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Show D. P. FPXT, F.dHor anil Slnnusr- tccnl Rflojitlcn. Pic a f AND TH t.i. ;, t. !U. ,:; t.:d! SaiurJay i;'.' . aii.i -niv Hi1' I'i.i V- ; AiH.th'.T l-:u year tall ' t.h-. lfij-.t J I in spcii!. ;i portion of the ii:iul,ijs vi.itu.k' frieMisat Star, Juai i : -i ov-W.j liy til" ran or in bulk. !;. ... iii-iii Hii'i i yivat vineiy i : Ml.er (iitMlfS at YVhiU'tioad'ii baliei. Matin Mi-ndenbuli and sUirrs who are uUeiilintf school at t ho II uner-fuid uner-fuid Ac.Kteiiiy, s;e;it their vactiun at their home in Juab county. Hall's Hair Rcnewcr i pronounced the best preparat ion tn:ule for thick oning the kiuvUIi of the hair anil r'N-torin'that r'N-torin'that which is fcfia t. il original origin-al color. 'Statehood." is the nil J'Ct upon which S. (1. Adaintt will speak at tlie Baptist hall, Sunday evening at "::i0. Bible school from 3 to t p. All are invited to attend. The sewing and curving-elates and weekly mooting! will be resumed this week an usual. The best anodyne and expectorant for the. curt; of colds, coughs, and all throat, hng, and bronchial troubles, Is undoubtedly, Ayei's Cherry Pectoral, Pector-al, the only specific for colds and cough admitted on exhibition at the Chicago World's Fair. The Independent has received a communication from a friend at 1'er-ron, 1'er-ron, which contains an excellent write up of that place and vicinity, and nays auiontr other thiiitfi that the town will soon be incorporatodd. Items of news are always; thankfully received, but The Independent has not the kpace just now to boom a town from which it receive.-, no support. When tt)4 childreu have earache warm a few drop of Dr. J. II. Mc Lean's Volcanic Oil Liniment una txuapnon and drop It into the oar, the effect will be mauical. It stops the p.nu instantly, Price- 2ic, 50c and tl.00 per bottle. A merry crowd of mature matrons made many men mount monstrous monuments in maddening manner in manly anxiety to koe the cause of the joyous Jingle of the festiveasleiwh bells. It was the occasion of the Fmrth Ward Relief society having their annual sleigh-rule. Four mammoth mam-moth sleighs were seen whisking hither and thither to the joyous ac- voinranimeiits of bells, sung i and laughter, as they pursued their well earned puting. Many merchants are well aware that their customers are their best friends and take pleasure in sup plying them with the best goods ob tainable. A an instance we mention Perry & Cameron, prominent drug gists of Flushing, Michigan. They av: "We have no hesitation in roc ommonding Chamberlain's Cough Demedy to our customers, as it Is the best cough medicine we have ever sold, and always gives atlsfaction." For sale at 25 aol 60 cents per buttle by all druggists. The joke is on a few of our would be sportsmen, who, led by Am. Bird, occupying oc-cupying two large sleighs and taking with them a whole arsenal of aniimi-nltlod aniimi-nltlod bled off to the most popular haunts of the festive rabbit.wiih fond expectations of returning with at least 300 to GOD rabbits, but lo! after a prolonged seige of t wo days they returned re-turned with the immense number of 20 rabbits, and these are for sale to the highest bidder. Call at Bird's stable and see their mighty work. The following sire the noble band of hunters, hunt-ers, and if anyone wants to make uu aside and challenge them to a shoot; now's the time, look hero: Am. Bird, (iuy Mondonhall. Dan Crand.ill, John Meneray. Mark Cook, Mr. Hichards and Mr. Held. Cough-cure, the most prompt and effective remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs, i Avor's Cherry l'ectoral. As an emergency merti- iffip?,. cine, mr the cure 'i Sfttr Throat. V "" Lung Fever and Whooping rmtgn, war r u if 'eldest ft m ' E BEST J A - Mm m0Mfmik if mm sJliP 11 DONT PliT OFF Till Tomorrow What you can uu r FOPAY, AVER'S Cherry Fectoial cannot be equaled. the AmeTiciin Bap tist l'ulilishing Society, Petersburg, Va.. endorses it, aa a cure for violent colds, bronchitis, etc. Dr. Brawlcy also adds: To all ministers sulTering from throat troubles, 1 recommend AVER'S Cherry Pectoral Awarded Meddl at World-i Fair. AYER S PTlLS Cure Liter Stomach Troubles Awarded Hsht5t Hono s-World' Fair. m CREAM HMflH ----MOST PERFECT MADE. A pur Crap Cream of Tartar Powder. Fre torn Ammonia, Alum or any othr adulterant 40 YMK VI ETaTOAP.. Caff rev & Divisare receiving laiyc consignments of goods almost daily. Look at the top of second column on tMrdpage. Something there will in terest you. Col. Isaac Brown and family return ed b'st Friday from a mouth's visit to Silver City. Miss Nettie San ford, who lis been visiting her sister at Castle Crate, returned home yesterday iek. Mr. Thus, Bryant has found a pitch f irk: owner may have same by calling and paving him for this adv. See what S. S. Jones & Co.. have to offer this week. Its worth a visit to Provo just,t i see what is to be seen. They have a new ad in this issue. See it. Life will acquire new zest, and cheerfulness return, if you will impel your liver and kidneys to the proper performance of their functions. Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm will stimulate them to healthful health-ful action. Price $1.00 per bottle. A social nartv was had at the resi dence of Mr. D. O. Huntington on Wednesday evening, the occasiou be-ing be-ing the sudden visit of Mrs. Huntington's Hunting-ton's brother. Brig Scovile of Spanish Fork. Mrs, Loda Loveless of Payson was also in the party. A fMV friends and neighbors constituted the party. A pleasant time was had, card play- ink.', social chat ami a dainty lunch being the order of the evening. When the urine, shows singsof dis order, such as scanty or suppressed How. unusual dark color, frequent calls, or it the amount passed is large and of very light color it indicates trouble in the kidneys. Hi.se.ises in these organs are dangerous, hence the importance of prompt measuies to st p the trouble. Dr. .1. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm exercises a healing and . "-mlating influence over the kidneys and urinary organs and will cause an early restoration to J normal conditions. Price $1.00 per bottle. On Monday evening, Prof. W. I). Alexander, the great phrenologist, favored Saringville with oue of his most excellent lectures on the subject sub-ject of "Success in Life."' Ho was listened to wrapt attention throughout through-out and only interrupted when one of irrepressibly funny stories or mimics were indulged in. The lecture was given under the auspices of the W. S. A., and the voluntary contributions amounting to 1 130 being uiven to to Mrs. S. A. Buyer to aid in paying the expenses of her trip to Washing ton to attend ihe atlonal . b. A. Mrs. S. A. Buyer has been honored by the State association as one of the seven delegates to the National W. S. A. convention which convenes In Washington, I). C, on Jan. 23. The president. Miss Anthony, hassignitled a desire to celebrate the first as Utah day in honor of Statehood and the re alization of Woman's Suffrage in the State. Mrs. Buyer leaves next Wednesday Wed-nesday somewhat a a missionary, as nmminetU men of Dolltical, civil and ecclesiastical positions have urged her acceptance of the position tor many reason; amonf which is lo how me slucerity of the workers to Utah women' enfranchisement and their deslie to still have a national Inter est in the cauRe. Saturday night, the home dramatic company will give a dramatic entertainment in the city hall, consisting of a good two-act play and a roaring farce, the proceed of which will be donated to asit in defraying the expense of the trip. A crowd ahould turn out a the good of Ctah and Utah county will be a lasting last-ing benefit; beside, the entertaln-mfst entertaln-mfst fill b "rtii v.M9'.csr. CITY IIAL1 SPRINGY FLLE, WEDNESDAY, el AN. 15, 1890. Thic nrltripp n.rmlifis to the DUrchaSO of DRY GOODS; GROCERIES or anything m in the line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE butises-so butises-so in the matter of Glotliirag: Beciuse evervt'iing points to a rise in tha price of clothing and you can SUE MOSKVby buving now, IF YOU BUY FROM US. If ym have ever dAilt with Us -and we think you huve-you know we have the best goods and that we give you the most for you money, and If you have not it la Cm you called and were convinced. You are losing money byadealing else, who e We can sell you anything from a btuc of matches to a steel range, a modern heater, or a ton of cjal and we sell it cheap. u Bros. & Mendenhall. twin SISTERS' nele Tom abni Co. People Grand Band and Select Orchestra Grand Street Parade. Reserved Seats Now On sale At Peterson's Drug Store, 75 Cts. Claim Jumpers. ii,h,v. rpiffied suoreme in jBcur "u11'' '-p , Spanish Fork canyon up around Diamond Dia-mond Fork away at the ghostly hour of middigiit Tuesday. Mineral, litht - .. .:.- if thn granh stone and oi ner ciaun, n evidence of assessment work done was not very marked, were iur, B. able property of any claim jumper who happened to be on the ground, as the new year kicked the old one back into the past. Ti,.wt,.i r,i- t we.ntv men from Si an- 11 l;l-- " " ish Fork, Salt Lake and other places were there watching out for a chance togobbletheprizes. Io scraps occurred oc-curred ueither was there any .shoot-nsiderable .shoot-nsiderable shoot- t.vw. V.nt today several properties are claimed by parties why did not claim tnem un some contests and suits ui cjuh.c likely to follow. Lnquircr. The Discovery Saved his Life. Mr a Oailouette, Druggist, Heav ersville, 111., says: '.To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physicians for miles about, but of n, avail and was triveti up and told 1 Could not live. Having Dr. King's TUsmverv in mv store 1 sent ior ri' bottle and began its use and from the tirstdose began to get better, and -.ftAr nsio? three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or nouse without it." Get a free trial ai vi C. J. Peterson's Drug Store. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royat Baking Powder superior to all others. o ATtraT, Praaident. H. L. UUmfiUfluo,vm H. 1. ntilavulo, mx-x raiuom. Spfinguille Banking Gompany, SPRINGVILLE, UTAH. C,iDitl Stooll. SBO,000. rransacts a general banking business. Exchange bought and sold and depoa its received subject to check. Five er cent interest paid on time deposits, compounding quarterly Motiey ..i.. v.ar.,1 frtp iihnrl. t.itrie loans. ai"AI3 uai.u v w inter Bargains The- o Biggest CUinter Sale On Record -,Tn CORNER GROCERY J. A. REYNOLDS, PROP- PRICES FOR CASH. Sugar, 18 lbs ' Pioneer Tea half pound lb Coffee. Lion or Arbuckles per pkg Sardines per can Oysters per can Corn per can Soap 7 bars Fresh bread 3 loaves Oat Flake Tibs Rico4!bs -' Raisins 5 lbs Closing out at cost R OTS. SHOES BOYS' CLOTHIXG and NOTIONS COB. MAIS aid HUSMliTON STS. SritiNGNrLiiE, - Utah d Hoods eoins: Sit half- price. Best Quenea hair flannel, worth 15, now 10c: best oil cloth, worth 25, now 18c; Oanton flannels, worth 15, now 10c; Canton flannels, worth 18, now 12c; ladies' undershirts, under-shirts, worth 50, now 25c; these goods are heavy fleece lined. Ladies' union suits from 50c upward. A big cut on all dress goods, we have hundreds oi other bargains-come and see them. In Shoes we have 20 dozen laaies' winter house shoes, worth $1, selling now for 60c. The S. sTlones Company PROVO, UTAH. E. WEBB, The Butcher, Dealer in-All in-All kinds of ' Clioice Fat Calves Wanted. SriUNGVILLE, UTAH. PATROHIZE HOME INDUSTRY, WEITEHEAD BROS New Bakery CONFECTIONERY, CAKES, FIES, CANDIES, ORAKGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, FLOUR, FEED, ETC., ETC Fresh Bread Daily 'Like Father Lite Son" The GREATEST DISPLAY of the season will be a. -IRVINB' & SONS,- PROVO, TTtalx- We are not carying toys, but in Jem, Jleat, & Useful Jlovelties WE ARE THE PEOPLE. Celluloid, Silver, Glasa and other new thlngi; 1001 different article suitable for gentlemen. Our Dolls with kid bodies will be the cheapest ever seen, from IS cents upwards, Neckwear, Mufflers, Cravat Pins, Buttons, Hair Ornaments, Trllb Hearts. Silver Buckle Gaiters, Etc., Etc., Also for Infants' Goods, Fascinators, Dress Goods, Evening Silks Black Silks, Etc., WE AltE HEADQUARTERS. syrWe will save you money on,' Rubber Goods. Msns' Heavy Knee Boots, 12.50; Mens1 Felts and 2 Buckle Overt hoet, M-W. EVERYTHING IN PROPORTION. . Ir-Virre S? Sons, I?iHvp |