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Show J PLEASANT GROVE NEWS A STRIKING PORTRAIT. ALPINE GUIDE'S LIFE SAVED BY SMUGGLERS MOUNTAIN CLIMBER; SUSPENDED BY-ROPE WHEN A SNOW BRIDGE GIVES WAY. 7 n .1 sm-1 -V r , . , -M- a I This is a portrait of Hii, the deaf mute.' 1A verZ?triiing picture. He looki as if he were just, going to speak." IN AGONY WITH ECZEMA "No tongue tan tell how I suffered for five years with itching and bleeding bleed-ing eczema, until I was cured by the Cuticura Remedies, and I am so grateful grate-ful I want the world to know, for what helped me will help others. My body and face were covered with ores. One day it would seem to be better, and then break out again with the most terrible pain and itching. I have been ' sick several times, but never in my life did I experience such awful suffering as with this eczema..-1 had made up my mind that death was near at hand, and I longed for that time when I would be at rest. I had tried many different doctors and medicines medi-cines without success, and my mother brought me the. Cuticura Remedies, insisting in-sisting that I try them. I began to feel better after the first bath with Cuticura Soap, and one application ol Cuticura Ointment. "I continued with the Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment, and have taken four bottles of Cuticura Resolvent, Resolv-ent, anil consider: myself vvt 11. . This was nine years ago-. and I have had no return of "the trouble since."-Any" person haring any doubt about this wonderful cure by the Cuticura Remedies Reme-dies can write to my address. Mrs. Altie Etson, 93 Inn Road, Dattle Creek, Mich.. Oct 16, 1909." Biner, one of the mosFpbpuIar Alpine guides aliejmaUMdaJerrifying ex-periencewhillnaSlng ex-periencewhillnaSlng an ascent "of the Brei thorn, and was only saved from Jdeath . by -thelieroism of the tourist who accompanied him: J Binep-was engaged by Dr. Shivel, a Munich physician, to guide him to the summit of the Breithorn, which ls-13,000 feet high. After the "doctor had crossed a snow-covered crevasse above the Theodule pass, Biner attempted at-tempted to. " follow, but the snow bridge collapsed. The guide dropped 30 fe'et over a precipice and remained suspended by Premature Repentance. The sick man seized bis w ife's hand In his feeble grasp. "Please tell ine the whole, awful truth at once," he begged, gaspingly. "Oh, -William !" cried his wife, "it's , all right, at last. The crisis is past and the doctor assures us that yuu 111 recover!" "Is he absolutely sure of that, my dear?" "Perfectly." "Well, then, darling, please do this for me at once. Run and telephone to my partner that I didn't mean w hut I said yesterday about not foreclosing that mortgage. He'll understand that I must havtt lxen out of my head." . Zermatt, Switzerland. - Hermann r 7i nttF. II m SPB Iff Mi . T " Vs 11,1 " " ' I.U.rim.. 11. n" 1 11 (i , . .i i. .i. i D ' -' .ypfflwwu-' milium mimmjLtr. ft mm n ' 6unday School's Want Ad. There 1h a church in Brooklyn that has adopted a novel scheme for enlarging en-larging ita Sunday school. It a.lver-'ttBea a.lver-'ttBea for boys and girls to cnuie to it In the shop windows in the neighborhood neighbor-hood of the church one may see placards, pla-cards, such as are used for advertising adverti-sing entertainments of various kinds, that bear the legend: "Wanted Boys and girl to Join our Sunday school." Ib-Iow this are s t forth the adventures that ni come to the young folk who attend the classes. II' X 1 m m BURDENS LIFTED FROM BAD BACKS Weary is the back that bears the burden of kidney ills. There's no rest nor peace for the man or woman who has a bad back. The distress begins in early morning. You feel lame and not refreshed. It's hard to get out of bed. ' It hurts to stoop to tie your shoes. All day the ache keeps up. Any sudden movement sends sharp twinges through the back. It is torture to 'stoop or straighten. At night the sufferer suf-ferer retires to to$s and twist and groan. Backache is kidney ache a throbbing, dull aching in the kidneys. kid-neys. Plasters or liniments won't do. You must get at the cause, inside. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS CURE SICK KIDNEYS TWICE-TOLD TESTIMONY A Cur of Sere Kidney DicM Verified By TmI oi,TuM William M. Sears, iZ W. Cherry Street, Nevada, Mo., says: "I . " is convinced of the (treat valueef Dean's Ki.lney IMIls throus nftlwpErR'fit. - Pour - ur ftt-"-months atio 1 suffered a (treat did from a pain across the small of my bark, extending at times Into luy limbs and shoulders. When I (stooped or did- any work thai brought a strain on the muscles !" my back, my trouble was aRnr:-vnted. aRnr:-vnted. I tried a number of remedies reme-dies but without success. After ;i short time I could see that they were benefiting me, and the contents con-tents of two and, one-half box---cured me." (Statement given in May, 1!W9 ) RE-ENDORSEMENT On Dec. Srd, I'JOS, Mr. Hears snld . "I still have great faith In Doan's Kidney fills. I feel Justified in re rndorsing this remedy us it h't done so much for me." How To Tell When Kidneys Are Disordered The PAINFUL SYMPTOMS - i!.wU-.c,t. s. !.:!... p An w jstnopIiiiT or .'f:lnjr. mi..- i n s i.'.ij' linv. ;. i'ii iiiiith' p.tpis. iHtiriSi.t i-iiiil'til. ir.tiity or too in 141. nt in t iMlion, tlizy ll. Uriy, . URINARY SYMPTOMS 1 isrolored or t lutnly urine. I'rine that cn'.Ia'ii" merit I r.ne tti.it M.iijm U.o lite n. IMtlituI s. lil.iud or si.red.H in ti.e i. rue-, l 1 a' In. til, ful i.t lii-niortiiMi; lii-niortiiMi; untie Maud lor 4 hours. If n sim, a i lotidy 01 Il.-ei y tietiliiiK. or a lay r of tine grains, like briyk-dust, briyk-dust, iiv kulnt j.s an- dioidi nd. NEVER ANY RETURN A Compict Cure ef Kidney Trouble at. J DiOi-y M.v- f.. I i;.,li, if" li l". T.-rry St.. II. i':l. . J i . TiA.iv '! hold a - i .l-.jjl1.041lt1lj.il of l.'oaii's. K.ldr ; . y i .. . I uiih'K"od L ison. for t! 1,.' ..trs ai:o t!.y .m.-d me oT I din ' ii' .ulili that had chine to I, f . r .-y !..l y.-ars. There was :i -!l. ; al sw.lliii; of rnv fi-et and 1 ' !.- m addition to other syiup-t. syiup-t. . f ki.ii . y i-oiui.l ilnt. and ;'l II. -n't'i I -iw.it at !.. $ .xin'lie.-. V.--1V Hot'' hell" ii llll'tll I WO( Hll d 1 '..an's Kiilni y I'llls. Two box. s of lias pt. pn Hion cured me and I f aye iie'ief had the ulttftilest' rrturn i f toy lliilll.le. I h.ue r. colll- iiieii.l. il Ix.an's Kidney Tills to many peupi.. who haa- ijuestloned me ah.nit th.iii, and I Know of ney-eral ney-eral 1:1.1. .s in which th.y have dune the same Kood Work." Held the Guide and Shouted for Help. the rope, which hound him to Dr. Shivel. The latter, notwithstanding the terrllile strain, managed to hold the guide In midair for' two hours, mean while shout tne; for help. ! When the doctor was nearly exhaust- j ed and Illner had rhouted 't. him to cut the rope and save himiclf, two Italian KmuKglers, heavlly'lad.-n, came over the Theodule pass. Hearing the shouts they rescued the guide and atwlnted Or. Shivel. conveying convey-ing him to Zermatt. Then the smuggler smug-gler rilNappeared. having rffilft'd to accept any reward lor their services. I ' . ... 1 ! fr rrv n vvf M IfthhlnlsThia . . Kid. a tdiai rnrr Tt d i i 111L riVLEi y Ml. Y..rlf Cut out tliis coutn, mail it to l'istcr-MiHurn Co , Huflalo. N Y A (roe trial pickaxe of Uan'i Kulucy I'tlU wi.l U mailed u promptly. w N r. 'S KIDNEY -PILL iSbld bj &1I deAlers, .Trlce'sVcents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N Y-. Proprietors, It's Yvir hiiyJf LED A JEKYLL-HYDE LIFE Man cf Dual Personality, Son "King" Strang. Steals After Making Gifts. of Th Appetites of Kings. The king of Spain makes up for Ms dally expenditure of activity by In mendou appetite. I have observed, for that matter, that the majority ol sovert Igns are valiant t rent 'in rttien Y.tvrj morning of bis life aMuiiho XIII has a gooj rump steak and ptatH-. for hi first breakfast, otteo ppsrcdod tT eggs and mimetlmes foHoaed by salad and fruit rYoiu- Hn ollection of M. ro!t In MClur- Orand Rapids. Mich A pujiling dual personality ,as deve!opd " the A GOOO CHANCE A Change of Food Works Wonders. The wrong food and drink raues a lot of trouble In this world. To change the food 1 tbe f!rt duty of erjr person that It Sit. particularly from stomach and nervous trouble. Aa an Illustration: A lady In Mo. bas, with her buiband. been brought around 10 health again by leaving off coffee and some articles of food that diJ not agree- with them. Tb-y began u-Ing u-Ing fustum and Grape Nuts frxwl She aays: Tor a number of years I niff-r-d with stomach and Ikc1 trouM which kept gettlcg yttrrf umMI I as very lit t,iot of the time About four year ago I left vS toSee at.4 b-to taking rof-jm. M.r s'.oma.-h at.d toae'.s Iropreved firht K. birt I was ao reared in f!-b s.d nervous tbM lh lal tUi.g .4 cutrcctne me . ""Then I chatjrd n y f 1 ar. l be-gT& be-gT& asicg GrapNU In i4 Ji:!ia to loet9n. I Uvsl vn tas to prtn c'p!?y for a tout foar fcontbs Lay ty day I gilned la fh ae4 'ftfh nc'il aow th Brrtoui trcMtl has ea lirrly d.jtfard ac4 I f-l that I ee try l..'e and health to Tostsoi sal Crape-Nat- "llcstnd la 7 J yxrs oJ aol be tro4t-J-4 for a Vcf t'sae wl-.h oora-aSoaaJ oora-aSoaaJ eras: pa. afri slept badly, HaaHy I fcrei!w a pea hla to le ot eoffe as4 Uka rftn. He tad stood oet fsf & ktg. lim. 1.1 af'.er he tr;d Txs-zzt for a few days fee foad that fc cots.M t9 aJ th I rraaijis t'.ni jtared. He waa a ad baa Berer lt to ?. 1 tar a Ire krr ta CaT.'omla who Ivaa lw tg 13 far aerermJ yr. fe: wtcie fasHy s.i U a'o b rast tiy have kl t-i- g tod rei-".a rrra nr tK k ai fir, far the V'.C tot k. The , niadtoW. UrO. Tie"s a R' a?. arv f 4 tv aw W-f a j NATURAL JWtSTAKE. 11 w Hi Landlord's Reply. "Thl appears tn ha a pretty slow town.. .JTou have n 'ay-as ymi--ntT street .cm here.'' "No, but we have h pretty cui.il Hue of p;t y -bo ft in vol 1 leave bnurditiK houses." Th ' cafe of a man who nays he r Cabriel I , Strang, son of "King" Strati, once ' Mormon ruler of the Beaver sla-uls, In upper l.ak Michigan. Th iliee know the man as George Sage They i ny be confeed to borne sleslliig after being wounded in a miming Pght lth officers near White Pigeon. When sentt nceJs-ased. the authorities authori-ties declare, a hore thief and a benefactor bene-factor will pay the penalty of bis dual personality. Gabriel Strang lived In IJgonler. Ind. since his boyhood and was known to be honest His friends say It was Georee Sage j) ho stole hornes fiut the police assert both men lived ' PrescriptionThatBafcs Up tha Worst in tbe sanif body j Cold hi a Day. Since Strang has been Imprisoned! ETery winter thlpfi riptlon Is pub It bas become known that be Is the Itsbed here and ib'tuiand have been i-morc you cat 1 J4.e-i COLT DISTEMPER Milt e'ltf, Ht ll'T I.iiW fl IMBHwl naaa. Ua4liaf Mt'lINT 1.1(1 lit lHltUt r.K 11 li r. III td Uh Vumr,.r tii Ci. A. w on t(t Mmm ami t-to wwrwm ial V vl pauiufaM-tortpni, mI ihsi ( u iMjltt tlirVMlsa, Kir fn at il hwaiaM rtVMvhlnr- asreftf WahlawL I strgssal iMIiiij t fnin lIOS Id (IkaV -3 t.ml. II form of ttisu-rnirr. tw I rem!, known for Mm la f l nw hitttw. f -mrant ef .In POHN MCDICAL CO.. l wui OoarMfl, lndU.S.A. The Girl It lnrCt fair for you to keep on your mask after I have taken off mine. The Boy I didn't wear any. TACK THIS UP "Charles Harris" who presented the Grand Rapid public Hhrary seteral years ago with a collection of rare historical lxks one tbe fjri;p-rly of Kirg" Sjrane Irn e.t!gnors of Mi pit have also found that be Is tbe fra who paid the college ctpet e of joni.g girl ho was anTious to secure se-cure an education, but hoe fatuity was unaMe to st.d hr lo roller H paid her ep-r.s ,fbrn:ch the Ypl beceftted by it "Get to un s of Glycerine and half an ounce of Concentrated Con-centrated line ton jo'ind Then get half a pint of good shbkfj and put the other tao tngrd!-ct inro It Take a teasi-oonful to a tabbuj-r r.ful of thin mlltutr af'er ea b tu al and at t-d time. Shake the bunle well rach tlu e " get (Sir !h etlllll- yi a half fKitiff t fcoftie etti- in a tin wrew top ca Quaker Oats the better vour health will be. s a " v " Practical experiments experi-ments with athletes show Quaker Oats to be the greatest strength maker. H A Mind Iof Qui NO STROPPING lrnjurta and Convenience NO HONING khowh tMa wo- lo ovt a Sullilllllill, 1 1 "k- ..iIUII'IL Jf JM J HOWiRfl F. RIIRTflM "0 . n .. v , iiiiK IHIMlll, l-vll,.'l pnm- O..I4 Wlirt. fl S'lrrr. : ,ll Mir: IiKtl..i,rr II Maint nr.t,tpra bii4 full prr Umi mrnl ttt . (-fill. t'-!ft I nn.: nHn. wort .lt. ilt I -mIvIU I ui. Hvl-rv'. lehm ,i -4tluul sUl- OLD COINS to, IV f..r m ral pfw- m em tts atsitvlr (f o.-J 1 . th-p ax ase' ilm Ul lrf -l rw 4 Mk- St nr" U't ssajf S tMttMmtsS (Vi R a us H-- ti snaf ttarw n y.-r ftHr C V 1 Cured by Electro pod cs Wetric TmmI. Umt Imnlw fm m. 1 iW njto)V t"M ntfad - mtM iM i f w r fwi a IM1IW. NrwuM, fchw. K .a I I iwm -pimimm. Om'r I' u V i ' k rl ia r. m mhm. II ,.Fp Utl t mmrm r- f nt at M lv.ff-il't md I1--W vlfl mm Uul pa mtm ton". wraTra-w nxcTROPonr ca Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief PrmaMot Cart . liul b s ire to I Coecen'rated fine j a college lanti normal (.! at.d Uur throch j Any drutii-t bk it on hand or i quickly get It frc-ro the bo!ea!e i bo;" Mt.y u h-1 re iUa.La a;r tirpurt a&d au LUmti, CARTUrSUTTLE LIVLR PILLS. 1.1. Fmtlf jrl sriy tU tftf tar itmw. h ; DEATH ENDS 4-HOUR DUEL H gM Witctiirt" Sheet at tch Otief Ai ICARTEIGj TTLC IVER mitt. A Wonderful Remedy UK. CORNISH 9 JS!i?Ja2???3 i Eucalyptus Compound Tor Catarrh, Athm r,J !in.n-hlti Pnpia II Ituoklrt trr. Ad'1rra DR. CORNISH Lock Boa 87 Loa Angeloa, Cat. No. 6 Tr'.fftr..-ir mlirrll.'r n M Ttrt tins t m - I r-k m9 ImIm,'I PARKERS HAIR BALSAM m4 'mt lv lLL 7.1 to S mmtui tiy lir trt TmilToI Crt.-.r. Cwi p 4 ill 1 1 I mm f . i ,.r r-t,l ria t l.r ri .ir I mi with imr M-n.1)n rn.rir TV.-. i i i4 l r, twl rnt C0l'ETL CO . C. L B- aO. (rM. 0. A-i.'.. .i.u4. it Ntw Vcrk 8tor UH.I Oee Fails. lEcal Damage Dona ty &moe. H-rN' M V. r.-.n. 4 the I t.., t-i.i ( i a! s .n j . U f. S't -i- at 1 ! ! m ia ta I'ti'.vd S-aie at t v - io tbe Urc eitis altri1. cr ilc:t . to ear!) n.jn. iuaib abd t,:j oi tt ttilalioa. 4 tl4 HTO brvSra tt rfss. UJ F J. WU 0m, Sswl fnca CIXTST m bnr sgMn : j New Twl -In a 4 of f.ijr bo:rs j t deration, !a Lkh rerohr soswerei frnjritlr eir hantd. Job TrrrU. I j (tbt waubmaa in fark A TUfrrds' Maay a Mtu aoi.54 ive k-s irv !;or. at IJ Pmadway. t'.i:4 Jcka." b; wrestUrj w;a tb dtil-.lf b wooes, a .o a t ut .strtttso r r t ovt acd tral i'b a ba'.i rs roi a cote aUst tbe t-aitr ; for aa boar or to aad tfcea. Iyic'doa b;de t'.s 1. .- . ' lis.'. b.r ( ta a.Ws . . lintirl attMW Ferrla later t !d tbe poCV tbat tiat f- r f;r loira ttey efeaeed aad I Take frow r.f sejosiJi tb.itb t4 eb f tc a?l tb so. j bapfy year. Stbjf. apatair. oars. ra lie rt;i tf ate.4 fa tl tis rorv tf i Tasmptca'i Eyi Wilir . Xyy.tjX Daoy omnes zX'Jtt wnen ne lakes IMAKE GOOD GARDENSIil i V r'V" a TeProdure Good Crop. y mBt bate v I lfft J, W. Good Ss n-raacMy TeUed AWT i J f las e4 watiirasra f tsy f - s. abaiat PIS fn mm OUR BIG CATALOG Give you at Complete List of Juat What You Neexl for your Planting. YouraJer hamdl ourSeeds, Our CATA1XC U FREE for the Aaklnc WRrrr fqr it at once mm r e bard. '.- ft aa art aa'.ll Ferrts f-H W's ra tb etc a-a fcsj) e rasat te tie eye it JiaJtt ..JLrsX.xaxse4 - A4 ttis ff tie fr. i ST rT n Wm M m m m m . . s im tia. CURE Kaay tf "act awirtaa-a aad Itw rtaily td it r- f IbMaaktUa-WMMM f f I n im m m a m a . I I : 1 Ammm mm4 mi I.. . 4 M SM mm mtm. I I -sal a I a ifc i n ... .. I . . ai fVKrm DE?VER, COLO, j fV Wt li ' Him rrsv - PUTNAM S DYES H ba 'i".r !" :bat aore are avost aa 'aeoraa ' asr asaUa To-Ct'-fs e aa a ava&'a tree.t;a "S. tWaitM4.hi.t 4a?0eat t7W0 CO, i m t ms a to a I - |