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Show Mules Go on Sitdown Strike Owner Tries Innovation v :LEwferON, Ma Sept. 50 (Efc -Kyle McGrady, operator of the lamed Snake River matt packet ' runs, aanotmced today he had reached an accord with the moat stubborn band of passengers he's ver carried after they staged a ...three-day "sit-down- strike on the deck of his packet, Florence. .--- McGrady, whose- twin - Diesel powered packets provide the only -career communication .with the outside world for hundreds of sheepmen, cattlemen and miners along the tortuous upper reaches ; of the Snake, has been trying to introduce an innovation this year. ' He struck a snag first off when . lniroaucea the innovation, a pack of mules, to the packet Flor . ence. The mules are to be used- In Helping to "line" the special! y-tniilt, y-tniilt, flat-bottomed packets over -xapiaa m tne river, and as pack Teams to carry supplies for hun tern this fall. - .For the past six weeks he has Oeen training the mules to walk a marrow gangplank. : The mules came aboard la fine Style. But it took McGrady three ' whole days to eet them back off the boat again. By a process of elimination, he discovered the one 'mule the others had elected lead er, and now they fellow the lead er on and off the packet with comparitively little argument. McGrady named his packet ; Florence, for his wife. With one - crewman and any passengers, h - negotiates the perilous 150 miles to Johnson's bar every week on a mail and freight trip when thi water permits. Unsecret Weapon 4 Spanish Fork - -v - A t " , ' 'Li t f . V3 HP: i i r;1 , -.1 sisahSssta:wassWBs,WBBasMBSlPSB"' .hImbbs1b1 ' f' J Athanas Literary club members got off to a good start Monday evening when they held their first meeting of this year at the home of .Mrs. Russell Jensen. Singing waa led by Mrs. Clair- Thomson after which Mrs. Jack Ludlow read the club collect. Mrs. Jensen then led the salute to the flag The project of rest rooms for Spanish Fork was discussed ana the members pledged themselves to assist in the purchase of a Ub- erator Bomber by selling bonds during the bond drive starting Oct 2. The high light of the evening was a "Trip to Alaska," given by Mrs. Paul Sorenson, during which she showed many pictures taken while she made her home there Special guests were Mrs. Joe Brown, Mrs. J. E. Chapman. Mrs Jay Brown, Mrs. Alden Christiansen Christian-sen and Mrs. Elmer Swenson, club advisor. Tasty refreshments were served, to all present The Tria-Thalian club got under way for another club year Thursday Thurs-day night when members held their first meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. June England The time was spent outlining i schedule and planning various activities for the coming year. Later La-ter in the evening refreshments were served. New officers in charge of the activities are: Mrs. June England, president; Melba Oard ner, vice-president. Norma Hales, treasurer; Lorna Koyle, secretary, Donna Simmons, reporter; and Maretta Fillmore, hlstorlsn. Mrs. Ann Nelson is sponsoring the club this year. The Euphronlan club meeting was held Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. Florence Roach. IS ; Club business was discussed with Laura Hughes Bingham in charge. The lesson, "You can keep them off the street corners", was given by Mrs. Donna Stone. Luncheon was served to twelve members. That Spanish Fork and vicinity are rapidly Coming to the fore as producers of fine fruit, especially especial-ly peaches, is evidenced by the report re-port given by E. R. McFaden, I agent at the Orem railroad sta tion, Spanish Fork, who states that car loads of peaches have been shipped over the Orem road to be distributed in Colorado. California, Cali-fornia, and other points. Each carload car-load contains from S28 to 660 bushel of fruit Peaches this year were especially fine flavored and free from blemishes. Peaches which became too ripe for shipping were canned at several or tne Utah county canneries. .The trunk railroad lines, being some distance from the producers, did not ship any peaches this year. Omy 121 car loads were shipped from this district last year. PAGE 10 FROVO, T7TAH COCTtTT. UTAH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1. 4 SUNDAY HERALD 'Going My Way?' 4? "J? . -X "I ' .ti :i "J . A.o 4ssWL' tj ; - v if-'- 1 ii v i , " . lie ' v Captured! Papers Shows Nazi Chiefs Plan NoW War WITH T7. 8. FRST AR1TT TN GERMANY, SptT SO (ttE) The German high eoifimand already is Dlottlna a third World war. a aa cret document itlssued in August revealed today, , The document Cwat captured by tne Bnusa zna army aaq turned over to the American 1st armv. It waa an order to r high German of- ncers to save tnemseivts from "senseless death'' in order to pre serve an officers corps for the next war. ,Tn order to prepare from the technical viewpoint for this third unavoidable trial of strength for world leadership, we have need of our officers," the document said. It was entitled "Special Issue of Notes for officer corps," and was issued to ail branches of the German Ger-man army down to divisions. Op ening with a statement that the morale of the troops must be rais- ea. it said tnere had been too many wholesale surrenders. Then It proceeds to stats that troops and young officers must rtgnt to tne last man, while experienced ex-perienced officers save themselves for another war. "Our complete Sand final victory seemed until recently so assured that we can prepare arain with high spirits and In good heart for a further struggle," the document aid Close! :7i 1;: ?4 i ..l; ;. VMrh 'r--i -Ji ..: ti-:-" -(r TWsyoung Parisian lad has been pretty quick to catch on to good old Yankee customs. Judging by the way he gives the hitch-hiker's thumb to U. S. Army truck as it passes him and sleeping baby sister. LUCILLE HALLAM GOES TO GEORGIA SPANISH FORK Miss Luclle Hallam left during the week for Atlanta, Georgia, where she has accepted a position for a court reporting firm who have establishments estab-lishments in five states. During the past year Miss Hallam has been attending the Gregg Shorthand Short-hand school in Chicago, and she recently graduated from that in stitution, receiving a diamond; pin as a reward for nassine the rZOQ word shorthand test. Miss Hal lam is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hallam of this city. She graduated from the Spanish For khlgh school. ALLIES REACH TAMED CHOCOLATE STAIRCASE' SOUTHEAST ASIA HEAD QUARTERS, Kandy, Ceylon, Sept 29 (U.E Troops of the Fifth Indian division have reached the "chocolate "choco-late staircase," the most tortuous section of the Tiddim road, about eight miles from the big Japanese base at Tiddim, it was announced today. The "staircase," a six-mile stretch cf road, winds upward through the mountains for 3000 feet and contains 40 hairpin turns, which were being widened by allied bulldozers last winter before the Japanese started their drive into India. WFA REDUCES FOOD STOCKPILES WASHINGTON, Sept 80 Ott) Increasingly large quantities of government-owned food are being reieasea to cmnans as tne war food, administration pares stockpiles stock-piles in preparation for the end of the war in Europe, WFA officials of-ficials disclosed today. During the last 10 days, it was said. WFA has offered for sale 1.347 tons of raisins, 82,000 cases of snap beans, 120.000 esses of canned peas, 8.000 esses of can' ned tomatoes, 64,000 cases of catsup. cat-sup. 57,600 boxes of prunes, and 0,000 cases of canned corn. All were from the 1942 or 104S packs. SEEDING DELATED SALT LAKE CITY Sept SO uIS) Fall seeding of winter wheat in Utah is being delayed by lack of moisture despite, light rains over most of the state, last week, the U. S. department of agriculture reported today. ' Some seeding have been made, the department said, but soil moisture is inade quate for uniform germination. i?ijS?jLthe T.lch of Brest, now captured, charge across street as a phosphorus shell explodes almost in their midst Bitter street fighting such as this marked the final Uklns ox uus susiegic citr. Hull Approves WPB in Reverse For Germany WASHINGTON, Sept 30 (KB A tentative plan to prevent the future rearmament of Germany by control and possible elimination of some key industries, under the suppervision of a sort of "International "Inter-national WPB in reverse," has state department approval, it was learned tonight The War Production Board was set up here to direct United States industry in the greatest military production program in history. Its job 4s to make certain that all of America's productive capacity is geared to the production of the implements of war. An International Commission charged with the control of postwar post-war Germany's war-making power would operate in a similar manner. but with exactly the opposite Oto- ASKS CHANGE IN BIRTH CERTIFICATES CHICAGO, Sept. SO (HE) A system of birth certificate registration regi-stration that would protect chil dren 'from the stigma of illegitimacy illegit-imacy was advocated today by Dr. Halbert L. Dunn, chief of the vital statistics division of the census bureau, in an article in Hygeia magazine. One of every 12 children child-ren is illegitimate and is shamed all his life, Dunn said. Jective to assure that none of Germany's industries is used in any way for military purposes. Such a negative "International WPB" would not require anything comparable to the staff or facilities facili-ties required by the American WPB. It would be a small organi zation but with sufficient super visory personnel to detect violations viola-tions or disarmament provisions of the peace treaty. Presumably it would be chiefly a military organization charged with the duty of reporting any rearmament attempts by Germany and recommending appropriate action to the big powers. It is not contemplated that such a control organization would in any way be interested in guiding or helping German industry in peacetime pursuits, as the WPB does for American industries with respect to wartime pursuits. A WPB-ln-reverse would fit into the state department's tentative plan for Germany which the Unit ed States is likely to sponsor in Allied councils. That plan, calls for punitive measures against Germany Ger-many immediately after the war plus a long-range program for keeping German Industry keyed to peacetime work. CONSULTANT WARNS AGAINST RACIAL WAR SALT LAKE CITY, Sept SO OLE) Dr. Leonard Powers, educational educa-tional consultant for the National Congress of Christiana and Jews, Inc., today warned that open racial rac-ial conflicts after the war could be averted only by instituting effective ef-fective means of education. Powers was conferring with the state public instruction department depart-ment and the University of Utah extension service. "Unsecret weapon" is what the lads at the Hollywood Canteen Call comely Paramount starlet Noel Neill, above. Iliff G. Joffery Gels Dr. Degree Iliff C. Jeffery has Just received his doctor of osteopathy degree i from the Kirksville College of Osteopathy Os-teopathy and Surgery, Kirksville. Mo., where Re has attended school for the past four years. A graduate of the BYU, Dr. Jeffery has also attended the USAC in Logan, and the University Univer-sity of Utah, where he did gradu- uate and pre-medical work. He J waa active in school functions as captain of the BYU wrestling team in the year 1936-37, and vocalist on public service programs. Dr. Jeffery's wife, the former Lavieve Jesperson, also a BYU student, and their baby daughter, Lie Loni, are with him in Missouri. Mis-souri. The family plans to return to Utah soon, where he will begin nis practice. SPEAKS Sjpecnaflc: Electric Fence Controllers 7.50 to 37.50 (With Each Fence Controller We Sell We Will Furnish Enough Wire to Fence Your Plot.) PADLOCKS (Buy them now while available) Each '. 49c to $1.00 BULK PAILS (Enameled) Each 98c (Galvanized) Each 78c SNOW SHOVELS, Each 2.95 STOVE PIPE, 6 and 7 inch, per length 25c MEAT SAWS 2.75 BEET FORKS, Each 4.59 5 TINED PITCHFORKS, Each 1.96 BEET KNIVES, Each 98c 95-Ib. SLATE ROOFING, Per Roll 2.85 POULTRY NETTING FIELD FENCING AVAILABLE i" MESH HARDWARE CLOTH Y" MESH HARDWARE CLOTH (Limited Amount) LUMBER AVAILABLE to Farmers See Us; Today we will estimate your needs, fill out your priority blanks which we have at our office. Lumber is available immediately for farm use. No Delay BUILDING MATERIALS AVAILABLE Without priority., Storm sash, doors, windows, screen windows, wall board, sheet rock, cement, lime, plaster, eaves trough and fittings, metal lath, hardwood flooring, asphalt shingles, rockwool, celo-tex, celo-tex, bolts, paints, glass, linseed oil, white lead, barn sash. IPRIVE DOWN AND SAVE Quick Service Plenty of Parking Space. SPEAR LUMBER CO. 133 West 3rd South Provo,Utah Phone 3.4 Ji Don't Miss This Dazzling Line-up of Fun and Talent 3k U V - jr: bp- HE Si I IWii.-lii -a-- n - I ' f - f i 75 . A - K it . & if 4 Ginny Simms Every Tuesday 9:30 p. m. Kay Kyser Every Wednesday 8:00 p. m. Bob Hope Every Tuesday 8:00 p. m. Bing Crosby Every Thursday 7(00 p. m. Fibber McGee and Molly Every Tuesday 7:30 p. m. his year KDYL brings you an even brighter array of stars on NBC's annual Parade of Stars your favorite personalities, your favorite orchestras, your favorite comedians. . . . Hour after hour, day and night listen to top entertainment on "The Network Most People Listen To Most." i , V ' ill, -A v .Mack Benny Every Sunday 5:00 p.-JU. Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Every Sunday 6:00 p. m. WHAT'S OH THE AIR TODAY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1 KOVO 1240 KDYL 1320 KUTA 570 KSL 1160 S:MI :1S S:3S S:4SI Son( Sarvle Old Vina ISttuthlftnS Sonca iWMoafccSaara ICoffM CanoMta INawa JQvartat tMaariaa Bravs IBari tvaa 7:iRT. Crawford 7:S!IN Pragram 7:451 Muale Kawa .va ICammaaSa Uarr IOa a Baa INewa j I Melody I Nawe IB. rowar ITateaa fa Btssa Sans S:MBlbla Claaa :15l :8SIProphacy :45 Sonr Sarrlea IBibla BlKblia-hu (Ntwi IChareh ( Ait I IMornlnv Maladlaa I ISalava ta Hlta (Chorek at Chrtat lOrar Jardaa fchnreh of Air j I :aRT. B. Zollor Naa :1S Harmony Tina :3SValea of Prophaey Maat tka Stara l:45 New and Muafa Volca of Prophoay Xawa I !ava1 Cfcatr Homa TToraltlp IRalUrtana Sartiaa Maladlaa l:MiPi!srlra Boar I:I5I l:SS!Latharait Boor 10:451 (Koala for Sandajr IBlil Aoa (! ITraSa Tavara StradlTart Moslo INowa IDfnah Sbera tl:0a:stanly Dlaoa ll:lft'Hon Styllaca lt:M Tra Detectlv 11:45! INowa I John B. KanaaSy (Cbaraa of Air Musical Snowcaaa luaorsa Hleka . I Sammy Kara wo Stowa IRouno Tablo (Malady Pletaraa V4) 6 ITabaiuaala Ctietf ITraaaallaBtla lt:oa:Rovtval Boor Laarnlav INowa , Daasaraoaly lt:15 I IS:M John C Thoniaa Dara Roaa Xawa J lt:4SI IXawa l :00 Rooitj-, A AT World Parada (Uataa Wamaa Symaaaap 1:151 I l:Sa.Nlc Carter (Amy Boor !Mlaa Battta ma' t I t:aOifouthlnd Slnvlnc I IDarU for Daasn IBympheap I:l5 Volco of tba Army I S :S4iRmiTiy Kayo tUaalO JWorld of SoZLC S:45ITrury Torado j I fPaoaa. KafraaH X:MNewB iSymphar (Small Bavaa J Family Hour 3:15 Momorablo Vlualc I I 3:M The Shadow (Hot Copy I 1:I5 , fWM- t Shlror 4:00 Quick aa a Flash iNowa HaU of Fama Sllvar Tbaatar 4:151 jAlbort ShophaTd I 4:30 Merry Oo Round lEympbonotto I Taaattaa Tina 4:4,Dkk Broun 1 6:00 Tony Paator Jack Benny IDraw Poaraaa Kata Smith Hour V 5:151 It Doa Cardlaar 5:50 Uwrtnc Wclk jBaadwaKoa (Quia Kid a:45 I I S:00iModtatlon Board Cbarila McCarthy John Sinclair iBIondla 6:151 IMvair Ponrafta I :M JOno Man'a Family D. Tbompaon IVaapar Bai i lea 8:45 Gabriel Heatter I IBonOBOt Malody I War Blfm 7. -OO, steel Horlsona I Marry Oo Roaad Walter WtneboU Radla OiSaa 7:151 I Baala Street A : :30 oniric Fomer , American Alptna I Star Taoatar 7:45iBoa' Choir " f lJlmrny Fldler 0:00; Rhythm Roundup jUour of Charm (Ufa :I5 :30 :45! Meditation Olaaaoa Shew I (Keep Uc of RUey JTaka or Laavo n (Va Weleh. Orraa I :00 California Melodiea IQIIderaleeva lOroenfleld Choir IJoa. r. Smith t:15l I John Sinclair j 0:MAt Hoaaya jworld A America IBevtvaJ I.Vewe :45 lutah lui ICatholla Hoar a:00INewa. Orrheatra IO:15;Concort Bour 10:30 10:451 INewa IStrlas Eaaonato I World of Song I ICatholla 11 ear (Kawa TatBp!o ojsars j IFreddla Martin ll:00'Church of the Air INewa 11:151 I Mary A. Mercer I II UM, Carl Raraaxa (PaelOa Story (Troaaary SalatO 11:40 I Orcneetra I M uate Taa Waal 8ym phony I I (Treaaar lOrchoat ft 11:15) lt:S0 lt:43j I8L Francla Mnalo Moalo at NlsSt I Good night IS Kawa I jOoodalsht MONDAY. OCTOBER 2 Rldla' tha Raase Tlme "a T 0:OO) I S:15 II 0:50, IKS Prosram Xewa INowa 0:45 Morning Serenade ISouth of Border ( INewa IReadearwaa joaffoo art 7.-O0I Arthur Gaeth 7 : fS LI restock Report 7:aONawa 7:45Mualo (Mirth. Madnaaa Tune fa Ttmaa lOraama rHfetcher i Broakiaat Cls mows Irtsrry Clarks The Record INewa :Oe Rhythm Fashlona Lora Uawtoa IPraak Melatyra- IMaioAy CatraTaa :15 (Rajbt. St. daha ICorn'o a Popptar S:30 Shady Valley I Reveille Roundup I Abba Ohaanoo rSsj jMornlno Matinee ITrOdO Tarera :O0 Arthur Qaeth IRoad of Ufo S:lSSerenada Rosemary :SSMom-al Memortea Star Ftayhoaa 0:45jOems of Music i David Harvm Natloa Oil At Sardl'o an Martrs I Patty Joaa Quartermaster Valiant Ldy U(bt of World Aaat Jeoar 10:00Boaka Carter IO:lSMuslo Mixers 10:301 Band I0:4S Voice of ILariaj Hmlth IMemorahle Muaia ICroaby Nawa JNewe Show IKato Smith Btg Sister IBelaa Trawl (Oar Gal Saaday tl:O0;Namee In Nawo ll:l5Hoose Party It :30jFarm Procrant ll:45Women's Jury ITla Pan Ally Rookhoso Talks (Ufa Cms BO Teaterdaya Bits jUomemakera Hr. jMy Tme Story (Art Maker Aant Jamlma Ms porklas B. Flyaa (Tbo Oaldaorra IS 0 Tony Pastor It: 1 0 Parade of Stara lt:30Ccdrta Footer tt:456wap and Ban Wiiaea ITodaya Children (Maalcal Uararp IWomea la White Fraah Melatyra iHymoa. (Judy and Jaaa lUaldlai Uaht H Jiayo? or. It IParat Jarao iardaa Pa I tt Morton Downey l:15jTwo Keyboaxda l:30(The Smoothlao 1:45NovatHna lAmartca Wamaa Morton Downey (Mary Marl la Ma Parkfok 8tar Time jiroao Baaaley IPoppar Tooas Klaraaa'a Coraor IBrlSkt Borlaoa IHapaiaaaa Melody Bowaaot IBaoaaHara COS SSjSball Wa Walts J:I5 Johnson Family I :0;Zb' Carver t:4SThe llandymaa rsackataga Wife Betty IStalla Dallaa Muslc lUjranaa Jotoaa Nea IWIdder. Frown Melodli Laae (Caaastas Wort Boa Aadarawa School Tho Air 5:00 ML Nelahbor STlSjSoalhiand Sinsa J:SSPat. Flit u re S:45Requeat Hoar Portia Faces Ufa 'Hough Btdara Loe and Ueara I Uost Plftla Bin BiU AS IProat Patrall iXama tha MarUys Xf ISMata Rhythnaa ishoaMBsrss )WlldirnMa Road IWilHah FCewe Newa (Soft. Sweat 8ia 4: 15; Chick Carter (Time -Oat Herman WUaoa l:5atMorry U Koond Rhapeody Sea Hound t:45( Newa At RhapodyHop Harrlgaa rQaiacy Uewa U-ya Wwrry VJarl SalUraa I World Twday SO,PultB Iwla Jr. 5: 15 W arid 'Newa 6:S0jT6it 'Ml S:MiSupTtnan Dr. Kata INowa ra Holts TTeaaa KanSata Terr. Pirate (Kara KowMor ick Tracy IPartia tssw fcifs Mark ArmstrwaS ewa ICaptala Mldnlgat loMlera a Preaa r , ,,..y.-. |