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Show fAGE SIX PRO VO (UTAH)'E V E N I NG H E R AL'D,' F RID AT, A P RIL 10.-1986 George ZiPgfeld'.1 Music Goes Round With Harry Richman Coming to the Crest Sparkling comedy, captivating -singing, inspiring dancing, fine acting, lovely songs put them all together and add a corking story that is as fresh as tomorrow's tomor-row's news, and you have, according ac-cording to a -vance reports, Columbia's Co-lumbia's new musical film, "The Music Goes 'Round," which opens on Sunday at the Crest theatre with Harry Richman, Rochelle Hudson, Michael Bartktt. Waltei Connolly and Edward Farley and Michael Ri.ey and their 'round and 'round music prominently featured Tt sounds like a large order, but when you consider ;tll the very special ingredients that went into the making "f "The Music Goes 'Round." it i.s easy to believe that it is one of the season's outstanding musical extravaganzas. ex-travaganzas. Cireat Kntrrtainer Richman has long bovn considered consid-ered one of America's pr mier en tertainers. Whether it is in White's "Scandals," "Follies," on the raul, in night clubs, or in musical comedies, Richman has proved himself "the tops." Miss Hudson is a young lad whose "popularity has grown enormously en-ormously in the last year or two. Connolly, outstanding on both stage and screen, turns in another an-other of his excellent character perfo m: a nicy in thl- film Somehow, Some-how, this i- one actor who never lets his audience down WftMichat.l Fiartlett sang wit h ' Moon in "I,ov- M Foiet-r" the - woiM thrilled Kxtiemely interesting is the fact that Farley and Riley, the composers, of course, of the sensational sen-sational song. "The Music Goe.-'Round Goe.-'Round and Around." will appear in the film, ringing and playing their song Th' film's seven Soligs. IM-Side- "The Mu.-ic Goes 'Hound and Around." wen- wr.'ten hy I ,y w Hrown. Hairy Akst and Veto! Sehei tzinger, who alo dincted The numbers include Life Be-gi.'i.- When You're in Love." "Rolling "Roll-ing Along." "Suzannah," "There'lP Be No South." and "Let's Go." S. A. R. Oratorical v Contest At Payson OUR BOARDING HOUSE PAYSON of Dr. Asa sfi tat ion i A merican chapter of sored an Thruuqh the efforts L. Curtis local repre- f the Sons of Pievolution. the the state thnt organization spon-oratorieal spon-oratorieal contest on patriotic subjects Wednesday afternoon aft-ernoon at the Payson high school Rev. W. F. Bulkley. state presi- and sp ke at the and also .-er vo 1 r He awarded place winner to his subject be- :s Symbol of s Dorothy subject, "The Dream. wa-; awarded ice honor's. Other' con- were Jim Hansen, Philip rid Marilvn Tavl i' 'cter,' was present spt c; .1 n: bly as the adjiaiicat a n.edal as first Chesley 'Peterson ing "Th-- Fl.ig Patriotism " M : : Schenif'p. with Th Americ -. n second testant.-Hin.e. Big AAA Fee .'or His Firm BY AHERN PlMCM AWAKE THEM UWERS HAVE NO S woes W VEAH X BEEM mf TAW! MtCHAEU-- Y flSSM. W CALLED TO LOMDOM W VT TOLLY, LEAVIM(5 HOOPLE FALL OV- A eLTPPE M JJL AT BfePtlME LIKE rAYIMa TOR J X'LL KETP 1M THKS.TME HOS- X HIS UE&P! J Ik touch vvi wut. j -pvTALi-ry cjs ' 1 "I . . i . . A A & R? r-iwir i r t r it"0 . y? CTA 1 i t tiiTsr-rO T i IX CUSTODY OF Fltf.1 JUVENILE COUGtlt NEW YORll, April 10. uJt--Mrs. William Mae Bartholomew a thin-faced little woman with a grim eye, laid plans with a New York lawyer today for a fight over custody of her 10-year-old motion picture star son, Freddie Bartholomew, that may rival the Cdurt battles over Glorida Van-derltftft Van-derltftft and the Diornie quintuplets. quintup-lets. " Freddie, now starring in "Little "Lit-tle Lord Fauntleroy," received $1,500 a week, and is in custody of ah ajjnt fn Hollywood. Mrs Bartholomew said the aunt, Miss Myllicent Mary Bartholomew virtually kidnaped Freddie in 1934 and had refused even to let him talk to his parents dn the transatlantic trans-atlantic telephone. ' If .the cburts fail her, Mrs. Bartholomew Bar-tholomew said, she'll appeal to Labor Secretary Frances ferkm: and Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt "The president's Wife is a motn er, too." she said. Do You Know? By S. li. BO SWELL County Agricultural Agent NINE RULES FOR FEEDING DAIRY COWS 1 Feoift all the good roughage a euw Will eat 2 Com Silage feed 2 to 2' pounds pei UK) pounds live weight .'! Pea vine silage feed 2 to 2'- pounds pei 100 pounds live weight. 4. Beet molasses three pounds per day. Always start with less than a pound, making a gradual increase. Three pounds o'f mo-lassfs mo-lassfs will replace about 2 5 pounds of the grain mixture. 5. West beet pulp thirty to B0 pounds per day per cow, "depending "depend-ing on size i Cows sho'uki. always have access to steamed bone meal when puip is fed.) 6. Wet brewer's grain fifteen to 25 pounds per day. Forty pounds pet day the upper limit with large cows, i Care should be taken in stor ing wet brewer grains that they do not become putrid.) 7. Beet tops- thirty to 40 pounds per day. They should be fed to the cows; tops should be lea.-onably free from dirt; at no time should cows to allowed t rim to beet tops at will. 8 red flavors Highly .scented feeds i sucb a corn silagt . wet beet pulp, wet brewers grain, etc.) which transmit flavors to milk should never be stored in the every year. milking barn. These feeds should be ft-d so that cows have ac cess to them only with the mouth, bodies and udders of the cows should not be allowed to become contaminated. The milker's clothes should be clean and free from feed odors and hands washed thoroughly thorough-ly before milking. When a feed is suspected of transmitting flavor to milk, the feed should be fed after milking. 9. Dairy cows should be dry at least six weeks '42 days). During Dur-ing the dry period, cows should be fed all the high quality roughness they will consume as well as 4 to 8 pounds of grain per day. Easter Services Set At Pleasant Grove i Commission Selects Manager of Pasture J. E. Daniels. 381 East Fourth South street, has been engaged by I'rovo city as manager of the lower part of the First ward pasture for this year. Mayor Mark Anderson announced Frieiay. The city commission has considered consid-ered it inadvisable to lease the pasture lor this ye'ar because of the work going on in the upper p rtion, hut on the other hand do not want t waste the forage in the lower end. a tract of about 400 acres. Grazing will be conducted on a per-head basis and the upper part for forage on only a 30-day basis. PLEASANT GROVE - Easter services will be held at 7 o'clock Sunday morning in the Pleasant ; Grove Third ward chapel. Mrs. , Reva Fugal reports that the fol- i lowing program will ne given: Organ prelude. Elda Neves; song, "Easter Morning." congregation; scripture reading, Mrs. Emily Pederron; solo. Elroy West; Easter East-er reading, Genevieve Fugal; violin solo. Mrs. Elna Clark; song, "Doxology.'' congregation. Clarence Newman, superintendent of the Sunday school will be in (hirge. SEEKS DIVORCE Mrs. Iva' Jasperson. Santaquin, filed suit for divorce from Calvin J. Jasperson in Fourth district i court Thursday, charging non-sup-I port. They were married Septem- ber 15. 1933 at Nephi. There are no children. Payson Choir Plans Concert For Easter PAYSON. A special Eastei program has been arranged by the First ward choir to be presented in the First ward chapel Sunday evening to which an invitation has been extended to all who desire de-sire to attend. The choir, with William Mortimer as conductor and Mary J. Wyler as organist will sing five numbers as follows: "Gently Raise the Sacred Strain;" "Oh, It Is Wonderful;" "Ladies' Chorus;" "Easter Morning;" anthem, an-them, "He Is Risen;" "Jesus Lover of My Soul." A vocal duet will be rendered by Mrs. Vera Francom and Mrs. Mary J. Wyler and a vocal solo by Mrs. Armont Willardson. Miss Margaret Bird of the Junior Ju-nior high school faculty will give a special reading and a .-scriptural reading. BKKiHTEN I P NECiLECTED ' CORNERS For a neglected corner in a sun-room, sun-room, try a set of glass shelves and on the shelves put bowls of trailing ivy. Or put your aquarium aquar-ium there. If you own lovely pieces of colored glass set them on glass shelves in dining room windows arranged so the they will catch the sun and see how much joy they will add to daytime meals Archimedes, famous mathematician mathema-tician of Sicily, was so elated at solving one great problem that he sprang from his bath and ran into in-to the street, shouting, "Eureka!" (I have found it! Malaria is said to cause 000 deaths throughout the 2 000.-wor 000.-wor Id Stam! vSHThfflfl 3ffl2e with the One- of the recipients of lame AAA payni'-nts for crop production produc-tion control was a Mississippi i;irm cone. in h'-ad.-d by Oscar C 'Johnston. AAA cotton ex-P- i t. shown above- with Mrs Johns.?!, n .Secretary Henry A. Wallace, complying with a demand de-mand by Senator Arthur Van-denberg Van-denberg that large beneficiaries be named, slid Johnston's firm ! " iv- 1 $11.947, being one of many paid from $100,009 tor $1,000,000 I QUARTSmo.231 ff) I PI NTS mo. 232pf It doesn't make any difference whether the man pictured above is talking about a mild, medium or strong cup of coffee. He still says, "Man! What Coffee," because be-cause regardless of its "strength" it is full-flavored and that's because be-cause it's M J B, the "Strength Essential" Coffee. The "Strength Essential" means a constant richness of full-bodied full-bodied flavor in every grain of MJ-B a definite improvement in coffee achieved by MJ"B after 50 years experience. If you like mild coffee and your husband likes his strong, you can make both from the same tin of M-J-B. Full flavor at any strength We guarantee that BSsis?8f If not completely satis- you will find full flavor in every cup of M-J-B. r HBP factory your grocer will refund your money. Redden's Phone 5:i4 468 W. Center SUGAR PEAS No. 2 Can IOC I. G. A. Safladl HDffessnimg 27c I. G. A. GELATINE DESSERT 3 PICGS. 140 FREE Glass Mould With Purchase of 3 Pkgs. MARKET CRYSTAL WHITE 10 Bars Sic IPEAS Harmony No. 2 Can Artesian 3 cans 23c IFLQIUIft Lehi Roller Mills 48 Lb. Bag Utah Beet $1.29 SO s 62c U S Graded - For Your jl J Q Protection, Dozen " SHRinPS-GAN 100 WHITE KinC-LG. PKG. 320 COFFEE-RED 'A' FRESH GROUND LB. 170 TTTT A TVTrtH Swift Premium, Armour "ig UlLfAikVjlti) Star, Half or Whole, Lb. ROLLED PRIME RIB ROAST ..... LB. 190 ROLLED SPICED POT ROAST ... LB. 130 POT ROASTS-BRANDED BEEF . . LB. 120 PORK SHOULDER ROAST LB. 200 RUr.lP ROAST BEEF LB. 170 ROUND STEAK LB. 180 BREAKFAST BACON LB. 250 By the Piece VIE AIL Lbgor Rnmp 19c VG5AIL Lboalder USc TOMATOES BAHAMAS - CABBAGE CARROTS SPINACH BUNCH GOODS LETTUCE - GHAPSFnUIT ORANGES EAS1TBIE FESOTVAIL of fine food marked low for your holiday picnic! IP PIERCE'S, Pound Can . . . . 1 0 ) i TO ) c PIERCE'S, Lge. No. 2' 2 Can.. p E Doz. ft (pV U It). S. Large Standards. " TTftrrTN?rc a ttttttit? tt-i tid bits ir li asj isi u it ir hj is IPEACEIES 8 Ounce Can PLEASANT GROVE Large No. 10 Tins nrvTTj Tvar ttkt a Ttrrcra farco Brand. POWDERED or BROWN LITTLE CHIEF, Can UAIE as Tall Cans MARSHMALLOWS ' SAIEBENES VAN CAMP'S ALASKA PINK C1KIEESE i.i, 14c ound 5c 39c A Large PkK r 2 .k. lc lb Ct. ioc ICc MILD CREAM lbs Gold Bond, Hard Wheat. 48 lb bag $Y1 29 r7. " r Candy BARS MARS, All Kinds 3 for 2, S V j'resh. bright 2 Dozen . . . Lemons 25c r rieads .... jf ior kww EAHAKfAS 5c IHL AKf(BE 2 nox 25c o o GOLDEN RIPE Pound THOSE FINE ONES AGAIN Deviled Meat SALMON LIBBY'S ROSED ALE Med. Red, T 0 Tall Can .... Roast Beef LIBBY'S, 1T Largre Can . Orange Juice LIBBY'S, -fT Tall Can ... 2 Box 23c 10C I2C Heinz 3 Cans 2$C GOLDEN WEST, Pound WnFTVn WHEAT BISCUITS, Kicllog's PackagtC 'jm -n run. TIEINZ UUfP Large Cans W alby IFoodl A Pound il fun Gov. Inspected 2. Pounds Cottage (SEIIlIlgll Beef Rmp IE ASl? ILAmB CSDC IP GROUND IB LAMB - VEAL - HAMS Shoulder Rib Cuts, Pound . . . PROVO MADE Pound FANCY BEEF Pound . . . FRESH DRESSED HENS Pound 2e a 2e GENUINE LAMB Pound . . a Ef) Y"g3 FINE FOR Pound SPRING FRYERS I MEAT LOAF E2 1 1.M |