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Show THE SPRINSVILLE INDEPENDENT. Issued Every Friday. D. P. FELT, Editor and Mafrr. Local Mention. Mr. Xewton Crandall Is happy by the advent of a nice boy at his home. The home of Ernest Surnsion has been gladdened by the presence of a new boy last week. President Joseph F. Smith will assist in greeting the public on Fair day Wednesday, Nov. 20. Angelica, Port, Sherry, Claret and Rslsllng wines, 35 cents quart bottle three for 11.00 at the Eureka saloon, Provo. II. Harrison, proprietor. Miss Allen Dunn, of Perry, III., a sister of Dr. Dunn of this city, has come to Sprlngvillc to spend the winter win-ter with her brother. "It goes right to the spot," said an old man, who was rubbing In Dr. J. II. McLean' Volcanic Oil Liniment to relieve rheumatism. For sale by C. J. Peterson. Lost-A dark green with pink stripe silk lxw; was lost on Tuesday evening between the city hall and residence oi Wm. M. Itoylance; finder please leave at office. Wm. M. Koylance. Koy-lance. Mrs. Kate Miller Thompson, of Grand Junction, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. F. Miller. She will probably remain all winter. Mr. Thompson will arrive in a few days and make a short visit. Old people suffer much from disorders dis-orders of the kidneys or urinary organs, and are always gratified at the wonderful effect of Dr. J. II. McLean's Mc-Lean's Kidney and Liver Balm in banishing their troubles. Price 11.00 per bole at C. J. Peterson's. Last Saturday a 5-year-old boy of Mr. Marion Johnson of this city was kicked by a horse, resulting in a frac tured frontal bone and nasal, besides a serious injury to his eye the gravity of which It is hard to determine as yet. Dr. Dunn is the attending phy siclan. The boy was standing near a team that was Just about ready to take he and his mother to Provo on a visit to the father, who Is at present in the as) 1 um. 75 to 1150 a month paid to any one who represents us. Work almost easy enough for a child to do. Mr. J W. Nixon, Boise City, Idaho, made 9244.50 Id one week. Mary Bush, Lyons, Colo., cleared 172.10 In three days. Rev. Wm. Curiis, Aberdeen, S. D.. made $14 the first day. No capital or experience necessary Terms and pamphlets free. Address at once. Shkpp & Co., 1020 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.Pa. The other evening Miss Kffle Deal came very near getting laid up with a broken limb. As she with her cousin, Miss Helen, were returning home from the store Miss Eflle ran Into one of the piles of stone lying near the bridge on Main street at the Hobble Creek intersection, which caused one of the lame stones to fall down, catching the lady and pinning her down fast so that she could not extricate herself, even with the aid of ber cousin. Some gentlemen came along, how ever, and assisted the much-be smeared young lady to her feet. An inventory of damages showed nothing serious except some muddy clothing and some little chagrin. Pimples, blotches, yellow skin, scaly and ugly spots, foul breath, dark rings about the eyes, owe their existence to a diseased liver and bad digestion. To remove the disfiguring evidences of Internal disorder, the liver should re celve speedy attention. Dr. J, II McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm is a reliable remedy for liver troubles and derangements of the kidneys. Its use will restore those organs to healthy active and regular performance of functions. When this Is accomplish ed the eye will become bright and sparkling, the skin fair and smooth and the complexion clear. Price 11.00 per bottle. For sale by C. J. Peterson Awarded N'ghMt Honors-World's Fair. DR, MOST PERFECT MADE A twi Gran Cream of Tartar Powdrr. Free torn Ammonia, A'um or sny other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD.' V CREAM IMDNffi NMWDt THE OLDEST AND THE BEST Cough-curc, the most prompt and effective remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs, is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. As an emergency medi cine, for the cure of Croup, Sore Throat, Lung Fever and Whooping Cough, AYER'S Cherry Pectoral cannot be equaled. E. M. Bit AW LEY, D. D., Din. Sec. of the American Bap tist Publishing Society, Petersburg, Va endorses it, as a cure for violent colds, bronchitis, etc. Dr. Brawley also adds: To all ministers suffering from throat troubles, 1 recommend AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Awarded Medal at World's Fair. AYER'S PILLS Cure Liter and Stomach Troubles The bridge conies on apace. Judge King will participate in the great fair opening. Mrs. Lulu Alexander will recite the 'Bobolink" at the opening of the fair next Wednesday. II. T. Reynolds & Co. have an entire new cnange or advertisement next week. Look out for it It will pay you. Mrs. Belle McDonald and her bonny babe are visiting home and friends. She reports her husband as being somewhat Improved but scarcely yet able to leave the hospital. Mr. Andrew Berkley, our rustling contractor, secured the contract fur building the abutments for the Hobble Creek bridge. He has a force of men rushing in the work so that the bridge may be done before winter sets in. Theidcmand for Ayer's Hair Vigor in such widely separated regions as Soutn America, Spain, Australia and India has kept pace with the home consumption, which goes to show that these people know a good thing when they try it. Mr. S. O. Adams, of Salt Lake city, will lecture in the Baptist Hall in the Bonny & Klrwan building, next Sun day evening at 7 o'block. Mr. Adams will. use the wooden model of the Jewish Temple and lecture upon God's Revelations to Moses." All are'invited to attend. You may eat cheap food and not be seriously hurt by it; but you cannot take cheap medicines without posi tive Injury. If you use any substi tute for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, yuu do so at the peril of your health, perhaps of your life. Insist on having Ayer's and no other. Viu nn norn tiK anVi1utf "crlvlnor our absolutely lnuispcnsaoie nouse hold article away. New plan of work, making experience unnecessary and success certain for either sex In any section. Sample dozen free. Credit given. Freight paid. Address, Mel rose M'fg. Co., 1 Melrose Park, 111. These intermittent spells of good weather are seized upon with a vim by the farmers to rush in their beets and potatoes, many acres of the latter being still in the ground. The low price of potatoes is very dispiriting to the farmer, as one remarked tho other day: "I'd rather let my potatoes remain In the ground than spend the time necessary to dig and sort them at the low price of today." Mr. Amos Cox. of Shenandoah, Iowa, Is visiting his brother, August Cox, of this city. He has relatives at Mapleton and is distributing himself among them. Mr. Cox was one of the Nauvoo Legion and passed through south of Utah at the time the boys went west. When they returned he continued east to bis present home and has never been west since. lr, Cox will likely remain visiting rela tives in Mantl and Falrview for about a year. Mr. Cox is accompanied by a bride of about a year. This Is really their wedding tour. The town was thrown Into a cloud of gloom, Wednesday, . bv the an nouncement of the death of Will Sumison, a young man who was born and raised In Sprlngville. Wm. II Sumison was born Feb. 19, 1861, hence In February would have been 35 years of age. He leaves a wife and a large concourse of relatives and friends, The funeral services wero held today at 10 o'clock at the tabernacle. Mr, Sumison had been suffering for the past two weeks from an attack of typhoid fever, which caussd bis death superinduced by a weakness of beart aitiuii. Turkeys, Turkeys; bring 'em along and get the highest price for them. II. T. Reynolds & Co. Mr. Ira Day, of Castle Valley, is in Sprlngville visiting James Whitmore and other relatives. Abstracts of Title made to any City lots or farm lands in Utah county by Havercamp & Co., Provo. Leave orders with James Caffrey. Tom. W. Roylance is wearing a fatherly rin. It happened this morning, is a boy and weighs eleven pounds. There Is no excuse, for any man to j appear in society with agrizzed beard since the Introduction of Bucking ham's Dyc,whlch colors natural brown or black. The funeral ceremonies of the late Wm. II. Sumsion were held In the Tabernacle, the residence being whol ly inadequate to hold the large concourse con-course of mourners. Burglarsdon't like the light of a full moon to operate in, and Springville people are therefore, safe from visit ors of this class. Since Marshal Storrs had his mustache shaved, his moonlike moon-like face casts a halo of light over our heretofore darkened city. B. F. Nevlns, the popular general agent of the I). & R. G. Ry. for Utah and Nevada, was a visitor in Spring ville Wednesday evening. Ben is a great shot on Jack rabbits. lie had less than a car load which he brought from Goshen where he made his big gest slaughterand he says he brand ed what he left alive: "Ship us via the D. & R. G. R'y." It is safe to say Mrs. Boyer knew all her guests were not ultra-suffragists. Many who listened to the biographic al and historical sketchs presented that evening had never heard of the trials and uphill work that has met the tlroless workers for the freedom of the ladies and it was a very wise plan for her to adopt invite some besides those in strict sympathy and harmcny with your views and no one knows what reultp may occur. Another railroad is out on paper. This one Is to begin at Albuquerque, New Mexico, and run through the counties of San Juan, Taos, Rio Arriba and Bernalillo In New Mexico, crossing the Colorado line at Farm- ington, and through the counties of La Plata, Montezuma, Dolores, San Miguel, Montrose and Mesa, touching at Durango and Grand Junction, then proceeding in a northwesterly direc tion through Uintah, Summit, Wasatch Wa-satch and Salt Lake counties in Utah, to Salt Lake city. The course continuing con-tinuing will be in a direct line to some point yet undecided, on Puget Sound, in the state of Washington. A survey has been taken from Albu querque to Grand Junction, and one of the promoters says work will be pushed on at least to Salt Lake City. Bring along your railroads. Sprlng ville has the men, teams and all kinds of grading facilities for the whole rout. Old Fsopls. Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bit ters. This medicine docs not stimu late and contains no whisky nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and al terative. It acts mildly on the stom ach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding nature In the performance of of the functions. Electric Bitters Is an excellent appetizer and aids dl gestion. Old People find it just ex actly what they need. Price 50 cents per bottle at C. J. Peterson's drug store. r.MntUU of Illm. It is well for womankind to be up to the rational term "prentleman.' Mem bers of the sex. when tnurinir over the world, may find it handy to understand juht what sort ot Wing is meant oy this sunpctsoa rennea acirree oi im "auitual man." In Itussia they say, he drinki" like a trentleman; in France, he acts iikc a gentleman; in pain, he maker live like a gentlemari in Ger many, lie eats I tK6 a penueman; m Turkey, lie smells line a penueman; in America, he spends his money like a veiuii'iuau. Looking for 'Work. Farmer's Wife Why don't you go im work? Tramp I would if I had the tools. Farmer's Wife What sort ot tools do you want? Tramp Knife and fork. Texas Sif logs. Mora Uh on It. The conversation had drifted to the where-am-I-at episode. "Jsaow, dy'e knaow," said the Eng lishman, slightly perplexed, "that sounds quite odd to us. We should say 'W'er ) my 'at?' "Chicago Tribune. A Correction. "Hold them hands," hoarsely whispered th highwayman to the Bos ton Ian at mldnrf bt. "Say 'those hands,' please," oegged the Bosnian, aa he hoisted them lloft Petroit Free Tress. w At mask 1 Sore throat. Any ordinary case may be cured in one night by applying apply-ing Chamberlain's Pain Balm as directed di-rected with each bottle. This med-ieineisalso med-ieineisalso famous for its cures of rheumatism, lame back and deep-seated deep-seated and muscular pains. For sale by all druggists. Green andTancy Produce andVProvision Grocers, PROVO, - - UTAH EXCELSIOR Roller 3V3C111S, J. W. Hoover. Grist Work done in exchange on short notice. P. O. Box 84, PROVO CITY. - - UTAH FALL MILINERY, at MISS DORA CURTIS' Opposite Tost Office. latestDesigns in Hats Feathers and Plumes curled Hats and Bonnet Retrlmmed. SPRINGVILLE - - UTAH. -BYoTHE SPRINGIYLLE CREAMERY, 70c cash per cwt for all milk going 4 pounds of butter to the cwt, DON C. PORTER, Manager. Cor. Main and Brigham Streets. SALT LAKE CITY, - t'TAII Secure This Course To advertise our College, we will give a thorough course of Instruction In Double and Single Entry Book keeping and Commercial Arithmetic, by mall, at ONE-FOURTH REGULAR PRICE to a limited number of persons. This course will be completed In 40 les sons. o charge for diplomas. ADDRESS Capital City Commercial Colleie, 116 West Sixth Street, TOPEKA, KANSAS. I it ill I BOSHARD SAXEY Hi Wanted em IEIPLET1 ME YOlf COLp? TVion Butt on r'71?mD nf A Tl Yon Own-PriceJj OYOU DRINK? If no t you may use all kinds of dishes from the finest glass and Queensware toPMer the cheaper grades of China andjSets. Crockery ware, in any case j HAVE Jk. GrXjuLSS The Best On hand, then You are prepared. Everything fODS in the Crockery line at jTani tt n o. ir i l. n KliflU A I lifiullflliTl II U 1 1 uiua. u lioiiuouiiuii. R.A.DIA.L, President. E. T. EEYffOLDS, Springville Banking Gompany, SPRINGVILLE, UTAH. Caxpl-tcil Stools. $50,000. .Transacts a general banking business. Exchange bought and sold and dya its received subject to check. Five per cent interest paid on time deposits, compounding quarterly Meae? always on nanu S. S. WOOD MERCANTILE CO. Look! , Valises, G-xrips, Fortmoules, SPRINGVILLE, Wed- ftloV. Ml M uvuoiMo rJ J l JoUUt I. i e St I ADMISION Children Season jWe iHave rm in a)J the fe. m Some LUffCM Prices, View-President. ror gnort time loans. Summer Dress Qood At - Cost! i Cheap satoneia, i v AiviAfc UTAH 20, 2 p,iji. - 5 Cents. tickets 50 |