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Show - PLEASANT GROVE NEWS . . ' BANDITS IN DRESS. SUITS USE A HOLT) UP CHICAGO RESTAURANT MAN, TAKE $83, AND FLEE ' V IN MACHINE. WEAR SILK HATS AND MASKS Force Victim Into Motor Car ' at Pistol's Point, Drive to Dark Alley, Rob Him, and Then Speed Away Before Help Arrives. Chicago. Three highwaymen of the most modern school, riding in a touring tour-ing car, wearing si 1 H hats and dressed In evening clothes held up and robbed ' Jacob M. liutz near his home several nights ago. At the point of revolvers they dragged him Into the machine, carried him a block and a half west, took $S3 from his pocket, threw him Into the street, and sped away In the darkness. liutz is the proprietor of a restau rant. During the two months he has j been there it has been his custom to ! take the day s receipts home with him. j and i! is believed the robbers were aware of this fact. "1 got off a West .Vadison street' car at South California avenue about 7:30 o'clock and.started to walk home," said liutz. "Just as I stepped off the ' curb at West Monroe street I heard j the 'honk-honk' ot an automobile horn, . and a big touring car turned the cor-I "cor and st pped f rr Tf Srif "of tii."'--""J "As the, machine came to a stand still I saw, there was a chauffeur in I front and two other men in the rear, j The two latter had masks on. I It-fore j 1 realized their purpose the men In the ! tontieau stepped out in (rout of me. j one grabbed me b the throat, the j other took hold of my collar and my right aim and they threw me into the automobile on my back " As the first man reached to catch him by the throat lUiu said the robber's rob-ber's .oven oat blew open And revealed full drt s suit, including patent le.illi er shoes, a white tie and a uhirt Trout that oomed up In the darkness like a 'snow drift In a coal mine Though he udmits he was surprised, the victim of the hamlit.s ji.nl not yet become fright ened, and he ot iM'rved that bolU men were similarly il reused In Ion;? black coats mid leather caps, lhouxh the second sec-ond mans coat was bulluiied up Climbing Into the seat while the row 0t Cribbed M( by trt Tbrt." :a;rant pro:rl'-'-r U In 'l tft'ortt f th- tar. ah n an ! a liis!ri . Ekt- llut t-l r-!-r 'I tit umkr irsy t.n or ii. !) .ti- tit !biii In a !". flit Sor..-. tfc-Kf .r th "t B'tr aorJ rwW-t! In ant ( h t.,-n .: rit tf- r. ; ;.tr. ! . .jf t. ' r ; 1 At i T. a i. f it, r ,j f. r :. f tr. x t:-, ( i ' t a ts s ' A I U 'r .. ;t-3r y i it mi rsjrV-.r-.- -f t :h rt tS Ta ti.'a i tt r ; tr it ".tt a .r-.t tt r a a-4ttr i--.a-a i a ,V 4 i t ". t ' f't ?'--f "3 M t? la "t a ; car. 'k fctit. tii ; , - I, ,., , . , . I Vm'f. n,'i 1 I -1 r all 1 1 I i LU rl , . , Hem, Y- Tha ptoptr tix kt men: X f .i- f t. . --- -t- shoes that lxk, ft, feel avn-i uu rY.X. k ' " ' " '' T"' X M3ifeJkit4vrr leather that is best by U - ' ; !A !. j evtry lot Correct in'ttyk. Hide by the faest j a t. ti) a- ts iJjoc raii-ers, in the belt cquix-d Ijcicry in cxxstcrKc yi j 4 .r ' r tvIAYER HONORBILT U I a r,--6. a , t, M W are "tScft co ;mm .H-!i x aaJatj KjU mni sst-rtoe . j l-4 J , wfc 4P r.J a-? fcrJ-l I" . t". I a Ail Irt-a a f lifctat. a 941-twit 941-twit a4 a rtr at I kM. 3f ria f a r. ir tu A LITTLE COLD. He caught a little cold That vrajiall, When they heard that he was dead. He caught a little cold That was alt Puck.) -4 Neglect of ii cough or Cold often eads to serious Iroubler To break tip v cold in twenty -lour hours and cure ny cough that. Is curable mix two ounces of Glycerine, a half-ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure and ;ight ounces of pure Whisky. Take a easpoonful every four hours. You can ouy these: at any good drug store and lastly mix them in a large bottle.. Opera the Great Leveler. At one of the Wagner operas a few days ago a woman nudged her friend nd said: "Who is that distinguished man bowing to you over there?" Her friend looked in the direction designated desig-nated and smiled in a return greeting. ''THat's my b.utcher," she said. "1 see him here quit often, When I go uiar-keting uiar-keting in the morning we always discuss dis-cuss the opera. lIeJsaGiriiiaii. . you know, and really knows a lot about other things besides cutting meat." New York Sun. How's This? TTe ntrr One Hundred Illars Reward for anr ra. of ( starrli tlial cannot be cu'roti by.ll&il'i catarrh Curt. - ' V J. ( H! h'Y A CO.. Toledo O. Wo. trw undi-rsii-'iu-il. L.iw. kiuiwn V. .1 i )- n,y ' fir the last lit vf:irs. and t-litv turn iorf'tiy Drfct '' in :tll Ici-mi.' tr uisjit Tinin and I.riKiir:All)r fcb;e to tarry out mtv ottii -atnit'nind ty hts Iirm. AlMMi, hP NA t ,MMHlN, HV!' Citrirrh Oirr- n taken iiit.-rimfiv. ai-tlnc iirci.fi- m.irf tiu ! and iiiuroim 8ur!.v-i .( the .tti.-. .i.i,i it i ir iii-i-i-t. i tue 111, i i auilty 1'Iik (or cunattpatloa. . Natural Supposition. "I inn going to burn coal hereafter." here-after." 'Hereafter? 1 thought Old Nick would ntti-nd to the lit at problem for yMi then." This-Will Interest Mothers. -Molhi-riirny 8Sirwi ruwJpm fir t'iiiltlrn, nr. Ki-Yt-rf-lMifKit. M-ai1)it-lie, llal StuDitti'h, TtMMhnur Ni.-vnlera. Ketruliit Ihe ilowrl? and I---tr WurtriN. 1'hry brt-ak up'rtiliW in HI hour ri.--f.nni to takr, ttnd harml-H a-mllk. I !iv nt-vcr tall. At .-til lirufftrittl. .V. Nnrjtilf Diaiti-il hllhh. Adilrru, Alleu M. tHmslfd, Le N. V. Any woman tan make an impres-Moil impres-Moil on a man who lias eh her a sod heart or a soft head. ' IIM V llK miOMO yl lMNF." That l UHmS Hlt'iMn VI IMN K. l-k f.r tit. Htfn-iitiri- r . r.. I -M-a tie ur,a bicrto t uri- i !(! iu tjtiv Imr. Z people who do just an they please sever please their neighbors ALCOHOI -3 PtR CENT Ahff laJJc Preparation Tin-As simil.i!ing (tie Food and Reg ula-ting ula-ting itw Stomqchj and Bowels cf 24 II.'1.'.kVi4.IIIi,IIUM Promotes Digcstion.Chff rful-mrssarul rful-mrssarul RcM Contains neither I Opium. Morphine nor Mineral ' Not Narc otic AmUM . li -.w - rww . , Kill pw t"; I A pcrff cl Rt tTH-dy for Cora ip-H ip-H lion . Sour Stomafh.Diarrtwea orms .Convulsions Tewnshr ..nrssatKjLOSSOr suli" , I T hi ( iTAin Votr. ' V- MAV YONK. I Exact Oft of Wrpjtt. ICflSTegii , . i . , b row cm e-rtrt tm to rn sor ue nxj. j ? 81 r- la aa tt .oartvt rj lmt w-.-lfm-.j a-l yoo a--kj at yaw. ? 1 1 Ask t-w- iV cVaVr; tf I hf&, r?X s. Leca; fcf ff ' 1 TmJ X CMS th -4aA I frrf.-1'i aTajlaafa.aaf iWTa Jaaa taa ar ' Hm KrV 4 lkv. n ir 1 ir- ra kta. ywtaiat aaaa J ' wrnr.aitliAtt&nm Wia ariaw I , I J VVe fcawnwaas L t( Lav fV Maria 'Wtrm y ' I tvsajri uanri, i tnrs i- -t bw bptmi ucna . s y Susxi &ina-s mad Wjrk VVar jT'' - ' f I "lFr5YER"TOOT & ) V" AWES I IFP Trt Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableXompolind Chicaeo. HI. "I was trnnMerl with falling and Inflammation, and the doc tors said I eould no 1 get well unless I had an operation. I knew I could not stand the strain of one, so I wrote to you sometime ago about my health and you told me .hat to do. After taking; Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Vegeta-ble Compound and Blood Purifier I am UMlaya well woman." Mrs. Willi ah Auhexs, 988 Yr.21st St, Chicago, 11L Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Com-pound, mqfle from native "roots and Iierb9, contains no narcotics or harmful harm-ful drugs, and tMlay holds the record for the largest number of actual cures of female diseases of an similar medicine medi-cine in the country, and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on tilts ia the llnkham laboratory at I, vim. Mass., irom women who have been cured from almost every . form of female complaints, inflammation, uU i ceration,(iisjLicements,tibroid tumor'?, irregularities reriodic nains hacV-n, lm indigestion ana nervous prostration. , ! Kvery such stiff erimr woman owes it to tiCTSrtt to give L'fil i!tr tirVt nk hmu'a reiat!table Compound a triaL If you would like special advice ' about your case write n, confitlen- i tial TetVer to Mrs. Plnkham, at Lynn, Mass.. Her advice is frcO j auu always LelpfuL Nearly Eveiy One Gets It The bowels show first sign of things going wrong. A Cascarcl taken every night . as needed keeps the bowels working naturally without grip, gripe and that upset sick feeling. , Ten cent box. we k'a traatmotot. All drutf storea. liltroot teller la Iheworld million buxe month. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years 1ST Constibation f- ZAP aa-vovaaam. 3RAVE FISHERMEN, SAVE WOMAN AND SHIP'S GREW japtain:. of smack goes to rescue res-cue OF WRECK VICTIMS THROUGH RAGING SEA. - Edgartown, Mass. To the bravery of Skipper LevT Jackson andTils crew of four men of the Edgar- town fishing smack Prlscilla Is due the rescue of 15 persons, Including Capt. Haskell. Mrs. Haskell and 13 members of the crew of the schooner Wattle B. Crowley, which was wrecked recently off Martha's Vineyard Island. The skipper's wife, like the. others, was lashed for ten hours to the rigging of the battered schooner until Capt. Jack-ton Jack-ton brought his little smack near enough to send out dories that saved them. The schooner went on the rocks at 5:30 in lher morning: The wreck was due directly to the mistake of the , Fishing Smack Goes to the man at ihe wheel In making out Edgar-town Edgar-town Hjs'hF as that on Riack Inland. KoiinJ about a a haze which pre-rlutletl pre-rlutletl observation, so that the position posi-tion of the schooner aB larxtly matter of guesswork. When the vessel ves-sel struck it was quickly seen that , there could be, no hop of savin It. i Mrs. Haskell, awakened by her biis-' biis-' band, had barely time (o snatch ' : few articles of clothing and climb the , 'ore rigging, where she was lashed to j the crossm-es. A pair of searaen't ' nibber boots, with the captain's win ; ,er hat and overcoat protected her, and j j Mrs. Haskell said t-he did not suffer j ! greatly. ! ) All day everybody clung to the rig j fing, while the tteua lintttreth ihe great i vessel to fragments At ! a m th ; i Crowlef broke In to bt neath theta , ! Ity nine o'clot k It was known h-r , ! that a Vef-)el had beeu wrecked on the reef. Kfforts were made tti g-t out to her In the-forenoon, but were unsuccessful because of the grat seas Capt. Jackson tried repeatedly to push j bis power smack Prlsrllla through the breakers, but he could not do It no til Iat In the afternoon. Four dories, i j manned by as many flohermen. took off the crew of the Crow ley ; Mrs. Haskell was the first to be J transferred. With the same nerr j which bad held ber up during ht j "hours of eiposure she came down the rigging, leaped for the dory beneath landed aafely. and was saved As Capt. Jackson and his sloop ar rived at the wharf here he was given three rousing cheers by a great crowd of people lined along the shore. UNCANNY CALL OF DEATH, Takes Man Who Cave Word to Pay a Tiny Bill and Faled. i GUssboro. N J. When :.:g. i.e l ) fttrnlghfy. a lI merchant, n 'clerk cn a fn!ltlti tour, the clerk, ' carried a btU for rer.ta balance tc ! Wesley Str-ei T !I Mr !;s-.t j I that If I am al'e tot.tl.t I ;ll st.i : ! 'B and ray Mrr." 'd the cua.xuir The tlrk returned and i. tT-J nieg.. but thf.'.g t:iite r,if r,d ' ?weet tad r' air-rd iJ h I employer "I g n Mr S a .-! Ii ded. h" t.n t nil 'o tja " j Ilim ai i r. a i R'ad'M railway aff-ii n.rr.!-1 i when In a:Ve4 Wt. !!.' , M!4 r'-;f!'ity. ! t!"f ' ; I dvad Jit tn a 'r "d ( ! '. I ru In- ar.4 a l1 t-ft'4 t tH '' felrn lwt ';J. a r f I ? th ; nt.r acd !' -1 wuh"jt a 'rufg Jen,aPe"rtWetn Co '"j r ? Takkl mln a-ao t t -fB-e a ret4t f New Tcrk. l raJ ; grr::y as ti rVkat won-aa ia i Jsfsac Sk It'v tf tt telrtf t4 ih ltl fts.:'y. wtke ?as4 ia. the aaiE rriaSe-a to tie fr.Ec- el Jar sud tt at as t"A Rofta J ctsMs 4 to .-- ta1 E-f"p A:flf f Vf ta sr tw-o cf a fj-rtise of j 1 1. .:,- la tie Lr oa r gt. a4 t ta tlxei tiat j Ifc t"e!af,'T rf rrt'atia : as4 tt r-arruae. wiVk a tu ii afair r a'-t e-"- ; t-ra--nat-. TkU Is s'.fi tc Ycfk tk t ire cf Ii i; .. cf t f-o ta -att ia t!5 tt'tx- f Raicue. i THE APPROVAL of ihe most EMINENT PHYSICIANS ; . i I" WOftI)-WDECC . - by the WELL-INFORMED,- BECAUSE KS COMFOKENT PARTS ARE KNOWN TO BE MOST WHOLESOME AND TRULY BENEFICIAL IN EE FECT, HAVE GIVEN TO ZZIXIRoFSEkNA THETIKSTF0S1TION AMONG FAMILY LAXATIVES AND HAVE-LED HAVE-LED TO ITS GENERAL USAGE WITH THE MOST UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS; ALWm BUY THE GENUINE Manufactured by theCALIPORNIA flQ SYRUP Ctt For sale byallleading druggists One size only, Regular psice50t per bottle Financial Loss Through Tuberculosis. liased on the census of 1900, it is estimated by the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis Tu-berculosis that nearly 100,000 children now' In school will die of tuberculosis' before they are 18 years of age, or that " about 6,400 die annually from tbls "disease. Estimating that on an nverpjie each child-who tiles of tuber-culohi.4 tuber-culohi.4 has had six years of schooling, lhi aggregate loss to the country in wasted education each year amounts to $1,1. ".2,000. Accordrng to investigations investiga-tions ninde in New York, Hos'ton and Stockholm, the percentage of children who are afflicted with tuberculosis Is much larger than the death rate would Indicate. To Check Ravages of Tuberculosis. The National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis declares that there are tw6 ways of checking the ravages of tulwrculosis among school children. The first way in to Instruct every school child about the dangers of the" disease' and to sho'A them how (hey themselves may prevent tuberculosis Irt.thtdr homes. The second .method Is n& establish open air sthoolafor all children who have tuberculosis or who are 'susjiect-d 'susjiect-d cases, segregating itjein from the healthy children. Dyola Is Far Superior to any dye I hove ever used. It colon , silk, cotton and wool as ckfly hs oilier dyes color either alone. That's what! Mr Simmons writes us. and she' know. If you have any dyeing to do, ' " Ityula liyes. loo a package at j jour dealer s. Direction book and j color card s-nl free by writing to Dyola. liurllngton, Yt. Neglected. "That thild gets everything it wants." ' And still it never gets what it real ly needs " "You surprise niel" "It needs a spanking" Mournful Pleasure. Master Since your wife died you have got drunk every day You had better gtt married again at ome Servant lh. sir. leave tite yet a month in my grief If It's Your Eye Use Pettit's Eye Salvf. (or ififimrrkatb-n. otta, ilrlnr( hd. r arlie. t. ff- ( vi.h n and artiMt'ttty to trorif hfV'.. Ml druitts or 11. war J ht'J , liultalo, N. Y. "re- nrv tf no tiae to u. but in as tuiu h as e ) li I1 ours h ca up lu th i and foriet i.riM-lv-s Kein-lori Common Sense IaJt h saoat mtclliifntt pcopt fa a frjj snede-tnwro snede-tnwro ol ktvoaia cawpoulxta. TWrrtore rt it (SaC lr. I'trnra'a aadcinca, tb aaakert 4 wlurli aa4 carry iaarrdtctnt tolrncj mlo Cha ap ttac Kxrtla wrappcra. ami atteat it rnrrnrtnrM atadrr ooth, are taady drpia im Uot. No St. int. Nu Dturtsn. The txtfnpcn'ikm ot Dr. Vine's ror crx-s is opt to rreo&wfj, Jr. t:rxe txint afrsirwa o bmittf the tmnJt trf ta lmm'xijo turned tufty tpon W tormmlM, bring ixmCmLmt tJutf it better the compmJtiam ot the mtetUUfet Is istrn A awarv oiff (r jrrea carfwtr werH be rewrnlitiL IWal "kor aaaafe ef lie act.T awr-iuril priac; ntrw4 fro aatir far wla. kv nart peormcw n.-aai .4a IV. farm. a4 wntWaa tV al a x f alouteJ, tr-r4-r.kaa al ctenanUr wr (l;(vna (-,.4 atsa aw 4 aa evtrarti aai arwm4 itae tvtrao nrtc tmAmg aa ike rooa txwrrd. tWa sa4eaaw arw ewtorrir Ira rnjaa thm 4-pro a4 am karaa bf crratawa aa atTita ksr Miff tkateUe lrarw4rs r UM Iatrw 4rl. FisaaatM tSa lorwoot M (hear WxW-ararfNrr-tM aiatf M avra M r Dr. Pr. sWraaMtkitait "lUt U4mt LKaawrrv." ta rrat t4-pnar, ieaicn (aa aaal KtMa-rl rr(iarr 4a r 1 1, ,, aaack. k: kkI raoaarajaj l car rma ia! ats aJaawwi attaint (a n T t as i4 M (Ml r aw wv aa natt trotarrval aTa liaw aa4 trwutial TrwwHaa. w-rak haafa aa4 Waa coajVa. iwfc, 4 Bftl ar ! tratc4 fea4 aa la ata4 twSy Uc ataii ia tm Tak "GoUr Mta&aJ gaceaw.- i. W taj it il M Urly Ka T-aepaiuat T-aepaiuat yw af at ly T f i a akaaan aa4 CraaC Uo't ritxrrtl awrweara. It are 1 4 aoi)toaafaal Air. Ytxa aa ntma wnr r-w rae aa4 fr "iVl ri Iraf Mi-arart as aW Dr. HcWs saa.caace are nai iia W rt asva4 r r jMaa af asaacaav al swaifital arwlrt,,aais rt aa aa aiiaaiiaa 4 ml. lisiaiaaA aXWafS tJMr Ur tare ra-a.a4 ley liina fa lliaa'l ac94 atm aailni aa a aaVa . iW tW I km jirwaii ra aaa ry aww opaoa-rna. A Vt W arraraa:. TW Ba Itn aj MT mn soj4 -y if eVa-na4 awat ri ia wwaar a ajr aaVaaia. a a4"e t if taa ir Mri 4 AtaHata. Dr. H.V. f mnm, fera.. IVaeV. N T. a J rev niLti : I V 4. !3H 1 171 f g Marriage, A game of chance In - which the chances are about even. The man leads at first, but after leaving the altar al-tar he usually follows breathlessly In his wife's trail. The rules are very-confusing. very-confusing. If a masked player holds you up some night at thteend of along gimrtr tXTa11edTTh?Tr. an3 entitle you to telephone the police, but If your wife holds you up for a much larger amount the next morning at the end of a long hug, it 1s termed diplomacy, and counts In tier favor. In this, as la other games of li'e, wivc-sai'e usually-allowed usually-allowed more privileges than other outlaws Judge. Appropriate. "How shall 1 set this ad. for the. minstrel show ?" "How? Why, In black-faced type, you ninny." IM NOT rPT A M'BKTITt'TK WB-B yull nt J'. ry ,) Miniil tr an n, .ihlrif la a eimhI tor rrMtiuiatt.tu. u-oral('a anil umilaf Iruuhl. v. ni)-rini-,.niunlov, i, a- and too. It Is easy In f ee the sllxtrr. lining of other people's clouds. BROWN'S BHONClI17al.TROCIlXS Aa ahaoluKty hrxlm mrff W Son TbnaL rtnarancia a-W Cmh. Uia aaaaawtaM taaal aa twbul aoa Lu Aliamor Pilrr Tfan arautaiian. tVrtra. 21 cania, &0 caota feaa $1.00 a kaa. aaawcia anil an iwit. jcmn !':' miW. Mm r 1 raw furs imm tt ana taa Baaa K aa a!4 afc,T Mm Mm mi or a hinil . - imia lHantt,ia TNI LSI I a-a.-a anelM (a hw littr4ta. KaiauaaBaa S. W aacv.lU w N. U, Salt take Cty. No. 10-1ia eoaafiaaaa sf kra4 aa4 tlsrM. avak tat raw la tM ta tali kraaata. TW mm?" t v ) |