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Show 6 ' -; ' ' . :" PLEASANT GEOVE NEWS ri 'J: i. SES YOllR WATCH KEEP-TI ME i If H doti, cheek your tint with our atand-awd atand-awd railroad doe, ueod by all th railroad aqrsteasa in Utah. If it does not haap timo, M our railroad watch exports put it inordar far you. Wa sell all atandard line of rail- I watches. 170 I ST. SALT LAKE CIT1C UTAH. THIS ORGAN ONLY FVLLY WARRANTED PER MONTH lah or Mail - - CUT OUT THIS Send in (or Catalogue Ce i eit are the true foundation of large crept. Of, bij Cataloiue t,IW ell about the Wit aeedt that grow. Sena lor Free Copy. miUli EM COSalt Lake City A Dull Scholar. The negro boy was up for the fifth lime on the Charlie of chlcl;en steal-Ins. steal-Ins. This tiinn the magistrate decided de-cided lo appeal "to tin' boy" father. ' Now. see here, Alie." said he to ihe .darky, "this, boy of yours has bee up in court bo many times for leu. mi; chicki ns Ibat I'm tired of BHntf him here." '"Ah don't blame you. Bah." returned re-turned the father.- "Ah's tired of seeing see-ing him here, too." ' ' "Then why don't you teach him how to act? Show him the rlaht way, and he won't be coming here." " Ah has showed "lm de right way, ah," dflared the old man. earnestly. "Ah has suttenly showed "Ita de right -ay. but he wmithow keeps sottln' c&uxbt com. In' 'way wld dose chick-osV' chick-osV' riiiladelphia llt-cord. Lack of Appreciation. Cawy, (M-mli)g; wealthy. Invited run of his old friends In to dtnnerr After dinner. Casey passed annind tJie ciicara. They were big, fat, black iars. tliat ct him V cent each. lloi-iiri, taking IiIh ci:ar. bit klxut haif iif It off nnl fiuzlvU 'h- other ka!f in lighting K ' "Man, 'man." said -Cawy ' W1i.it are yvt afther doln' t' that see:irT "TIh a line heenar. a tine !' H" y n apjiree'attnti rif a ji. !u'' "Th truf IB." replied llnui. .i-chew .i-chew d cfT another im b f I.i- i ';.u I e l i a al'it-kin' a Mi:p.- m 1 I ! raji't lh' d.ffei ,'Hi U ' ;l a t i . - an' a tin " IHl-buns t'b: m 1- I e.c-;P' e.c-;P' He Was Shon. , Is,. H.i-'-M T(i ;t -l K-tl tin .1 ! 1 r.4i !i Vuo'lu-r ln.iii .- i ' ! r.ir a --al v,i'i, inn frivi-l.ii "I I I k-- !. I.ii.- .'lew .!''' 1 i . I In .tih t i.i.i i ' I d 1 I . s. e - -.U ';e$ Tl.i'!!; rM'l:,i rii.iti m...! !! lue' i.i- .ul . - Y J 1 U.e "In t: n'.f -sskl h- lit" a'l.a eriT. " r:t a'!. r 'h- h'sr - K.iti.-..i I ",' t: r l' A P. litSjH Fitii ty. A 1 i ! . - i-t i ' t . ' I. ' ' 1 1 "'in' v . . a i i -. r. I ' i. !. i.-t i- 1 1 !:;r hi f - '..!.. .: i N V4.-. . - i ' ... , ... . M ! .. ! k". 'I - 4':. v ! .- ! ' ' !. tre'.'St Qjai 'tat-c- 1 .sr.- -- Ia .1 J iU,! I :: It :' V- f ' T Bctt ti ! s : i:r tr-ftf ttf",' Ika .- -" , n -fig " 'I f ; U,r Haitian t -c '.'' i,- ' ? -l -.. f- t--v to 't op a f..r' ' C-!ti CT n.'-' ff Hir' c " H r"ct"d Cut. a W f K'.r bi t a-; i W aa i-t".i a.-rr at a 4SS4r ef ar f U "6s a- f: il i , -i-'Aa. .a f a . o, Tt bl ',;. was ti r;"y kr a .-! tfc ' r Si . y raavsts Ilati a; I nvi ML AM t t-a-t4 xt t; tv -r c-i ' , tVa or at j asi lUf-4 w a si II II V. ' dMk II l ,4h .:-V'., i .- I I II I fe' " III V- a' ? f: .'. . m r M :-. Ml A ' I "4 "r-WisUI ;tm T i t4 1 - f - lWj A-'SfcXV'' -- - w ...V-- jvttyy,jcrt&rr,iXxoVi? MjtfMfsvjv rose FARMS OF Now Worth 30 Billions. Showing 44 Per Cent. Increase. Ojnge Judd Farmer's Bulletin Say! North Central State Muit Practice Prac-tice Better Coniervation Decade Shoa Cain. t aking the I tilted States an a h the land In farina, with their h uldinss, luiplein. nif and live stock. I today worth' almost Si" O'K) 0'0."t) Ttiis U 44 per rent more than In lStW. tit flgurea for ilit year showing an I' ' reane of 23 per rent over the pre t ,!!. deradf." .i a bulletin sent out t :he Granite Judd Karn.er. t- lltnc of ti e ensun of American attrlrulture to t- 1 rbllshed In ! Janry oin.er It- renaua la cathered by practle i? 'he same mean employed in ine r- :nm-nt ren!na. atsd It 1 rnll "' re!lab!e. ay the puWUherf ! '.r cot:jpllii)K the Cjre ar.d .K.bow the riit: her of farrs i i c-ing from I 'm .me. a 1V to r. i- . 7.too.(Wo n tiO and t! at each !-- fhnaril an In vil'ie, ' :irt ayi ' N- b lnrr ae ".cultural Ind aije maa ev-r f - known m the m!'t of th ' any r'--r.'ry 1 report (;rv ' th Hr.il - i r!.i:et tr.'o et; t. " i-SiBBatl- rT.'!'!""r. r,d serl ' .. prod jr-ta rak - c.r'.itn ar 'iit th aarr.c IncH" or ! tb ra- rr.:M b Th trarkable ft prr-! ' - 'at th 'era .-'Vn Mrb f r . Nwr Ml!ro 1'oU.ralii Wv 5 -4 Moctara anl x!.r . "9 th it i" '"! an - Ia tfco e-ir-hr f fa"m cf reel At tt Part !r tfe ' Irxreaa"! rr roet and i JH pr CPt tb!i lr.cfa of ft ' taiuo of fa'r- ! il-it ae r --.. ,- of 154 jr ctt !a ?-' a-Jt6 r . ,4 j jt rut te S ? j at. E !o tb Sr-r'i ,f ' tat ttr has bs as to : ' ' nice of II r-r ctt -,. -o:!c t'.at aftca rwrn - g . .,j tro!ct''-w rf t& rI - .f t-o lkli ti ar dt , -vfc stow Ho tot retral ; . taro fa!a4 t '..Vk f - t , i u - of farost ta tB laat dre, ' - rra)- ' -t. howr. to ;9 'a . " tra s?o la ti roe's .: vJ . ItK-liJ f C-.Ut Isj'saa. ' v.-foa. lfir't. wta : r-'a I vi 'h Pskc N.aaia as4 rt's nt rre? taa ta't . i - s. & si ia u : ''r - t-4 Re fart; rvr ;rod U . "lW"r-i frtfct ; rr-ari.! ' ti.! sss r7ts f"y ( piSOIiiiiW AMERICA half the total italn In agricultural values for the whole country during the decade Just closed Also the total of value for these farm lands exceeds the total of all the rest of the country coun-try put together The flKiirea nhow thst tlier were, ;rn Ooo farms In HllnnlK. h;rb ear $7.P00,(m() worth of pnxlurt" Only T n and lows iceed Illinois In production pro-duction A reason Is Riven for both the rreat Increase In farm values and products by the higher prices hlrb have pre-ralbd pre-ralbd to a (treat extent, for "few people realize that the productions of the farms In the t'nlted S'ate, .J.irtng l?f9 conservatively represent twice the value of 1KV " The wonderful recovery fro: tb lower bunts of prod ic vapje which chrc-r1red the last few- d'-cs !es Is called to the attention of th? public. Say . the report' j "The farm prodiic of the yr ir Just 1 clot d wss worth ilirwt four times as ' rr::rri as th product of m A four-; four-; icid lrrr".ise In ". - ui i- of farrzi pro- Influenza in M'erccffeus .Ctrfu EatT-ely Busy at T. S- ef Year In Brit Cap tat. fyffd-ri Tr e.M-V?- :qw-el :qw-el rn af Iri" er-ri --ore 1,'Tl-loB rf '! !n separa to b. c !h Inrroaa tvr-ti-a! r ft t! ,- lr i-rij du trk ( rf-rf d by -. t- .forit nrr Prff?t'srv "t'r.ti! a f daft r rr v t'Mle K-r ard irt t-r-fe. w;i and -e-'r. f tr"n "Trjr'n. t r?c" f-ver'.H V. t;- a ad "-it n b4 "i!' ten-pr'; tn P1 da r ar d - Hi t rutm ft tr J--wr-r r:vl !u s ra!st io I'm' Att r f"fwi t ' rra ir wct a-?4 & rr'fi wit cr "T?r-,-ftei;t tt !:'a rr f d'.4 rvwrr'a'B of aev r-a'a. a;tbo;ft a H ft ? a-r', To sr ro fits t'el Is t e'r-'r Wtat U ?k ea of Its or-faT" Aa nrte.cd trd'cl os r-'S r4 wa tl. "p!t.'s was awt Tter ar ar-fa- at or ee-5 "t ue cxartcts f?s k tto trifcis ferert f n t '4 ttti." t a'4 I era da:r to aa.k Laa le Uaarl -Tie tf.wt! e-f'4 ; Iti :c !a lr tf Wariea MrTjailrtt Tie a'ia la i" ,Vt oae rf . t tr: 4" att f Sr sx4 KSea. aa tly M jt Bakes fcrtrs tsas tio tdy a-rras's ef ti C a rt ii fj';i r.r f;-f J tfcU. A U a u tiroMT Ss'?Vs fr&a tl atvr-.r j tl jrHosr awry tt e-s cf tae tst cf ti f- r f ra Urm frta sera af r ay rsrw-ea taaXtif s4 . a ri."J tie a:'trf aU aa4 see r: use raster ruftf 4ia4. ASHINOTON. For nearly threa -yw-s-tiMtflttfwir-rwWeti' has been In course of construc tion on New Hampshire avenue for Mr. and Mrs. Perry Belmont of New York, and it had- been erpect-ed erpect-ed it would be completed before this. But when the owners arrived here a few days ago the mansion was still In the hands of the builders Rnd -they went to one of the hotels. As soon as they occupy their new 'oTSte Mr and Mrs. Pelmont will become exten slve entertainers, tor they are popu lar here and Mrs. Belmont Is recognized recog-nized as one of the leaders of society In the capital of the nation. Moreover, More-over, they are warm friends of President Presi-dent and Mrs. Toft, nnd are close to the present admlnlstrntlon. ..They have planned some elaborate functions func-tions at their new $1,000,000 residence. The Belmonts only recently returned from abroad, having been since early autumn the guests of the Due and Puc-hens de Grammont and of M. snd Mine. Porges st their chateaux in France auctions wltnm 20 year li also something some-thing unprecedented. The crop years 1S99 and 1909 were characterized by fairly good average conditions of climate cli-mate weather, etc.. taking the country coun-try as a whole. Therefore the com-' parieon Is a fair one, not influenced by a so called bumper year. "Conditions have chafiged American, Ameri-can, agriculture must change with these conditions Population ia overtaking over-taking consumption K,ven with tils Increns In quantity and value of farm productions th I'nltcd States ex po?vd during 199 a smaller Quantity of aKflcultural products than In lyoo. thoiiRh tb value of such exports was ?:ii0,0W, compared to 6?.iw0.uoo for 1900 "The farm of the north central states must practice better farming. better conservation of soil and rlluiat- : ic resources, or its productive power Hi decline, and, therefore. Its farm j values" ! Record Shipment of Autos, Dallas, Tex A sond tiwln of auto j mobile. con-sls'Icg of tl cara with I2T J mnrh'n. ha arrived bre from Flint. ! aJIc'u Tbls U sld to bt a world's record hfpmnt for automotlles to any one d-a!r. Rare Fo rm 'Tflldrr-ri mhn ar nn i)nn In; Wal"h. or Jut recover'rn from orn f!!oe, ar especially susceptible to ' the Tn Tb parr'ciilar t-rm cau'r:f t epMen-lc In I-cdn !i the ralcrfw-oc-rus ratarrr :. well known aa th rauae of mtin ivn r!ds asd also :f morw r'l',-; a!'-r-rt such a tt t-enta t-enta br'-wr h :1a and f reti". r!a "At O f t'T cf tfca yar rclcn're of th- err-. ' -.a"y tnak tbtr ap peararc !b lti"ti. acd Jyat ecw- ' they arrr to b more tbaa oi;f 8-;Crv;a ; "Vf sdrSc parents !a Ho ant j keep yov,r et!'d-n too e.ucb tedoore befcre a fire. I t tim wrap vp ar. 1 . fO r-,t la tie a!f and harto flectf r; ierr!e. so In Inluco a fcealtk j elrcclatloti ot b:.wj "9o lor. tfcey ax 'ao-irid fcsir t!i r!l ai-rrw-iia catarrta:' wf bae so ?-t tljeea Tb aer SIJ r to tie weaker a&d lw r-jbuat ctHirea Ltaveow Kaa-Ae c Jer. tiat a.e la tt fJraJ enact kr lkl 1 CSre;-erw ALL SERENEr 1 "De minister, he says dat at der last day every man will be judged by his works!" "Weil, rint needn't worry 11s any We n ftver worked:" SOFT, WHITE HANDS. ,. . May-be Obtained Sn1 One-Night. For preserving the bands as well as for preventing,, redness, oughness, and vchapping, and'4wpj"rting ttiatyet 'vety softness and whiteness'much desired de-sired by women Cuticura Soap, assisted assist-ed by Cuticura Ointment, is-believed to be superior to all other skin soaps. For those who work in corrosive liquids, or at occupations which tend, to injure the hands, it is invaluable. Treatment. Bathe and soak the hands on retiring in a strong, hot, creafny lather of Cuticura Soap. Dry and anoint freely with Cu-tieura Ointment, Oint-ment, and in severe cases spread the Cuticura-. Ointment on thin pieces" of old linen' or cotton. Wear during the flight eld, loose gloves, or a light bandage ban-dage of- old cotton or- linen to protect the clothing from stain. For "red, rough, and chapped hands, dry, fissured, fis-sured, itching, -feverish palms, and shapeless nails with painful finger ends, this treatment is most effective. Cuticura Remedies are BOidthrough- out the world, Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., sole proprietors, Boston, Mass. A Question of Time. "How much does it cost to get married?" mar-ried?" asked the eager youth. "That depends entirely on how long you live." replied the sad looking man. PII.F rt REI IN A TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OI.NT.VKM'liiiunraineert to nrr any rii f It. huts. II 1 1 ml. m.-.-.l nn or rniiruiliui f iie, ln t loUU a or muuej refunded- aou. Money talks in spite of the fact that lots of men watt to keep it quiet. InVT NF.fll.FfT TA1.AT COI'GII If rertjtiuir nit-k jour srsieiu and iu.iv run Into ntllfth Tin M-notlH. .4'i' . I. unit Hulsum Will rile, k iiqiucaly and pvnnaut-DiiT. tor aa.iataildrt.gisia. EnthiiBia.sm in the poultice men apply ap-ply of their scars When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain remedy had cured numerous cases of female ills, wouldn't any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would alo benefit her if suffering with the same trouble? Here arc two letters which prove the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound. yv 1 FIt,ivUlf, Ohlt. My danchter was all mn 4,4 7V jIo wn, nuf f cml f rum paln la lirr IIi, liel and V li''sanil could vvalk. but a short distance at a jtlntw. She came rery near hut in? nfrrom rX jPro,,trtlon, h;nl Ix-jrun to cnu;li a gmtd tlcal. T f-.janl KeenuHt meLutcliolr br him-1!, hhe trltsl tH VJ ' wo doctors but trot little lielp. hlnco taklntr 1 I.vdia Vm rinkbain's Vfsctble Com pound, HN Itlon.1 Pnrllior ami I.lrpp IIII aha Im. f r' ,prtve4 so mtirh that she feeW aa d loo tJz'i anolher RlrL" 3Irs. C'Colc, 1'ltchviUe, 1 i Irasbur?, VrnionL "I fel It fnj t say a few wort Is in praise of jour niMlcine. Alicn I Ix-aa taking it I ha4 U-rn rry lck with kidney and bladder trort-bIM trort-bIM and nervous rrotra1Ioru I am now taking the altth bot-tleof bot-tleof Lydia l-I'iiikham's VfretaMo Compound and And myself greatly liuproTfd. ?Iy friends who call to are me bate noticed a great chanje." Irs. .1 1L Sanborn, Iftuburg, Vertuoat. We will pay a hxnd-omc reward to any person who will prove to us that thce letters arc net genuine and truthful or that cither of these women we're paid in any way for their testimonies, or that the letters are published without their permission, or that the original letter from each did. not come to us entirely unsolicited. What more f roof can any one ask? Tor 30 years l ydia C Pinkham VeretaMe Corn pound IwS bwe-n the standard remedy for female Lis. o irk woman does Justice to herseif who will not try this famous m4ktD. Made exrlaMrefT from roots and berba, aad Las tbokAands of cure to lu credit a. aauasB jfea. 11 nk ham lnrite all sick woaeta Lv to write her for ad rice hhe has gukled theusaads to health fres of charre, A&dm ilru link ham, Ljna. aaa. Save the Baby Use CURE Saaeadd la ta S awe rae rk Urr" w rowS. ft WJa dei-a. dei-a. tea aaaal rwa oa tW I da very aaaataM. PIS the cost of a package of Dyola Dyes. , You don't have to know whether it Is cotton, wooL silk or mixed goods. Dyola gives the Banwast-BrtlMant-.- colors on all goods. Comes in 16 col' ors. At . your dealer's or if not ia ' ; : stock we will send you any color for 10 cents with direction book and color card. Dyola, Burlington, Vt Gastronomic "What belle of the season do yon find most attractive?" '-The dinner bell." - Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt ReliefPermanent Core CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS lal. Purely veget able act aureiy but gecaJy the liver. Stop after dinner diatreat -TurriHit gotioo imptom tho compleripo brightesi the era. Soait PiU, SaiaU Dou, Sauil Pries GENUINE muat bear signature : BROWN'S BcoNcniAia Troches An tnimoluM nlici toe Hoaracneu, Cotvha, Sort Thra.1, Bnnchial and Aathmatic TroubUa. Aa article J eupenor merit, aoaoiutclf free irao aa 1-ArmiuJ infrcdnnl. Price, 25 cent. 50 cnta and 1 1,00 per baa. Sample mailed on requeat. JOHN I. BROWN St SON, rW, Man. "atte Thompson's Eyi Watir looks like Ohio, niT dutr to WHAT'S Your Health Worth7 Tot start aiclaees hf Bikatrratief aastsse ai fc rorr::y shows tVsl ia U bossed smd bver. A t-ic boa (week atreataseet) U CASCULTTS U lvtp Mtare yoaa. Tbry J do sacra rg flea rrj-slariy a y-a swd tbec LWa say wtiaoae ca Earfi. Ct a bos twiar; U a Ca-SCAEET coautU. fieorr ia Us mtrrx;Tg. It's the reaCt tU ske amMjaaM taa thrsa. U CTT TW fTT. anoif 1 "! Ose-'-q auaeaeir - - I kmwmsi , -,iri v jBivER d 1 - ' |