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Show PLEASANT GROVE NEWS Trades Savings Bank -Lifts Load , . of Anxiety Bjr DANIEL J. McDONALD -. i.aaiu. p EADESUNIONS are formed to elevate humanity by increasing increas-ing wages and by bettering the condition of the laboring classes. In work along each of these two lines they have .been far more useful and effective than is generally believed." Each dollar increase in wages and each hour of leisure secured gives larger opportunity for education, thought anTThe gaining of knowledge. , Among the greatest of the loads borne by the workers are uncertainty of employment, heavy expenses of sickness and of ' - ' ; death of the "worker himself or of those dependent upon him r of those upon whom he is dependent ; . the loss of wages during such , times of trouble and the lack of provision for old age. So small is thp - utmost possible amount of a workingman'9 savings that almost invariably it is swept away, sometimes repeatedly, by one of these causes, and old age finds the worker penniless. Any movement like iliis -of savings, bank insurance that proposes to lift the financial load at times of sickness and non-employment, and makes provision for old age, is in direct line of-trade union elTort. By 'providing for future emergencies it promotes independence and lifts a loud of anxiety. anxi-ety. The man is more able to fit himself for advancement. TUovBiiiisli CABINET'S GRAND OLD MAN Thus far all efforts to drag James Wilson of low a, secretary of agtlculture, into the Taft-Bal-Uriger-Pinchot fight have been unavailing. "The grand old man of tlie cabinet" says nothing and saws wood.. In his long years as a cabinet officer. Secretary Secre-tary Wilson -basaeen many fights. He. should, and does, know by this time how to conduct himself him-self In such matters. If President Taft calls upon up-on Mr. Wilson for Information or an explanation, be will get It No doubt the president already has It. But the old newspaper correspondents of Washington know It Is useless to try to get Mr. Wilson to enter Into any controversy."" He can close -his mouth tighter than any man In Wash ington when It la necessary DOj BITES THREE Mi (NO MANGLES POLICEMAN PITCHFORK SUBDUES BRUTE WHICH ATTACKS A NEW . YORK BLUECOAT. New York. In a 15 minute battle between a St. Bernard dog that had bitten three boys and Fatrolman. John Leary of Brooklyn the bluecoat was almost at the point . of exhaustion when aid arrived. He was unable to ?et at his' revolver and his club had iula effect on the thickly coated a ni-nal. ni-nal. Leary was bitten on the chin ind his left leg and hands mangled. The dog first was seen on Beard Uret't with a long rope trailing from ts collar. It ran from one side of Jie street to the other, snarling aud Plated Silverware. . . . Wa sail tha best brands of plated tsblowara made in the world. More sliver; better patterns and longest guarantees. Prices ss low as oheap stuff.. 170 I SI SALT LAKE Cllt UTAH . Secretary Wilson not only has the distinction of having served longer as a cabinet officer than any other man. but be has seen a procession of cabinet officers as his associates unequalled by am other man. In the days of Albert Gallatin, who now has second place as a long term cabinet officer, thefe were not as many cabinet places as at present, and In those days it was not customary to make so many changes While Mr. Wilson has been In office, there have been five secretaries of state, John Sherman. William R. Day. John Hay. Elihu Jtoot and Philander C. Knox. There have been four secretaries of the treasury, Lyman J. Cage. Leslie Les-lie :f Shaw. Georee R. C'ortelyou and Franklin MaeVeagh. There have been labor movement has been noted from the beginning for the variety and j five secretaries of war. Russell A. Alger. Elihu itm.t. William II Taft. Luk- . . .... , 1 . 1 t I.,:,,. 1 fc. wnght ana jacoo -m. iiicmnsou. iun utr urm u.r .. extent of its financial assistance to its members in times of trouble. Lnitj, 1 john PhUandCT c. Knox, William II. Moody. Charles J Bonaparte solidarity, steadiness of purpose, devotion and faithfulness of members ; and George W. Wtckersham. There have been seven postmasters general, have been the results. The splendid achievements in English labor logis- ! James. A. Gary. Charles Emory Smith, Henry Payne Robert .1 Wynne, , . , , 1 George U Coitelyou George von L. Meyer and Frank II Hitchcock. 1 hen- lation, far surpasamg anything we can hope for in many y.-ars, arc "n six secreiarles of the navy. John D. Long. William 11 Moody, to the unitv of purpose ami action produced largely bv the fraternal care i rhariea 1 Honanarte. Victor H. Metcalf, Truman II. Newberry and George von frtr n!rtt memlipr"' I n this count rv WP 1UH 1 to exorciso mora care for the i-L. Meyer. Thera have been four secretaries of tfeJnicrlur. .CurucJimLNUi$4 . , . ii L 1 1 1 1 , 1 ' Fthan Allen Hitchcock, James R. Garfield and Richard A HalHnm-r 1 here v .'; welfare of each, member, in order that each n.e.nkr may bo more devoted ;;r,ret,Iie( of commerce and labor, tleorgo B. Cortclyou. Victor f M. to the welfare of the whole. .... - ! H. Metcalf, Oscar S. Straus and Charles Nagel. V The ideal method, of affiliation, if there is to be affiliation, between the labor movement arid savings bank in surance, is lor eacn union 10 insist that ear h of its meni!crs shrll.V properly and adequately insured. NAVY'S SURGEON GENERAL Federal Clerks Receive. Small Salaries By ARTIIU BLANCHAID GoveiniiK-nt clerks arc generally j thought to have an easy time by many out-, eiders, whoonvy the short hours and supposedly sup-posedly large pay of those who labor in ; tlie big deportment buildings of Washington. Washing-ton. ' The facts are entirely nt variance with ! the popular conception. The employes of Uucli! Sam have had no increase of salary for venrs and mo( of them are getting ex-, Dt Charles F. Stokes, who has been appointed surgeon general of the I'nlted states "nflvy'to succeed suc-ceed Dr. Presley M. "Kix'ey, retired. Is one of the youngest officers of the medical corps. Although only 47 years of age, he lias had considerable experience ex-perience In the practice of his profession. A graduate grad-uate of the College of Physicians ami Surgeons of New York city, his earliest service wai in I'.clle vue hospital and the New York city hospital. In Febrpary, 10, he was appointed an as slstant surgeon In the navy, nnd since then ha. served In many Important stations In all parts of the world. From 1!2 to isft.'. he had charge of the United States Naval hospital at Yokohama, Japan. Dutlng the Spani-h -American war he equipped i mi 'tM yrm ! The Animal Leaped Over a Bank Into a Snow Fort. I j Good tttit ore tk troo foundation of Urge crept. Oar big CattlofM ttllt all akont the est toed dial frew. Sead for Freo Copy. VOGELER SEED CO., Salt Lake City TESTED SEEDS It costs hun!r1 of dollar every year to mmm TEST 0U 8EIDS But when you buy them you can lep!ii they p.wsi Tha Quality. Write for our Prtt acriptiva Catalog. PORTER-WALTON C9., Salt Laka City SKALS. STKSC1LS ADO KS, KAIIB KC'KS. Etc. Full line KiitilerTyiK OutlltK, auJ supplies In arock. M.ul or.K'M ns i ivr luiimiu iutouuu. SALT LAKE STAMP CO., alt Latia City RUBBER STAMPS;-" Thought Him a Poor Editor. Son--'Are there any sea serpents, pop?" Kilt her "I'iii sure I don't know, my boy" Son "Well, what Is electricity?" Valuer- "1 give It up." Son 'Top! hat does the north pole lTk like?" Kai her - "1 don't know." - Hfty Kay; ppr hoi 4id yan ever.., gl to be an editor, anyway?' COLONIST RATES. 4 . Kroin ChictiKp. St. I'aul, Minneapolis, Omaha. Kunsas t'lly nnd other Fast-ern Fast-ern points to Acoina. Nevada, and t'tah. station on tlie Salt l.ak Route, on Bale dally March. I to April 15, 19.10. Inclusive. Send uh the names tif 'your friend in the KatU who are Interested. Interest-ed. Kor further information see hdj Salt Lake Ktnte HKent if address J II M AN I iKltKlKI.I, A. (5. P. A.. Salt Lake Route, Salt Lake, Utah. just able to make ends meet on their scanty stipemk injeeil, so far from being enviable, i? pitiable. and organized the medical department of the am bulance ship 3olace and was senior operatlr.g surgeon on that vessel durinf ., ., j , . ine vesi muian campaign. 1'uring av muti itouuien, m v mini, u..,,.., tly the Bume ;u,v them pnilt.r. drew ! n1pph( ,n(,UITrcc,Ioni he to the V 8 fl. Uuffalo a 50 years ajrn. , BUbBmoently served on the Oregon. Wiwoalo and other vesnels In Paelne Tli is afTei ts .a mtiltltmle of honest ! and Asiatic waters. From 1903 until 1908 he was on duty In this city as pro- iii- 1 1 I feasor of surgery In the Naval medical a hool and as one of the attending hard-working men and women who arc 't " , ' A. .,. .1.. ... . ...r. The condition. ne commanded the Fnlted States Naval h. tpital at San Juan. V H. While engaged In that duty he was summomd to Washington by the navy depart- ; Ke.iiDg that conation, had vas,iy d,an,,, .,! ,hat ,t r..q !n;;;1;m;;.:;)1:;;;1;:;;:Mh;. id iii; far more to live decently, now than it did in ISStl, or even later, rongns. d,,tau ,p that command as vigorously qpi. -ed by the lint- office of the navy j a little while back, raisctl the salaries of senators and memUm of the and resulted In the resignation of Renr Admiral W. 8 ltronaon as chief of houpe from $5,000 to :,50t a yenr, an in. r. ac of 50 kt cent. 1 the bureau of navigation. The country at large found no fuult with this piete of m -If-confcrrc! liberality. Now it is tip to congrs to c a just toward many thousands of I government clerks as it was penrrotis toward it-elf. ' . ' InTeatigations lately made show that a lot of thev people arc foncd , to take their children from school to help in the family support, while 1 other are continually in the clutches of usurious money lender SENATOR FLINT TO RETIRE French Copying Many Yankee Notions By HAI0LD F. TtAtrr When in Paris lately I ran across so 1 many Yankee notions and devues that I eoncliid.il the capital of Iji II. lie France and New Y ork City would !. very much ' like twins after the lapse- of a few more years. , They have American dtitit. Amen- 1 can saloons, wliere all kinds of tnm-1 ; drinks of the sort we are us.-.! t are wrvnl; skating rnk. Luna park (how, shoj where one can buy s!m- from the Mawidiusvtts factorit-s, and Inindmls of lmply other r.n!uct of the Static. You can the fair d.tte.n of Fr.iti-e wearing the long tcIs wined the dsuht.rs of fiil Sam iutroduv. after motoring became f.i-iniu!! and the I'aria.enne liave actual! Jof4etl the big bat.J!.i? that only Armruan wonw-n form, rly arriol on thoir shopping cxj.htKn and by whub their nationality w i-a.dv proclaim.il. 1 alo saw in many store roll top d..k. adding ma.hine- and m-h resist r iought in tins country and in my hotel m I'ans a a niai.'iuith stlf-playing piano t-rsndul I". S. A. Those perma who have teen wont to call the I'nlted States senate "the Millionaires flub." had a rudw slun k tha -other day hen one of the members of the senate Issued an announcement that he will not be a candidate for reelection b" rause he hasn't sufficient money to k-ep up a i-o litlca) machine and can't afford to make the race Tbe members of the senate are not all millionaires. In fact It Is probahle that there are fewer men who count their wealth In H. v. n fig urea In the senate than there are ho do It ha become a sort of understanding, however, that a man must hate a million lo be el.tt.-d a io-r,ttor It was Stnator Frank F. Flint of California, who said he was too poor to run for election again He said It In these words: "It Is my desire to make public at this ttm my determination not to be a candidate for re-election to the office of t t.l!-.l States senator I reached ,thla decision roe time ago. I have d Uy'J ma king public aniiouncuieut nf my purpose. hoeer. in deference to the earn est request of friends In California, but I fI now that It would be .r.f..:r to myself to delay this announcement any lorgT. "The considerations hlrh have I. d to my determination u.ay U '.'.-1 I'cder lle 1 n.i.arv law In the atate of California, it ha b-cju- reoultt'.e rase nt Lai to aucr. a thit a rand. date for the I'tilt.d State -r,at,. should have a t-rsotal -mii. al oi koi jtt--n la every aiaie fc.iilrul atj a aembly dHtrU t. hae not R)M-lf tie n.in to b.ain'ala such an nrganfMllon. r.- r would I be wllllrg toertt i t n aronl. l for tbe t toted States nai- th-ri !n other contributed to keep up a Mate wide orgariuatioa la my behaif f I, 1T--- -rJ- IS ELKINS AN INSURGENT? Teacher Refuses Tribute (o Santa Claus it uira tkiux Isrin the pirrA ho!Jai va-.n" a t'-tihcr in one of the (let apt pub! iho.i!s was fi'.je, t, n..t a j t:V ir.ti-ctm ir.ti-ctm far Tr!um lo pay trsbvte to the Santa C'lau myth, de!jrinij it to be wr-jn. morally to !h a ch.M a fa! h-J ft to tell f cLi.14 asythinf ai ir-'h which tt would d.fcotfr ta be faiV lattroa. !:.. I IUs S-ta' -r Stephen l t-.lh is ol ttut Vir gir.'a Uoin" an Insurgent? 1 1 a he Joir.ed th Cuir.im !-!" itt ranks iiaa he de to Cght the f-o .-s that be in tte u r trai.rt rf cotgre Tfc-e are few of the jje!i.6 b!tg ake1 since the f VlrglBlan arose !n tte seate see-erai see-erai Ua a . and declared hm.K lf c7 the ertstioo.- W a e tte senate finance r.a.u.."e reported a-rt f Utloo lntrrJa-4 by Senator t!ce of )ltmi'HK't, fretrlf;iic fwr aa laseatigatkia of the t (i r- -t of lv!ts. as substitute 1 cue c5ere4 by Mr Cklaa. snnppltiB nt eery one In Its pnth I'asserhtiy lunl to -eek safely in tlie houses. The iiiilmal then turned Into Van lifunt street. The rope fr.'nuently caught aKiiltift raililiBS or uiidt r the feet of the St llernurd nnd worked it Into a greater fury. It snapped at horses and caused several runaways, 1 In the street children were throw InK snowballs and as tlie dog' cams along they hurled chunks of ice at It. The ubimal leaped over a bank into a snow fort, behind which t.he youtits aters had sheltered themselves. In the rush to es. ape seieral of the boys were knot ked down The dog seized the left leg of Kdward Hanlcy. .5 years old. son of a cnualboiit captain in the Krie basin It was tearing the flesh when Its attention was at.tract.-d j to ItanlerCillirlde, 12. of No loo yk : inHn street, who was trying to get up ! j The dog sprang on him, knocked the j boy down aud sank Its teeth into the ! youngster's shoulder until he faint.-d ! frinn pain siul fright Next the dog j attacked Cilhert t.riggin. three, of No 174 It.ard s're.t It had seied him : by the left leg. when Leary ran up and 1 lul.li" (I the animal on the bead until It let go the boy i The St IWeard then leaped for the ' poll, .-man and threw him against the !ioar bank It.-fore the bluecoat rould g.-l 'he revolver from his h!p pwket the dog renr.d up and. despite bjow .fter tfiuw from l-ary's club, tore a . . p ichh In the poll, eman's chin Tls.ii It sank Its te.th In his right i'g Still with pain. Leary tried to pu'l 'tie dug jaw apart, but the tee'h 't- d n his l ands Again and :i the atitii.il bit Its vlitim snd f 1 -ily ', ti - rij:).. I g 1 f the trousers iis .M.i (h it strings of flesh The tiI.je.oal wa Mined against the bank !n su I. a wav he was unable to ef f.rtivrty w;.!d t.ts rh,b and rog!d jty jftti with It Weakened t.f loss .if Ii!i1. te w aa makil g a f.tl.U- Tirl.t when Arnlr.w Rule of No I't I '-iib tr-r-f. ran ' to t! aid with a .;tr.r..rk lie Jabbed the ii.ti'i I:. to t,e sid'-a of the aril r.ial The St lUrnard nsade f.,r FUfce. b ;t he I.elJ !l t,.,r k Wifh the fi rk at d f r.ai:j rr i' into a c-i.. r While the J. g wat k-t tn fteck wr b the pr- r,g. . tt.er u en a;.d Idiry I In 1 rt. ... J te r, j. fri m the coilar ! tti a niujx and t.d tt Jaw t.s 1 r. . r Tte artn.al n taken t. !h Hamnt'ia ivei.tie "a". u ar.d af"r- w ali t'j !! I'at'eur It.sI.I ;'e Of Course It Was Hard. Snuemlsh tiuest (as waiter places water before him ("Waiter, are you sure thla Is boiled, distilled water." Waiter "I am positive. 'air." Squeamish tiuest (pulling It to his lipsl- 'Tlut It seems to taste pretty hard for distilled water." Walter "That's because it's hard-botb-d distilled water, sir." Chicago News. ' Management. 'T supinse your husband get a very Isrge salary." "Why do you think so?" "You are ahle to live so .well, and he belongs to so many clubs." "Yes. but you must remember that I'm an awfully good manager. I never permit myself to spend a dollar until at least 75 cent of It has beeu earned " CO1.ONI8T RATES. 0c artg (to UrtS l!t)e. Mr. K;k!iia ( la Uroicii pl7 lie Varet by kal ske4 Utat I ks sot eUre!y satiafted lo be U4 fce eti d-wtat be ran Io .? at t-y the f.m It eertaia a ccbers frcta New Erg t first trial, aed what b raa do by pf U4- He i' A what ks waatH aa4.lt -was Sip- ! erac'e ar.d towtrltaiKe, CI Isrinj tari h,r tcg sw that fc wtmMtss MtUSe. ia It that tie Vst Virt'l eaatcar Ttsi k ,mm tltth Hay lo m- lhat ttaclefT h !4 1 coT.rr.iaJ t mpt stIH has aa We ttal tt rr to t-e JsJft 4t. . rc. t recy A tto 'Wds est rf evry La ier al parent wLo cseo- Mr " '&:'6 1 14 t",41 ' , . , ... ' Kr tkaa ? The tjteestic a.rw,!y to repeat. Case a4 aa-a t;on'j re-r.i t rroral train u- cf rhj-; at14 a traa with that bvk tr'j a.w aaotset naa to tell fa wtaJ tJftn. The fcIir-rt thing t; fi It cf Ke-af-1 k sto:4 io, or tat ke sfccw' acst 4oT a it t faith cf a hi: IVA ta-1 U wbo Mr M Na U teamu It ay a!o 0 aaia 1 2 ac tae Era" . e w -m . - ih. . . r . . s . Lrt4ete, Castas!. IfcCisef aa4 P- f fciUi r"i'T. ta LttJe twsetScat acrrts krar krf tie sta- f atters oU4 Ui4 t. It ewtj ek faUitf erj ltl r.'l b ta?4 swt. as AVi-v 1 -xl tiita jo kao it Casweai:r a was tie Ck; t: Vm st4 ax tt- Ltt recV- tat was a47te4, as4 Ul tl sri at iM4 lo le-'te tt I new Erts, S la 12ly eat I We U b a sitai: '...'t r.r-rrU ak-tjn it reTTri' a tmr? irvn wtjes t'e hv4 tii4 Klm rwtrv If ftzU ail frU tr.!l U!nrt 0. dr ch.Uwn l jt a Kafjy tul aj t s,.k of ',hJ ac4 itxi tkn at tb Huh of tl wl clt to Jot tUx l s;!I 10 eif thra ta i.b darrf m (tend me the names of your friends or others In the Kast who are Interested Inter-ested In t'tah. and we will mall them copy of our "Hints to Husbandmen." and give them full Information regarding regard-ing the one way Colonists rates to t'tah from Chicago. Omaha, and olhwr Eastern points, which are on sals dally March 1st to April 15th. 1910. Inclusive See agents Salt Lake Routa for further Information, or address J H MANl'KKHKLII. A. O. P A. Salt I-ake Route. Salt I-ake, Utah. The Happy Husband. Wife "Sebastln, I Just heard you s!ih again. Now, yoj must under- and that once and for all 1 forbid vou to slgh.'V lllegende Il!atter. j Knew Their Value. I "Sir," elld the first mate, above j the howling of nhe storm, "the ship Is j likely to sink any minute " j "1 know." replied the terror tri k-' passenger, "ihere Is no hoi-- for u " j Then why donT you pur on bfe I preserver" I "I'm the manufacturer of theui ' i Catholic Standard and Tln.es . Uneapecttd Inference. i "Charb-e Itr'gl.tly K an e.-l.:.g ' promi'ng young uian " "So he a te.n N rrowlrg -tier., y from )"i. t)T '--IUlt:nor An. ri-can ri-can Neat. "1 was sory tot to r.rj.e t.- y..r wedi rir. uiadiie, bt I l Cot ia Part " "Never n,ird Tou must ne B'lt lie " - lion ivar.t An Art That is Long. 5 he -"Tb-re I r-l!y an art fa p- ; Uog en rwt t . k oow ! lie "Tree. j have to t your j kaod la before joa caa 4 St gnr-. gnr-. Jy." rVas'co TrauM-rtjt. j A Hard Taa. 1 "Tto yew care if I pwiat yoor bant" t:'" a fB' a e::s theisi tka Mij tte eviirmef boar-ter wrtta the weave tte t: e J kac-aa eipriew. j pc as-J cream corop'etk. as sbw f at Oowa her p-';te aad l-ta ar raecla ker eosor ItibeaT -No. rp:ie4 t'acl Japer; "".0 fgM asa4 It ae-ls iia!ia' el riu Sit I 4- at we bow y eiect to tit e.x a 0se tbeet Vu k"a tsj - ClTrif i T.- mZ TTT.I i T Te Value ef P. ay. f -t !! reielatk-o f tfe ek!!4 feT:iK. wak tg aa-l ueesakita. a :sacy of awaterial, tte ct 04 eca !nTaee. th k4:y fclgtt erv veraace ttat ta ;aforre fte tr-o ttett If tte ko.r a4 t!ste ej r!y -Tt "I --fc-r rfe w t fc'x;f k.a k.aahl to tie kssusf -wtf-L s Wtty. aa 1 -u eif. i ec'ai wkoie aa kis rate a:J Tte TraediaJr-Tht -fa't Is, d'ar ity. I caat sued asa:y driaka Tte Cca;e4 a "I b"e yo ss;- ly. a 4X- ke;cav |