OCR Text |
Show I 1 i "ffoble Pelf Dead. Some despicable wretch got in his dastardly work last Friday niht and laid another jog low "Nobi; Felt", H6 he was familiarly known in j'n.vo ttnd Sprintrville. He was a full-bred i. jjernara, repisterea as Otto 1 1, ho was about Ave years old, was brought from Chicago by Mr. Roundy of Salt Lake, with whom he would not stav . l ri . ' anionic, ouc ciiristinas uve about1 three years since he followed Mr. F - ' W wild was in Jsa.l Lake, takinj,' such a .... . n - . . tJJ v (1 1. 1 i il 1. .U 1 . Itoundy presented the doy to Mr. 1'Ylt. since which time the beaut iful auii-ml has been engrafliiifj his faithful im, l-ligence l-ligence and emwiniui; his personality in the hearts of all the family, the children in particular. And not by any means was his popularity confined Mr. Felt's family, The children for miles around were unanimous in pronouncing pro-nouncing "Noble" a grand playfellow and pet. and since his decease a continual con-tinual procession, during the day, of of children have called to take a look at Noble. He was a clog that has never hurt a living soul intentionally, has never bitten or acted anything but playfully with anyone. His huge proportions have often frightened timid persons and whenever lie found a person inclined to fear he invariably took advantage in a teasing mood to care them as much as he could, but this was the most evil trait shown. Mr. Felt had several chances to sell the dog for over $100 and on more than one occasion his pick of a band of horses. If the miserable wretch who did this "manly" job had been a spectator in the household when poor Noble's dead body was found stretched ap-pealingly ap-pealingly at the hack door where he had evidently made a dying ell'oit to Jet his loving owners know of his sufferings, suf-ferings, the chances are that his de moniacal nature would have been fully satisfied that his spite work was complete. This kind of a (lend would snatch the pennies from his dearest relative's eyes if he had a chance to attend the death watch; he would have to be placed under guard if a war or pestilence were on, as neither would care to attack him while he would be on the lookout to gloat over the the others' misfortunes and help himself to any valuables that might be left unguarded. This kind of a lift 'barnacle, if left to his own devices would lead the world into the blackest black-est corners of the dark ages, and would laugh in ghoulish glee at the sufferings and writhings of the martyrs mar-tyrs of the Inquisition. If grave-robbing were the fashion he would be the leader and at midnight lie would be found revelling in his hullish pleasures pleas-ures with intlnite joy. This breed of humanity has been plying its vocation voca-tion quite industriously, as Dr. Dunn, Joe Whitehead, and Milan Crandall besides this latest victim can testify. Did You Ever. Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle Dowandget relief. This medicine bas been found to be peculiarly adapted adapt-ed to the relief and cure of all Female Fe-male Complaints, exerting a wonder fuj direct influence in giving strength an&'tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, Constipation, Headache, Head-ache, FaintingSpells, or are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy or troubled with dizzy Spells, Elect ric Bitters is the medicine you need. Ilealth and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Only tifty cents at C. J. Peterson's Df ug Store. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powde A Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of Nelson 1). Crandall, deceased: Notice Is hereby pi ven by the undersigned administrator of the estate of Nelson I). Oundal. deceased, to the creditors of, and 11 persons having claims mrainst the sit Id deceased, to exhibit them with 1 he necessary vouchers, within ten months afler the first publication of this notice, to the said administrator, admin-istrator, at his residence In fprinnviile, Utah couuty, Territory of I'tali. , M. . t'KAN DAI,.. Administrator of the estate of Nelson I). Crandall. deceased. Pa'ed at Sprlngville, this 2nd day of December, De-cember, im. t i!i A RARE CHANCE. One-half interest in u choice 1" acre fruit ranch on Provo Bench. Will give time, or trade for Springville property. Cheap for cash. Enquire of John Menekat. IG-tf COAL. Leave your orders wit h II. T. Rky-MOLDb Rky-MOLDb & Co., for the celebrated Rock Spring coal, the very best in the market Prompt delivery to any part f the city by II. T. Reynolds & Co. SSW SHEET MUSIC The Independent has a nice selection selec-tion of the newest sheet nnisic, eon-fating eon-fating of songs, duetts, quartettes, fte., all of ..which i enpr right ed and tte bf K out. 1 DOCTOR G.M AT Aim i liVTU LCK'AL : f ' ! ! f ' ' 1 y ! -x' ' Hi tnh rerni'Jv trnnraniCLl to ith-olutclv Ctir.- r ! in i h un.l r it.m . ........ , . ' 1 . 1 tat-M ,i LI II 111 ,1 . Ii,, ,1 S .stern FULL SIZE, JU.C3: j V I I 1 ' s ! ntj luki' t Uii V'Oi; I!ilt Mm! ri m n iv' Or, 0. 5tiores -rttc and Biw.i.J Punfier tie in- (.'. Mr, r'in .tn.t ' iir. S I per b.:ltie. It symp'uinv. i) , Villi t'Til ll U( Mi! f - yi;U! tuniie Ch:ju-J? I) i Vu'.l b!u-,1t up llttei -.u :v' D.t Vfiu tfv.'l v,hi are ruwi:, ivrMkri' I--, Ili-Tt' C.!il.UU l a.l 'ii ihr- u) Dr. 0. VV. .Sh rt?'' Kitifiry nt1 l.iv. jr--.-s .ill d M.-asi.-s ul i.u kiw:.e j b, .; .-r .au Cure 1 J .i you n' d;y iJ.U'e im nl 1 u-e:? iJo yuu Iff! nncr.i! h:f i hi you v rred e;isi! ? I)ti du li.r. e lint ltastitb Are yuijf hpiiI- a iMi.t"-' iJ i oil li:i ve ru:i t-in in b.-t-!'. ? I).. i your hJhJs ati.t lift .siM 1 this (liiticed nii.U' rtt ii'nt is Uieic pain m mujIi t h.u ii.is Uik per sptT.i-. !i jti a LmJ uJnr? U 'here puimics uiifi liic l- t.-i..' U. yau havo hi v up uih n at nihl? k iheiii a Jt'ptivii iji uniU' it It-ti ij.aiiding? -n': iielt-ci tticst- Mnt tad nk bnni s disease khl.ng ynu . l-'r. b.iuro' Kidney aiu nvcr tiute will Lure y.ju it ustd as dirtcied on i!.t buitlt. Or. 0. W. Slmre.s' Mountain njre Oil st'is t ia wtirsl pain in one mim:U cr tv.-adrit.n;;p tontharhe, neiirrtlia, tr-imps t cAu; nsc ii fv'..-rr,;v aii.l in-u in-u ru.iliv r'icrvon.s ai'id cu:vs .S'pfil'K i'ia it used in t:me K'.-t'T a b:ul' hm iv. ii''Ct-. 2-.c a bottie. Dr. G, V. Sh lies' Pep-sin VL-rmitue deslravs ink'MiiKji wirnis anJ rfrnovt-s the -it!e rnund n.-vt w'.icr 1 hey tiaU'h and L'tutd. It never td S. Pr.co 2'-c a Sine. Dr. (1 V Shares' U'inle' frrcen Salve cures all j-s-:ri's'S of t tie k:n. Kc-'ti ivt-s reJ spots ani black pimpifs from t ho fxe . Heals u!J suivi in 3toSdavs. lJr'ce. 2 a l',v Or G W Shores' Anti-Constipation iills t;ure chronic I'.unstijMiiMn. sick headache and bilious ai( u:!s Price. a h ,;f!e In all nsrs, if flip bouv's arf1 f;or,stirfHed tal-:e ne if Or. Ci.W, Shares' A'iti-Con.tipahnii P llsa! hvd'time. 1; vonr trouble is chronic an.l det-p-seated, v.-riit Dr. O.V. Shoos pfi'on.-iliy for fiis new sysiipnnn list en.i liave your case diagnose! and set his expcit ad-vwe ad-vwe tree. T'io f,inous re' dies :yrp prepHT-el only t'v i")or-trir i")or-trir G W Shares, Zuiii'b Medi .ai Institute, Salt Lake C.iy. Utah. Far s:i'e bv a'l Drug-ists, or sent to anv address oa wer '"t uf price. For sale by Dr. C J Petekson Sprlngville, Utah. Chamberlain's Eya and Skin Ointment Is uneuualleil for feetrw, Tetter, Salt-RheuiH, Salt-RheuiH, Seiili.1 Haal, Sore .Nipples, Clnipped Hands, Itching Piles, linras, Fro.st Isiies, Clu-or.ie ."ore Eyes and (irtimilatwl Eye Lids! For sulj by druggists at 25 cents per "box. TO HORSiTcWNEKS. For putting a horae in a tine healtliv in-dition in-dition try Dr. Cady's Condition I'owders. They tone tip the system, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve eonslipt-.tion, correct kidney ,iiriordcr and destroy worms, giving new lift to an old or over-worked horse. 25 cents per package. For ssle by druggista Exciir.sio Xlollcr Willis, J. W. Hoover. Grist, Work done in exchange on short not ice. P.O. Box S4, PRVOO CITY. UTAH- TIME! TAELS ri)K sriOM. vii.i.e, i:tah. COI.SO WKST. No. 1, Purine mail f,v ,l(i:jr, a. m to Suit Laliii Ui;(li'n and the euiist. No. 5. l'lisseniei-.tti O'den Lv, :i:41 i. m No. ft. I'lisneiwr I,v, tl::in p. m No, 27, Lnuve i:I." a. m. i mledi daily exeept undii v. Eureka and all Titille point. No. 3, Pacific limited I. v. Il) i4 p. m to Salt Lalie. Ondeu and the coast. No. 7. Leave a. in,, Sail Lake City, (Kit NO EAST. No, 2, Atlantic Express Lv. le.'lfi n. tn U Cli'HV t'lfek. 1', V. June, I'astln tiati'. No. 6. Pans, and mall I. v. ;i:n."p . m. From Ondeu to all San Pete pel nts No. 4, t'lileairo llinlled I, v. 0:00 p.m. P. O. nOUU E. v. U HA Hi t M'K, Grnrral Mannecr, Tratlie Mnnv." r,a vDi.riirii In ii' Pievveiiei. -. ii I't'' .-.u.ur ful; !!.. ui.S v.,,-; iv ot (. u arm, r !? ' ' 1 .". im' J"'f v ;ir.l p i iiu'iiiuiv-i v Core v.u U V- n - :1P I v- t .J Is !,.,r.. 4-. .iv .'. ' li vi 'ri':'i . I- r i M.f K v.ur -! ''-- " tK. j-' ' 1 m v.m s'tvi'1 .u i' ' v.ur iruaiih i' ':!? I) Vol! i!, M'l!-l v. .i;,VS tVlV -ih Ts Or. fj ft' i Curt . .it! mh'hs vN an 1 l ' -ft. r cv O.u- .!(-s. utl' Vop, ".i Di ,i i rr 'ii; k it .i b i"!1 :ii ! nc ''i." 1 r , J N I .(.J tj.ivt' ! ii 'rt,.;,t. i;ve t! I n. ''-.-rie.l n 'I: -t .in J it v,l! aiii: uii. I BROWN & WOOD, Tonsoriai Artists. Wf nil Hutf i;i ihf Lnti'M St v h- ulh'. Shave w it limit iiain ki- Ii i wuf i -i i;. . I.uiikV aud Clnhii i-jfv Imir rut tins. Pompu clour a Hifciulty Gin cs a Call M& Mi Bast .Si'iuxGYii.i.i:. : : : Utah Agents Trey Steam Laundry, Provo. All ovUtus should he in Tuesday. Secure This se I it uilwri ise our Culliv. .'.ivc a 1 hnrouh cmjic of i,i wo will A i iit't ion iii I -..ubk; ami Single Kntry Hook-keepiriy: Hook-keepiriy: and Comnurcial Arithiin t ic. 1'V mail, at ONE-FOURTH REGULAR PRJCE In a li!t;:(eil uuft.iliei' of ifivnis. This course will be oimijlct ed in -10 lessons. les-sons. No elure for diplomas. ADDRESS Capital City Commorcial College. 1 10 West Sixth Street, TOPEKA, - KANSAS. yieneray & yo Y JL aiV9 UTAH. Sl'lUNUVlLLE, 10 GRAHDg RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD The only line running Tluo Fast Trains Dai y to Leadville Aspen, Pi-ehlo COLOKADO Sl'IilNGS AND IENVEIt Effective April 20th, 189-1. Train No. 2 leaves Ogden 7.00 a: m. Salt Lake 8.0,0 a. in. Arrive at. Pueblo 0:1S a. in. Colorado Springs 7:,11 a.in. Denver 10::!o a, m. Train No. 4 leaves Ogden 0::!5 p. id. Salt Lake 7:40 p. m. Sp'ville 9:00 p.m. Arrive Colorado Springs 0:53 p. iu. D-enviT p. in. Connections made at Pueblo, Colorado Colo-rado Springs and Denver with all lines Easi. FJegmt day coaches chair ears and Pullman sleepers on all trains. Take the D & Ii. C. and have a comfortable trip and enjoy tile jjn. est scerierv on the continent,. Shortest line to Cripple Cieek the great Colorado Cold Camp. ' Train No 2, leaving Sprinjrvillo. at n: .10. a. m. arrives at uripple next morning at 9: .V). A. S. Hughes. Traf. Mlt S. K. Hooper, O.P. A; T. A. Denver, Colorado. R. F. Nevins, (Jen'l Ag't. H. M. Cushini;, T. P. A. Salt Lake City, Utah. T. Child & Son, DEALERS IN MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES ETC. General Stone Cutting Neatly and P:oiiiily Exeeuted. SPRINC VILLE, - - UTAH. 1 I am prepared to fur (nish BRICK or ADO- BIES, in any quantity at bed rock prices. At the old Cook & Friel yard, south of Spring-ville. Spring-ville. For terms apply to J. V. KKIEL. Dr. HOLDAWAY DENTIST. ROOM 5. BANK BUILDING, Are preparecl to do nil kinds of i itinless ). itHii including Uie lat est Crown and Prlde Work. Treatment, r Mnl Jiismses a SjiH'iiilty. .itisf.U'iioti (luaranteed ' DENVER "WAIT UNTIL I SHAVE, .)!.( ;i moment ALSCRT hI;i,s litis :i rush, but !n uii'S his work so uiel;ly :ml so well Ihutitisa pleasure to be shaved l,y liiin," U4 I mm , mi iS.'. wV7iNsr- MIERR'S HIS i'LAIT-; N 10 XT TO P. O." L. E. Pederson, THE SHOE MAKER. Iext Doopto Harrison Hotel. SinUNCVILLE, UTAH. S. K. Tiiunnai THurman & Wcdgyood, Attorneys-at-Law. ProvoClt.v, - l?tm. T3R- F. DUNN, PHYSICIAN AND SUR6E0K. All Calls Promptly Attended Day or Signt.-:- SurPon li. (J. W. Ii.- H. Ofliiic and llesi-(leacrf llesi-(leacrf wit, l J. W. Ki'i iiiilmrst. Toleiihorie own noet ions. JJ. A. WILSON, Attorney-at-Law. Springx illt; City Attorney. Office: Rooms 5 and 7 1st Nat. Rank, Provo. Utah. Contractor and Builder. ESTIMATES MADE WITH OR WITHOUT SUPPLIES. Builtliiis Reualred 011 Stiort Notice. SPRING VILLE. UTAH CONTRACTORS ATTENTION! For whitewashing or pliihtoring. For masons or bricklayers, THOMAS EOARDMAH. P.etween Spritiville ami Provo. Contracts filled promptly from I luisliel to lo.ooo bushels. G. E. AfiJDERSOfJ, PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER. Dealer in ki;ami:s, pictcrk fittings and CLASS in all sizes, Pictures copied and enlarged by homo aiiisis Pictures of family fillips, residence-;, slock or any subjects sub-jects taken 011 1 lie spot,. Keep youn filoney at Home. SPIMNCVILLH, UTAH. Ifl THESEDUhli t iiiics.vvlie" v. ,n bav'nt money to buy new Spring Wagons or Iiuffjilos, lirinp; yuir old ones to CARTERS, and have them made as ood as new; and thereby there-by pal, ionize IIouu Industry. .'!," P, e, HOUTZ : ARTIST JSIO-U "UVXLITIUXL Family Records a Specialty. M'JUM.VILLE, - - CTAFf AMrmp BERKLEY mi miii n toht V " ) LETON CLOTHING COMPANY Has Crawled so Quickly to THE FRONT It wasn't "Blind Luck," Oh! No! Here are some of the Bargains that made them Popular: r Meirs mnl dilVereiit patterns now on sale at PROVO, UTAH. IP .1. tin a .nt. .Ioiin IIenuv smith. ''I't's. Vlee I'res, .1. I'. liHANT. Secy, anil Trcah. lilKEC-ro.is John lleinv Sinllli, Heller J toant. ,1. K. (innit. It. I'. (.ruin, Nil! hail Seiirs. GRANT SOAP CO. OFFICE m FACTORY 751 to 761 S 3o WEST St Manufaetu-ersof HIrIi (inule l.aunilry Anil Toilet hoajis. SPECIALTIES:j IIEK 1I1VK. KIJCCTKH'uiKl r.e I.AI NDKV. HliK 1 1 1 v k Touckt: ri.NK TAK, I'Klil'ICl'T FLOATING CASTII.I.ri, and ( OMMKKCIAL 1IAU. J. F. CRANT, Manager. Salt Lake City, : : Utah. Provo Meat Co. PAYS THE HIGHEST CASH PRIE FOR FAT LIVE STOCK Phil. Speckart, Prop. PROVO, - UTAH. WHEN YOU VISIT SALT LAKE 00 to Tin; HOT SPRINGS SANITARIUM SWIMMING POOL. 52 U4eSt, Third Suoth St. This water Is ustircciirc for Klicuinut ism. Miners' Leading, liul'ncstion. Catarrh. Cn-slliatloii. Cn-slliatloii. Clnonle IMsrrl.d'ii. Palpitation of the Heart ami all hi'lney 1011 neivoiis Irmililes. Towels 11111I soils wa-heit by Knipiie l.auiiiliy. Hotel Roberts Strictly First-Class. All conveniences for Commercial Trade. L. HOLBROOK, Prop 1 Jr iv , I Halt. Just Onened S. P. C. LARSON THE SHOE MAKER. Next Door to Wood Mer. Co. D. D. IToutz, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Otlice, Elderidge l.ilock. Provo, : : : : : Utah. SAVE YOUR TEETH! mil in sail Lake city Consult Dr. Ned Hewett DENTIST. He will do better work for less money than any dentist west of Chicago. Chi-cago. Teeth without plates a specialty. special-ty. Don't forget the place. 19 & 20 Soott-Aaorback Building. F. 0. Box 4st Eali Lake Cii y TSisre is a Whole Lot of Sound and Solid Reasons Rea-sons Why The sy s suits in io c, Suit- CIO ETA Per A.SIflGkETOfiSupt. GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $ir".oc evory month given away tn any onewho ip. plies iliruugii us for the most mentoriouii patent duiiiig the month pieceding. We secure tKe bpnt, patents for our rllBti, Slid the olijeci of this oflcr is to encourage inventors to keep track of their biitilit idwis. At the suae tuue w wish to impress upon the public the fact that IT 'S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such ss the "car-window " which can be easily slid up and down without breaking the passenger's back, "sauce-pan," " coHar-buttun," "nut-lock," "bottle-stopper," "bottle-stopper," and a thousand other little things that roost any one can find g way of improving ; and these simple inventions are the ones that bi inRljrget returns to the author. Try to think of somelhing to invent. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patrms taken out throne; h us receive special notice in the" National Recorder, published at Washington, 1). C. , which is the Dcst newspaper published in America in the interests of inventors. VV e furnish a year's tub scription to thisjournnl, free of cost, to all our clients. We also ad venise.freeof cost, the invention each month which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousand of copies of the "National Recorder," containing a sketch of the winner, and a desciiption of his invention, will be scatteied throughout the United States among capitalists and manufacturers, thus bruiging to their attention die merits of the invention. All communications regarded strictly confidential. 4. Vess JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, 618 F Street, N.W., Box 385. Washington, D. C. jjf kiferetui editor eflhu pafer, Writtjarwr SO-pagt famfhltu REE. A. G. BIRD Livery, Feed Sale Stables. SPRING VILLE, UTAH 1 Wanted - RY TlIE- SPRIN31 VLLE CRAMERY, 70c cash per cwt for all milk going 4 pounds of butter to the cwt, THE MILD POWER CURES Dr. Humphreys' Specifics are scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies, used for nearly half a century by the people with entire success. . BrKcirtc roa l-Feverm, Congestioiu, Inflammation!.. Worms. Worm Fever, Worm Colic... 3- Teetbinir Cello, Crying, WakrfulnaM 4- l)iarrheu. of Children or AdalU...,.., 7- CouKhii. Coliln. Brnncbltla 8- Neurnlula, Tootliactio, Fawaoh& 0-llcadrtrlic, Bkk Headache, Vertigo.. 10lmprpia. Ullloutnexii, Constipation. 1 1-HiipwreMRcd or I'alnfnl Period... 1'i-VVhltCB. Too l'rofuso Perlodi 13 Croup, I.nryuKltln, Hoararnem l l-!-nlt IChcnm, Kryslpla, Kruptlon.. 13-Hheumatinm, Jilifumailo I'aln lO-Malurlat CUIlls, Tevar aud Amie Jl-t utorih. Influenza, Cold In the 11 ed. iiO-Whoi.pliig t'ounh 37-Kiducr JMncRftcM US-?iervous Ilebllity .'ilt-l'rlnnry VV'eaknesii 3 1-fsure Throat bulimy, Ilphthori..,. "77" for HAr FEVER oId bf Ih-offirlKU, or int w.nlfl oa rwMpt nf pHct, 0 or for tmv Ijo twirtt-d , titrwpt 14, 1, Hevnnlr. tiH Hl'WPBIItT'MASfT. fn1urtr"1fc Hvi)t,wlt tDri HtMrUKKYB' JIIU.OK, 111 Hit Willi u St.tNtwTdU j DON C. PORTER, Manager. Cor, Main aod Brlgharu Streets. .ALT LAKE CITY, t'TAE. TEMPLETON llUlill |