, Inflomowttnu.. it-Worinn, Worm Fever, Worm Colic.... a-Tethlii8 CoUo, Crying, Wakcfnlne 4-Dlarrfaea, of Children or Adult , 7- Coaaba. t'olda. Bmichitbi 8- Keuralsla, Toothx he. Foeh. B-Hradarhes, Elrk Headache. Vertigo.. 10- DTpepala, Etllounnma, CosiUpition. 11- Hoprreed orPalnfnl Periods... hltea, Too ITofuso Period 13-Cronp. I.aryDgltla. HoarMneai l l-Halt Uhpom, F.rylpeI.KnipUonf.. U-Khenmatlum, Kheumatlo Palna 16-Malarla, Clillla, Fever and Agus 19-('ntarr, Ionuenu,Cold IntbeUaad. aO-Vbooplni Cough a7-Kldnef Hiaeaaea (-Neroa Debility 39-l'rInary Weaknea 31-Hare Throat, (Juimy, PIphtherla.... "77" for HAY FEVER iM r Dmrrl"". or I"M oa ( af H, c., ort If im.r l nrlrtl , icM W, ! n. tli'rTi'l''i.(ri"ifl ltviM4.n Hi ariiKtvii'aiiu. .., Ill lt Ytiiiim at. DON C. PORTER, Manager. Cur. Main und F'.iifhuiu tr-e1 i. SALT J.AKUt. 1 I V, TA.H. ilk wanted HOTEL TEMPLETON |