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Show .-.-- h-: v I RAH FOHTHO NEW STATE! VOL. 5. NO. 23. SPRING-VILLE, UTAH, FRIDAY, JAN. 10. 1896. PRICE: $2.00 PER YEAR a1- jry "sft i Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ''No Likeuai Too Muoh Orandall." Speingville, Jan. 5, 1S56. Editor Independent: Dear Sir In looking over yesterday's yester-day's issue of The Independent 1 read all you had to say about statehood and many other matters of interest; then I turned the paper over to scan other pages, and behold the first thing that meets my eye is another reunion re-union occupying one column and a half, which I undertook to wade through but found it didn't interest me a little bit. Now, Friend Dave, I do not find fault with you alone, for I notice it is getting quite coaimon with other papers as well a3 your own, to hash up these family reunions, to the exclusion ex-clusion of matters of more importance no one being iuterested in them, hut those who participate in them. Now If you will pardon me for the liberty 1 take. I would suggest that you give us those reunions, if we must have them, in suiallcr'doses, for the average reader cannot help feeling that he is being cheated when be has to pay for matter that does not concern con-cern or interest him in any way. You may say mentally, who it running this'paper? In reply I will say a very talented gentleman, but the best informed do sometimes make inistakes. Asking you again to par-,., par-,., ae for t' " liberty I take; I am Xurrvery trul; . -B3CKIBE, I. r The above undoubtedly contaijs fmany pertinent suggestiaus.but "Subscriber "Sub-scriber should remember that out o'. i-i great number of graouMnlla and jSimlar "eutertaltfment8 tne-Otfttt&U re-utiion was the only one to which I The Independent received a compli- mentary invitation, and of course the editor felt so good that he hadn't the heart to "blue pencil" the copy. Ed. In the Beginning Of a new year, when the winter season of close confinement is only half gone, many find that their health begins to break down, that the least exposure threatens sickness. It is then as well as at any other times, and with people even in good health, that the following follow-ing facts should be remembered, namely: that Hood's Sarsaparilla leads everything in the way of medicines; medi-cines; that it accomplishes the greatest great-est cures in the world; has the largest sale in the world, and requires the largest building in the world devoted exclusively to the preparation of the proprietary medicine. Does not this conclusively prove, if you are sick, that Flood's Sarsaparilla is the medicine medi-cine for vou t i take? JOTTINGS. Deal Bros. & Meudenall have a new-ad, new-ad, today. Take a look at it. Look at Reynolds new ad. Its a "corker." Will No'-mI. who is attending t'h i.i! h"r i--ti !lie-!i'liday at h:e I. vme i'i L ig.iii. I m S.ixev of Provo is running at w si nek of t.),,l. v.-t)'ver in-, ami simple and V.iutiful ever." sings the poet, in words wh ch might well apply to A.ver's Sarsaparilla the most efficient and scientific blood-purifier ever offered of-fered to suffering humanity. Nothing hut superior merit keeps it ho long at the front. This Space is Reserved for the r r o v o u . WUWAKE i ruvu, ttah. I Avoid pneumonia, diphtheria and , typhoid fever by keeping the blood j pure, the appetite good and the bodily health vigorous by the nse of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Pills have won high praise for their prumpt and eiHcieut, yet easy action. Boyer & Bringhnjst have arrrnged to give their patrons a lovel y crayon portrait ot your mother-in-law or any other angel copy being furnished, made by the well-known Acme Copying Co. j of Chicago. An elegant frame is furnished fur-nished at wholesale prices a ud a good I supply to select from to say nothing j of the elegant quality of goodn fur-1 uished by this enterptisiug from. By, the way. they are taking hay or grain j for cooking, heating stoves or ranges. A great chance for a stove. A first class heating system is being placed in the Central school house by the Salt Lake Hardware Co. It is called the Magee's Boston Heater, and consists of two furnaces which are placed iu the basment arid each of which are connected by asbestos covered cov-ered pipes with the various rooms. The fresh air is taken from the outside, out-side, conveyed by the natural current created by the displacement of cold anil hot air. A vessel containing water is set in the fire-box furnishing furnish-ing moisture. It is claimed that this system is the most economic and efficacious effi-cacious that has been tested, Trustee Hall having visited a great mauy public pub-lic institution where heating aparatus were being used, hence profiting by their experience. This one is guaranteed guaran-teed and a 60 day trial given and half days, the total cost being $650. i Walter Wheeler is doing the brick work and J. P. Evans the tin work, under the special direction of Mr. W. II. Coucham of Salt Lake, au expert in this line. Baoklen'a Arnica Solve- The Rest Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and postively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed guar-anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. C. J. Peterson. Pet-erson. TJneqtaied Service-Denver Service-Denver to Chicago via Kansas City is given via the Union Pacieic and Chicago and Alton Railways. Through Pullman Sleepers, rull-ninn rull-ninn Dining Cars and Free Reeling Chair Cars leave Denver daily. The Union Pacific is the great through car line of the west. Ask your nearest ticket agent for tickets via this lint. E. L. LOMAX, Gen. Pass, and Tkt. Agt. Omaha, Neb. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. Frank N. West 7:3!'JU:1. AND JEWEL R, All kinds of JEWELRY REPAIRED, WATCHES, CLOCKS, Etc., CLEANED and REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. Springville, - - Utah. SPANISH FORK NOTES- j A leap year ball is beiog arranged I for by a number of the representative I fair ones. A small delegation represented this city at the inaugural ceiemouks at Salt Lake, Monday.' To be married. Thursday. Jan. 9. 13l6, Mr. Pi-ter Larson and Miss Ellen Jones. The eveut will be celebrated by a dance at the Opera house. Spanish Fork held an Impromptu celebration, Saturday, on the occadon of President Cleveland's signing the statehood proclamation. Mr. Oliver Christiansen and Miss Annie Gull were united in marringe, Monday, Bishop Nelson of the Fourth ward officiating. A wedding dance was given in the Opera house in the evening, and a nice large time was enjoyed by those favored with invitations. invita-tions. Springville '-bloods" were numerously numer-ously in evidence at Spanish Fork, Monday night. Their behavior, however, how-ever, was hardly up to the Springville standard owing, pel haps, to a much too intimate association with the tiery Spanish Fork "booze". Several little differences of opinion were noted and "war scares" indulged in by representatives rep-resentatives of both towns. Joe Jenson's saloon had a narrow escape from destruction Monday. A card table caught tire from acigarette while the room was temporarily vacated, va-cated, and a few moments more would have sufficed to have put the whole building in a blaze. A large fire would be decidedly out of place in Spanish Fork, as the acequias are all frozen or dry at this season. While tiring salutes, Monday, C. W. Booth had a narrow escape from going skyward in fragments along with the smoke of the discharges. An improvised impro-vised caunou, wnich. had been doubly-charged, doubly-charged, burst, a large section of cast iron missing Mr. Booth by but a few. inches. The flying fragment eacouni ered a large tree , 1 n its flig h t, aiuLltj reference to the tree trunk Mr. Booth easily realized what "might have been". All of the business houses of this city saloons excepted were closed in honor of statehood day. The bands played, cannons baomed, flags floated and the air was filled indications of patriotism generally. A skirmish drill on Main street by the militia under Capt. Thomas commenced the afternoon's celebration. The citizens then assembled at the meeting house and listened to patriotic addresses by Messrs. Snell, Creer, -Ileus. Hicks, Moore and Argyle. The feminine citizens cit-izens were ably represented on the program by papers on patriotic subjects sub-jects by Misses Amelia Ilees and Liiy Morgan. A ball in the City hall was Indulged in by the elderly and more dignified portion, while the young people occupied Creer's hall and the Opera house. Taken all in all it was Do You want One of these if ri t EAUTIFUL PORTRAITS? These beautiful portraits, ir i a sample of which we exhibit Kjfi J in our store are the same size EJk arid quality as nave been re- fv. tailed for years at $10. each. Every one of them are made bv t he celebrated Acm Conv- .!:: - CRAYON ma rtV. it.g Company of Chicago, v ho iJjf.iwaA. i'F'"-1-1' a guarantee them both as to likeness and durability. , You can get one abso-lately abso-lately ' Free of Cost ; By buying $10. worth of iroods. "But I can't use them." "Yetjotf can, for we have many things that you need. Surely you cao find " something to suit yon in our Immense stock. Wc give you the portrait free, you pay only for the frame." Frames furnished at wholesale price. B oyer & DEALERS LN- a typical Spanish Fork celebration, gay, lively and intensely joyful. ; Ho Eoom lor Doubt- When the facts are before you, you must be convinced. The facts are that the Union Pacini Paci-ni isdeading all competitors, is the acknowledged dining car route, aud ftresfc tbrugh car Sine of the west- The line via Denver and Kansas City 'to Chicago in connection with the Chicago & Altcn Railroad, with its exeellent.equipment of Free Reclining Reclin-ing jptialr Cars, Pullman Palace-Sleep-ersaud Pullman Diners, demands the attention oi every traveler to the east Ask your nearest agent for tickets via this route. E. L. LOMAX, si ; Gen. Pass, and Tkt. Agt. Barney's New Store, Provo. It. A. Barney, the enterprising dry goods merchant of Provo, has just secured a long time lease on the Cosmopolitan Cos-mopolitan Hotel building, the lower story ot which has been remodeled to conform with the street grade. Neat and tasty shelves and counters in the most modern style are being placed in. Tne new store will greatly enhance his room, for his retail, miscellaneous and ladies' dress supplies. His old store is to be kept fyr surplus stock. ' Mr. Barney is making some grand offers to his patrons, beginning next week, who call before Feb. 1st, the date of his removal, as he does not wish to move the stock down, and intends, in-tends, closing it out at cost, and Barney don't josh, either. .Next Friday evening a number of society people will give another of those magnificent Leap Year parties. ' Prof. E. Picker ing the popular dan-ing dan-ing master is getting up a club and a series of parties beginnin with tonigt. 1 And they all read The Independent. . Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdei ' , A Pure Grape Cream ol Tartar Powder. ' V. MY. Grocery Co, J. R. 33SHH3, Wir GltEEN AND FANCY GROCERIES FOREIGN and DOMESTIC FRUITS, Ftc. Smith & VVilson Cigar Factory In rear. PROVO, UTAH JOHN SAXEY, Green and Fancy Produoe and Provision ' ; Grocer, PHOVO, UTAH. ?T '(if f : m 7 -A: it I. teti t 4 4V v 'Ar y :s-vv;isvfcTa:.;jr u i A Brmghurst Don't forget to Call ; ON - -V i Hfc'T. Keynolds & Go. and see about THE WESTERN STOVE CO. ' Make the best and Reynolds & Co; havg Stoves and Ranges . :' l it fit The Influence of an Organization such as ours, becomes AU-Powerful nA f Far-Reaching when by the M ight of Right! -IT Key Dole of our Success aii Rai Groflii Prices Right, Goods Right, SERVICE AND ATTENTION In every detail f this business 4t known to be right. Should anytliiog be otherwise, we make it right. It is the knowledge of this that has gained us the confidence of the people. It is the power, "The Might of Right" that has made this , one of The Leading Stores in Utah- Never more right than now; . ' never better equipped or better prepared to assert our mighty right j j than at present. You will be mighty right If you MOiir Me on loir Shopping List CLDTHI HATTER, ottER. REMOVAL Every thing goes at cost for the next two weeks beginning Jan. 13, '98 THIS MEANS GOSL WATCH HAND BILLS FOR BARCIAIMS A. BARflEY, B. J. WARD & &Qfi&, Lumber Dealers, I'rovo City, Uthi. Doom that new range-. IS THE- SALE oJU-'jmi"?ai XaAtl "Window ..r7 |