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Show THE SPH1N3VILLE INDEPENDENT i . Issued every Friday. I). 1 FIiXT. Eililor nuil 3Iiiu:iKrr. Entered lit the post t(iiei- at Syrhiirviiy. j Ctah. for tr.iri-uiU-iiia tuioUKti Uic tuull-.;i- ecuiiil-elass uiulitr. j TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year, Six month. Three months. :;.i.o 1.00; THE SILVER OUTLOOK. j The silver ulltlook to some, eeins ; very bright, but in our judgment it 1 hope is to be drawn from the present j Congress. The silver substitute iml has the right of way and many sup-j pose the vote is so close t hat t he ai-j rival of the two Utah Senator-, will k'ive the Silver bill a clear majority. We cannot see how such papeis asi he Tribune and Herald and even the Denver and oilier Western papers can brew any hope from the lb-publican Legislators for they have certainly established their hostility to the white rnetal during the twenty-three years of legislation. tlllibusteiiiiK and patchy Ilnancial legislation, they have invariable left silver worse than it was before: every vote, every Koud speech lias resulted in dead failures and from a Republican standpoint the showing has been positively ap-pnlling; ap-pnlling; in fact, we believe their stead-lust stead-lust opposition to silver was the main cause of their overw helming defeat in 1892. The country had fond hopes of a reversal re-versal of this policy when the Democrats Demo-crats were called toolllciale, but lo! when they took the reins, boodle Hew hii;h and their record which shone so bright was an iynhfatuux and the silver sil-ver question was relegated to the rear make way for tariff and whatever question might come up to drive off the real salvation problem of the twunlry. Their procrastinalive polity poli-ty was soon manifest and th country again repudiated their false servants Hid to the surprise of the conservative conserva-tive students of political economy,! he ild unfaithful servants were again l.iten on trial. Now for us to think iny real support for silver can or will vome Is futile. Their is no liope whataver and If the people rest content con-tent In this delusiou the realiationof bimetallism will be still further deferred. de-ferred. Don't look for any silver leg-lislatlon leg-lislatlon until a silver President is fleeted and even then not too ardently ardent-ly for the East needs lots of education In this regal d. Occasionally one hears lifelong Kepublicaus and Democrats declare that If their party plat form does not come out boldly for the free and unlimited un-limited coinage of silver they will leave th party. We sincerely hope they will, hut it seems that we heard that kind of talk before somewhere. If all the various branches of the silver sil-ver army were consolidated under one bead and under the motto "Hi to 1, it would he invincible. The organl-latlon organl-latlon of a new partv would hardly be able to accomplish much in one campaign, cam-paign, and if the leaders of the various vari-ous forces, In.-rtead of he-lit tling each other's efforts, would bend their energies en-ergies toward bringing about a union of forces much (food would be accomplished. accom-plished. We hope the l'ress association will select a corps of ofllcers this vear(Jan. 26) that will he a credit to its head-Mr. head-Mr. K. G. llottion, w ho has Ik en an efficient presideut in the pait and ulU ui to a T for our presideut for 1P96. Much labor will he necessary by the president assisted by tome special appointee to look after ourinteresU In the legislative halls. There ar many points of deep Interest Inter-est that will of a necessity have to be explained to the Senator and Representatives Repre-sentatives by men acquainted with tbe situation. TnB Salt Lake Tribune with its usual t nlerprtse, has Issued a 400-page almanac similar to the New York World volume, This, however, cental cen-tal n& a complrte compendium of m fo"inati..ii peitaii.imjr ti local affairs Hi elect inn. slafisiici, ui.i fitti-i mat-l li-is. The hook is a valuable addiU on to Utah liter, it tire and boii!d ii 1 1 1 a place in every 1 1 1 r:i r v . It isoiialc tor f ir 2"i postpaid, at tlie 'J'i i!)in:c ollice, Salt Lake C;i v. Ai 1 . l:llMi to t he pics dispatches the Cuban patriots ale the greatei tiawlrr- on record. )ue da Ihev ar- ali' ml to attack Havana ami tie next day they are not w i ! h 1 1; :!i i; miles ..f that city. Aia-i'ic.ui:. I'liei ;,! y ilo not take Kindly to rumiitig soldic;:-nut soldic;:-nut in this e,;ve th,. , priming s.-in,, to he iii a g i l l cause, and A ue-ricans hoje that t lie Cubans ill In-r ucees--fill in 1 heir effort to t lo'ovv o;f ' t he t;. tanical yoke .if .spam. I r look as t lio', in tin- general shaking shak-ing up all oyer t be w orb I. the unspeakable unspeak-able Turk will be forgot I on and allowed al-lowed to loonier and pillage unmo lested by even a note from the p,,weisi;- "mat ter of surj.rise to every intelli-Wlun intelli-Wlun men or ,.:iii.i t.,!l on, ihe'"' biwyer in country, and especially devil irivuriabh takei a-lvantagt tin- ojip irtu.i.t I i iais II of; : j Enoi.asii see-us to be getting it in ' t lie neck from every ti;u t ;-r of the globe. Nations, like children, are great imitators when i nele Sam made t he lion's tail like unto a corkscrew cork-screw every nation which dared did likewise. The young man who refers to a leap year hall as a ''hen party.."' is usually a wall-flower on such occasions, . A. Lait.kk lias leased the Manti Messenger, and is improving that paper in many ways. The const ituCon that has been broken down or weakened by long standing disorders In the liver and kidneys, is ill lifted to withstand the encroachments of disease. Such a person per-son takes cold easily, cannot stand fatigue, and in cases of epidemics, is the ilrsl to fall a victim. The proper course is to remove the cause of the weakness by treating the liver and kidneys. I ir. J. II. (McLean's Liver and Kidney Halm will reach the seat of trouble and restore the diseased organs to healthy functional activity. Increased nourishment of the body will follow and lite patient will rap-Idly rap-Idly regain heaiiii and strength, l'rice tl.ou per bottle. Nesvstho From Capital. Washington, 1. C, Jan. 14, 1 xit t There is no exultation among -the ; silver men in Congress over there-port there-port mg of a bill for the free coinage of silver to the Senate as a suhst itute for the House b.nid bill. This may be because it whs well know u from t he llrst that such action would he taken. or it may be because of the general j malic company gave Mrs. S. A. Hoyer knowledge that the substitute cannotj a complimentary benellt at tho city possibly become a law: at tiny rate it hall. Two plays were presented Is true. It will pass the Senate by a ; "Above the Clouds" and "Down by decisive majority, tuU wit list anding ; t lie Sea," iusteavl of t he latter play tbesliicwd move of Senator Chandler, ; and a farce as first announced, the wlio has posrd as a special friend ol ! change being made necessary by the silver, in introducing a bill providing'! inability of the company Pi learn the tor a popular loan by t he sale of inter-1 farce in t ime, The pieces affotded est bearing postal notes at all money i the audience an opportunity to see order post utllccs, which he has given j t he members of the company in widely notice oT his intention to offer as a j different roles, and to judge of the substitute for the free coinage bill. merit of the plavers. Every charac-Mut charac-Mut there are silver men who regard j ter was rendered in a manner that was it as a uie;e waste of time to put the, pleasing to t he audience and a credit to hill through the Senate. Tin y say j the players. Evei y member of t he eom-that eom-that Speaker Heed would not give thepany showed wonderful improvement chance to get through the I bnisc, ; since their last appearance. The cos-even cos-even if two-thirds nf that body want-! tunics and "make-ups" were more aped ap-ed to vote for it, and, of course, all biropriate and the acting of the c.oiu-the c.oiu-the world knows that President pany more natural and not at all Cleveland would take especial pleas- st rained, wit ti the passible exception tire in vetoing a free coinage bill, of Mr. Imyer, who lacked spirit. should it by any possibility ever succeed suc-ceed in reaching him. The members of the Yciuuclan Boundary Commission are engaged in the preliminary work of their iuvc- It I l7- Ii ? t pain and inflammation, and cures quickly. Full directions with each bottle. For sale everywhere. Price, 25c, 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. ligation. Tbc i!-ad-tuai'ter of the commission will he in V al: i rs k ton . and ii, may he thai its wor can a!i j he done llhotlt ieai:ig tie- city, but j ei:-ciim,taiK:"s w iii decide tiiat. Re- gard less of the personal con enience of its members the Commis-ioii v, ill j endeavor to render a decision which w ill forever settle what lias been a ; 1 1 ouldesome ,m si ion f"f more than hail' a ceului . S '-.if I. Ik- at t it tide of everybody concerned seems to tie to :aid the commis-,ioii in ii search after ; the o.rreet boundary line between' j liritish Guiana and Vein .uela. A member of the House committee ' on Territories said this week: "No one can tell at this time what will he done by Congress, but, ii is my opinion that enabling acts wiil be passed at I his session authorizing statehood for New Mexico, Arizona and Oklahoma, .and that Indian Territory will be ; j placed under a regular Territorial ' ' form of .government. My opinion Is ; ' iiased upon those expressed by other j members of t he I lou.se." j I n a speech strongly attacking the ! supreme Court decision against the ' income tax, which lie declared was to I hose of it- in Congress, who were engaged in loiuitilaling the egi,la- ! Hon." .Nenato Vest used some strong language against the, domination of ,he if'1'1 i'igs. and in the favor of the tree coinage of silver. lie ridiculed the idea that there is enough gold outside of what is held in the batiks to take up the $1 00,000,000 bond issue w hicb lias been advertised by Secre" tary Carlisle, and concluded by saying; 'The conflict is irrepressible. If we. are to have the goid standard and the dominations of the national batiks, go to the people and have them rivet the chains. Hut 1 believe the people will respond against wiping out one-half of the money of the world, and in favor of striking down tlte ilnancial despotism that is upon us.' None but Ayer s at th9 World's Fair. Avcr's Sarsapurilla enjoys the extraordinary extra-ordinary distinction of having been I he only blood purifier allowed an exhibit, ex-hibit, at the. World's fair. Chicago. Manufacturers of other sarsaparillas sought by every, means to obtain a showing of their goods, but they were all turned away under the application applica-tion of the rule forbidding the entry of latent medicines and nostrums. The decision of the. World's fair au tliorities in favor of Ayer's Sarsapurilla Sarsapur-illa was in efTtct as follows: "Ayer's Sarsapurilla is not. a patent medicine. It does not belong to the list of nostrums. nos-trums. It is here on its merits.'' Abst racts of Title made to any City lots or farm lands in Utah county by llavercaiup & Co.. l'rovo. Leave orders with .lames Caff rev. The U. S. Gov't RcpOftS show Royal Baking Poivcler superior to all others. A Benefit to Mm Uoyer. Monday evening the Home lra- A comparatively large audience was present, the receipts, after all expenses ex-penses bad been paid, left a balance bal-ance of i-0. which was turned over to Mis. S. A. Ii iver to assist in paying HUMAN 25 ANIMAL Pain from sprains, bruises, cramps, diseased or torn flesh, aches, wounds, Neuralgia, etc., can be promptly relieved and cured by usinsj Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. The FARMER'S REMEDY for the various diseases of domestic animals. It is easy to apply, relieves at once faervousness Cannot be r:-.t.rc-ir !y cures hvtbe t.e of opiates ar.'l gedaiive compounds. 1' is too devpiy stated. It is caused by an Impoverish!"', condition of the blood, upon which the nerves depend for sustenance. suste-nance. This is the tnioand only natural fxplannt ion for nervousn-jpF. Pcrif v, enrich en-rich and vi,i'.!i:'e tho blood with hoog Sarsaparilla nd iKrvousi:epfi v.i'1 dirappenr. lleod's f5.;-HS-.ari!'a will g:.t vi'.u'dty t.itK- bloo-l a::d will sead it c;mrs:r. t:.rou; tha veins Bi'.d s-.erleo ckirsed wi' h t b" lifc-givinit. lifc-givinit. stn .-!:: ii liuildfag qualuu wh!t !i make f:i htv-.-s. Ii you ar? nervous, try Hoo Sarsitia and !ind tlia s-uiue relief of which li:i;"i:-istf peoolem'e let- j ling in tiiuir published testimonials, (h-t . Hood's ocj Hood's ' Beeaasn JfoodN Fares nprHIa is the only True I'loocl l'u.-ilier pn.rniiien; y in t he j public eye today. Sold by all drugs'"-'- ; I food's PHIs J J'rice ac. per but. the expenses of her proposed trip to Washington as a delegate to the convention con-vention of the N. W. S. A. Monday evening the company through Manager Mana-ger West wood received the following, which explains itself: Springvillc, Jan. II lsttd. Mr. West wood and Dramatic coui-pan coui-pan v. Ladies and gent letneti: -1 take pleasure in tendering you my sincere thanks for yniii efforts in endeavoring endeavor-ing to assist me in inv contemplated trio, and shall ever holdiyourself and company in grateful remembrance for this evidence of your good will. Yours very respectfully, Sarah A. Boyek. - . . . . A Household Treasure-I). Treasure-I). W. Tuller, of Cauajohai ie. N.V. says that he always keeps lr. King's New Discovery in the house and Iris family has always found the best results re-sults follow ils use: that he would not be without it, if procurable. C. A. D.vkeman Druggist, Catskill. N. V.. savsthut Dr. King's New Discovery is undoubtedly the best Cough remedy thiil he hits used it, in his family for eight years, and it lias never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Wh not ry a remedy si lonj tried and tested Trial bottles fretfal Dr. C. J. Pete . son's Drugstore. liegular size otic and iflot). Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. Farmers Attention. Money loaned on irrigated farms at 10 per cent per annum. Write or ap ply personally to Samuel Cornaby Spauish Fork, Utah. JOTTINGS. Fresh ojstrrs by the can or in bulk, smoked salmon and a great variety of other danties at Whitehead's bakery. Mary had a little wheel, she used it as a ht'oat ner. ami everywhere t nai ' Mary went the wheel was underneath her. She took the wheel to urch one day- tin- priest fell off his perch; it made the congregation squirm to seeawlie.l at church. Itut mark the consequences great of Mary's innovation: innova-tion: the priest and congregation, too now bike like thuuderat ion. Kx. I For a pain in the chest a piece Manuel Man-uel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Halm and bound on over the seat 1 of the pain, and another on the back tietweeti the shoulders, will afford prompt relief. This is especially vai-I vai-I liable in cases where the pain is caused ! by a cold ami there is a tendency to-1 to-1 ward pneumonia. For sale by all druggists. I We have received from 0. A. Snow Co.. solicitors of Foiled States and Foreign patents, of Washington. D. C, ii pamphlet reeeutly published and copyrighted bv t hem, cut it led: "A summary of foreign latent laws with informal ion and advice about foreign patents, giving the cost of same in various countries." The pamphlet pam-phlet is concise, well-written, ami contains in plain sta'cment, much that will lie of interest to inventors, patentee and manufacturers, A copy will be sent free to anyone addressing C. A- Soow Co., Patent Lawyers, Washington, I). C. Not a few who read what Mr. Uo. bertPiowls, of Hollands, Va., has to say below, w ill remember their own experience under like circumstances: "Last w inter I had la grippe which left me in a low state nf health. I tried numerous remedies, none of which did me any pood, until 1 was Induced to try a bottle of Chamber-Iain's Chamber-Iain's Cough Remedy. The first bottle bot-tle of It so far relieved me that I was enabled to attend to tuv work, and the second effected a cure." For sale by all drugvjlsts. 25 ami 50 c-ts per bottle, ' CASH ISlIESlXG TIIK I FOB I Alfalfa Seed ' And Sells the Hdialdc S6 5 OuV Is almost everyone's desire. It is vousave. tha' makes v iel, i. is mvessaM to. save money, ana in nrJer to save money it is neces sarv to deal exclusively with the ) ij. S. WOOD MERCANTILE CO. They have a large anrl'elegant stock of Glass, Crockery, Queens and China ware, at the lowest prides, and as to Holiday Goods Well, just step in, see their stock and get their prices; you will need go no further, they have everything you want. They also have THE BEST CLOTHING AND DilV GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES Pack are pros & Co.. DKALERS IV GEHERflk (DEHGHAjiDlSE, Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Hardware, Etc SPRINGVILLli, UTAH. j ?V .1'-''L'? ! DEALERS I Sy ; FURNITURE- Fraijcis RINGVILLB MILLING CO, Manufacturer of and Dealer in HF.tiAL PATENT. ROYAL ROSE PC!), CRAIIAM, GERMADE, COR1I MEAL, liRAN, SHORTS. CHOPPED FEED. Wheat received on deposit. Custom Ctrindinga Specialty. Cash paid for wheat. MILL OPPOSITE KIR IXU CREEK. A. O. SHOOT, SnccessorlaJMOLM.&B. CO, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Lumber, Doors, Windows, Blinds, Mouldings, Rustic Siding, T and G Flooring, Shingles, Lath, Paints and Builders' Hardware, LUMBER SAWED AND RE3S ' TO ORDER SCROLL SAWING AND TURNING- DONE-UTAH DONE-UTAH VALLEY IRON PAINT. Combination wire and Slat Fence. D. R, BEEBE, Mgr. OrtVeand Yardopp. R. R. D q -t. Telephone No. 20. P. O. Iiox 79, PROVO 1 -i WOOD General line of FURNITURE Including: WALL PAPER ARFETS. WINDOW' BLINDS, ETC AT BEDROCK PRICES, Give U a Cull for Borgnin. 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Snrinsr'Ule, Utah, AND-- v" if- )IS!;T I f S'JT DKUAKKK WAGONS, no I,., n. i what you earn, but what - if. i'. i.ee ei i,:'i!,r to OeCOIIIC rich M S iALEY. UNDERTAKERS. COFFINS and CASKETS OF ALL KINDS. All Calls Promptly attended to. v t |