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Show !52 X. 1. 1- Pragma. Tb following prograoig will be rendered at Reynold's hall on the ventogi of the 20th, 21st and 22nd of November, commencing at 8:30 p. m., sharp: FIRST IVKSINO. Rata Solo Albert Manwarhit ItoclUtlon Ml Nellie Boyer X tuleal (election. Meadeblnon Wblpporwlirn Bong Ladies' Quartette Huoiorou recitation O. K. Anderson Organ Solo ....Mr. Dora Olson fluef ''Marie". ...T. R. Krily and F. M. West Male Quartette Bprlngrille Glee Club Btuiup Speech .G. P. Thompson elcUoa."HandoUo Club" Amy Hrown &. Co Decision of Judges as to "Host handsome young lady", . 8SCOMD BYENtNQ. Meuo Soprano Solo Miss Gertie Harrison Trio... Mist Maud Allen and brothers Bscltat'on Mist Hattle Wheeler Tenor Solo Myron Craudall Quartette ..Mt'srt. Harrison, Wheeler and Tuckett Declamation Ed Whitney Duet. ..Misses Nellie Holly and Sophia Packard Quartette mlied rolcet, "Hope Beyond the Shadow Mandolin club Amy Brown Recitation ...Mrs. Olive Anderson Decision of Judges at to "Most popular gentleman." THIRD EVENING. HoprauoSolo Mint Nellie Holly Chorus "Gypsies" Klvo young ladles Recitation Miss Lorlna Flnlay Duet. ...Mist Sadie Boyer and Win. liayuioud Base Holo.. B. W. Dougall Recitation Lou Singleton Duet John and. Albert Manwarlng Selection Mendehlson Club Trio Miss Nellie Holly, ITrank West and Albert Manwarlng. Duet Miss Gertie Harrison and D. P. Felt Decision of Judges on Declamation contest. Many whose occupations are of a sedentary or Indoor character often have a feeling of being literally worn out, and begin to think of declining years, etc., when if they knew what ailed them, they would find all their troubles arise from an inactive liver and overworked kidneys. If when these spells come on the patient would tak a short course of Dr. J. II . McLean's Mc-Lean's Liver and Kidney Balm he would soon feel again the strength, vigor and buoyancy of youth. Price 1.00 per bottle. For sale by C. J. Peterson. fair OnuaitttM-The OnuaitttM-The management of the fair have decided on asking the following ladies and gentlemen to take charge of the respective assignments and to call on whatever assistants they may select or desire: Decoration, Mrs. S. A. Cooper. Collection of exhibits, Mrs. Louie Whitehead. Presentation of drama and theatri cals, Jos. M. Westwoad.-Lunch, Westwoad.-Lunch, Louisa Haymond. Rebecca at the well, Sadie Groesbeck Fancy work. Mollie Groesbeck. Fortune telling, Lizzie Burch Fruit and cooking, Sophia Packard. Miscellaneous, Geo. It. Whitehead. Bed room, Maude Allen. Candy booth, Ida Alleman. Fish nond. Mark Bover. Curiosity shop, (museum) Mrs. E. 17. Ulll. 8ouvenlr manufacture and sale, Cora Groesbeck. Drill, Delta Caffrey. On care of the ball, David D. Curtis. Cur-tis. Dress Making, Mrs. Annie Manwar-inir, Manwar-inir, Painting and art, Mrs. L. D. Cran dall. Vegetable exhibit, Win. Drury. Doll Department, Detta Caffrey. Door keepor, David Crandall. DOCTOR G. W. SHORES' 3 i in).. PRICK. tS A BOX. WtlveJy OaaraatM teCtare leery Cm el nasal benarra. (.aunM ematea rweai tecsi set caeetiiatioaai UMwn Uracil ar eata Dr. C. W. Shorts' Faa Carativa KewaJlaa hi all catarrhal Ctlroak ShMSMS. If yew have eaten, attheta. kfWKklUe. hay favor r say eowanretot iirtcuaa at nm. mrum. troachlal takes er rang, eat DaV. C W. Skene Catarrh Ca-tarrh Cars, Cough Cars saS Teak sa4 Woe Pan-Sm Pan-Sm t cart Iks catarrh. the seagh, etne aad tart, tka aaaa4 ! As aacatlta tiat natt. if caaeilcate with hie?. Mvr r ktoMsr trwsMa. rv r. ar '- tiAmmm a Uvar Cam: aai ta all cases take eas af Or. G. W. Short Aatl-C-tllaaMaa Pills II aaeuss. H voae IfwaW It chroalc hss leaa-sesla. writs Of. 0. W. Shares aer.ol.eay f ir kls hi arawtaa net aa4 hare yaaf km alaa- nut ia t aaptrt aavta free. - , Or. a. W. J here' famU am4 Mew4 Pwflttor viror. cane ers tad al aerveM 41 r.7 at . eieaaaa aaJ aarMae aha all at. elves euwaria ana Dr." Q. W. Mtw' KMw ed tire Cere cures sR Itoeases et the kkat)ra. reef M waMtr Pries, ft tar ketlle. ra a y . ism' Cam Care reraa aS ceaiht, ;.iao4t enmm, tm t henj la KM ko Urge UH mom wm wvr lai hwvitiaktl mar be. O. W. Skeref bUMtaM SagwOfl ttoea the ween aehi h eat ateuW. fe heeiache. hechatie, Waally. PravaaW eat earas Slahikerle i H at lima, raaa a aaMa kaat. PrlC. 1 betnt naaralata. craaaa at cane eat " anraaw mm Or. O. W. Sheret' Peatta Vartaifaga Setirovt aua mmA Ika IHtH) ItMai ' wHcrt thty kaMk sa4 kreei. h serarfalW. Price Nikola. Or. . a. W Waaler artrt SeJrt cent all Oeeatee at Ike eklt. Rteweet rat stow aaa eiaca r.aalas fna fke fata. Heah) eM seres la I tars. Or.0. W. Sberea' AaU-Ceaetleattea PiOs cans chresK teeeltaallaa. tk keaSackt taw WMeat tMackt. Prlea.UaMaB. "' Tkaet f sauas esaeeles sn trepans eaty ky Oecter G. W. Shasta, Stea t aueteal laeMtaet. mh kaae CMr. Utaa. For sale by Dr. C. J. Pktkrboi ilprlpftlll. Utah. Messrs. C. F. Moore & Co.. Xewherg, Or., say: "We sell more of Chaiuber-loin's Chaiuber-loin's Cough Remedy than all others ftl together, and it always gives sat-Ufactiou," sat-Ufactiou," Mr. J. F. Allen, Fox, Ore., ayi- '-I believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be the best I have handled." hand-led." Mr. W. II. Hitchcock, Columbus, Colum-bus, Wash., says: 'Chamberlain's Cough Remedy sells well and is highly praised by all who use it." For sale by all druggists. Or. Price's Cream Baking; Powder Most Perfect Maae. NEW BHEET MUSIC The Independent has a nice selec Ion of the newest sheet music, con- litlng of songs, duetts, quartettes, to., all of which is copyrighted and the bsst but. COAL. Lave your orders with II. T. Rey- moldb & Co., for the celebrated Rock Springs coal, tha very befit in the market. Prompt delivery to any part of the elty by H. T. Reynolds & Co. RFM RRF1II J LFlora.the popular V 'rovoUaker.visits this lty etery Tuesday and Friday regular Bread delivered to any part of town Local ageats: at Miner Bros.' Shop. HE DIDN'T DO A THINO but make the trip to Chicago on the Chicago, Union Pacific k Northwest rn Line. Why? Time the quickest solid vestibuled trains, no change ot coach at the Missouri River. Through Irstand second class Sleepers and Dining Cars. For further information call on or Sndrets. G. W. Craig. U. P. Agent. Provo Tamers Attention. Monty loaned on Irrigated farms at 10 psr cent per annum. Write or ap ly personally to Samuel Cornaby ipanith Fork, Utah. BROWN & WOOD, Tonsorial Artists. We eat Hair Id the Latest Style and Shave without pain or chloroform. Latlat' aad Children's hair cutting. Pompa dourt a specialty IIti Ui i Call Dim tb: Bait IraiKOTiLLK, : Utab Agsnta Troy Steam Laundry, Provo- AH orders should be In Tuesday. THE MILD POWER CURES Dr. Humphreys' Specifics r aclntiflcally and carefully prepared Remedies, used for nearly half a century by the paopla with entire success. a. gricrrio roa -TTrt CoBgttstlona, Inflammationt.. aV-Warms Worm Irrer. Worm Oollo.... S-Teethlaci Collo, Crytof , Wakefulneaj 4-Dlarrkea, of Chlldrea or Adults t-Ceaiks, Cokls, Breoohltla t-Vearalfla, Toothaoht, raocacht-.... e-Beaaacketa Sick Beadache, Vertigo.. lt-Bysaeaela, BUtocrneai. CoastlpattoB. M-Saaareeeed orPalafal Perlaaa... la-Wkltet, Too Profuse Periods 19-Craaa, Laryacltls, Hoarseness 14-ftalt Rkeaai, Xryslpelas, Kruptlons.. 15- Kheaaaatlaai, Bhenmatlo Paint JS-Halarla, CblUt, Ferer and Ague lf-Catarrh, Influensa, Cold la ttia Bead. M-Wfceealat- Caatk IT-KUaey Dlseaaee 9-Merreaa Debility S-t'riaarr Weaknett SS-Stre Threat, Quinsy, Diphtheria.... "77" for HAY FEVER taM w InrriitL a aal imsald as rocalat af sriM, ftartMtl.,air rto', to.pl M, II. only. a7lrnSTlllaii(Ialrt!trlill,li.Ds tDIUn'l1S.n, 111 a III fflianai.,awira. kaaVerlaJja'a Bra aad Skin Ointment It uneoualled for Ectema, Tetter, Ke.lt Ehaun, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped Heads, Itching Piles, Burnt, Frost Cites, CkronicBore Eye and Granulated Eye Lids. Itr salt by drnggitU at 35 cents par box. TO KOXSBOWITSKS. Far pnttinr a hone in a fine hee.lthy con dlliea try Dr. Cady't Condition Powders. They Iom ap tht tyttera, aid digeatlon, cure lots of ttpetita, rthrrt conetipetion, correct kidaty disordtrt and destroy worms, giving MW ltfs to aa old or over-worked horse. 25 sals yer package. For salt by drngjiata TIMID T-A-BLH roa triitaviLLi, cmi, OOIKO WEST, Ha. 1, Pacific mail Ly .10:45 a. m to Bait Laka 0(dtn nd the eoatt. Io, I, PatMDiar.to OgdtD Lv. 3:4 p. m Mo.. Pattanger Ly. C:30 p. m He, IT, Laava T:i!0 a. m. (mixed; dally axrapt f uiidny. Euraka and all Tlntlc point". Xa. I, Pacific limited I.y. 10:04 p. m. te lalt Laka, Ogdta tad tha coatt. Kt.T.Lttrt (:36 a. m., Bait Laka City. OOliro iait. Ha.t, Atlantic Zipraitt Lv. 9:3t a. in ta Cltar Creek, P. V. June, C attlo Uata. Xo.fi. Pan. aad aiall Ly. 3:05p . m. Pram Ogdtn to all San Fnta points Ko. 4, Chicago llmlud Ly. 9.00 p.m. O. P.THOMPBON, Agent. a. I1BCOCK. r. A. WAUI.fc.IMII T Frtalc Mantgtr,' Utu'l Pataanttr Agi :rii. n. c. uoihje. interal NtiHy"r. Meneray & Co- city SPR1NGV1LLE, UTAH. DENVER mo GRfidDE. y RAILROAD SCENIC LINE OF THE WOULD The only line running Trjuo post Train Dolly to Leadvillk Aspen, Pueblo Colorado Spktnos And Penveu Effective April 29th, 1894. Train No. 2 leaves Ogden 7.00 a: ni. Salt Lake 8.05 a. m. Arrive at Pueblo 18 a. in. Colorado Springs 7:51 a.m. Denver 10:30 a. m. Train No. 4 leaves Ogden 6:35 p. m. Salt Lake 7:40 p. m. Sp'ville 9:00 p.m Arrive Colorado Springs 6:53 p. m. Denver 9:25 p. m. Connections made at Pueblo, Colo rado Springs and Denver with all lines East. Elegant day coaches hair ears and Pullman sleepers on all trains. Take the D & K. G. and have, a comfortable trip and enjoy the finest fin-est scenerv on the continent. Shortest line to Cripple Cieek, the great Colorado Gold Camp. Train No 2, leaving Springville, at 36, a. m, arrives at Cripple next morning at 9: 50. A. S. Hughes, Traf. Mgr S. K. Hooper, G.P. T. A. Denver, Colorado. P.. F. Nevins, Gen'l Ag't. II. M. Cushing, T. P. A. Salt Lake City, Utah. T. Ghild & Son, DEALERS IN MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES ETC. General Stone Cutting Neatly and Promptly Executed. SPUINGVILLE, - - UTAH. I am prepared to fur nish BRICK or ADO- BIES, in any quantity at bed rock prices. At the old Cook & Friel yard, south of Spring ville. For terms apply to J. W. FRIEL J. A. REYNOLDS, PROP. PRICES KOK CASn. Sugar, 16 lbs fl.Ofl Pioneer Tea half pound Hi 15 Coffee. Lion or Arbuckles per pkg .25 Sardines oer can 05 Oysters per can 10 Com per can 10 Soap i bars 25 10 Fresh bread 3 loaves. Oat Flake 7 Rice41bs.... Raisins 5 lbs lbs 25 25 25 Closing out at cost BOOTS. SHOES BOYS' CLOTHING and NOTIONS. COB. III! IS. HUMTIIGTOI ST.. Springnille, Utah. Drs. HOLDAWAY . & BROWN, DENTISTS. . . E0CM 5, BANK BUILDING, . . Are prepared to do all kinds of Painless Dentistry, including the lat est Crown and ltridge Work. Treatment of Oral Diseases a Kpr-claUy. Satisfaction Ouarnntr-H CORNER GROCERY L. E. Pederson, THE SHOE MtREB. Next Door to Harrison liote. SPUING VILLE, UTAH. i . f . i E. A. Wwlgwood, P. K. Thurman. Thurman & Wedgwood, Attorneys-at-Law. Iiov Cltxi - Utli. JR. F. DUNN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. All Calls Promptly Attended Bay or Hijfit.-:- Surgeon U. Q. W. It 11. OIHce and Hcsi-Uom:e Hcsi-Uom:e wit i J. W, Urlnghurnt. Tt'lepliono connections. . A. WILSON, Attorney-at-Law. Fprliigvllle Clly Attorney. Office: Uooms 5 and 7 1st Nat. Rank, Provo. Utah. Contractor and Builder. ESTIMATES MADE WITH Oil WITHOUT SUPPLIES. Buildinis Repaired on Short Notice. SPRINGVILLE. - - UTAH CONTRACTORS ATTENTION ! For whitewashing or plastering. For limn ins or bricklayer. THOMAS BOAKDMAK. LIME 33XJ3TL3Srii3Il. Iletwccn Springville and Provo. Contracts filled promptly from 1 bushel to 10.000 bushels. G. E. ANDERSON. PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER. Dealer in FRAMES, PICTURE FITTINGS and GLASS in all sizes, Pictures copied and enlarged by home artists Pictures of family groups, residences, stock or any subjects sub-jects taken on the spot. Keep your Money at Home. SPRINGVILLE, - - UTAH. IJ1 THESE DIM times, whe" von hav'nt money to buy new Spring Wagons or IHiggies, bring your old ones to CARTERS, and have them made as good as new; and thereby there-by patronize Home Industry. 35 If You want a Good Turnout E Thorn Liyery aai Transfer STABLES. V, Oi RnylaBci St., two Blocks West of laii Where you will And the best matche teams and the best single drivers in town. Haggage and Freight transfered to an part of the city. Good Safe Driven for Ladies. SriUNGYiLLE, : : Utah: P, E. HOUTZ. SHADING 37ID2ST AND sig-kt wniTun Family Records a Specialty. srnTNfjVlLLK, - UTAH ANDREW BERKLEY I ARTIST n THE PROVO HHT GO., IMO. 24 CENTRE ST., PROVO Will SELL MEATS as Follows: BEEF. By the Side, - at 4e. per lb Hindquarters, - 5c. to 5kc per lb. Forequarters, - 3c. to 4c. per lb. Buttocks orrouiids 4k to 5ctper lb. Whole or Sides, 4c. & 4c. er lb PORK Whole or Sides 5c to 5 l-'2c per lb Jhcc Pricey Remain till 2an h 1896. OUR MOTTO: "Lowest Prices Consistent Con-sistent with Best Quality and Honest Quantity." H-J-Urakt. John Hkmrt Smith. l'roK. View I'rwi. J. V. in H A NT. Hcry, and TresiH. Dirkctohs-John Henry Kinlth. Ilvlxr J. ti runt , J. K. (Jrunl. H. V. (iriint, Nathan Seurs. GRANT SOAP GO, OFFICE o FACTORY 751 To 7fl1 S Jo WEST St MuiiufactiiTnxif lllifh (irHilo I.nundry And Toilet Kuapn. SPECIALTIES! BKE HIVE. EI.El'TKlt' anil ,V- I.Al'N DUY. Hkk Hive Toikkt: l'IXE TAK, I'EKKEt'T KLOATINO CAHTII.LE. and CO.M.MEUI IAL OAK. J. F. CRANT, Mhaih. Salt Lake City, : : Utah. Provo Bleat Co. PAYS THE HIGHEST CASH PRI E FOR FAT LIVE STOCK 1 v. Phil. Speckart, Prop. PROVO, - UTAH. WHEN YOU VISIT SALT LAKK (M) TO TliK HOT SPRINGS SANITARIUM SWIMMING POOL. 52 UUe8t, Third Suoth St. ThU waUr In anurnrurc for Rhcuuiatlam. .M infra' Leadliig. lud'(r-tlou, 'trrh. Con-atlpallon, Con-atlpallon, C'hmnlc Dlnrrhira. I'alpltatlon of th Hi-art and all kidney and nrrvoua troubli-a. TuweUaudaultHWulii'd by Euiiire Laundry. Hotel Roberts Strictly First'Class. All convenience for Commercial Trade. L. HOLBROOK, Prop Provo, - Utali. - Just Opened S. P. C. LARSON, THE SHOEMAKER. xt lt'ir li' Wood Mer. Co. .... .... P.SPEGPRT.PFOp. Dt D. Houtz, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Eldcridge Wock l'rovo, : : : : : Utah! SAVE YOUR TEETH! Wbei in Salt Laie City Consalt Dr. Ned Hewett, DENTIST. He will do better work for Mess money than any dentist west of Chicago. Chi-cago. Teeth without plates a special ty. Don't forget the place. 19 A 20 Scott-Auerback Building. l O. Iiox 4Si. -Salt Lake City. $1800.00 GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $i;o.ooevra month girca wy ts any on wan ip. nliet throunh ut for tht moat awruonaiM pataat dunnf lh montk pracadinf. Wa aecur tha beat patnU for ear client, and tha objact of thii offer u to cncoura(e invtntori ta karp track of their bright idrai. Al th mow ubm w MaB to inprau upon till public tha fact that IT S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, audi a tha "car-wiadow" which can ba tatfly itid op and dowa without (making tha pasaengw'l back, "Miact-paa," "colar-baiton," "nul-lock," "battier afeppar, and a thousand oth Httla thingt dial aMat any om Can find au ot improving ( ajxilhau timpM Inveauora art ii omn tnat bnag largcw rrtura u tM Try to Ihtnk of nanaihing to ianat. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Palnntt Ukea out through ut receive Iptcialaolkt la tht National Recorder, publiihed at Wathiflgtoa, I). C, which u the peat aewtptprr pubhahad in America in the iatereau of inveamn. We furnuh a year't tub aenpuoo to Utia Journal free of coat, to all our cheats. We also adrertite, free of coat, tbe iaveaaoa each raonlh rhich win oar $ijo prisa, and huadrcde af thoaaaada of capiat of the "Natioaal Recorder," coatainaag Iwidi of tha winner, and a datoiptwa af hit tnraauaa, will be scattered Ihraughoat the United Stales satoag capiulisli and manufacturers, thus bringing lo Ibeif atrantioa tha merits of the invention. AM tomnuatcatioaa regarded smelly aoaadrnliili iesc JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., SollcUarf of Amertcajt and Foralga PaUetta, 61IP Street, N.W., Box 38$. Washington, D. & If KttrtnettiMor ttMi fatrr. WrtUJtrrm go-pap tmmfkUt, FKEt. A. C. BIRD. 44e 44 Livery, Feed AMI Sale Stables. 4o4t frniN(ivii.i.K, t:T.AU- |