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Show PLEASANT GROVE NEWS V Tfl&7m?K7CFjAGUAPANTtn JEWELRY FOR MEN should comWne the. strength of mat eullnlty with simplicity. This combination makes tho stvlo which distinguishes ouV men's Jewelry from tho common kind. Tie pins, links, studs, fobs, rings, different without being extreme. 170 IM T9 .- SALT UkK S CITl UTA& -t ; , Is the newest town in Idaho. It will be opened early in June with sale of lots and excursion on Oregon Short Line new branch to be completed to that point at the same time. : : : : IDAHO The wonder state' of the west, has developed in the last five years thousands of new acres and homes. Do you wish to live and thrive in a really NEWTOWN If to, ask about PING BEE. Merchants of all kinds are wanted there at once, Now is your opportunity. Write for booklet to W. H Scott, Gen. Manager Pingree Townsite Company hp Pingm, Idaho Baa or Ja. r. Burton, Secretary Ogden, Utan thJe shortest route to rjflRBIIOGE ..IS VIA.. DEETII, NEVADA DETH is ealy (S miUt fraa JAEBIDCE uJIimIU mam hae ef Utb taa SmiWs rtofic aad IS Warfare faciiit MUr-asa. RUBBER STAMPS ;S , STENCILS 18. TKAI'K 4. Etc. full nse Rubber Tys OuUJla. and auaphea In dock. ' M ail oMrn teceia prnmpi ailestloa. ALT LARK STAMP CO.. Salt Uk City A Practical Way. A professor at a well known engt- aeerlsj college says that but for occasional oc-casional InnovaUona in tbe applies Hon of teaming, such as the follow Ing. be would find It Wud to judge tbe extent of his use fulness. mis question was ssaea upon sa examination paper; "What steps would yos take In determining tbe height of a building, using an aneroid barometer?" Tbe answer was: "I would lower tbe barometer by a string and mess- tore tbe striag." Everybody's. Just His Chance. Tneatncai Manager. Tm sorry, but there's bo place for you In this drama; every part baa been takt, 0 Egotistical Actor. Never mind that 111 create my part" Not Afraid of Slipping. Michael Dugao. a Journeyman plumber, was sent by his employer to tbe'IUghtower man1t. lo ic;Jr s gas leak la tbe drawing room Whea tbe butler admitted him be said to Dugaa: "Ton are requested to be careful of tbe fioors. They bave Just beeo il'l-IsheeV il'l-IsheeV "Tbey's BO darger Iv me stfpstia os thlm." repi'ed Dugaa. I lot spikes la dm shoes." Uprlncotts. The Devil an Tbe Kind Old Ceatleraaa WhaTa tbe nmfter say Iltt'.e r.a? . Tie Uu'e Boy Boo-oob! Ira so e-c-e-old. The Kiad Old OsT-essas WeU. wky ati"t yoa go ladws? Tbe U'V Boy te eativyer says bell warn net If 1 d- Sketch. A Revelation. "Ah. sir, we do e- Vrr year sermosa.' reisarked as oii U4y to a aw" curate. They are to Instructive, We sever laew wtat sis as satl yos rssae to tbe parish." Sarre H'art Review. TH ReieT. Casiaw. tu yartaer elA.aa'sg . Fie Im tacr Te af a-r tirl Vr. Sao-:. lie frai-ast'yr Tes. aa,l by Jm. Tve e3it Ue woraa Wkai! XL A- P. We g tut Hte. "Vy wife Is r'osfsg ber vtiJt. t sJ lr at l-'. bit tt swss se se wrtte iirt'it tlaj sle re ' K--a Cty J:nL PINGREE LAYMAN FINDST STOMACHCURE Good Christian and Family Man, But Had Poor Digestive Organs What Cured Him You Can Get Free. It li a generally admitted fact that among ministers and their families Dr, Laldwell a Byruo Feosm is the favorit laxative. It la not often that the layman nas a cnance 10 "sneak up in meet ing," and hence these words irom Mr. Joseph Muroky of Indianapolis, lnd., whose picture we present herewith: "All my life I had needed a laxative to . cure my constipa tion and stomach trouble. I couldn't eat anything;; I couldn't get what I did eat out of my system. . I tried everything, because my worn, engineer1 on a railroad train. Mr. Joseph Murphy makes It, necessary that I feel stmne anA well. Ttnally it was my good fortune to meet UP With Dr. CaldweTl'a Svnm Pen. uiiuus" me recommendation ot friend. I took It and waa rilred That aome time, ago, but I am still cured." It ran be bnueht nf anw nurrf ?n. p cciiLa or i a Dome, eena your address " iree test Dottle w 11 ha Bent your home. If there la anma mvnterv about your case that you want explained write the doctor. For the advice or free sample address Dr. W. B. CaldwelL 201 a.uM tiij w r a i . -vi Veuu WOJ XlUtf . aUODUCeUO, Ail A HOT ONE. Asklt Are you building a new bouse? toium Down I hope you didn't think I was building an old" one. Another Instance. Tbe FIJI cannibal reluctantly pro duced a quarter In response to tbe Lightning Calculator's pathetic plea st tbe psychological moment "It you would only cut out tbe booze," be growled, "and pass up tbe crap and dice and the handbook thing, you wouldn't have to be touching youi friends for a grub-stake so regularly "Ah! Tou'rs like so many others, my Philistine friend." sighed the Lightning Calculator; "it seems Im possible for you to understand tbe ec centricities of genius!" Los Angeles Herald. Saving His Life. A story is told of an Englishman who bad occasion for a doctor while staying In Peking. "Sing Loo. gleatest doctor,"1 said bis servant; "be ssvee my lifee once." 'Really V queried the Englishman. 'Yes; me telllble awful." was tbe re ply; "me callee In another doctor. He givee me medicine; me Telly, velly bad. Me callee la another doctor. He come and gire me medicine, make me Telly. Telly badder. Me callee in Sing Loo. He no come. He save my life." Getting Even. William, seed Ove, bad been repri manded by his father for Interrupting while bis father was telling bla moth er about the new telephone for their bouse. He sulked s white, then went over to bis mother snd, patting ber cheek, aald: "Mother, dear. I love you." "Dont you love me too?" asked bla father. Without glancing at blm. William aid disdainfully: "Tbe wire's busy." POSTUM FOR MOTHERS The Drink That Nourishes snd Sup plies Food for Mother sod Child. "My hatband bad been unable to drink coffee for several years, ao we were very glad to give Poatum a trial and wbea we understood that long boi&cg mould bring out tbe delicious Car our, we have been highly pled with It. "It Is ooe of tbe finest things for aurstng n. others that I bave ever sees. It keeps sp tbe mother's strength and Increases the surp!y of oourUhmeot for tbe child tf partaken of freely. I dratk tt betweea metis tBtd of wa ter, and found It moat beneficial. "Our five-year-old boy baa been very l!!cate a!ac birth and baa devrloped iowty lie waa tl-e sad bioo2:e. I began to givl b!xs Poatust freely snd ron would be sartrised st tbe rbacrs. When any prc remarka abost tbe great lniproveat.we neTer fail to ua tha that we attribute bis g!a la stresr-b and geseral fce-a.'th. to tbe free of roatsai ssd this baa led tossy friend to sae tt for tbesetvee ssd ctr.dren. "I have always csatkoed fr1nis to wboss I bav spokn sbowt Poafsm. t fcow dectloce In ssaklag ft. for nlecs It Is ttd fifteen or t-s'y tlss'ee. it Is C7te ta!V. On the ether bas5. when property Bade. It Is very drVsaav. I watt to tbask yon f-r tbe beseSts we bar derived fro a tbe saw of yor Posasa." R4 TV Road to Wrii"e. tnsJ In f Iga. Tbre's a Rson", ' er e rva ae Irttrff g a ae wem era ttar ttaM. Ivt vS tmM a4 ftaa n AIR fins III A PEAf RALLY New Building for the Bureau. of Republics Dsdicated. . PALACE. GIVEN BY CARMEGIE - r Formal . Opening la a Brilliant Affair and Is. Followed by a Great ' Reception "In the Evening. ; , . Washington. The beautiful marble palace erected as a home for the In ternational Bureau pf the American Republics was dedicated Tuesday with elaborate ceremony In which the representatives rep-resentatives of the nations of the western west-ern hemisphere, as Joint proprietors of the building, took the -chief part The erection of the building waa made possible by Andrew Carnegie, who gave $750,000 of the million which it and Its site have cost. , and the Ironmaster was one of the chief guests and speakers at the dedication dedi-cation ceremony. President Taft delivered a fine address, and speeches were made by Senor de la Barra, the Mexican ambassador: Secre tary of State Knox and John Barrett, director of the bureau, who waa In charge of the ceremonies. - Prayers were, delivered by Cardinal Gibbons and by s clergyman of the Protestant faith. Of course aU the members of the diplomatic corps who were in tbe city were present, and these brilliantly uniformed gentlemen, together with scores of ladlea in their beautiful spring costumes, made the scene most picturesque. Brilliant Evening Reception. Nearly everybody in Washington wanted to attend the dedication cere- monlea, but tie "hail of ambassadors" seats only00 people. So Mr. Barrett Bar-rett arranged for a reception la the evening in honor of President andjMra. Taft and Mr. and Mrs. Carnegie. Invitations In-vitations were aent to members of the diplomatic corpa snd to official and resident society, and the receptioc proved to be one of the most brilliant affairs of the season. The Marine band was ihere. playing a repertoire of f WmM m 1 .iV?v1 s i Pan-American Bureau's Latin American antbema. a fountain outside tbe building was Illuminated lib electric designs of the South and Central American countries, snd ilsborste refreshments were served Tbe affair was s great credit to Di rector ilarrett and to Francisco J Tanea. the able secretary of tbe bu reau. These gentlemen and their fel low workers In the bureau have glvfiarid ther was something like :o.Oi0 vui auiuuDi 01 uoi ana iaior io iod nana wnen tne congress of the task of perparing for tbe event pf Tuesday and it aa Indeed tbetr n-d letter day. and a fitting culmination of tbe two year' work on the sew build- ,n , Meant for Palace ef Pties. ! Tbe opening of tbe new home o( (be International Hureau of the American Republlea cot only adds a most Impnr ant and surpaijunaly beautiful strvc Oiracter rrvtt. tare to tbe f-.it, lit trzlli't.$ n l c;e t of oersxet. bst g'tes ii'4 4!fES!y aad sres to as tti!stk-s f sSgIase tkrottgboxt the worM. asd nptt'i If ts tie sew or; 4 Tbe aw :g t ao?at; er.r-art'y. as tke ten td llt 4 iy vios4s4 tsaijfstk. tbe Pas A5ftS lsraa. bet of yrt 0Wprr at sg ts lr acd f'iftc-scs a s ewcier ef mztixtmem vm tX-4 ct' as. It was trase cf tb b tbat tbia f A tew rs Afctva ja's-,?'! arveiwbib t;-ESfiecs tu t gtv aa abi as niry f pf for t ovtr t tie Cofsai "Ufx-i '. -tfi r?4st sstxtt gf i-ot,.' tfw?st sat. t ih'StxK- Central and South America that An drew Carnegie, was induced to ma-the ma-the donation of the sum or S750.0O1 which haa beenxjiendOathairexi. tlbn of this monumental structured In deed, the famous philanthropist bai designed the new building as a "peacn palace," and a feature of its interior, specially provided with a view to tht.f phase of the matter,, is a great auditorium audi-torium or "hell of American ambassa dors" designed s a'meetlng place for all sorts of .ptercational conferences having as thAjp1 purpose harmony and co-operation onthe part oMhe repub- lies, of the western hemisphere. : Growth cf the Bureau. As most people, are aware, the Institution In-stitution known as: the International Bureau -of the American Republics, or the Pan-'Anierican bureau, as it is usually usu-ally called, is a sort of common bead quarters and clearing bouse (or information, in-formation, maintained jointly by all the American nations from the great lakes to Cape Horn. It was the out growth of the first Pan-American ference, which was held in Washington Washing-ton In 1889, and It is maintained by a common fund to which all of the Inde pendent nations of the three Americas Andrew Carnegie. "chip In" In proportion to their population. popu-lation. Inasmuch aa the United States by this plan pays more than half of the expenses of the bureau, Ita bead quarters have from the outset been cated In Washington Some years ago when the rented quarters of the bureau In Washington became manifestly Inadequate for Ita expanded activities, a project was se afoot to "erect s permanent home for It It ws to cost $123,000. snd the different republics were to contribute In proportion to population aa thry do for tbe annusl expenses of the to atltutlon. Severs! of tbe South-Amer lean countries proceeded on this baU l otted Slates declared for a n.ore pre tenuous building and appropriated $:"0.(K0 lnwtead of tcerely Its share of jlhe liri.OOO. Soon after Andrew Cat wl came lorward and oflr. rd m i nmtt ,D "hole sum needed (or a bulil Ing and a much finr L-ulMlra thM an previously teen thought ot. H had previously donated millions of tff! Ura lor tbe famous "peace palace" a-Tb.- Mag-ie. and it waa h's idea iC have tb sew edifice lo Wabing:(.n to cupy the satn relations to tbe ca je of International peace on this conU sent that The Hgi pa'ace do- to tbe mue ) Interr.ailuoal arb Latino tbroiifboul Ihe wor'd Beaut es te Marble Build. n3. Wl'h lbre-9uaner ol a Bui, ion doi tars tfvd l by Mr Caroei i0r a bulicJlng tbe Kao-AnH-rtcas bureau ) waa malted io devote i:)0- Hand io ibr parcbase of a .tte, and a j j,ot ad nirable tract, of several ace. aa tufea) In as Meal locs 'ot ww-i ' the White lloiw and overtoil Ins ibe i otomiC rtter Here a tu. pj ' ISO b-aittul ti4rt aor tlt a j rvare f,0t ib prise denitn, tlib , ted to a coat petition birb ,, ra tered If arrhfferta la aJl t.rta f t&. custry. and Icdeed. ol tbe cce!.r..f.t I There U a d.a:tsci iojb of tb ;,10 ' Uh j tie srttltecitre. Btarke! j la ' tbf It ictJoaj of fj e rcof and the ?r,t R ef s -patio- or tneer ro.-t .ab a osjtJtutea itt axwt Cat.sc' Ut, feat. re of tB, f.ral Ulm Aav,r j teas &r i V Tbe wbo-aj rrttrvr roiy la tse raj !B , t-.i 4 eg t-s tc f-stW.a .rrr-re ts rtr t. ' c( Pll rei. !hxm i Pbc strsxtaire Ike "J- io." or i;;.-e?i rc.rt yard. U tfoe!r4 I: cm tbe ts as (t:Uttt t4 (8a tt, y tie ater 4.ig fca A bmtis. ttuti fcu.t ua a baa a-e troptcaj pata. the e--1 e3efct. wt;' ater aJ w scars s,cet tit Ffvb at tont Kcb tscm ts :se toe. bran.. K-. 1 Vt Ne Home. ..iff . V THE GREATER HONOR. First Kid My old man's locked up fer shooting a dog. Second Kid Dat's nothin'. My old j .man's locked up fer shootin' a copper, j . BFST ANDPEACE Fail ' Upon Distracted Households , When Cuticura Enters. Sleep for skin tortured babies and test for tired, fretted mothers Is found ; in a hot bath with Cuticura Soap and j b gentle anointing with Cuticura Oint- ment This treatment, in the major-! ity of cases, affords immediate relief 1 in .the most distressing forms pf Itch- j ing, burning, scaly, and crusted humors, hu-mors, eczemas, rashes, inflammations, irritations, and chaflngs. of Infancy and childhood, permits rest and sleep to both parent and child, and points to a speedy cure, when other remedies fail. Worn-out and worried parents' will find this pure, sweet and economical econom-ical treatment realizes their highest expectations, and may be applied to the youngest infants as well ns children chil-dren of all ages. The Cuticura Remedies Rem-edies are sold ' by druggists everywhere. every-where. Send to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., sole prbprletprs, Boston. Mass., for their freo 32-page Cuticura Book on the care and treatment of skin and scalp of Infants, children and adults. Just the Job. Old Argus was boasting about his hundred eyes. "A useful iuan for an office," cried the populace. "Yes." added Argus, "and I can keep half of them closed when I want to." Here the populace clapped their lo-lHanda wildly "We'll make him .etistom-bouso spector." they declared. In- It's Pettit's Eye Salve, that gives intant relief to eves, irritated from dust, heat, sun or Kind. '.'."w. All drug-giata drug-giata or Howard Unw., liuiUlo, N. Y. Strength of Legs Difler. In 54 cases out of every hundred the left leg is stronger than tbe right. -:" Mr. Window's rKthln Hrrap. Tnvrlitilrra Umilta:. tull-n t i;r tf lui v riuee ta. iMiaiinajitiiii.t..,a..i.ra.a,ui im. All the dinagreeable -ople don't live cn cross streets. Tt. PI " aleaaaat pallHa mm annMlpallnn riA'irJHn It lint ncwulmini dlnm. turn m m rua vuf u. imw. haaf Is danger In deiay; also In f mm ft isr ay ii s ri This Fact that in addressing Mrs. rinkham you arc con-tiding con-tiding your nrivatc ih to a woman a woman whose experience ex-perience with women's diseases covers twenty-five years. The present Mrs. PinUiam, daughtcr-in-law of Lydia E. PinJcham, was tcr years under her direction, and has ever since her decease continued to advice womcru Many women suflcr in silence and drift along from bdd to worse, knowing well that they ought to have immediate assistance, but a natural modesty causes them to shrink iron exposing them stive? to the questions and probable exxminations of even thcir fxmily physician. Such questioning ques-tioning and exxmir.ation h unnecessary. Without cost you can consult a woaaa whose knowledge frrxa actual experience is great. mzs. piTsTauf.rs sta!,ti:;g invitation i omen suffering from any form ( i female w cakness are invited in-vited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkhxm at Lvnrv Mass. ul iettcr3 ar recti ved, women. A woman cxi frtxly talk of her private illness to a worn in; thai has been established this confidence between Mrs. Pinkhxm ar. J the women cf America mhich has nctr been broken. Never has sc published a testimonial testi-monial cr used a letter without the written consent d thj writer, and never his the compxi allowed these confidential confi-dential letters-to get out cf their rxvovsion, as the hundreds hun-dreds of thousands cl them in thar files will attest Otof the -ast volume cf experience which Sirs. Pbk-hxa Pbk-hxa has to dra-ar from, it is more than possible that she has gained the very knowledge needed in vcur case, She asks nothing b return except your good wi,l,a-vj her tJi-ice has hc!pcd thousands. Surely any weman, rich or poor, should be glad to take adrantag- cf this generous tiler c! uststaricc. .Ad Jres-sJIrw Jri. an, care ' LyLx- Piakhaa Medkir.c Co, Lynn. II: I I aril la Is the specific remedy for that t.:'. i ri: i . .l - . uieu teeunjjj uccauscims great medicine purifies, enriches and revitalizes the blood. Be sure to take it-this s prin g ' 0t It todny-In imuM liquid form or chocolated tablet callod Sarsatabs. The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be ovoconte by CARTER'S LITTLE UVER PILLS. t I Purely vegetable act surely aad Cmm ready 9a the brer. irer. Cure f , jnW'TTL WiousBe.y T I II IV El TTLE B.li IVER Head. LIS. ack Dizzi. seat, and Inrljgratioa. They do tkeir doty. Saab Pffl. Small paa. SsnH Prica. GUSUINfc Biut bear signatures ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE Shake Iwo Vewr Shoea . All" Knot-Ban, the antlseptle vawder lar ia tret. It curaa Minlal. wolMmiiifia.'wlita-aad wolMmiiifia.'wlita-aad iaMAailf taka IM atiaf aot al aonwaadtwalaoa. ll'a Ika arrat m MBilarl dlaraTerv af Ik f o. a 14-tuaaa auaaa ticui. Dttinc or arm ahon f.l aaw. Him a aiilam aura fur 1n.10.1n. . Ina.N callma and ttrait, achtuf frV V. !! "Sl,00HIWiDotii.. Tit V 1TTO.UAV. SoidaTCrrbm, a&a. ! arrepl aaaotltuta. Bot h auil U i.W laaUmpa. FREEI5l?:.irAt;,"0 l n T 1 1 1 gin avtia swwm la a shMk. V l " r it feat-Us jn.lPwt.rtKHKg, iodiMa, aLi.k.1 a. oLusrao. L u.tur. A Quick, Oesn, Easy Shave NO STROPHNG NO HONING KNOWN THS WOMLB OVSS m o ra ey uri T r PS A V FT IT iw 11 a las SB OIL Send lot Proapeetna HYGRAVITY OIL COMPANY 404 Story Sldf. Loa Angalas, Cab HOWARD E. BURTCi. "perimra yrlrao: .I4. mirrf, Iwl, f. KlV(r. Kr- (ld. MWt Kim I.. rjituM. n u. t-l MTlnnea aad full aiira Itat awl aa' aeeiir-iti.ia. f..mivi a i uL. Hal ampin wur a.li, itrd. I radiUia a. uaraaaaia naUuoal Bau. BtWien tDal4. krhair tmaelnanrt.lwiia.fnr l.k If . II fcr In (ut iuaU'N ratrvriina atn-rvaauaiav Iiir aiiMHfMi fattoar. iva luu:tt Iwiuia. aia- rrinlt. raiKtli. a f . aannv mvi'trht, mff r.gut iitita naa?ar.,ua. Uamirirdaithi T,,....l. r. r.l. aoa.aai luvuijJlUH I Lj nlir W. H. U, Salt Lake City, No. 18-1910. unnecessary. opened, read xid answered bv Sarsap |