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Show -J v - PLEASANT GROVE NEWS CHICAGO MERCHANT HAKES STATEHEN1 After Spending Thonsandi of Dollar? and Consulting the Most KmiTit CHICAGO. ILLS Mr. J. Q. Becker, of 1 34 Van Buren St., a well-known wholesale dry goods dealer, states as follows: - ! have had catarrh for more than thirty years. Have tried everything on earth and spent thousands of dollars for other medicines and with physicians, without getfing any lasting relief, re-lief, and can say to you that I have found Peruna the only remedy rem-edy that, has cured me permanently. per-manently. "Peruna has also cured my wife of catarrh. She always keeps it in the house foe an attack of cold, which it invariably cures in very short time." HER POINT OF VIEW. Sweet" .Maid You must remember that ours was a summer engagement. The Man--Tuat means, if you see anyone you like better, you'll break it? Swe-rt-Mttid Yes-.- ; The M;;n And If I see anyonej I -fflrrttwr- " Sweet Maid I'll sue you for breach of p'omise. Mfght Against Plrgue Goes On. .Aithouiih the survey of llio past years uiui-iuiM-rcumsis wuik snows tnat inticn lias bi'en done, tne rfjiorts from all parts of the country indicate that this year the amount of money to be expended, and the actual number ol patients that will he treated will be more than double that of the. pant year. f"or Instance, spvHnl appropria- uons nave ueen n.aae ... me vanous . municipalities for next years antl- i tuberculosis work. BKRivgatinK S.97.- 600. In addition to these appropria- tions over li.WiO.OOO has hn set i side by the different state .leclsla- I tures for the campaign against tube- j culosls this year. Itesides these sums, j a large number of the present exist- j lng Institutions and associations are planning enlargements of their work, and new- organizations aro being fonncdnnTy. Afler tha Hunt. b i'rrlde4 with iom trophlea of -rho chase In the shape of rabbits. Rev. Sanford C. llearu. passr of the First Methodist Kplscopal church, Yonkers, proceeded to dress them for dinner In tbe parsonage cellar. His small son watcned the father work with fnter-est. fnter-est. (Jolng ustalrs, the youngster called his mother. "Oh, mau.mK," said be, ' what do you suppo.-e papa Is ddng?" "I can't ues. child. What Is he doing?" "Well, he's Jiiht skinning, shaving and rutting up cats." Hi Discovery. The fiwcll son of thehousrhold had Juct U-en Initiated lnfb the art of cleaning hU own teeth with the soft little T.ruh his mother had bought him litartr.g the baby cry lustily a fei minute, later ,he ,,,,,-her ran into the I nurst-ry. ily tn find the n:r tug i.ottle ! n rt th.. I.ui.r ,nil ...hrMtl l,.th l.rit.h in i band, leanina- over the .b of the ! natn-tic; Infant. 'th. imnver'" he crb-d. anxioii.tly, "baby i.iii-t have lif-n boin-d wi.'out any ti('" WHEN DINNER COMES One Ought to Have a Good Appetite. A good arpetite is the Ut sauce. It goes a 1' t.K way toward helpicg In the dige;t prof. and that 1 ml'i lut. ly f.-ntlal to h. altb anj tr-t.:n. M-ny i rn tare found that Kti- Nuts fed u not only nourishing bit U a great aptlier. l.n ch'.Ulr.n Uke the east of It and grow strong and ry from Its u It is ei-cully tbe food to mike a weak storsacb strong and cr.it an appetite for dinner. I am jrmim viu, r.,r m i . j ersndj:;oth r c'snd have bad a weak I Stomach fn.ru childhood. By grat car ! as to mf d el 1 enjoid rvasan degre of t.fk. but never fcnd any- thing to er;l CrspeNtiis as a ; sundty. -W be 1 fcsve no srpeH for re,k I fast and Ju.t eat to keep p Sy atreng-h. 1 take I teasfUs cf Crape-N ... wl-k good rth mr.k atd .be. d.r.r.er comes I aa bry gever feel tike eatieg dinner Oraps j Nats for treakfast ec,s to tt a ieaV.fey arpeie for d:acr. "ljr 1J c c.k-oid grand? bad very BM-k Ji'a stctxck tf"..t d.rtrg tie it saaer.and tsKy we fst k;a ca CrspN-sta Sow k"it g-tl-g p:p asd "L WViuH t? he wants fcls i-jre or G-a;. Nv. k tr't'? p atd ("'' to ti e-.j board. He ws to trri; fo a at a l ltks to C-t R4 tie 1 .! l.k. Tle Ri t tl is t TVre's a R " S ml iW fcr..-e f ( ha hTtftttT Ift HIIWF cdh HHLJh h Hh n QUID QIIDQinV Ull-tlllll U.UUU1U.I Congress and Country Divided Over the Measure Urged by President Taft.- MIDDLE WEST OPPOSED TO IT Presidential Possibilities for . 1912 Already Being Considered in Washington Democrats Favor Gov. Harmon of Ohio. . Washington. When President Taft was in the northwest he made a plea for. the passage of a ship subsidy law at this winter's session of congress. It seems to be assured that the senate sen-ate will sanction the legislation which the president has asked, but there is still strong doubt whether the house ; will agree to put the measure through. Among the representatives the sentiment sen-timent for and against ship subsidy .eetas. to be ab.out equally divided. If anything relating to ships can be said to , hare hard sledding, the nieasiire which -would grant the subsidy for the uptMHIing of tlie merchant marine ceiUvTnly hasxjind it for some years 'Tie diffleiHtyTlsat lies in the way of legislation the object of which is sup- poseci' to be to make the American Gag a more frequent sight on the high ' ma'Pp of ' York, nukes a fine rec-jseas, rec-jseas, is that the country has been ord as thit'f executive of the metropo- divided against itself on the proposi- j lis on" pf hardest tasks that is al- lion The gre middle west seems In ' lotte'1 ,:1 r- ' " P' "rm. he may be the main to hay.- been opposed to pay - n;g out government money for what some people have declared to be the lnteresu of the ship builders. On the ! coasts east and west there has. been a strong desire to bare t-onpreiis taKe ! action. When the fight comes off in ! the house it will be In the nature of a civil warfare with nection against eection There will be no blood shed. I but there will be some strong wors i and rhallerifrinR of motives in plityr Humphrey Bill Introduced. I The bill which has been Introduced i by Representative Humphrey of Wash-1 Wash-1 Ington is the one about which tbe forces favorable to ship subsidy will ralIy and wh,ch ,tg lf)eIlt, m., array ,hPn)Belve8 In brk,f tlie bin provides ftnney ta be paid for carrjing th'nllln ships built in Am,rira mbirl of course provides luch more ,nan ,h,g has ,A. ,on9 .hlrn t ,g guppogeJ w, provWe , nurleUB for 8D jncrt.as,.j American cav- of Htl . ninUp- provisron also for adding to the navy"s trength In time of trouble the sailor sail-or who are trained on the marine hips carrying the stars and stripes. The campaign in favor of ship subsidy sub-sidy baa, been a Most vigorous one In many - ayt. A publtcatoa cjilled "The American Flag" has been sent broadcast Oiled with arguments In favor fa-vor of the measure which Is now before be-fore congress. On the other hand the majority of the Democrats In house and senate, and with- them a giodly nuiiiU-r of Republicans have de- nouiiced every proposition to subal- i dise ship builders, for this is what the ! opponents of the bill say (hat It ' amounts to ! If the measure should became a law j American ocean mail carrying steam 1 ers probably tSbuld te built on both ' coasts to carry postal matter to South j American and to some parts of th : orient The amount of money pald't' U" will srrutiriie mn fully every for carrying the mall would be suT ! bit of leg.sUtton hicb the majority Ocien' Inducement to build American ' have prow-id. A the Ik-mo rats. put j vessels which would carry not only,' l the mall, but merchandise and very: ' ' " ""i ".r u. on me ! unnt nj senate on this ),,,;on ' rlh !,b b' Prn.M f j good speeches for and K.unt the I measure, am of sharp n.hanees j which will Interest the galleries, and ! the country hen the word have ben reduced to wntfrn form Looking Forward to 19t2- i "Presidential politics" In Washing ton are lot to stght, if not to t. teresi. ! for only about on- 'ear a.'t.r tu- ca' i tional election A.'r.-ady the U rno crats and Kepubll, a:. lu ot.tlal life, ! luv P"' i-ginnifc to .k ',rmr' to "' 10 " . and j eB lo Pf"T. " tot lb . rt"f',n k l-t'e. .ill t 1 lc 'h" "8! t!- yar j i N,,ir1 h of tte aterest cetv h. .,. . " . 1 wnii,, tr. kM,w J t B great section of tfc- iUn,Waa irtv seetr.s to be !) .jtif..d aitii tie president s career o far. while ab otter ctt.o. wr. adramitg willitK " lorir e"'- J'lg lkrk Mr Taft i, noiv r "- t ohm i ,B ttm fi ,h" k " 4 UT 0"t st k !" - -r- or , Tfe h.t.bikaB. i- "T l - ' ' ' BXtt!atjs) of FY. ;.rt Tt t- yar k. Tkv .'-Ur tt..i th. t f rt !tt w.;j t.. jtie real ksd. pr.. ;. y t, k.e- k'tl tj. t. .C- ..I Ill , ttar'y to tike tt fjiVI ti at j tt re:fty AfrVa a . 4 t. - ; set to rn x?a T fr. -.,. o. 'tt! say -;;es: .. p.-, ) - 4t T?t k. -i. W t4 f-,1 ct5'.-!-y t-, . . i - : .m ; -r ft j -. ' - Cwcts C-t .e.: enthslasm. They-saythey- hold the belief that Judson Harmon. governor tits t tier-right kind of "liberal conservatism" to make him an ideal leader of the Democratic party In the next presidential cam paign, -The Democrats declare that Mr. Harmon stands well with the east and that he has not been too much of a conservative to have won the heart of the Democrats oKthe west It is to be taken for granted, however, that one reason why some of the Democrats Dem-ocrats have considered Governor Harmon Har-mon particularly available is because he comes from Ohio and has carried that state against the Republicans. The Demorcats who are favorably inclined to Harmon believe and say that if he does not carry .the state the next time he runs for governor his Lchancesor j'eceivingthe Democratic Dem-ocratic nomination virtually will be eliminated. Ija Indiana, the state next west o$ Ohio, is Governor Marshall, who was elected on the Democratic ticket in the year when the Republican Republi-can presidential candidate carried the state. In the Democratic party as. it is represented in Washington Governor Gover-nor Marshall has scores of'friends. In fact all the Democrats are personally friendly, to him. Might Pick Southern Man. j, There ate some Democrats who think that the time has come to nominate nom-inate a southern man fur the office o( president. Senator Culberson of Texas Tex-as frequently has be.en named as a man who from the Democratic standpoint stand-point is of idea! character and attainments attain-ments to head the ticket. Then there are some other Democrats who say that if Mayor William" J. C.aynor.. the ! a m ,n" nexl convention " 'oTtTiP "DPffi rrr mi "partyr- I House Want; tarly Adjournment. I , It si f vis to be tie 'ftention of those .who control the processes of IcKisla- tJfn in the hoi?e to-pass tbe appro- priwtv.n bilN and surh legislation of another kind as may be agreed upon by the l,a;! -:s. in as short a time al possible, aril to seek an early date for ad Inurnment. Looking ver the field ssmie of the Itad.ers are ready to say that corKvess flight to be able to ari.fourn by May 15, and that the members as a rt suit will b given, an opportunity to en home to look aftrt their fences which need repairing In; order to prevent '-Invasitm by. the Republican Re-publican or IVmocratlc enemy next November. The senate, however. Is a law unto Itself in the .natter of debate. The senators can talk as long as they care to upon any subject, and the vote can be taken upon a measure only by unanimous connt. This means that If one senator chooses to hold up legislation leg-islation he can do so within the limits of his physical strength. The senate leaders, like th-e house- leaders, it Is believed, have aereed to support President Pres-ident Taft'a "m-ommendatlona, and this means that as far as the chief senators haveR 1n their power, legii latlon will go through quickly, i Of course the unexpected Is likely! to happen and there may be strength enough developed by th ultra-conservatives in the tipper house who! have not c-otnmitted themselves per-1 sonally to the rrestdenfs program, to i prolong- tlj, dist ucnion on Interstate) commerce amendments or on the chniiKcs demanded in the anti trust j law, until hwv into the summer sea-' ! Watchln9 for "Jokers." The 1 n-mm rr1 s in the houfw and In the senate by agreement among them- it, they ro r. f itiierd to l-t nnv U-is latlon go thm-rh which may have 'n " anytu.i. .u ..... ...- ... u.ai is ..i.uer a in a. . . u. . mo u.litt.t vtMare ir. t.oi iw : im ?.-k.rs have -n known to And a iia.e In iegi-.ji!!'.n rt l it ba txe.- no f r. t :n the pat that n onally th. v have N-en p it in purpoly Id recent .ar. h.. r. wuh tt,e aak . eid pi.i.' e e nsure" and with tbe r'ur. u :t tt i-eejie h.t.e brought ' r- ''" " : '" abd rep f'"'''". 'he . k. r i tH-n.mm rar-r nt.i r.rr it , 1..U1 mn to djy -o -cuU! ohd' fake to Insert .. 'a ! (i;Iat!.ii. km-wii g that on Us !,. i.v. ! .' & . .-.;!. would be trarrit ard txr .-': br treM p ln-p ln-p .blU' one fi" 4I wiliit.g tu LulU'.f ti.- tea ''J the- S-!-l CECR-.E CLINTON. H M.n,aertgt. . ;..! '!.-.- BtfrtWI.- of i - - i ereS it ' the SB vv'i g a4e ail it , r.r-an r.r-an ;r :. p'L,t. e!e ;ti '"tf-r t H.t " h t.!"'" ..h l,.i !w" Ui w"jl-V.w w"jl-V.w l':t ' "a-1 ; f'tiktxi 1 1 f : cr tke ..t "t S fc'- ' H !tl fm tnaiO O tA hrT " ' rk on " Wof l ViewrBt of re; r..; ts th ti r 6ear,v 4 r. aid was fc "i ofi t-r.cfe f t, .'.ay , .'it. n - . i -r i "l ri .k "f r . r'S T-t Tfc jft (.vr .4 Oatl.en.!i -f ee '. o.f vs.:'V .,ra-l .0 ' ,l.f It fc 'r... t.s . ; 1 ' tVa IS s ! &S ? tter .1 J. i ; t is r.- ly s.- - ' ' at! ! .T . - U ti.e - . -'j. ' V ' u' i r 1 a ' J( A GOOD COUGH MIXTURE SrmpTerHdme-WadeBeffi Free from Opiates and Harm- ful Drugs. Aa-effeetlve remedy that will usu- ally break up a cold m twenty-four hours, la easily made by mixing . to gether in a large bottle two ounces of Glycerine, a half-ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine" compound pure ' and eight ounces of pure Whisky. This "mixture "mix-ture will cure any cough that is curable, cur-able, and is not expensive as it makes, enough to last the average family an entire year. Virgin Oil of Pine compound com-pound pure is prepared only in the laboratories of the Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, 0. BITTEOISAPPOiNTMENT. Kind Lad It must -be bard to find that you have Inherited ataste , for 1 beefsto-tk. Sandy Pikes Yes, munu e?peciall when t r find Iat ytr haven't inherit---, ed de beefsteak. Tbere lw n.K fiiarr1 ti tM wctton r! tht rrvrtry thQ fill u'lhT ihMS tA tnrt'ttur. nj j . ! i llu i: lew yt-A ,v ( N m-uraiiif, Juru i.uul mnj t;irs u.' t.--5 tr'!.f'u:uvl It a kcnl (I'. jm-prwcrMn! jm-prwcrMn! i, .u r-' n -.ii-s. ami by oMisi.tmiv fMn: to cur- ith in-uVnt-it, tr:.mi:in ii n trtrural ie. Solace ii.v- ir" -:t t'.it.trrii to 1m1 s cit1ilutu a tiL-ra-e. th-H'l'iri' r -tin in t'ii-.iiiutioi;;ii tiratn nt. H:iU'8 I'iif.irtii ( Un-. v,a iul.Tir.-tl lv V. J tLiiy A CO. I -i-io. !,, tit tip?' on! V ( iMtitljfltia! VW th niiirK'i. Ii fct irti-nui'V in tlM-st tnr to drop to s n -L-n-xifi'n!. It Hit 'hr-rilv ti th' t:tot nd niu'iis s.ir i A ,tf it:-- M- it -n. lluy oili r ne hnndrfxt s- f r uv c i- it 4.it to cure. &.ik1 fur eirrul in ml "nihifTH-. A'ldr-. r i i ill Ni V 4 CO.. Tolwla Olito. lake 11.11. a i Jin..) Kr tvn?tipatka. He Was an Cld Hand. "Do not a Hirer nie!" she said. ' sternly. ! "How inn. 1 to know when yot. are i angry?" he asked "I always slamp my feet," she an- j swe-red - ' 'Ilii'o.-s:Me," Jw sai(J. "There iant I room for a stamp on either of them!" That fetched her- I.ippiuott's. If You Are ? Trifle Sensitive About th Mt (if-) .tur t.htr.. Dtan ple war mtHllT r,h,M- .- u-mir Allrn s the AnltNj'Ur l'otl-r It, Hhakt- intu Ih i.itM-. It CUtVi Tll-t-l, Swnllvll, At-IUni; hrX ntl tflrrit r-t Bin. cntntort. Ju-t th tlilui; fr brraktnir in nrf t(or. -ot(l rrrrymrrr, irwv -Kampl nui r'ltKK. AU'lrt-. AUru . UiiUAtd, L Uoy, S Y. In Demand. ' "That's a v( ry ponular man" "Yes; he'll listen to. (he detuils of your Buiu.uir without insisting on telling you about-his own." I'1 viu ever have a good, .1.1 fjh- i imijiil toy' utomach ache? t'f ciure j you have. A little dowe of llamlms ,'ix- j nl (hi will liuiM' iwv a mlnky Mtn ( u the stonuK li like tiMglc. j The old proverbs dern'tid largely on the point of view, For instance, you can't convince a uiouge that a black cat brings good luck. Pettit's Eye Silvs for Over 100 Years h.i U-en ifl for cirit-ted and intUmrd ri. rrmoves film or wum over the eves. All UruKtiuUur iiuward I'iu, iiirlo, Y. V, On.; way to acquire a reputation fr amiability is to agree with every aim pl.-tou you meet. IMVIV -NKIt IIR ha. r... ,ltw-r I, i V.r; lor rlw-uff(Mli.i. IniuMtf,. fttinn.w, Iwu ... ce.doi an aurt. 1'ut , la . m- c4 a u.o-ft Kv.-ry time we see a sponce it re- ' mauls us of some men e know. M.V tr "SKiiMii IMM .-Tk,' .-Tk,' . t ri K hH.'M.. v "MVt f r o - tfB.tvrw ..t W .liV t I .1 ih. V I ,i MruAirtl.i4iliiv.ir z. liop is a maic 'ni. rn w im h often Shew Impossible pUtill.S tar. Seinaluw a Wnnlhlnc 'y..p. S.rTiiliB.h iftyla Tr-rt Ifii f f ih, i' . LHL.. V.-n deserve rsM t only as iby , gie It. mm mmw When He Courted You If he realized the anxious to have the ffl to rettore ncr to true woman: nri;tn. ilost men Uo t ' know that when a woman u !cponJcnt, there k invanai!r tomrthin; raJicallv wron-r with the cebcate fertunme organ with which her enurt phyvique is in senv.tic i)injathy. Tktis is (M, aad rwaavadv, triad aawf prmwmm. taa will mmt tVaH rika wtoa tkva faaa.aiai mtttmitmn ia waak a sTuaaad. It b Dr. Plcrcc'n Favorite Prtrficrlptlon. TVia saadiaiaa raaaar aa awrfact kvaakh Sa mmmkrmaJ ae-gaaw. ae-gaaw. anad akra tWaa atrt4. It rraket wifehood krry. raotherhooj eav. CB ""J-hfnh short anJ almoM pa r.let. It be!ps to make real "new women." An honest dru;xrt won't ktrje t?on ou a i.SJt tute. Tha "Favtte Prcriftion a pure t?yrer rrrract cl native n-jed, r.c aJ conta:.-! ro ai-r Cot. :ri;wrioii ce hab-t-formiri fc irrrd-Ttti rrtd cn rs :t I . j r-' rl ft erra SVk. I.-.r s4 I im j t PUTNAM M aaraiaii aa aa) aaa-v - aa aa I I WM ,j.lMf i. J1 Wl''.jf"' Minn ii mir- - 1 Li .(.-. - ii f i- - " '.-- BgvjrtT ir r a a j ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT Aegetabie Preparation Tor As - similatii similating theFoodandflefiula-ling theFoodandflefiula-ling rhe S tomachs and Bowels of lit Promotes Digcstion,Cheerful-ness Digcstion,Cheerful-ness and Rest Contains neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic pit roM DrSAMiEirrrcrE h'mrm Sfgd -Wmkrjrttm Flavor Anrrfrct Remedy forConstira lion . Soor Stomach, Diarrhoea WormsConvulsions'.Fevcrisfr1 ncss and LOSS OF bLEEP Fac Simile Signature of The Centaur Company. NEW YORIC "Exact Cerpf of Wrapper. a'tagR'iOT''. rr,iv .mini iiitwmmi ) lit 1 BBBHOTniNfi MAKE GOOD GARDENS To Produce Good Crops, you must have Good Seeds, Thoroughly Tested and Graded. " - OUR BIG CATALOG Gives you a Complete List of Juat What You Need for your Planting. Your dealer handle our Seeda. Our CATALOG is FREE for th Asking. WRITE FOR IT AT ONCE .w turn "rvr 5 T LACY VfHITE UCHT W N. U.. Salt J.ase City. No. 4-1910. r w- rTm m-.i l aw w r- 17 w a i ; a 9-r ri . W W- i r m STW a lA a a sa m a He didn't complain if you were a httlc dc,nnd-ent dc,nnd-ent or irritable at timet. Now he dorv He's the uitic nun. He dJn't undent ami-then. He doesn't now. Then he thought it w i caprice ca-price and liked tt. Now he thinkt it n caprice and doeta't Lke tt. But now he'i buy retting money. fu'J truth he woull be mere than wife he loves take the right reined it weak, nervous, imtib'c arvi dr.rv A I cl :A"-' ov..'e TrTf asJ -J ..v SJ aa iaa.fr. FADELESS DYES ta. aaamaai a taawa. TVa aw '4 ( avw V" aa aear tH V aa ae iSaSaawiil. momKQt OMUO CO.. Qiawa. ljaaW. For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought "Bears -the' wa. DENVER, COLO. ? - WW III m Sisnature All Use- Jf For Over Thirty Years- em k i -u wi mm nun i iii ri n m y-1, b u n m h h ii ii "i rt uimin mbmdv, mmw orw t im mm m m ' u n' n n'm' ' m mi .lnr,JBrUt& .Tf ' r Ii T IISllll iVtiJi'.i' t I 'mj'i ii . .'jP.sV ill: m IWssssssMSBaMSMSlsMMiaMMii i i iS I M ka lUUMrti tti-?.Kk Uap, bdM at a low pnea, Tlarra ar laap that en bc but dWr an britrr taap at mrf pnre. Tks (Wnrr, the U th Gnv I ..l.U-r H arw vsJ rf. inas is a Ump: lKr parW i it RAYO I AMP mm prrlndy rofxtntrtrd and tfns it rmrtung kaoa in ti iki tA Uatp.auk.nt that coukj add lo lid t.ltj o RAYO mm S l-hl-enA drrirc. Sul,U lo. aaf room ta Hi kaxas, K. f ... at T-n mr-tm COM1.NEMAL OIL COMPANY UawnAkti Aa kk-al Prevent NO STROfTING NO HONING Waowai VMS, woau ens Readers tj swrwrw svi kanaa wkat tbry aak (as. ail 2s PARKIN 8 HAIR BALSAM ii was 1 V (aatt iniii s totfa. fak MwV 9' IssActt VW a.- Waaa9aa,'.a TV 1 Omm arv 4 s , tawaja. v ay f - r l-slj- lOWWD L BUITOV. 'Wli?. . 2 . - a t imvh Si a a t- ea i C-w, a4 Ti.a I ar.a taa. awt. RAW FURS ItES 113 mt. eeis nrs ii k:i3 rr.- r.v-- arra. raK wKa.a-4i-9. aa. au,-.ia n ..its aia. umnia Finn :: izv r: f VjMkT t -(a.Jw4 . a-vsa. Aa,. ILayfsastat Ms assafrat ajaadj a tfi ea , Hfl'l 4Hfa, aa, lakw ie-Ass, . mt Wmv ir I ,i t a I 4 |