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Show annul:. (Grove RJ VOL. 1 PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH. FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1910 WESTERN NEW8PAPER UNION SERVICE. NO. 2ft r N A MISS S Congressmen Martin and Olmsted and Scenes In the Philippine Island Sugar Scandal. "i -!. si OF LEHI IS IS G LT niiTu!nn" Ill 1 v I III II mil .-r. 1 1 1HLI SOI LESS A A. ED Wonan was of Eccentric Mind and Had Been Missing Since Thurs- r - tJ.-"t if" ' . - '" day Afternoon WAS FOUND TODAY (Special to the NEWS from Provo) Two email boys named "Smith and Baker this morning at 8:30 discovered the body of Mist Millie Smith on the beach near Lehi. The lady has been missing from her home in Lehl since Thursday, and It is presumed that her death is the result of accidental drown- . ing during the storm of Thursday. , The two. boys started on a fishing trip at an early hour this morning and bad gone but a short distance along the lake shore when they catue upon the body of the dead woman on the beach. The boys greatly frightened at the dincpvery of the body. ran towards home till "they met William JUaddoek who by dint of much ques. Honing, drew from them the story of their gruesome discovery and returned iith tbera to the body where he found it Impossible to see the face of the dead wfmian because the wind and the wati r had so wound ber balr and .clohaind about the bead as to completely com-pletely lover It. Clty'Jlarshal Henry East was at once .tilled aad summoned Sheriff Jnrff"wben an Investigation developed V Identity of the dead woman and . . a. fa ah.a cHa k.il V. ct.n T mlaiinv i WIV , a. v. v L " V uau vvvu fcM ihuhb since Thursday. . . , Romance Reader , "7 :Vo Impiest was hid as It was Vim-d uunocei-pary; the arpareai fact .K,''f ';!: iwL'ir .King. h'i3(l. 'doubt or queston. M'.sa Mllly Smith was know n to be of r.m.ettied mental condition for a long tniu past, devoting the greater part - of her time to the reading or romantic novels, and was la the habit or spending spend-ing much of the time while reading n the vicinity of the place where her body was this morning discovered. The dead woman w as about 40 years of age and resided with ber Xather, Thomas Smith. Mis Smith has been in the babit of niHig aeertaln point on the lake bore almost dally since a time Mime twelve year ago when the unhaipy endirg of a love affair changed her h.! nnturo. muffle of hfr w.in. lhln of a mUsnthrni--. and attributed toi ttii. far i.v i.r fjni'v im h.r trnrirl deth. Tl.e I-n' jrivB ' : rate, Th- tif and tti ..-. aii I rit'irti i.iu T;.;-.. N fj-n j4 n.J , . . , ,nr. . l-oti g ci ly one d.iii :-r r..fl 'n J;i't luisei vr',-f in S.i't UiseJ (or o'.p I r. ' "if r el which '. o'll i tn;'' 1V( Ti'.e i!:- - i ,iif r r.1 lliiita N i eon. 'rr;. f'y ' it K . i': hw iirn;ii in S;t Ls, tie a I . v . Iti..g ti.';r :ui' -i. IV n N ait-utn l";-..p: i.n i-; - .. F: t' ' I. T....!.-4iS . IVurn to J!r r.d Mrs Hyram Carina lat uml i) a txy. I'wrv t !..; it..-n si d Lyman of Am-rUso Am-rUso Fer --tg r" drtg store ur!.-r t? n hj of tht City iTug t re wi?h i: K Lvmsn s tis.;i-sg tis.;i-sg r. A Vr L an i .r .! o well ksowa and b.r.g popular tf.e sure w'.ii be a irt- from th"tart ar.4 bav'.Dg rt.r rk of dmf th. y wi:i t p . .-d to fi.l cirrvcUy all w-scrn- a . . ..a a fu, r..mi"i .5 lke Citv is S.ttialjf woe'e and aunt. Vt and Mrs. II. L. Clark 1 ' S Vn Vtrritt and daegkter were ITovo wss sparsely represented, the at,frpSBg at t Clark Millinery St Lclb laembers In general leaving the mrAxj. . matter entirely la the hands of Its three trloaiy snnnioo-d d'Wates. Sea MaasoeT hi riiraJ freai the Wax Jl Roylaace. J. W. N. Wkitecot-keP Wkitecot-keP rasge and reports the sheep to tow and P. F. PWvcksl . v W la tae ro4;uoL t The Hett After the BieeUog tad bee orgaav II L. Calmer offii.'ord was p this'ftea by Ike s!-tio of Wsi M Roy- f ek o .iattf bctB-M. Tie CukiUsc for U chair, and Job CUrk ftw!sl setae w!U start s'ekiag eg rtesat Grove as secretary, a dis- starts tku ctMnirg lr J W. Tkrae rwo of Use ax-rlu of tie rates, the 1 asaaager as4 V. K West wlta Jake , ps;Uosi of the conspe-ay aad the altJ-f altJ-f Nirsi are gwag to tie raayo tJe atatan was opened. a4 U only aw lore ln of Ike we- t work I Ike J tticg Aeveloped. thereby was tke state- ansae aad saw . are tktektag of taewt cf H. A Harre t tke 5ct g-Rg Ftoea tke r"ptig tkat kas . tkat all Vis eoapssy ake4 or eip-rt-bw rarrW e-a la tk .! It Is te 1 ixi satf to auks eiaiit pV et e tke Cre4 list It U be a g4 t.f ! tavestaieai, aad tkat be cvmW et s-e ... ' i Tke 4aa ti .s e-fc at Ike Orikews ka:i wa well at!e4 Tke rkfcs ef ke d tr-t w:3 ri tkeir etrvis lis j-er e tke ITtk ?f Msy I.. S. I!srrtt-ira trf Aar-caa Pork was l.toa Ujs week. ... Tt?':X t-- wJ-t a 't -;a f . i rf- f - - f - iM t t-.g rt4y fer t4 Lie ITii. I Commercial Clubs Agitation Agi-tation of Tolls Results In a Decrease By Telephone Co. MEETING FRIDAY (Special to The NEWS from Provo.) The Commercial club has withdrawn its ultimatum resolution concerning the Independent Telephone Co.'s county coun-ty toll rates announced some ten jfays age, and" the telephone company manager, man-ager, H. S. Harvey, has made some material ma-terial reductions In the rates objected to. -The ultimatum was withdrawn because Attorney Whitecotton gave it as his opinion at the meeting last night that the resolution as It stood, was a violation of the interstate commerce com-merce laws -for which the members of the. club would be answerable, this led to m reconsideration of the terms of the ultimatum ano its amendment in the last paragraph In which reference refer-ence was made to a rrobable eiimina- I tion of one telephon. company from the field of usefulness in the county, and when this had been done the ultimatum ul-timatum had such a rickly loo, about the gills and seemed so in need of crutches that it wa decided to turn it over to the undertaker which was done forthwith. Voluntary Reduction. After the meeting had been disposed of and both sides bad been expounded as to their position, President H. A. Harvey of the Independent Telejjjione Co., in some measure revised the toll rstes objected to, voluntarily, which reduced then In the following: ya- The to;! Muliadiie.; liKwv..r.LeV. American Fork and Peasant Grove to or from Sprlngville, were announced at JO cents and were cut to 10 cents. The raie-from Spanish Fork to Lehl announced as 25 cents, which was re-! duced to L'O cents, and the 30-cent rate announced between Lehl and Payson was cut to !J cents. From Payson to Goshen the announced rate as IS ccnta and the present rate made reduces re-duces that to 10 cent. A Gift Horse's Mouth. While tliso rates were made after the meeting was over with, and the, matter dixposed of so far as that gath- erina was concerned, and the burial I of the ultimsiuut duly solemnized, the fact tuy be fi t down to Just this: The atinimnca cinty ion rates oi I the lnd"x-ni! it TH.-prone couiiiany . i i . .'i'.-iI l-.-r(uif th( acit.1- tion of the I'ruvo I'omu . rci:il Club. In the ! rt ptace made It highly dis- aMe tor the cum any to talie tie a;- u,a Jt !: !. At He mating a large tmrnVr' of ,!! tu1 t!i!r roniMrri.i! .Jr the UicuHMort i'.Utlr.t tl.e r i i i the iiieetina to ortier iris! tiid .' l .ti.t ar.o ts i-.-riHur.'J!es r-T.-cted by the ra ,., j.n g.t.ag tie i;...;t-r no lir.. at! r.' n Te Rpreenttivti. ! t .VI n a rrrl..l ( J IT CAt'i t rr t; 1 1. M. Klrkhaui. A;.,.-t,v,a ; Fork ty Alma Cre-tt. Jo-vh V. ! . a.i 1- ;i iia. ri !iim ("isrk 11, ... . .... cn i,:oid Xtv raws on the part of; ,,;!! d tf-iiit tf-iiit tirov. t. g. t!i.-r i!h Uavor i i: t W! -r FurinaviUe lnter-ts( ete 1k4 after by Hoe A IV... and O Packard. Tsoc Tl.urtr c.trri-'l ; tie colors of Sin h Vork. W L Wor- j rni rr 't pr.entd the ce from the i tier"ni oi rsjoo..ou t. i. i-.-e( rw " n ",M ?'" tlur.t ara ftcla fHi.t ftlffht ftf. The telephoae company was rre- i-nt bv iTwld-nt II. A Harvey.' ;-nrsi Manager Fr4 S. Jon. Aa i - - wemtosa, ana wan ar i. J. Jon-s kssr CU rfsld be ose at lew rate tt4a tb se aacaai ia ice suit la tk cowetlo. after mrk sparr-teg sparr-teg eM kytg am bosk sd. Mr Harvey stade tke prto;tlo to allow Cue aaiai rates to sju4 4irt sit awost'bs or a year aad t tie sees t mi ce c-Maraaay'a k-orsks ta tie j Cass-r-'taJ . cuts refveetaves j wllk tie twrtst Cat If. at l 4 e4 I v.. i, -e. tr-.4 '"W. !(4i(r' KOitll ls4!s4 tVat It ksd wv aKtx X3tia. 11 r le f- i . ::cy . 1 pe- t.tt it t nf svtt,- Tls was tie CstaJ s&inua.s:c S ; 'S.ff'vh VJ I . ;-S " - Itl f 1 2iui!-:r- - : ;M- ( ; I ' i" . . . r-"r3 - J OLMSTED I r'. ' ' ' .-v..i-' J ;. ! V---7;-". rwv.-Tffi "It ' M if -..--'t J j r r.-:': t -" r . - 'i.:' - . . : . v - s , . - f i ' . '.... '," . r?--,4 , ';.-; .v-..'"... . ; Wf ; , . -" '';! . lcOAf6-.'?rS7lrrM" LTu..' , , . . -i'" " "t r-iiVr- sr-J I Congressman ,61 art in of Colorado , adt em urp, uatil j-ouiplcte Inve'lcntl jx hnyLb.-.o ftj h! c; th ple of sugar lauds la the Philippines by t lie gov-ment gov-ment to the sugar trusL TV 'saic he' Uiar uif 'MiP.'.Uu t ii'',e,: wl.''wmn Martin Is busy preparing detailed rejwrt dle bas been carried on In Washington, lie baa gone on record aa saying ilictnl and business circles have ernmenL The finh hatchery at Sprlngville In 1 k- .iai-n oi uns cuy. ban lll-t t,rllu-it it flrt hntrh .nit planting !u-t wck. There were alxeit two million fih fry taken Irota the li.itclx ry and t'l.-t'J in the strtiims if the diRcri'ftl iiiOti of the state. This batchiry is rii-.t.l-i-il oih- .f th-; lft in tlw !;!: f.v t uiimis'.iiiiM r j htfd Chaiiihcr The trouefis mil! now j l pr'par'd for tlx- Mi-mid batching j whih iU ro:j:ir luitht- ttojt. Twj niiiiioit fry li! ! i it in t :ie hatcb-ry ; wnhiu !' . ti'-xt 'v o tno! '.'n urui-r the ui-r ifioa it ii.i,j Mati.-.-n Tl - i';r-- wardi R:rie j Tt. -sd.iyi-veni!.4 for! e ! '.t .. r 1'iml t.n.l ) an i-rtert:onm r- Ll' it' Jt :f .i its uls Mao t i giie a rtciMl m rer.dt-red by locai 1 r.ne I'r.se i . r - 'p l-i.ic l talfflt Wi. .... - J- Pr Aydi-otte u&s t.itugut W "r :' lna s. t nd ratsen b-.r.g $." Mr. and Mr ! it r.rowa tlf i! wr v.-!tir Mm. Hrown ir- est. Sr. and Mrs Joha Monday last. K Thortx . Mrs. Lacy Cray and children hava oin-d Mr. Gray in Grace, Idaho, where Mr. Cray Is employed by the Tellurlde Power Co ' S-'-o Sunday Sckol children aem bleat Faturday aftertiou at the Or ph-us kaU aad a delightful lime was enjoyed . . .v. u c v.i - -..:. rJ .7. JTT I HATC.HEBlf TlfR'iS O SHOPLIFTED VANDALS 1U ' m m m mtm a mm mm a m s m m mm flk A m m fl Mat OUT HUT FBI IN THE TUILb . I UflTOt Nelso,-, reli.ea her-, have goe to j ttmVo f 7 ML P5eaat to visit his broth-r P. j ! kf 'U where ti. pa r have M Nelso j!Pt dsnrg the pwst two Blgkls. car J rj;tg awty Use gnp contaiaiag the Prraf X K. NV!T-34 wife of.l'1'' Ji at oace Uks. to t&e Prrtegrl Ve were la the cfty Satanlay Try t ere be was Erst os-iowd IbaMec ake4 lo defer tie lal--or reatnsi reports that ail tke frail Is wot spalaxl. I fa-t tke ftcjx Is ot wear so bad aa it was thoegbt ta be V WMt tas gfuse cp tie raayo to work. wtsiz-k fk s-:Tig 4'u4vif. af- r tfce rax tT-i r tfe. f.i 1x4 1S-w tsre4 d kv t ray-ai-e.v -T T m-j fe Jlf It,na- to K . Latary ts.e irts r4ae. , last t r" ter-tt rrsy 4 ana Cc;r.l.fv flm which .be will rive to the bouse showing, he declares, thaf a gigantic swin been active la turning: over sugar land i Stoic a Suit of Clothes from the Toggery and Have other Valuable Val-uable Goods in a Crip tispit ial to the NHWS iroti !' o.o A pair of shoplifters, nh three mimi tttcn the. can's to 2-irf i j th i morring vahen thty P'ted a su t j ' clothes from one of f-e racli o t-e Togsery, and are row 'fcstv rposr y let md the bars of tee city jail ii cc equen;e. The i r repre-nt U.- ui..at and (. a, the latter r'-I.ns n: a f o ti;,l:te. that o! V ', H. Ci... Be, on r-i:i-.-t " tt:e i;4,H hotel, and John C$ Wxlkrr on e city Jul reg'nter The !iert lusn. is so nay he bai.rd frami a da. where be has U o a rrw nt rk r during the pal De itvoot k, and . who was caught la the art of leaving! 1 , a. U'l!... I r.t ..1 ....... a, . a..,.. I . a r f .M mi , i j 11. m fif. w 1 tainiog the ta sncg suit, gsie b:' j a r,n, M.in who ha J it re-aarre re-aarre as Wm. Mnrgaa. i turned from a mission to Sweden Other Thefts Probable. ; turn, fmm mtuinn io c.l. n la the same grip with the T"Cry wit. were fo-ol a lady s satin drefui t.me was enjoyed paiiara sam u, Be lona iwxk i'. a lady's fr oat. a Bw ot and vet 00 a .tatuer marka-4 "t. Ikrrger. Grand Jwi&rttoa. tois, a new tolts auto- DaUc ca.'ibre gun, aad some old' ckxkes. be-ide ua.ber of packs of J cards Wtea arrawted kv City Marshal Wi! ' till tie ety Jail was reach-!, wbere tke art.'ds aatar4 were brotgt to Their Systeaw. Ha!ka-r early" ii.: fore&ora. Cce- d ee wi to tke Trartry" aad a.-Ji to be io aoe&e siave t. aad , t t!.ee Mfrg.aa eeter4 Ti MfVstt. wtr-e vt!..i M "ttt 11 .r-& -afJ vatter. Wt4 f twi t I o ti r i 4 stw ss s -awt:- s'r ft tr'- Tt t, -- -'S . 1- ' ; t " i ss i-!-rrf 4 baa, 4ki I rtiW e o-s re si e i t ra-a?vfy of i-.-j-r; 7 a l.-i 1 1 ' : , -J ,, - - pft'd of Pennsylvania declare that congress must not that be baa evidence that men nign la to the trust at a great loss to the foe- T.,e Studebakcr Pros have had some ehicies ( I- I'll the Hi iilH aiid top of . L.'i i.h?i1 v. in iiort of (' K. l l.oiu li' jJ o-e ;ii' to mak- fh"'r oik more iumil ie . H'.j'i t,.- lo be th s;'fi.i- per- . .-:. !i.i j t.n a a i i'ia. .- fli.iwi.k- tl.e Pin.' ! ! in , ; I k I. 'It 1 to n;i,l IU s V .lui.i V . lit II!!' .iir!,.! I l 1 ' (.l ie e ii . ,t e : Hie a ! . r . i'l erv t.l Y-ttis I :h .a : ,,t- 1 r , v.'-i!'. Mr !.;tid n. Sit l.lke ., iind Mra I;. 1I1 Cu'liy ai V; J V- I "A". 11 M; V Viari i.f Ali.MHan V -t MolidllV lief !er, 5 ,tt'T l-i 0 14 I l.. e rl: Tl, L'nl n ! cc lii-intt.Kn .S.-' i r t! - fti-i5uf.ti ia tJ . tall gfrs-:.-t I. M. tan" srnre !mr T In 1. n.- ,? rtcijij, the nature i f nbfi h a ut!rte Iarti . i!ihi Mr wr br arfj a delght-! . . Ftake Cftiferoi-e b!d 'r. tke' Relief ftooety at l meet-iJade meet-iJade , , T " ltit later. In th alley bak of thej PoM store, bnt tb r!oh- roUi oot j iitiftl t Hi iit tin'! tMownU) attend TO li'e nuues oi iimasier b fasd- Mortia evtdaetjy taet Coo to tastaii a system of wstr works std n. or tke latt plsated tke doOia-s J !a the WiUara h'-l roota btn tbef It. X Wi'iti vistel th's wek k'a Wise be stoJe them and the titae keldavahter I I two was Jostsd la tie aiiy by re-rry. -Seaxi Me " ' Co d"ey t.jk rtird from t Morraa. wkea aU-4. at trti rseg i- e av tie owaerskip of tie grip ke wa carrying, aad atwtai k ; mi-St ' 1 :k recsrt'f g a f'r-'-k "Saff a Bse" to a.l T-t-.o8 afkHI laater be ad tvtta-4 the osrMp f tie !d i ckKkars ta tke gp. bat dewtHi tst ke(of tke liver. Me te.e a wi'e. r eaf ksw aaytiag aSeat ti o!ir U:axjtwo sia'-r aed a b?ir it rc'aioa-4 I t eeu i it. evwuy . r t of C twax 4t: rt4 at f nt to atr SV tJ-SMf (ey:. ce,rs'r t 3i' !. r- 1 saif'tl sa eri' t-.r-g of Gray P-'-a . ? t l.a s I e- '- jin. a - sf I1 It arw - " ' - it "w rr --t rm irora si-i'ui , D LACE A Case of Heads I Winr Tails You Lose, and is Forced to Play the Game POSTOFFICE FIGHT (Special to the NEWS from Provo) The Hon. Joseph Howell, congressman, congress-man, is certainly up against the. real thing in Utah county. .His position is one of being compelled to make a guess, and if he guesses right he holds what he has (maybe), and if ha guesses wrong, he loses. He must guess right In selecting the postmast ers for-5pringviiie and American Fork. Both places are in a terrible political turmoid over this matter and many factions and many candidates must be considered and reckoned with. There is no vacancy in the post master's mas-ter's ofllee'at Springville, but this la not the fault of a very strong faction there,-which l.as opposed Postmaster J. V Dtigal since a time before he was appointed, and which Is Btlll trying to secure his s alp. There Is a vacancy at America Fork where Uncle John Peters resigned hia oltice the first of the week on account of 111 health, and It Is here that the fiercest battle rages. , Department Rules. Under the department rules, when a vacancy of this kind occures suddenly, sudden-ly, one of the bondsmen of the last in-cutubent in-cutubent becomes temporary postmaster, postmas-ter, pending the appointment and qua-lli qua-lli y Ing of a successor, and after that the department has 90 days in which, lo fill the ollce. At the end or that time, shou'.d the bondsrnc-n so desire, the department must place an lnstiec- ttor In charge during the neit 30 days. and appoint a postmaster within that time. This element In the case gives 'am tile" Uaie for ttip-rmrtrwding foxier. to pull all the strings available, and It Is believed that at the time of wrung wru-ng there Is some sort of a weight attached at-tached to every string in sight Didn't Want It at First. As one of the bondsmen of the outgoing out-going postmnHter. W. K. Thornton, la holding the ollice temporarily, but la-said la-said to be flirting rather conspicuous-ly conspicuous-ly with the powers that be, looking to tfce probability of getting on the Job." sternly. This would be ail right, and without seri6'J9 objection Irotn anyone. If there were tut others who are agltat- j J!" .1 . ... ...... or At(ierli-Hn l''ri peiHnam-ntly, and to this ini ; iLi-M me 'r',"f-'i: wirg of the li,S2ican pony a Wrll as'fLat of tl.e CotumerC! flub and iiC. but tff ir.tiib luipor'anee, the tstip- ; pTt ?f fi-eve I., t'hipmnn, w ho is re- j pitted to .-f the detiltnies of Amerl- f.-ii, I',,.. , fl a'.-Mtf iw:ek,l nrt,! with -a Further Con.plicat.ons. iimfr are egainootii.itcatil t . re by the I. ii si fit If .-trringtain ut t'r.t didn't - i't 'ii b:!tiker for the J, !,. and Wh'lf ! I!.:. M.l'a- of tliilel, U l.'l lte. to have siia-n endorsi u rt to S. H ! ::'., 1. . ?h third r.-iaJidat. well kiKi'Aii ' o h ntt teipintnous iKirtMn at;d a ? i"er of K'-puiHcin J!in- le. Jo.n M Wixeeri, n: m!-r f the 1 Ui-t !if - tti tie S)er f ! ai-i. ni a t.ire than pr-l..ibie t ir.d!date fer reel- rUnii. Is ;. to bave prum-h"t prum-h"t his ett to ttamr.gton. but haa lad ttn.e t cn-(d-r rainy things i sir f e then, 2r.fl mi ! ks the er,ilore-n.ei.t er,ilore-n.ei.t i;i tr. .i .' ;-.. t vault bigLts What's the Use. i Tl.i. rf". t!.ee t0 panvtofleaf Pehts on l.n.l. tevr !t g the vita's out t of to tnn a, i 'l.a-r A wti h Is strong enough" to (har.ge the ctiucy vnna. Cons ! man HoIJ wt? te forrd to J gue.il on w bota to set the crown of ol- ,T lo ,liw "h"'J1 B dcor- ate the wrong brow. braje la that case Oh. well, "w bat's the tte to efta-w toba-co when you- spit out all Use Jjice" Mrs Jo-eph Lindsay Is convalescent from a feceat slckae . I" R Ha!!i4y ksa goi to l""a-orw llrrxai lawss c.f Veraal. rtwtk' of Mrs.. A. C. Arw4 of tkis f lace. died April tke t.tk of tke elaJTtast I. W, Le4 ks rr4 frra Ore. by. la. wbere be ww.t ta prr- !4-f'l ? -t --" 'I5.1 f ree .-'-ai c"b g a s-4 anr:4i TV-gf of !3,,?,Jt3-;'" wv tWw o 1 4- ; s4. |