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Show jj; ::.v- ' -i 'asa.aw.ea. By HAMLIN I V XCMON .WE HAVEN'T ALL NIGHT TO N A j W-2Stil LCOXT GO.' HOT DAW6J A 2-f THIS PHONY THE BUSINESS? CvH Tfc TVlSi Ik THIS IS GONNA BE 1 4 keepstcp wn& Solomon's . T I iH&ss 4C5l!8ti-l3 I K"- QJK'.yC J; WIVES' CATS, INPEEP? --NOBOOVS I Zi33tlgr fl 1 'tfrrH I OT" r-; TDM' 1 iv-t rVw - r WEl cat Wme out of a vwn-1 a KfttrA 1 1 J y3r-ir ttl fc jUl f ffrfl UX ABNER By AL CLAPP .1." . UJOKIT TMCT MONSTER J OWttSS 1 WHUT , x I I ONUSS-SOMEONS. I I CkArSY AH HAS Y HOORAY. I miNrr-OH-ewcs J o u IV docs i ah V" n K eiae ketches J I I a coce-Bcoooeo . THAR wdmYI -Tl I MEAN ? 7 1 -J I r' " -P- & NOTMIN' Kr- .-wiPHeRrlnraU LATi . VVV 3- am I -MAN ANWire.7X 1 RED RYDER By FRED HARMON f HOHWo fVf SHE.ll GAME. 1 ( i V If jW ' ' i J r i S. I ' ISTRANcER 'ILL FIND lrtT FLA. J O r ff IN ". 1 : s j FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By MERRILL BLOSSER It seems that miuda nd (.a&d ACE BOTM RUNNtMO fO Twe OWCE OF COMMISSIONER Of ATMLETCo NOW MIL DA TWBfATtNEO LA60 WITH A BOVCOTT. SUE REFUSES TO HAVP DATES WITH HIM UNLESS HE WITHDRAWS Hl NAME FROM THF CAU.OI i: RUN FOR ATTA k-V AFTER ALL. A GUY HAS TO STAND UP FOR. HIS . PRINCIPLES : , Acr VOi i A Xl'mu iCC (.Mii -hiiia icO Akin I ... . Y L MOUSE CR A A DAWE PUSH YOU AROUND? "TT J 1 1 J I I V t m me u. pot. ef p 'EAM. BUT 1 IP I DO RUN. HILDA WON'T DATE ME AND IT WONT BE MUCH FUN Cuddling PRINCIPLES ON A . SOFA r so BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES By EDGAR MARTIN wt vxy. fcco ANSWER. Iceland has more than a hundred volcanoes; ygXT; Do mo$t wild anJmab die of old arc? 'It seems like a dream, dear! Our nwn'nrprimis lillle baby girl grown up and marrying a doctor, and they're so hard to gel nowadaysT HERALD CLASSIFIED rOM A LB H1BCK fcLAXKOUB 1-HOIJS U stov. Only .M. Ct North Jrd East. Phon 11-U t n ITALIAN PRUNES, Bon&na aprlM. ill North Srd Et. Plion ol 4 MONTH German SnopKord pup. Bin-tnent Bin-tnent 655 East Cantor. JLny ttmo. Mob. day. ol A-l IE1KR. Will (raslfen aoon. Tboa. I j. Kitchen. Oram. : ol UKAU RIKLE. barrel h6rtened. Pacific micrometer peep rear debt. Army pllng. Ji cartrldaea. Mdadar, 7i Eaat " 3rl North after t p.m ol HultSK. brIUIe and sadtjla. 110 8outh LtU Weat. i-ru.N wxtoa scale. Complete :, Phone ol rOS CALK MIKCKLUaNEOO BARGAIN on purebred rabblta and hatches. Botches all metal, few wood frames. Phone 4-R4. ol PKB-WAR dialnc room seL !3v South 11 Bast. oi MONARCH coal ranee. Water Jacket and pipe lt; East : Hcnjth. ol S JERSEY cows. One 1 6 lb. plB. L. t: Byland. Rt. No. 1. Box S00. Urrm East on 1st road north of Canjon noad. ol PAGE 6 PROVO, UTAH COVHTt. VTAX SCXDAT. OCTOBER I. 144 SUNDAY HERALD PUR RENT PIIRMHUKD S ROOM apartment. Adults only. (20 West Ird North. ol I rfoOM stoker heated apartment with hot water, completely redecorated and all rooms repapered. Equipped with electric ranee. refrlcerator and Bendis - home laundry. A 'real nice apartment. 4i: East Center. ol UUUMt. ! East 1st -North. o 1 KOOT meat case, compressor at scales. Inquire Tlmp Market, across from Scera Theatre. Orem. oS RABBITS & hulchca. Hspward bars on Can) on road or call ol 4 Bl'R.NKK gas stove. Gsed t months. ::7 East 3rd North. ol I CU.NCOItD UKAI'Efl at .the Old Peter Andersou place. mil East of Oen-fvi Oen-fvi steel honpltal. o4 TWO juuiik A-l tus. : Mllklnc. with fiii-1 ulim. 11 .ortli !tn vteat. ol PRACTICALLY NEW -Iron Hreman eloker, sice 1, for buflneas building Keuouiiably priced. Adainson's. Zl Wkii Klmt North. Proo. oi llOV'b iremr l.lcjcle. Balloon t Ires. HZ Kimt 4th South. I'lion! 140&W el WASI1IMJ MACHINE. . i Electric. Mt. View Sub division. Oreai. No. 1? ol Lll.l.t; U-foot Koi-kboll Mshogany buut, II. I'. Elirude outboard moior. Eicclletit pipe jtraller, J0.C OU r'.utt ( ruler M. ol :'lti:-WAR electric KeE lnator NvpUk sums repair. Call i:t;-M KKitl.-lKKk'D cocker puppies. Blaak malo $:o. I'srll-colorcd female. Sit. I'hune TS4-W. A merles tl Fork. o3 liLT VOL'U Mclntoslt it, Wolf River looVlnir apples st the Tourist Market. It. .Nuttli, oreni, L't. Raise Them. UICHKMS l'EAKS. 11 7.. bushel. Phone x"..-i;. 4 houses North Pleasant View Cliuich. Yci sldo of road. Wscncr. ol CHILD'S bed A fuldlnf bucry. Sii West 3rd South. ol Tl LIP BL I.B8. Mixed corors. Perry Seed Store. 495 North Sth West. el LAKHK PR VERS. 40c per pound. Fst rabbits. 11.00 ench. Apples, "Jonsth orm ' IJ.Jj buxlicl. Canyon Breese Or. Iiatd on Sth East at 4th North. Orem I' tuli. : P1UKONS. fan tails, tumblers, homers. Priced to sell. Si: West S North o: 1 :i;r ii w (aute floors. (Complete with liMnlHnrr. Orem Trallif. Park. oi PEARS, apples at trapes.- Phone -JZ Rt. 1 Box Ct. We deliver. o: 8EVERAL used heaters at stoves. Furm. tore. Odd and ends. 49 North 4 1 1. West. o: Al'ARTMENT. i:i. Also Basement 1:. Startup's Apartments, C) N. 1 Wast. ol 4 ROOM house. Not modern. Only soasll family wantril. By Lincoln hish school. Thou I.. Kitchen, Orem. ol 3 Ll. LAN slceptnc rooms. For men. Heated. Privste bath A entrance. 44i North 1 West. Phone 13(4. ol ruB SAI.ee TRAIl.KRB I HOUSE TRAILERS. A-l esmdlttor. Closeout prtcaa. Victory Trailer Park. Oram. ci 14-FOOT schulta houso trailer. Good tires, extra tire. Ready to Co. RFU No 1. West Drive. 1st bouse west ef Knudsen Dairy. e: M ISCKLIA M MCI GRILL CAFE. IS South 1 West, ores 34 hours a day, seven days a week WE BUT. sell end exchsnse furnut-e. stoves, tools, odds and ends. 4 Norm 4th West. o:r run SALS) CAB a RHODE Island Greening. Uraveusteln apples. Phone 044 Ji. Route 1 Box fcio Riverbottom Road. Pierce. 06 SWEET corn, tomatoes and pickllns onions. 11th West 13th South. V. E 8later. o:' SAND and gravel. Immediate delnrrv Phone 473 It 3. ol SAND and gravel Phone l'ruo ts.lli or Spiingville :1SJ. nil PERSONALIZED Xmaa card. bO buu. ttful cards with name IniptlnteO foi only 11.00. Supply Is limited. I'lace rder now. Shirley's Gift Shop. U'j West Center. o. WIDE AXLE 3 horse, or tractor, nailer OOxIS extra licsty 4-ply tires. Arln car radio 4 wheel trsll. r bit. h or to bsr. 11 North lltli West. I'rovo. . ROUGH and finished lumber. Cobcrt Pebler. u III more Place. I.lndon o: FOLXD LARUE truck tire between Sj.arusn Fork and HprlngWIIe. (13 East 4tb North Spanish Fork. ol LOST REWARD for Informstion stout boy'i-red boy'i-red bicycle taken from Mhcmt rWh.jn: on Sept. :7tb. Dick Thomson. Noit'i 3nd East. o.' PAL to World Hr el. Red Irish Setter pup. 14 weeks old. Answers to "Spike '. Return to 131 East 7th North. Phone 1101-M. o3 WILL the person who took a brown purse from Post Office, please, at least, return keys snd ration book to address on books. ol 1 ROOMS, partly furnished. Uroood floor. Heat, hot water, tii No. L'niv. o: 3 ROOM apartment, with bath. Panly furnlheil. Suitable for couple. 4H . North itli K.im. ol KooM apartment, heat. Adults. Hi Soul ii .'r.l W en. O - 3 Ki'i'M.s and bath partly furnished. A. lulls i,iil ";o X est Tnd South, el 3-COOM furn'nbed ino'lein apartment. Itilities furnislied. Storage rwim, laun dry room, gatase. 151 East 3rd South. SpritiK tile. Phne 343. o3 3-i;ovM modern apartment near tieneva Steel plant. Klroj Murdock. Phone Cli-Kl ol K I.V tecorated licbl housekeeping or sietptnf lofima. Heat, lights, furn lain !. i: North 1st West. Phone :siv CHOICE bedroom for gentlemen. Private entrance. Cull after ( p. m. 34( North let l-s.-t e!4 CO.N VK.N I K.N r new brick apartments conipUt.ly furuishe!. electric ranxe and refrigerator Oarage. L'se of washers wash-ers snd laundry facilities without extra coal. ALPINE VILLA, pleas ant liioic, Nine miles north of Provo on Main llltfbuay. slO Xlt RENT INFCRNISHED 3-ROOM modern apartment. Cle (Jround floor. 318 East 1 South. In. o4 3-ROOM apartment, (Jarage. Steam heat ed. Phon 347-W. Ralph Bullock, Bul lo. k Itilliardx. 10 West Center. oS WORK WANTED MAN with pick-up truck wants work Call 11K.-W. ot l.VKiiK room apartment. 138 West 4th South. Phone M3-W. o :i-I.Ni'll furnace. (7i jCash. Victory Trailer Park. Orem. r cj MLS 1' SACRIFICE 3( well built rabbit IiukIipk. 90S East 3rd South. o: PLACIiKS, plums. At Oalc Spring Ranch. Mapletun. Bring containers, lie and up. o& V KS TlNiilK iL'sE electric range. $i Cood condition. House JCo. 14c Mountain Moun-tain Sub-dlv Islon. Orem, or RECOTJrDITlONED typewriter and windows, win-dows, cheap. Phone 431--W o3 NLW Jr. Duncsn Pyfe dining room set also breakfast act. 37t West Clsrk A .nue. . c Z UL I. US. ppejiiies. Iris. etc.. lor fell plsnt-tns. plsnt-tns. Phonj ci;-R-3 or w rite W. Reed N'uttall Rt. No. 3. Pioeo. o4 ONE Registered Hereford: Cow, on pig, Hereford heifer. i Est Ird So. o: CI.ADIuLLS. Cut flowcri, all colors, for all occasions, by the doxen or the 100-l'hono 100-l'hono 01-113. W. Reed Iuttall, Provo. : o OOOD Jersey milk cow. )it,t North 7th Eaat. oS I'llLNLo snd tomatoes. Phone Ole-RS o V.v.'LLM cleaner, chartej- oak heater, trombone. S38 East 3rd South. ol TWcSZL'S V0C 6GVtb a. Wfl J .OOlrH f-ra' VjOTTH I - -e vr::r- ,fi Hsis. a 7'..i s , 1 tt4 r1 ' "" ' Utm isSIsxsm WASH TUBBS By ROY CRANE i ' ji fffr' THS 5HCUL0 BS Tt a 1L 44 ' i kWUPtt If t THAT WAS AJ.M05T (J Ct THE UU-AGE..I J lViVJ ?S W4 Ml tf V FATAL MISTAKE, . THIS CURIOUS WORLD SIDE GLANCES iFSrrHtLT I 1S f7- S T POTATOES ( SZZZ ! 7 2 Y W'lfit SAKt: WERE PRO-) ( T-e 'JvX ?W I iUT-'. If 1 VTj '' ' ( DUCEO BY SOENTISr K T7?VSVr Vi I J) tf 3 ' ' N tcK '- J f'' . -: : .V EVERY WOMAN IS NAMED . etW., Up W If ' '"''TSa Om2o i yew. 1X4 ay m scuvicg. me. r. m ro, u, a, PtT r f-So ICEBOX. 1". 3 now igsttr :ach. 141 West 1 Soutlt HI ol LA W N Mu LK. electric : Iron. bottled fi.nt. New coal range. Vlodern buffet, l'ur coat 10 Sl miscellaneous Items. 4 4: South 4th West. ol 1AI1U dump bed A hoist. Saddle or militating horse. RCA -record player. 1'- ton stake bed. Inquire Knight I i o 117. North 5nJ West. ol PI i: vai; a lor tot also used lumber. IS South :,th West. ol NFW mattress, drop leaf steel couch complete. J pair springs. Heatrola tio.irly n-wr. Hot blast heater. ISO East 77th souili. Springttlle. ol WANTED WOMEN and MEN To Drive ' Taxi -Cabs Here's your opportunity to do an IIonest-to-6oodness War Job at Home! Also . . i : Openings for 2 SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS TWO TRUCK HEIJPERS Do a Patriotic Jobi Make Good Moneys-Enjoy Moneys-Enjoy Pleasant )Vorkin$ Conditions ! See Mr. Sniith Yellow (Jab Company 170 West First North HEJ.P TO KEEEP' VITAL WARTIME TRANSPORTATION TRANSPOR-TATION MOVING! ' Essential war workers must be referred by Ti.SJS-3, ? NEED M0IEY? SEE US FIR5T We Loan the Most on Everything' ; Watches, Jewelry, Lujrgagre. Tools, Guns, Cameras, etc. BALL BONDS Stover Lohn Office f 51 North Univetsity' NEW cool spacvoue apartmanta. Electric range and refrigerator, garage, laun dry. Two miles from Steel plant. Alpine Villa. Pleasant Grove. slO m CHEVROLET cheap. tO East 4-North. 4-North. Phone 14S3-W. c 13( OLDSMOBILE Sedan, g new t!-c. new clutch, excellent condition, v. . . accept small trade. Ill So. Ird Wr- ei 1141 CHEVROLET club coupe. clean. 441 south 3rd West. 1: CHEVROLET. Radio, heater, a condition, owner. Victory Trailer Tar-Orem. Tar-Orem. o 1: CHEVROLET 4 door sedan. rlesn. A A M Sales A Service. : South A University Avenue. 140 STUDE RAKER Commsnder. O . drive, radio, beater. In excellent . dition. A A M Sales A Service. South A University Avenue. I13C FORD coupe. Rsdio, heater. Ru : , sent. A good buy. A A M Sales A St r Ice. 3rd SouUi A University Atei 1141 PACKARD Clipper. Series 1:0 Vt-luxe Vt-luxe equipment. A A M Salea A Im- lie. 3rd SoutU A University Areaua err HYDRA ILIC truck dump bed. 1 f--t. Complete. Also besvy pole tra er. Aksarben Cabins, IS South 7 Li.-, sprtngvtlle Road. cl HELP WANTED WOMEN A MEN wanted as attendants st Utah ttate Hospital. Ills per month for women. Ill for men. Plus one meal each day. Eight boors dsi'.y. Apply office. Essential war workers must be referred by USES. oil PPERSONAL GET ACQUAINTED CLUB. Throueh social correspondence thousands year v meet their "Ideal." Write for list of ellglbles. Many Utah members. $!m:-son. $!m:-son. Box i:il, Denver. Colo. cl Automobile Buyers TAKE NOTICE Good Used Cars in dealers hands are being depleted very fast and replacements are almost impossible. If you are contemplating contem-plating buying a used car, now is the right time. Listed below are some of our real good cars and buys. Several more to choose from. 1936 DODGE 4-Dr. Sedan. Newly finished, very good rubber and mechanically OK for thousands of miles. 1941 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe De-luxe Club Coupe. Extra fine shape throughout. Radio and heater. 1939 PACKARD 4-Dr. Sedan. This car has had exceptionally exception-ally fine care and is in very good condition. Equipt with Radio, Heater and overdrive. 1940 FORD 85 Deluxe 4-Dr. Sedan. First class condition in every respect. Equipt with Columbia overdrive, Radio and Heater. 1941 STUDEBAKER 4-Dr. Deluxe De-luxe Tone Sedan. Has original origin-al silk rayon tires. This car must be seen to be appreciated. appreciat-ed. 1941 DODGE 2-Dr. Sedan. Completely overhauled, new paint, radio and heater. No better buy anywhere than this one. 1937 CHEVROLET Master Deluxe De-luxe 4-Dr. Sedan. Completely overhauled, new paint, radio and heater. 1941 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe De-luxe 4-Dr. Sedan. Reconditioned Recondi-tioned throughout, new paint, seat covers, radio and heater. Liberal Allowances On Trade-ins EASY TERMS NA YLOR AUTO CO, 70 EAST FIRST NORTH Used Car Lot First South and University Arena BUY A CAR No Priority Needed 1941 FORD Super Deluxe 5 Passenger Coupe Radio, heater. Very clean. 1940 CHEVROLET Special Deluxe Sport Sedan. A-l tires, 1941 PLYMOUTH Deluxe Town Sedan. New tailored upholstering1, uphol-stering1, heater, original black finish. 1939 PONTIAC Deluxe 1-Door Sedan. Just completely reconditioned. re-conditioned. 1938 FORD Deluxe Town Sedan 1937 CHEVROLET 4-Door Sedan. 1937 FORD Town Sedan This Week's Special'. . . 1942 LINCOLN New pre-war tires. Actually been driven only 8,000 miles. " P. E. ASHTON CO, 191 SOUTH UNIVERSITY BUICK CHEVROLET iVJ 4 A V |