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Show -4:: i -i t GROCERIES Ask Us About Groceries. We S e 1 1 The m 1 J S.F. Walker & Sons! Harness Goods A full Hne of the. best. Fine Winter Robes, Horse Blank- ets and Whips. ; : . - PRICES LOW;. Ole Anderson & Sons Plumbing; ESTIMATES FREE. PLEASANT CROVT NEWS lAallndepelideiit -weekly paper -pub lished m the Interests of; Pleasant Gx& and Utah, County. The Convenience Is WorifeJ 'The Expensed All Kinds Of PipvT T : Fu gal Bros. J. H. Collins will . repair or jilean Tour sewing machines. Leave your "orders" atPlea&anf Grove" Drugstore, prescriptionworic Thome's Cafe . We've Had To .Enlarge Our . Dining Room Nuf Said 5 -V-3y The Pleasant Grove Drug Co. has every facility for looking after your l Notice To Phonograph Owners I am glad Pleasant Grove has. a paper. I have needed a space like this for a long time to keep.you posted on new records. I received a lot of the very latest ;reeords day before yesterday. From flow on I will tell you in this ad when new records will be In.. You will be glad, so will I. Respectfully, - "Tony" Meeker i 1: T LADIES . Bengallne, Moire and Velvet Hats extraordinary values, and Ladles and" Mines' Sultsr Coats," Sklrtsr .Etc, at Reduction that will surely pleat you. Mrs. M. W. Clark Issued Every Saturday, . - BYyTHE . The Provo Herald Pub. Co, J. DAVID LARSON, Editor and General Manager. ApptfcaUon madeat ttepostofflce at Pleasant jG rove, Utah,-- for trans mission through the, mails as second- class matter. . . - ? Suhseflptloir Pricey $1.5071 Yea r in Advance. Society Notes Allllmon Mrs. AmanJa Gleason has gone to Salt Lake City. . . .- Mrs. E. A. Paxman spent Tuesday vita ner parents in uem. at s ME BitRGSINS NICE, NEW 7-R00M, PRESSED BRICK DWELLING HOUSE ON FIFTH - EAST. AND FIRST NORTH STREET. STRICTLY MODERN. FINE LOT.... Hill I ff 8T I NEW PRESSED. BRICKC 4 ROOM COTTAGE, ELECTRIC L GHTS, CITY WATER, BATH AND OTHER "MODERN CONVENI. ENCES. 8WELL LOT. FIRST 80UTH AND SIXTH EAST. BUILDING LOT ON SECOND NCPTR AND SEVENTH EAST, A SPLEN- Tf DID LOCATION, "NEW" BUILDINGS BUILD-INGS ON ALL SIDES. - A SNAP TODAY i.... 210 NICE RESIDENCE, 4 ROOMS, GOOD . lot, city water, electric lights. just" completed. IF YOUVViT Jl. V W. D". :RAY & CO. ..it . Real Estate, loans and Insurance. Provo, Utah la Safe As Gibf alter Open a Saving Account Now And Keep it Up. It WU1 Guarantee Comfort When You Are Old :. ' '. We Pay, Interest On Time Deposits Miss Abbie Brown 'of Mjdvale Is spending a few days with her cousin Chloe Freeman. - ' - ' t .-; Lindsay, of Salt Lake City, is spending spend-ing a fe.w days here as the guest of Miss Geneva West" Orval Dunn," who is attending the B. Y. U., is visiting for a few days with his toother, Mrs. If. F. Dunn. An eight-pound baby girl was "born to Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Williamson "Sunday "Sun-day evening, November 21. , Mr. Clarence Christenson, one-of our lobal barbers, made a short business trip to the metropolis, Wednesday. m m m Elmer Fauset of Wallsburg Is spend ing a. Jew days in this city as .the guest of the Misses Fern and Ro- wena Adamson. Mr. Jud Mercer of Ainufcan Fork and Miss Lola Bartlett-of Pleasant Grove were married at Provo, Utah, Wedneaday,-November 24th. : Miss Emma Thomas, -who has been suffering for the psst'two weeks from a severe attactc or neuralgia, is re ported to be slowly recovering.. Robert Fenton and Lynne Roblson. who "are attending school at the University Uni-versity of Utah, came home Wednesday Wednes-day night to spend their Thanksgiving Thanksgiv-ing recess with their parent. Miss Cars Williamson, who is a lliident at the" BM9 TrnJVersltrrta: spendlng her Thanksgiving recess at her home In the Third ward. She will return to Salt lake Sunday. . Mrs. Alma Christlanson delightfully entertained at a. China shower Friday Fri-day night In honor of her niece. Ml Dahlia Radmall. A delicious lunch was served, after which various games were played. - - -: Mr. and Mrs. Hans Williamson entertained en-tertained about twenty of their friend at a Thanksgiving dinner, Thursday. November 25. The meal was served with all the spirit of a Thanksgiving day and was greatly enjoyed by the guests. Mr. Lawrence R. Walker and Miss DnhlU Radmall were married In the Ss't iJik temole, Wednesday. Novera-tI. Novera-tI. The Btpe--etple- wtllmake thele home In the Llndon ward where Mr. Walker l teaching school. Miss Radmall bn been the chief operator at the TM1 Telephone office for the past three, yea, and her wlnnlnc wava as an operator will be missed by her manv friends among the eub- riM.--The actjualnanci o Mr. and Mrs. Walker extend their hearty eongratulatlona to tbem. and their rooet alncere wUhe that each succeeding suc-ceeding year "bf their married life may be happier than the last. Local -News .MrandMrsHecker were Provo visitors thia week. - E. E. Lyman spent Sunday with relatives rela-tives at Draper. '-.P. R- Archer, one of our aged resi- nentsJay erjuU. . - i - MIsa: Lorina Ite has returned from Salt Lake City. Lydia Humphries Is a Central girl again in the Bell office. - . . Watch for the "Pleasant Grove Mercantile Mer-cantile Co.'a Xmas Announcement. Mr. and Mrs. J. L Harvey entertained enter-tained at their home Thursday. C P. Larson and "wife are visiting their daughter at Provo. " " "-,-r V - ::: y MrsvJ!ina Dunn, spent Thanksgiving .with her parents In Provo. - -- r-yrH r' " - v -. - . A. E. Cooper-made-a busine88 trip to Garfield jhe flrat3ntlh-ekJ Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Adams are spending the day at Fountain Green. 0 Bnja eAojg jueseaid em t uou9t tepads traAiB tadpsj oiuoh' Mr and Mrs. J. S.; Holdaway spent rovo with relatives. Mrs. Lizzie Kemp is very sick her home in the Second ward. . Archie Bezzant is suendine Thanks IIyTirwItn."airp8gtS, Mf Mfl-''MHirrrhfc8gtTtnl Mark Bezzant ... .9 .... .-. -.Mrs. 8aTao Bee haa moyed la-Er&yA to. live wun ner daughter, Mrs. Wilds Mrs. C. R Hawley has gone to Idahd to spend. Thanksgiving vfith her chil dren. E.. T. Culmer of Milford, brother of Mrs. F. J, Banks,, 1s here for a few days. -t ; Watch for the Pleasant Grove Mer cantile Co.'s Xmas Announcement. Cfirisltnil.Mint SELECT A SUITABLE XMAS GIFT FROM AMONG OUR BEAUTIFUL" BEAU-TIFUL" DlSHEST-SUCHAnSfrT" fs-SEFULTAS:WELL--ASi-PRETTY . TAKE THE HINT DO IT N0W. LEAVE; THEM HERE UNTIL" THEj, TIME, "'""f' - f . . -' 7" J. P. Ayd elotte Miss 0'lve Cobbley is" spending the wfeek with, her sister. Vera, at Bingham. Bing-ham. ' Clarence Cristensen made a busi ness trln to Salt Lake the middle of the week. ... Mrs. Marv Noe snent Thankssivlnt hereith hor mother Mrs. Margaret Thorne. , Mrs. Efflp n an-ev Chlpman of Salt Lake Is spending the week with her relatives. A KJPhorri t o n & S o n s Will Give you COAL that will burn best in your stove GLASS for your broken Window s, ALL. SIZES. Malthoid Roofing l Tar Felt Build ing Paper. WIRE FENCING to suit your r equirements and will furnish wire stretchers to put wire on. Near Sn Pedro Depot Pleasant Grove and.American Fork. Ball Phone 32 Independent 26 Sportman's and athletic goods the Pleasant Grove Drug Co. at C F. WESTFHAL, DENTIST - Pleasant Grove. BANK OF PLEASANT GROVE, JJLMLS CHir.MAM, S. L. SWtSOM. AmC CeaW AN ORDINANCE Amending Section 171 of th Revised Ordinances of Pleasant. Greve City, '' Passed September Z, A. D. ItOt. BE IT ORDAINED I f Ue City Cooa-c!l Cooa-c!l of Pleasant Grove City: Section 1 That Sectloa 171 of the Revised Ordinances of Pleaaaat Grove City. paad September t, 105. be and the same U hereby aaeaded ao a to read a folio, s: -PERIOD FOR WHICH LICENSES ARE TO BE ISSUED: Ualea other-t other-t specified, ail Uca taned sa-r sa-r the provUion of Ui chapter, shall U f or a period of ot year, hut If the applkaat destree. he soay aply for 4 the city couadL ia it diacrrtiaa, Bsay grant a Ucease for a kwa period; rrovid however, that If a Uceaae be crastfd tor a period of les Uaa ait eoev. Ue a sou at to be fi4 therefor aha he f veaty eve poliars nocth or for aay porticw o a aaeta. - . 8tkm II -Tfcia erdlfiac 4aIV take t from aaS afrr U r sad t? pbUrauo a tTi'.n4 lj Ut. hw4 by Ue Cy Cwsa4l, October if. t - -! - , r.M- H. RlTlOCK- S rv4 tr bi t&U i;h vr of N ' veaihr. I C .r. WFSTFHAU Xaycr. I AUet: M. H. Bt'LLOCK. Cty Rerder. Ie Cream for parties, aingle flallon, $1.50, at Pleasant Grove Drug Co. Vern HaUidav and Misses Cleon t.nnd and 'M'TvtneHayes are d6wn from the V. of vr -,t - - - The C. B Sewing -club met at the home of Hedwig Johnson: A delicious tuneheon was served. Wa(ch for the Pleasant Grove Mercantile Mer-cantile Co.'i Xmas-Announcement. Use oui 25c Dandruff Cure. Your money back If not satisfied. Pleasant Grove Drug Co. ... M!es Tah and Fern Halliday and Opal Wadley spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. West Jacob of Heber. " .,.. Mr and -Mrs. Joseph Fage enter;., tatned a -number of their relatives and friends at Thanksgiving dinner.-... PairlBrch-Moyle an! Elder Vance were home .missionaries at the First and Third wards. Sunday. A committee from- the three wards has Wn- appointed from the Sunday Scho.il to let ur a cantata for Christmas Christ-mas k ' " Watch for the Pleasant Grove Mercantile Mer-cantile Co.' Xmas Announcement. . ... "Te Hustons. the magldane, mlm-mics. mlm-mics. and musical entertainers. Tabernacle, Tab-ernacle, Thursday Night December 2. 0"tL. Mayhew, our mall carrier. l.i)t Thanksgiving in American Fork with I. Is sister. Mrs,. Washburn Chip-man Chip-man . . . G:fie Henrold has gone to Heber to lak- rharge of the Bll telephone ex-charr". ex-charr". Mrs. Henrold will Join hnj In a ?- day. ... Mr Acjmt 11kens and Miss Kuril- I'atten of Salt Lake, were the n-- of their ronaio Mlas Bessie S.at Sunday. . . Wm. Rockhlll. the ranch house kTf at 8tinklng Springs on the iw rTatioa. is spending a day or two with Aetoa Hecker. -... Mr Menlove of Provo Bench, who set up his photo gallery opposite the back this week. I thiaklng seriously of arlllng his farm aad opening a"per-maont a"per-maont studio la Pleasant Grove. L W. Land has gt?ne to Greeley. loa. for a. carload of bones Imported from Europe- He sy aUo s the teteraaUonal Hore show la Chicago Vr and Mr. Guy K. Robtaoa eo tertaiaed a few of their friend wt a deiirio ThaaksgirtBg d!aaer. The evening spent la eocial paatlmea Ve have -specials andj profit sharing bargains" every, day. Ask Us. Always Pleased To Show You. COAL COAL ..-i r ' I 2ooo Pounds To a Ton j We are in the coal trade again, i "2,000 pounds to the ton. . Bell Thone 18- Clark Bros. & Co.l "The Mtwt.- the magicians, mlnv mic. and muateal entertainer. Tabernacle, Tab-ernacle, Thursday Ngt, December 2. Wstcft fee Vie Pleasant Greve ee-o-t 1 C.'S Xmas Aanewncement. k JLA. I ta-wA iVAJULi M.fMi f f WWW W WWW v r -w 4f Bse fru W 13 Flout FtNCNAL Of MAS. WOOLLEY. Isarai ttJc over C reiuaa of Mr SvMB&ah WooJIey ere beid TrAr at l.o'cttxk la "the Uadoa cbarU aader d"rttio of U:h A L t -j!'lsore. The rkers wer O-dr. O-dr. itark I. tfc. C. B llarp. Jaf or. II F. Wa.er aad Jofca T. iv ker. The rv4r Ur!y at-' at-' t Mr. WoolSey d.ed STra 5 1 itt td oid a4 gfral dt;;ty Kat Woe'Vv m 9t'j yr -4. bee Wm1-ik-aax. Caa4. Je 11. IW Se 1 V - d te Osrtb e J - ChriM i L'e tnr- Su'j a4 eo irrated to 1M asd tie sae year asar-r asar-r 'Thm Wevier city. - Manufactured at the Pleasant Grove Roller Mills t Money Back If It Don't Suit Guarantee:- Unexcelled In Utah Pleasant Grove Roller Mills |