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Show SUNDAY HERALD VXOTO. TTTAH CCJUHTT, T7TAX ON OAT, OCTOBER 1 lt4 . PAGE 7 Homesick Provo Lieutenant Sends Poem on Island Fight Lt, N. E. Walter of Provo. who wo Awarded the Silrer Star at QHadalcanajJfl January 1943, and who tatitOTflghUng in the South West Pacific somewhere, writes fcbm to his wife at lbO North Seventh East, and his baby girl, Judith Ann. one and a half years old Whom he has never seen, with somewhat homesick note in his letter. Ie enclosed the following verse, aying it was written by "one of the officers." but Mrs. Walter aspects she knows which one. HELL'S HALF ACRE In the dark blue, Pacific so far away The Lord must have lost his temper tem-per one day. And in his wrath he thumbed his And on that spot an island arose. A hell on earth, believe me, pal. This miserable place became Guadalcanal: A place where every man Is weaned On bright yellow puis called atri-blne. atri-blne. Where a tired sun burns flaming red; A spot where each man draws his lot Of fever and jaundice and tropical rot; Where every' man is sure to wear . a nest of ants in his hair. For freedom's sake we came to fight For our people's sake we fought for right. For justice sake we made, them run. For our children's sake the fight was won, For our country's sake we were willing to roam. But now for Heaven's sake send us home! Luke Clegg JoinsTwo Sons, Son-in-law In U. S. Service Two sons and a son-in-law ln4 the service weren't enough for one family to grive so thought Luke Clegg of 161 West First South street Now he's at Farra-gut Farra-gut Idaho, going through his in-dictrination in-dictrination prior to leaving for a naval base. ' Mr. Clegg. former postmaster at Roosevelt for eight years, enlisted In the naval reserve in July as a man specialist. He is to be en gaged in this service at the naval base to which he will soon be assigned. as-signed. Mrs. Clegg will remain at the home here with her daughter. Mrs Horace Hood, whose husband, a seaman second class, is now home on leave from Farragut. The Clegg boys are "Ensign Reed Clegg, who is finishing his course in the naval supply corps at Har- vara university, camonage, axass., and Carl Clerg. technical fifth grade, with the combat engineers in New Guinea. Mr. Clegg had been employed as a bookkeeper at Geneva Steel He was principal of the Roosevelt high' school at one time. Provo Brothers Do Their Bit In Navy and Marines Zfl - ilmx Johnson Bill Johnson ' Pvt M&t Johnson fr!np and Bill Johnson, pharmacists mate first class, navy, only sons of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Johnson of 461 South Sixth East street, are doing their bit for Uncle Sam. Bill has served in five major battles in five different countries. being in charge of sick bay on his landing ship. He was in the invasion of lsTew Guinea, worth Ar rica. Sicily, Italy and France, and is now awaiting orders for transfer trans-fer to the United States. He is anxious to see for the .first time, his little son, Johnnie. who is making his home with his grandparents, the Johnsons. Bill has never been granted a furlough since his enlistment in February 1941. Max Is on duty in the south Pacific. Pa-cific. He graduated in April at the San Diego Marine base as a sea Marine, antiaircraft division. The brothers are "keeping their fingers cross" that luck will bring them .together somewnere in tne Pacific" they haven't seen each other for three and a half years. 8gt Lee Klienman graduated from the Super Fortress school. Seattle Wash., recently and is now stationed at Lowery Field. Denver. Colo., where he is taking further training as flight chief for B-29 planes. ' His Wife, who was Jessie Ward, and their daughter, Dixie Lee, live at 160 East First North. Sgt. Klienman attended the BYU and was-employed by the Pacific Cast Donald Johnson Dies From Gunshot Wound Donald Reese Johnson. 15, son of Lyvert D. and Delma Holman Johnson died Saturday morning at the Utah Valley hospital from complications resulting from a gunshot wound in the leg incurred while playing with a friend who accidently discharged a shotgun Thursday night Donald w as born June 27, 1929, In Provo and a t tended the Frank 1 i n school, D 1 xon Jr. high school, and was enrolled enroll-ed as a sopho more' in the Provo high sch o o 1 this year. He was active in ath letics and played play-ed in the Dixon Dix-on school band. He was a dea- church at the Don Johnson eon in the LDS time of his death. Survivors besides his parents are one brother, Rulon L. Johnson, John-son, Fireman -lie with the U. S. navy; and one sister, Mrs. Bob W. (Mary Beth) Johnson, whose husband hus-band was recently killed in France; and one grand father, Parley Holman, Fountain Green. Services will be held in the LDS Second ward chapel Wednesday at 1:30 p. m. under the direction of Bishop J. Earl Lewis. Friends may call at the Berg mortuary Tuesday evening from 6 to 8. and at the family home. West Drive, prior to the services. Interment will be in the Provo city Burial park. Investigators for the police department de-partment said that the accident occurred when the Johnson boy, along with a 16-year-old companion, compan-ion, were in the barn while the boy's father was milking the cows. Johnson's companion picked up a 12-gauge shotgun, which was kept in the barn for the purpose of shooting birds, and put it under his arm as the boys started to leave. As they were going out, police officials stated, the gun hit against the side of the door and accidentally discharged, hitting Donald in the left leg between the first joint and knee. A tourniquet tourni-quet was applied on the Injured boy's leg and an ambulance was called. Flood That Failed ; ; - r. .bs 9.t s 1 . r w m e, . m sr.:.' .y mr i- ; 'mi i w h m . . a MBva a mm mm b wm airsaw hkm ,bb ma m , - aBaBa t z"ify .v?tv.'!-- r 3- Inch -&v 'A'A.i S ' Hand s fe, SmpBi - Scrubs I -'tiV'l.- ' y"M - a5AAAAAAAAAAAAt ? ' fn-: V AAAAAAAAAAAAA V i: y S Atlantic (Pfe -iMfi 1 sPn9es I )Mm? lMM 1 :33c e Extension - ir .. i v m . Jam w- i ii ax x&. r III .V AAVNANAAAArVAV AAAAAAAAAAAAA v a AAA f M?s 1AA O 100 VS 10C f n",": $g Aspirin Rat Tail $ 1 -fV wwwwwv s VVVVVVVV VVV jfc. 1 J$ 18-Inch I $ Suitcases limilllML.ll l'IMMV 7. Qj catiai ticci icc il r rnri rVIl- I IJ JUU DOXOT3UV. . . yq SANITARY NAPKINS box of 12 . 45 i 4 BOTH FOR METAL & MESH imiEg nan) 6-FT. RUBBER COVERED Germans flooded vast areas of the Netherlands coastal regions to forestall Allied invasion, but General Eisenhower outfoxed them by flying the First Airborne Army over flooded areas to southern Holland for Junction, with British. Photo hows one of flooded areas, with German sentry near now useless pillbox. Death Takes Edith Elaine Anderson Edith Elaine Anderson, 11, daughter of Richard and Vivian Wright Anderson, died Saturday morning at the family home, 1013 West Center street, following an illness of : two years. 1 Edith Elaine was born Nov. 15, 1932. at Sa maria, Id a h o and was two years old when the family moved mov-ed to Provo. She would have been a fifth fif-th grade student stu-dent in the Franklin school this - yearr-Am LOS church member, she was active In Sunday s chool and P r i mary Edith Anderson activities. She is survived by her parents. three brothers, Billy J.; Leland and R.; and Michiel L. Anderson; and three sisters, Evelyn Gean- nine; Vivian T. and Kathleen And erson, all of Provo; one grandfather. grand-father. B. H. Anderson, one grandmother, grand-mother, Mrs. Beatrice Wright both of Mallad, Idaho; and one great grandmother. Mrs. Clara Swinard, Garland, Utah. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 1 p. -m. in the Provo Second ward chapel with Bishop f Ui'S . r : n::. Georges Claude, above, French physicist and member of the French Academy, is inventor of Germany's flying bombs, a cording to French officials wht arrested him near Nancy, where tome emplacements for flying bombs also were found. J. Earl Lewis in charge. Friends may call at the Berg mortuary Monday evening from 6 to 8 p. m and at the home prior to the services Tuesday. Interment will take place In the Provo City Burial park. SPECIAL MEET SALT LAKE CITY, Sept 30 UE) The Aaronic priesthood of the LDS church will be the subject sub-ject of a special meeting next Friday evening, at the semi-annual conference of the church here, the presiding bishopric announced an-nounced today. Iron and Pipe Co. before entering enter-ing the service. Srt. Norman D. Jtrrm. has mwmI.ii Krt i. j j I total of 282 combat frying hours during his six months as a B-24 radio operator-gunner- with the 15th air force. He is from 444 West Second North. Farm Machinery On Display AT ANDERSON GARAGE POWER DRIVE 26" Potato Digger is Bushel Tractor Spreader One Bottom Two Way Tractor Plow Two Furrow One Way Tractor Plow 6 Foot Harrow Plow 16 L. P. Gas Power Unit Milker 5 Ft. Horse Drawn Mowers 1 Row Horse Cultivators Soil Pulverizer 5 Ft. Horse Disk Two Way Horse f)rawn Plow GET A HEAD START ON WINTER mm rll- i Run through the coldest months of the year with a GLOBE Tailored To. Order SUIT and TOPCOAT Both For SUIT and TWIN TOPPER Tailored to order Both .5a For . . O Other Even Finer Groups Suit & Topcoat both for 44.50 and 54.50 All Suits & Topcoats for men or women made from finest materials. ma-terials. Gabardines Sharkskins Tweeds . Coverts Cheviots Etc FOR SINK OR BATHTUB ES IL)K 4-OZ HIGHLAND MlPSnPlI5E WITH METAL SPRINGHOLDER s Wm 8 SOc Shave Cream 39c SHAVING Brushes .... 49c PINATJD Vegetal ... 97c PALM OLIVE Shave Cream 39c 50c Barbasol . . . 30c PLASTIC Razors .... 23c S5c Ingrams .... 29c 4 SHELBY Blades ..... 6c MENNEN Skin Balm . . . 39c S5o SEA MIST Shave Lotion 23c 30c LOTION Jergen's . . . . 39c f 1.00 CREAMS Armand .... 79c SOc LOTION Chamberlains 42c fl.OO LOTION Hind's ..... 59c 60c BALM Campana . 49c 55c CREAM Lady Esther'. 39c WOODBURY Willi At tOO bot f ttmiti ytm jet he Lipdkk mi 3 EPSOM SALTS i lb 9c OLIVE OIL irr. 98c SUPER D 3-lecrodoil 43c COTTON hospital 35c UNICAPSioos $296 ZINC OINTMENT i.oz 10c CASTOR OILUp 6c VICKS NgiP 24c GROVES CAPSULES $1.00 . . 89c VOTE FOR THE ISOAP St ei AvvirniiifF rr szxtn most to hear I 3 bars A 19c )00000 v v S-OZ.' PalmoHve Bruhless Shave Crejun 59c , SWAN SOAP Regular 10 3 Bars IC SWAN SOAP 29c Large 3 Bars VIMMS SIZE 288s $4.29 VIMMS 865 $1 96 Res-245 49c Lifebuoy Soap 3 for. . . .19c RINSO RINSO Lg. Box I I CCD I IV SHAVE CREAM 4T LlrCDULT No Tube Needed JLQ M Water X Glasses g 3 for 10c I SALE Oct 2 thru If Oct. 9 r g SEVEN BIG DAYS 5 ma go 2)C GLOBE TAILORS J 241 W. CENTER Telephone 343 it) 144 West Center 'C |