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Show BCOEDflH HE l - . . - ' Coprritit ojl , , . ; " ' '" - uncle -ao -m SENS, MURINES TO . NICARAGUA THE UTAH ; BUDGET r.f- AFTER BEING IMPRISONED SEV- - EN DAYS- IN BURNING MINE - TWENfY'MEN SAVED. Fought" Apparently: Hopeless Battle , Against Death, Eating Bark From Timbers and Leather From - . Their Capa to Sustain Life. Cherry. Ills. Hoping against hope, and fighting against the terrible, heat and gases r In the,. blazing .coal mine, rescuers In search of bodies, came sipon twenty men who still clung to Mfe, on Saturday, and the men were brought to the top. All ire on the road to recovery after a harrowing experience ex-perience which seems almost beyond belief. ,, -Alter seven days and nights of oon-. oon-. flnement In the mine Iff" which hun dreds met death when fire broke out; auter sufferings which almost drove them to madness, they -are again sur- leTrwTves andcnTIJreti and from staring death .in the face, are again planning bright things for ue future. . . , After yie men 1iad beetrtocatedV-it took six hours to bring them to the surface, and when the cage came up With the men aboard, almost every human being In the little town was presentL" There, were many dramatic scenes enactedunbounded Joy upon the part of the families of the rescued men, while others, who had hoped that their loved, ones were among those that had been miraculously, spared,, turned away Jn bitter heart-breaking disappointment. - One of the men rescued says: "At one o'clock last Saturday the pit boss came to measure my work. After ne went I waited for the team to come for the coal, but in . two hours It had not. come, so I started to find out what was the matter. "Pretty soon I saw smoke and I felt that the ventilation fan had stopped. The" fire had been burning for an hour, but that was the first I , anew of it. I .ta.J 4 L - 1 a a Oeorge Eddy and some others, about XI In all, and Mr. Eddy led us way hack where I had been .working. Then we tried to throw up a barrier, but It was pitch dark and we did not get Jong well. All the time we breathed bad gas. I had nothing to eat of my wn. but t chewed bark ,and drank water. Later we even ae the leather - from our caps. We got the water by making little hole In the bottom of the eptrr.- Ws made fle of these holes and there was always some one at them.V . i jural, am aua. ine men sang somas; told stories, and hoped for rescue. res-cue. Dut at the last all hope had been abandoned, and the men were too weaa 10 sing or tam. Twenty saved. 92 known dead and 1M tnlsRlnc Is now the record at the Bt. Paul mine. There la still hope of others beine rescued aflve. ATTEMPT WHOLESALE MURDER. Austrlsn Offlcsrs Sent Desdly Poison Under Guise of . Medicine. Vlenns An, ertraordlnary attempt at wholesale poisoning among mill tary officers here has caused a sensa-ttoo. sensa-ttoo. . A large number of officers just p rosso ro-sso ted to be captain's on the general staff have received through the malls ..sample boxes of pills. These were -Sscewnpanled - by a etrevlsr reeom-4 nendlog thm for nervous debility. Captain Mader took some of the pills sad died almost Immediately. An mow revealed the presence of cyanide of (ptastlum. " A ifurther ' Investigation showed that al' the jHIH contained cyanide of pot a lfl m In large suaatttles and also that" many first Untenants at tached to tie staff, hut not promoted, bad not received pills. The circulars were slaned "Charles Francis" and bore a false address. Gompera Again Chosen. Toronto. Ont. After unanimously rwelecting President Samuel Gonv pers. Vlee-Prwldent John Mitchell. Secretary Frank Morrison-and other evecu'ive ofBrrs and lectlnf, St. "Uwii rh -pae-T&r boMlng the sett me:o. the twenty ninth ansae! an-sae! convention of the Americas Federation Fed-eration of 1 ; r adjourned on Sat-srday. Sat-srday. pridfit nmjrs. la thack tag the contention for Its actios, declares de-clares that It meant that the prtncl-pe prtncl-pe f..r tlh he and hU roi',-9ee sad dard to f-ani have the odcI-sbous odcI-sbous ar-proval of Ut,r Steamer Bums. Passengers Escape. Lue Acjeli Th - rat;(er B!s-ir St Cro'.i of the Son pacific pa-cific 9'easr.!9 comtasy bartsed to Ue twtri e-ire SataNay fitsrht at a SOlSt thre aul'e off Pott JKima mnA elch'eea tBt, sonh td fUnu Mos- 1'S aad ffe !!. of n, -, Bters avsrd and tint of the erew 4 k:rt 'i ere STev If tbe heroic sctl'vs of tae Seers sad erew sc4 ik fact test tkere was a calm at the tins e the differ. All of k Ur4 rsrd cm t!J bas's at ! em rxf NaiTe Cfd Csnrset. rssJsa. Ca! AHf tattg fsj ,r ta4 essjr-s frosi sd tot mta t'f-.w law K-f-H ir;'L; u:v. Bnro, by ever Bead es tie rat Cofersde j l-iaj it ir"ntKst Is NK.rwv a n-rer. js-iss r. JUo, fr-;ds? t Ite C.!rJ Na-JosaJ fceak of Coiim- s U 1 t f Tie parr l-rH Seftess- Ur !? at-i Tar 1 2 -r f i,r-,n iier I'fak. be The S4i-. imt, .r.-p- u aaacvrs of O'ssi - NVartoaa U5s sad tie r:s i?'3. V-. rasyrw. C v1 t-r gw-ii v??rmt t ei -t- '- e7cs srj r-fs vt ler r.-' orJe,-l f TreCi5t Z5 a;J r;ii ts rw-:s lays. - - 3 UMBfe - VICTORY FOB THE60VERNMENT Standard Oil Company1ofevyjJersey Declared Illegal Combination nd Ordered Dissolved. St. Paul, Minn. In an opinion written writ-ten by Judge WaJffer H. Sanborn of St. Paul, and concurred in by Judge Vandeventer, Judge Hook and Judge Adams, with a. special concurring opinion, by Judge Hook, the United State circuit court for the eastern dis trict of Missouri on Saturday handed down an opinion declaring the Standard Stand-ard Oil company of New Jersey an Il legal combination, operating in restraint re-straint of trade and ordered its dissolution. disso-lution. The opinion was filed simultaneous ly in St. Louis and in St, Paul. In this -decision, thegOvernment of the United Slates , wins a sweeping victory, and, according to Frank B. Kellogg, special prosecutor, the government gov-ernment has won every point for which it contended. . The decree filed by Judge Sanborn is comprehensive and enjoins the Standard company, Its directors', offi cers, agents,- servants and employes from voting any stock In any of the subsidiary companies, and from ex ercising or attempting to exercise any control, direction, supervision or In fluence over the acts of these subsi diary companies. by virtue of Its holding hold-ing of their stock. - The defendants are enjoined from continuing or carrying into further effect the combination adjudged Illegal hereby and from entering into or performing per-forming any like combination or conspiracy, con-spiracy, the effect of which Is to restrain re-strain commerce in petroleum. Chicago Doctor Convicted of Murder. j Chicago. Dr. Haldane Clemtneon, who has been on trial for the murder of his .wife, Norah Jane Cleminson, was found gallty of murder and sentenced sen-tenced to life Imprisonment. Cleminson Clemin-son was charged with .the murder of his wife on May 30. Mrs. Cleminson was found dead in bed. with a strong odor sf chloroform pervading the room. Cleminson said he had been unconscious for several hours and that when be recovered he bad found bis wife dead by his side. He claimed she bad been chloroformed by burglars. burg-lars. - D,rfc,. i ....idenly began to disrobe la the presence Japanese Preaches in Los Angeles , ' . tw D Church. public school nurse for the city, hap-' Los Angeles. Baron Kanda. alnened to enter th room at the lime member of the Japanese commerce-' and. notifying other teachers, the de-promoilng de-promoilng party now visiting the! ranged young woman was takes to a United States, .'preached the principal hoepital. where, it Is reported, her sermon In the First Congregational condition Is Improving church her.' Sunday The baron de-T ,d v.nd.rbilt Getting Friendly elanvt that th mikado' wt rt Iwantv i " - ' ,ki n4 ' S IV, (Flew, iVflUB, IVIIIUIM iifr i anceand compulsory education, wai sa sacred aa the ten commandments and paid a tribute to the Christian; mlaslonarlea worklnr Is Janaa. .company. Mr. Vanderbllt has sccept- Csrelese Vteeeoys Punished. - ted. TBhrnsakettWTnTantti -Trait Pek!n Ore monies Wi connection 1 aireet tbat tae Cknildi sod Vander-with Vander-with the 'latenaeBt of the tate dow- jbnts have "eog d la anef "Work-eer "Work-eer empress of Chins terminated ! ,BK sgreement snd that lntereUsx Sunday, when the sacrificial tablet i delopents is the railrosd world wss returned from the tombs sad;mjr r,u! 1 placed Is the dynastic temple of tbej Saw Murderer of Her Mate Hanged. Forbidden U'y The viceroy of Chi ; pl n, u -N . r. Mn II and two higher officers have bees r. -'-'v. In connection with the funeral. Thou ends who took part In th. cere - monies have bees rewarded , Pise Dinner for Peary. S Tork -la lloaor ef tiroth.r ivary." the Delta Kfcrr Etilfm has plaaaed ooe of the lantet eolWe 'raiersjiy oiasers ever e,s .or cnst)r is si ise iww '.or. 4er Peary 4 a member of Tfcets O K K, at !o4.:a We chafer. D. h K.. st IKsd!a col.ege . , Two ears ago the f s-ere! y dlae-1 Ike ei$w.rr sad gave tiai lite rrs- ' tig shkh Peary t- k wl;b fcita sad MiT.-i with lis stars aa4 s?nps at At sois. Las ame.se Ze-aja WastEtw 4ctal coefiress'los of the eie.:kj ef l-riy Caaas ssl, lf T mtmi tfm Xkrarstsss W--s kre sl.fjisc : T"" ' " ,"w -'" " it lrm Tie As-ek vw- aas Iks" eeoiaasertsci-'f 1 SLEEP MEANT DEATH . . -jt L YOUNO DESPERADO, WEARIED BY , .LONG VIGIL, KILLED BY MEN ON WATCH. Idaho Lad Held Prisoner by Fin Makes His Escape and His Captor Is Riddled by Bullets" When He Refuses to Surrender, Boise, Idaho. The young desperado who attempted to evade arrest by holding captive 17-year-old Harry Gar rett In an upstairs room of the Gar rett ranch house,-threatening death to the boy should an attempt to arrest him be made, was shot and killed Friday morning at daybreak after the boy bad made his escape. Wearied by his long vigil, the Finn fell Into a doze and his prisoner quickly seized the opportunity to Jump from a win dow. Halt a dozen shots -startled the watchers, and a moment later the hoy rushed from the direction of the house. The roan attempted to kill the lad when he discovered what had transpired. The Finnish interpreter called on the desperado to surrender. Dut he refused, and a fusillade oX. s.tuts through the floor of the room below that in which he had taken refuge fel lowed. Only one shot was fired in return. Boon " the man full to the floor, but. recovering himself . be jumped from- the window. A perfect volley of shots from members of the posse on the outside of the house was fired as he appeared at the window, and he fell, a dying man, . . He lived for two-hours, dying while being taken to Nampa An examina tion showed that 'the body Was rid died with bullets. The identity of the foreigner has not been ascer tained. The Garrett boy states that his captor confessed to blm that he was the man who shot and seriously wounded - Officer Fleming at Nampa o Tuesday mornlni. Fleming will recover. , Teacher Suddenly Becomes Insane. Denver. A woman teacher in the public schools, whose name Is with held by the police and school authorities, authori-ties, became Insane Friday while es- Jtaged In teaching her class, and sud- New York. Cornelius New York. Cornelius Vanderbllt , was on Friday lovl'ed I J Georrs J. Gould to become a member of the .board of directors and executive com-'miUe com-'miUe of (be Missouri Pacific Railway home atlifi'-d stare the murderer f-( my ho.baad U hanrM" .Thus rke , . ... 1 Fell f UU-e,I. Kan . on rriday. after I!shw the eiecto. j of Henry Armt.roeg. h kii!-d Fell Is Perry e.-al taontti ao U lew S'he dale of Armiroeg hasefne .as set. Mrs. FrU becced the aaer.ff to prtnlt her to e tsat eveat. Noted Atithee Dead. Tork Rif hard V."a2rs Cll- New j. M.;B taktf of the tVr-arr , , um,.M,km ,a !t1 ,o4 mi4rlf 6l.a a( ,4 w i!ref. -d"d sziri!r 7hrai - ut ,4 sst'ra r-Tt. st - tw kt, ,ier. Mr .-hijVr Vas Ra iselaer. " Mas was exceeded Oir . A. fXa C- o by -Oeatkx. Tk.-F Lsff .V;sa cf tie Jsjuiry is'e t; tV,g m ; ; vi e r M ii w 1 -r I Smm. 4 4 I rt ixj mt .t t,&sse la !i.r? f J -towing aa ffa.M--s fr sp-' H'i jrrtfc,4 m umUf. Vkz'um IaS ?. Ute Clar-es A. a Is tie ir!-r - ! -e t sj5f I W U' tre ers l5 fc-e a ta l.asrr. I. I Wr '' t InV-a Ireisad. 4 j-t's yr ja - - NICARAGUA MUST ACCOUNT FOR EXECUTION OF TWO AMERICANS v - Government Tires of High-Handed Methods of Small Central AmerW . ' can Republics and Would . ' Welcome Overthrow of " President Zetaya. Washington. Announcement & that tale government Is tired "of the nigh- handed action of small Central Ameri- canfe publics, practically was'-pon- tained in a dispatch sent- latehurs - day to the Bluefleld&uSteamsblp om- pany, which sought the protection of the state department from interfer- ence by Insurgents 3)W Operating fieainar HraaManl 7olnva couched In- diplomatic language, but 'The next move of the game being Jnn tu)M, one or tne pioneer rest-none rest-none the' less direcL was delivered to played with President Zelaya of Nica- dents 01 J8ePh.! dead of typhoid SenorFelipe . Rodriguex, charge d'af- ragua will be made by Secretary Pneumonia after an Illness of only a JJalrei-of -the-Nicaragimn legartnnrde- urduumg a iun ana complete expiana - tion of the execution of two Ameri- ti ... . . .ana IjiA.awl . j T n v?u.'"un ui wj auu jLcroj vtt"" non, killed by order of Zelaya, when they were- found -la,4he tesargent army. Pending a satisfactory explanation of the occurrence, President Tafti.has refused to recognize Isidore Haxera, new - Nicaraguanminister. MrrfTaft is thoroughly aroused by actions of the Zclayaa governmept and apparently appar-ently la determined to make the Jives of American citizens much safer-and much 1 more ..respected - In Central America than they have been hitherto. TROUBLE AHEAD FOR CHILE. Uncle 8am Vexed Over Delay In Settlement Set-tlement of an Old Claim. Washington. The Alsop " claim against Chile for more than a million dollars, pending for thirty-five years, has assumed a critical stage. Mr. Dawson, American minister to Chile, is now on his way to Washington. having left Mr Pierpont In charge of the legation. It Is not Improbable. If the Chilean government does, not consent con-sent to a final settlement within the next few days, or agrees to a protocol pro-tocol for its reference to The Hague court, the American legation In Santi ago will be closed and Its archives placed In the hands of the American consul for safe keeping. Intimation fd this effect has been given to Minister Cruse, representing Chile In Wash ington, . I ANOTHER "DRY" COUNTY. Twin Falls, Idaho, Votes Against 8a-1 loons by Lsrge Majority. " Twin Falls. Idaho. At the count local option election held . In Twin Falls Wednesday the county voted to throw out the saloons by a large ma- Jortty. The contest was very warm. and as a result of he election sll s- iOOnS Wilt WO-ntlt nf timlno., -Thar r.l; W - WWW.HVW. . H I? wwiu towns are xocatea in .Twin C-.11. . . mm .... 1 wtuim wramj ana are anecien dv met election- Twin P.1I. u,.hl m.. Klmberlv. Hana.n Mr.rh " Creek. Mllner. Moravia. Butte. Rise- worth and Gaseleford. It's False, Says Billing-, Washington. Replying to charges made In a magazine. Secretary Balltn- ger of the interior department on Fri day denied many reports receotly clr- cuiatea concerning tns conduct of hla department. "To say that I have ever advised. orderedbr lent support to any effort to frpetuate a fraud uduo toe mr. me tit." be said, "is sot only false. but la Intentlonslly so if mads by any one who has tskea the trouble to la- quire into u. racts.- Hunters Kill Sleeolna Man. BuVna Vista. Colo -Raphael Pane, I a section hand, waa killed Wednesday night by severs! hunters, whose Idea lity bas not been Warned. Pano had eatered aa outbuilding when the bus tert. not knowing he was there, used the door of the buildfng for a target Pesos body wss found several boors later. " - Want CitUessKip Rights. Cleveland. O. On the ground that natives of Syris are the purest ettst-Ing ettst-Ing branch of the Caarailaa race, the wealthy Cleveland Syrian colony, the second largest Is the country, has or- ga<ed to fight agaisM their excls- slo from rigbta of citizenship ssder ths Chtbese exclutoo acL Sheriff Loses His Job. ' Springfield. Ill Gov, IBrs has declared the tS.cr of sheriff of ASei aadcr rosraty varant, becaue Ferfff iaak C - skw4 K'Dia James, a negro, sad Henry gu&er. white, to be takes 'rots hi care sad ty ached st Cairo. 1.1 . November 11. Unci, lorn Makes OeniaL Chlcaaro Joseph C Csseos, speak. er of the of rrrsU(!vs, !ssserd hie rrrus m.ih a srM 'the re.st rs2s of tWkMu ui w sled tiat tae er sas a csar. Is a seth here Tlsrt4ar s!it Tree Aissaa Cam Claim. ul Tint --tTt g ii tf.ff tomx U;sS!s tae K'i nrrt i4 A'ia kewa a He f Mtia rvji. sai- Wrsa tere Tk i4t rns t ci'u rc slu-- wr:,..ts j. t tie s-raJ - ed o lie z4t'!v r:vtar- ''.' Tet t e't.t cf ?S vi "V"s sre y-mt v tk-e Sltifflewxrs tar gxn-mt t-T'-t 4 'S-fW :.'. tg m4 ' r.i fia ii -a saaaTs a n ; gx4 f'" ts ss: lie f :it President .? - Zelaya May Have to Reckorr'with Boys In Blue for -Murder of Americans. Washington. Preparations are being be-ing made for 400 marines to sail from Philadelphia, eithef for the canal xone or'fpr Nicaragua. " , i T ." Thls will be the -first armed Jorce to land In Nicaragua if. developments In the: situation there within ' the next tew days require such a course. All depends upon action 'to be taken bv tn state department, which Is mark- ,BS time pending the receipt of addl- tional details of the killing of the two r Americans, Grace and Cannon. 4PartureJf4iajnarlne8 com M a result of rush orders sent to the League island navy yard "after - the state department receiTed the pre- Hmlnary reporTof execution of the I r wn dim nr Vraa Kont 7.olnva'a rw- Knoy. s df nndoubtedry, Jt will be n 11 . i ... . ,, 1 imponaui ana, possiDiy, a .oecisive one, Zelaya has killed two Ameri - I n n n I, i. nMA i . v. - . I 1 V"Y -10 iwicttu, iix iuc must BUUl- tmary and brutal manner, and it la lot expected that he-will be j ted to settle at so much a head for these or any other Americans he maj see fit to kill. It Is therefore believed that something more than compensation for Groce and Cannon will be Involved in the next step by the state department. PLANNING APPEAL. Standard' Oil Company. Outlining Action Ac-tion Following Adverse Decision. ... New York. Conferences of -officials and leading counsel . for the Standard Oil company were held tn this city on Monday to begin the work of outlining the company's course of action following the adverse decision In the government's suit against the company rendered on Saturday. Thirty days are allowed before the decree takes effect, and within that time the form 6T the appeal which the corporation announced it would take to the supreme court of the United States will have to be fected. per- Four Bankers Indicted. Boise. Idaho. The grand Jury, which hah been In session at Moscow during the past two week, returned eight Indictments late Monday In the bank embezzlement cases'sgalnst Wll- 11am F. Kettenbach, George H. Keater, W. Kettenbach and Clarence Bobnett, Present and former Officer of th Lesiston National bank. The Indict-1 ments charge the defendants with ing false reports to the comp- troI1'r f tne currency, making false I 'n'11 ,n tne books of the bank, the ostractlon of monies of the bank, an1 coMpIrarr to commit the crime, of br:'lng money from a national ibSnk. Must Educate the P.ool. r nin.luu.-lrr .ppoiniiiig ubcommltlee to supervise the publf-; caUon of lu oocumenU. the monetary commission ha adjourned for aa .Indefinite .In-definite period, The - sub-oommttte., of which Senator Aldrlch is chair man. will enter Immediately upon the work assigned to IL The commission is proceeding on the theory that mosetsry legislation win be Imposal- ki. not 11 ,,nn .k.ii k... ta. come educated oh the subject, and Tt Is hoped the literature will be widely distributed and generally read. Dynamite 8vs Town. Warren! on, Va. Fire destroyed four, blocks of. Julldlags, causing a loss of ICS.000. Only by the see of dynanrlts was the town saved from comFl'.t. dMlruclloQ- The water sop- ply had been exhausted and even that seeded for drinking purposes had to I be shipped hers. Warreatoa bas a peputaotloa of 1.(00. Many wealthy Englishmen hare .purchased many vai-nable vai-nable estates sear here and breed fine horses. The town is noted for Its Bee horse shews. Railroad Building Jn Russia BerHo. The Lokat Anzeiger teams from aa authoritative source that the Russian government Intends to close a contract vita aa Americas syndicate syndi-cate to develop the TransSiberlaa railroad, which will be double-tracked throughout Its leogrh. The project la- vMves Boadreds of m.::tos. sad so cord'sg to the paper. reprseo'at!ves of the sys4kat are now is Europe ssl:iag the ettiperor's rer to St. Petersburg from Lltidia. Fatal Fight at Oases. Mobile, Ala News has reached here oT a Ight st a featscday light dasew ar Po-'st CTear. A!a, la skkh two uses were kUIed aad two lajsred. The daughter ot f tata Sri-os. Sri-os. a! warn. boe tb dasee sas held. ref'5ed to dance . ft rosng waa bersaoe St. Said -k tad bees 4riak!sc He Vegas csrstag aad Iks f itt eraxted. sisess Jwy Accwsed sf iscsevs 0ki")a. New Tct -Wa.-la W. IJ-rj, cois"l for CVres W. afcrse. tie resvkted baaVer, l-rwd aw?V-, !or m sew t-l to tan tse t e frawrt r4 arc -". es V--i.v. is t mfw ef sijfh if ''rt ks $ttnM-wri .d1sktg tt essiwi of tie ftrj wkirh f?st"ff4 t. 4 f-s se ' f-f'rsf f-f'rsf Jrrs ttn t at e ev-.rf t f Ve caVd ti ts jt-ry r. t" re ' Served X ctrc The Camas State bank, wKh a capi tal of 25,000, has been organized at Camas, Summit .county. Andrew J. Warner,- a former mem ber of the city councilof Ogdendied" In Los Angele3,, death being doe to tuberculosis. tu-berculosis. 't - - : Fruit, men ir recommended, "smudg ing" 'of orchards at the regular monthly month-ly meeting of the Salt Lake County norucuuunu society. -.... Plans have been madeby Salt Lak ers to organize a -Georgia state- society, soci-ety, the purpose being to bring together to-gether all former residents of Georgia. ; Because he allowed a game of poker to be played in a rooza adjoin ing his place of businessman Ogden aaJoon loerMr hAa had hia llAnsa W r votriwt 7 : ' ' ' . 1 : More than 10,009"real estate deals have" been made in Salt Lake- county rf1W W. according tethe wee- wa one i tneauceeaaiui. 1 rormurf nr i nnr eapt nn r . 1 - - , 1 Emil Johnson, a bartender, and ITAhn fnrlsoTl who vera nnrtiplnanta I i " - 111 ngnt-ai Bingnam ra wmcn Matt moomquist, a Hon, was shot, were fined fSOO each by a justi of the peace. A convention ' of woolgrowers was held In Ephralm November 20 for the purpose of protesting against the reduction re-duction of 20 per. cent, recently proposed pro-posed by the forest service, on sheep Hocks for 1910. : 1 ... -Thomas Vance, convicted wife-murderer, how under sentence of death. Is seeking a hew trial, Vance was convicted of killing his wife In Salt Lake City by beating ber and also jiving her poison. Frank Woods, a negro under arrest In Ogden on a charge of forgery, declares de-clares he saw L. E. Drlskell shoot Policeman Riley In- Salt Lake-City. Mid that R. E. Kennedy was with Drlskell at the"-time. If the present plans of the Sevier River Land and Water company carry, car-ry, upwards of 200,000 acres of new land will be opened np and a thriving new town-will be established in Millard Mil-lard county next spring Rabbits In Cedar valley promise to b. a mojft perplexing problem for "dry farmers" next season. A half dozen Lehl sportsmen who spent a day shooting the bunnies report hav- Ing bagged over 500 of them. Warlock Amtoft, the ljjear-old lad who la serving sixty days In the Salt Lake county Jail for obtaining money nnnv r!ua nmlnnul on rit rViwl, Is charred with victlmljslns thrt.s or four Provo persons and firms In the same way. The various counties of "the stat In which are located forest reserves or portions of reserves will be enriched for the fiscal year ending June SO last, tn, total sum of 3.293.40. by res- aos of the rental and leasing of th. reserves during that period. - Ic the year 1908 v there" were no srlminal cases for trial in Rich" coun-.. ty, while so far this year there have been just two cases of. grand larceny. Iron county has almost as good a rec-jrd. rec-jrd. with one criminal case last year.' while two cases have ' developed this yesr. Leoa Nelson of Sandy was run a,WB ,r cr 8,11 Lal1 .f instanuy aiueu. me con- iuetor claims - the . . maa bad been drinking and attempted to alight from the car while It was going at a rapid rate, despite his warning to stay on the car. The state board of health bulletin for October shows the total death list for this stats from ail causes was 334 deaths, of which 141 occu.red la Salt lake. Typhoid fever led all other contagious diseases, with 32 deaths during the month, out of 3 S3 Beginning December 1 the hotel sad dining car service of. tae Harriot Harri-ot an srstem will be segregated la such a manner that the L'olon pactSc, u x. ift. . . j n . - w-v . , - Une Railroad cornpaoles will operate tfcetr dining cars.- hotels sod tnnrh emtuters sepirstely. - - C. Minos, a Met lean, aad Glie Me- . ft. a fe'low tountrymaa. employ ?d as to-etlas mea st Erda. quarreled and erta attacked Mlnas with a raaor. ff -oa Bd. sflktnt U'ksard wi s tfe s h ran. The kMtf petieirat d th hirt of h:s etrasej pursuer. abil-s itstnt d-a:h. Wl'-.oit r.as to hf the artmaJ -V'rart ,( bs. s)M to prwwre -k s&4 too p ri to bi. WS:.t-.r" it r.(!rx Jr, H.m fewer too was Is PklisdWpa'a. l'. ssteBped tc-de ts U!a. tak'.ec laaaaass . vt .lr tUg fee ad svrn in-s a .fe ?rt, rai lariel h-k to nr. The It-OS ei:y esisir:i baa rrfed ira.J'ka of4 10 t sa?tr !; oa lass i as evrtaJa If the ' trci-osed . attest r ts r s-!?."!.- It was srd t t . s;rf it.' -t'.i bate ttre .! USb lo rks ei lle'r b'3s. Tkt yar ka ts s svst x? t es ff tte t-; t rv a t -sjh-.t - 4a krttird. T.-A k liar's -:-1- is !ke ri'i tat r;'rt-ed r;'rt-ed a f.:.je t . X t.t'i h-as tie i-'as'as're rrea'er thai ever b- frr. bat tS-e kae r.a fc'ib la ;rf Carrol is a tf ft i-r s-c-l? tt kU ;sg nnj sr F-. ( wb &t t E;tfT3E. '' -:e k aT s f.s; ;iPf ti tvtir'vvi in |