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Show "I'"' t i VOL. 1 PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH. FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1910. WESTERN NEWSPAPER No. 12 ' a J.' J- 4-- - . 1 vjy 1 1 On t. fzr r rrn i r tfTrN W-- x o rn id E Lll 10 II TOWN BY THE Board of CouncUmen Are Ap posed Arid Wm Start Business Busi-ness Immediately - (Special to tht News from Provo.) Goshen is now a town." The petition of 118 qualified electors was consid ered yesterday at a meeting of the board of county commissioners. The petition was granted and a resolution adopted, which makes Goshen a town. The people, of Goshen are enthusiastic over the new method of affairs and promise to-make the town worth while. With the petition came the recommendations recom-mendations that certain town directors direct-ors be-appointed. The commissioners Consequently acquiesced and the following fol-lowing named men will act as members of the town board: Ephraim Finch, president; David Dahle, James Peterson, Peter-son, John Burreston, William Jasper-son. Jasper-son. It is expected that Win. Edwards will be appointed, town marshal. t To Have Saloon. Previous to the forming of a town, W. H. Burraston had asked the com- . f . M 11 11 A. wwfiewawros - wit- iTnTtnr tirpn m m m i r rm meeting yesterday he asked that the application be withdrawn as the' same will be considered by the town board of Goshen. It is stated that the application ap-plication will be granted as the new town will be in need or revenue. CITY COUNCIL. Jos. Clark petitioned council for a reduction of bis dance .hall license from 40 to f 25 for six months until they have been conducted upon a paying pay-ing basis, which was granted, provided provi-ded that the license be non-transferable. Recorder was authorized to issue warrants for payment of city electric light bills without referring same to council The official bond of J. P. Fugal. superintendent of city water works, was approved and .filed. The super-Intendent super-Intendent of water works was instructed instruc-ted to collect assessments for six months ir ranee. Judiciary committee was instructed to dn.ft an nrd'.nance Teg-jlatfng the u4 of city water for motwr purposes, ayd fixing the rate of assessment roerefor. - Joseph Clark petitioned for a reduction re-duction of the dance hall water rate. Prtltlon tabled A communication from Isaac Carl son, submitting a proposition for wa-termasfprshlp, wa-termasfprshlp, received and tabled. Committee on city property wa re-queHU-d to continue their efforts to find a suitable place for storing Ore apparatus, and to attend to repairing of the hone for the water" wagon. Moved that the mayor and record er be empowered to draft corporate notes covering the city's overdraft at the bank carried unanimously. Moved and carried that Mayor OoopT attend the State Municipal League meeting to be held at Logan on the 24.1th and 2"th InM. An appropriation of !." for recorders record-ers contingent was made. Councilman Nelson prevented a bill of l expene of trip to Salt Ijike on official business. Ordered paid. The recorder was requited to notify no-tify the "Wldtnoe Company" to remove re-move all obstructions from the roadway road-way known as the "Big Spring Road" on Kfghth North and Second East treats. The mayor was authorized to confer con-fer with attorneys relative to filing papers In the Hoi man suit. Councltmen Nelson and Frampton reported findings of the Irrigation torn-tnitte torn-tnitte reerardlag proposals of prospective pro-spective watermsnters wltbotit recommendation. recom-mendation. The committee was held for report at next meeting. Frank Ftampton is very 111 of la-grippe. la-grippe. Laura Rlchtns aa an American Fork visitor Saturday. Olive Neloon entertained a few friends at her home Sunday evening Mr. and Mr leter Jensen visited friends in Vineyard. Sunday. John Oler. ho has bn visiting here, has lately returned to his home lo Canada In honor of the event of her Ely- i s'l'f! MrtM1t, .Mrs. J. l lisrvey en- teriained fr1ed and relative at dinner. din-ner. lst Sutsdsv M! Or Hsrvy entertained the C R club Ut Monday. A dainty lunrb eon as rved and tfce members reported re-ported hsTiis ;-ent a pleasant eve- BlBf V ! llol;r!rake. one o the district dis-trict ftrmA tearhers. b b-e COS-fned COS-fned to her fc.mse t Anvr1rB Fork drB ISm entire ek fnm tke f fet of a sever re f la grips VarI Srak rTV4 twit 11 a rt " lve'y toet In fremt ft 1V 4 nit "re beea t o lky W9i-Mr Wra Clk awd Guy FrtwHce. 0 irs ir!e ihhl by tt- Urn msrsial tm c tie s-ea. sjive fT tbe sbwc r4 a I't tie rr ad r res. t t vee t er.wt tad t Jee. mmc-n t 3t cwoly asy 1st U lade. inn ID 0 TO EE STRAIGHT- City and County Officials and .Farmers Making Effort to Protect The Prnnerrv (Special to the News from Provo.) United effort is to be made to protect pro-tect property from the high waters of the Provo river. This iathe result of aneeting which, was held Saturday afternoon by the county commission-ers, commission-ers, city council committee, and land owners along the river. 'Committees were appointed and it is expected that effective work will be commenced in the near future so that it will be completed com-pleted by the time the snow thaws in the mountains. The committees were instructed to straighten the course of the river and have the sand bars and other obstructions removed. A. M. Carter was chosen chairman of the meeting and E. S. Hinckley, secretary. Mr, Carter stated the purpose pur-pose of the meeting and suggested the importance of taking steps for prop- exlXjfirolectioJL To Straighten River Course. There were several speakers, all fa voring the straightening of the course of the river, and removing the impediments, impedi-ments, Objections were made to dams being constructed, which-turn the wa ter away from the land of the person who constructs the dam and deflects it onto the property of other persons. This was a practice last season and several farms were damaged, because of the follies l the "other fellow." County to Assist. County Commissioner Ward was of the opinion that the county would assist as-sist financially to the extent the law would allow. He argued the necessity ne-cessity of having a right of way on each side of the river that people would not be trespassing when during dur-ing the high water season the work was needed. ; . . . . Mr. Knudson moved that the channel chan-nel or river be straightened and confined con-fined to one hundred and ten feet in width. He spolte strongly In favor of a right of way osl each aide of the river jflc,eislv K tr provio'e for an embankment fd a drive way. He suggested thaijhis land should be a gift from the owners or be purchased hv Provo Pit V and I'tah rntintr Th above motion wss carried with but i one dissenting vote. Committees Appointed. j, Th following foiiitiilttef was ap- I pointed to designate the -lines of the ! river and secure expresnlons from the land owners effect: James R. Glade Andrew Knudson. A M Carter and Charles II. Ward. I The foliomlng mill ascertain what! work the land owner will do. etc: II. J. Goddard. George Cxk. Herman Knudson, J. J. Madron, and Marlon dinger. Meeting was adjourned until Wednesday, Wed-nesday, at 2 p. m. LINOON NEWS. Mrs. low. Charles Weft is reported very 'Mrs. Fouik. an old time resident of Lindon, died at her home, Thursday night and was buned Saturday at 1 o'clock. County CommisH'ner A B Walker Is dangerously 111 a! her home The three consulting physicians hsve dl-agnooed dl-agnooed bis case "Kciison" disease, an affection of the kldreyp Robert Thorne tu ( Wed a deal by hlch be has transferred to F. N. Milieu of Provo tench his landed holdings In the ea; part of this district, dis-trict, consisting of 2 acres for the consideration of l!,'--' ranh In band. Mr. Thorne Is efimly considering buying a cottage ic IMeajiant Grove here he and Mrs luorne may en ,'oy the advantages n.i rest hirb a lone and busy farm ' fe has earned ; for them. J II Newman Jr . bis parents. home vt!t!og Lorn January Loader, a girl. 2th to Mrs William FTJta Newtsy rett-fed boiu from Nepbt Sunday Ixuis Uertertson -.- ct a :o SU Las ttii e. w d)t Mis Pearl Raaa" a birthday party S .r ' Mr asd Vit jo -Suada? in Proo .:- ; Mr nd r Jr Het Tuesday la Ass -ctertaiBed if tirn.lt at Alan. y tt U'ive IHIi -iay Sr. -b Fork Vr and Mrs Mm ' Vosn kv a&d sar5et fever ttit'.ty. Osar Walters H x. visir.tg tsh lis uter. Mt k A h-.-fc!r.a G. W CtJfss e:t fe cmr is Tow! o Tseeday. . t tt rUee Mr and Mrw Lars .s!r upent tk ecragiet e t r d,stef Eb- " to Mr mt of Cat4a Tie at ail rge wiJ Uke (U ttt ntoatk E mm TAXES HIGHER A CCORD. ING TO INSTRUCTIONS GIVENBYSTA TEBOARD Call Attention-To Carelessness of Officials Offi-cials In The Past And Suggests Re- medies Needs More Monfcy "Accofding'to suggestions from the State Board of Equalization, the ta,x-es ta,x-es for 1910 will be higher than last year. This will, of course, depend on the work of the assessors in the respective counties. Instructions sent out by the above named board, call attention to the need of more money to run the affairs of the state and advises that the-assessor be more careful In assessing as-sessing the lands and properties. According to their statement, land r$s advanced in value materially the last few years, and yet the assessment rolls show very little increase. This i s due to carelessness on the part of county assessors. There has also been a .noted delinquency In placing the valuation of stock. The state board of equalization ask that this be remedied. reme-died. Full instructions have been .given county commissioners and assessors assess-ors to make higher valuations which will, of course, mean that the taxes will be higher. A portion of the arguments put forth by the state board, follow: - The Board desires to work in harmony har-mony and co-operation with the officials offi-cials of the various counties of -the state to the end that a just and equit able assessment shall be made, and that once it J.8. !MdfijLilLnoL.tt-Bcei..l sary for this board to make changes that will necessitate the labor and expense ex-pense of -a readjustment of the tax rolls. Accordingly we have to suggest that livestock be assessed as follows: range sheep, 12.50 per headr range Cat tle, $14.00 per head. Horses, at their cash value, which we think should be higher than last year, graded according accord-ing to value. M lick . cows, not less than 120.00 per head. Assess Livestock. We renew our suggestions of last year to the effect that blooded livestock live-stock be assessed for what it is worth. The board desires to especially emphasize em-phasize the necessity of assessing the full number of all live stock. According Accord-ing to the best information obtainable by this board, it has been customary to assess the farmer or other small owner having stock at home, with every ev-ery animal he owns, but to allow the stockmen with cattle or horses on the range- to escape with an assessment of from 25 to 50 per cent of his actual number, and the sheepmen with from fiO to 80 per.cent. Tbi U mna'totly to tne smair owner, as wen as to tne crease f valuations. Ileal estate owiers of other classes of property, should bear a Just share of this in-and in-and inasmuch as the only remedy In crease, both as farm and fruit lands, the hands Of this board is to Increase CAN II Y FOR A Effort Made by Father of Dying Child but Druggist Refuse to Break Ordinance (Special to the News from Provo.) Yes, Provo is dry. &o dry that even a little brandy cannot be obtained for a sick child. A prescription signed by Dr. Westwood, and subsequently approved by Councilman Powelson and Thomas, asking for four ounces of brandy, was refused yesterday at the Palace Drug store. An effort was made in other drug stores but everyone every-one refused to sell the liquor. The child was III, having a severe cats of pneumonia. The doctor said it needed need-ed a Ititle brandy as nourishment but up to a late hour last night, the stimulant stim-ulant was not obtained and the par ents of the little one are worried as to the outcome. Yesterday, IJr. Westwood banded tbe prescription to J. Smith-, father. ol the sick child and told him to get four ounce of brandy. Obedient to the suggestion be vent to tbe Palace I Tug store and presented the nrearrtp tJon. The druggist looked at the prescription pre-scription and then at Smith and i(h a smile said' "I can t fill that because I aould be breaking the city ordinance" ordi-nance" He was so Grin la bis con entions that Smith saw that any ar jfuOieot vould be uselem. Coes to Councilmen. Tkl.VU. at... W m. I .... -, I . uiu. iur p uiuir vt emir , of tbe city rovnrtloiea would bate j wo effect oa the "law abiding' dn.s tU Mr Smith went la Hyrum F TtomAs and prevented tbe case Vr Tbomaa sitrDed tbe prescription, t . eipUIced that be d:d no think tl tt wnu'.d hae any ir.iH itb tbe drutit Mr gailth aaln trWd h dnsg store b-Jt without any faort-t reit ll subsequently west to tiw-rf -j loe!sjft. prideat os" tbe ctmar::. at I ' asked ttal be do somettleg fov fc!rux o tta? be rrmld btaJn tbe brn4F U hi sick ch!ld Mr Pow eUcsi st- ' tiat,as far as he was roeoerwed ' wch.,1 k-e flnH to ast In any ' in cms at etckneas and co; ? ' rd tb prewrrfptfoei asking t. brwady SUi tit drtfgttt ref x4 i . Sell. Mr Fxrth tried to g- tie t ti ait tica la gttttg U Uor. l of re. ke was tc4 tbey rcad lo ota:a ft Frm tb farta tt wviJi anew.' ' OBTAIN Itlai Provo is Wtr. j or decrease by classes, thus enlarging and perpetuating the injustice already done, we urge you to see to it that justlo? is done by the original assess ment or by the county board of equali MOW WfciTmlialsqrc6mMW tivenr easy matter for the countv as sessors to have accurate knowledge of these facts and to make an equitable assessment, if they will only get out of the habit of allowing the owners qflunder the treasurer's signature.. after iivesioix io dictate their own numbers. num-bers. We call attention to the fact that Mag t year the valuation placed upoa bees varied In different counties from $1.00 to $5.25 per colony, and recortaiend a uniform valuation of $3. Swine varied from $2.42 per head. In One county, to $6.63 in another, and we -recommend a valuation of $4.00 and toward. x., Valut tf Rm( E,t,te. Retfl estate has verv mnterlnllv In. creased In value throughout the state the p t three years, yet the schedules for a same calls essment remain practically the rom year to year, and the board littention to the fact that the burdf fcs of city, county and state, en tailed! by reason of necessary public improvements, increased - population. the demand for Improved and enlarged editc U'al facilities, etc.. can only be me-('&'it.dcsubU .d ktt'utXto !r and as city property. j Action, of Officials Would Sug-eest Sug-eest That Forces Are CombinedRoad Com-binedRoad Work Assured (Special to the News from Provo.) Persistent denials have been mad by the Rock Island railroad officials in regard to their affiliations with the Moffat road and the financial end of the construction of the last named road. However, there are reasons being be-ing put forth whioh would indicate that these denials are not altogether truthful. Forest Supervisor Anderson bo has jtit cone from Vernal Is authority for the statement that Rock Island oft ctal have 'recently purchased tbe entire en-tire townalte of Independence In the lima alley and tbe general Impres sioo given by tbe purchasers was that I the railroad would soon tx In that ce iton of the country. People are led i to believe that the Rock UUnd would tK' b baying land la a "way off" place i!'out tbe anticipation of railroad c'ol section. Officials Mere. , T?e fart tbat the chief ti Bn 'r the two named roads should nte per-onal Investigation ol the pro-p pro-p -d route at this seaooo of tbe year. , en-tiring tbe roid weather in the ni".ntains, travel over rid- and in J j valleys, lo deep snow and tl-n i i . uy make tr.etr way to their eiab j ot.".s B(v la tbe et. is fc,f , :ftsjr. T!ere is nmch ev.dn of certain 1 to n.aie ; THE MOFFAT ROAD 'AliD HOCK ISLAND . ;SitiC8. Headed Teard Pree. mvtd Mo? at. who ts pre:dst of Moffat r4. bas tcade tb a' tt tbat fee etferterf to r,c;t.V roaJ to iTiwo wubin two years - rod ts ri'ed leto tti city s tlr&e vt WiAX'.m Crk rasyes proc" rmt ts drct!v wv a the Crrw4rt bofdT Lee lrwtt r -.ta and Wasarth rebat e, tiese -v this ttm'f via Hr-tt; crk t line 11 Ml cvss. i era He frtra tb 4 .taae ty r.d lm ' oa every -ym rcs.es tie asar at tiat ti Mc?at rcJ is ts'W lb Kr ls'a4 aed fiat tte rm mi: Ke --" t v Prcvo w: I m -wetted by tie ettxasce -f iw.lt --s Irowd t-e;.e tst (be Kki Island ' 1 ' the M. rt rowds are crntemp!at i bare t the . r a con,bn How ar-.d ten ' m:n ' ir at the Tahrna-l teenn.i rd ts nfil m n-.il'er fjiti'tt at T .1 Otcli I BEWARE OF B D G U IE GO M M I SS JO HERS ONE DOLLAR ' EARN THEIR BILLS ' SALARY Chief Wilkesof Secret Service Warns West Against Coun-terfitter's Coun-terfitter's Work ' (Special to the News from Provo.) htef-Wiikte-of "thTTnitedr Stales secret service, has issued warning of a counterfeit one dollar bill which to to be circulated in the west shortly. It has been found in circulation In Chi-cago. Chi-cago. Upon the finding of any of the counterfeits they should be taken to the federal authorities at once and will be replaced by good currency. It is of the series of 1899, W. T. Vernon, Ver-non, register of the treasury, Charles H. Treat, treasurer, bears the portraits of Lincoln and Grant, and bears the number R92786452. The following warning is given by Mr. Wilkle: "The eertificale has apparently been printed from retouched photomechanl-caj photomechanl-caj plates on good bond paper. Ink lines are used to imitate the silk fiber. The general appearance is most deceptive. decep-tive. The numbering.. seal and large blue numeral are very well executed, but the .portraits are nbt so good. A dlstlircrmepStaiTerfesefila GrafiTs nose, and is visible as far as the portrait por-trait can be seen. "Periods are omitted after. 'Chaat H. Treat,' over the T 1n United States. the "i and after 'Vernon' in the slg nature of the register. "The small word 'United' in the upper up-per end, immediately to the right of Grant's portrait, is spelled 'Uslted. - "Should any of these bills be found, they should be turned over to the federal fed-eral authorities at once, and will be replaced with legal tender." WAS IT ROOT BKERT Marshal Smith of Pleasant Oroye made a raid on the F. C. Banks saloon last night and arrested' Mr. Banks for breaking the ordinance by selling! liquor. li-quor. The marshal claims to have seen Mr. Banks draw some liquor from a keg underneath the bar and put it Into some hot tea which was being served across the bar.. Jle demand"! to know what was being put inf i iwa hMti the props uui" ..u i V.V vV bim, whereupon the marshal drew bU revolver on tbe proprietor and put him under arrest. The marshal went lor a search warrant that be might ex-an.lne ex-an.lne the contents of the keg. Tbe superstition Is that while he was obtaining ob-taining the enrch warrant the jto- k. prietor changed the contents of the keg for Koine root beer Mr. Hanks wa arretted on the Honor Felling i lium' nn! rave bnda to (he amount i lloo. The rase was heard by Jus-'ke Jus-'ke Min-iin tills afternoon and Hanks a acquitted. Mr and Mrs. Joseph Whitley of I'rnwi Bench, entertained theJr bro-tlierH bro-tlierH and sisters Wednesday evening. They served refreshments at S o'clock. Aftr sMipiwr they played cnine and had a mm inl chat. About ten or eleven elev-en they served Ice cream They all had an enjoyable time BOOSTER'S BOOKLET. The officers of the Boosters club met Wednesdsy night and h-rd thtrj report of two committees, cmc lur-provenaent lur-provenaent and advertising The civic Improvement report embodies em-bodies matters of utmost imixirtauce to the present situation in n.e city which are to be put up to the iilliens and to the city council for mimed I ale action. The report Is reproduced entire. The committee on adverti'ing submitted sub-mitted the proi4-ctus of a txKister" booklet which was heartily endors-d und is commended to the b'i:r.i-&4 men and citirens HIGH SCHOOL. Alpine Stake cctifereri t 1H held at l-hl Sunday be Kah. rsh. rah' for ,r: Heber H:gb Scboiil bas-t'tilght bas-t'tilght Many ol the Kciti ' taking a lively intrt for the NKWS president Karl Haul lt)t Body, received y"'1 teen handsome j,r"-t.' t f-i-L'-n p G M 8 ift PId of b!e uver the ill team -nts ar' rrltioK lb St a lay cine . the in ite -o a ei. t- , rd nt Ci aday J.C r l i jritie4 ty Par- Tbe -fc-l tird ar. . their ;n teistiotl of -J l-ij;s . vg fc-e-! ;e tt a'.bletic parsf ; . n.sho- t!b Tf.e Hui'tf t OlB!ri j to d- tte tra b "0 tbat tr t-att &ay te ta.a!W t away pic-p K P t'a 4 ts Frt Wa-1 !w?t.tal rven'-n t-t n v.-s aftersKw at tk - i tbe t-e-t i ' ' id.tg f -1 at & o't a ''; tr.- t s -a aaauu , 'T Pnr-pr and as est.rg ; irsfa bar ss ' Tbr w v,;Uia r ?te e)kj c '1 t MxrH isrl j t L34 a?4 r 's. eJwe t tie re 4 tittp. s'l 4 w 1.--3 are t f of t? e ts ward County Fathers Are Very Busy Listen to Troubles Then Give Kinclly Advice (Special to the News from Provo.)'. The county commissioners earned their salary yesterday in a busy session. ses-sion. Chairman Walker was unable to attend, due to sickness. Messrs, Ward and Lewis were present. The following matters were discussed: Ask For Better Road. Y. J. Cordner and others asked that the county road In fy'ttt of John Raw-lings' Raw-lings' property in vineyard, running west to the railroad track, and east to Provo Bench, be repaired. Takes "under advisement. Road to Fruit Land. Loren B. Curtis, president of the Mosida Fruit Land company, whlck owns lands on the west side of TJtaJi lake, petitioned to have the county road west of the lake straightened. Taken under advisement. The Mosida Mo-sida company's lands will be watered by pumping from the lake. It la the intention- to cut lh land wp 4 a to email - tots. It is said to be exceptionally well adapted to fruit culture. -p The citizens of Salem petitioned for the right to use the county road for . erecting poles for a power line. ; Referred Re-ferred to Commissioner Lewis. --Constable --Constable Resigns. The resignation of John R. Bromley as constable of Mapleton, he having been appointed president of the town board, was accepted. "", Liquor Licenses. Liquor licenses were Issued to the following applicants: Ilowen Bros., Thomas Arrowsmlth, Martin Robin and H. and W. E. Smith, all of Colton. John H. James, Tucker. James Lombardl, .Thistle. The petition of James V. Creer. et a!., asking Jor a change of the county road from Spanish Fork to Leland, where It crosses the D. tit,G. R.H, vas referred to Commissioner Lewis. HONORED MAN DIES ' .... V wair;Vt , it-'d uLX' t-!w-t ;v.J i ' ... a . . m Mil,... ... biost respected cltlxens of Pleasant Grove, died suddenly Tuesday morning at 7:20 o'clock from asthma f tie heart. His passing was moat unexpected unex-pected and singular. He bad arisen py to see bis son Jiueph off oa the rabbit hunt and as Just in the act of laughing at the antics of bis little j grandson when the attack came oa and In less than to minutes he was dead.. Sitmuel Green, the oldest son of William and Mar Green, was bora In ihropHhire, Kngland, October 2a, 1)3I. He came to I'tah fn 1853 and to Pleasant tlrove. "4h!ch baa since been his home in Four years la ter he luarrter I'umelo Wlshaw, and to tlu-m were born eluhteen children, of whom sli sum and two daughters are now living, who, in addition ts fifty seven grandchildren and Ave great grandchildren make a posterity of seventy souls. His public life may be said to begin be-gin In when be went back across the plains, tr the Missouri river to assist as-sist Immigrants to t'tah. He has beea active In tbe building of bis home city, having the distinction o' representing repre-senting his district In tbe city council for eight years, first with Mayor (1 Keetrti. two terms with Mayor Jo. K Thome and last with Mayor J. O. Bullock lo all these years his official duties were ably d!chrKed Such was tbe quality of bis private and bis public life that to all men who knew hint the name or word of Samuel Green stood as synonymous for bonor aal integrity. LOADER ON THE CAME.. In a game tf t.-k-rt ail t-layed lt Friday in the Aio'.lo hll, Aiuertcas Fork llish S!o.tl a eHlly defeat ed by tbe star fe t..m the P ti. U S The Anieruao Fork ac was out lased In nery p..nt of th itai Tbe score in tL.rt, a ta thirty sine in faor f lle !t.r It wa tr. nr iimr of the league and It m h n..i tf.at the all Ur i five from I'lur! iroe ijo Uf ajt:-t!'t th- t. t-;nh of tket t.aH t layer r. t e , .. ,n' ) i T' I'ciuf) '.. t' o .r toys a ' ti lis - ' b.- i"itit'tne of I?e;r fiit'. re e.u. !f -. n-'.d read the-.r th'fvi ! ..J4 t. sie: . v :. tr -. b t.4 T H'sb i J 1W4. ther'( re Wt!k tt!S tB W e wtli -. i i -v ! r ci'y is ' tb n; fel ,'a..-4 ttt tt es " !? j- i i . i Jo e'r .! :! ;o t I yd sr. , r ,,). n . .r ot stafl lf('.' t -.B erytt:ng. W LiNCOH WINS PiCECM SMOOT. ltt.ioXa 3b tbe . -! it. ' .dew a daa r.mtl Crete Pn! ward era jt'ir'.i TI -f w.,4 !&d cat :tt it w ara r'" 4y f -r tt tsuuA srtj!' w'efer st-ortf tard'y tft rr if t. : i 4 t x. S va.-.-atle locks t.brmry T )-'ft 'it !f lae atAar i .14 4cwa w ..et fr. - r t 4 -w I . 1 1 |