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Show ... -. .... s. - T r -U - EVERYBODY . should read the home paper. Are you on the list?- - VOL. 1 Gypsy Woman With Itch in g Palm am Good Line of Talk Separates" Her Fr o rri $ 5" Mrs. Hannah' Wooley.-sn old lady of Pleasant Grove, hat had an awakening from a dream born. of credulity. -The d reapi..ndthe.-walcnln-.tgthtrf cost her $55 In real money, hence the rudeness of the awakening and the jar that accompanied the same. It happened hap-pened In this way: " Mrs. Wooley has been much wor-riedior wor-riedior some, time past over th fact that at the time of the death of her husband, there was owing to him various vari-ous sums f money aggregating about 1400, and, this niofloy is still owing. Mrs. Wooley wanted her money, and -she-tante dit bad enough to take any legitimate means for Its collection which offered promise of success,' and so. when a Gypsy woman with a good line of taik.' came along, she fell a victim to ha w iles of the dealer in futures to the extent named. - It Was 8o Easy. - The Gypsy first learned, through her solicitation for buslneai,, that Mrs. Wooley had a five dollar gold piece In the house, and it was natural, while the subject of money' was under d!s-cusston d!s-cusston that she should 'earn About the ouU landing money, and Mrs. Wool-ey's Wool-ey's ardent desire to collect the same. The rest was easy. .' The dark woman with the itching sensation in the palm of her right hand, w.ho was probably the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter, born in a graveyard at midnight, and possessed pos-sessed of a rabbit's foot, persuaded her credulous victim to hand over the five-dollar five-dollar piece, as a sort of charm with which to work on things psychic, and after this had been done, and the right kind of talk passed out for a few days, about the power of the mysterious myste-rious dealer In things occult, to work on the minds of the slow debtor, It waa no great accomplishment to per susde Mrs, Woolley iff draw ' f 50 from The 10 was to be placed 1a her pil low-slip, where it was to remain for nine days.' and Its presence to be 'kept aa entire secret An Itching Palm. After the money had been drawn from the bank and brought borne, the Gypsy got a violent Itching of the palm, and It was discovered that the pillow slip wouldn t work. Tae money mon-ey must be placed la the pal a of the Gypsy to allay that Itcfa, or the powers of dark mystery wouki go out. oa a strike. Of course the ISO was to be returned after the magic nine days bad been passed, when the debtors were to faD over themselves to pay up, but la the meantime the scheme wouldn't work worth a cent If the matter were not kept a very eloee secret. As a matter, of course, now that the aloe days have passed, both tb gypsy and the f SO have vmalsaed atterly. and the worst of it I that the debtors are stin saowtag a remarkable relactasre about pyra that ll.K. not withstand isg a'l lb trouble aad expense of working oa their toisds through dark sad secret agencies. J. JOLT A w; IEER At Msaa.'&c Tksrsday there was a ff'.i la b!cb Jo a AitU U alk-ged to 1st e beata ? a ca usai r. Pa-a Pa-a te sose ff tf'imV. extent tUt I c'lv tiaat - " A CwsrUiai wa sects to f tie Is-1 !.;.: as4 s timsl U 'r ; tie srrt o' A! 5. t':s k s sfpar-r as:e fc'CY Ji'C Noon, Aill r"r4 j a rf giLty itl was ad til j Sit Ja r r.h his f Vi t',- i"&3 n t cwtsty cVrk la tie' rss ef rMAst C?ce C"T vx Ar Uaii Vc'zjjs. Aas-e U. JiC si Is tli set a tie c r ttM,! ll rci'r ?'' 'cr . 1' ' tfi;. Yte 4-r'et i Z' J t- -----WrM FvlftraoDfM- bflltKIU PARALYSIS If .; BOUGHT A MY USED Funeral this Afternoon in the Tabernacle One of the Largest Held Here M. H. "Atwood died at his home in Manila Tuesday night after an Illness- of nearly six months. In May of this year Tfff rAWcrca' paralysis and for several days he has been grjad ually sinklpg, , until ins f nd came. His death was not unexpected and all the members of his family were at bis bedside except one son, Laurence, who is a missionary in Australia! Aus-tralia! T " v Millen D: Atwood, son of Minor Atwood, was born in Salt Lake City, May 15. ,1853. . On October 8, 1877. he "married Sarah Wanless of Lehi and to them have been born four sobs and two daughters. The family have made Manila their home, for the past twen- two years during whlch time MrAt. od--iia. le,0nBe4 -4b- -pr em W nent way with all public matters, of the community. For several years he served as counselor to the bishop of the Manila ward and waa released only on-ly to become a member of the High Council of Alpine Stake which position posi-tion he held at the time of his death. "" The Tuneral service held this afternoon after-noon at 1 o'clock in the "Pleasant Grove Tabernacle was one of the largest ever held In the city. - Bishop II. B. Warniek of Manila wartb presided. The Tabernacle Taber-nacle choir beautifully rendered "Shall We . ..Meet Jleycnd the River." and "Nearer My Ood to Thee." and Mrs. May West Halliday, the solo, "Sometime, "Some-time, Somewhere." The speakers were thoe who have been acquainted with the deceased for a number of years and many kind words were spoken concerning - his good life and character. The Interment Inter-ment waa at the Pleasant Grove eeme-tery. eeme-tery. s. Says Northwest Excells In Pack' ing, But Provo Has It Beat en For Fruit . I Wm. M. Roylance returned from a week's visit to Sookane. Monday. apple show recently held In (hat city, snd gives it SS his unqualified opinion, sfter seeing all the apples tnat the famed northweit could muster, that Prove has them all beaten to a sick ening pulp In the production ef fine apples. - '- , "The display was a splendid one,' said Mr. ftoylance, in describing the display, "but I saw no applra which more than bold their own with ours, if we could only get ours packed snd displsyed aa are theirs. The principal display was made In the stale armory, which Is peshapa a third larger tbaa our tabernacle, and It was beautiful in the extreme. Just imagine. If yon can. twelve carloads of beautiful apple, artistically packed. the boxes running back at aa attractive attrac-tive an!, the height of the car. "Beside the display in the Armory, there wss a test of perhaps three acres, well filed with dleplsys running mostly fo small box tots, bat all packed snd poll bed with the greatest care. SECONO WAP.0 CONFERENCE. At Ward Conference la the Second Ward last Sunday Mrs.-' Susie 8wrn-son 8wrn-son ss r!eed si her requm from the presidency of the primary association, associa-tion, snd Mrs. Rose !Urvy ufalsed la her stead Jilts Mrs. Helen Csrsoa sd Mrs. in north Thorn as coen tJors Tte fPake PrtdT were r!tors st tb Er4 Ward Conference last ;oday. IT1et jTalpmaa srgH tie n: o prs,e ward saeet-las saeet-las arJa. as a s-J'"d letroveoeat for ow yar. Seme cf tte people say ly wonld pr'r to herp the (rvsnt arraagwrneni. A?iert'.Tt is the "STVS pmr. Ls e.k 8.. r. trf A 5i. fr. sst in ss s4 -We Wart rk- Tt s is tttl J. 8 Wi lff k4 in y s'.t it Tay ssorn- trr -w rt 1 ler.. Jwt i ur. t t'4 tie r" he t t; t virH ttl It! tlT f tT sew It ta tie :-? A r, t trp.it. t tore f:e- p ti e-r tse --t -.'. .As 4 r Ca J & ILAIiCE iS BACK FROM THE APPLE SHOW PLEA8ANT GROVE, UTAH. YOUTTHE MERCHANT, AND THE TOWN. Trading at home builds up three: tou, the merchant, and the town. Once let this fact take hold In your Inner consciousness and the rest is but a matter of time. You let the merchant feel that he has the trade of bis townspeople and notice how quickly he adopts the policy o "larger sales at smaller profits." That benefits you both, . at the same time makes tus.ness and one of the best assets a .Iowa, caajjavela. a tow of prospeua houses ; SOCIETY- EIIEIII ft ' LA JAIL- Sheriff Judd Entertains ately jitDlnherCovers Laid for Four . Over at the county jalfj there are, four people who will havenore or lei to be- thankful for today, principally more, as they are nave, according to time, honored custom, something !L?X.eX 1,nnerj In honor of the time of aenerarthanka offering. ' . It may be that some of the four wiH be unreasonable enough not to se what there is in their particular rasj calling for thanks, because some people peo-ple are so unreasonable as to believe that the fact of being aCtarod behu.d aetworsroTTOertjaFr otrtTterates atj cause for gratitude, but, however thk may be. Sheriff Judd. will provide to sjteclal Thanksgiving dinner, and it Is presumed will let it go at that, leaving the moral attitude of his charges char-ges Ja tbeJieeplug of other. .'. . : v The Guests. The prisoners of the county Jail ax Waterberry, L. Duffy. Sandy . Powa and S- D. Glenn. In addition to being in durance vil-v Di'.l Waterberry Is nursing a sore foot which he found too much of a handicap for traveling overland rt this seation of the year, and aeceptcf the invitation of the Sheriff to aojotiia a time aa the coumty"s guest. Ti" Other three ar tngty !- . because we're here." They are tre three lovers of cleanliness who wanted want-ed to shave and bathe so badly that they broke Into a prospector's shark a couple of weeks ago in their quest for soap, towels and a raxor. ' HALM PLACE TOJJVE State Board Uf Health October Bulletin " Makes" Eloquenr" Showing to Home Seekers The showing made by Utah county In the October, report of the State Board ef Health shews it te be one of the healthlett counties '" In a very healthy stats, both the mortality and Infection statistics being esmsrkably low.. - " v Under a health law passed by the last state legislature, aa annual convention con-vention of health officers to be held st the capllot Is announced by T. B. B atty of the State Board of Health, for lbs 10th. Under this law the health officer of each Incorporated town or county la the state Is a delegate to the coaven-j .... ..a a . ...... . werw is use. u nsuw mm ri- blage of Bkedlcos this year, ' ; The vital statistics report of the Stat Board of Health forOctober la st band and to the thoughtful contains some s!gnificsot Information eosxrra-lag eosxrra-lag Utah county, which cannot well be Ignored by tateadisf bom builders, ss health Is on of the first requisites ought la any community. A Le Death Rata. Cat of sa estimated nc?wUti'9. ba4 the census of 1Pv7. tlftcirf the ppvtuoa of Utah rowsty st 2, -.TO. the tiaj death list for the meet of Oetne-er was J, gin distrtrtg !a tfe rowaty retorted ao st l ssd ts sis rfrevewt M per rtt of the entire namber cf distriru is tt etyit.tr A trtaJ of 12 esses of arWt Mt were rTert4 Ssd of ties two r-rs'?i r-rs'?i IstaHy. FlTty eiae ra cd r?x wr rt"4. aad of " m acr9s.!)4. Tyt 4 rtati4 ti?.T for eee pstiret nt cf a lcl ' $t rt. faevo'a cis4 to ' tl zls, ssd uerrs'os's OSHL Dr. C 1 Ja 4 Mta C4-e Mwrji r asarre4 . of tir krtdf a ssrvs'a. air sad V- 1 Wn. w-wrt st tie -;r 1 o"f' k ' JnsaXrft-rg ly. tua a. L. ' Star Ut t?t 11 '. l-"t- MM am FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1109. 4 MENTAL HOSPITAL - V. - IIGE Special Features Added to Din i ; her Bill, But Dancing To- - -f night is Taboo At the State Mental hospital this afternoon, the 378 patients will be treated to something extra in the mat- OBSERVA ter of the dinner menu, although thehture's storehouse, Hhey clded to de- ... ! . . ... . . i . n UMI. anwlnw .tn Q7A . . . occasion of universal thanksgiving by reason of time honored custom and the usual gubernatorial proclamation will not be elaborate. As in nearly all public institutions the day will be observed by some features fea-tures differing' from the usual routine of daily life, but in the . nature of things at such institutions, conditions somewhat tamper elaborate entertainment, entertain-ment, and added to this fact Dr. Cal-der Cal-der feels that some precaution against recent infection is necessary, and as this makes necessary the curtailing of visits from the outside, it also acts na a limit on the possible recreation and entertainment of the inmates. Dinner Bill Extra. The fare, every day at the big institution in-stitution under Dr. Calder's care, is of the best, bo that bis chargea would hardly notice a ThankFglving dinner unless it were very elaborate, as be ing essentially different from the reg triar daily fare, but some additions have been made to the dinner bill. and duriug the evening 'what enter te'r 'wnv pmiMe will be given. touight. but oing to the precautions bksiuhi suiaiipox, even ine outniac musle has been disrontiiued for the time,' and the Idea has been abandoned aban-doned until danger from Infection Is past. i n IS d. U.-Ill Hi JAILED BY- THE Salt Lake Romance, Sordid As " sesoriesAnd a Wrath" Woman Causes of Arrest A young man named McMeekin has been arrested by Sheriff Judd on a charge of-grand larceny preferred by a Salt Lake woman, aad thereby bangs a Ule. In fact there are likely to be several stories brought to light In connection with the arrest of McMeek In and the subsequent hsppeaings which led to It The Indications con talned In the bald statement of the facts, aa they Cbm from the Information Informa-tion st haad la the sheriffs office, point to St least a tinge of romance, choked and effectually throttled la the midst of Its young dream by sordid coadltioos over which the Interested parties bad so control. McMeekin, the Knight According to the story upon which eberirt actlen-Ja the matter of ftne arrest was based. McMeekla was ,h rwpucj, Bto ,oJcfc U(, ,B distress poured nn account of her these had much to do with the fact that ber husband bad fallen dowa In the matter of family prorl elan, thereby reducing ber to the necessity ne-cessity of pssslcg crrtsln pieces of Jewelry, snd sundry article belonging to br wsrdrohe, and as transactions of this kind. een with sn nnc!. sre spt to be embsrrassiBg. McMkla srr4 teresdert them for the lady it Is a'toged thst be conducted Ibe aegutiaUons is a manner twi-k.r.i martt ttsse scQmea. and efttsref faithfuls to bis charge up to lite! ii'Mrriin Rill SHERIFF point wfcr the pielg.cg of the ar I tff'e for mocey was completed, but J , after that ke Is said to have fi 1 Tt f'tr.t cf the Te lurtJI'ower , utterly. - Co. cs Isstt'e Urerk. was v! Mon- f Me Was Recrst, - , dsr by s party of tleviJL O. cit- j The cfcrj of frrsad lareeny grow 1 1 tal,ts. h-4"d hf i' tt t ocrr Aa- out ot tie a.:et.ow tbt McUe-k o ; dron. rhi-f at LnF,4 piaat proved. rrrest to his tret asd to- ho tie fV dar.rc Us trip f.ewd of rruriT tt tx-m la U- U4f ir'a 4 IBte't!c- erf gfa-, la t;ta b h;4 fcif to Iroio.,trl it,..rg c?ii:';os , as 4 tir.ncitrg. " ' -t cf the ei attrtet?cws r. ' Tte lfy curr'a!G4 tothe Si.'t , tr . la pr.t l vt,'.".j. was the ri lke stiit'. ttey la tin - mp t'.e kegack p Utt'e. biiii!i ra tat lavrad e to srr-t oa tk fe try ti.r ti tro4-t:sg '- rbtrt is4ka'4, a a&aa aasweiisg f IU of Ksg-s Harry W4y. a -o , VfM"l n its ar-l 4-T,fti.. i gve k.s t tr-r a vtv p svat ' "ir'. J J'44 li.'skitg be tk t4 . a4 lai-rntis nt ss4 4ra'Btr-' tJs yetg rsa on ti eret 4rorr4 s Utr -!4r-r 4 to Ut Vtklm ! f-,-. ij UtUi s s -t fc; o4 k ct" e ',-r t sr far a ' trsJ. r4 i-r4 tf a'l. ti ' . .v :r4"r. . WESTERN NEWSPAPER l) OF NA TURAL RES- El The Story of Finding a Fortune in Stored Water Reads Like a Romance To dam. up a little stream and make a storage reservoir Is one thing, but to dig into a side hill and fjnd one aU ready built and filled by Nature, worth a fortune In ready cash, is altogether anothec,ihingv-That,la-what4ha-Wa4.f ley brothers have done, two miles north of Pleasant Grove. The atory reads like a romance. . The brothera first uiade an effort toJ open a coal vein. -Mistaking the black clay croppings along tfie foothills eove-ineus- piace . as tae capping or a coal bedvthey drovea tunnel 1,060 feet into this clay but finally concluded they were not in a coal bolt Not con- itent to go thus unrewni or'tnroui na velop a Httle spring about 230 feet up -the hill from the mouth -of the tunnel. It was prosecuting this notion no-tion that put them up against a puz-sling puz-sling "phenomenon, the successful solution so-lution of which has possessed them of a water supply for which the municipality munici-pality of American Fork has offered them $10,000 spot cash. zJhy first tried the ardlnary-method of opening a side hill spring, lowering the outlet. This led to the important discovery that the hard pan or clay over which the water found its way was not a blanket stratum, but a sort of rim. " A foot deep trench through this ciajrrtnr Immediately doubled the flow from two to four corn rows. This was highly gratifying and work was stopped for about two months when It was noticed that the flow dwindled down to the original volume of two corn rows. The trench .was lowered another foot and the same thing happened. hap-pened. Again the third time the trench was lowered with like results, Finally the promoters found then selves up against a problem. Were they draining an underground baIn made by tin ruck niaos Ct the rising hills pushing down Into tho flay, squeezing up the edges Into s sort of rim which apparently was the case Where their trench cut through, or what? The data, at band seemed strongly to confirm the basin idea and It was decided la teat It out t " A new tunnel was driven to tap the basin If there waa one, at a nerpen-j dicular depth of ffy three 'eet lm'ow he o'lt et o' the original spring. A'l this expense and persistence, not lens than the idea itself, furnished the neighbors and townspeople who happened hap-pened along, cause for a desparlng smile, but the ides was right snd In due time the contact between Hie cloy hard pan and the lime and slate formations for-mations was reached and no sooner punctured than from the, scams and crevices the water guhd. It was necMnary to sink s shaft 53 feet dnp to connect with the tunnel on the contact line. "After "some difficult r" a dam was constructed In the tunnel Just on the line of contact. In this dam was planted a l.Vlnrh vlre. The! moment the last shorelfull of .clay nitid.clowed the tunnel over the valve the baxin was again sealed. Its store of water, however, now subject to the will of man. wrench la hand, a' the valve. The ultimate volume of this wonderful wonder-ful reservoir is yet unknown. Its vol- ume. with the nresent outlet hss been . measured during the laat, two Tears. . NI0N If dosed up In September snd opened w uueup ui teams win go alter in June, it will Irrigate J00 acres of I the scalp of rteasant Grove, land. There Is known to be S3 feet, " of wster depth since sfter shout five The Undon Can ctub beld It annual months closed down the wster will j pigeon shoot In the afternoon. Staa-appear Staa-appear e( the old spring outlet ley B. Keetch carried off the trophy These gentlemen are planning to . by a score of nine out of ten pigeons push the old coal tunnel further Into : sprung from the trsp. the bill If possible, to tsp the basin w on that level. Should they be success-1 A big rabbit bunt was organlied for ful they would then have a water , Thankngiving forenoon by J. C. Gill-depth Gill-depth of tX feet; they would bav a man and W. A. Boulter, the losing bo'dlng of enormous money value; side to pay for the ammunition. Gltt-snd Gltt-snd would have developed one of the mas. with all banters went north, aad marvels of the day. j Boulter with seven went south. Bowl- . : j trr's hunters. 14 somewbst the a4 BATTLE CHEEK PLAIITfSrS INSPECTED IK CAPITAUSTS' 11111 I I flLlU I U I t-oa ef tie vs a I t.e trsay. M Ida H.eg r"fc4 ter Kj- 4j fA c!as at a trie r 1: g tr XL. . -Uats r- READ THE SAD .' tathispaper. v Front by th& good Suggestions SERVICE. No. 4 COUNTY HAS SMALL i! DEBT Eleven Counties; of State Owe More Money to Lenders -than UtahCounty While it is not always an absoluts proof of prosperity a county or com- niunityto.-shows-4ow - mortgage-jtm debtedness, Ja. the present ease- of Utah county It la.. It Is a proof, be cause :ereaVOflff3oIiargn"iio- motions under way, calling for the negotiation of heavy loans, and this, fact taken In connection with, a low number of private loans on. mortgage security, proves the prosperity of the county, because It shows that the people peo-ple are producing the meana neees sayr to their needs, and are not fqreed to borrow. - The table, whose compilation has Just been. completed by State Statisti cian H. T. Haines, covers every coun- . ty in the state in the matter of prt vate mortgages, from 1905 to July ol" the present year, - and - shows Utah county, while one of the largest and -most important in the state, to bo fourth In the list of mortgaged indebt- edfteftsift-l dftS, -wnen-th nnoTtgngeg nt secord were o7 in cumber, and represented repre-sented a money value of $857,737.75. A Smalt Debt By July 1, 1908, the number of mortgages mort-gages of record had fallen off to 328, .' represented by - a money value of $297,468. From that, date to July J, of the present year, ten mortgages were added to the list, and the increase in-crease In borrowed money was corre- " londlngIy slight, showing' a total of liMXti. At the1 time the table was completed for the present year, tuo mortgaged indebtedness of Utah.-county Utah.-county was represented by 673 mortgages, mort-gages, whose total value was $i49,G20. From fourth place In the list of , mortgaged debtors. In 1905, Ut 27 counties, with a greater mortgaged OV'tit. . . These figures tell a splendid story of prosperity and thrift on the part of the people, especially when the relative poult Ion and size of Utah county. coun-ty. In comparison with her alster counties. coun-ties. Is considered. n-wj-wte -m - v "i'u vivrtu iuti ut tuv LINDON NEWS. Dr. and Mrs. C. F.. Westphal spent Sunday evening the guests of Mr. snd Mrs. J.. D. Wadley. Kdward Culmer of Mllford Is via Iting bis mother, Mrs. John Fierce. Miss 1-oulne Ogden has gone to Salt Lake City to stsy for some time. Miss Ella Robison who is st the homr ot her brother John at Wendell," Idaho, is expected booie for the holidays. holi-days. . e Jimmle Roach Is slowly recovering from a bad case of blood poisoning of the band. Jamea Wright and Samuel Bertant Jr., left Tuesday with their teajn M find employment at Garfield. . The Y. M. M. I. A. Is organising twa basketbaU. teams and from the prea- raniac ditici s?cnrea . Aioen team to haul them. Not- handicap. Gillmaa s of on rabbit a small cotton tail, bat wfT.ch the Iktulter ssea rUin waa found caught in George TomUnson'a Chicken fwa: 9 CHOOC NEWS.' fa a fast gm of basket ball pUjf4 Mooday stTMonjr between the 8- phomor tewu ssv a pt-ke4 teane from the remi'mW of the ditrlct. the .aoj ts"" won br a scor of li re tJ Tfce tesms rtKd up as folio: Itr1rt. Fvta ' Iff. 3.ia..t Warak VeWsfin rl tTpis Hs!5ii!ay . T. .T t TiaskJC F! TVt J. ......... I g W. West Adwr-sow -.. f ..... fUsnmfsni krxn.t-meat Ih.I Bs4e with D. A. Weet, ew ti He "stars" of Ust years sts chsttocji!? ta, u t Innl H. S tlt Vatl tam. Cosb v-t fjt'.nd piasjt-k", teste Is tie t4Tk c Ccasty lx. FTTstaJ-irt O K. Ci :i a MORTGAGE 7 ! rSit I te t . y : a ; a.cii.-X " '; 4 t-.'t trrH t . ss. tx-.;;;:;:4 fcev " ;-;i c I ' T-.'t t.rvH t tie r w Tirs is i-.u-sd. tg c.J C-at U to l;ii. t t :i 44444.4ttl '"fr-jii uvj , 1 ..... . . tink a , i |