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Show THE SPRlIf SViLLE INDEPENDENT Issued every Friday. D. r. FELT, E4ltr anil Haunter. Entered at the pout office tit Sprlnvillc, CtaH. for lrinumllou through the a: nils ax Moond-claM mutter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year, Six months, Three months, 12 00 1.00 .50 A POLITICAL REVOLUTION. The trend of public opinion is rap-idly rap-idly assuming a political shape that is positively alarming to the old-time bosses who have heretofore been the omnipotent persons in the distribution distribu-tion of all, or nearly so, of the Important Import-ant positlonH. The people have spoken in tbe most unheurd.ot instances. in-stances. The vile rings have been broken in a most emphatic manner. In Kentucky the people have evidently evi-dently found a corruption pool that needed a clearing out and a most surprising event in history was recorded re-corded on November the eth. So it might be noted in very many instances; in-stances; the people have spoken in no uncertain tones; that political scull-duggery scull-duggery and trickery Is to be replaced with honest administration. I'rovo people have notified the bosses that they arc, to "be 'consul ted and where ill-fitting candidates have not been summarily sat down on and politically smothered they have received re-ceived a most scathing rebuke, that another time poor timber will be tendered the people with very much greater care. The day Is passing when political debts shall be paid with public interests as the ultimate redemption, but the best man will lie selected IrresDectlve of party colors, t This will be so especially in local or municipal capacities. When this fact shall have become plain our over-xealous over-xealous "patriots" will be willing to meet their "compatriots" in a really interested capacity, submit the best wen without regard to the part of the city they may live in or of their party affiliations. Then all will work for this ticket, no Ill-sounding pleas-an pleas-an tries, bs exchanged, no expensive pyrotechnics, gunpowder and thous-'ands thous-'ands of other unnecessary expenses be squandered. When a tnon-partisan ticket is elected ttio men have no subsequent debt9 to pay, no party Interests to favor or serve, and no fear of the party lash, and the best Interests of the city will be served without fear or favor. A WORTHY PRIDE. A feeling of pride in one's home and town is commendable and should be encouraged in every one and by every means. The true patriot believes in the superiority of his owu country over all others, and does not.hcsltate to mention the fact. A love of home and country Is the surest foundation for a nation's greatness. A home must be one to arouse the pride of possession and a spirit of satisfaction in order that It may be trulr loved.', l Truly one must be in hard luck If there is nothing about aplace toglve rise to a feeling of pride, and measures should at once be taken to correct such a condition of affairs where it exists. I If you have a pretty home on a pietty street, keep It so to the best of your ability. If it is not as pretty as it's neighbors, use your humble endeavor to better it's condition. Soon a spirit of emulation will rise nd an effort for something better will be seen along the entire street, and spreading thence over the whole community. Mayhap the result will be that your town will become the prettiest in a County ;r a State, even. Then you can take pride In your municipality, and be stimulated to more and better efforts. The planting of a tree, the making of a lawo, tbe building of a fence, the painting of a building, the laying off of a flower plot, the erection of a reildeoce or other building, one and all should be considered is an addition cr contrlbatlon to the beauty and attractiveness of thetown ai a whole. If you are so situated that yourefforts cannot add to the better appearance of your premises, at least see toil that they do not detract from it. And while bettering the condition of our homes outwardly, let us not forget the interior. Iteautify the home life, and your life abroad will reflect it. We can live but one life on earth: therefore let our surroundings be such that they who come after we are gone may have higher aims and nobler aspirations, and being filled with the spirit of Progress, move still further onward and inward toward that ideal existence for which we are destined. THE INDEPENDENT PAPER. Shall a man who is editor of a paper c forced to be the reflection source of all that is expressed in the paper? Or should he have the same freedom free-dom as other men? The question Is raised can a Democrat run a Republican Republi-can paper or vice a versa, or either run an independent paper? or if he does must all his readers wear colored color-ed glasses that shall look for a beam ia the poor editor's ey? In our Judgment the political or religious re-ligious belief of an editor is strictly his own business and as long as his utterances in the paper are as a whole either neutral or independent in tone his personal preferences ought not to be looked at. As a general rule an editor ed-itor will try and conform the tone of of his paper to the wishes and needs of the people and if he happens to lean one side or the other in a line, paragraph or article, he will try to be careful and tee that he is right before he leans. It is certaiuly not from a desire to be partisan. The Independent has been placed In this position wherein it expressed an idea that was considered partisan simply because it voiced the sentiments senti-ments of a member of one of the parties. par-ties. The Independent ventured advice ad-vice which, had it been given in nil the papers and taken by the people, would have saved the people of Utah many a heartburning. The Independent has endeavored at all times to look carefully at both sides of a question and handle the matter as it appears best, without regard re-gard to cither political party. THE M. I. A. FAIR. Before another issue of this paper shall have been printed the great M. I. A. fair of 1805 will be In full blast, we hope to the full satisfaction of its promoters, tbe M. I. A. under whose auspices it Is given, and the public generally. We also hope the public will try and remember it is not a World's fair, a Midwinter fair, a Territorial fair, nor even a County fair, but that It Is, strictly speaking, a local (af) fair. The committee has worked assiduously to make It a glorious success, loth as to the exhibits ex-hibits presented and financially. No money and no labor have been spared to give all who come their full value received. Tjikuk must le no straddling In '96 the parties must come out flat-footed and declare for or against financial liberty. The international agreement agree-ment fake has been worked until it is played out and can lie no longer used to blind the American people. The party that straddles the Issue is lost and deserves to be better an open foe than a false friend, and better by far a party that Is straight out for -! I . .... BACKAC Try it, and you will agree with the thousands who say it is the "PEERLESS REMEDY" for curing ailments of the Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, Female troubles, Rheumatism and Bright's Disease. For sale everywhere at $i.oo rrr bottle. THE DA. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. goldbuggery than one that pretends to favor silver but which is in reality a gold bug party. The friends of free coinage must not, and will not, sup--port a party that declares against them, neither will they support a party par-ty that straddles the issue. The party par-ty that desires to obtain the Western vote must come out honestly for free coinage of silver and must give a reasonable assurance of its intention to stand by its platform by nominating nominat-ing a free coinage man for president. ine menus or rree coinage have victory vic-tory within their grasp if they will only work unitedly an l all pull together. to-gether. The confidence some people have iu tiie honesty of the printer is indeed in-deed gratifying. For the past two or three days from one to five large, fat, turkeys have been permitted, Dy their unsophisticated owner, to roam at w ill in the yard in the rear of The Independent In-dependent oflicc, and the turkeys still live. The various members of the-force the-force have been sorely tempted but as yet none have fallen from grace. At a consultation Wednesday evening to determine the most successful and secretive way of removing the temptation, tempta-tion, it was decided not to remove it Just yet. It is believed the turkeys were placed in our yard by some mean, contemptible cuss who owes live years' subscription, in order to tempt the hungry editor to appropriate appropri-ate them and thus have something to be thankful for, fully expecting to catch the editor in an act of self preservation, pres-ervation, thereby hoping to get an opportunity op-portunity to settle his account in addition to getting his turkeys dressed, dress-ed, by promising to keep the matter quiet. But it won't -work-we will not tie tempted, and if two or three of those turkeys turn up missing or, rather, don't turn up at all the owner own-er need not think any member of The Independent force appropriated them, altnough they all intend, the..moon permitting, to have turkey for thanksgiving thanks-giving dinner. Tiik Issue of 1806 will be squarely between the American people on one hand and the foreign money manipulators manipu-lators and their American (?) allies on the other, and the American people will triumph If they will only enter into the struggle with half the patriotic patri-otic energy with which their forefathers fore-fathers entered into the revolution and the war of 1812. We wonder if the Republicans have recovered from the spell of dumps that came on the day before election day because J udge Towers got out h is fur cap that cap that stimulates the Democrats and depresses the Republicans, Repub-licans, for its appearance always makes success sure. Docs it? Ir you help the fair you help Springville; you help her sons and daughters; you help yourselres. This is a Republican year. Visit the fair. . ... .."I L ! Many people, when a little constipated, consti-pated, make the mistake of using saline sa-line or other drastic purgatives. All that is needed Is a tuild dose of Ayer's Tills to restore the regular movement of the bowels, and nature will do the rest. They keep tho system in perfect per-fect order. Or. Price' Cream Baking Powder A Pur Orapa Cma of Tartar Powder. 4 IlS J WHY ? Bocauso your Liver anj Kidneys arc out of order. For years anj years housewives all over the country have used with best results Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver Kidney Balm. A Secret If all the ladies knew the simple secret that a b ul complexion is due to ja disordered liver, there wool d I fewer sallow faces and blotchy s kins This important organ must be kept and healthy to insure a clear and rosy color. Dr. .1. H. McLean's Liver J and Kidney liolm as a beautirier beats j all the creams and lotions in existence exist-ence and will produce a more perma-; perma-; ncnt effect. Removes bad taste in the mouth, offensive breath, yellow tinge in the skin, wind on the stomach stom-ach and that dull, bilious feeling which so surely indicates the torpid j liver. Price JI.0O per bottle. For saie uy j. j. reterson. A Surprise. The good people of the .Second ward under Bishop Manner perpetrated a pleasant surprise Holiday evening on Elder Erickson, who left on a mission Wednesday for Denmark. A good time was had by the immense crowd and a very good-sized purse was raised for the departing missionary. An ample repast was had all having plenty to eat except the Bishop, who was fortunately left out, it having been le;; rued that he had been preparing pre-paring for the occasion by a prolonged fast and the prospect of his on-caught on-caught appalled the committee. It is said the worthy Bishop in his jouroeyings not only lead his flock into a large mud puddle but almost frightened Mrs. Albina Alleman into hysterics by a supposed collision with a locomotive headlight which subsequently subse-quently proved to be a hand lantern held by Mr. Albert Manner. Buokltn'i Amies Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and postively cures Tiles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed guar-anteed to give perfect sati-fac:ion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. C. J. Peterson. Pet-erson. Ncm bat Ayer'i st the Werld's Fair. Ayer's Sarsaparilla enjoys the extraordinary extra-ordinary distinction of having been the only blood puritler allowed an exhibit ex-hibit at the World's fair, Chicago. Manufacturers of other sarsaparilla sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, but they were all turned away under the application applica-tion of the rule forbidding tho entry of patent medicines and nostrums. The decision of the World's fair authorities au-thorities in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla Sarsapar-illa was in effect as follows: "Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a patent medicine. It does not belong to the list of nostrums. nos-trums. It is here on its merits." The U. S. Gov't Reports ahow Royal Baking Powder auperlor to all otters. N Objeotioni to Cuh- Subscribers need feel no hesitancy in tendering any farm or dairy products pro-ducts on their account, for there is always a place where such things can be used, and tie management is ever ready to accept anything its patrons may have to spare, from a house and lot to a few head of stock, an old hen, piece of pork, couple of bushels of potatoes, or anything. Call and tell what you have or may have to spare. Deolaimers, Attention! The Fair committee will give a diploma or prize to the lady or gentleman gentle-man who can render the best declamation decla-mation of "Charley McRea." File your name as a contestant with Miss Myrtle Mall. t Exhibitors Notioa. Those having articles that ought to be represented in the fair and have not been invited will please see M rs. Lou Whitehead and arrange for space. Fer Sals. 100 colonies of bees in Langstroth hives together with all modern appliances appli-ances for the production of comb honey. J. S. Scott, Springville, Utah. tl5 A Good Casio for a Heme- I have 3 acres of cultivated land containing lucerne and a pearh orchard, all under fence, which I will sell cheap. Apply to t-17 ( Watson Hovtz. "CHANGB CARS" Nay! nay! Not if I make the trip via the Chicago, Union Pacific & North western Line. Through vestlbuled trains, composed of Dining Cars, first and second class Sleepers and Free re- cllnlnir Chair Cars. For further in formations call on or address, Craig U. P. Agent. Pmvo. G. W. The Produce Merchant FRUITS, POTATOES, ALFALFA SEED, HAY and GRAIN, Oar Lots a. Specialty. Oorrepondono SolloItodL HTD1211AKI5 1 WAOON. Springville, Packard pros & Co.. DBALXRS IK GEJiERAIi fljERGBAJlDlSE, Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceris, Kariirari, IU SPRINGVILLE, XJTAU lata i toii DEALERS IN FURNITURE (iappy Hoar QlQi JST-A-TiEl ST, O Dentistry in all its branches at'the most reasonable rea-sonable prices for first-class work. Beat teeth $10 per set. All work warranted. ORDERS BY MAIL SOLICITKO. Francis Manufacturer of and Dealer In REGAL PATENT, ROYAL, ROSE BUD, GRAHAM, GUM AD1, OOft MEAL, BRAN, SHORTS, CHOPPED FEED. Wheat received on deposit. Custom Grinding a Specialty. Cash pail fer vie t MILL OPPOSITE SPRING CREEK. A. O. SMOOT, Successor to PROYO L. M. V B, GO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In v Lumber, Doors, Windows, Blinds, Mouldings, Rustic Siding,T and G Flooring,Shingles, Lath, Paints and Builders' Hardware, LUMBER SAWED AND DRESSED TO ORDER - SCROLL SAWING AND TURNDIO DOWtt UTAH VALLEY IRON PAINT. Combination wire and Slat Fence. D. R. BEEBE, Mgi Office and Yard opp. R. R. Depot. Telephone No. 20. P. O, Box 19, PftOTO. CUOOD & General line of FURNITURE, Including: WALL PAPER CARPETS, WINDOW BLINDS, ETC AT BEDROCK PRICES, Clv U Call tor Bargnlns, Springville, Utah, EGGS, POULTRY, BOX MATERIAL and GENERAL COMMISSION. Dental Co., ATaTT TiA tl El M 5i)eli, MIIvIvIIXO CO, DALiEY, UNDERTAKERS COFFINS .' '-: ' : VV. and ' CASKETS OF ALL CND2L AIlCaIliPrsijtlfitte:i:lti... 20 YEARS' 1 jCraftlBACSf |