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Show THE S?3iS3!llc T. D. P. FELT, Editor unit Mun:it'r. Local Wlsntion. j Notice Buyer & Brinhursts por-trail por-trail proposition. I'-tcr Hictitipo! S j ,a u ; !i Fork ill low ii iasl Saturday. Conference of the K'-I iff S'Hi'i ! of Ul.it) Si uke vviil c. unmet, ce i..ua at Provn. I i Wiu. P. Fullmer Jr. ami M i-s 1'. tony to-ny Whiting of Maple ton have receiv-; ed a license to marry. j Christian Y. lloutz has been select-oil select-oil as counselor to Bishop Lo ml, vice Marion Johnson, resigned. Miss Mary Miner ami Miss Pauline Lai ter, a couple ol soenity lames oi Ml. 1'leasaiil, were visii.us, as lie-KUestsof lie-KUestsof Miss Dora Curtis, last we. !;. : Bokn Saturday, to Mr. ami Mis. 1'. E. lloutz, a sou. '1'iie inlaid lived Olllv almuL the houis lo hidden the parents' hearts. Cause of death unknown. un-known. Buckingham's Dye. for i he W hisker , (hies lis work thorough;) . n I ii iiiK' a uriiforiii brown or blae... m.icli. when dry, will neither ii;h, , .est. olf. nor : soif linen. The water ditch has overflowed at 1 he intersection jiisl, e.isi ol 1 In; .sehnol house, of course ii. makes a m'od skat inj rink for the hoys hut horseman and pedestrian ohjeet mightily. The Independent man is in receipt of a complimentary "hid" to the Hist masque hall of the season, in the I'rovo Opera house. This eehtoc- urs next Thursday evening, Jan. 3rd. Andrew Pierce and family came home from a holiday visit to Cache Valley. A most enjoyahle time was had eating plum pudding, Christmas cheer, general hilarity. --Just what kind of sauce Christ inas cheer and general hilarity are eaten with deponent de-ponent saith not. Proofreader. Miss Lillian Eastman of Provo will hpeak at the Baptist hall Sunday evening at 7 :.'i0 o'clock. liihle school l.oiu 3 to 4 p. 111. Lesson "The Minis-tiy Minis-tiy of John the Itaptist." Luke .'! 15 2-. Old and young are invited to hoth M-rviees. Ladies' Aid Society Thurs-tiay Thurs-tiay from 2 to 4 p. in. The scwinir i iasscri as usual. The extreme cold nights are he'i lining li-ning to get the grip on grown up persons per-sons as well as t he juveniles, says he who repairs clocks and sewing imteh-iuos, imteh-iuos, and a postal card inviting Koila V. Marshall to visit your house for that purpose will Hud him if dropped into the post ofllc ur left at the Independent Inde-pendent oftlee. Mr. James Taylor .has just furnished furnish-ed Mrs. Felt w th a line set of tahle ware, for which he is agent. It is called the Royal Caskut and is certainly cer-tainly a heauty in appearance, hoth as to contents and case. If anyone wants something nice they ought to pee him. A neat mouoirram of the purchaser is engraved on each article if required. Expose to rough weather, dampness, extreme cold, etc., is apt toluingon an attack of rheumatism or neuralgia; chapped hands and face, cracked lips and violent Itching of the skin also owe their orinin to cold weather. lr j J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment Lini-ment should he kept on hand al all times for Immediate application when trow hies of this nature appear. It Is a sovereign remedy. ie, oOc and f 1.00 per bottle. We cull the following pleasing words from a letter dated Jan. Kith, Duncan, I. T., to our fellow townsman, towns-man, Wni. M. Knylauce, showing the trend of public opinion recardiiik' our new suit of clothes statehood. "We congratulate you on the admission of the Kreatest of territories of , t lie United States into one of the great iiatesof the Union. Wo trust at some not distant day to celebrate a like event. With our kindest wishes for the success of the new state, we remain yours very truly.'' Awarded W2he5t Honois-WorldVa Fair. DEI CREAM MOST PERFECT MADE. A pur. Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fre Sll,H1,,1 resmi.nK in u from Ammonia, Alum or my other adulterant, 'majority for Bird, who will lively re-40 re-40 YEARS THE staveaf.d. ' cti'.'fc the r?.rett1 app-dntrntnt. " Every "as-rt. from );.. fjmc 1 war, two ;-ea:- 1 ; : ! , I .-! dr. ; d-f d-f :!!' f:.'.:n : d : , !:. '. 1.' , t growing voi" in; : i s. '. h:i; ' v. - u!:il"S: II; -(-!:. ;. 'I 0" I. : .- 'I '.' ;.i d that, tiicy v. ' : i-vi r 1 ci my liih.r,,rs ur 1 .. -n.!-.e,i fo,.i r; ?r'Ss -;.i - , . On i... s.;. I,!!,.! i e-rrrv 1 . ?,i m-.,:-.-, v. !.:!,, h..i:-r I .' t W vJ Na;-i".vi:i.-i, -v-.ni I . ,- , 1 lo ear: A or Sar.-a p:ia'. 1 ia 1 1 l..e, tli;tt I h.v.e Im.I i- v ;:,'.'. ',' !:.-(-a-:e for more 1 hnn '. :.: ' ' :!''. The id'-d Pol;;.- : 1. a d lo re.ie!. ;:, pot ;u.d a p-. i "i.t 1:.- ' of i: !i 's p ; IVeV-d 1 i,,. cm;. ().('. i.M Want. .ma, X... WWSL TK2 ONLY WCHLL'S PA lit RYi r !l AYKB'S PILLS Prompt C'jci Eiiostioa. Wliiteimad's Cakery ma i lis! eild of Id oil lie ill'l '. s. aik. !q A .laioiarv thaw i...w lias I dali :n iis m.1'1 and slusln -1 ip. Tin- fully of prejndiee is t reij 1 1 I : I . . shown hy people vt iei pi efi-r to -nlTer ; for years rallier llrtn try a;..v adv. r- 1 1 sen reim in . nil' minions unun.i.e , 1 . .'i . ..o . . 1 . . .. Ml I Ira9 I i$ no such hot ;oiis. take AVer's Sai'-aoa- dr, iodise-. I ilia for hlood diseases, ;t;i, I iiie eata d. j So miii'li for common seiisi'. j in sinks: huji'.fs. I Mr. I!. I''. Ilaker. repres.-lil illg tile ' Cl.an1l.erl.1ins M-dieim- Co. of Ie Candy at Wiiilehead's P.akery. Moim-s, Iowa, was m town. Momiav. oysters at Whitehead'?. Lakerj tin-and tin-and called on t lie I miep'-mh-nt . Mr. 1 H., H aker is a t;eiil lemaii wit h w hom it is a pleasure to do liiisim ss, and hi. suave and Imsiness like d was a welcome relief from Ih auor 1 hard t imes" cry Ion often heard hy t he j newspapermuii. When the urine shows sljiis of d order, such as scanty or suppressed ' . Mow. Unusual (lark color, lleqllelit calls, or it the amount passed is large ' ...ill t v., re liirhi i-iilni H imlieate trouble in the kidneys. Idseases in these organs are dangerous, hence t lie lllipoi i.inee (,i jiiiiiin mii msum s sli p the trmihle. I i . .!. II. M-. Leiin's III-..!. II. Mi Leah's Liver ami Kionev lalm exeri'i-is a I i: I . i I..,;.... i.,,1 over the kidneys and urinary o.-ans and will cause an early rest oral ion to normal conditions. Price il.no per hot tie. Mr. and Mrs. I). P. Felt ami Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Crrp.ry of this city ami .Mrs. Miver ot .'sail i.ai.e, nave k'oue to Leadville with a I'lali I 'rev- ; Associaiiou exeursinn. The "mle- men k'ave it out col,l that Ihey would; skate in the front parlor of the ice ivih.e.. ii, I ..VI. Ivill.. I I Ml- l.'elt ,lo. ' , , ii , , , not meet Ldilor Larrv II wiesol (.rami , .. .. ,,. ,, ... .Iiinctmn or thai, hp,' I exaii journalist who was pdhk' to shoot Ids "hi-li hat" to pieces, or Mr. iJivk'oiVs hlaud ami innocent demeanor m-l him -.'on ailed asaY.M.C. A. lecturer, the p.u t y will he at horn-hv Friday, ii.-ii. Pas,. Ak'-llt WadleiK'h of the It. (i. . kind- ly extended the mini coiiilesies. In the meantime, ladies in search of ih latest quotations iu llie Leap Year matrimonial exehamte, will kindlv in quire tor .Mi', iiitison, ai mis ou.ee. Knocks oat the Grip j r , Humphrey's Spent "" knocks) out the Grip ami breaks up .1 cold. 2."n'-for sale even w here ' A "Hot" Water Mating. A Krauil huh huh was had at the water meetin- last Munday. A iood-Iv iood-Iv turnout met t-mii-ilor K diert s m. , w ,,, wanted an expression fr Ih- ! people as to t he select ion of a .valer- master. The meetiu w;is called to order and V. I win Le nmuiiiated for watermaster, who staled he would withdraw as he desired to support 1, .li li I ee of Ml 1 ,1 e I , ,11 'I'llU 11 IslkM.al forahurst f vttuperauve up - K . . ... .. .. . position l nmi i hos. naiiin mat. an outsider should come in lo handle our water matters; while I ueie (teu. Matson stalked out muUci im:. "FN go out w Idle I hilt man spouts." After Af-ter Dallin cooled down somewhat, ; yuunit Uere Matson ami John II. Tew followed with aii urgent demand tor Lee's appoint menl, in whiclt they reminded the mixed assemblage that it was throu-h the Mapleton vote! that thoy had t h. privilege f appoint- ,. . . , 'n H watermaster. lhis hurst. contldence was met wiiu a emu us oi groans, hisses, and litiik'hter. After a few more exchamres of politlca1 coinpliments the followiinr gentlemen were nlaced In nominal ion; with votes distributed as follows: Waller Ihrd l,'U;.lohn 11. Lee 4; and Dr. t-ezh's Xlk:rnUii. I 'l ie ! d ..v. in no! i as -mm !i" of in- : ! el 1 st to 1 lie Ileitis f i: li is of I he I !D..-;..r. ' ; ' "N it ; 1 d" ed:, m: lii Dr. I '"auV ea ;'i 1 in 1 (lit, i-.!-. I ! is:: i dd'-il lo ; j r- ::ove l;i ! . t : . 1 . ' y t, i Ji.-rirxrli and j u , I! !! m:iheii!,: ! t i h-n. if ; r .in -.0 ile- 1 1 11-1 1 1 f u i d in , k" I re,;leit : m: 1 !i- ri-, and Id-. I r .-miN vul a! wa : !-e ,M:id lo '-e l:i!li. Dr. Dean's pine-; i t lie I e ! i.l-, hi 11 10. d'oi l;d ," sl'-ws- ' 1 fid. ;:!! 1 Id-nro.-d i, ! oc ..iie.r.it nlat-1 nlat-1 1 : 1 s ,01 1 -1 ": i :'i ! i tool a - a el I :.e!l. ' , : 1 p.-t U'.o : Her;,;. 1. ; ! .r. T. A . D-a:i !-av- - ('.i.er. i A i ' '-r 1 !m !: i"1 --' a '.of ! Iiree or lour I. ; I. - of vs. e -:ui pra i-e in t 'a--- . J .1' '1- i temie.i-.l I In- p'."dl '.oil of e ,!:i:..ni- pln-.-ei.ni f r I ii.- 1 !" !i !')' k e , ;i .... ;.:n- . a::0 0:1 Ta; -da v nioi n-ie n-ie 1. i I w M !, :. , :.oo d , ! o i !i w ;l h I I. - ii-v '. ear. D 1- I o I..,- nvly re--I,-!!.; ih.it ( '.i -o. r !..., zoo.! a ; dr. !... a. riii ..:;. ;; :i I f.::.i iiv a-In a-In . an I l I ) m:i pro'.-il t !i 1:1-' . to !. ia I !,'-ir -dor! lvMd-::-' hi ( '.;,prr. i;..n ! lied; only at lend ! I, eili is mil V, ,s;i." C.fp a i W.o. M lev tuMrio'ii-, are well a ware I i: 1 1 1 I 1 : 1 e;.-.o,ie- s a re their host ;, ; 1: i .;k- p!-a Hi" in Mip- - t U lliur Ih-in Willi I in best ids nt- A - :i li in-5.;i;i e :,. Iiii-.ll ' i V; I ', , 1 ' , m- a oil. p! "Iidle'll t d I IILf- d lii. dot.,:, Miedi a:i. Tie. . ., : " We I, a', e 00 d."-it a 1 : ei in ive-,,.eiie ive-,,.eiie iidii:::' ririiid: -llaiia Caiuii , ,, 1 1 1 1 , i 1 o c ,1 1 r eii-d oi lie r-., ;i s ; i is ; pe ,i ee.;! m.-iddlie we IlllVeeV.-r -oid. and nHwi 1 v . vit isi'.e i ion. , ;,. ;, i .,;, ,1 ! do. .-lit s pel- not ! ie , ,, . ,, rake your poullry to ..-.yer I.i imr - liur- p,,, traits free to customers at llivvr ;, -j n.hurst , . I'oilNnl) ! lit1 SlUH'!li;i.O'I piUlli' nihli.-r hv a new proee,,. j , , , ... ,.(..,.i I You ir"t more ami hetlel hie, ill : .., . ..... si,,,.' i U '"""' ' , ., , v- There Is a lieW laiiol III lo'..ll. .v- I tiee ins ad in am I ' ie r Column, '"' ' The Corner Croeery is ihe place to, IJ,,, ,,f yfoeei l 'j . ,. , ,,. . '. . lei- InJ I'i.. i VVOOI . e.nuii-- ' ' ' , I , . i I lutn lit,, nf ; ',''v''11 a '',:-1 a"11 , sprni"; ". 1 , few more stoves t exehan for i Hi st cult ink' lucerne hav. wheat or j oats at It .yer & liriiiehursts. jj0j;im.,. says he wants chickens, j ,,, ,,,-, ultalla seen, w ueai. m n o .,7,1 :ul ail kinds of piiin' for ulu,.,!,epse;h. . H h.lt. 1hl, fiU.t thai the ''..,',.,,. .....Wes n dilT-rence IIOHO.Ii s.,,. . . i MissCuiiis huilns em an in- y.u ' , , .. . , i,,., t., soil i mum ami makes them to sun. The su-ar coatinu' 'which in ik-s j Avei's Pills so easy lo take, dissolves ; jmmediai-ly on reachiu.k' the stomach ! :md s,, permits I he I nil st.ren-ih and PeuelH of the medicine to he prompt - . .. I I.!- n.iiriln -1st I ly coiniiiiiu ica i en. .e for Ayci's Almanac, just out. I'rel'.l 1 te' (.i.;Mi:lii. Ttich Aunt -Why do you brinfr me this ra-s, tommy.' ; Touniiy- lSeeause I want you to liiic u- "Why do von want me to hit-it'.' ;.IUS,,', heard pa say that when you ,u. (;. ...,..,., Wl, will K'et forty thousand de .liars." n.-.-.i a it ivi l y. Mr. r.misie--n . -tor, 1 want a little doi-of nerve ionic, if Von have smue-liinif smue-liinif handy. r. !'.i-.ie-.i;h -There vou ;::'e: nothing H'i'ior... Ih - ir.nii.!-. I ,? Mr. .;i,e.i, oh. n,.; i ; a a In-: r; I eaiied to ask the amount of your hid. Puek. a i.-...,.i. re.y. I Tattle .Tdmev That, new boy in sehool lawful .hmib. ... .VIOUiei - noeeil I. lie i.u.o, ,.is ! , U"!, ''"'TV tl V'' twenty v.. m i. iii the . peioii ,e -, "ito- , :u,a h,, ,;. ;,i VV11-V ,. ,.f Hn-m. ; im;,. mu,..l idaetee-.i.- ih.od News. "!.,(. s . :...-... 'Mi'.Iuri'. ia d: 'd la rrreat a-.-ony." "1 tho,e,!it J,r. PaivMsatlendeuhim?- "He did. w; yr "Iahvav- tlna-'ht that tloetor took life eiisdv.'-Smith, id-ay & Co.' Moiithh'. ' Ami i:..-...u ..i. ... . ,umI. "Y.m oeda to name y.mr doff i"s- f if ": ' "'" " : ' 1 , T'Jxl jildj'e. I". in nil cvoo.'ieuee I lui.lwtth Jhilll p, ,;i .,,,;,,. lu. ls u .,,,,,1 (leul of a tmcU-idler l " ih. Life will acquire mw zest, and ! cheerfulness return, if you will impel your liver and kidneys to the proper p"i lormance of their fun.'tiotis. nr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney ll.ilmwill sthmilate them to health- I ful .rtl m IVi.-e .1 p- r I'dtle, r c. v J. v 1 t r .1, W " "1 ir , ' , (11 we. yiH,v-.r,.;r.,.j -111' Ihe S'. depot a i 1 . ( ) . ie !' ma;, n: otvi" same hy e . i,.l' Out il' plo , ii rii aim ,',i) io)4 - Wdiell I ie' edlid w a ; ; 1 1 .1 I e w o : op 11;, e ear acre-I acre-I Ur. .!. II. M.'- !, ai.'s Y-.i.-: 1 ;: .pooii ata 1 1; I ! .i i' : i.n n 1 on a 1 it i.i!- 5 if oar. I he o,,-:.l. l! -lops lh-i'. lh-i'. i. 2.V, doe ami j poo per O il I Ie. Katie? of Sale of Fd Estite. .t , - le-iei . 1 n. I la. I in .nrsi::ui.- f . r-l. e oi I :' I'o. eOe ( ...III ' I iill ' " , i- ell 1 lie .,111 ll Oi'V l'''' , 1 ,. iii 1 1,,- i:i-i : ie: "l 1 le' e-i :i e.' :t .Mar- , ,'e- ,u ,.- itt :i i - 1 : III. lililli'rslli.'l. Ih" j .,','i','..- ' : Oil . .1 llie viLll .-,,.11,. Mil ."'ll f j re lo e.e in l.e-l i.i. I. lei', lei' ea-h. . in,. i tr..i.-.-i lo. iihi.it i. iii ay miw I'liiim..' i I.,,,,- ,i --ii nr. :i v I Ie- i.".! li 'lay l-elil-n:o ' ji I .,1 :: o , io.-i, (,. ' 1 1 -. :o ih'' lo.nl Oour . ,,f , ... i.llli ill Sil lie . iile 111 s;, I hill .-.'LI! -. o ,. , .1 I : :in. -Oi I I" i,l . 1 it ! :..ei '"'el 'si i , ;ei',l. '.;,o. ol - .ei yeillll 1 ! e.ilel-. ill the lilni' I , ,,f .i,, :r-.,i .. o , viti.-. !. "-"o'-' . 1 I leu ll: y l.l I nil II OI o , i. ni her 1 mm '! ! ... her,, r I a.m' "utUv'r, I!,;. I of the MO.l -l.-.-eo-i iH Hie , . . I t I I ... t ,.i . lo t ( i i t I , i ' i ; i M 1 1 , 1 :i i i ' i i'i i'ii i 'i - ' t;l l Hi UV "! I" I ! llU.'l, .iU;itC. IV- ' ! 1 1 1:' ; 1 1 h 1 i c ; i m In - m 1 ( 1 I i ; i ' c i u i ; l v , uml ..-j i,,..) j, M,:;,iv : In U !'.-'! lift in- , ;;.a . , . . iu,nuhn, il. 'an I .;.;. :.-ii.;ii.: j vimt ji ' ini eh.oii: t iie'tee i .e-,1 1..II eiiioiis: In,,,- N o,m:i, p -mi eluiin-,: ile'in-e I -nil.-lei .ell -a: le ;i. res. poo io. ,1 i i ,., , ,.f v. .1 for li:ivl ovei- -.en I, sine oi -..no , ' . " ,. :,,.,,. I , Is, -leoM- N .VI, .,-'1.1111. I. :OiU i .,., ,.,, ,lf N r.e,. hii . s. k. :; P el' s;,: l.ili,. Il.efl.l III I ' 111 'I''' iMl'''.' , , .!.... I -.,,...1... .... Tl.e..,. S 'l.ie,' I. I.,.,l, le,..',d':'ur.,.ee -..alii il.r - ioarOi- .le:?. . Mi , i,.i,i, in. -II. -.- N s.i .e 1. Wl.sl !I?J I I'leiie: im It lie ll'-l'.-e ' , i. . ..f , .... .' ...j, ,,! VI :i i : hil. o i.MIA I 11 I.MHI.I.. I jV.' , ,alTZ New Process Rubber Repairing -1: i -,r.T r, j J. POULSui'T, Oil02213.Sr, , p.est nualitv ot work at. liviiik' prices, I I. MORTENSON TAILOR. Will make the . "S "Vt. I mmm ' J 1 From i ?-m s-m. 1 JttS.fCa1 XJL X All work uaiaraiiieed. ( hli-e at, Mr Hansen's Shop, H blocks west of the ih W bridk'e. ItTPH mnn ITU J, A. REYK3LDS, PROP- 1TMCKS Fui: r.v,A. : su-ar. U'. I bs l e.-r Tea half pound Ih j - 1 1 oit.-e. l.'.on or .v i om i. u s , ,,' p. t 'in p,-r can ......... lo i -1,.., .. Fresh b,-e;,. :i loaves 7 1 1 ,s I ei,, Kaisins ,". lbs c,lsj.,u (lUt at eost LOOTS. SlloKS , , x-i.-ruivc LoYS" Cl.OTIIIMJ and NOl IONS t:cs. M A.i!f and HUST:!lu'TCN ST3. I Spin sum I. IK, ! Utah E. WEBB, The Butcher, - 1 Valor in - All Kinds of Clioice WiUlU,(1. MTMMIYII.LK, FTA1I. CORNER GROCERY lOfT PUT Till Tomorrow Whatyou can This advice applies to the purchase of DRY GOODS: GROCERIES or anything in in, the lino of GENERAL MERCHANDISE butises- so in the matter of L-11L IS-e.iiise evei-viliin points to a rUe in the price of clothing arid you Can SAVK MtjNKY i.y hiivinc .i'v, IF VOL" Ii'dY FUOM US. If yu have i v.-r (le.iii with Us- and wethinl; yuu hae-mi know we have the host foods and that we nive yon 1 he umfi for yen money, and if you have not it is 111,1 uai e.-,d -ii and wen' convince;d. You are losing money hyadealing else, win- e We ei.nsrdi oii an.Mldiij !n ma hex of matches to a steel range, a modern heater, or a ton of (Mai -aid we sell it cheap. Deal Bros,! Mendenhall R. A.DE4.L, President. H. T.llOTIOLDS, 5pringvill8 Banking Gompany, SI 'KINGVILLK, UTAH. Ocvipitcil Stools. S00,000. rr,uis;:ets a general haukin-jr husiness. Exchange bought and sold and depos its received suhject to check. I-'ive per cent interest paid on time deposits, compounding quarterly Money always on hand for short time loans. r The iaaest (jQinter Sale o On Record Fascinators and Hoods going . at half-price. half-price. Best Quenea hair flannel, worth 15, now 10c: best oil cloth, worth 25, now 18c; i -l JT. 1 jailXOn liclIllieiS. WUI'LU ID, I1UW 1UU, Oa.llLUlX i flannels, worth 18, now 12c; ladies' under shirts, worth 50, now 25c; these goods are heavy fleece lined. Ladies' union suits from 50c upward. A big cut on all dress goods. We have hundreds ot other bargainscome and see them. In Shoes we have 20 dozen ladies' winter house shoes, worth $1, selling now for 60c. . The S. S. Jones Company PROVO, Like Father Like Son" I The (il! LA TEST 1HSPLAY of the season will be at IRVINE & SONS,- PROVO, XJtrvli. We are not carving toys, but in Ileal, Jleat, & WE ARE THE PEOPLE. Celluloid, Silver, til ass and other new things; 1001 different articles suitable for tfentleinen. our Dolls with kid bodies will be the cheapest evernoen. Froiu35 cents upwards. Neckwear, Mutlh'rs, Cravat Pins, Buttons, Hair OrnaineDts, Trilb Hearts. Silver P.uckle (iaiters, Etc., Etc., Wo for Infants' ('loods, Fascinators, Dress Goods, Evening Silk P.lack Silks, Etc., WE A HE HEADQUARTERS. K"We will save you money on Kubber Goods. Mens' Heavy Knee Loots, ifloO; Mens' Felts and 2 Buckle Overshoes, $2.75. EVERYTHING IN PROPORTION. Irvine oriss, Provo H. L. OUMMINQSiOashiM Vice-President. bargains o Al. 1 e . 1 f. fti UTAH. Useful Novelties |